A Crapping Of Pigeons
Well, lookee. It’s our special friends again, the phony-nonpartisan phony veteran’s group, Gathering of Eagles. And this time they’re disrupting an anti-torture demonstration in Times Square.
Combating the Moonbats: Times Square, May 19th
May 20th, 2007While Eagles nationwide were standing up to support our recruiters yesterday…
It’s true, many Eagles nationwide had to stand up from the computer chair to sweep the crumbs from their lap.
…GOE-NY had a special mission.They were countering antiwar leftists in Times Square. The moonbats were planning to show up and do what they called “Torture Theater,â€? or a “reenactmentâ€? of the “tortureâ€? that terrorist detainees are undergoing at Gitmo. Never mind that there IS no torture at Gitmo. Never mind that as we speak, three of our nation’s soldiers are undergoing the most horrific torture imaginable at the hands of the enemy. These antiwar leftists have no couth, no respect, no love for our soldiers in harm’s way.
…And in our righteous fury, we determined that this uniquely threatening event negated all the stuff about non-confrontation and love of the First Amendment in our mission statement, which was, you know, drafted that way on the advice of lawyers, if you know what I mean.
That’s why GOE-NY had to shut them down.
Above: The closest to the Times Square recruiting station these lads will ever come.
The military could definitely find a use for these young gentlemen. If combat is too strenuous, they could be trained as support personnel, in charge of kitchen duties or something. Like a burger-flipping brigade, or perhaps a fry corps.
Indeed, the Eagles followed up by sending baked goods, sandwiches, other snacks, and thank-you cards to an alleged 900, or ‘thousands,’ or some smaller actual number of recruiting stations, to thank them for their efforts in signing up other people and their children to serve in Iraq.
Dea Lyn Ogata said, “We all left the offices feeling much happier than we had been before we arrived – and we were happy to have been able to express our sincere gratitude to our local Recruiter heroes.â€?
And the air sung with squealing tires that afternoon, as thousands (or dozens) of Eagles peeled out of recruiter parking lots toward home, nervously counting heads, but confident that America was twelve donuts closer, one fewer pizza from victory.
Sorry to keep saying it….but I’m just gonna keep saying it.
This is how the Schutzstaffel got started.
Is there a betting pool yet on how long it will be until these chumps start throwing punches?
Hmm. They seem to be deeply afraid of people speaking out in ways that they believe undermines their message. If they have truth and certainty on their side, whatever would they be fearful of?
One almost gets the impression they sense the accuracy and righteousness of their positions to be tenuous, even fragile. And rather than confront the possible errors in those positions, they are much happier merely attempting to silence those who disagree. This all seems to make them much more similar to stalinist thugs than american patriots, so I must me misunderstanding something here….
We need a wingnut activity board. I keep missing chances to tweak the freaks in person in midtown. I’m even in the GOE mailing list, dammit.
I really, really want to meet Pam. I’d even be polite, on the surface. I’d need a haircut before she’d talk to me, tho.
I’m a woman with bad knees and am barely five feet two inches tall, and I’m fairly certain I could kick either of those boys’ asses….
Just sayin’.
Good show lads! We’ll have these Germans yet, the blighters. Have the papers arrived yet Fawlty?
From the GOE Mission Statement:
We are a non-violent, non-confrontational group. We look to defend, not attack. Our focus is guarding our memorials and their grounds
My bad, then. I didn’t realize Times Square was a war memorial.
We believe in and would give our lives for the precious freedoms found in our Constitution.
OK. Go ahead. Oh, I see. It’s would give your lives, not will give your lives. Kind of a hypothetical. Got it.
We believe that our freedom of speech is one of the greatest things our country espouses, and we absolutely hold that any American citizen has the right to express his or her approval or disapproval with [sic] any policy, law, or action of our nation and her government in a peaceful manner as afforded by the laws of our land.
Except for when what they’re saying makes us really really really mad and then we have to SHUT THEM DOWN before we go out for snacks.
I’m a woman with bad knees and am barely five feet two inches tall, and I’m fairly certain I could kick either of those boys’ asses….
No kidding. I thought this was meant to be a group comprised of burly veterans and scary bikers. Who are those twerps? They look like they’d break into tears if they got hit with a paintball, never mind a bullet.
Hmm. I wonder if the original protestors had a permit. If they did, they might have the option of legal action against either the GOE or the NYPD for taking over the demonstration grounds.
I presume they didn’t, tho, cause does anyone think these folk would take on a legit anti-war group in nyc?
Where does the term “moonbat” come from anyway?
Nobody really knows, it seems. The Wikipedia’s talk page on it is more – or less – enlightening than the article.
Could it be that Jonah Goldberg was involved?
Hysterical Woman said,
May 21, 2007 at 1:47
Where does the term “moonbat� come from anyway?
_____________ I’ve been curious about that for a long time. ( I actually rather like the term. I’m fond of both bats and the moon.) I remember quite some time ago there was a discussion about it here, but I don’t recall if there was ever a definite answer.
Whoopsies, thought I turned off the senility switch, but – what was that? Thought I heard something there.
True, if you also believe a blowjob isn’t sex…
It’d be fun to organize the distribution of a whole bunch of “I’m with stupid” shirts at such an event.
These wingers, not so much with the street theater. Are they saying they are who should be in GITMO? And ‘it’s mullah time”. Hmm, wasn’t there a thing in New York where the phrase ‘it’s Guilliani time’ came up? I don’t really understand what they’re on about.
But I’m totally on board with the Fry Korps, an elite unit of the Keyboard Kommandos.
We need a wingnut activity board.
Check the GOE NY forum.
Never mind that there IS no torture at Gitmo.
Thought experiment. Canadian black ops team comes to his house at 3am. Silently they throw a hood over his head, flexicuff him, shoot him fulla drugs and steal silently away with him, no one else in the house even aware they were there. They put him on a plane and take him secretly to a prison on an island somewhere in the world, but that is not in Canada or America. While he is there, they question him repeatedly and agressively, using advanced mind control tactics like sleep deprivation, stress positions, extreme hot and cold, fear and intimidation and occasional coercive pain.
But beyond that, they do not let him contact his loved ones. His wife, kids, family and coworkers have no idea what happened to him, where he is, if he is even alive. He is held utterly incommunicado, without anything even resembling due process. He has no lawyer, no path to question his captivity or petition for his freedom. Now bear in mind, YEARS go by. Three, maybe four years. No contact, no process, no hope.
I wonder if he’d consider that torture? I wonder if he’d be against it? I wonder if he’d recognize it’s inherent wrongness. I’m guessing he would…
These antiwar leftists have no couth, no respect, no love for our soldiers in harm’s way.
Actually, there is no antonym of “uncouth.” I don’t point that out to show that right-wingers are stupid. I point it out because, any time they try to use big words to show their mental superiority to the deranged hippies on the left, they manage to trip over their own words.
Yeah, they sure “shut them down” alright. You should have seen those moonies go scurrying back to their wimpy hippie communes the moment they showed up in their neon orange, stenciled tee shirts.
These GoE guys are the political equivalent of Comic Book Guy. They’re simply beyond parody and ridicule, and just kinda wallow in “depressing pity”.
This is how the Schutzstaffel got started.
Actually, to be fair, I think it’s closer to how the Sturmabteilung got started. The Schutzstaffel was always more tightly organized.
But give them time. Their little SA can attempt a putsch or two before they try to replace it with an SS all their own.
“These antiwar leftists have no couth, no respect, no love for our soldiers in harm’s way.”
jhs: The Eagles are, of course, both couth and gruntled…
To add to mikey, these people who believe that years-long Gitmo detention is no big deal are the same people who went howling and screaming that we carpet bomb Tehran immediately after Iran took those Brits as POWs. And these are most likely the same people who were furious that Iran then had the unmitigated audacity to return those POWs in anything other then a body bag. And after only, what, a week and a half, no less? Barbarians!!
These are sick, sick individuals. These are Jack’s tribe, more concerned with hunting, and wearing war paint, and killing Piggy then getting off the goddamn island.
These antiwar leftists have no couth, no respect, no love for our soldiers in harm’s way.
Dirty fucking hippies. They got no couth. They got no respect. Hey, at least they’ve got life, sister.
That was their big counterprotest? Standing around in matching t-shirts? They look like the benchwarmers from a local softball league.
For a group whose acronym sounds like The Goonies, I guess that’s fitting. Nice work there, Chunk and Data.
I’ll admit to having no couth today. Sitting on the balcony surrounded by my flowers, dressed in sandals, shorts and tank top, long uncouth hair all tangled by the breeze, listening to the Brandenburg Concerto No 4, drinking locally produced wine, cat on the chair beside me, basking in the glow of nature and the robin’s song…
I’m perpetuating the moonbat stereotype! It feels damned good, too..
Those tee shirts make them look more like people on work release from the county slammer, sent to Times Square to clean up the litter. At least then they’d be performing a function of benefit to society. Ah, well, it is good to know they’re protecting free speech for all of us…
I didn’t know the Gathering of Eagles had a “teenage douchebag” chapter.
“GOE-NY had a special mission.They were countering antiwar leftists in Times Square.”
Wow. That’s tough. And brave. That’s like saying you’re going to Harlem to counter “blacks.” But then they would pussy out.
I’m perpetuating the moonbat stereotype! It feels damned good, too.
You forgot the French surrender cheese.
“These GoE guys are the political equivalent of Comic Book Guy. They’re simply beyond parody and ridicule, and just kinda wallow in “depressing pityâ€?.”
There is a unseemly pulling the wings off flies aspect to this — but fuck it.
I didn’t know the Gathering of Eagles had a “teenage douchebag� chapter.
I’m reasonably sure the majority of GOE membership either are teenage douchebags or never matured past that stage.
Linkin Park fans, the lot of them…
What they lack in age and maturity they more than make up for in numbers. There were like, what, 30,000 of them? There were, weren’t there? Can we get a National Park Service Estimate on that?
Never mind that there IS no torture at Gitmo. Never mind that as we speak, three of our nation’s soldiers are undergoing the most horrific torture imaginable at the hands of the enemy.
Whutwhutwhut? They’ve been rendered unto Our Ally Jordan?
We believe that our freedom of speech is one of the greatest things our country espouses,
Except for when what they’re saying makes us really really really mad and then we have to SHUT THEM DOWN before we go out for snacks.
No, Smiling Morty (can I call you Morty? I feel like we’re friends). Here, let me help you:
We believe that our freedom of speech is one of the greatest things our country espouses,
There, that’s the ticket.
Well, joo know Melanie Morgan would have been there, but M.A.F. and eets brand new mascot were een S.F. that weekend, protecting KSFO offices from the Feminazislamosexual menace.
Es verdad.
Well, joo know Melanie Morgan would have been there, but Melanie and M.A.F. were een S.F. that weekend, protecting KSFO offices from the Feminazislamosexual menace.
Es verdad.
The National Parks Service is reporting that 23,000,000 Eagles showed up.
I didn’t realize Times Square was a war memorial.
DisneyGapToysRMegaCorp declared war against Creativity & Free Expressionl, aka ‘filth’ and ‘perversion’, under the bold leadership of General Giuliani. Thanks to the expenditure of hundreds of millions of lobbyist dollars, Times Square is now a “safe zone” for the suburban tourist / Midwestern conventioneer looking for an Emerald City experience that’s almost like a real city, only cleaner and without any of the smelly furrin foodstuffs and dubious non-franchise-branded merchandise that used to be on offer.
They look like they’d break into tears if they got hit with a paintball, never mind a bullet.
They’re preparing to burst into tears as soon as one of the dirty, filthy moonbat hippies uses a naughty word. Whiny-Ass Titty Babies on parade!
our freedom of speech is one of the greatest things our country espouses
Is a country allowed to espouse more than one great thing at a time? Doesn’t that count as bigamy?
Now if you had a Mormon for president, your country would be entitled to as many great things for spouses as it could support.
Keep in mind the SA and Freikorps got their start in the trenches. While these guys may have mad Battlefield 1942 skills, I don’t see them marching on a machine gun emplacement after a night of heavy drinking like the originals did.
And as for moonbat, whenever I hear that I think:
It’s A Good Thought.
This is the perfect time to announce the winner of the 1st annual WeikuBoy’s Dumbass of the Week Award, which goes to Tucker Carlson’s guy pal Willie Geist, who, while killing garbage time on MSNBC last week managed to denigrate: Prince Harry; the British army; Prince Andrew; the Falklands War; and the British effort in Iraq.
I failed to catch what Willie “Spirit of 300 Manly Men” Geist did in the war (any war). Does anyone know?
jhs: The Eagles are, of course, both couth and gruntled…
Very nicely said.
Shitheads like the Gathering of Eagles also like the worst music ever made on the planet. Which means their parties suck. And you can sort of guarantee no music by any black people will be played.
I mean do these racist, square peg on round hole white trash shit heads actually have to recruit and grow up a whole class of shitty cover bands just to play bad rotten “South’s Gonna Do it Agin'” style music at their loser cook-outs ?
Vis a vis the “moonbat” theme: I’d much rather be a moonbat than a wingnut.
I mean, as a moonbat, you get to flit around at night, causing the peasants to tremble in their beds (or in whosever beds they happen to be in). We is light, we is fast, we is like, well, we is like flittin’ bats in the night, right?
Whereas the only image that wingnuts bring to mind is that they’ve got large, sticky-outy ears. A vague Alfred E. Neumann face is forming here. Not something to be emulated.
The National Parks Service is reporting that 23,000,000 Eagles showed up.
They were all there alright! In much the same way that they’re on the frontlines of the most important military and cultural struggle that this or any civilization has ever known: in spirit.
Seriously, look at all the orange shirts in that photo! There’s gotta be… units of ’em! Literally units.
Those tee shirts make them look more like people on work release from the county slammer, sent to Times Square to clean up the litter.
All I could think of was that there must have been a helluva deal on XXXL orange shirts.
To Candy and Hysterical Woman…
The first time I heard the word “moonbat” was when it was used here in California against former governor Jerry Brown and his followers (in the 80s I believe).
A moon bat is a an ugly little creature. Often associated with vampires who suck the life (blood) out of humans. Its time to repent and return to God. America love her or leave her. One Nation Under God! NOT allah the moon god. Moon bats, moon god… hmmm very interesting.
The vast majority of bats eat insects and save countless acres of crops every year in the doing. There are more species of vampire *birds* than bats. Though the species of vampire bats that exists is accorded to be reasonably bright and to have a more complex social life than we used to think–if a bat comes back to roost unfed, it can remember which of its neighbors is its friends, and which owes it a favor, and they will share food with each other so unfortunate bats don’t starve to death. Of course, vampire bat saliva is being researched for medical purposes–heart attack victims, among others, may find themselves thanking the vampire bat.
So the gathering of bullying scavengers elected to support the very important job recruiters are doing by… not enlisting? By calling attention to our violations of the Geneva Conventions, which encourages other people to violate them when they get their hands on our soldiers and citizens? Very helpful, boys. You’ve certainly got us hippie protesters on the run now.
Incidentally, the recruiters can go home and bake their own fucking cookies. Maybe you could have sent them to our troops instead. On the other hand, maybe they’d rather have enough tax income that they could have armor, or decent medical care, or wages that would get their families off food stamps, or maybe even enough new recruits that they could come home once in a while or actually be appropriately classified when disabled.
But hey, I’m sure they’re just happy the recruiters who sent them to Iraq and lied about the safe desk job got fresh, homemade cookies.
The Flock of Seagulls website appears to permit open comments.
Shitheads like the Gathering of Eagles also like the worst music ever made on the planet.
For the video slide show of the Times Square action, they went with a version of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA.” There’s also a second, shorter video. No music in this one, just a woman shouting at people.
Outdated Images of Detention Center, Mission Frustrate Guantanamo Troopers
Wayne, that link is the Bush Administration all over.
“Never mind that we fucked things up for the last several years in ways unimaginable to normal humans, never mind that we’ve caused untold grief and damage, never mind that we’ve racked up debt in amounts even Reagan never had wet dreams about, never mind that we’ve failed miserably at everything we’ve tried, never mind that we prefer to put toadies and cronies into appointed positions rather than the competent or even relatively knowledgeable, why can’t you give us the benefit of the doubt *now*? You people are so unfair!”
Is there a betting pool yet on how long it will be until these chumps start throwing punches?
Throwing punches? Please. Real faux-vigilantes swing pillowcases filled with doorknobs.
Those kids look like the type that every clique, from the jocks to the A/V nerds, beat up in high school.
Is a country allowed to espouse more than one great thing at a time? Doesn’t that count as bigamy?
Now if you had a Mormon for president, your country would be entitled to as many great things for spouses as it could support.
HDB, were it not for the Frau Dokterin, and Our Feline Overlords, and the whole being on different continents thing and all, I would so espouse you, bigamously or otherwise.
I’ve been wanting to say that for some time, as your comments always crack me up. *mwah* across the sea!
As for GOE, oh please. I shall thwack them with Teh Green Walking Stick of Liberal Justice, and they shall know real fear!
I exist only to make you laugh, GW.
I figure that there is no point in contributing righteous anger or well-informed political analysis to the S,N comment threads, where other people already have that in hand. Instead, I’m sticking to my strong point — relentless random inanity.
It’s always possible that the Teh Green Walking Stick of Liberal Justice will cancel out the effects of the stupid stick, though I’m not optimistic.
Is there any chance that this GOE website has been infiltrated by left-wing saboteurs, who sit around chortling into their lattes after sending off the orange-shirted loons to make fools of themselves in Times Square? There’s a real streak of self-mockery in the o-t-t “special mission” language… not to mention the couth and the espousing, and the “Torture Theaterâ€? “reenactmentâ€? scare quotes. And the evocation of the three of our nation’s soldiers… undergoing the most horrific torture imaginable strikes me as a subtle way of reminding the reader that the reason why Geneva Convention protections no longer apply is that the Bush administration discarded them.
Feel free to redact this comment if it reveals the secret S,N! strategy.
The vast majority of bats eat insects and save countless acres of crops every year in the doing.
Yes, well, that’s all very well, until the bright lights of airports attract the moths… and the moths attract the bats… and then you have the problem of bats being sucked into jet engines. I’m sure that many air crashes attributed to ‘pilot error’ are really cases of bat-strike.
Incidentally, if moths are attracted to candle-flames, Newtonian physics tells me that the candle-flames are also attracted to the moths… except that it is a smaller effect, and most people don’t pay enough attention to notice it.
Bwa ha ha! My comment above earned me a mash note (or angry e-mail, depending on how one likes to read these things) from someone claiming to be one of the kids in orange in the picture. The money quote:
P.S – nobody takes a bullet easily, but have you ever been hit with a paint ball?
Hmmm… I think my comment may have hit a little too close to the mark.
Personal attention from trolls! You’re all jealous, admit it!
Hey check the website of the first commenter (bareback rider) at the latest GOE post. I smell a piss-take!
Personal attention from trolls! You’re all jealous, admit it!
Oh, I am totally jealous. I posted a mocking comment at a right wing blog and didn’t get any rise out of the rabble which sucks. And you get an email? Life’s just not fair.
I still treasure the time I sent an email to David Horowitz alerting him about an outrageous and vile liberal professor (who happened to be a fictional character in a novel) and he wrote me back asking me for more info.
Just like the Schutzstaffel of the 30’s we will defend military and political events and officials from the vile Communists and Leftists that always surface during the events, through peaceful methods but by force if necessary. The anti-Americans will not free reign any longer. We are the Protective Squadron of America.
Just like the Schutzstaffel of the 30’s we will defend military and political events and officials from the vile Communists and Leftists that always surface during the events, through peaceful methods but by force if necessary. The anti-Americans will not have free reign any longer. We are the Protective Squadron of America.
Cry cry cry,little boys and girls.We are in Iraq for a long time to come.We are going to do what it takes and how we choose to do it, to get the information out of these islamic scum.All of your whinning is not going to stop the the US mission in any place our military wants to go or stop them from doing anything they want to do.The anti-american-war groups are all a bunch of ignorant (or coward) UNGDSF&S.You dumb asses couldn’t come up with an original thought,even with your mommies tit to suck on.