Credit where due

I’ll give Matt Drudge credit for one thing: he gets some of the awesomest ads on the Internets. This one in particular is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen:


Environmental porn stars. That’s wicked. Coming next week: “Debbie Doesn’t Do Deforestation.”


Comments: 42


Wow! What a weirdo. Ron, I mean, for using that font.


Hybrid cars. They go both ways. Take it from Ron Jeremy–lots of people have taken it from Ron Jeremy…


Ron Jeremy’s best recent work is in the movie Frezno Smooth. Not porn, but ought to be. Strongly recommended.


Hybrids, I thought he was an expert on Hummers!

(Enjoy the veal. Tip your sadlyno.)


I bet you could sell Pat Buchanan one of those cars if you pronounced the “y” as “ee.”


I hear he speaks out all over the hood.


Hybrid cars: they’ll keep going for a looooooong time.


Breaking News Update:
Another little upper class white girl has gone missing. When will the carnage end?

“Asking people to look out for her granddaughter, Mrs Healy said: “Please look at children, don’t be afraid, go and look at children, look for this black flash that goes from her pupil to the iris of the eye.”

Yeah, go around, grabbing kids and looking into their eyes. What could possibly go wrong?


True story: I once (briefly) shared a stage with the great Mr. Jeremy. I played an after-party at the CES convention hosted by one of the big porn companies– Vivid, I believe. During one of our songs Ron came up on stage and “danced” a little with the backup singers. It was some of the most low-energy, low-impact “dancing” I’ve ever seen, sort of a disinterested little pelvis wiggle. But for about a minute or two, I was occupying the same stage as Ron Jeremy.

The backup singers had no idea who he was. They were completely baffled by the sudden appearance of this greasy little troll of a man. The look of confusion on their faces was one of the more priceless things I’ve ever witnessed.

a different brad

I dunno which turns me off more, the women in porn, or the men.
How is watching Ron Jeremy joylessly diddle some poor dumb child of abuse with nasty, scarred, fake breasts all out of proportion to her body and plastic surgery of some kind on every inch of her body the least bit erotic?
Someone, please explain this to me.
I’m no puritan about porn, it’s just that 98% of it or so makes no sense to me.


One word, Diff Brad, and one word only: amateur. Half of the professional crap isn’t worth the film it’s taken on.

Though my friends and I have spent many a long hour giggling and snarking at the C-grade softcore crap they peddle on late-night cable, the kind where they can’t actually show genitalia. “Busty Cops”, “Bikini Cavegirl”, “Hotel Erotica”. Anything in a series, with re-occurring characters, is a gold mine. Enjoy hilariously bad boob jobs, dialog and plots that even Keanu Reeves would turn down, and the simple pleasure that is anatomically impossible sex.

Also, if one is ever stuck awake at night, unable to sleep: YouTube. Bob Ross. He’s like morphine without the needles.


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plagarist commentor

boil, feel your pain, but do not call Ron Jeremy a wierdo, he has more character then that liar Clinton ever thought of.War has never been pretty, but I served so liberal crybabies can sit back and attack Christian Republicans. I fought so your liberal buddies can have abortions on demand, hand out my tax dollars to welfare mommies, and to watch people like Cindy Sheehan run her ugly suck hole. If you don’t think by taking this war to the terrorist we are keeping them from another 9/11 your on dope. Trust me within three years if the troops are not allowed to finish the job 9/11 will seem like a picnic.

Credit Card Repair, any advice on penny stocks?


How about “The Story of 02”, ? or “Deep Threat : Gagging on Rising Sea Levels”


Coming next week: “Debbie Doesn’t Do Deforestation.�

Back in teh day, not many porn stars did – it’s only been over the last 10-15 years that having a full Brazilian has become commonplace.

Oh, wait.


The fact is, Ron Jeremy is just another perverted, disgusting Dimmocrat.


That’s a typo. He meant to speak out on hybrid cans, and it’s a message in favor of interracial canoodling.


Try harder, Gary or Fake Gary. The Misspelled Plagiarist is trying for your title, dammit.


If you don’t think by taking this war to the terrorist we are keeping them from another 9/11 your on dope.

We’re only fighting one terrorist? And we still can’t subdue him?

Trust me within three years if the troops are not allowed to finish the job 9/11 will seem like a picnic.

It’s so funny watching dumbasses trying to fall back on 2004 talking points. “Umm, Cindy Sheehan!!! Teh Gays!!! 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11!!!! Please, fear Teh Brown People!!! WHY WON’T YOU ALL FEAR TEH BROWN PEOPLE?!?!?!?!? GAAAAAH, FAAAAAGS!!!!!”


Beautiful, plague-r-irst! Super-ultra-condensed can o’wingnut juice concentrate! On crack!

Now THAT’S trolling! Gary, your services are no longer required….


Hey “plagarist”. You’re KILLIN me here. Why are all the wignuts who wanna break out the “I served so you can…” line illiterate slobs? I served, I didn’t go to college, but I can put an english sentence together and run a spellchecker. Jeez, no wonder they can’t recruit anybody but thugs for the US military anymore. These guys make people think only stupid people would join up…



I met Ron Jeremy once. He did this stand-up comedy thing at a local club, and invited the bouncer and bar tender back to his hotel room to hangout with him, this porn starlet who’s name escapes me* and her husband. The bouncer in question is a HUGE fan of porn and, at the time, was working on a book on the industry. He was a fan like some folks are fans of comic books or science fiction or what have you. The bartender was just interested in being able to say, “Hey, I hung out with Ron Jeremy”, and I went because the bartender’s female with big hooters and we knew the bouncer didn’t have the will to cockblock Ron Jeremy if it came down to it, and I would.

Ron, however, was very, very cool and actually was more interested in the bouncer’s questions on the adult industry. The porn starlet and her husband were more intested in hooking up with the bartender and, since I was playing boyfriend, me if neccessary. Neither the bartender nor I are prudes, but that had to be the creepiest come on from a married couple I have ever seen, and I’ve seen a couple matrimonial come-ons in my day. They wound up getting real bent out of shape at us because neither of us were up for it. Still, Ron Jeremy’s a nice guy.

* Though I remember it being a name that, at first blush, sounded more like the name of a character in a Harlequin romance novel. Scary looking woman with way too much plastic surgery.


“Wow! What a weirdo. Ron, I mean, for using that font.”

I think that font is groovy. I might even consider it far out.

plagarist commentor

mikey said,
May 14, 2007 at 18:16

Hey “plagarist�. You’re KILLIN me here. Why are all the wignuts who wanna break out the “I served so you can…� line illiterate slobs?

Lets shag a few easy fly balls to warm up, shall we?

The Chickenhawk argument goes something like this: anyone who favors military action should not be taken seriously unless they themselves are willing to go and do the actual fighting. This particular piece of work is an anti-war crowd attempt to silence the debate by ruling that the other side is out of bounds for the duration. Like all ad hominem attacks, (argumentum ad hominem means (argument against the person) it is an act of intellectual surrender. The person who employs an ad hominem attack is admitting they cannot win the debate on merit, and hope to chuck the entire thing out the window by attacking the messenger. This is a logical fallacy of the first order, because the messenger is not the message.

The messenger is not the message. That’s all you need to throw away the entire Chickenhawk response. But why stop there when this one is so much fun?

Maybe you should burn your hadrdrive, hippie-

plagarist commentor

Maybe you should burn your hadrdrive, hippie-

Shourld read, ‘maybe instead of burning flags and spitting on vetrens, you should..’
The clinton years are over, no more cover up done to protect people’s posistions, to protect clinton. This quiet incrementalism will be our country’s undoing in 10-20 years if we don’t stop it now.


That’s all you need to throw away the entire Chickenhawk response.

Not at all. I don’t care much for the argument except that it makes people write lots of cranky sentences and is excellent for trolling – hey, why do people feel so ashamed when confronted with it anyway? – but it has weight when:

Nitwits think fighting Islamofascism is the most important thing on the planet (obviously it isn’t or they’d be there)


When the army is suffering due to lack of recruits (which is now).

Chickenhawk – yet another useful and currently valid epithet.

plagarist commentor

Nitwits think fighting Islamofascism is the most important thing on the planet (obviously it isn’t or they’d be there)

All Allah dam leaning KOSLim like moonbat socialist cum fascist liberal loony leftminded anarchists and minimal god worshiping false tarts get the vapors when Elfminniedad scratches his beard when toasting the Jew. They get this feeling beneath their trousers.
Meanwhile, the NYT is busy ignoring the religious aspects of the Fort Dix Six case. How they can claim that religion might not play a role in the case, when the paper itself reported the affidavit and complaint – including its recitation of calls to jihad and reprisal for religious persecution makes one wonder what agenda the paper’s editors have in mind – it certainly isn’t facts and accuracy.

Go touch yourself to photoshped sumo pictures, hippie.

plagarist commentor

JK47 said,
May 14, 2007 at 17:15

It’s so funny watching dumbasses trying to fall back on 2004 talking points. “Umm, Cindy Sheehan!!! Teh Gays!!! 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11!!!! Please, fear Teh Brown People!!! WHY WON’T YOU ALL FEAR TEH BROWN PEOPLE?!?!?!?!? GAAAAAH, FAAAAAGS!!!!!�

As far as the lefties are concerned, only American “Imperialism” really counts for what is destroying this world.

plagarist commentor

Try harder, Gary or Fake Gary. The Misspelled Plagiarist is trying for your title, dammit.

Isn’t that sweet? Our own little piece of Islamic Paradise right here.
Lose some wieght , hippie.

plagarist commentor

Dorothy said,
May 14, 2007 at 17:35

Beautiful, plague-r-irst! Super-ultra-condensed can o’wingnut juice concentrate! On crack!

Dorothy. Heh.
Homosexual activist groups use a “scorched earth” policy to force their agenda on America.


It’s amazing how many times I have to explain this to idiot wingnuts. You need to look around. Look where you are. This is Sadly, No, not Little Green Weenies. We do not think the term “islamic” is a perjorative, and if you call us that (or atheist, which I happily admit to being) in an attempt to insult us, we will simply look at you in bafflement. There was another troll around these parts a while back who forgot where he was and tried to insult us by calling us “liberals”. That was funny.

Oh, and the “hippie” thing? I am one of the very few denizens of this site who even remember hippies. And know what? We aren’t going to be terribly insulted by that epithet either.

Shorter mikey: Plagarist, you’re a fuckin idiot…



The true Ron Jeremy car would be a subcompact that was capable of refueling itself… and would enjoy doing so.

plagarist commentor

mikey said,
May 15, 2007 at 18:50

It’s amazing how many times I have to explain this to idiot wingnuts. You need to look around. Look where you are. This is Sadly, No, not Little Green Weenies. We do not think the term “islamic� is a perjorative, and if you call us that (or atheist, which I happily admit to being) in an attempt to insult us, we will simply look at you in bafflement. There was another troll around these parts a while back who forgot where he was and tried to insult us by calling us “liberals�. That was funny.

Oh, and the “hippie� thing? I am one of the very few denizens of this site who even remember hippies. And know what? We aren’t going to be terribly insulted by that epithet either.

Shorter mikey: Plagarist, you’re a fuckin idiot…


Dude, I fought in vietnam and went to jail and smoked pot too.
I’m also an organic farmer like retardo.
Or at least i pretend to do that shit on the internets.

But here’s the thing, I’m bright enough to know when i’m being trolled. I’m bright enough to see ‘plagarist commentor’ and think, oh… wait maybe this guy is just cutting and pasting commentary from idiot blogs, maybe i should go along with the joke.

Mikey, you are a dumbass.


Mikey, you are a dumbass.

Yeah. So, y’got a point?



sometimes I wonder if the internet isn’t just a giant turing test.


“Credit Card Repair?!?” WTF?!


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