Brother, Might You Spare $16,667?
Neocons’ rejection of the rule of law extends to the personal level
Like Wolfowitz and Libby, poor Conrad Black is also a completely innocent victim of corrupt and hateful accusers. That’s why Jonah Goldberg said: “I am all in favor of defending Conrad Black.” David Frum has told us that Black is “brilliant and brave, generous and learned,” and regularly posts links to articles attacking his prosecutors. He recently promoted a lengthy defense of Black movingly entitled “The Tragedy of Conrad Black.”
Frum’s father-in-law, Peter Worthington (step-father of Frum’s wife, Danielle Crittenden) is so obsessed with the Black trial that he writes daily dispatches defending Black and attacking the prosecutors. He tells us that everything was just fine until overzealous prosecutors went after the innocent Black: “”the reality in the Hollinger case is that it was a thriving, viable company until the prosecutors took aim on Conrad Black.” Identically, Mark Steyn is live-blogging Black’s trial, mocking the prosecutors and its witnesses and vigorously arguing for Black’s innocence.
Now for the punchline:
Black Helped Frum Stay in the Black
I recently obtained financial records that showed that in late 2000 David Frum, the former speechwriter for President Bush, received monthly payments of $16,667 from Conrad Black’s Hollinger International. Black, the media magnate, is currently on trial for fraud and racketeering in Chicago. Prosecutors allege he used Hollinger as his personal “piggy bankâ€?[…]
$16,667 a month for ‘consulting fees’ — not a bad gig if you can get it, especially since there’s no evidence that the Hollinger ‘internet publication’ project that Frum supposedly worked on was ever for real:
The payments are also noteworthy because they are typical of the way that Black spent shareholder money on whatever suited his fancy. I asked a former Hollinger employee about Frum’s explanation of the payments. “If there was a good idea for an Internet publication that would make money, there’s no issue,� she replied. “The trouble for all of us was there were no business plans for any of these ‘internet investments.’
It’s not that Frum wouldn’t brown-nose Lord Black’s crack for free. He certainly would. They’re the chummiest of chums. It’s just that this is how wingnut welfare works. Black, the neocon, bought newspapers for other reasons than his looting them for personal financial gain; one of those other reasons was that, as a True Believer, he felt obligated to advance the neoconservative point of view. Even if Frum hasn’t always worked for Black, he has always advanced their common point of view. Well, advance the cause and reap the reward. It was simply Black’s turn to pick up Frum’s tab. Before then it was the Wall Street Journal; since then it’s been the White House and William F. Buckley. And of course the fallback is always a finktank position — Frum’s at AEI.
Canadians know Conrad Black as ‘Tubby’ Black as the late lamented Frank magazine always attached that sobriquet. Please, for me, for Frank, always call him Tubby Black!
Frank was awesome, its level of snark was truly over nine thousand.
Sorry, working under the effects of new meds, but sweet mother of Jeebus! For $200k a year, I’d happily crank out nonsensical jibberish on a blog defending a corrupt CEO.
Anyone know where a guy can go to really sell out? Do they have a website for this stuff? Is there a trial period where I must spout propoganda for a while before I move up to “The Show”? Or is it more of a Craigslist-type arrangement: “crooked businessman seeks enthusiastic mouthpiece for web-presence and PR aid in anticiaption of massive litigation. Working from home, OK.”
i have a bunch of very uptight wealthy relatives in toronto, and when last up there i went on an extended bloggian riff about the black-ness and his attendant microbial verminosity. as it were. i was left with a lot of blank looks. later several people at the dinner wanted to know why anyone would care either way about Black–it just didn’t occur to them (and they knew him personally, or had hung out with him and his wife who is also toronto royalty, some kind of terrible right wing writer as well) that he had influence beyond their little world.
it was really strange. i ended up having to explain that their boy (this was right after the indictment) was an international menace, rather than just a weirdo. by canadian standards, i think most of them thought of him as a guy who really really wanted to be a royal and that was it.
as opposed to what he was–evil, evil like in the toaster at the end of Time Bandits.
Black is a standing joke in Canada. Before he got into trouble with the law he gave up his Canadian citizenship (in a fit of rage at then Prime Minister Chretien who wouldn’t allow him to have his cake – be a citizen – and eat it too – be an English Lord at the same time. Chretien had the option to allow Black to retain his citizenship but decided not to after Black called his status as a Canadian “an impediment to his progress in another more amenable jurisdiction.” (CBC) CBC has a pretty detailed backgrounder on Black.
As a great American once said, “Tell me where a man gets his cornpone, and I’ll tell you what his opinions are.”
When I get to rule the world, Frum and his fellow “opinion makers” will be required to have the logo of each new Wingnut Wurlitzer Welfare source tattooed on his hide. Like a NASCAR advertisement, only more permanent. If Chris Matthews, Rahm Emmanuel, Dick Morris, Bob Woodward*, and their ilk are going to pollute the public arena for money, I want the right to demand they strip down and show us who’s bought their votes, now & in the past. Sure, some people will say that they don’t want to see a bunch of frogbelly-white opinion trolls flaunting their saggy teats on a lovely Sunday morning, but that’s the burden of the Truth in Advertising code…
*Bob’s first tattoo would be his old CIA badge, which he probably already has, although possibly not on a body part he can flash on tv.
That’s four month’s take-home for me, and I’ve been teaching for seventeen years. Geez, I’ve wasted my life.
The Thin Black Line
By D. Aristophanes (BoA chk acct: 567-1234-555; routing: 555-5678-666)
The bravest American patriot is a Canadian.
Lord Conrad Black has risked more for the security of the United States, put more of his soul on the line for her God-fearing people, indeed, sacrificed more of his lifeblood and treasure for the peerless idea that America is the greatest, all-encompassing totality of everything good in the history of timeless eternity, than any of the so-called freedom lovers in the 50 states, especially self-hating dhimmis like you and you and your gaywad uncle, you fucking traitor.
How is it then, that this Knight Templar of Liberty, this Hector of the Hostile Takeover, this Torquemada of the Broadsheet … how is it that Lord Black finds himself in the docket, like a common criminal, set upon by the ravenous and tiny-minded proles who, to our Nation’s shame, are the legal arbiters in the district or court or magistrate-thingy or whatever it is Canadians have, which escapes my mind because, really, who gives a flying fuck how those socialized abortionist beatnik-lovers run their jackass country?
For shame, Madam Speaker! For shame, Messrs. Clinton and Gore! For shame, Bob and Doug McKenzie! For shame, Michael Moore and assorted cut-and-runners and doubters of victory in Iraq who are killing our troops with their doubts just as assuredly as if they had planted roadside IEDs in Ramadi!
A solution, the only sane one:
1. Set Lord Black free immediately.
2. Proclaim him King of the Middle East and China.
3. Nuke the UN.
4. Abolish PBS.
3b. Waterboard Bill Moyers until he spills his guts on why he hates freedom.
5. Enslave all Muslims and debtors who are less than $1 million in the red until they learn to shut up and kow-tow to their betters.
6. Declare a new holiday in honor of Lord Black called ‘Canada Day’ that will replace Martin Luther King Day and be celebrated on July 4 and be called ‘The Fourth of July’ or ‘Independence Day’ in celebration of when Americans beat the aliens and saved the world and Lord Black selflessly sacrificed himself on a crucifix to destroy the mothership. Also, rap is illegal now.
Accomplish these 12 goals and the world will indeed be a better, safer, freer place … thanks to Lord Conrad Black.
D. Aristophanes also has a Swiss bank account, the number of which may be learned by notable conservative paymasters via discreet inquiry.
Further to the citizenship issue. Lord Black is trying to get his Canadian citizenship back. He found out that if convicted in America, he has to serve time in America. If he is a Canadian citizen, he has the option of serving in the Great White North. Please, please I now want to be Canadian……..wahhhhhhh.
This should in no way cause harm to Frum’s esteemed reputation among calm, moderate, centrist commentators who turn to him for insights on why Democrats are crazy foolish people who hate their country but love to lose elections.
No Comment is a great blog…thanks for directing folks to it, HTML.
It would be nice if the AEI, Hudson Institute, Heritage Foundation, on and on were identified for what they actually are, when their spokeslizards pontificate on the MSM.
David doesn’t need the money. His father was Murray Frum, who founded the Shopper’s Drug Mart chain, and established an immense family fortune. He probably has more money than Conrad Black.
You’re saying that David Frum is a money-grubbing whore?
Well. I am shocked, shocked.
Perhaps it’s about time for S,N to do a complete David Frum retrospective— isn’t he the guy who compared Shrub’s speaking style to Churchill’s?
And how about that wife of his, Danielle, oh, what’s her last name? Oh, yeah: Crittenden… Remember her newspaper op-ed criticizing married women who fail to use their husband’s last name?
The Frums may not be playing at a Kaganistic level yet, but they are certainly promising for minor-leaguers.
“$16,667 a month for ‘consulting fees’”
Am I the only one who immediately thought “Tony Soprano”?
[…] Jesus Christ. […]
“He vas my BOYFRIEND!”
–Frau Frum
Reagan’s welfare queens driving to cadillacs were a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Geddy, Alex and I are Canadian and we believe that Black is a fool.
Shrieiking harpy says: “The enemy within. It’s here folks depsite Peloshia and Reid. They’ll hand your your heads and then invariably their won :)”
All your base are belong to us. Maybe she needs to hire a citizen-copy editor.
as should I too! but at least mines is coherent!
A shrieking harpy update: all the top hits on Google for “shrieking harpy” at least mention our favorite shrieking harpy, but her actual site is still only the fifth hit.
You gotta want it, people. Let’s make this thing happen. Do it for the children.
“The enemy within. It’s here folks depsite Peloshia and Reid. They’ll hand your your heads and then invariably their won :)”
It reads like one of those “Don’t Drink and Drive” scare posters. You know, the ones with the picture of the mangled wreck.
I know she’s plastered when she posts these, but I honestly can’t tell if “Peloshia” is a typo, or some name that Pam thinks is EVER so witty.
Though we could start calling them Bushia and VP Sunny. The last one is a little ambiguous, though, mixing “Cheny” with “Sunni”. Naw, it doesn’t really work, I guess…
Perhaps it’s about time for S,N to do a complete David Frum retrospective— isn’t he the guy who compared Shrub’s speaking style to Churchill’s?
Expand it to Steyn and make it ‘Canadian bullshit artist protégés of Conrad Black’. I’d like to know if the unthinking goat’s Paul Rudd was on a Hollinger sinecure, too.
The enemy within. It’s here folks depsite Peloshia and Reid. They’ll hand your your heads and then invariably their won
Clearly she thinks Pelosi and Reid are Koreans. Very generous Koreans.
“If there was a good idea for an Internet publication that would make money, there’s no issue,â€? she replied. “The trouble for all of us was there were no business plans for any of these ‘internet investments.”
It’s not proof or anything, but I think it’s rather telling that the Hollinger papers I’m familiar with all had shitty websites under Black. Since he sold the Daily Telegraph they’ve spent £80m on a “digital newsroom” and a massive revamp of the online presence.
The Ancient Greeks and Romans did not have rule of law as we know it today – they viewed law simply as a set of rules imposed by the rulers upon their subjects.
Our current concept of rule of law is actually of Islamic origin. In a society where the law is believed to come from God (eg Islamic Shari’ah law), it’s kinda obvious that the law binds rulers and ruled alike — the West’s innovation was to apply the same concept to its own man-made laws.
Maybe the neocons thought that if they were going to reject anything Muslim, they’d have to reject rule of law too…
Certainly explains why they keep getting caught with their pants down when it comes to math.
“Maybe the neocons thought that if they were going to reject anything Muslim, they’d have to reject rule of law too…”
So long base ten counting system, and the concept of zero.
Well, Whore Frum’s fee’s would look better to the masses if converted to hexadecimal anyway.
“Only $411B a month! I’m a bargain!”
And without a concept of “nothing,” all wingnut columns and schemes must, therefore, intuitively amount to something.
So long base ten counting system, and the concept of zero.
Actually those were of Hindu origin (although the actual forms of the numerals used in the West originated in al-Andalus).
Conrad Black is a sort of libertarian aristocrat–he personifies the worst of both worlds. And, if you can believe it, his wife is even more vile. Check out the links:
These are truly evil, disgusting people.
Don’t you think you’re being a bit harsh on Frum? He is staying true to his principles, after all!
Frum Frum Frum. A man of pure unadulterated bullshit. A spewer of convenient ‘truths’ for his conservative masters. He is a human stain.
Peter Worthington is a crazy crazy old man. The guy who brought crazy American Conservative ideas into Canadian political speech. He should be tried, found guilty, and executed Chinese Style at Toronto’s SkyDome by firing squad and bayonet charge while the capacity filled crowd roars with approval.
Barbara Amiel should be sentenced to the rest of her natural life as the wife of the poorest man in Canada, probably somewhere on an indian reserve in Northern Manitoba.
As for Conrad, his failure is its own punishment and he writes a pretty good history book – see Roosevelt and Nixon tomes. Pardon him and let him go on. He was naive to think he could pesonally bankroll a Canadian Wingnuttia via the National Post. I suppose if he had succeeded I would want him to join Worthington in the stadium, but losers can be lovable, so I can be mercyful. He is absolutely a thief however and can not complain about being called one.
(although the actual forms of the numerals used in the West originated in al-Andalus).
Don’t forget those other evil inventions of the Islamathematic conspiracy… Algebra. Algorithms. Algore.
“Or is it more of a Craigslist-type arrangement: “crooked businessman seeks enthusiastic mouthpiece for web-presence and PR aid in anticiaption of massive litigation. Working from home, OK.â€?”
I think it’s those ads I used to see in the Chicago Reader and elsewhere: “Safe Sex! Get Paid!”
I always thought it was for a sperm bank. Live and learn.
She should have used the “₩” sign to avoid confusion.
You’re thinking of Murray Koffler, not Murray Frum. David’s father was a real estate developer, not the founder of Shoppers Drug Mart. The Frums were well-to-do but not Koffler or Black wealthy.
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My close brother-in-Christ, Lord Conrad Black, whom I have spiritually bonded with since last Spring, has declared that I have come to be his closest (spiritual) confidant in Chicago. This compliment comes well after the dinner Conrad and I had with Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George, wherefore I am especially grateful and much honored to be able to share such a magnificent compliment.
Forgive me if my “posted comments” do not exactly fit so appropriately next to the others “posted comments” on this site. My intentions are to share a special side of Conrad that most of the world has no idea exists. Aside from Conrad’s serious business maneuvering, Conrad is really a very compassionate, emotionally generous and spiritually connected person. Conrad never intended to cause harm to anyone. Conrad never intended to violate laws. The jury in Chicago (my neighbors) had decided that a majority of the criminal violations lodged against Conrad are unsubstantiated (petty). I pray that God forgives the jurors for making a big mistake by mistakenly finding that he supposedly committed a few of the violations. What can I say; they are not perfect. It is unfortunate that business leaders who become rich and along the way, cut costs in order to be effective in their pursuit of success, are often attacked by the ones (like the jurors) who are not perfect nor capable of understanding the numerous complex facets of successfully managing an enormous corporation (in Conrad’s case several corporations).
Christ is protecting Conrad and the Holy Spirits blessings will forever remain with Conrad and all of his loved ones. I ask of the Holy Spirit, Christ, the heavens above, please bless the United States Appeals System so my brother-in-Christ ultimately receives the (long overdue) just verdict that he most definitely deserves.
Thank you,
Joseph Fosco, Holy Name Cathedral Stewardship Committeeman
I have made a list of offenders from the Chicago-land area (same area, in which Conrad Black was indicted and convicted). These offenders are guilty of felonies. All have served their time and are now home. Be advised, most of the offenders have served less than half of the time that “arrogant” Conrad Black is facing.
As follows:
1) Ceaser Brock, attempted murder of a child (served 9-years).
2) Terrence Campbell, attempted murder of a child (served 8-years).
3) John Coleman, attempted murder of a child (served 9-years).
4) Santiago Collins, attempted murder of a child (served 9-years).
5) John Compean, MURDER of a child (served 14-years).
6) Erwin Feyrer, MURDER of a child (served 16-years).
7) Neftalih Garcia, attempted murder of a child (served 6-years).
8) Maurice Graham, MURDER of a child (served 15-years).
9) Willie Hallom, MURDER of a child (served 16-years).
10) Charles Jackson, MURDER of a child (served 8-years).
11) Marc Johnson, MURDER of a child (served 17-years).
12) Thomas Latham, MURDER of a child (served 12-years).
13) Fredrick Luckett, MURDER of a child (served 8-years).
14) Daniel Manzo, MURDER of a child (served 10-years).
15) Jorge Matos, attempted murder of a child (served 6-years).
16) William McClinton, MURDER of a child (served 13-years).
17) Cary Mixon, MURDER of a child (served 8-years).
18) James Craig Moore, MURDER of a child (served 14-years).
19) Eric Patterson, MURDER of a child (served 8-years).
20) Sherod Phillips, MURDER of a child (served 14-years).
21) Matthew Przybylowski, MURDER of a child (served 13-years).
22) Donte Quinn, attempted murder of a child (served 14-years).
23) Michael Quinn, attempted murder of a child (served 8-years).
24) Adrian Renteria, MURDER of a child (served 8-years).
25) Lisa Richmond, attempted murder of a child (served 5-years).
26) Deshawn Robertson, attempted murder of a child (served 7-years).
27) Quantis Robinson, MURDER of a child (served 14-years).
28) Ismail Rodriguez, attempted murder of a child (served 10-years).
29) Oscar Rosales, attempted murder of a child (served 7-years).
30) Raphael Smith, MURDER of a child (served 13-years).
31) Elvis Stevens, attempted murder of a child (served 14-years).
32) James Taylor, MURDER of a child (served 15-years).
33) Enriquez Valdez, MURDER of a child (served 14-years).
34) Ronald Ware, MURDER of a child (served 12-years).
35) McNeal Watts, MURDER of a child (served 16-years).
36) Dariell Wells, MURDER of a child (served 7-years).
37) Mark Wertschnig, MURDER of a child (served 13-years).
38) Leshorn Williams, MURDER of a child (served 15-years).
Sadly, all of the offenders I have listed here, who are all now home, are convicted of additional crimes (sex-crimes); therefore, all are registered on the Illinois Sexual Predators Web Site. Please note; their sex-crimes are against children. The Illinois Sexual Predators and the Illinois Department of Corrections Web Sites are my sources for the purposes of making my list.
It is an outrage that white-collar defendants face equivalent (or longer) prison terms than child-killers (not to mention, white-collar cases, in large, are a wealth-redistribution mechanism; see Conrad Black’s recent comments in Men’s Vogue Magazine).
The offenders listed, like Conrad Black, are considered felons, the 38 offenders are widely thought of as “child killers,” and Conrad Black on the other hand, is widely thought of as “arrogant;” the one word that is most often used to describe Conrad Black. I suppose people are saying about Conrad Black,“such an arrogant person deserves more prison time than any of these 38 child-killers.” Wherefore, I have never been more conscience-stricken about being American than I am right now. Thankfully, Conrad Black and I have a religious bond.
Conrad Black’s brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco
[…] the flood of populism that threatens to drown not only the Wealthy Criminal Class he worships (and who cuts his check), but the Depraved Chattering Class of which he is no small […]
[…] of the House of Lords, and he gave up his Canadian citizenship to join that club. He’s also a Grade A wingnut, and he’s married to another conservative nutjob – Barbara Amiel Black. He’s an […]
[…] just for the money (though that has to be part of it, since I doubt Conrad Black can afford to keep paying you thousands in “consulting fees”). Rather, I think you are doing it for ego and for position within your party. Certainly […]
[…] just for the money (though that has to be part of it, since I doubt Conrad Black can afford to keep paying you thousands in “consulting fees”). Rather, I think you are doing it for ego and for position within your party. Certainly […]
Respected sir,
Greetings in the name of Jesus,
I am Imran ghouri from Pakistani Christian I am a school teacher I working to disabled people special people so I want make Sunday school for poorest Christian children’s. My students play the program in the others Christian schools.
In every concern of Pakistan poor and needy children in education 90% Christian children’s In Pakistan don’t go to school
.You will know how this work needs to be done in Pakistan.
My vision about my Mother because of poverty are not able to give right and
Proper of our mother how much others, die with out treat.
We shared love and help the people which Jesus shared through out his earthly life with needy poor and homeless people.
God bless you & save you any time.
You’re Brother in Christ.
.Imran ghouri
the very useful information, thank you