Can we leave Iraq now?

Can we, can we, can we?

A majority of members of Iraq’s parliament have signed a draft bill that would require a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Iraq and freeze current troop levels. The development was a sign of a growing division between Iraq’s legislators and prime minister that mirrors the widening gulf between the Bush administration and its critics in Congress.

The draft bill proposes a timeline for a gradual departure, much like what some U.S. Democratic lawmakers have demanded, and would require the Iraqi government to secure parliament’s approval before any further extensions of the U.N. mandate for foreign troops in Iraq, which expires at the end of 2007.

“We haven’t asked for the immediate withdrawal of multinational forces; we asked that we should build our security forces and make them qualified, and at that point there would be a withdrawal,” said Bahaa al-Araji, a member of parliament allied with the anti-American Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, whose supporters drafted the bill. “But no one can accept the occupation of his country.”

Time to go, peeps. It’s not our country. It’s theirs.


Comments: 47


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Incontinentia Buttocks

Don’t the Iraqis understand that timetables will only emboldenify teh Enemy?

Speaking of which, anyone else in S,N-land sick of the “it’s-time-we-held-the-Iraqis-accountable” meme that’s currently being sold by many in DC, especially “Centrists” trying to forge a “compromise.” A couple nights ago, I saw Senators Bayh and Snowe going on and on about this on the PBS News Hour. Like so much else about the Iraq War, this would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic. Those damn Iraqis! How did they ever let their country get so fucked up?

Isn’t it past time that we started holding ourselves accountable for Iraq? I mean really. It wasn’t their idea for us to go in and destroy their country. Perhaps the American people ought to be establishing “benchmarks” for our unresponsive government to meet.


Can we leave Iraq now?

Not until we find another Over There where to fight the Terrorists.


But, with the dhimmicrats we can use all those shiny new gulags…errr…detention centers to fight the enemy at home


I think that the Decider(TM) has decided to decide to veto this legislation. I think someone needs to tell him that he can’t!

K. Ron Silkwood

Goddamned ungrateful fucking islamodefeatocrats. Saddam was too god for this nest of traitors.


I think that the terrorists have been emboldened by the defeatocratic congress spending bill. How else can you explain this in terms of victory?


Could someone please ask Mr. Perle:

1. How much money he has made off of the Iraq War (ballpark figure is OK).

2. When he’s going to get around to that libel lawsuit against Seymour Hersh.

3. To never, ever touch me or my family. Even if he’s wearing gloves.

Thanks in advance!


Yeah, Brad, I can see it now.

An aide rushes into Dick Cheney’s office with a dispatch from the Baghdad Station Chief. The dispatch describes the vote, and details that the MPs voting for a timeline for withdrawal of all foreign forces are from across the board, Sunni and Shi’a, Fundamentalist, Nationalist, Secular.

Dick quickly scans the onionskin dispatch. Goes back and reads it again. “Holy Crap” he says to his aide. “They really don’t want us there helping them? Well then, we’d better start making arrangements to get our people out of there. Damn, I had no idea. Get me Petraeus on the phone right away”…



“Time to go, peeps. It’s not our country. It’s theirs.”

Geeze, what do you not understand about “empire?”


I don’t think anyone could have anticipated that the Iraqi’s would want our occupying forces to leave…


Geeze, what do you not understand about “empire?�

Heh. We need to dredge up some quotes from those heady “Let Freedom Reign” days when Dubya couldn’t finish a sentence without pimping Iraqi “sovereignty”, only he couldn’t pronounce it.


Colin Powell’s former Chief of Staff is calling for Bush-wah and Dead-eye Dick to be impeached.

Could it be that there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon? I’m starting to feel the first faint stirrings of that unfamiliar emotion. I don’t expect the evil bastards to go quietly, though. I really fear they’ll do something nuts once they realize they are backed into the corner and there’s no way out.


Kinda off topic, anyone want to explain why Cheney is surrounded by these?

a different brad

“He came in here and he trashed the place,” says Washington Post columnist David Broder, “and it’s not his place.”
Broder’s quote actually was wise and true, just a decade or so early. We’re the foolish ones, eh?


“Time to go, peeps. It’s not our country. It’s theirs.�

Maybe but the tasty tasty oil isn’t.


Ok, so, let’s run through the checklist:
Iraqi legislators want us to leave: Check!
The troops want to leave ( Check!
Iraqis want us to leave ( Check!
US Public wants us to leave: Check!

How many more checks until this liberation becomes an occupation?


Incontinentia Buttocks said,
Speaking of which, anyone else in S,N-land sick of the “it’s-time-we-held-the-Iraqis-accountableâ€? meme that’s currently being sold by many in DC, especially “Centristsâ€? trying to forge a “compromise.â€? A couple nights ago, I saw Senators Bayh and Snowe going on and on about this on the PBS News Hour. Like so much else about the Iraq War, this would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic. Those damn Iraqis! How did they ever let their country get so fucked up?

It is retarded, but it’s also how you’re going to be able to avoid the “SurrenDhimmiDefeat-o-crats” attack that, while even MORE retarded, is effective.
The upshot is that we have a large enough majority of the nation that we can use both arguments to our advantage. IE, when you get in with someone in a bar or at a family gathering, and they won’t take “we need to leave now” for an option. You know, the kind of people who think “reason” and “critical thinking” are tools of Satan. So you can throw their machismo back at them. Why is Bush being so soft on the do-nothing Iraqis? Why is he letting them stay at home and suckle off American tax payers while our boys are out there dying for them?

BunBun vonWhiskers

If God had not wanted us to invade, He would not have put our oil under their country.


Hey…I can make up words to describe liberals! I’ll sound cool as fuck for 2007, too!! Can I? Can I?


…eurodefe…um, illiberalato…defeato…uh…

…cratic…ah, fuck it.


“Many of you have had your deployments extended, and that puts an unexpected hardship on you and your families,” the Vice President said. “I want you to know the extension is vital to the mission.

Personally, though, I could give a fuck.”


How many more checks until this liberation becomes an occupation?

Bush got his last (blank) check sometime before the midterms.


It is SO our country.

Pottery Barn rule is in effect: We Broke it so it’s ours 4EVAH!

I’m in the process of opening my first import/import bidness: “5 rugs for 5 bucks”

I so already TMed the name.



If God had not wanted us to invade, He would not have put our oil under their country.

I agree. He similarly would have made Iraqis less squishy if he didn’t want ’em to blow up so good.


Well they didn’t exactly ask us to come in, either, but now look…

I’m not so sure that what the people of Iraq, even as expressed by their elected representatives, actually want has to do with any of this.

And I think they took down those big old Pottery Barn signs a long time ago, if they were ever up at all.


It’s not our country. It’s theirs.

Boy no wonder you guys won the top humor blog.


It will be interesting in the next few days to see how Right Blogistan plays the dissonant chord of, “It’s not an occupation/We’re not going to listen to what the sovereign nation tells us to do on its own soil.”

It’s much like my seventh grade students: they’re at a stage of brain development at which they can hold in their brains two contradictory ideas: “I already did that assignment. No, I didn’t finish that assignment. I already did that assignment.” I’ve lost count of the conversations I’ve had that run exactly that way. The crazy thing is that they mean both things. Though self-canceling, both thoughts are perfectly at home in the adolescent mind at the same moment.

Fortunately, most kids grow out of this. Those who don’t wind up posting on Ace of Spades. Or being Michelle Malkin.


being Michelle Malkin

Man, that was a terrible movie.


If this is the (insert mixed metaphor here) that gets us out of Iraq, how satisfying will it be to say that the Iraqi government, slapped together in ten minutes over a game of pool, is more effective at reflecting its citizens’ wishes than the U.S. government, which is t3h 1 tr00 shining beacon of light in the universe?

Iraq: 1
U.S.: 0.


Shortest Dick “Cakewalk” Cheney: “Qaack!”

True story: Deep in the Vietnam War, LBJ visited a military base in North Carolina, and decided he wanted to see some of the boys off. He made for a plane full of soldiers; but no one in his entourage had the heart to tell him the plane had just arrived FROM Vietnam. Just before LBJ boarded, an officer got there ahead of him and ordered the men, “Don’t say a goddamn word!” LBJ by all accounts gave a fairly moving send-off.

Life in the bubble. Some things never change.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Mistress Buttocks, yes, I too have become weary of the endless fingers of blame pointed at the Iraqis. In fact, that sort of blinkered, philistine pig ignorance almost brings out my less civil side.

It almost makes me want to slap each and every miserable, self-satisfied, ignorant bloody dickface that uses the expression. Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick, who went in there and bombed the bejeesus out of everything? Who refused to give reconstruction contracts to qualified Iraqi companies, preferring instead to pay 50 times the price for US companies to fail to do it? Who rounded people up like cattle? Who ‘accidentally’ shoots men, women, and children and refuses to even acknowledge it?

Who refused the Iraqis call for a census in the first year of occupation? That would have let them get on with voting, but the US refused. Who stalled voting until international outrage forced them, then blocked candidates who didn’t meet the puppet standard? Who refuses to acknowledge the fucking Iraqi government’s attempts to govern, for Christ’s sake?

Then to demand, in sanctimonious tones, that the Iraqis ‘be held responsible’, as though the Iraqis called the US in, the Iraqis have been blocking the US at every turn, as though it’s the wilful Iraqis conning the US out of something. Well, it fair makes my fur stand on end.

By the bye, Bradrocket, what took you guys so long? Joshua Holland at Alternet broke this story two days ago, beating the AP, and he’s even been quoted in Congress by now, I think. You guys need to pay attention, you could run out of space real fast.


[…] A Big Question about Iraq Saturday May 12th 2007, 1:19 am Filed under: Uncategorized Via Sadly, No!, it seems a majority of the Iraqi parliament agrees with the Dems that it’s time to set a […]

Typical Republican

My cat’s breath smells like catfood.


Absolutely no. We must give our troops and Gen. Petraeus the time needed to get things under control. He said it would take mid summer before we would see any improvement. Just yesterday the Iraqi leaders asked for more years to allow Iraq be completely settled in. We have everything to gain . The people of Iraq deserve their freedom. We need another country in the Middle East that is a democracy. We still have troops in Cosovo. They were never any threat to the USA.. However they were killing each other. However, Iraq is worse. They are embedded with al Qaeda and terrorist. So close you eyes and follow Pelosi to our detriment. Please remember what took place in New Jersey.–guncontrol0510may10,0,7057475.story?coll=ny-region-apnewjersey


‘It’s not our country. It’s theirs.”

I like this argument. Let’s go with it.


Let me get this straight, MJ, what you’re saying is that we should ignore a petition signed by the majority membership of Iraq’s duly elected Parliament and leave our troops there in order to give democracy a chance.

Do you guys even listen to yourselves anymore?

Herr Doktor Bimler

how satisfying will it be to say that the Iraqi government, slapped together in ten minutes over a game of pool, is more effective at reflecting its citizens’ wishes than the U.S. government,

I think this is supposed to illustrate how representative democracy can work at many levels. The apex is the level where you elect representatives who can govern on your behalf, choosing options that are best for you — as opposed to less evolved forms of democracy, where the fickle finger of public taste holds sway and the ship of state is in the hands of referenda. Modern government needs an authoritarian father figure at the top, and that is why the Intervention in Iraq… sorry, I forgot what I was saying. Too much beer.

Way too much beer.

My body is a temple, but fortunately my mouth is an atheist.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Apropos of absolutely nothing other than my gob-smack-ed-ness, and my certainty that at least some of you will have the same feelings of awe mixed with incredulity, look what I found: Mongoloid, performed a few weeks ago at a private party by Gerald V. Casales himself. And just so you know what you’re looking at, here’s the original to compare with.

Oh, and if that wasn’t enough, here’s what ol’ Gerry’s been up to lately. Jihad Jerry and the Evildoers.

My Devo-tion knows no bounds…


We still have troops in Cosovo. They were never any threat to the USA.

It’s “Kosovo”, unless maybe you meant “Costco” which I’m sure Wal-Mart would like to send troops to occupy but otherwise…

And where were the “Fort Dix Six” (stupid name for a stupid bunch of jihadis) from? Albania. You know, right next door to Kosovo. *EEEENT* Thank you for playing, we have some lovely consolation gifts for you behind the curtains there.

Oh, and “a democracy in the Middle East”? Hell, I thought the point of a democracy was that the people expressed their views through their elected leaders. And the elected leaders of Iraq would LIKE US TO LEAVE. Sounds like a democracy to me! Mission accomplised, let’s bring ’em home.


Why, oh why must the Iraqis always be such an ungrateful volcano?

(Just substitute “jihadi” for “Turk” in that letter, and then imagine how nice it would be to have a corps of journalists with the integrity necessary to object to this occupation.)


“…they were killing each other. However, Iraq is worse.”

Well if that’s your criteria, we got a shitload more countries to start sending troops off to. Have you signed up yet?


Let me get this straight, MJ, what you’re saying is that we should ignore a petition signed by the majority membership of Iraq’s duly elected Parliament and leave our troops there in order to give democracy a chance.

Look, Iraq is new to this democracy thing. They still abide by quaint notions of running government for the good of the governed, something we eliminated from the USA years ago. We’ll know they’re on the right track once they pass the “Permanent US Military Base Act” and the “Here’s Some Oil Fields For You Haliburton; We Didn’t Want That Money Anyway Act.” Then our soldiers can come home! Well besides the ones who will stay indefinitely to guard the oil, but as long as we don’t talk about them much it’ll be like they don’t exist! It’s no surprise you dirty fucking hippies don’t see the impeccable logic of this very reasonable plan.


Has that tequila finally kicked in, or is Spidey’s squeeze MJ really saying we should stay for many years in Iraq because we have everything to gain? I have got to stop mixing hard alcohol and right-wing blogs, now I’m starting to lose it.,3566,272079,00.html
We do not leave Iraq. How many times do you have to have it explained to you people? All of the things you say is bunk. You are cut and run cowards.


We do not leave Iraq. How many times do you have to have it explained to you people? All of the things you say is bunk. You are cut and run cowards.,2933,272079,00.html


We do not leave Iraq. How many times do you have to have it explained to you people? All of the things you say is bunk. You are cut and run cowards.

No one here is a coward, MJ. I served honorably in the military and my brother served in ‘Nam.

Democracy in Iraq will not work because of a “surge” or an election. The Iraqis will only have a true democracy if THEY TRUST EACH OTHER enough to govern, which they do not. This cannot be taught to them by condescending officials with their own agendas. Add to this (1) the constant threat of being killed or detained by both terrorists and U.S. forces;(2) Iraqs turning on their own citizens; (3) widespread corruption–would YOU trust anyone long enough to make a democracy?

In Kosovo’s case, the people there had already attempted to stop warring on one another before other countries intervened in 1999–even though they failed. THEY tried to negotiate before NATO struck with bombs. The bottom line is this: Only the Iraqis can decide their fate–if they want to.


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