Time to call Mr. Bookman
From reader Stanton Carlisle comes news that the wingnut librarian has found a list worth keeping in a safe place and perhaps, who knows, a list someone should make a copy of, in case something happens to the first list:
The sad record of the Left
“There are no megalomaniacal mass-murderer that the Left has not supported, no Democracy that it has supported.” Read the list here by Steve Haas at American Daughter.
Are you thinking what we’re thinking? Yes, that daughter’s got to have some pretty serious issues:
In fact, though, if one examines these positions [unionization of the working class] carefully, one can detect a basic, underlying theme, which changes the benevolent image of the left in a dramatic way. Unionism is, basically, anti-Capitalist. Sure, it changes the living standard of the worker, in the short term, but it forces a wage scale upon the business that has no real relationship to the realities of the market.
Yes, the “realities” of the market defined as “any outcome decried by large corporations, their chambers of commerce, interest groups, lobbyists, and all these other associations which exist to represent the interests of the owners of the means of production* and which in no way seek to set the wages of workers below their own version of the “realities” of the market. Sing Hallelujah! In fact, everyone knows the AFL-CIO’s true objective is a Saddam Hussein-type dictatorship where the government threatens others thanks to weapons of mass destruction, or shoves political opponents into plastic shredders, and removes babies from incubators, something bad. Mass graves!
There are no megalomaniacal mass-murderer that the Left has not supported, no Democracy that it has supported.
The left?!? Under normal circumstances, we would be required to add Sadly, No!, a few links, and some curse words directed at Steve. It ain’t fancy, but that’s how we pay the bills. But how does one even manage to start and keep a straight face in the process? Is Steve 12 years old? Did he someone miss the part about various not so left administrations supporting right-wing thugs under the guise of anti-communism, basic ignorance of world affairs, or just plain dislike of black people? Yet the best is yet to come, because “The Left,” we learn, consists of:
The Nation, the dramatist Maxim Gorky, The Guardian [back when, Steve writes, it supported Stalin], The New York Times [again on account of Stalin, and assuming NYT = Walter Duranty], George Bernard Shaw, The Daily Mail, under Lord Rothermere, the writer and critic John Middleton Murry, and the pacifist Vera Brittain.
That’s like a who’s what of WTF.
I could go on, but one can see the pattern, here.
Sadly, Yes!
Today it is the Leftist politicians and intellectuals, such as Jimmy Carter, and Noam Chomskey [sic],who are the most fervent supporters of the homicidal terrorist organizations spawned by radical Islam, and the most fervent opponents of our attempts to defend ourselves against Islam.
Jimmy Carter and Noam Chomsky?
Too often we, as Conservatives, try to argue with them on a rational basis, assuming that we all want what is best for us and our country.
So good to see you take a break from that exhausting exercise.
We, as Conservatives, however, have to hammer the point that these people are not our friends, not friends of our system, our heritage, our people.
Sadly, the one conclusion we can reach is that the only thing Steve has hammered recently is a crayon into his nose.*
And that’s just our medication! [This post is dedicated to adding lots of links to lots of things that are barely, if at all, related to the topics being discussed.]
Well, if you define Left as “people I don’t agree with” and dicatators as “leaders that I don’t like”, than of course he’s right!
The Daily Mail, under Lord Rothermere,
…you mean, the most right-wing tabloid ever to scour the earth? The blackshirt-supporting, empire-flag-waving, johnny-foreigner hating, Daily Fucking Mail?!?
Seriously, these people know nothing. They know fuck all.
At last!! Someone had the guts to point out Jimmy Carter and Sadly No!’s love letters to Stalin.
Seems like every other poem in Carter’s book was dedicated to “Uncle Joe” and pretty much every post here has some kind of Stalinmania! aspect to it.
Thanks America’s Daughter!
I mean, the paper that so utterly loathed the left in all shapes and forms that it published the total forgery that was the Zinoviev letter just to take down the 1924 Labour Government? Left-wing?!? Liberal!!?!?
I’m sorry, that’s just brain dead. It’s too stupid for me to take in! It burns! It burns like utter fucking stupidity! How do you liberal Americans survive the crushing onslaught of such grey ignorance?!
Heh. The library book episode was on here last night. Philip Baker Hall is a fucking genius in that role.
Wait, Maxim Gorky was a Russian communist? Well, that certainly tarnishes what I feel about organized labor creating the American middle class and ending child labor.
Anyway, if we wanted to get snitty about it, we could point out intstances in this century when the Right supported odious regimes (say, Saudi Arabia or Pakistan) while denigrating democratic states (like France, say, or Massachusetts).
I admit that I supported Dee Dee King.
Let’s not forget that, as well, Melanie Phillips, the right-wing Jewish tribalist’s right wing Jewish tribalist, the most insane woman to exist in Britain currently, the closest we have in our discourse to pure wingnuttery, writes for the Daily Mail.
What. The. Fuck?! He is trying to fob the Daily Mail’s love of a cold hard jackboot off on us lefties? FUCK HIM!
In addition, The Left interferes with investing in white-owned businesses.
(love the Grayson Moorhead reference.)
How do you liberal Americans survive the crushing onslaught of such grey ignorance?!
And let’s not forget that the aforesaid Lord Rothermere actually directly collaborated with the actual Nazis.
Lawnguy, I like the way you think. But I’d take it a step further. Organic Hydro.
Funny, I thought ideas of social justice and such came from the likes of Buddha, Jesus, Ghandi, MLK Jr, Mother Teresa, etc…
I guess I learned something new today. the Godless Commies are responsible for all the selfless religious leaders of all time, foreva!!!1!
Well, that’s that. Time to go partake…..
Gah, I get so sick of wignuts misspelling Norm Chompsky’s name.
From S. H. (you finish it…) @ “American Daughter” (?):
‘minorities,’ defined, basically, as those of a different culture than the mainstream who also belong to the underclass.
Uh, no, that would be “‘minorities,’ defined, absolutely, as those [not people, mind you, just “those”] of a different skin tone than those who claim to own them, so they can be easily spotted if they try to escape their “owners.”
…and pretty much every post here has some kind of Stalinmania!
Stalinmania! Not Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, But An Incredible Simulation!
Let’s put on a show! We’ll take Broadway by storm!
Let’s show some sympathy for poor Steve Haas. The man’s trying real hard to figure out how to do this political commentary thing and he’s doing the best he can despite the serious handicap of not knowing what the fuck he’s talking about.
My personal favorite line in this mangled mess is:
(The left) is the best equivalent, today of anarchist, totalitarian movements that have always plagued society.
Anarchist totalitarians?! Yow!!! Their very existence could unravel the fabric of the universe!
Heh. The library book episode was on here last night. Philip Baker Hall is a fucking genius in that role.
Well, let me tell you something, funny boy. Y’know that little stamp,
the one that says “New York Public Library”? Well that may not mean
anything to you, but that means a lot to me. One whole hell of a lot.
Sure, go ahead, laugh if you want to. I’ve seen your type before:
Flashy, making the scene, flaunting convention. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. What’s this guy making such a big stink about old library
books? Well, let me give you a hint, junior. Maybe we can live without
libraries, people like you and me. Maybe. Sure, we’re too old to change
the world, but what about that kid, sitting down, opening a book, right
now, in a branch at the local library and finding drawings of pee-pees
and wee-wees on the Cat in the Hat and the Five Chinese Brothers?
Doesn’t HE deserve better? Look. If you think this is about overdue
fines and missing books, you’d better think again. This is about that
kid’s right to read a book without getting his mind warped! Or: maybe
that turns you on, Seinfeld; maybe that’s how y’get your kicks. You and
your good-time buddies. Well I got a flash for ya, joy-boy: Party time
is over. Y’got seven days, Seinfeld. That is one week!
“There are no megalomaniacal mass-murderer that the Left has not supported, no Democracy that it has supported.� Read the list here by Steve Haas at American Daughter.
Fuckin’ Norbiz.
Wrote a little song ’bout Pol Pot, thought ya might like to hear it, here it goes:
We love you Pol Pot oh yes we do
We don’t love anyone as much as you
When you’re not converting Cambodia to a skull-based economy*, we’re blue
Oh Pol Pot we love you.
P.S. The Five Chinese Brothers?
* The Onion’s Our Dumb Century joke.
I love this “not friends of our system, our heritage, our people”.
The fool. The Left built this little boatwe’re all in, and the Right has served at best as its anchor, at worst as its bilge rats.
Well, sure, I’m anti-capitalist. And it’s pretty admirable how this numbnut is incapable of distinguishing between capitalism and democracy.
But unions are anti-capitalist? Shit, someone better tell the AFL-CIO that they’re really slacking off in their goal of destroying the free market. Essentially, the implicit definition of “capitalism” here is “businesses get whatever they want at all times.” Businesses are inherently a collaboration by capital to exert more power than the individuals involved would be able to exert in the market alone. If unions are anti-capitalist, so are businesses — from minor partnerships to enormous trans-nationals.
Of course, these idiot right-wingers seem to be literally incapable of distinguishing between any ideological positions to their left. Note the recent statement by Marie Jon’ that the Democrats are Marxists.
Unions are a reality of the market. The fact that they can force a wage scale on businesses makes them one. These free enterprise fuckheads think everyone except labor is entitled to seek maximum profit for the good or service they provide.
That’s like a who’s what of WTF.
That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day. Brilliant!
I read Kaye Grogan’s latest. Now I’m going to try the crayon thing.
Sure, someone has to be an advocate for those who do not have the resources to fight for themselves in a more and more complex society, but this is not where the Left focuses its energies; its main focus is attempting to siphon off capital from society to give to people who do not contribute to society in any way that justifies this capital.
‘Cos, you know, when we break ’em, we just want ’em to die. We don’t want ’em hanging around rattling tin cups and making nuisances of themselves. Just die, that’s all we ask.
It is the best equivalent, today of anarchist, totalitarian movements that have always plagued society.
Bwahahahahaha! Oh, someone’s already done the anarchist totalitarian gag. Bummer. Well, how about the “always plagued society” bit? As far as I can tell, and I’m not an expert like Mr. Aas, the main thing plaguing society has been greedy selfish bastards who want more than their fair share and are willing to do all sorts of violence nastiness to get it. Not lefty types whose brains are exploding from trying to manifest a tautology.
the left has a self-interest in never improving their position in life.
Whut? Whusseesay?
If one looks at the antecedents of the modern left, today, one can go back to the Russian Revolution,
One could also go back to the French Revolution. Or, even, the American revolution. You know, throwing off the English overlords and all that.
When the Bolsheviks took control of Russian, murdering the Czar, his wife and his children, they established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and unleashed a reign of terror upon the world that was to last 80 years, killing many tens of thousands of its own citizens of its own people.
I’ll leave you to snigger at the “many tens of thousands of its own citizens of its own people”, and just ask, Didn’t the actions of, say, the UK and US have quite a lot to do with what went on in Russia? In particular, the activities between the wars, and after the second world war?
BWAHAHAhahahahahaha! The Daily Mail, leftist! Ahahaha! Mmmff. Ahahaha.
Okay, that’s really enough crap. This man is not only unable to run a spelling and grammar check for himself, he’s also drawing facts from some hitherto unregarded source, possibly his own arse.
What a tossbucket. When I was a wee kitten, I was taught that lying was bad, and naughty girls who lied would be smacked. Where’s his mother, when she should be whaling into him with a fly swat or a wooden spoon (my mother’s weapons of choice)?
Calling the Daily Mail and Lord Rothermere leftist is a little like calling Rush Limbaugh a dangerous pinko. What next? “Margaret Thatcher: Soviet appeaser”?
Though presumably Pinochet was. And Carlos Castillo Armas. And the El Salvadorean ARENA party. And the Maoist Joseph Savimbi. And… I could go on.
I realise this has been said many times before, but still: the Daily fucking Mail?
Why are you guys making fun of me? Why can’t I get any respect? I represent a serious intellectual tradition. Think of all the famous totalitarian anarchists who have graced the pages of our history books!
like………..oh, fuck. I give up.
“If one looks at the antecedents of the modern left, today, one can go back to the Russian Revolution, and the many Socialist and anarchist elements fermenting beneath the surface of the Russian Revolution.”
You know you’re in (cue theme from The Magnificent Seven)…Wingnut Country! when they start using the pseudo-intelligent, fussy-wussy “one.” This is how your Marie Jon’s (hey, wait. We have a nice little chain of supermarkets here in LA called Jon’s), your Kaye Grogans, your Pastor Swanks write–or, as they might prefer, “pen.”
(What a lineup; one can see them in the eyeball of one’s mind, clambering out of a small VW in the center ring)
The statement that unions are anti-capitalistic is the dumbest thing written by man or monster this week, BTW. Yes, harsh words. And I mean them to sting.
The left gets off on drawing pee-pees and wee-wees in library books.
I thought, for a moment, that he’d intended to write ‘Daily Mirror’, which would have been closer to the truth. But then he qualified it by mentioning Lord Rothermere.
When the Bolsheviks took control of Russian, murdering the Czar, his wife and his children, they established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and unleashed a reign of terror upon the world that was to last 80 years, killing many tens of thousands of its own citizens of its own people.
What a missed opportunity! “Tens of thousands” my ass, try tens of millions! This numbnuts can’t even get his hyperbole right. Gah, not even hyperbole, it’s a plain fact that Stalin himself killed tens of millions with his bare hands (at the behest of the the leftist anarchist totalitarians, natch). What gives? How dare he downplay the left’s greatest achievement!
This is one of the funniest threads I’ve read here in a while. Totalitarian anarchists. Priceless.
I don’t know why you people complain now. Mr. Limbaugh has spent twenty years defining “right-wing political commentary” as “pulling a whole bunch of ‘facts’ out of one’s arse”, sticking them together with near-random strings of political words (“anarchist totalitarians”), and then hurling the resultant mud pies at ‘liberals’ (i.e., anyone to the left of B. Mussolini).
As this blog exists to recount, our political discourse long ago sank to the level only an ignorant, drug-addled psychopath could confuse with reality. Little wonder G.W. Bush occupies the Oval Office.
You know you’vw driven the shaft deep into the nether regions of wingnuttery when even a retard like Kevin can’t show up to complain that you’re wrong, wrong wrong!
After reaching “anarchist, totalitarian movements” I had to stop reading. Though curious to see just how far from reality he might stray, I feared I might not have enough bread crumbs to find my way back. I know he didn’t have enough.
I object to Norma being referred to as a “librarian”. She may have had that title once upon a time, but now she’s some crazy old bat that passes on crap like this in her “well researched blog”.
What? Mr. X is a sexist and ageist and rage-ist who would rip my MLS away from me? For shame. And such potty language on this site. I’m shocked, shocked, shocked. How old are you guys, anway? 13? And here I was a loyal Democrat all those years. Doesn’t pay to leave the plantation. Or maybe it does.
Never mind, you just keep collecting, dear, and maybe one day you’ll stumble onto one actually worth something.