Bush derangement syndrome

P-Noon writes today:

The president has taken to suggesting that opponents of his immigration bill are unpatriotic–they “don’t want to do what’s right for America.” His ally Sen. Lindsey Graham has said, “We’re gonna tell the bigots to shut up.” On Fox last weekend he vowed to “push back.” Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff suggested opponents would prefer illegal immigrants be killed; Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez said those who oppose the bill want “mass deportation.” Former Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson said those who oppose the bill are “anti-immigrant” and suggested they suffer from “rage” and “national chauvinism.”

This is basically how Bush goes about drumming up support for every policy: he calls opponents of the policy homos or assholes or terra-lovers. I must admit, I’m enjoying watching Bush’s base- the same base that cheered lustily every time the administration accused war opponents of helping the terrorists and undercutting the troops– get all hot and bothered when the same tactics are used against them.

(Thanks to Oliver for the tip.)


Comments: 32

zebbidies spring

It’s like that terrible moment when you realize that even though they encouraged you to dance around the school yard with your pants around your ankles, the cool kidz never liked or respected you.

And you will always hear that chorus of mocking laughter…


To be fair, I think the same can be said about Democrats and the NetRoots…


To be fair, we never liked or respected Peggy Noonan.

zebbidies spring

Yes, but the Democrats would leave you bleeding and heart-broken in some fancy hotel room, while the Republicans would just toss you out of the pick-up down at the weir…

The Dude Abides

You lslamunistohippieacidfreaks don’t care that our McDonalds will all soon be replaced by taco shops and burrito joints, that our Bud Lights (not that kind of “bud” you joint smokers) will be replaced by DosXX’s, and our baseball caps will be replaced by giant sombreros. The loss of our American culture will be a tragedy to the world and only me, LGF, and that chubby fellow on CNN can see this taking place if we let in all the messicans.


Boston could use some good tacos.


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Every time a wingnut wakes up, an angel gets its wings. Or something.


I thought it was every time a Noonan writes something, God kills a kitten. Or was it 32 Iraqis? I can’t keep track.


A dolphin.


OT but no surprise, more ongoing GOP vote trickery: http://www.slate.com/id/2167284


They’re all moving to Paraguay anyway – let the Americans deal with their own shit, we’ve bought a new country.


As I said on the Carpetbagger Report, it seems Bush’s strategery is borne out of restlessness from being mired in the high 20s in approval ratings, so he wants to explore the lower 20s.


The thing that depresses me most about Peggy, is the absence of sexy mouth foam…


The president has taken to suggesting that opponents of his immigration bill are unpatriotic–they “don’t want to do what’s right for America.�

Welcome to the last 6 years. Where has she been all this time?


MCH: I think that’s “every time you vote Republican God kills a kitten.”


I don’t know whether Peggy deserves a Nelsonian “HA HA” or the classic “waa waa waaaaa”…


our baseball caps will be replaced by giant sombreros.

Hey, I’d be down with that. I haven’t worn a baseball cap in years, but can I have a giant sombrero anyway?


Boston could use some good tacos.

…not to mention giant Red Sox sombreros! That does it, where do I sign? Er, or whatever it is that I can do as an individual to bring this glorious Reconquista about? Viva La Raza, or something like that.


Watching the republican death spiral is more fun than a clown on fire.


every time a conservative turns against bush, an angel gets its’ wings.


The creepiest fucking thing about that quote is…

That’s what we’ve been saying about these bigots since this whole argument started up. And now the Bush administration is saying the same thing.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I know this is merely parallel comments based on entirely different wants, it’d make me reconsider my position.

Mo's Bike Shop

It’s like that terrible moment when you realize that even though they encouraged you to dance around the school yard with your pants around your ankles, the cool kidz never liked or respected you



I agree with Brad Rocket. We should oppose Bush’s amnesty bill! Bushco evil halliburton rove-devil… I dunno what the hippies are complaining about, but I’m with you hippies! Tell your congressman to oppose this! It’s a bushitler spying on someone governmental twin towers crashing kind of thing!

I’ve no idea what I just said, but I bet you do! My crazy liberal friends. A vote for this bill is probably a vote for increased CO2!!! A vote for the amnesty bill is a vote for increased sea levels.

Call your congressman!


Hehe, silly hippies. Still, does anyone know Peggy Noonan’s #?


So, according th Bush, nearly EVERYONE in the USA is a traitor! If you oppose the war, you’re a traitro, oppose unregulated economy, Traitor! And now, opposing the screwy immigration bill, Traitor. What percentage of Americans are loyal?


28%, Fozzetti. 28%.

By the way, put me down for this whole Urban Sombrero thing. Vaya con Dios, muchachos!


Her best quote was:

“Why would they speak so insultingly, with such hostility, of opponents who are concerned citizens?”

Gee, that must suck.


It seems Broder’s Boy has bounced all the way to 30% (pdf alert!):

In addition, 72% of Americans say the U.S. is seriously off on the wrong track – the highest number ever recorded in the CBS News/New York Times Poll. President Bush’s job approval rating is now at 30%, while Congressional job approval is at 36%.


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Does Bush get any points for doing that stuff conservatives hate him for? (Government expansion, Medicare, etc…)


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