Coulter Frees The Slaves
Think for a moment, if you will, of the freeing of the slaves, of the great and costly liberation of millions of savagely oppressed people from cruel bondage. Whose face leaps to mind when you think of this noble deed? Is it the graceful brow of Abraham Lincoln, weighed down with the terrible knowledge of what he had to do to keep the Union alive? Is it the stern, hard-set glare of John Brown, who thought the freedom of all men important enough to kill for — or to die for? Of course not! It is the not in any way equine visage of America’s greatest abolitionist, Ann Coulter!
Above: Due to an internal server error, this is a picture of Eternian
strongman Skeletor and not Ann Coulter. No confusion between
the two or comparison of one to the other is implied or should be
There is no end to Ann’s good deeds, it seems, as she writes an exciting new think-piece about how she intends to help save the Mexicans from heinous exploitation at the hands of a sneering Simon Legree class of exploitaitive liberal masters, the same way she saved the coloreds lo! those many years ago.
But before she liberates them from the cruel tyranny of getting to live in America, she has a few questions that need clearing up.
If it’s “impossible” to deport illegal aliens, how did we come to have so much specific information about them? I keep hearing they are Catholic, pro-life, hardworking, just dying to become American citizens, and will take jobs other Americans won’t. Someone must have talked to them to gather all this information.
By cracky, she’s right! And what’s all this nonsense I hear about it being “impossible” to live underwater? If it was “impossible,” how come we know so much about fish? Answer that, Mr. Liberal!
America takes in roughly 1 million legal immigrants each year. Only about 30,000 of them have Ph.D.s. Why on earth would any rational immigration policy discriminate against immigrants with Ph.D.s in favor of unskilled, non-English-speaking immigrants?
Oddly enough, only 8.9% of Americans students recieve graduate degrees, which means that the ratio of doctorate-holding immigrants is actually quite high considering their countries of origin, and that makes the whole rest of Ann’s argument pretty much total bullshit. But she goes on ahead and makes it anyway.
Noticeably, the biggest proponents of the government’s policy of importing a huge underclass of unskilled workers are not themselves unskilled workers.
Noticeably, the biggest proponents of all government policies ever are not themselves unskilled workers, who traditionally are a tad underrepresented in politics.
The only beneficiaries of these famed hardworking immigrants — unlike you lazy Americans — are the wealthy, who want the cheap labor while making the rest of us chip in for the immigrants’ schooling, food and health care.
In Ann’s cosmology, only the wealthy use the services of illegal labor, when in fact, the largest single employers of illegal immigrants are middle-class homeowners who utilize them for day labor. Another big employer of illegal labor is Wal-Mart, not a company known for its patronization by millionaire liberal elitists. But what’s a little more cognitive dissonance from Ann Coulter, who has suddenly become so concerned with labor rights after a lifetime of virulent anti-unionism?
We fought a civil war to force Democrats to give up on slavery 150 years ago.
As a great man once said, what you mean we, paleface?
That sound you hear?
It’s my brain exploding.
The only beneficiaries of these famed hardworking immigrants — unlike you lazy Americans — are the wealthy
Oh yeah, I forgot, the liberals are the ones who oppress people in service of the wealthy. And it’s those nice, down-to-earth, Andover-educated Ivy-league Republicans who oppose them in the name of middle America.
I heard that Skeletor voted at Castle Greyskull when he really lives at Snake Mountain, the nitwit.
My fave in the Wikipedia Skeletor entry.
The only beneficiaries of these famed hardworking immigrants — unlike you lazy Americans — are the wealthy
Yeah, only the wealthy eat fruits and vegetables in Ann’s Amurka.
The only beneficiaries of these famed hardworking immigrants — unlike you lazy Americans — are the wealthy,
So, Ann’s not wealthy? CW has it that she rakes in $25-35k per speech, plus ‘expenses’. She must be paid at least minimum wage for her work as a Constitutional Law consultant at Human Events Online. She probably makes a cool biscuit or two from the discerning sponsors on her website. And those FOX gigs – Sacagawea coins from Heaven, baby!
I think Ann’s jealous of the ‘We have brown people working for us’ swells who are always showing off their trophy immigrants and laughing at the poor folks like Ann and me. Wait.. what?
Man, RighteousBubba, I LOVE that Skeletor entry at Wikipedia. It’s just so…serious! The “question” of Skeletor’s head, the lengthy quote from the movie, “The Scare Glow Controversy”…
If you like the Skeletor entry, check out the one about Xenu. It’s my favorite wikipedia entry of all time.
I LOVE that Skeletor entry at Wikipedia.
It is so completely crazy that they have posses hunting out non-notable articles to delete and yet have that much material on Skeletor.
“The only beneficiaries of these famed hardworking immigrants — unlike you lazy Americans — are the wealthy, who want the cheap labor while making the rest of us chip in for the immigrants’ schooling, food and health care.”
Which is why I’m ( And I would imagine most progressives) in favor or harder and more encompassing payroll regulations that would make it mandatory for companies to pay illegals the same wage as citizens. Everyone wins.
“We fought a civil war to force Democrats to give up on slavery 150 years ago.”
*sigh* “And then liked what we did with the place so much, that we all moved South, and tried to re-instate it!”
If you like the Skeletor entry, check out the one about Xenu. It’s my favorite wikipedia entry of all time.
It’s pretty cool that the talk page has a long “Is this a joke?” section, but in contrast to the Skeletor article it’s ridiculous bullshit that people should know about.
Is Ann Coulter really suggesting that immigrants who intentionally migrated to the United States to work — at great personal risk — are being enslaved? Is she aware that wage slavery is a core intellectual concept and rhetorical device of the left?
And I’m not talking liberals, although Coulter and her ilk don’t distinguish between Kennedy and Lenin to any significant degree. I’m talking the left. The people that her hero Joe McCarthy devoted his late career to routing out and blacklisting.
Oh, shut the fuck up, Ann. I’m a freaking disabled motel maid. I only speak the one language, and for some reason it has never bothered me that my co-workers in unskilled labor were largely immigrant–except that it meant the abusive pricks who almost universally made up our managers could threaten the poor bastards with deportation for, say, reporting on the job injuries caused by poor safety procedures, regardless of whether the employees were legal workers. You haven’t fucking *lived* till you’ve seen a middle aged white man who owns three hotels force two green card maids to wash his goddamned Beemer by threatening to call INS on them. You haven’t lived till you’ve found someone to translate a discussion of unionization to a room full of women working two and three jobs and sending money home to their families, only to see them all freak out because they can’t lose their jobs. It’s not that they couldn’t find another shitty job, but they can’t afford to lose even a day’s wages to the jobhunt. The moment when they go from hope of higher pay to the realization that they could be fired trying to get it is enough to make you want to hurt anyone who ever says the words “guest worker program” in your presence.
Either throw open the borders to workers or close them to companies balancing in two or more countries to benefit from tax codes, pollution, and wage requirements. Does the living syandard in the US have to go down some to bring the rest of the world up some? Probably. Let’s start with the folks at the very bottom and the very top, shall we?
“Working poor” is slavery, no matter what country you were born in or language you speak.
Annie, you want to help or you just want to be hateful?
Stupid question.
If you liked the Xenu article, check out the one on Scientology’s “Navy,” the Sea Org. Sea Org members sign billion year contracts, and receive $24 a week in salary. Enjoy!
Gosh, Little Awful Annie tries to spin the line that she ain’t wealthy. Or perhaps she just snorts away her advances.
OT. Must be more widely known:
Thank god for Annie. I had to sit through a Velver Revolver gig tonight but thank god she blew the memory of it right out of my medulla.
Ann Coulter has played herself out. Unless she starts swallowing her own fist or balancing siamese midgets on her adam’s apple there’s not much left she can do.
Besides, between the malkin thing, pam atlas, debbie schussel, camilie paglia, klo, and the DIVINE MISS ANN ALTHOUSE (call me), and on n on n on she’s just been niche marketed to death.
Why on earth would any rational immigration policy discriminate against immigrants with Ph.D.s in favor of unskilled, non-English-speaking immigrants?
I don’t know about America, but thousands of immigrants with university degrees (who arrive legally) end up doing low-skill minimum wage jobs in Canada because their credentials aren’t recognized and there’s no process to fast track them. Their talents are completely wasted and their dreams of prosperity trashed. I met a nuclear physicist from Iraq who is working as a freakin’ janitor.
Here’s an alternate pic of Mz. Coulter.
The security guard at the place that I work came from, I guess Pakistan, and claims to have at least 2 masters. Now he’s going back to school, because his degrees means bumpkiss.
Take over Mexico. Make it our 51st, 52nd, 53thrd, and 54th state. Problem solved.
“Noticeably, the biggest proponents of all government policies ever are not themselves unskilled workers, who traditionally are a tad underrepresented in politics.”
That was what was so cool about the French Revolution.
I say, every time we refer to this ridiculous lying bitch, we be sure to call her “Vote Fraud Coulter”.
What’s Coulter’s position on the Bush tax policy, which benefits the rich more exclusively than the current immigration policy? It is good to see Ann in socialist mode, though — we need to get her a beret.
Different brad, if you want to teach Ann a really good trick, have her swallow her foot, not her fist.
We fought a civil war to force Democrats to give up on slavery 150 years ago.
Two Words: Southern Strategy.
HULSE: Mr. Crespino, a fellow at George Mason University…said he included Mr. Lott’s comments in the introduction to his dissertation for their “shock value.� “I couldn’t believe he said it in 1980, let alone 2002,� he said. “These kinds of appeals to the racist right have been the G.O.P.’s dirty little secret for years.�
The security guard at the place that I work came from, I guess Pakistan, and claims to have at least 2 masters. Now he’s going back to school, because his degrees means bumpkiss.
In Pakistan after high-school it takes two years to get your bachelor’s degree and a further two years to get your master’s. By and large both are rote learning, teaching to test with no research component, and Pakistani universities are indeed the shits.
Some hard-science-biased rankings that reasonable people can disagree with. Note the absence of a single Pakistani university.
Okay, I know that it is REALLY REALLY difficult to avoid responding to Ann Coulter.
But please try.
Ann, in my judgement, is nothing more than a (figurative) bomb-thrower.
She writes stuff she doesn’t really believe merely to get reactions, website hits, and book sales.
I don’t understand why people at this point in time are still acting like she has ANYTHING worthwhile to say. She doesn’t.
Well, I would argue that no one we write about on Sadly, No! has anything worthwhile to say.
photo blurb should say: Comparisons between Ann and Skeletor are because of the shared level of evil. All other similarities are coincidental.
Well, I would argue that no one we write about on Sadly, No! has anything worthwhile to say.
Statements like this make Pastor Swank cry.
Just like years ago, when I put in seven consecutive Coulter columns, one after another, the Gender Genie thinks the author is male.
Ah, I did the whole column this time and it just barely squeaked by as “female” by two points! Missed it by THAT MUCH.
I don’t understand why people at this point in time are still acting like she has ANYTHING worthwhile to say. She doesn’t.
She is a symptom of a media disease and is worth paying attention to.
Love the Wikipedia Xenu material. FYI, for an amazing, hilarious, and tragically (it seems) out of print bio of L. Ron Hubbard, go here:
Although your general point is valid, I’m calling bullshit on the list. As far as the UK ones are concerned, the list appears to reflect prestige, rather than any overall academic ability.
However, the point about Canadians (don’t know about the US) not accepting other countries qualifications is valid. Its a closed shop up there (as far as my trade goes), where the UK welcomes and accepts Canadian qualifications, despite the level of graduates being (imho) more limited from Canada.
Sorry to whine, still pisses me off……
Although your general point is valid, I’m calling bullshit on the list. As far as the UK ones are concerned, the list appears to reflect prestige, rather than any overall academic ability.
Depends on what you mean. I don’t accept the list myself, but if prestige means “producing top people in the field who get attention” then that’s what they’re trying to measure and I don’t see anything wrong with the idea of trying to quantify that. I dunno how I’d improve the execution.
However, the point about Canadians (don’t know about the US) not accepting other countries qualifications is valid. Its a closed shop up there (as far as my trade goes), where the UK welcomes and accepts Canadian qualifications, despite the level of graduates being (imho) more limited from Canada.
This is why Europe is becoming so interesting. Mobility is being built into the system there. I’d love to move, myself.
Canada is different in each province, with each trying to maintain its independence of central authority in credential recognition. The problem’s an outgrowth of the constitutional set-up, which guarantees duplicated and differing bureaucracies. If you’re a protectionist and a believer that local politicians should deal with local problems maybe that’s an ideal.
The only beneficiaries of these famed hardworking immigrants — unlike you lazy Americans — are the wealthy,
Wait – what ever happened to the “trickle-down” theory, where helping the wealthy means that they buy more stuff and benefit the economy as a whole? Is Ann actually blaspheming by denying the Holy Gospel of Saint Ronny of Reagan?
God bless Adam’s Apple Annie!
the whole H1 Visa thing is not so clear cut. plenty of engineers in the US would tell you that high tech companies mostly use the visa to outsource, replacing perfectly trained US citizens with lower cost Indian or Korean engineers. sound familiar?
that tom friedman could go through a whole article (one that ann seems to have lifted from, and if i may, please consider tom and ann having sex, tom maybe getting it from behind from ann’s “strap on”? got that image? good, carry on) yesterday about this visa without mentioning the salient fact above is just astonishing. or would be, if he weren’t the biggest pro-corporate whore in human history.
not to mention that many undoc workers are deducted payroll taxes and ssi that they never see a dime of
Somehow, Coulter has gone so far right she’s accidently ended up on the left.
Liberals who are against full and open immigration are funny.
For anyone who is interested, Statistics Canada has a study up
Impact of immigration on labour markets in Canada, Mexico and the United States