Mr. Spades, having just wolfed down his morning cheeseburger, is pumped up and ready for war:

US Military: We Can Hit Iran

They’ve apparently accepted that military action may be necessary, and will support Bush should he choose this route have no option remaining except the military one.

I don’t like the idea that we’d just be hitting the nuke sites. If you’re going to take a shot at the Shah, hit to kill. If we’re striking their nuke sites, we ought to also be hitting their mullahs, Ahamadinejad, and all the key genrals and Revolutionary Guard commanders that keep this psychopathic regime in power.

I imagine Mr. Spades typing this as he’s holding his Sgt. Slaughter G.I. Joe doll and using it to bash in the head of the wicked Cobra Commander.

“I’m comin’ to liberate yer wimin with nuk-you-lar weapons!” says Mr. Spades’ Slaughter. “Y’all have kept th’ bacon’n’playdoh hidden under burqas fer too long now! BAM, POW!”

Also, Mr. Spades, I think it should be noted that the Shah hasn’t been in power for, uh, quite some time now.


Comments: 68


Mothrf@kr thinks the Shah is still ruling Iran? WTF?

But then he also names Ahmadinejad. Wow, he’s much more insane than I imagined.


In fairness to Spades, his mention of the Shah may be an allusion to a quotation attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson: “When you strike at a king, you must kill him.” Maybe?


Perhaps it’s because I remember watching pro wrestling back in the heady days of the Gulf War beta copy, but Sgt. Slaughter was a Baathist for a short time (long enough the eat Hogan-heel). Y’know, back in the day when conflict was decided between two oiled-up pseudo-actors instead of civilians and bombs.

And again, I’ll make this note for Mr. Ace. The Shah of Iran has been gone for many years now, and when he was in power, he was our little puppet-boy. So feel free to strike at imaginary rulers, though given you and yours, attacking fantasies is probably the only thing you’re any good at.


Can you say “wag the dog,” you 28-Percenters? How about “becoming what you claim to hate, but worse”? Can you say “ignorant of the most basic facts about the Iranian government and its people”?

I need a stronger word than “stupid”. Calling Ace stupid is like calling water damp.


Huh. Ace, a purported military type, can’t spell ‘genral’ correctly, but he does get ‘psychopathic’ right.

Make your own joke here.


I also envision Mr. Spades banging furiously on his keyboard while playing Halo 3, screaming “Die, motherfucker, die! Eat lead!” and then subsequently believing that he is now qualified as a “military authority.”

Of course, by the standards of this administration, Halo 3 is a pretty good qualification.


If we’re striking their nuke sites, we ought to also be …


Is Acey Boy not telling us someting?


If you’re going to take a shot at the Shah, hit to kill.

the Shah? No, seriously, the Shah?

Even as a tongue in cheek reference, Ace-y is 180 degrees wrong – the Shah was OUR GUY!


If you’re going to take a shot at the Shah, hit to kill.

B…bu…bu…but they tried that with Saddam remember? If I recall correctly, didn’t the war start on an air strike that was purported to be against Saddam? And didn’t he live on to be in a nice happy hole that the media could fawn over for several more months?

So, the ace aiming to kill strategy surprisingly doesn’t work because no matter how ruthless you are, no matter how accurate your intelligence is, sometimes you miss. And even if Ace somehow magically succeeded in killing all the Iranian leadership, then what? Are the Iranian people going to go, “gee thanks for bombing us USA! USA! USA!” or are they going to reflect on those killed as martyrs?

And as always the “and then what” question remains unanswered.


Dear God. The Shah. The Shah!


“And as always the ‘and then what’ question remains unanswered.”

1. More Mulims pwned!!

2. “Freedom fries.”

3. ?

4. ?

5. Democrats hate America.


I must say I’m stunned by your infatuation with Ace, Gavin (aka The Hon. Dr. St. Rev. Bradley S. Rocket, Esq, PhD, MD ps effem.). We’ve got less than a year to save you from Iran (sadly, if Israel falls, so does the west, but that’s way too complicated of a concept to explain to your typical leftist). After that, there’s a good possibility That ‘Hilary!’ will be prez. And we all know she’ll appease the enemies of freedom and allow them to spread, just like her ‘husband’ did. But this time, it will mean having a nuclear mullah on the face of the Earth.

So ‘scuse us if we bomb ’em. We’re on a timetable, thanks to the nutroots.

Also Gavin (aka The Hon. Dr. St. Rev. Bradley S. Rocket, Esq, PhD, MD ps effem.), you should watch the jawas or lgf. They’ll outrage you more, since they deal with your pals HAMAS and FATAS. Dare I suggest you peruse Jihadwatch? No, since that would make you question your reasoning… and we can’t have THAT!

Five by five.


Homework assignment. Write the imaginary piece Ace WOULD write if some Iranian pundit called for the unprovoked attack on america and specifically the assassination of the american leadership. I suspect Ace would foam at the mouth, splutter, and recommend some seriously ugly things, would he not?



Seriously, how can you not laugh at a guy who thinks we have to take out a King that was already taken out 28 years earlier and has been dead for 27?


Dear Kevin:

sadly, if Israel falls, so does the west

WTF are you smoking? I mean seriously, I want some of that.

I say this as a Jew and a supporter of Israel, even though it has gone off the rails in recent years.

First off, Israel is not in any remote danger of “falling.” Its most dangerous neighbors, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia, want no part of a war with Israel (note that Syria stayed studiously on the sidelines during the Hamas war last year), both because they will get their asses kicked and because the resulting unrest will threaten the stability of their already unpopular regimes.

Second, even accepting the unlikely premise that Israel will fall, do you seriously believe that if Israel is attacked and overrun, then the next day, Hamas will be in London, and two weeks later, in Washington? Dude, you are taking your wingnut propaganda just a wee bit too seriously — it’s not supposed to be taken literally!

Like I said, WTF? You people are really beginning to scare me when you take your own ridiculous propaganda seriously.


You support ’em. Doesn’t matter how you explain it. You’re either ok with allowing them to kill our soldiers, or you’re not. So, which side are you on?



And that would be different from Ace’s normal screeds in what way?


Dude, you are taking your wingnut propaganda just a wee bit too seriously — it’s not supposed to be taken literally!

I thought it was supposed to be taken rectally.


“scuse us if we bomb”? Don’t you just love it when the chickenhawks act as if they were capable of doing something more than cracking open another bag of Cheetos and bottle of Lubriderm? As for “us” supporting “them”, you might want to actually read the National Intelligence Estimate, Col. Kilgore. It demonstrates that the policies that you and the rest of the Typing 101st have tirelessly advocated (in between rounds of WOW) have actually done more to strengthen and develop terrorist organizations than the Dixie Chicks and Aqua Teen Hunger Force COMBINED! BTW, next time you write “we” in regards to military action, you better be wearing the choclate chips, Chickenhawk.


Kevin, you’re either okay with allowing Republicans to rape babies, or you’re okay with allowing Republicans to eat fetuses. Which side are you on? Huh? Which side? CHOOSE NOW NOW NOW OR SATAN WILL MAKE LOVE WITH JESUS!

Jesus H. Christ

I’m looking forward to some of Satan’s sweet loving!

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Where the hell did they put the Takht-e-Tavous?!?!

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

“So, which side are you on?”

As long as they kill you I don’t give a fuck, now stop your whining you little bitch or I’ll give you a taste of Savak style coddling.


Don’t you just love it when the chickenhawks act as if they were capable of doing something more than cracking open another bag of Cheetos and bottle of Lubriderm?

Oh yeah, Specialist G but what really turns me on is when they bravely hope for an attack on the US so that they’ll get more war. Most times they feebly attempt to disguise these fantasies with statements like; I hope we don’t suffer another terrorist attack but I fear we will and then we’ll finally have the national resolve to confront islamofascism,,,,

But Ace’s place is such a safe haven for that kind of America hating wingnut that there’s a guy saying:

If we force them into making the first move, a la Pearl Harbor, we will have the national will to operate as needed, something we currently lack in Iraq.

Another acehole is invoking the Lord of the Rings, Braveheart, the ghost of Brian Boru and the Cuban missile crisis to justify attacks on Iran. I would ask if you can believe that someone is saying that the Cuban missile crisis showed that military solutions are our only option with Iran but of course you can believe it or you wouldn’t need Sadly, No.


I think it should be noted that the Shah hasn’t been in power for, uh, quite some time now.

28 years, give or take, and he was our friend. So this makes exactly as much sense as suggesting we bomb Cuba and “give Battista what-for”.


I thought it was supposed to be taken rectally.

Nice one Spencer.

Get your new Wingnut Propaganda Suppository!
Put the Crazy closer to your brain!
The new and improved WPS is guaranteed to turn you into a loyal patriotic ‘merikun.
Warning: may cause cramps. diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, mouth foaming and an aversion to lady parts.


Steve Gilliard, before he fell ill, made this point over and over again.

We have 150000 combat troops and a huge number of camp followers, contractors, etc. in Iraq.

Our supply line runs through the Straits of Hormuz (6 miles navigable at the waist), and along about a thousand miles of rugged Iranian coastline. Supplies are then truck through largely-Shiite southern Iraq, crossing, literally, dozens of bridges.

Our airlift capacity can supply about 25% of what our Iraqi presence requires.

So if the sea and land supply route gets impacted significantly, we have a real problem. We’re talking a “fighting withdrawal” kind of problem.

Striking Iran runs a serious risk that our supply routes into Iraq will be severely diminished. If Iran is thinking at all (and they’ve had years now to mull this over), they’ve already got the weapons cached and trained people infiltrated in Iraq to take out every damn bridge between Baghdad and Kuwait.


Kevin, I’m not Gavin. Also, you’re stupid.

رضا پهلوی

You say the Shah is gone but he is NOT!

Behold it is I, Reza Pahlavi…the true Shah of Iran and sitter-upon of the Peacock Throne.

p.s. Since I live in Maryland shouldn’t Ace start bombing there first?



Kevin, please pull your jingoist, racist and hate-filled head out of your ass.

When you claim we support ‘them’ killing ‘us’, where do you get your evidence?

There aren’t any ‘libruls’ who support ‘terraists’. They exists as bugaboos in your crazed mind.

Be sure to pull your piss-stained sheets over your head, while cowering in fear of the great IslamoTsunami that will spread that great, scary caliphate that you and the other pussified 28 percenters talk about all the time.

fukin pussy.


What never ceases to amaze me is how right-wingers worship the military above all other human institutions, but then seem to know bug-fuck all about any practical military matters.

Attacking Iran isn’t the stupidest thing you could do right now, but it is in the top 10.


p.s. Since I live in Maryland shouldn’t Ace start bombing there first?

Depends. Did you recently find a large cache of oil in the Chesapeake? I would miss the blue crabs but we are a nation at war and sacrifices must be made.

Ha, ha, ha, who are we kidding? Ace couldn’t bomb a mailbox, even if it was made of bacon and playdough.



A cartoon? That’s your answer? You want to go to war with yet another country based on a cartoon? So it’s come to this — wingnuts basing their crazy theories on right-wing political cartoons. Dear Lord.

Kevin, If you had any normal human sense of shame, you’d never post again, you fucking dipshit. Unfortunately, you don’t, so it falls to us to abuse you over and over and over again just in case some moron somewhere finds your shit appealing.


Ooh, I smell contest!!

!!!1!!1!!!!1!Name something that would be stupider than attacking Iran!!!!!!!11!

The Bush Administration could:
1. Nuke Moscow
2. Nuke Beijing
3. Nuke non-strategic targets in either Russia, China or both
4. Invade Britian
5. Feed polonium to each other (uh, scratch that one actually)

This is hard. Every other thing that comes to mind is either beyond farfetched (even for these clowns) or not quite as out-and-out stupid due to lack of sudden, immediate consequences (e.g., ignoring global warming/increasing CO2 output). Merely monumentally stupid. And I mean “stupid” in that inadequate “water is damp” sense.


As long as we’re targeting the Shah, we should be sure to take out the Emperor Xerxes as well.


Jeez, you guys. You’re awful hard on Kevin. I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but “I like Pie!” just doesn’t seem to be a terribly contraversial political position. I mean, sure, there’s cake people, brownie people, even those seemingly malevolent ice cream people, but hey, it’s just a desert opinion. What’s the big deal?


Principal Blackman

As long as we’re targeting the Shah, we should be sure to take out the Emperor Xerxes as well.

You know who else is asking for it? Mussolini. Fuck that guy.



I rarely post here because, frankly, I’m not good at funny on demand. However, I have to step in briefly and point out that you are a fucking moron.

Two things: The destruction of Israel wasn’t accomplished BEFORE they had a nuclear program. I doubt that’s about to change, fever dream on your part or no.

You have not been graced with keen insight, or awareness of human nature. You have, in fact, wrongly conflated opposition to policy as support for something else. You have wrongly interpeted that opposition to a thing equals support for its opposite. In much the same that opposition to torture doesn’t mean releasing known terrorists from custody.

I would apologize for the incivility, but it would be a lie. I encourage you to keep voicing your opinion, as it will supply the wittier posters to this blog, and myself, endless amusement, but don’t ever imagine that your inane ramblings have any value. Another of those concepts that eludes you is that having an opinion, devoid of any facts, or rational thought, renders that opinion void. But thanks for the chuckles, hammerhead.


If I cared for more than it takes to type this, I would wonder if ol’ Kevin is just your garden variety wingnut, or one of the “Rapturists” like “Dr.” Mike Evans who was frothing on MSNBC last night about attacking Iran immediately, if not sooner, the better to bring on the pants-less ascent into the clouds he knows is about to happen.


Been a while since I read comments. Who is this Kevin git? How did you manage to attract a troll who is actually dumber than Gary Ruppert?


…the better to bring on the pants-less ascent into the cloud…

Hey! Just a couple threads back Travis informed us that he has lost his pants. Is Armageddon upon us? Has Travis already ascended to sit at the right hand of god when jesus is on his break? Inquiring minds, and all that…


رضا پهلوی

“What’s the big deal?”



“…but hey, it’s just a desert opinion”

Personally, Mikey, I’d like to see this go in an entirely new direction.

Now that barbecue season is here, I want to take this opportunity to remind everybody – always brine your poultry and pork before cooking.

Simply add salt and white sugar to water (check the amounts by tasting – you want a mix that is pleasantly salty, and just a tad sweet), then submerge your raw poultry or pork, and pop in the fridge for at least a few hours, or up to 24.

Remove, pat dry, then grill/smoke as you normally would. You’ll be amazed at how much more juicy and plump your summer meats will be. Your friends will be amazed!

And remember – add sauce at the very end, or at the table.

Look for this handy hint whenever trolls show up.

And, you’re welcome.


Javaphil said…”Depends. Did you recently find a large cache of oil in the Chesapeake? I would miss the blue crabs but we are a nation at war and sacrifices must be made.”

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but them crabs are gone already, hon…those Maryland crabs you love fly in daily to BWI from North Carolina and Texas.


!!!1!!1!!!!1!Name something that would be stupider than attacking Iran!!!!!!!11!

It’s harder than it looks, because its so stupid in so many categories. So I’ll break it up by category:

More Economically Stupid: Raise the prime lending rate by 3-5 point, just in time to really help out the real estate market! Because if you thought those mortgage-backed securities were profitable before, just wait.

More Internationally Stupid: Require all US food exports to use GMO products by Monsanto, and demand that all other country’s import laws be modified to accept those imports. Because nothings more entertaining than watching our government throw around its weight on behalf of coporate interests on an international stage.

More Tragic-in-the-loss-of-life Stupid: Declaring war on China via a surprise, ground-based invasion. (also taking runner-up for economic stupidity by cutting off trade relations!)

Dry-Drunk-Denialism Stupid: sending the Current Occupant to go swimming in a beer fermentation vat with a snorkel and water wings. Because as funny as it would be to hear about a state funeral that smelled like hops & barley, it would put Darth Cheney front & center.

All I’ve got for now. Trying to out-stupid the wingnuts is like exploring the depths of the ocean: at some point, the stupid threatens to crush your brain.


I imagine Mr. Spades typing this as he’s holding his Sgt. Slaughter G.I. Joe doll and using it to bash in the head of the wicked Cobra Commander.

Ahh…so THAT’s how Ace refers to his version of Jeff Goldstein’s Vorpal Cock Attack.


…the better to bring on the pants-less ascent into the cloud…

Hey! Just a couple threads back Travis informed us that he has lost his pants. Is Armageddon upon us? Has Travis already ascended to sit at the right hand of god when jesus is on his break? Inquiring minds, and all that…

Pfft. As Largo would say:

PH34R M4H P4NTL3SS NINJ4 FURY!!!!11!!1!11!11!!1!

Now watch me set my pants on fire!


From here, “The annual harvest of hard crabs from Chesapeake Bay accounts for over 50% of total U.S. landings.”


Wally made the false argument:

“Kevin, you’re either okay with allowing Republicans to rape babies, or you’re okay with allowing Republicans to eat fetuses. Which side are you on? Huh? Which side? CHOOSE NOW NOW NOW OR SATAN WILL MAKE LOVE WITH JESUS!”

Poor logic, wally, but very typical of the left. If you said, “you’re either okay with allowing Republicans to rape babies, or your not” it would have made sense, and been quite logical (I’m generally on the ‘not’ side, btw). Also, your disrespectful words for Christianity have no effect on me. I’m just a hopeful atheist.

From Mikey:

Homework assignment. Write the imaginary piece Ace WOULD write if some Iranian pundit called for the unprovoked attack on america and specifically the assassination of the american leadership. I suspect Ace would foam at the mouth, splutter, and recommend some seriously ugly things, would he not?

Imaginarily from Ace, assuming the ‘pundit’ was the President of Iran as Ahmanejihad is:

Destroy them. WW II style. Accept no substitute.

Oh, and I’d support him.

Bemused said:

WTF are you smoking? I mean seriously, I want some of that.

I say this as a Jew and a supporter of Israel, even though it has gone off the rails in recent years.

First off, Israel is not in any remote danger of “falling.� Its most dangerous neighbors, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia, want no part of a war with Israel (note that Syria stayed studiously on the sidelines during the Hamas war last year), both because they will get their asses kicked and because the resulting unrest will threaten the stability of their already unpopular regimes.

Second, even accepting the unlikely premise that Israel will fall, do you seriously believe that if Israel is attacked and overrun, then the next day, Hamas will be in London, and two weeks later, in Washington? Dude, you are taking your wingnut propaganda just a wee bit too seriously — it’s not supposed to be taken literally!

Mein Kamf wasn’t supposed to be taken literally either, my friend. But guess what? He wasn’t lying! I never offerred a timetable, so I’m not sure why you believe I said America would fall two weeks after Israel. After all, it took them a hundred years just to destroy and conquer North Africa! But you should probably know this: HAMAS is already in London and DC. Don’t you go to protests? What kind of liberal ARE you?

You say Israel is in no danger of falling, and I disagree. 6 fairly well placed fission bombs could bring a swift end to Israel, if followed by only a light attack by Syria. Ahmedinijihad has clearly suggested his controllers are willing to do this, despite the cost. And that, my grinning friend, is why an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, and maybe it’s infrastructure, is in order.

ps. I’m smoking cigarettes. Don’t tell anyone though. My wife thinks I quit. And I will, soon. Don’t smoke, kids!


Gavin said:

Kevin, I’m not Gavin. Also, you’re stupid.

Can we watch it with the name calling, Gavin? Thanks in advance.

A person who takes Prozac said:

Kevin, please pull your jingoist, racist and hate-filled head out of your ass.


“When you claim we support ‘them’ killing ‘us’, where do you get your evidence?”

Assuming you are an American or Brit, I can only point to your protesters, and your cries to make sure ‘Bush doesn’t attack Iran’, even though we all know Iran is attacking America. This isn’t cold war stuff, where the wrong move might set off a nuclear annihilation. It’s just attacking the hell out of Iran for their support of the terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq. You clearly oppose us attacking the people that are killing U.S. citizens. Your choice, but it makes it ok for me to call you a scumbag.

“There aren’t any ‘libruls’ who support ‘terraists’. They exists as bugaboos in your crazed mind.”

Sure, there’s no liberal that supports HAMAS. Jimmy Carter (aka J.C.) isn’t a liberal. And Cindy Sheehan doesn’t want the terrorists to win. Keep telling yourself that.

“Be sure to pull your p*ss-stained sheets over your head, while cowering in fear of the great IslamoTsunami that will spread that great, scary caliphate that you and the other p*ssified 28 percenters talk about all the time.”

You misunderstand. I’m not afraid. I’m determined. I’m not a liberal, so I’ve more than enough weapons at my disposal to take out an army of jihadists. The caliphate’s restriction on freedoms of women (and in a few cases, even men!) will not occur in my lifetime. And Iran is the linchpin to terrorism. I’m more than willing to destroy it for that reason alone.

“f*kin [sic] pussy.”

Again, can we cool it with the name calling? I know it’s the liberal style of berating someone, but it hardly furthers the debate.


Bemused said:

A cartoon? That’s your answer? You want to go to war with yet another country based on a cartoon? So it’s come to this — wingnuts basing their crazy theories on right-wing political cartoons. Dear Lord.

No my dear, I’m not a muslim. I’m not willing to go to war over a cartoon, llike many islamists did last year. That cartoon was just humor to clarify things. Allow me to clarify things more so even YOU can get it. I’m ok with, and openly support blasting the hell out of Sryia, Sudan, and Iran. Although NKorea, China and increasingly Russia treat all of their people like crap, I’ve no idea how to make them treat people as people. But for Iran and Syria? Yes, I do. Bomb’s away.

Can’t you hippies allow us to do this good thing? Berate us for… whatever it is you guys like to whine about, but let the right save the world, huh? That way you could smoke weed forever!


let the right save the world, huh?

Is that what you’re doing? Saving the world? Because to everyone else it looks like you’re sitting on your lard ass typing nonsense and eating Twinkies.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but them crabs are gone already, hon…those Maryland crabs you love fly in daily to BWI from North Carolina and Texas.

Shhhh! Please don’t ruin my childhood memories!


Ace: If we force them into making the first move, a la Pearl Harbor, we will have the national will to operate as needed, something we currently lack in Iraq.

Good suggestion, Ace — imitate your heroes and reenact the Reichstag fire. I’m sure the tin-pot Hitlers in Washington right now think that’s a dandy idea.


Kevin said,
You’re either ok with allowing them to kill our soldiers, or you’re not. So, which side are you on?

Now, I may not be a geography buff per se, but wouldn’t it be much tougher for them to kill our soldiers if, say, said soldiers were … perhaps back home?


How stupid are the people we’re dealing with here? Er, this stupid … from “Steve” in Ace’s comments:

What I say next will surely identify me as the geek I am, but here goes anyway: as a Lord of the Rings fan of longstanding (I first read the trilogy in the late fifties, when it was fjirst published in America), I can’t help but compare our present situation to the gathering storm in the Two Towers: the forces of darkness on the move, massing for war, America is Gondor, holding the line, and that Western Europe is the Shire, populated by clueless Hobbits who have no idea that just beyond their borders the armies of the Dark Lord are massing.

I wonder, how much traffic at wingnut sites is true believers, or incredulous folks like me who simply can’t get enough of the stupid. Christ, I think a meth habit would be safer psychologically than exposing myself to these fuckwits
on a daily basis.


That cartoon was just humor to clarify things.

Cox and Forkum humour, right, yeah man, and you think us hippies smoke too much weed! Keven, as a friend, lay off it man, its not doing you any good.

Next thing you know, you’ll be rewritting a Get Fuzzy cartoon with your own wingnut ‘humour’ proving that all liberals are really islamfachistic 5th columnists, or something similarly lame.

Oh sorry, you allready did that, may I suggest Peanuts…


tb said:

Is [the right saving the world] what you’re doing? Saving the world? Because to everyone else it looks like you’re sitting on your lard ass typing nonsense and eating Twinkies.

Indeed. Looks are deceiving. It looked like we were losing WW II for a year or two as well. And this war is ten tmes bigger, so it will look like we’re losing for a long time to come. I’m disappointed to hear you suggest that extremely vocal support for our troops winning their battle is akin to “sitting on your lard ass typing nonsense and eating Twinkies”, but hardly unexpected from the left. In fact, you’re one of the reasons I CAN’T go over there (the other is the remnants of buckshot dispersed throughout my arm).

If all good people went over to Iraq or Afghanistan to liberate those mostly good people, there would be noone left here to counter the leftist propaganda, and the kids would come home to Vietnam era-styled spittle, except instead of saying ‘baby killer!’, they’d be saying ‘panties on the head putter!’, as if doing that is a very bad thing. I’m not willing to let you get away with that without a fight.

Sorry to hear you are tb :(. I hope they get you out of that guy in isolation, but other than that, I harbor no ill will towards you.

Krassen said:

Kevin said,
You’re either ok with allowing them to kill our soldiers, or you’re not. So, which side are you on?

Now, I may not be a geography buff per se, but wouldn’t it be much tougher for them to kill our soldiers if, say, said soldiers were … perhaps back home?

That’s true! Also, criminals in LA would have a MUCH tougher time killing cops if we moved withdrew the Los Angeles police force to Miami! Sound logic, but it’s missing something. Not sure what.


Lobbey informs:

That cartoon was just humor to clarify things.

Cox and Forkum humour, right, yeah man, and you think us hippies smoke too much weed! Keven, as a friend, lay off it man, its not doing you any good.

Next thing you know, you’ll be rewritting a Get Fuzzy cartoon with your own wingnut ‘humour’ proving that all liberals are really islamfachistic 5th columnists, or something similarly lame.

Oh sorry, you allready did that, may I suggest Peanuts…

Hah! I too believe that one of them is a weed smoking conservative. You don’t see that everyday! I hope I’m wrong though, or soon their brains, worn down by THC, will become weak, making their jokes unfunny. And their drawing skills will decline, and it could end with them becoming liberals. A sad plight for anyone, much less the greatest cartoonists of our day.

Gonna have to object to your statement though. I have never, even once, rewritten a ‘Get Fuzzy’ cartoon. Though it’s true that I’ve often proven that “all liberals are really islamfachistic[sic] 5th columnists, or something similarly lame”, I’ve never rewritten a Get Fuzzy strip to prove it.


Unrelated, but javaphil said (he’s quoting someone else):

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but them crabs are gone already, hon…those Maryland crabs you love fly in daily to BWI from North Carolina and Texas.

Shhhh! Please don’t ruin my childhood memories!

This is blatantly false, and probably disinformation from some global warming mongerer. We JUST went out on a commercial crabbing boat (for fun, plus to teach the kids about how we get our food) in the D.C. area on April 12th-ish. They make a string like a mile long, and tie chicken necks to it every few feet. As soon as they are finished dropping it, they turn around and pick it up from the beginning. As far as I could tell, EVERY single one of those chicken necks had a crab attached to it, eating away.

If there’s one thing America does well, it’s ‘managing marine crops’. Just goes to show ya, some people (javaphils antagonist, for example) lie. Or are at least misinformed.


Pedantic said:


I rarely post here because, frankly, I’m not good at funny on demand. However, I have to step in briefly and point out that you are a f*cking moron.

Two things: The destruction of Israel wasn’t accomplished BEFORE they had a nuclear program. I doubt that’s about to change, fever dream on your part or no.

You have not been graced with keen insight, or awareness of human nature. You have, in fact, wrongly conflated opposition to policy as support for something else. You have wrongly interpeted that opposition to a thing equals support for its opposite. In much the same that opposition to torture doesn’t mean releasing known terrorists from custody.

I would apologize for the incivility, but it would be a lie. I encourage you to keep voicing your opinion, as it will supply the wittier posters to this blog, and myself, endless amusement, but don’t ever imagine that your inane ramblings have any value. Another of those concepts that eludes you is that having an opinion, devoid of any facts, or rational thought, renders that opinion void. But thanks for the chuckles, hammerhead.

I doubt there’s any need for humor here. Heck, he lets me comment here (which Gavin is doubtlessly reconsidering)! And in fact, I applaud you. You almost made a cogent argument without swearing! Almost. It’s clear you tried though, so I’m happy to respond!

You said: “The destruction of Israel wasn’t accomplished BEFORE they had a nuclear program. I doubt that’s about to change, fever dream on your part or no.

This is a pretty big ‘before/after’ scenario. Are you aware of what nuclear bombs can do… even fusion ones? Do you have an idea of how easy it would be to drive a truck with such a bomb in it from Iran to Israel, ESPECIALLY if America exits Iraq? Do you think it’d be hard for, say, two dozen to get through? I’m not sure who’s to blame for your lack of understanding, but ‘before nukes’ and ‘after nukes’ are as wildly different as ‘before gunpowder’ and ‘after gunpowder’. If you are an American, our school system has seriously let us down.

As to the rest of your comment… yeah, whatever. Be as incivil as you like. But quit whining, you’ll live longer. And what were the ‘two things’? I only caught the one.

Speaking logically, you guys are easy pickings :). It’s clear, especially from this pedant that many of you haven’t actually considered what would happen if our soldiers followed the advice of your position. Think about it my hippie friends. Try to predict what would happen in the world if the US military followed your advice. You’re in control. No new laws or anything… we’ve already seen that the man in control can’t get new laws passed (thank God).

So, do you pull out, hippie? If so, what happens? I know, since I’m an avid reader of history. Do you?


The same thing that happened when the Soviet Union could’ve easily driven a nuclear bomb from Siberia to Alaska.

Y’know, 50-60 years of saber-rattling and then one of the countries collapses in on itself without a single shot being fired.


What I say next will surely identify me as the geek I am, but here goes anyway: as a Lord of the Rings fan of longstanding (I first read the trilogy in the late fifties, when it was fjirst published in America), I can’t help but compare our present situation to the gathering storm in the Two Towers: the forces of darkness on the move, massing for war, America is Gondor, holding the line, and that Western Europe is the Shire, populated by clueless Hobbits who have no idea that just beyond their borders the armies of the Dark Lord are massing.

This analysis of the political and millitary situation as Sauron makes his big power play at the end of the Third Age is certainly kinda strange. If the USA is Gondor, then that means that the USA must be a weakened nation state, committed to a long, drawn out defensive war that it cannot possibly win, against a vastly stronger opponent. If Western Europe is the Shire, then it’s a small, millitarily weak, nearly forgotten country which incidentally holds the key to saving Gondor and defeating Sauron. And I guess Al-Queda must be a vastly strong empire which has such millitary power, and so many allies, that it could pretty handily conquer the entire world.

Is this really how that guy wants to set it up? With the USA a weakened nation that can only try to slow its defeat by Al-Queda? With Western Europe holding the key to the salvation of the USA and incidentally the world? Does he really believe Al-Queda is so strong that there is no millitary way it could be defeated?

He’s apparently not geeky enough because he hasn’t thought the consequences of his statements through.


Patkin, there are so many logistical problems with your theory that it’s tough to ‘splain them all. I shall attempt!

1: There hasn’t been an ice roadway from Siberia to Alaska in roughly a thousand years.

2: A nuke (‘specially a fusion nuke) in Alaska would not destroy America. Even a thousand wouldn’t… they wouldn’t even destroy Alaska itself. Israel, however, is a wee bit smaller than Alaska. It’s great to hope that it’s just Iranian ‘saber-rattling’ as you say, but if Hitler, Ho Che Min, Che Guevara, or Pol Pot taught us anything, it’s that evil scuzzballs like to kill people. Ahmedinijihad is one such scuzzball, hired by many Iranian scuzzball heads.

3: Bombs are going off. Now. Daily. So, it’s NOT quite the same thing, is it?

Saber rattle my *ss, Patkin. There’s a war going on.


It looked like we were losing WW II for a year or two as well. And this war is ten tmes bigger, so it will look like we’re losing for a long time to come.

Ten times bigger? How do you figure that, you dumb fuck?

I’m disappointed to hear you suggest that extremely vocal support for our troops winning their battle is akin to “sitting on your lard ass typing nonsense and eating Twinkies�,

That’s exactly what it is. You are doing precisely nothing.

but hardly unexpected from the left. In fact, you’re one of the reasons I CAN’T go over there (the other is the remnants of buckshot dispersed throughout my arm).

Right, you’re just dying to go and fight but the liberals won’t let you. The Marine recruiter told you to go, go back home and eat Fritos and type as much nonsensical “patriotic” garbage as your little brain can squirt out. You’re a fucking liar. You never tried to enlist.


I find it quite amazing that Kevin persistently expounds the capabilities of nuclear bombs without noting that an attack on Israel with such a device would spread radiation all throughout to Arabian peninsula. That would certainly be quite a political boomerang for whoever launched the attack, not to mention the retaliation from the Western and probably even Eastern nuclear powers.

If conventional mad can handle a nuclear standoff between India and Pakistan, it can easily handle a nuclear standoff scenario between Israel and Iran.

Rick Cincinnatus

Hail America – a New Numenor or New Valinor

If certain Constitutional erosions persist, it may be more appropriate to call America the New “Numenor.” Unfortunately, those who read Tolkien – the original Numenors were the greatest of men – vastly more powerful than all save the Valar. The greatest of Numenor was only surpassed by its arrogance. It forgot the values of itself – only a few faithful to the “old” ways of liberty and dissent survived.

First and Second Age

Europeans are like the Elves. First they migrated to the Americas (Valinor) during the Enlightenment period. In Tolkien’s books, there were three kinds of Elves – the Firstborn elves are like the Northern Europeans (English, Scots, Irish, Danes, Icelandic, Vikings = Scandinavians), the Second born are more like Central Europeans (Germanic and Slavic), and the Third born are like the Southern Europeans (French, Spanish, Italians, Greeks). The Second born elves were corrupted and attacked the Third born elves.

During World War I and II, the USA may be more like the Valinor, wise, humble, and strong. World War I was like the Valar’s war of wrath and

End of the Second Age
Things pretty much got bad after World War II, when certain USA interests and politicians allowed “evil” to persist in the form of totalitarian regimes. Basically one analogy is the the “ring of power” is knowledge and use of Nuclear weapons. Everyone wants it. Right now there are about nine (9) known countries with the capacity to use nuclear weapons. After the Korean war, MacArthur is like the fallen last lord of Gondor that was sacked by his own people. From then on, the USA with Vietnam and Iraq – the results have been mixed and disastrous.

Red China, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, Sudan, and the new axis of fundamentalism against the USA are the forces of Mordor. Europe and the Middle East is Middle Earth. The Mediterranean – literally means “Middle Earth.” Israel is like Osgilliath and Rome is like Minas Tirith – Minas Ithil is like old Constantinople it has begun to fall and surcumb to religious fanaticism. All ancient cites are under siege.

European leaders are like the Stewards – well meaning at first but now complicit with the web of intrigue and corruption. The valar/numenorians are like the Americas are fractured since FDR and Kennedy. Rohan is like Russia – once allies with the USA – now is finding itself more and more corrupted – Putin himself is like King Theoden – increasingly isolated and being corrupted by Red China (Communist Beijing – Sauron). Al Qaeda is operating more like the Haddarhim under Saruman (Osama Bin Laden, once an ally in Afghanistan – now traitor to peace).

In sum Gondor is like Western Europe and Middle East, mixed with Elves (EU, e.g. French, Germans, Scandinavia, etc.), Men (Mediterranean peoples), Hobbits (UK), and Dwarves (smaller states). Eastern Europe is like the lost kingdoms of Eriador (Arnor). Rivendel is more like Switzerland.

The question remains: will the USA be more like good Valinor or corrupted Numenor? With the War on “terror” and by buying so many made in Communist China products and ignoring democratic second and third world countries, it looks like the USA is dangerously becoming Al-Pharazon’s dictatorship on Numenor. The bad news is that because of its arrogance, Numenor sank beneath the waves. Let’s hope the USA acts more like Valinor and uses its riches and strenght to serve others – not enslave them.

Rick Cincinnatus


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