The Western Giant Smiles, And Twirls The Spotty Glob

Shorter Michael McBride:
Call Me an Islamaphob


  • According to my calculations, with nearly 3,500 victims worldwide since 1972, the kill-total of the so-called “religion of peace” is greater than all other killings combined.* So don’t tell me not to taunt the counter guy at the Circle-K!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.

*Not counting Hindus, or. . .uh, what are those Reggae guys called?


Comments: 35


I’m guessing spell check is a tool of the devil, just like critical thinking.


Even SHORTER Michael McBride:

“Mommy, I’m so a-scared!! Make ’em stop being muslims, mommy, make ’em stop!!



Hmm…lemme see here…70,000 minus 3,500…borrow the ten…equals…

W00T! We win!

Oh wait

a different brad

This all has taught me one fascinating thing.
All a bigot needs is to learn a particular group of Others exists in order to start hating them.
What are the odds McBride thinks Sikhs are moooooslems, considering his fucking ability to spell?

Hysterical Woman

About the “religion of peace”: Bush said it, not any filthy liberal. There is no religion of peace, not even Buddhism.


“What are the odds McBride thinks Sikhs are moooooslems, considering his fucking ability to spell?”

Very, very, high.


The OIC is clearly engaging in a classic “desensitivization� and “relativism� spin in trying to compare the brutal savagery committed by Muslim Jihadists over the past 35 years to the actual fear generated by those attacks. They are attempting to carve inroads into and place limitations on, our rights to free speech.

Michael isn’t too good at commas.

Moderate Muslims, if they are who they claim to be, cannot put the loathing of terror and it perpetrators in the same category of wonton murder and terror upon innocents.

Why do Muslims hate Chinese cuisine so much?

If fearing terrorists, Jihadists, wahabists, etc. and et. al.

I’ve never seen anyone use both etc. and et. al., but then again I didn’t know the OIC was the second leading inter-governmental organization.


Nice “America’s Most Wanted” style profile picture on him too.


“I am at a loss to figure out how being afraid of Muslims, because they happen to be the world’s largest generator of terrorists, is a greater form of terror than the actual terror than that which is being perpetrated by Muslims extremists on the rest of the world’s population nearly everyday of our lives. This is like castigating an assault victim for being afraid of their attacker.”

This of course, works both ways. Invading someone’s country and killing 650,000 of them will do that.


Whoa! In my browser, all of the comments are now in that teeny-tiny font after the asterisk in the last line of the post.

If I could actually read any of the comments, I’m sure I would have a brilliant rejoinder.


Type on your keyboard the keys [control] [+] to enlarge the type, [control] [-] to reduce.


Or go to thrifty or walgreens and get that little magnifier thingie with the handle and you’re good to go…



[font size fixed]


From the comments section:

“As for our dealing with the jihadis, why do we own all this weaponry if we’re not going to use it to our advantage?”


That works. Patron Saint Comedian Rush Limbaugh said it many times:

“Why do they give me 90 pills if I’m not going to TAKE 90 pills?”



In fact it is nearly impossible to directly associate any link between 9/11 and an increase in crimes against Muslims in the US.

Guantanamo Bay’s in Cuba, right?

Herr Doktor Bimler

Why do Muslims hate Chinese cuisine so much?
The Wasabists come into it, somehow.


Why do Muslims hate Chinese cuisine so much?

Two words: Dhimmi Sum.


Thanks, Gavin.


So, we have this guy, who is citing some Muslim group saying that, “Islamiphobia is bad.” Presumably, his beef is their claim that “not all Muslims are crazy.”

Okay. Let’s assume that there are, say, 5 million hard-core, die-hard Muslim terrorists in the world. Guys who seriously won’t be happy until the US is in flames and all that, not just the ones who don’t like the Sunni’s down the street, or want the US to leave Iraq and all that. I think we can all agree that’s a VERY liberal estimate on the world wide number of terrorists.

Now then.

There are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. So we’ll round that to, say, 1.4 billion. That would mean that, for every terrorist, there are 280 who are not. Or, to put it another way, terrorists would represent .357% of the entire population.

There are ~300 million Americans. Of that, 2 million are in prison. That’s 1 in 142 Americans, or .7% of the population.

So, statistically, you are twice as likely to run into a felon in America then a Terrorist in anywhere else in the world.*

I’m just sayin’. Not all Americans are felons.

*That’s not including convicted felons who are no longer in jail. I’m sure that would raise the number to over one percent of the population, easy.


Oh, and I believe the reggae religion you’re thinking of is “Rastafarian”, founded by Haile Selassie I, Gavin.


So, statistically, you are twice as likely to run into a felon in America then a Terrorist in anywhere else in the world.*

I’m just sayin’. Not all Americans are felons

Hmm…I don’t know about this.

Mikey, are you sure you’re not a terrorist? ;>)


I thought The Wasabists was what you put on sushi, which would make it Japanese, not Chinese, right? Damned Japanese shintofascists!


Oh, and I believe the reggae religion you’re thinking of is “Rastafarian�, founded by Haile Selassie I, Gavin.

Oh no, I’m pretty sure the Rastafarians are the esoteric order with psychic powers.


Yeah, I’ve often wondered how Muslims go to be such bastards. I mean, it’s not like they didn’t have the sterling example of Christianity to guide them. (If you’ve ever wondered what Bill O’Reilly would have done for a living in the 13th century, wonder no more).

P.S. Caution, that link might disturb your sleep. Seriously.


Dr. Laura’s son (military paratrooper) being investigated for “lurid web page”

The soldier son of talk radio relationship counselor Laura Schlessinger is under investigation for a graphic personal Web page that one Army official has called “repulsive.”
The MySpace page, publicly available until Friday when it disappeared from the Internet, included cartoon depictions of rape, murder, torture and child molestation; photographs of soldiers with guns in their mouths; a photograph of a bound and blindfolded detainee captioned “My Sweet Little Habib”; accounts of illicit drug use; and a blog entry headlined by a series of obscenities and racial epithets.
The site is credited to and includes many photographs of Deryk Schlessinger, the 21-year-old son of the talk radio personality known simply as Dr. Laura. Broadcast locally on 570 KNRS, “Family Values Talk Radio,” the former family counselor spends three hours daily taking calls and offering advice on morals, ethics and values. She broadcast a show from Fort Douglas, in Salt Lake City, last week.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

No, guys, you’re all wrong: it’s the Pastafarians. A little noodle told me.

Laughed at the wonton gag, laughed again at the Dhimmi Sum, but I can’t pay the Wasabist gag on account of wasabi is Japanese. Bzzzt, thank you for playing.

Mind you, it all gets into a nasty sectarian bloodbath once you delve into Chiu Chow versus Shanghainese versus Szechuan…


He evoked every date possible.

Except for one:


Herr Doktor Bimler

According to my calculations
I haven’t checked his maths, but I’m assuming that the Hindus and Christians comprising the Tamil Tigers don’t count, on account of mainly killing brown-skinned people.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Herr Doktor, you are indeed correct. Those Tamil Tigers are pretty damn persistent, but yes, they are killing the wrong shade of folks.

DirtyEffingHippie, not only did he fail to mention the King David Hotel bombing, he also failed to mention any of the numerous other acts of terrorism by the Irgun and the Stern gang, in or out of office, or indeed any of the acts of official terrorism by governments including (but not limited to) the US government. It seems that when you slaughter innocent civilians, it’s only terrorism if you don’t have uniforms.


Other issues aside, I have to laugh at his math. 3500 innocents killed since 1972?

Presumably that includes the 2200-odd victims of 9/11, so that leaves us with about 1300 to work with. Even if we’re counting only people killed by Muslims – that still seems to leave a lot of dead people out, So who’s he not counting as “innocent victims?” The dead in Somalia in the early ’90’s? The victims on both sides of the Iraq-Iran war? Saddam’s Shiite and Kurd victims? Civilian victims in the Lebanon war? How about Darfur for heaven’s sake?

If we toted up innocent victims of Christians since 1972, we’d surely get more than 3500. So how does he come up with only 1300 non-9/11 innocent victims of Muslims?

Gee….maybe he’s only counting white Western dead people as “innocent victims” cause, you know, those brown folks don’t count, even when Muslims kill them.

Curiouser still, how come he’s not counting Israeli victims of suicide bombers? Surely there’s been enough of those to push the numbers over 3500? Is it that for McBride, Jews don’t count either?


McBride’s 3500 number reminds me of Dr. Evil’s “One MILLION dollars!”

Smiling Mortician

Gee….maybe he’s only counting white Western dead people as “innocent victims�



Gee….maybe he’s only counting white Western dead people as “innocent victims� human beings cause, you know, those brown folks don’t count, even when Muslims kill them.

Fixed your typo for you


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