Thanks, Richard
Posted on May 29th, 2007 by Brad
Dear Richard Cohen,
How stupid was your latest column? So stupid that none other than DoughBob LoadPants thinks you’re onto something:
Bush, The Liberal [Jonah Goldberg]
Richard Cohen discovers something some of us on the right have been saying for a while: if you hold your head just so and look at Bush from the right angle, he looks an awful lot like a liberal.
Thanks, Richard. You’ve just provided “respectable” intellectual cover for one of the stupidest people in the entire world. I hope you’re proud.
I wonder how this will tie in with Jonah’s sure-to-come-out-any-minute-now book on how the folks at segregationist rag The National Review are really the political descendants of the Weimar Republic, and not the German American Bund.
if you hold your head just so and look at Bush from the right angle, he looks an awful lot like a liberal.
Yup, indeedy. Also, if you gouge your eyes out with a pencil, Jonah totally looks like Jonathan Rhys Meyers instead of a manatee in a fright wig.
Reality, Irony and I have all signed a suicide pact. Anyone here want to join?
Cohen was trying to be funny.
Joo know, just like Doughberg was trying to be clever.
I can’t wait for Cohen’s next piece:
“Neoconservativism = Communism!”
There’s plenty of evidence that they’re mostly longing for the days of the Stalinists, and best of all, I’d have to get all aggravated and indignant at being compared to those knobs.
I remember the term neoliberal. It came from the use of the word “neocon” as an insult by lefties. Example:
Righty: Invade Iraq!
Lefty: LOL u neocon.
Righty: Well, u neoliberal roflmao!~
Sure, the word “neocon” was misused, but at least it had more basis in reality than the word “neoliberal”. Neoliberal is just liberal with a fancy prefix.
This saddens me. I get “This site is no longer available” when I click on your link to Marie (badass) Jon’
If you are deluded by paranoid conspiracy theories and the absolute inability / unwillingness to aknowledge plain and verifiable reality, and if you reside in a self-serving echo chamber that exists only to perpetuate every idiotic partisan meme issued by a cabal of warmongering, incompetent, elitist chickenhawks, Bush looks an awful lot like a liberal.
So, with only a year and a half remaining in his tenure, this is when conservatives start admitting, “Well, I really didn’t like Bush that much anyway.”
CYA, I guess.
PS – Someone is getting really pissy with Greewald, and he’s trying to use big boy words again.
No surprise here. The Doughbobium molecules in that essay would be irresistible to him.
That’s Where I Saw the Leprechaun {JONAH GOLDBERG}:
He tells me to burn things!
Makes perfect sense.
Step 1. Liberals = incompetent & corrupt…
Step 2. Bush = incompetent & corrupt…
Step 3. Profit!
Bonus points for conflating economic neo-liberalism with political scare-word Liberalism.
In my mind I’d always assigned the term ‘neoliberal’ to the triangulating, corporatist, DLC hacks like sHillary, Obama, and former presidential candidate Aflack.
But what do I know.
Someone is getting really pissy with Greewald, and he’s trying to use big boy words again.
Well this certain someone’s latest post seems to be extolling the virtues of semen.
Heh. “Space of AIDS.”
And he wonders why he can’t get a date.
apropos of nothing on topic at hand…
Vincent Bugliosi was on Tweety this afternoon talking about JFK and Oswald.
Bugliosi said that if there had been a conspiracy, Oswald would never have been allowed to live. He would have been rubbed out by the conspirators.
Vince, I got some not so breaking news for ya…
Richard Cohen discovers something some of us on the right have been saying for a while: if you hold your head just so and look at Bush from the right angle, he looks an awful lot like a liberal.
Too many words.
Damn. It’s true. The fancy new autopreview eats strikethroughs. I blame neoliberalism.
You know what? Fuck this. If they’re gonna give up on reality as an arbiter of claims, then we get to fuck with them back.
Jonah Goldberg is pro-rape. He kidnaps newborn infants to fuck them in the soft spot till it splits, also. (Dunno if that technically qualifies as rape.)
It’s a fucking fact, and the liberal media won’t say or do a thing about it because they’re scared after seeing Jonah’s mom bite off Ted Turner’s testicles at a recent dinner party.
“Sure, Bush was one’a those librulz, and he lost Iraq, which was goin’ great under that real conservative, Saddam Hussein. So th’ librulz lost Iraq.”
Got it? Get used to it, we’ll probably be hearing it a lot from now on.
You still have time to sign up for the alaska cruise with…
John Bolton
Dick Morris
Robert Bork
Jonah Goldberg.
I’d imagine you’d have to get in line to punch them in the cock.
All together now: “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve read since the last thing I read by Jonah Goldberg.” The amazing thing is that this statement is always true.
If Bushie IS all liberal, that actually makes the conservative movement even more inept for electing him twice.
if you hold your head just so and look at Bush from the right angle, he looks an awful lot like a liberal.
If you look at Bush just normally and go with the first impression you get, he looks an awful lot like an incompetent, unethical loser.
Aw, cut Richard “My Mom Says I’m Funny” Cohen some slack. He just got a voicemail from his mom, and not only is she rescinding his nickname, she says she never really laughed at his knock-knock jokes, either.
I think we may be missing the point here. If we can convince the 28%’ers that Bush is really a liberal, he could get down into the single digits. How can that be a bad thing?
If you hold your breath long enough, Cheney looks sane.