Sentences that should not exist

Dear God, why?

Althouse on the Republican debates:

In the background, we see Giuliani, looking rock hard.

This almost makes me long for the days when Ace would write about bacon and pl… no, scratch that. Ann, please continue as you were:

Huckabee is asked about his belief in creationism, and he does an amazing job of turning it into the question of whether he believes in God and passionately affirms that he does.

In other words, he dodged the question. Just admit it, Ann. He’s a creationist loon who completely dodged the damn question. By the gods.


Comments: 33


Oh, but that would be partisan.


Huckabee is asked about his belief in creationism, and he does an amazing job of turning it into the question of whether he believes in God and passionately affirms that he does.

So in other words, what he said was, “Yes, I’m a wingnut, but you’re not going to get me to say some crazy wingnut shit on the teevee.”

Herr Doktor Bimler

he does an amazing job of turning it into the question of whether he believes in God
I agree with Ann. It takes an amazingly twisted mind to see any connection between believing in creationism and believing in god.


Dear Sirs,
I, Ann Althouse, wish to complain in the strongest possible terms about the forthcoming ridiculous comments that will be attributed to me, Ann Althouse. I, Ann Althouse, am truly disgusted by the partisan incivility. I, Ann Althouse, would accuse you, who are not me, Ann Althouse, of breast blogging also, but I, Ann Althouse, a lifelong radical feminist, notice there are no females with posting privileges here.
The only way to solve this is to let me, Ann Althouse, post here. I, Ann Althouse, am VERY funny and can quote many jokes by me, Ann Althouse, to prove it.
Ooooooo, caribouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Ann Althouse

P.S. Come on Otherwax, show your stuff!


What Herr Doktor said, though I will add that this is one of those “A implies B, but B doesn’t always imply A” things.

Though, I must say, there’s really a just about 0% chance that Huck isn’t a Creationist. And were they asked this by show of hands* LAST debate?

*The laziest and lamest of debate moderator techniques.


But what was it that made Ann Althouse’s feet so cute?!


Ugh, the image of Rock-Hard Rudy must be purged from our minds! Couldn’t she have said, “we see Giuliani, standing proudly erect…” No, wait, that isn’t any better. How about, “Giuliani, hot and ready to go…” Um, no. “Giuliani, sporting an enormous hard-on…” Damn, this isn’t helping at all.


I’ll have to re-read the transcript because I could have *sworn* that Huckabee did not dodge the question, but pretty much affirmed he did NOT believe in evolution. After which he went on his “proud to believe in God” moment, which a couple of others promptly copied.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Major Woody, how about this: “Giuliani, looking like a complete dickhead…”




Sexist much, that Ann?


Let “Rock-Hard Rudy” be his nickname from now on!

At least it would be, if I were king of the Intarwebs.

Northern Observer

he does an amazing job of turning it into the question of whether he believes in God

It’s funny how republicans admire candidates who can show that they are skilled at lying, misdirecting, and bamboozling.
I guess they now what it takes to sell conservative ideas.


“Rock-hard Rudy.” I like it.


It’s pick your poison with Althouse. Earlier in the day, before the debate came on, the professor made an important discover.

Words inside words.

Have you ever suddenly noticed a word inside another word? Computer words searches make this a more frequent occurrence. I just noticed the familiar word inside “chemotherapy.”

Another thing. I’m sure many of you have seen this already, but for those who haven’t, The Politico’s recent profile of Althouse is worth a glance.


Did Althouse drunk-vlog Jessica Valenti’s appearance on The Colbert Report with her breasts?

I refuse to give the silly creature (Althouse, not Valenti) the hit by going to check.

Plus, I’m lazy.


No, Gentlewoman, she didn’t. The breast blogging thing does come up in the Politico profile though.


Did Rudy quiver expectantly as Althouse took his rock-hard manhood into her own warm, soft hands? Did her breasts heave as he entered her moist femininity?

Rudy did a few films back in the day, under the name of Dick Card. Althouse was formerly known as Regina (long ‘I’) DeWett. She’s actually not bad when seen from behind, with a bag over her head and a ball gag.

Their last paring was in “Law School Confidential – The Big Apple.” I saw it on DVD. I’m an afficionado of the genre.


Was Rudy’s dress sporting a tent?


he does an amazing job of turning it into the question of whether he believes in God

Even though he dodged the question about whether he thinks modern science is just a big atheist plot, I must admire his bravery in expressing his belief in God at a Republican debate, no matter the consequences to his electoral prospects.

Hysterical Woman

That’s almost as bad as the naked young Bush picture* I saw once. Damn you, internet!

*Probably fake though.


If I can go through life NEVER EVER seeing Rudy ‘Rock Hard’. I will consider my life a success…


“Rock hard Rudy”…..

That’s a mental image I could have gone without.


hmm, J—, it makes me wonder which word is the one Ann Althouse discovered within “chemotherapy.” because i see a couple:
1. he
2. hem
3. emo (the funniest word that’s in that not-so-funny word, in my opinion)
4. moth
5. other
6. the
7. her
8. rap
9. therapy…


Sarah forgot ‘mother’ and ‘che’…


“Rock Hard Rudy”

Not without Viagra, he’s not.


sarah and stogoe: Have you played WEBoggle?

Warning: The shit can be addictive.


I just noticed the familiar word inside “chemotherapy.�

Hey! Now I see one inside my own name!

Wait. I am irked.

Mo's Bike Shop

Major Woody, I love it! It’s the new Tom Swifties!

“Crush their testicles!” Giuli ejaculated.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Ann sez: Have you ever suddenly noticed a word inside another word?
While we’re at it, have you ever wondered why something that inspires horror can be called ‘horrid’, yet if something inspires terror, you can’t call it ‘terrid’?
This is why I should never be trusted with a blog.


This is why I should never be trusted with a blog.

That’s “trustid”.


Have you ever suddenly noticed a word inside another word? Computer word searches make this a more frequent occurrence. I just noticed the familiar word inside “trust.” Or words, as I can’t determine if it’s “us” or “U.S.,” which actually is an abbreviation. Do abbreviations count as words?




Ann asks:

Have you ever suddenly noticed a word inside another word?

No, I haven’t! Let’s see, now that you mention it, in Major Woody, I see the word “Woo!”, as in, “Woo hoo! Let me point out something quite obvious!” Also, if you take a word and rearrange the letters, you can form entirely new words! Like “Ann” can be rearranged to form “Nan”, a delicious type of bread. Boy, when I get home from work today, I’ll bet my 4-year-old and I have lots of fun with these amazing discoveries!


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