Zonder Dipshit Straat

Chuckles Johnson over at Killing an Arab has his bike shorts in a bunch. Why? Well, because that’s what he does. He sits around waiting for something, preferably involving a darkie, to cross his computer screen that he can be offended by.

The proximate cause of his recent valve-closing, however, was the reaction of local merchants in Belgium to an attention-whoring right-wing politician coming around to put up a street sign reading “NO JIHAD STREET”. (Apparently, they found it somewhat provocative and distasteful.) I can see what Chuckles is so mad about, though; you wouldn’t believe the hysterical reaction I got from the neighborhood association when I wanted to change the name of my street to “I’M AGAINST THIEVING, LAZY MEXICANS LANE”. What’s the big deal? I didn’t say I was against all Mexicans, just the thieving, lazy ones! Sheesh.

As is always the case with LGF, come for the racism and stay for the craziness: not a moment goes by that some commenter on their threads doesn’t say something nuts. Pick your favorite!

EDIT: I guess image-control-enthusiast Charles “Digg is Part of the IslamoNazi Conspiracy” Johnson has blocked the link, because the free exchange of ideas demands that no one make fun of him. Anyway, here it is, if you care:



Comments: 37


‘Pick your favorite!’



“Pick your favorite!”

How about if you go over, and bring back a few for us to look at?


Whoa. Filip Dewinter is a neo-fascist and Vlaams Belang is a far-right party that was originally started by Nazi sympathizers. LGF and Chuckles will support just about damn near anybody who opposes Zee Mooslums.


Firstly: Gross, I don’t appreciate you invoking an image of Chuckles the Barbarian in bicycle shorts – at all.

Secondly: My fave gem:

#31 Yank in the EU 5/30/2007 7:09:56 pm PDT

Hmmm, Dewinter is a strange case. On the one hand, he has associated with Holocaust deniers and true far-right Nazi sympathizers in Europe. On the other hand, he has been an incredibly outspoken supporter of the Jews and Israel.

Yet another issue I haven’t had enough time to look into completely to see what is true.


The winger’s dilema in action – He might be a far-right Nazi sympathizer, but he’s OUR far-right Nazi sympathizer. Joe Morgan would be very proud of that last bit too.


The proximate cause of his recent valve-closing,…

Yep, take Ignatius Reilly, remove any humanizing sense of pathos, substitute WordPress for Big Chief writing tablets and you pretty much have the right-wing wankoshpere in a nutshell.


Filip Dewinter is a neo-fascist and Vlaams Belang is a far-right party that was originally started by Nazi sympathizers.

But he’s against jihad! Isn’t that enough?

How about if you go over, and bring back a few for us to look at?

I have to do everything around here.

Well, the theme of the day is ‘It’s awesome when Muslims kill themselves’:

Muslims should have all the jihad they want. Just keep it internal and not external.

72 raisins are screaming right now as another Gitmo guy is gone…Gitmo detainee apparently kills self. One less jihadist in the world!

Because, why would you be sad if an Arab kills himself? It’s like being sad after swatting a fly.

This is the mindset of these people, if you can even consider them human…

They are evil.

But don’t call us racist!

Opposition to jihad is now officially considered a form of “racism”?

In fact, I bet that DeWinter guy isn’t REALLY racist at all!

Be careful there, Paul Belien and co. are often tarred by Euro-media as white supremacists, neo-nazis etc. because they stand for nationalism and against multi-culti EU technocracy, the same as Fjordman.

When you get right down to it, those wimpy Euro-pussies can be okay, as long as they hate the right people.

I’ll have to put some mayonnaise on my freedom fries now.

I was going to say that they do some silly shit over there, but on second thought, “Go Filip !”.

Hey, I bet this guy is a treat to live next to, huh?

I’ve worked on enough of my neighbors that such a sign could survive here. How great my address would be to read, “1162 East No Jihadi Street.”

Okay, that’s enough fun for today. Who wants to go beat up hippie traitors?

We may end up seeing a few bitchass “direct action” types admitted to the ER. “Found battered and broken in a ditch, no witnesses”. Deport ’em, or do something about ’em… The order of operations matters not to me, the result is the same. May the day come soon.


Geez, LGF has been blocked on my computer so I can’t see what has gotten Chucks tits in a twist.



Favorite game over here at Steynwatch towers is to pick a thread at LGF and bet on when the first ‘lets kill 1 million/10 million/ all the Muslims’ comment comes up. Smart money usually goes for the 35-45 spread.


A woman writes an editorial about how its wrong that women are being molested, assulated, and imprisoned for wearing hijabs in Tunisia. LGF Commentator “WeaselZipper” labels her a jihadist for daring to suggest her right not to be molested.

Her words:

“On an almost daily basis there are horrific stories pouring out of Tunisia about how the state police are ripping off the hijabs of women living there.

Some of these women, who are merely fulfilling their religious obligation to wear a hijab, have been assaulted, molested, and even locked up in prison by the authorities.”

He labels this a “rant in defense of Iran”. Wearing a hijab is puuuuuure eeeevil, but molesting innocent girls? hunky-dory in LGF-land.



My favourite:

Continental Europe seems to have some trouble generating conservatives of the Anglo-American type – classical liberalism + socially conservative values but without explicit appeals to ethnic soldiarity and Xenophobia.

Is there an irony award out there?


Oh, they’re thugs, alright. Good thing is they’re imaginary thugs. Writing about beating people and leaving them in ditches, and blowing up millions, and ripping the hijab off an innocent muslim woman, well, that’s in between the video games, the frantic, angry masturbation and the cold pizza. The scary ones will never play murderous thug on the internet. He’s quietly building his arsenal, assembling his propane bombs and seething with irrational anger. When, or even if, he actually blows up is impossible to say, but given that all the more verbal ones are pretending to be tough guys, there really is no hope of them getting organized enough to be a real threat.

This kind of encouragement to assault and murder cannot be a good thing, though…



Um… isn’t #31 Yank in the EU just a bit off in his assessment of how things work? I mean, he posits that he must “look into completely” to “see what is true”. My man! that is not how the world works. You must decide which contradictory statement supports your worldview and MAKE IT TRUE. Looking into things only opens you up to the possibility that you were wrong.


Pick your favorite

I have a history of blood pressure issues in my family, so I think I’ll pass…


the frantic, angry masturbation

You forgot ‘bitter’. The bitter masturbation.


As is always the case with LGF, come for the racism and stay for the craziness: not a moment goes by that some commenter on their threads doesn’t say something nuts. Pick your favorite!

I would, but it seems like your link above has been “thoughtfully redirected.” Note: crappy late-90s flashing graphics come complete with sound!

I get the feeling they don’t enjoy folks coming over to gawk at their homegrown comment atrocities, no matter how fascinatingly trainwreck-like they may be. Could it be there is yet a sense of shame lurking over there? A tiny, wrinkly nugget?


Continental Europe seems to have some trouble generating conservatives of the Anglo-American type – classical liberalism + socially conservative values but without explicit appeals to ethnic soldiarity and Xenophobia.

Key distinction there: explicit appeals. See, the problem with European conservatives is that they are explicit in their racism. If it were only implied (wink,wink), as it is here, they would get more traction. Oh, and the idea that “Anglo-American” conservatives adhere to “classical liberalism” is a hoot, too.

Ok, ok, sometimes implied:

Bill O’Reilly: But do you understand what the New York Times wants, and the far-left want? They want to break down the white, Christian, male power structure, which you’re a part, and so am I, and they want to bring in millions of foreign nationals to basically break down the structure that we have. In that regard, Pat Buchanan is right.

Shhhh, Bill, you’re sounding too European!


“I get the feeling they don’t enjoy folks coming over to gawk at their homegrown comment atrocities, no matter how fascinatingly trainwreck-like they may be. Could it be there is yet a sense of shame lurking over there? A tiny, wrinkly nugget?”

The only thing they fear more than creeping Shari’ia law (which will literally be implmented in the U.S. by the Islamonazis any day now) in LGFistan, is scrutiny of their deranged ravings. Fortunately most of them are too stupid to realize that the internets don’t provide the same privacy as the double-wide mobile homes, and auto parts salvage yards they are used to meeting in.


Whenever the subject of LGF comes up, I hear circus music.


“Pick your favorite!”

-Thats like taking a half-pike into a Honey Wagon to find a lost nickel.


I asked my Flemish girlfiend about this. The part that LGF left out (shocking, I know) is that DeWinter was replacing signs reading “Zonder Haat Straat” (Without Hate Street), that went up after some extreme right wing ass hole murdered a little girl and her foreign nanny and injured another foreign woman. Which is part of why it got such a strong reaction when DeWinter took it upon himself to change the sign.
Also, as a trivial side note, he isn’t a Belgian Nationalist, he’s a Flemish Nationalist, meaning he’s one of the yahoos who is pressing for the northern half of Belgium to secede.


redleg: yep. The reason Chuckles has such a soft spot for the Flemish fascists is that his bestest Belgian buddy Paul Belien, of Brussels Journal (non-)fame, is married to a Vlaams Blok MP.

Wat een klootzak.


Thanks for doing the heavy lifting, LP. That was fun.


This is timely (check out the least peaceful country at the bottom of the blockquote):

May 31, 2007
Canada ranked as world’s eighth most peaceful nation
Norway most peaceful, U.S. comes in at number 96
Deborah Charles, Reuters

WASHINGTON — The United States is among the least peaceful nations in the world, ranking 96th between Yemen and Iran, according to a new index released on Wednesday that evaluates 121 nations based on their peacefulness.

According to the Global Peace Index, created by The Economist Intelligence Unit, Norway is the most peaceful nation in the world and Iraq is the least, just after Russia, Israel and Sudan.

Canada was deemed the eighth most peaceful nation.

“The objective of the Global Peace Index was to go beyond a crude measure of wars by systemically exploring the texture of peace,” said Global Peace Index President Clyde McConaghy.

He said the inaugural effort proves “peace can and has and will continue to be measured.”

The index was compiled based on 24 indicators measuring peace inside and outside of a country. They included the number of wars a country was involved in the past five years, how many soldiers were killed overseas and how much money was made in arms sales. Domestic indicators included the level of violent crimes, relations with neighboring countries and level of distrust in other citizens. The results were then reviewed by a panel of international experts.

“We were trying to find out what positive qualities lead to peace,” said Leo Abruzzese, the North American editorial director of the intelligence unit that is part of The Economist Group that publishes the well known magazine.

He said they found in general the most peaceful countries were the smallest, the most politically stable and democratic.

“Democracy didn’t actually correlate with peace, but a well-functioning democracy did. Efficient, accountable government seems to be the leading determinant of peace. Beyond that, income helps.”

Fifteen of the 20 most peaceful nations are in Western Europe, and countries with higher income appeared to lead to higher levels of peace, he said.

The United States ranked 96th out of 121 nations, just worse than Yemen and just better than Iran, Honduras and South Africa.

Abruzzese said the United States’ score was pulled down by the number of wars it is involved in, large numbers of soldiers killed on the battlefield and high defence spending.

He said the fact the United States has the world’s largest prison population per share of overall population also pulled down the score.

“It also has relatively high levels of violent crime,” he added.

McConaghy said the index would be revised each year and increase the number of countries included. Some countries like Afghanistan and North Korea were not included in the first index because reliable data for all 24 indicators was not available.

– – –


The 10 most peaceful and 10 least peaceful countries in the world, published as the Global Peace Index in London Wednesday.

Top 10

1. Norway

2. New Zealand

3. Denmark

4. Ireland

5. Japan

6. Finland

7. Sweden

8. Canada

9. Portugal

10. Austria

Bottom Ten

1. Angola

2. Ivory Coast

3. Lebanon

4. Pakistan

5. Columbia

6. Nigeria

7. Russia

8. Israel

9. Sudan

10. Iraq


redleg: yep. The reason Chuckles has such a soft spot for the Flemish fascists is that his bestest Belgian buddy Paul Belien, of Brussels Journal (non-)fame, is married to a Vlaams Blok MP.

You have to be shitting me. Charles Johnson hangs out with someone and his Nazi (and that’s what the Vlaams are, they wouldn’t even argue with this, they are proud of their heritage) wife and blogs compulsively about his perceptions of others being anti-semitic?

Northern Observer

Vlams Block killed some Walloon police officers in the 70s. They are as cracked as the IRA were or ETA is. The have a drinking song about purifying Brussels of its frenchness and returning it to the Flemish Family. Ahhhh. No one does fanatical nationalist bile like a European.


Here’s a fresh, steaming sample of Belien’s Kulturkampf rhetoric:


Yet his ideological confrères in Pajamastan are notably reluctant to trumpet their own commitment to the Christian jihad. Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?


the same as Fjordman.

Dude, I loved that guy when I was a kid! Able to cross small inlets in a single bound!


I don’t know why y’all are making fun of Paul Belien.

His bold facial hair and short-sleeved dress shirts clearly mark him as a seriously thinker.

a different brad

God I love when wingnuts do link redirects. What is it they think they accomplish with it?
Telling me I’m an idiot for thinking of clicking on an LGF link isn’t even something I particularly disagree with.

Bimler's Back-up Brain operating a Roomba

“Continental Europe seems to have some trouble generating conservatives of the Anglo-American type – classical liberalism + socially conservative values but without explicit appeals to ethnic soldiarity and Xenophobia.”
Is there an irony award out there?

Classical liberalism? Socially conservative? No explicit appeals etc. etc.? That seems to describe the Continental European mainstream.

As for the implication that Anglo-American conservatives lack overt xenophobia etc…

A fatal exception 0E has occurred at 0137:BFFA21C9. The current application will be terminated.


Speaking of Dipshits. Check out Bill-O going further off the rails, and John McCain go along with it: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/05/31/bill-oreilly-the-white-christian-male-power-structure-is-in-jeopardy/


His bold facial hair and short-sleeved dress shirts clearly mark him as a seriously thinker.

Good Christ! He’s the love child of Andy Sipowicz and Ambrose Burnside!


A fatal exception 0E has occurred at 0137:BFFA21C9. The current application will be terminated.

Goddammit. I’d reboot but I’ve kicked the thing about a billion times already. On the other hand, I’ve got this old kicking machine that needs a brain…


and his Nazi (and that’s what the Vlaams are, they wouldn’t even argue with this, they are proud of their heritage)

To be clear, it’s the Vlaams Belang (formerly Vlaams Blok, before that party got banned for being racist ass holes) who are the Nazi assholes. The Vlaams are just normal Flemish people, most of whom think Filip DeWinter is a huge tool and would prefer he stop embarrassing their nationality.


Hmmm, Dewinter is a strange case. On the one hand, he has associated with Holocaust deniers and true far-right Nazi sympathizers in Europe. On the other hand, he has been an incredibly outspoken supporter of the Jews and Israel.

If you’re a volkisch-nationalist, it makes sense to oppose diaspora Jews (an impurity in the European body politic) while supporting Israelis (after all, Zionism is just the Jewish variant of volkisch-nationalism).


The only thing they fear more than creeping Shari’ia law (which will literally be implmented in the U.S. by the Islamonazis any day now) in LGFistan, is scrutiny of their deranged ravings.

My gut reaction to reading sites like LGF is “So what if that’s true? Better dhimmi than genocidist.”


“Whenever the subject of LGF comes up, I hear circus music.”

Thank you for making my day.


(comments are closed)