What’s below the bottom of the barrel?
When one who brags about being a blogging pioneer resorts to the same line of argument as Adam Yoshida, the game is over. [For those who choose not to click on the links, both Andrew Sullivan and Adam link to Democratice Underground threads where some posters celebrate Reagan’s death.]
We very rarely link to Free Republic threads here, and when we do we think it proves little about “the right.” (Besides, why bother with the Freepers when we have access to The Corner?) Watching Andrew Sullivan regularly link to DU — when he could quote Atrios, DailyKos, MaxSpeak or Pandagon (to name a few,) is like watching a one-trick pony that’s forgotten its only trick.
Gad, you should’ve warned readers not to go over to Sullivan on a full stomach. I read the post under the one you referenced, where he gushes on about how wonderful Reagan was. Somehow the HIV-infected Andy didn’t say anything about how “the great man” ignored AIDS for 6 years or so while thousands died.
Living in CA as a teenager with Raygun as guber-nator was an interesting experience. As I recall, he was a pretty polarizing figure then and a creature of the Orange County republicans and John Birchers.
He no more deserves canonization than the man in the moon, but unfortunately will likely get it from the wingnut contingent, unless as she has done before, Nancy (a force of nature in her own right, seemingly) steps in and opts for the simple and tasteful.
The Soviet Union would have fallen anyway, but the needless deaths that occured in Central America would never have happened had dead Ronnie not facilitated them.
Will the wingnuts remember the Boland Amendment? Sadly, No!
OK, let me make sure I understand the new rules.
If ANY liberal, anywhere, says ANYTHING the wingnuts don’t like, then that makes ALL liberals responsible for saying it.
Then, guess what, wingnuts, you are ALL responsible for the idiotic, racist, hateful pigshit spewed by your wingnut brethren, whether they are of the LGF, CCC, Freeper or garden-variety ‘Biblethumpin’ wacko’ stripe.
And that includes Vox Day and Adam Yoshida too!
Gad, you should’ve warned readers not to go over to Sullivan on a full stomach. I read the post under the one you referenced, where he gushes on about how wonderful Reagan was. Somehow the HIV-infected Andy didn’t say anything about how “the great man” ignored AIDS for 6 years or so while thousands died.
Gad, you should’ve warned readers not to go over to Sullivan on a full stomach.
You’re a big boy, you should know better than that!
when I read Adam’s post, I went over to DU and found dozens of comments, nearly all of them tasteful and polite.
Only when I followed Adam’s link to one particular thread did I find nasty comments about Reagan.
There’s a particularly vicious form of victim mentality going on, on the right.
They imagine that someone did unto them, and therefore they have the right to do back unto their ‘oppressors’, by 100-fold.
Imagine if you accidentally jostle someone on the bus, they interpret it as an assault, then they pull out a gun and shoot you in the head, claiming self-defense.
That’s the SOP for wingnuts on the media – they imagine a Vast Liberal Media Conspiracy?, full of journalists and editors actively plotting to spin the news in a liberally biased way. So they decide to create their own news operation, Fox News, which is very blatant in its right-wing bias, and feel perfectly justified in doing so (while proclaiming quite cynically that it is ‘fair and balanced’).
This same dynamic goes on in the blogosphere (LGF, Free Republic). It goes on in the Presidential campaign, where Ambassador Wilson’s wife was attacked because Wilson dared to say that the Administration was lying about the yellowcake uranium. Wherever you look, right-wingers are doing this.