Humour Marches On

I just got back from a thing, and was off the Internet for awhile, so what do you do with a drunken sailor? Apparently, you put him in the bilge and make him drink it! Because what’s this from our right-wing friend, Mr. A.O. Spades?

Sorry For The Break

Okay, wait. I’m skipping over the part where Ace is all like, ‘Here’s the Google-cached version of [something] in case you think I’m deleting things,’ and also skipping about nine million words of wordy-words, like bang-bang! on the keyboard, as in: Worditty-word-word! Bangity-word! times one million, like infinite ants marching up and down your screen until you’re like, ‘Aaah!’

You can, you know, look at it here. I’m so not kidding: Go look at the erupting wordcano and be like, ‘Aaah!’

… So I wasn’t kidding, was I?

But okay, this has to do with the vagina post below, and here’s the:

Here’s the deal: There are a lot of (sadly) low-traffic leftie blogs that “monitor” me, like unhinged liberals “monitor” Rush Limbaugh, and enjoy taking statements out of context.

He’s doing that thing again where he talks about us and how we ruthlessly mock him, while avoiding mentioning us by name. So let’s eschew words altogether. …Although I’m probably failing to quote some good stuff about how we’re tiny and wee and feeble and traitors, and many more things such as that.

Above: Figure 1

Above: Figure 2

I’m just not going to say anything. We don’t post the award banners because that would be like, ‘Woo, look at us,’ when every day is pretty much a frickin’ winding road, as it were. But, you know, someone wins them. And it’s not Ace for humor!

posted by Ace at 04:20 PM



Comments: 192


Dood, I totally LOVE big yellow arrows…



Ace has also been close to winning a place in a vagina.


What’s goin’ on? Haven’t stopped in a while, but commentary seems to have degenerated (quality and volume). Maybe it was that whole AnnieAngel thing or maybe just growing pains. Get back to your roots. We’ll come back like a bad dye job.


Ace has also been close to winning a place in a vagina.

Can I just say that you ruin every post by being funnier?


Can I just say that you ruin every post by being funnier?

Thank you for rescuing me from the devastating blow dealt by OOPS.


That’s the second biggest arrow I’ve ever seen!

“Here’s the deal: There are a lot of (sadly) low-traffic leftie blogs that “monitorâ€? me, like unhinged liberals “monitorâ€? Rush Limbaugh, and enjoy taking statements out of context.”

It’s a veritable orgy of desperate clockwise talking points! Needed a “Clinton did it too”, though…

“Here’s the deal: There are a lot of (sadly) low-traffic leftie blogs that “monitorâ€? me, like unhinged liberals “monitorâ€? Rush Limbaugh, and enjoy taking statements out of context. Like when Clinton took his wah-wah outta Monica’s Context.”



I got just the thing, and nobody will be the wiser:

Absorbshun! Just me and OOPS will know.

Maybe Ace won’t think it will taste like playdo. Instead, it will taste like bad beef and broccoli.

I totally hearted this post, btw. A Righteous Bubba’s quality will not keep me from saying that.


I voted like 20 times. Yer welcome.


Well er if this is an unpopular barely visited inconsequential little blog, why is Ass of Spuds writing a bazillion words about it…and what’s more, why is he all passive-aggressive about it?


Ace is desperately spinning S,N! as a bunch of unhinged, low-traffic moonbats … as opposed to his site, which is for unhinged, low-traffic wingnuts. Meanwhile, the irresolvable contradictions in the public persona he so frantically tries to present (“Me big he-man whoremaster! Me also afraid of women and scary vaginas!”) keep adding up, no matter how much he tries to bury them in a torrent of bland and meaningless content (love the “wordcano” meme, BTW).

Reality keeps banging on the wingnut and neocon door, but the barricades they’ve erected are thick and they’re leaning against them like the defenders of Jerusalem fighting off Saladin in “Kingdom of Heaven.”


Poor Ace. I didn’t think it was possible to capture flop sweat in a digital form but he’s evidently found a way.

Perhaps a nice gift would perk him up? A new logo, maybe? I’m thinking skull-over-crossed-bacon-strips. You know, go all classy-like.

a different brad

The question is, how do you make bacon look scary?


Show it to someone who’s had a quadruple bypass.


So does this mean that Malkin was being “ironical” when she said the 9/11 memorial was an islamofascist conspiracy?


Why So Much Attention Paid To Blogs? While rightwing blogs knock the leftwing MSM, leftwing blogs knock… rightwing blogs.

For the lefties, we are the “rightwing media.”

Which pretty much puts lie to the contention that the MSM itself is “rightwing.” If it actually were rightwing, these idiots would spend a little more time critiquing the NYT, AP, nets, etc., than Ace of Spades, Hot Air, Powerline, The Corner, etc.

No, Ace of Spades, you are a readily-available reliable source of cheap laughs that give left-wingers a somewhat smug feeling of superiority.


> The question is, how do you make bacon look scary?

Imagine what Ace would do with it.


closing the i tag




I heart Righteous Bubba too, but Ace has so not ever been near a vagina that I’d wager his mother had a caesarean.

Also, raw bacon is inherently scary. Trichinosis, for one thing.


“Reality keeps banging on the wingnut and neocon door”

Maybe reality can try the “burglar” gambit.


What’s up with the ads for Volvo, Alltel, and Amazon? Do they endorse “Ace”‘s content?


Why So Much Attention Paid To Blogs? While rightwing blogs knock the leftwing MSM, leftwing blogs knock… rightwing blogs.

For the lefties, we are the “rightwing media.”

Which pretty much puts lie to the contention that the MSM itself is “rightwing.” If it actually were rightwing, these idiots would spend a little more time critiquing the NYT, AP, nets, etc., than Ace of Spades, Hot Air, Powerline, The Corner, etc.

He’s got us there. If only there was a left-wing version of “Media Matters,” that a left-wing version of Atrios worked for.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a post critical of Fox Noise, CNN, the NYT, the WaPo, David Broder, Wolf Blitzer, the WH Press Pool, Tim Russert, Judith Miller, Liz Bumiller, the Washington Times, the NY Post, Mr. Smerconish of the Philadelphia Smerconishes, the LA Times, and any other mass media source on a left-wing blog. We’re totally busted an stuff.


Also, Chris Matthews?? Totally gets a pass from the left. What’s up with that?


Oh yeah, and Joe Klein.


“I’m just not going to say anything. We don’t post the award banners because that would be like, ‘Woo, look at us,[sic]’…”

But isn’t every post here kind of a ‘Woo, look at us’ statement? (Apologies. I lost the thread where I challenged you, Sir Gavin of the Petulant Whiners 🙁 ) . You up for it? A photoshop contest between me and you, and your poorly informed proletariat can kick in too? You’re ‘peace is more important than freedom’ crowd can even be the judges!

You can even pick the topic! I still have 2 days off Lord Gavin, Defender of Human Rights, Unless You Are Some Foreigner, Like An Iraqi.

C’mon, please, Gavin, Earl of Freedom, Unless it Comes at a Cost?


I purchased a brain cell and bookmarked this, btw. Here’s one to start you off. It’s an embellishment on Darbey Conley’s amazingly funny ‘Get Fuzzy’ (original here, tells a sillier story).

Keep in mind, I’m not only a stupid conservative, but I’m from Louisiana! That makes me double-stupid in the eyes of a (non-judgemental) progressive like yourself, right? There’s no chance you can lose, my eloquent friend!

ps. I don’t even know what ‘eloquent’ means. I’m from Louisiana.


Well how do you want it Kevin?

A Judgement on how funny your ‘additions’ are to the comic or just a pat on the head and a gold star for the effort?


Do you know what ‘humorously challenged’ means, Kevin?


The Right is a joke, and Ace is the punchline.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Amazingly funny? Gosh, I’d have said you’re showing yourself up as someone who just don’t understand the science and don’t have the social conscience, Kev.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I’m waiting for the next installment of Ace’s logo. That’s got to be funnier than some chucky who thinks he’s got a humour gene despite believing everything he sees on telly.

Or how about a blowfish doing Riemann integrals? A McCulloch chain saw? A Las Vegas wedding, a Mexican divorce. A solid gold Kama Sutra coffepot, or…

A baby’s arm holding an apple.

Tubes rock.

Smiling Mortician

Oh, great. Kevin’s back. I suppose we have another 500-comment thread to look forward to involving little more than Kevin ralphing up chunks of “I can photoshop! Look!” and “What do I know? I’m just a winger from palookaville!” and “None of you have jobs! Woot!”

Normally I find deja vu at least mildly entertaining, but with Kevin? Not so much.


It’s an embellishment on Darbey Conley’s amazingly funny ‘Get Fuzzy’.

Needs more cowbell.


Keep in mind, I’m not only a stupid conservative, but I’m from Louisiana! That makes me double-stupid in the eyes of a (non-judgemental) progressive like yourself, right?

The fact that you’re from Louisiana has nothing to do with it. Being a conservative in 2007 makes you double-stupid no matter where you’re from.

Good luck with that “liberals are judgmental elitists” shtick. You know, we let you morons run things for the last seven years, and gee, what a surprise, we’re left with a huge clusterfuck. I think it’s time for the “elitists” to take over again. But by all means, keep running the 2004 playbook. I’m sure it’ll work out well for you…

And for the record, yes, we do look down on you and find you to be quite stupid, silly people. But who cares what we think? BushCo’s legacy of failure and devastation speaks quite loudly for itself.


“A Judgement on how funny your ‘additions’ are to the comic or just a pat on the head and a gold star for the effort?”

Judgement day, my friend. Be cruel. It’s how the left handles the good guys, and I expect no less! No gold star please. Cripes, Even George Tenent got one of those, and we all know what a slimeball he is. A gold star has become an insult.

“Do you know what ‘humorously challenged’ means, Kevin?”
Indeed I do, trademarked guy. I’m very sad you suffer from it :(.

Qetesh the Abyssinian, as a sort of scientist (engineer), I’d say that only you don’t understand science. I’m sorry that a non-scientist like Ace is more capable of seeing the truth than you, but, being that you are scientifically challenged, can you instead give a cheer for me?

You see, today is the day when we begin chopping down 3,104 acres of pine trees that may have been protecting us from global warmenizing! Can I get an ‘awwww’ for my evil scientist goals? Or maybe a tree hugger? 360,000 trees, 2 months. Gone. Hah! Sadly, I will be replanting in December, but until then, the pseudo-scientists will say that I’m hurting the world. This is good, because I revel in making idiots worry. 3,104 acres… that’s like 15% of the Earth’s surface, huh Qetesh the Abyssinian?

Friggin’ hippies. My offer still stands for a showdown, Gavin of the Weak.


I forgot that hippies like to sleep until the crack of noon. I’ll go mow the lawn (decreasing the grass’s ability to combat global warmerism (PBUH) because that’s how us evil conservatives/libertarians play it) and see if Gavin, Father of Lies has awoken.

Have a nice day my hippie friends!


I’m sorry that a non-scientist like Ace is more capable of seeing the truth than you

Isn’t it cute how wingnut fucktards are willing to go to such great lengths to protect their blogger paramours? (Cue Tammy Wynette’s “Stand By Your Man”)

I’m sure Ace must be very touched. He’s going to let you give him an extra long, slow rim job later on tonight.


Dead preparer said:
“Oh, great. Kevin’s back. I suppose we have another 500-comment thread to look forward to involving little more than Kevin ralphing up chunks of “I can photoshop! Look!â€? and “What do I know? I’m just a winger from palookaville!â€? and “None of you have jobs! Woot!â€?”

Way to steal my thunder dude.

JustKidding47 said:

“Good luck with that “liberals are judgmental elitistsâ€? shtick. ”
I only said that liberals were judgemental. It’s interesting that you decided you/they were elitists. But probably not interesting at all to the ppl who read this blog. The crowd that is sad and a big fan of the word ‘no’ isn’t capable of understanding what you just implied. Now I’m sad 🙁


Photoshop contest, eh?


J/k said:
“Isn’t it cute how wingnut f**ktards are willing to go to such great lengths to protect their blogger paramours?”

‘JustKidding’, I have to be honest and say that I didn’t read what this post was about. I just offerred a pshop contest to your lord and savior, Gavin, who appears to still be sleeping. No worries, he’ll wake up soon. Government checks come this week, so he’ll be at the Post Office soon!

Seriously though, ‘Just Kidding’, could you keep the swearing to yourself? I completely understand that some people can’t express themselves well without swearing because they never learned how to be articulate without swearing. You’ll find you send a stronger message if you drop the profanity.

Or, you could go the Amanda Marcotte way. That worked out so well for her, huh?


Hah, the “man” awakes!


Tenet. Kevin, jeez, we don’t mind Louisianans, even some conservatives, and crappy Photoshoppers with an inflated ego are always welcome; but fercrissakes, learn to spell, dude.


Can we get Kevin to like pie?


are you having weird conversations with yourself again Kevin?

I think you will see that Mr. Willis, Wingnut Supreme, acquits himself well in this clip. That is to say, he is one articulate motherfucker.


Oh, please. don’t encourage him.

Hysterical Woman

FARK is the best online community? Compared to the dumpster outside of Arby’s?

Kevin Bacon Holding Playdoh

Sneedle snurdle flipsock. Washuggah shiggah photoshop. Ablubble blubble blubble liberal. Me so smart, it smarts. Parts? No o-Playdoh. Wakka Wakka ulp!


That damn little bird is still beating his brains out on the window downstairs.

Oh, sorry. I covered the glass with paper yesterday. that’s Kevin I’m hearing.

Hysterical Woman

Or compared to Kevin’s conversations with himself?


Do I need to ridicule your idealistic call for withdrawal from Iraq to save the people (which means ‘to allow the murder of millions’ in the name of peace, kinda like Darfur’)

Or will you submit to the contest, Gavin? As a head’s up, even your hippie masses will be able to see that islamofascism is more deadly than global warmenisification. Unless you choose something gay like ‘politics’.

And before you attack my use of the word ‘gay’, I meant it not as ‘homosexual’, but as ‘weak minded’ ‘unwilling to commit’ and ‘likes to put penis in rear end of male friend’.


It’s the all-new Kevin’s Argument! It’s both a strawman AND a false dilemma!


Or dichotomy, as it were.

(Ize jus don talk smaht enuff to bee a consoivativ.)


There he goes again, bashing his brains out against the reflection in the glass.


… ‘likes to put penis in rear end of male friend’.

Which is so not anything like “Play-doh and bacon.” Right, Kev ?


wasn’t that what it was before? i can’t really tell. his coherence level is slipping alarmingly


“Tenet. Kevin, jeez, we don’t mind Louisianans, even some conservatives, and crappy Photoshoppers with an inflated ego are always welcome; but fercrissakes, learn to spell, dude.”

No can do, Bill. He’s a Tenent. And a bad one.

“thelogos said,
Can we get Kevin to like pie?”
Can we get anyone to like pie? It’s hit or miss. Icidentally, chocolate and coconut creme are both tasty!

“ichomobothogogus said,
are you having weird conversations with yourself again Kevin?

Uh, yeah. Are you?

“Hysterical Woman said,
FARK is the best online community? Compared to the dumpster outside of Arby’s?

No, compared to here, m’lady. And seriously… calm down. You’re friggin’ hysterical.


Or will you submit to the contest, Gavin? As a head’s up, even your hippie masses will be able to see that islamofascism is more deadly than…

So wait. If I’m reading this situation accurately, you just bought some kind of Photoshop paraphernalia, and are being all like, “Bwaha! How do you like me now?”

A Wacom tablet? Some fonts?


Another tragic illustration of the methamphetamine scourge sweeping America’s heartland. Get help, Kev.

LA Confidential Pantload


You do know that any hippies left in 2007 are collecting Social Security? You do know that?

Also, collecting gummint checks at the PO is sorta pre-Ronald-Reagan.

Kevin = Rip van Wankle


What’s this? Whatever it is, those are some mad photoshop skills!


So wait. If I’m reading this situation accurately, you just bought some kind of Photoshop paraphernalia


Pathetic, isn’t it?


I guess “traitor” has kind of lost its effectiveness, so the wingers are falling back on the tried-and-true “hippie” as their epithet du jour. Now, if they could just get the rotting, maggot-infested corpses of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew to run for president in 2008, they’d really have something cooking. They could call us “nattering nabobs of negativity.” That’d show us.


Apparently Kevin’s photoshopping skillz are so teh awesome that two things will occur

1) I will be convinced that a struggle against a bunch of crazy people who like to live out in caves and are armed with such complicated weapons like RPGs and AK-47s, who dream of taking over the world despite lacking the power to do so are the greatest threat the world has ever seen. Like greater than if Hitler, Napoleon, Stalin, Xerxes, the mole people and the smurfs teamed up to form the a sort of super-villian team.

2) That something that pretty much every one outside of the US is agreed is happening is all just a gigantic conspiracy to make our patriotic oil industry look bad. Even though (strangely) even if the threat were some sort of bizarre conspiracy that affected everyone but noble, intelligent conservatives, using less oil (given the chaotic nature of the Middle east) would be in of itself a laudable goal.

Well, that’s pretty impressive photoshopping. It must be better than the kitten who plays piano.


*sigh* I’ve got to go cancel the benefits of a lawn to the coming global warming crisis by mowing it (THE WORLD WILL END SOON BECAUSE OF MY LAWN MOWING/TREE CUTTING ACTIONS, HIPPIES). It’s lawn mowing time. Unfortunately, it’s a freakin’ 8 acre lawn, but my offer still stands,when I get back in like 5 hrs. Gavin, I know you are not a ‘man’ in the traditional sense, but are you going to be a man in at least the photoshop sense? I’ve only got 2 days left to expose you for the non-productive whiner that you are, and then I’ve got to get back to work.

I’m willing to spare my precious free time to show you up. Are you willing to spare a bit of your your 24 hr. jobless free-time to counter me?

C’mon Gavin, duel with me! As we’ve seen in the past, I’m only barely better than you at pshop. Maybe you are the better now! Let’s find out, huh?


afk 5+hrs 🙁


His grace said: Whatever. He’s right! Kudos ‘HisGrace’. ok afk 5+ hrs now.

William F. Buckley

Kevin, if you were half as smart and as funny as you think you are, you’d be almost impressive. But instead, you are as exactly as smart and as funny as you really are, and therefore you’re a–how shall I put this?–fucking douchebag.


he just can’t stay away can he? i remember last time he was posting at least once every half hour for three days straight. the lawn’s a wash till friday at least


Please teach me how to understand your “Global warming folks are Nazis” (complete with swastikas and “Seig Heil”) idea as not judgmental. I’m serious– I just need some help there.

Oh, and I hear you about being thought “double-stupid” for being Southern. Brother, compadre, comrade, you are SO RIGHT. I’m from NC, and while I was getting my PhD. at Harvard (I passed the brown-paper bag Yankee test, so they couldn’t tell), I would see Southern laborers have hammers and sickles burned on their lawn. Hell, even I had to read Russian to vote in Massachusetts. Swing low, sweet Ford pickup we used to sing…


You’re toast, Gavin. Toast!


I guess this is what we have to look forward to for the next couple of years: lame global warming jokes.

Watching the wingnut fucktards get smacked down in the 2006 midterms was pretty fun, but it is really going to be fun watching them lose their precious White House in 2008. Even though I don’t really care much for Hillary Clinton, it’d be kind of cool if she won, because it would inflict the maximum amount of pain on asshats like Kevin here.


This must be a new low, even for conservative humour, drawing Nazi symbols on a ‘Get Fuzzy’ cartoon!

As I’m fairly new here, i have to ask, is Kevin a parody, or, god help us, is he for real?


Ok wait, I’m a little slow this morning, and I’m still catching up. Kevin just blew through like a gin-soaked tumbleweed, insulted everybody, announced a Photoshop deathmatch, and then disappeared to mow his lawn for five hours.



I love it when conservative trolls come on here all agitated and are like “LOOK, I’M MOWING MY LAWN, HIPPIES!” or “LOOK., I’M SUPPORTING THE WAR, GET MAD AT ME!” and the collective response is “Yawn.”

Kevin is the equivalent of the kid standing at the edge of the diving board yelling at his mom over and over again to please please please look at him because he is about to jump in cannonball-style and MAKE THE BIGGEST SPLASH EVER.

Yes, Kevin, we see you. That was an awesome cannonball! Very nice! Now leave mommy and daddy alone.

Harry Cheddar

Ordinarily you’d have to join the highschool chess club to recieve the kind of haughty challange offered by Master Kevin. Soon as he finishes his chores, ITS IN YOUR FACE MAN! Aww yeah!


cancel the benefits of a lawn to the coming global warming crisis by mowing it

Actually, mowing the lawn improves its health and vigor.

So, would you go mow it already? Why are you still hanging around in your rec room at the computer! Go out and get some fresh air and exercise, like Mom said.

I know it’s time for All-Kevin-All-Day, but this (above) is going to be interesting — shutting down military blogs and e-mail. I wonder what Baby Hewitt will have to say about it.


I knew that the smurfs were in on this whole global warming racket.


“Mowing my lawn” = “Masturbating vigorously”


Yeah, but that won’t take him 5 hours.


Masturbating vigorously, then eating cheese doodles for four hours and 58 minutes to try to get his strength back so he can work a keyboard again?


Oh,so it’s us who have no jobs but Keviekins has 5 hours free on a Wednesday to mow his lawn?


Kevin’s almost unfathomable wealth, gained through the glories of Pure Manly Capitalism, allow him the luxury of staying home and “mowing the lawn” any day he wants! Truly, he is the Ultimate Man.


For the longest time, I thought Kevin was another annieangel/shoelimpy-style liberal who makes fun of “conservatives” by acting stupid. We are way past that point now. They really, truly think like that. Seriously.

Wingnuts talk to themselves when they troll other blogs. That’s fine. That’s their business. But they are bewildered that we don’t live up to their stereotypes. They are confused and frustrated that the world does not conform to their beliefs. Their beliefs are 100% opposed to reality, so that’s not surprising.

So just marvel at the madness and move along. They won’t reach wingnut martyrdom until they start their Unabomber/Tim McVeigh campaign against the United States. Hopefully by then they’ll be put in jail or an asylum. We have our wingnuts. Arab and Muslim countries have their Islamists.

Kevin (if he is for real) is just there for laughs. It is unfortunate that this country and its culture produced something like him.


As I’m fairly new here, i have to ask, is Kevin a parody, or, god help us, is he for real?

He’s no parody, lobbey. He showed up here in December when Gavin was crushing wingnuts in a photoshop challenge. Since then he returns every so often to go on commenting binges.


Do the hippy hippy shake! “Hippie” as the new buzz insult comes via the pathetic little ankle biters who make South Park.

Note that the notion that “millions will die” if the US occupation troops leave is a re-run of equally baseless propaganda used during the Vietnam War.

Also, Kevin, the US government never has and never will give a shit about the freedom of any people. As evidenced by the long running US support for the islamist tyranny of Saudi Arabia (remember the picture of Bush skipping hand in hand with the Saudi prince?), the Saudi military and torturers are all trained by “former” US military (I guess this is the “freedom” the troops are fighting for) among countless other examples.

You want guns to defend yourself against a government that supposedly so scary, yet you think the same government is somehow capable liberating others. (Or maybe you wouldn’t object if the feds took away your pop guns?) A majority of the Iraqis think the US occupation troops are increasing the violence and they want them to leave as soon as possible so you’re not doing them any favors. In Srebrenica, targeting military age males was genocide, in Fallujah it was US liberation.


But I guess your going to come up with some totally cool and detached ironic comeback to all that and totally ruin so me I guess it’s no use. Woe is me! 🙂


Utah County Republicans ended their convention on Saturday by debating Satan’s influence on illegal immigrants.

Sigh… I get so embarrassed living here sometimes.

At least that wasn’t in my county. Salt Lake County, where I live, is relatively sane. That stuff was in Utah County, which, if Utah were a housing development, would be the model home.


Did that dood use the word ‘Ironical’?


Kevin thinks it’s humor to fuck your dog in the ass while kneeling in the front yard. The klieg lights are only there to ensure his friends can see all the details.

Kevin, think about the dog…does he really want to be seen with you?


The hippies are all on Social Security? Bullshit! My dad’s only 58; he still has to work for a living.


Kevin’s schtick is like a verbatim ripoff of Jeff Goldstein, only without the capital letters.

Since it’s received wisdom in the righty blogosphere that Goldstein is hilarious, little wonder Kevin assumes the same about himself.


Gaah! Speaking of wordcanos–
Do you people even think that I have the time to read through 100-comment-ish comment threads, especially when the Sadly boiz are cranking out about seven posts a day? OK, admittedly, about four of those posts are “shorters,” but you guys are often posting a huge number of comments to those, too! And, I hate commenting on a thread if I haven’t read all of the comments, ‘cos I hate accidently duplicating anyone’s comment… mostly ‘cos most of you can write ’em better/funnier/wittier/etc. than I can, so it’s a bit of a risk to post blind, as it were.
Now, mind you, I don’t want to encourage anyone to limit themselves. One of the things I enjoy about comments here is the relative richness in content and the propensity of commentators here to go into greater deoth than at most other blogs. It would be a darned shame if, fo instance, people here began to emulate the commentators over at FDL, and comment in short bursts of around four or five words, and often silly, vacuous words at that. I just wish there was a little less, somehow.
And, yeah, I know. I wasn’t helping anything there.
Mebbe I should just shut up and go away.


Oh, see? Scrolling up, it all seems to be Kevin’s fault! Solved!


It would be a darned shame if, fo instance, people here began to emulate the commentators over at FDL…



Looks like I’ve found another Frisch. I may not be posting anymore today. Have got some research I need to do now, it seems.

Posted by Jeff Goldstein | permalink
on 05/02 at 10:36 AM

As they say in the TV Guide: “… zany hi-jinks ensue … ”

Comedy gold.


it all seems to be Kevin’s fault! Solved!

What’s with all this Kevin bashing anyways? Why his mad photoshopping skillz are only exceeded by his infallible debate strategies. I mean, I though I had him questioning his ability to use photoshop to convince me of the lunacy of global warming and the imminent homexudemoslamunist menace. But by merely stating that my sarcasm was nothing short of simple agreement with him, he boxed me into a corner.

It was at this point that I realized that I was living a lie. I really have been brainwashed by the Emm Ess Emm to think that global warming is a dire threat, when really it is nothing more than Al Gore’s blatent attempt to undo the 2000 election via time travel. I also now see how a guy in a cave is far more dangerous than 10 000 nuclear missiles on constant launch readiness for the better of 30 years. I also am finding that I am yelling to the hippies to get off my lawn so I can mow it.

Now I await the mere three hours until Kevin finishes mowing the lawn. Then he can convert the rest of you commies.


In fact, if we’re all incredibly, incredibly lucky, maybe a little later we’ll have both Kevin and Ace doing their “neener-neener” routines here simultaneously! Oh! that I have lived to see this day!
[scrounges around for cyanide capsules]


OK, hmm, shall I quote from a comment thread on a funny post at FDL, or a deadly dry, serious one? I’ll do one of T-REX’s posts, since they’re the closest thing to a S,N! post that FDL has to offer, Here are the FITZ! first few comments, verbatim:

CTuttle says:
May 1st, 2007 at 10:32 pm

lolo says:
May 1st, 2007 at 10:32 pm

Margot says:
May 1st, 2007 at 10:33 pm

CTuttle says:
May 1st, 2007 at 10:33 pm
woo-hoo my first Zed!!!!!

lolo says:
May 1st, 2007 at 10:33 pm
nice one CT

lolo says:
May 1st, 2007 at 10:34 pm
CTuttle @ 4

woo-hoo my first Zed!!!!!

Congratulations! YOU deserve it!

LoudounLib says:
May 1st, 2007 at 10:34 pm
Can’t sleep, so I thought I’d do a quick drive-by. Hi TRex and everyone!

Suzanne says:
May 1st, 2007 at 10:34 pm
Sweet, CT. Congrats.

Does anyone see a joke lurking in there? Or a bit of serious discussion of teh ISSUEZ? I admit I don’t “get” this “zed” stuff, mainly ‘cos I don’t hang there much, and it’s like they have their own dialect. It is not, however, the kind of smart dialogue I see around these parts regularly. It’s somewhere around the intellectual level I see in the comments of a bunch of other places-Americablog, for example. I’m not dissing the writers over at FDL, they’re quite good, though, of course, they’re doing an entirely different thing over there-it’s much more serious, as is fitting for the subject matters that they cover, And, good on them for taking those subject matters with the appropriate amount of gravitas that those matters demand.
And, yes, I know that a fair number of you comment over there as well. But, really, where is your better writing winding up?

Hmm. I’ve probably just started a blog war, haven’t I? I knew there was a reason that some subjects were just *not* discussed in comment threads. Ever.


Hey, if the shoe Fitz…


If someone could help me find where my better writing is ending up, I’d be most appreciative. Apparently, it isn’t at work. *sigh*


Marq is absolutely right. The difference between S, N! and the rest of Left Blogistan is the commentariat. Sure, the proprieters are terrific, as are the proprieters at any number of other sites, but the comments are painful. I read atrios, but I won’t even open the comments…



Marq –

Too right. Though in fairness to ifthethunderdontgetya, there are people who leave intelligent comments on FDL – but it’s an almost Herculean effort to sort through all that AOL-ish shout-out crap to find them.

I’m probably missing some good stuff there, I know. Oh well.


Actually, the only comments I will read are usually from the not-quite-as-kewl kids, like SadlyNo, Tbogg, alicublog, Balloon Juice, the Poor Man, Whiskey Fire, etc. I gave up reading the comments at Eschaton and DailyKos years ago.


You got that right mikey. If I want to read (or make) weird incomprehensible and meaningless comments, I just stop by Pinko’s place.

The ‘zed’ thing is from a glitch in their software. Apparently, if you go to comment right after a post is made, and before the next commenter comes in, your comment reads as comment zero.

Not much more edifying than the Frist! or Fitz! thing, but hey, it’s not like there’re any inside jokes round these parts.

ooops, sorry Gav, I didn’t see you working that celery phototshop there. Carry on.


Trex is as funny as anyone out there but the FDL commenters seem to be in it more for the community feeling and are less interested in attempting to collectively whip up the perfect snark casserole than the commenters are here. All that zed and frist stuff must act as social glue for them and a couple of times I’ve wanted to ask WTF but why harsh anyone’s buzz?


You almost summoned GOLDSTEIN-stein by saying ITS name thrice. Luckily, you fell short of such fell times.

heh, indeed.


WTF is it with Kevin and lawn mowing? The last time he was here (well, the last time I paid attention to him, anyway) he was dropping the PShop challenge bomb, insulting Gavin, making faux self-deprecating comments a la Godlstein, and then dashing out to mow the lawn for 5 hours. Just like today.

Is it possible that lawn mowing is his livelihood? He claims to be a scientist or something, and I suppose, you could consider, say, a golf course greenskeeper who took some university courses in botany and horticulture (as many do) to be a scientist. But the greenskeepers I have known have been far more intelligent and knowledgeable about…well, everything, than Kevin appears to be.

And, just for the record: None of you have jobs! Woot! I know this wasn’t actually Kevin, but I LOL’d, so there.

I do not, in fact, have a job. Not because I am a sleep-in-till-noon hippie (in fact, I sleep very little), but because I am retired. A retired hippie. Yeah, that’s it! Just kidding, I’m actually a retired clinical researcher for a major pharmaceutical company. And no, I don’t have any free samples. Besides, I was working on drugs for cats and dogs.

Kevin’s reappearance leads one to speculate (it would be irresponsible not to) as to where he has spent the time since his last trollage episode.

My speculation would be that he was binned. For alcohol, drugs, mental disorder, or any combination thereof.

Because his comments read like someone who is extremely manic, for whatever reason. Either that, or he’s 14 years old. The 14 year olds I know seem to be constantly manic.

I hope he’s not cutting the grass too short.


Well, I’m off–but you all knew that already. By the time I get back to teh intert00bs this evening, I fully expect the comment count here to surpass 150 175. Do carry on…

…with CELERY!!1! Or mebbe even an enormous sammich…..




WTF is it with Kevin and lawn mowing?

Holy shit, you’re right. Kevin must be fighting the Islawnofascist menace.


With FDL you scroll past the first few and then you get some good stuff alot of the time. I’ve found all kinds of interesting articles and links from the FDL comments.

I don’t get the need to be first either,but hey,who am I to deny the kids their fun?


When the sun beats down and I lie on the bench,
I can always hear them talk.
Me, I’m just a lawnmower – you can tell me by the way I walk.


FDL is my favorite serious lefty-blog, and the commentariat over there is not (yet) as banal as Atrios’. Just skip the first screenful or so – until you start getting comments that are longer than a few words, from a single poster, not a pile of quotes. There are some very good commenters there.

…though I do find myself reading the comments less and less due to the klatch factor.


…like angryoldbroad said while I was typing.

Oh yes – and don’t complain about the zed thing over at FDL unless you want to get slapped.


Back to the photoshop contest idea…what could be better than scurrilous depiction of your opponent?

The two sides don’t even have to co-ordinate on it: you simply declare a photoshop war and get going.

Smiling Mortician

Hey James —

It’s one o’clock and time for lunch, dum-de-dum-de-dum-dum.


So wait. If I’m reading this situation accurately, you just bought some kind of Photoshop paraphernalia, and are being all like, “Bwaha! How do you like me now?�

A Wacom tablet? Some fonts?

Why do you always question my means? I told you what I’m coming with last time I beat you Gavin. It’s still the same. The difference is that I’ve got 48 hrs to goof off. Sadly, I forgot just how many mindless hippies you had smoking the buddha bud and reading your site, so it will be a bit of a challenge to go up against all of you. But they’re mindless hippies, so I’m willing to risk it.

So it’s paint the house, or pshop contest with you! I choose pshop, though the wife dissents.

Karl Rove II said,
Kevin thinks it’s humor to fuck your dog in the ass while kneeling in the front yard. The klieg lights are only there to ensure his friends can see all the details.

Kevin, think about the dog…does he really want to be seen with you?

What the…? Child of Karl Rove, seek professional help immediately!

HAHAHAH! I’ve finally found a funny liberal, other than Jon Stewart and Colbert!

Wally Whateley said,
Kevin’s almost unfathomable wealth, gained through the glories of Pure Manly Capitalism, allow him the luxury of staying home and “mowing the lawn� any day he wants! Truly, he is the Ultimate Man.

Would that it were true, dear Wally. But this is my frickin’ vacation! ‘Vacation’ is when the boss stops giving you orders, and the spouse begins to. But I am quite wealthy. I’ve got kids who are beginning to hate me (8, 10, 12yrs old), almost a hundred dollars in the checking account, and a home that we own a small percentage of. Rich, I tells ya!

Gavin said:
Ok wait, I’m a little slow this morning, and I’m still catching up. Kevin just blew through like a gin-soaked tumbleweed, insulted everybody, announced a Photoshop deathmatch, and then disappeared to mow his lawn for five hours.

I totally agree! You are a little slow :). Yes, I offerred the contest, but having forgotten how late hippies sleep, had to bow to my significant other’s demands of a freshly cut lawn, since you guys were still smoking the morning blunt and didn’t respond fast enough to give me an excuse. Thanks for nothing :(.

Happy Doctor of the Dead said:
Oh, great. Kevin’s back. I suppose we have another 500-comment thread to look forward to involving little more than Kevin ralphing up chunks of “I can photoshop! Look!� and “What do I know? I’m just a winger from palookaville!� and “None of you have jobs! Woot!�

‘Zactly. ‘Cept I’m not from palookaville. Is thast some sort of racist comment?

R.L.Page said,
… ‘likes to put penis in rear end of male friend’.

Which is so not anything like “Play-doh and bacon.� Right, Kev ?

I’m sorry, but I don’t get your reference :(. For the record, I’m against putting play-doh, bacon, or really anything in friend’s rear ends. Even if they ask you to. Must be my conservative side showing.


You do know that any hippies left in 2007 are collecting Social Security? You do know that?

Also, collecting gummint checks at the PO is sorta pre-Ronald-Reagan.

Kevin = Rip van Wankle

Good Lord, no! Hippies are being bread daily, probably at your local college. Sure, most of them don’t wear tye die anymore (though many do), but they are still out there, smoking weed and draining our country of wealth while contributing nothing. Check out if you doubt me. Lazy hippies (aka progressives) still abound.

But enough with conversation. Are you going to accept my challenge, Gavin? Or should I find some other sissy hippy liberal blog to harass?


Kevin must be fighting the Islawnofascist menace.
RB delivers again.


FYi, Marq. I totally agree with everything you said about comment threads, here and elsewhere. Others much enjoy it, and to each his own, but it’s not for me.

LA Confidential Pantload


Hippies are not “being bread.” You’re thinking of Jonah Goldberg.


given you spend most of your time here talking to yourself and your habit of unilaterally declaring victory in the face of universal derision why dyou even need Gavin to be involved? All you have to do is link to some unfunny shit like Nancy Pelosi with a lightsabre, wait for the hoots of derision, claim you owned everyone and then fuck off. In fact you don’t even need a link, just tell us you’ve done something awesome, but we’re not allowed to see it. that at least will save a little of your reputation (such as it is)


Dammit Kevin, Those hippies are EVERYWHERE. Hey hippies get off my lawn!!! (if my a linking doesn’t work)


‘Vacation’ is when the boss stops giving you orders, and the spouse begins to.

Did you just buy a stack of 1950s cocktail napkins at a garage sale or something?


I’m sorry, but I don’t get your reference :(. For the record, I’m against putting play-doh, bacon, or really anything in friend’s rear ends. Even if they ask you to. Must be my conservative side showing.

Your conservative side is putting things in friends’ rear ends while simultaneously preaching the evils of doing so.


Maybe he was making some existential comment about since the DFH are always smoking marijuana (getting “baked” in the DFH lingo), they have undergone an ontological shift to become baked goods. Which also neatly ties in with the “loafing” around that Kev-meister insinuates the DFH’s do.
Me, I prefer pie.


Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
Im a lawnmower: no time to talk.
Grass long and sunshine warm, Ive hit rocks and dogdoo
Since I was born.
And now its all right. its ok.
And you may mow some other way.
We can try to understand
The neighbor kid’s effect on lawn.

Whether youre a mower or whether youre a blower,
Youre stayin alive, stayin alive.
Feel the lawn mowin and the clippings being blown,
And were stayin alive, stayin alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin alive, stayin alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin alive.

Well now, I cut it low don’t want it high,
And if I cant get either, I really try.
To get that stinky dogdoo off my shoes.
Im a mowin man and I just drink booze.
You know its all right. its ok.
Ill live to mow another day.
We can try to understand
The neighbor kids effect on lawn.

–With Reluctant Apologies to Barry Gibb


Exactly, His Grace! 🙂 Ah, screw it. Request for photoshop slapfest withdrawn. It’s painful to come here and see how many Americans are willing to blame the US for all the problems with the world. It’s clear I’m not going to get the showdown I was hoping for, so I guess it’s time to bail. Enjoy your lives, hippies!

Hehe, did I type the words “tye die”? Add ‘multi-word dyslexic’ to my list of faults that you can comfort yourselves by laughing about!


hehe, i got listed as ‘spam’ 🙂 See ya!


Did you just buy a stack of 1950s cocktail napkins at a garage sale or something?

Ha. Spot-on. There’s a fustiness to Kevin that I find very entertaining, like a bloggy Mr. Magoo.


This is been another thrilling episode of “Who Gives A Rat’s Ass About Kevin?”

Tune in next time for the thrilling answer to this… ahh, fugeddaboutit.


Jesus, Kevin is such a parody that I’m surprised he didn’t sign off with “Smell you later!”


I know, Clint. It’s amazing how many hippies cared enough to comment! And hippies are notoriously lazy, so the number is probably even larger!

Thanks, my hippie friends, for giving a “rat’s ass”.


Shouldn’t there be some kind of Godwin’s Law corollary for trolls? I mean, if you call the regulars here “hippies”, we win. Automatically.


Hippies are not “being bread.� You’re thinking of Jonah Goldberg.

“bread”[sic]…”Jonah”…fucking brilliant!


Ace on Trogdor:

I think (hope) this game is deliberately inept and illiterate (instead of lives you have “mans”).

Gee, you think? Proof enough that he has no humour.


you can prove humor, elf? Nice talent! I heard that you were +2 at proving humor when attacking a conservative, but I had to see it to believe it. Kudos!

Sorry about using ‘bread’ to mean ‘bred’, Mad. You have indeed caught me in, not a typo, but a mispelling. I distinctly remember looking at that paragraph and thinking, ‘something is wrong here’, but couldn’t put my finger on it.

So you got me! But I’m going to take the liberal way out and blame someone else. It’s the fault of the NJ public school system! Some government type please send them more money, so we can fix this problem! Increase taxes or whatever. Just the rich though. It makes much more sense to tax the people who work for a living than to tax the readers of this blog. There’s no money in that.


It’s the 40th Anniversary of The Summer of Love… Take a Stick to a Hippie Today!

Posted by Kevin (Mrs.) | permalink
on 05/02 at 06:49 PM


Listening to the new Wilco CD (via Quicktime):

“What am I gonna do when I run outa lawn to mow?”


Gawd, kevin, shut the fuck up! Do you believe you are funny? Do you HOPE you are funny? Do you know what it means to BE funny? You’re like fingernails on a chalkboard.

I’m pretty sure that since kevin can’t tell the difference between smartass and genuinely funny, he’s pretty much always black, blue and lumpy.

He says he’s married, but honestly, who the hell could stand to spend ten minute in the same room with this idiot?



Care to hear from our next President? Face it, we uber-naz-fascist-totalitarians control the voting booths, or the or maybe the world (I forget what the hippies are claiming these days… something like that).

Heil Thompson! He’s comin’ he’s comin’, he’s comin’! (NSFW) It’s old, but if you replace ‘Thompson’ with ‘Washington’, it’s still appropriate.

But Fred! will save British children too. Bow down now, my hippie friends.

solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short

Wait wait wait. Can we back up real quick to the part where James made a Lamb Lies Down reference which Mikey then scooped up and turned into a full-on song parody, but a parody of a totally different song, all in the service of mocking an obnoxious right-wing pest?

I shall now register my approval by checking the box marked “awesome.”


I knew that the smurfs were in on this whole global warming racket.

And who could blame them? Just look at them, they’re freezing!


Mikey said:

“Gawd, kevin, shut the fuck up!”
Ouch! Ok :(. But can I comment on the rest of your comment? Assuming you said ‘yes’:

“Do you believe you are funny?”
Yes. But only smart people get my humor. So… you don’t get it?

“You’re like fingernails on a chalkboard.”
But with butter.

“He says he’s married, but honestly, who the hell could stand to spend ten minute[sic] in the same room with this idiot?”
Excellent example of the ‘tolerant left’, my friend Mikey! To be fair, my relatives probably ask the same question, but what on Earth led you to believe that my significant other is a wife? Maybe it’s a dude or something. Or a puppy.

Apologies in advance if I previously suggested that my spouse was a woman. That was horribly intolerant of me. If only I could join with you guys to worship Allah. If only. Oops, I meant that in the future tense.

Seriously though. Allahu Ahkbar, huh? Friggin’ hippies.


“Wait wait wait. Can we back up real quick to the part where James made a Lamb Lies Down reference which Mikey then scooped up and turned into a full-on song parody, but a parody of a totally different song, all in the service of mocking an obnoxious right-wing pest?”



He says he’s married, but honestly, who the hell could stand to spend ten minute in the same room with this idiot?

what on Earth led you to believe that my significant other is a wife? Maybe it’s a dude or something. Or a puppy.

Kevin clearly is a Man-on-dog kind of guy.


Of course, I still wonder who would spend ten minutes in the same room with him – he’d even annoy a dog.


who the hell could stand to spend ten minute[sic] in the same room with this idiot?�

See, here’s the thing. People whom I offend on the intert00bz frequently fire back by pointing out my typos, mis-spellings and, frankly, my mis-use of the english language. Know why you can do that, Kevin? Gonna tell you, boy.

When the rest of you smart boys were in college, I was fighting for my life in a little place east of An Loc, South Vietnam we called “The Belly”. When I got back I couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t figure out how to do school, so I didn’t. Wish I had your degree and your success – I’ve been struggling to earn a living and be part of society ever since.

You know what I’m talking about because of your combat experiences, right? Or at least you get it because of the time you’ve personally invested helping combat vets re integrate into society, right?

But hey, dood, go ahead and mock my struggles with the language. It shows you for the shallow child you are, and it makes it clear that you don’t understand what it means when you slap that $1.99 “Support Our Troops” magnet on one of your SUVs.

What it means, youngster, is you can’t come up with a real argument. Your heart isn’t in it. Because real conservatism isn’t about authoritarian government or invading and occupying foreign nations. Real conservatism is about limiting governmental interference in the lives of citizens.

But you’ve thrown your lot in with the criminals. You’ll be surprised when the knock comes on your door late at night. You’ll cry out “but I supported you guys” and they’ll tell you frankly, “sure you did. But you have no value to us now”. And you and I will be sharing a barracks at a camp. And you will find, to your surprise and consternation, that no one will share their food or medicine with you.



Sorry about using ‘bread’ to mean ‘bred’, Mad. You have indeed caught me in, not a typo, but a mispelling. I distinctly remember looking at that paragraph and thinking, ’something is wrong here’, but couldn’t put my finger on it.

Oh Kevin, bless your little heart. You really are just about the silliest of trolls I’ve ever seen. By the way, I believe the word you are looking for is s “misspelling”, not “mispelling”.

Please tell me, where should we dirty fucking hippies send our charitable contributions to help the spelling-challenged victims of public education? We see that there is a profound need here, and really, we want to help!


maddie, if you give the Wingnuts spelling welfare, they’ll just start relying on it and they’ll never be productive members of society.


People whom I offend on the intert00bz frequently fire back by pointing out my typos, mis-spellings and, frankly, my mis-use of the english language. Know why you can do that, Kevin? Gonna tell you, boy.

When the rest of you smart boys were in college, I was fighting for my life in a little place east of An Loc, South Vietnam we called “The Belly�.

Aw hell, Mikey, now I feel like crap! Although I doubt this is the reason Kevin can’t spell.

Mostly this thread makes me wonder, “Hey, where the hell has Marita been lately?”


G, screw you! Man on puppy, I would have accepted. But man on dog!?!? Disgusting.

who the hell could stand to spend ten minute[sic] in the same room with this idiot?�

See, here’s the thing. People whom I offend on the intert00bz frequently fire back by pointing out my typos, mis-spellings and, frankly, my mis-use of the english language. Know why you can do that, Kevin? Gonna tell you, boy.

When the rest of you smart boys were in college, I was fighting for my life in a little place east of An Loc, South Vietnam we called “The Bellyâ€?. When I got back I couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t figure out how to do school, so I didn’t. Wish I had your degree and your success – I’ve been struggling to earn a living and be part of society ever since.

Sucks. Tragic even. But aren’t you glad that you’re horrendous troubles at least benefitted the world? Sure, the benefits were mitigated by the likes of Jane Fondaand such. Admittedly, the hippies and the Democrats made sure that your positive effect would be minimized as much as possible. But doesn’t that make you all the more adamant that our current generation of heroic fighting men don’t suffer the same fate? Can’t we let them win? It’s what they want… almost to a man.

I certainly would not mock a Vietnam Vet intentionally. America let you down. I’m just doing my small part to make sure that America doesn’t let our current men and women down. I would have thought that any Vietnam vet would support me in this venture. Do you, Mikey?

Don’t get me wrong. I’ll still rib you for mispellings and typos (we learned those things long before high school) and I expect you to do the same (Maggie is big on it, for example!). But let’s be clear Mike. I would have supported you heart and soul for your venture in Vietnam if I were alive back then, and even though I wasn’t, I laud your goals there. In truth, Vietnam is primarily why I hate hippies and Democrats. But can’t you see that they are trying to do the same ‘run away’ tactics they did to you and your friends in Vietnam, leading to 3/4 million deaths in South Vietnam, maybe a miillion dead in Laos, and multiple millions in Cambodia?

At what point do we have to say, “Enough, hippies!”? Can’t we work together to make sure missing links like Harry Reid and the evil Nancy Pelosi don’t ruin our chance to actually WIN and perhaps begin to fix the horror that is the Middle East?

I’m just sayin’, hippies. I know you can’t comprehend such ‘out of the box’ thinking, but you guys think someone can unilaterally declare peace, so I’m not hoping for much.

Still, the seed is planted!

Can we flee from Iraq, and then peace will be restored?

Can we flee from Afghanistan, and then peace will be restored?

Can we afford to limit our freedom of speech to not include statements on Islam, as the cartoon jihad suggested we should?

Can we as hippies really say that Islam (submission) is just as cool as freedom?

Spellcheck THAT maddie. But read it first.


Oh Kevin, bless your little heart. You really are just about the silliest of trolls I’ve ever seen. By the way, I believe the word you are looking for is s[sic] “misspelling�, not “mispelling�.

Maddie, my heart is not small! In fact, it grew three times it’s normal size last Christmas. Video soon. Frickin’ Whoville bastages are the cause of the holdup.

Anyway, in the future, please bless my BIG heart. Thanks in advance! 🙂


If the spouse is a woman (and who here doubt’s it), what is a good conservative doing taking orders from her? Come on Kevin, who is the master of your house? Are you a true man, a true conservative? Make her mow the effin’ lawn and don’t take any shit. Allows you to go back to your favourite pastimes, sitting in a darkened room losing arguments with Hippies and playing Age of Empires (although you seem more of a Command & Conquer guy to me).


See, I was drawn to this blog for the first time when Otto Man, I think, said that GWB would blind himself with a laser pointer when asked to point out Iran on a map, or something…and then he’d bomb Iran. Now that’s funny.

Smiling Mortician

I certainly would not mock a Vietnam Vet intentionally

Gavin? Guys? Seriously. For the above line and all the bilge that flowed out in the paragraphs that followed, could you please reconsider your no-banning practice? Kevin fails to amuse, he fails to contribute anything meaningful to the discourse, and he’s an obnoxiously ignorant dilettante with a truly hateful set of frat-house social skills.

It wouldn’t be so bad if he just rang the doorbell and peddled his delusions for a while, but when he barges into the living room, craps all over the rugs, and then idly flings lumps of what he’s produced at the people whose home he’s invaded . . . well, maybe it’s time to kick him out.


Sucks. Tragic even. But aren’t you glad that you’re horrendous troubles at least benefitted the world? Sure, the benefits were mitigated by the likes of Jane Fondaand such. Admittedly, the hippies and the Democrats made sure that your positive effect would be minimized as much as possible. But doesn’t that make you all the more adamant that our current generation of heroic fighting men don’t suffer the same fate? Can’t we let them win? It’s what they want… almost to a man.

I certainly would not mock a Vietnam Vet intentionally. America let you down. I’m just doing my small part to make sure that America doesn’t let our current men and women down. I would have thought that any Vietnam vet would support me in this venture. Do you, Mikey?

Don’t get me wrong. I’ll still rib you for mispellings and typos (we learned those things long before high school) and I expect you to do the same (Maggie is big on it, for example!). But let’s be clear Mike. I would have supported you heart and soul for your venture in Vietnam if I were alive back then, and even though I wasn’t, I laud your goals there. In truth, Vietnam is primarily why I hate hippies and Democrats. But can’t you see that they are trying to do the same ‘run away’ tactics they did to you and your friends in Vietnam, leading to 3/4 million deaths in South Vietnam, maybe a miillion dead in Laos, and multiple millions in Cambodia?

At what point do we have to say, “Enough, hippies!”? Can’t we work together to make sure missing links like Harry Reid and the evil Nancy Pelosi don’t ruin our chance to actually WIN and perhaps begin to fix the horror that is the Middle East?

I’m just sayin’, hippies. I know you can’t comprehend such ‘out of the box’ thinking, but you guys think someone can unilaterally declare peace, so I’m not hoping for much.

Still, the seed is planted!

Can we flee from Iraq, and then peace will be restored?

Can we flee from Afghanistan, and then peace will be restored?

Can we afford to limit our freedom of speech to not include statements on Islam, as the cartoon jihad suggested we should?

Can we as hippies really say that Islam (submission) is just as cool as freedom?

Spellcheck THAT maddie. But read it first.


That kinda bore repeating, huh, grinner at dead people?


Kevin, you’re getting the wrong end of the causality stick. It was the US that so ably destabilized South Asia, which is why all Iraq’s neighbours are crapping their pants at the idea of the US doing more blind meddling.

Cambodia might have been an awful lot different had the US tread more softly, but you guys just don’t get the message.


The guy who paints dead ppl said:

“It wouldn’t be so bad if he just rang the doorbell and peddled his delusions for a while, but when he barges into the living room, craps all over the rugs, and then idly flings lumps of what he’s produced at the people whose home he’s invaded . . . well, maybe it’s time to kick him out.”

Cool words mortician! Care to back them up? Exactlly where am I deluded? You’re handler doesn’t see it, nor do I. I’ve told no lies, since I’m a conservative/libertarian. You know we leave that to the progressives. So, what exactly is your problem with me, mortician? Do you so hate the truth that you think it should be banned?

Friggin’ hippies.


Exactly where am I deluded?

Exactly here. Somewhere else would be better.


Those with the good sense to use Firefox always have a solution. Pretty simple matter to customize the script. Much gratitude once again to ImJohnGalt.


Bubba said:

“Kevin, you’re getting the wrong end of the causality stick. It was the US that so ably destabilized South Asia, which is why all Iraq’s neighbours are crapping their pants at the idea of the US doing more blind meddling.

Cambodia might have been an awful lot different had the US tread more softly, but you guys just don’t get the message.”

Would that this were true, you and your hippie buds would be spot on! Unfortunately, the region was long unstable, even before the French surrendered in 1954(?). I understand full well that it’s shick to say that America destabilized the region,but it’s hardly factual. Kennedy entered the US into the war LONG after the situation for South Vietnam had become untenable.

Unlike liberal tradition, it’s extremely important to admit that AMERICA caused the deaths of so many millions of Asians when we bailed out on our allies. Don’t be a liberal… admit the truth. Millions. MILLIONS dead. America’s fault.

Just something to think about when you whine about getting America out of Iraq. Millions, hippie. MILLIONS. Are you comfortable with sentencing them to death, hippie?


Unfortunately, the region was long unstable, even before the French surrendered in 1954(?).

Kev, in 1945 Ho Chi Minh was soliciting American help, and receiving amounts of it. Imagine a Vietnam in which some sort of detente could have been maintained instead of a delusional slaughter.


Are you comfortable with sentencing them to death, hippie?

They’re already dying by the hundreds of thousands from the war and the botched occupation you dumb babyshit motherfucker. But who in the fuck gives a shit what people like you think, anyway? America cast you aside in the last election. It’s not your country any more. So get used to pounding out the verbal diarrhea at your computer- it’s going to be your only outlet for a long time.


Perhaps a nice gift would perk him up? A new logo, maybe? I’m thinking skull-over-crossed-bacon-strips. You know, go all classy-like.

The question is, how do you make bacon look scary?

Use the melamine tainted pork.


Kevin said, on May 2, 2007 at 15:51 :
“Judgement day, my friend. Be cruel. ”

Any ideas on why you seek to anger so many people Kevin?

I know this may not get through to you, but people calling you names isn’t ‘love’, despite what you may have learned from your mommy and daddy.


Another one for the YouTube wars – alternatively, can be dedicated to Ace of Spades.

Kevin, a hippie


Jane Fonda killed millions! MILLIONS! Prove me wrong.

I’ve told no lies, unlike you… HIPPIES!

Smell ya later! Hippies!

PS… HIPPIES! (insert emoticon)


Your conservative side is putting things in friends’ rear ends while simultaneously preaching the evils of doing so.

The reason for this is that it just doesn’t feel “naughty” if no-one condemns it. There’s a distinctive layer of masochism there on top of everything else. That’s what makes it really exciting when an “ex-gay” cheats on his wife with another man.


Righteous, thank you! I modified it, and now all I see is miles and miles of pie!


I modified it, and now all I see is miles and miles of pie!

I’m a believer, too. Hooray, ImJohnGalt! Hooray for pie!


if I were alive back then

Kevin’s total ignorance of the Vietnam situation in a nutshell.

Mmm. Did someone say pie?


G said:

“Mmm. Did someone say pie?”
You, Sam (who lives in Utah), and Clint did.

“if I were alive back then

Kevin’s total ignorance of the Vietnam situation in a nutshell.”
Do you guys even listen to yourselves? Gee, g, I guess I can’t learn anything from history, being as I wasn’t alive for most of it. Sheesh. Hippie logic eludes me, I guess. But don’t get me wrong. That weed is making you smart! Keep smokin’. The cure for cancer is coming with the very next bong hit, I predict.

Bubba said: (about Vietnam, with an effort to make America look bad while discussing the third most evil oriental in recent history, Ho Chi Minh)
“Kev, in 1945 Ho Chi Minh was soliciting American help, and receiving amounts of it. Imagine a Vietnam in which some sort of detente could have been maintained instead of a delusional slaughter.”

Bub, what’s your point? America has picked bad guys to support many times, only learning the truth later. Heck, we even supported Castro at one point! Are you suggesting that America, like all other groups of individuals, makes mistakes from time to time? Point taken then. I guess.

And I do indeed ‘imagine a Vietnam in which some sort of detente could have been maintained instead of a delusional slaughter’. Too bad Ho was unable to do the same, huh? We could have today a prosperous and free South Vietnam, much like South Korea and a (insert your favorite hippie here. Jane Fonda’s mine) Jane Fonda style totalitarian government in the north, slowly decomposing. But if wishes were horses, liberals would not need to hitchhike so much.

Kevin, a hippie said,
May 3, 2007 at 14:10
Jane Fonda killed millions! MILLIONS! Prove me wrong.
I’ve told no lies, unlike you… HIPPIES!
Smell ya later! Hippies!
PS… HIPPIES! (insert emoticon)

Possibly true(?), but the phrase ‘prove me wrong’ is a decidedly hippy liberal statement. Shouldn’t you be expected to prove yourself right, hippie Kevin?

Please take no offense at what I’m about to say (though I know you will, and deservedly so) but you guys suffer from a serious case of mental midgetness. Wasn’t alive=Can’t learn anything from Vietnam? ‘Prove me wrong? WTH!?!

tuberculosis said:
“They’re already dying by the hundreds of thousands from the war and the botched occupation you dumb babyshit motherfucker. But who in the fuck gives a shit what people like you think, anyway? America cast you aside in the last election. It’s not your country any more. So get used to pounding out the verbal diarrhea at your computer- it’s going to be your only outlet for a long time.”

Ok, I didn’t understand like one word of that. Was it English? I’m assuming hundreds of thousands of people are dying every day somewhere though. Can we agree that hundreds of thousands of deaths every day is a pretty bad thing, tb? *hugs*

Lastly, volunteer. It’s a pain in the ass and often painful to complete, and overall just sucks. But you’ll have a smile on your face the next day. As hippie Kevin would say, “prove me wrong!” Heh.


Honestly, I don’t hate hippies as much as I suggest. They’re hippies, and incapable of learning more. Weed does that. They’ve ruined their lives, and who are we to argue about their decision. It’s a personal choice.

But you non pot-smoking ‘progressives’ (progressive has NOTHING to do with progress, apparently) should be ashamed of yourselves. Praising Che Guevara, often supporting Castro, Mao, etc. Always assuming that America is the bad guy, instead of confronting the REAL bad people. Frankly, it’s embarrassing. And that makes you an ’embarrassment’. Don’t be gay, non-weed-smoking hippies! Be men! Stand up to the scumbags. Don’t say, ‘well, we are jerks too’ or whatever Reid is feeding you. Stand up!

And to the weed smoking hippies, “yeah, keep doin’ that. It’s worked so well for you in the past, huh?”

friggin’ hippies.


Bub, what’s your point?

I suppose my main point is that the less you write the smarter you look. But if carpal-tunnel syndrome is the icing on your cake of dumb, have at it.


Righteous Bubba said,
Bub, what’s your point?>

I suppose my main point is that the less you write the smarter you look. But if carpal-tunnel syndrome is the icing on your cake of dumb, have at it.

You are clearly looking for a pointless ‘gotcha’ that neither decries a statement stated by your debate opponent, nor offers any type of solution to the situation.

Good call though! I’ll give you a point. Mental midgets: 1, Normal people 0.

You’re winning, bubba! Grats.


i see you’re still talking to yourself Kevin. I know its easier to make up opinions and positions for other people and then attack those, but it gets a little tedious after a while. You should avoid getting hysterical though. Hippies can smell fear. I must say i’m glad that the Iraq war dead-enders are getting desperate enough to go totally off the rails and invent MILLIONS OF DEATHS HIPPIE!! MILLIONS!! (wave arms froth froth) in the event of a US pullout from Iraq. Pulling stuff out of your ass is a good rhetorical technique in the short term but eventually you just end up covered in shit. So wipe yourself off and sit down. There is little evidence that violence will increase in the event of a US pullout. The worst sources of violence in Iraq are the occupation troops themselves, their allies in the lavishly armed and funded SCIRI and Badr Brigades and the various death squads and militias allied to them, and the salafist foreign fighters who are despised by the vast majority of Iraqis (and the majority of the insurgency) so how would a US pullout INCREASE violence? The Shiite fundamentalists would be far less willing to attempt a total takeover of the Iraqi state and ethnically cleanse their enemies without the direct support of the US Army and the weapons and funding they’re getting just now. They’d have to come to terms with the general consensus amongst both Iraqis and the regional powers. The salafists will no longer have a raison d’etre to be in Iraq or a ready flow of recruits, and the rest of Iraqi society can then quite happily turn on them and kick them out of the country (or shoot them or whatever). There were no salafist fundamentalist terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion after all. And last but not least the fact that US armour, artillery and aircraft will no longer be shooting up the country which will also radically reduce the death toll. A set timetable for withdrawal and opening of negotiations among the various Iraqi factions could facilitate a ceasefire and moves towards a (relatively peaceful) resolution. Will there be massacres, executions of supposed collaborators, continuing ethnic strife, and terrorism for years afterwards? of course. but the chances of it surpassing the levels of all these things today isnt particularly high.

Your Vietnam analogy is a little flawed. for one thing your figures don’t add up. I can’t find any reliable sources for the figures you provide (i’ll be charitable and assume the Laos figures are a misprint) but if you can point me in the right direction i’d be very grateful. (assuming you have a source). whatever their veracity 700,000 is still a lot less than the several million who died in vietnam between 1965 and 1973. So the years after the war seem to have seen a significant drop in deaths from violence and other causes. (btw. i’m assuming you’re not talking about the hundreds of thousands who died post-war from unexploded american ordnance and dioxin poisoning from spraying of agent orange)


You are clearly looking for a pointless ‘gotcha’ that neither decries a statement stated by your debate opponent, nor offers any type of solution to the situation.

Yeah, sometimes you’re worth it and sometimes you’re not. I am pleased that you think I’m worth the effort.

Anyway, what you’ve identified above is that I believe your assumptions are so cock-eyed and out of the norm that it’s kinda pointless to engage, like trying to have a heart-to-heart with a Bircher. You guys are falling from favour because you’re obviously nutty, so the work entailed in dealing with whatever it is you’ve chosen to dish out between manly lawn-mowing pursuits is pretty much a waste.

Let me recommend a book to you. Any book.


Let me recommend a book to you. Any book.

Now THAT’S funny!!!

My man Bubba is hilarious!!



Gee Icho, you don’t think millions will die if we pull out now, like we did in southeast asia decades ago? Say precicesly that then. Not because I’ll be happy when I’m found to be correct, and not because it will help any of those millions of Iraqi deaths to have more meaning. But at the very least, it will give us proof that listening to the Cindy Sheehans or ichomobothogoguses of the world is a huge mistake.

Righteous Bubba: You are always worth the effort. Let me recommend a book for you too Bubba! Orson Scott Card’s ‘Empire’. Doesn’t have much to do with our conversation, but it’s a good read if you are out of books.

My time here as come to an end, my hippie friends. Enjoy your lives! I’ll see you in about 4 months. And for God’s sake, stop smoking weed!


first off, seeing as you haven’t mentioned a source for your post-war death toll in Vietnam and Laos it seems fairly safe to assume you were lying. So lets scratch those. Conflating post-war Vietnam with the Khmer Rouge is a sure sign of an ignorant hack. As for Cambodia itself, the Khmer Rouge would never have come to power without the Americans bombing the country back to the stone age and utterly destroying rural society there. Those massacres in 75-79 are hardly a mark in your favour as the policies you support in retrospect facilitated them.
secondly, i’m quite happy to repeat myself for the hard of understanding. No i don’t believe that millions will die in the wake of an american withdrawal from Iraq. you will notice i gave “reasons” for this opinion, based on “evidence” and “things happening in the real world” rather than just waving my arms about and ranting, and making up bogus historical analogies based on lies.
You and your ilk have very peculiar views about foreign policy. something along the lines of We must randomly invade countries for no reason, smash them up and then stay there forever because millions might die if we leave. How long must america stay in Iraq on the possibility that things might get worse if they leave? another 5 years? ten years? what will that achieve? the war in iraq is lost. there is no way to win other than wiping the country off the face of the earth which is pretty much by definition worse than any post-exit outcome. more generally, does any military adventure inevitable tie up troops for decades? Can american troops ever leave any country they occupy in case something horrible happens? I’m sure if you had your way the answer would be “No”. I know you wish the Vietnam War had never ended, that somehow the imaginary government of an imaginary country could have been saved if only the hippies hadnt stabbed america in the back. I’m sure you entertain fantasies of a huge american army occupying a shattered rump state in south east asia in perpetuity, a ring of steel and vast swarms of B52s defending the arse end of a nation consisting of fifty square miles of refugee camps round central Saigon under siege but still bombing the countryside around it to buggery twenty years on. There never was any hope for the GVN. The majority of the US business class as well as the general population had turned against the Vietnam war by 1968 on the pragmatic grounds that the war was unwinnable, and the adventure should be terminated to prevent the complete collapse of the US army and the possibility of serious blowback both domestically and internationally. The GVN had no control over the country, and the NLF was too heavily embedded in the rural population to defeat except through genocide. It wasnt the dirty hippies who lost the war, it unwinnable from the start. the dirty hippies merely had the gall to tell you that to your faces while you were being spoonfed westmoreland’s lies. (this “you” is the collective right wing, not yourself personally. i feel i should make this clear as you seem none too bright). No doubt you (this you is you) will say the war could have been won if only we were resolute and ruthless enough, if we hadnt been fighting with one hand tied behind our backs. (it’s a reasonable inverence based on everything you’ve said) But how many more deaths would it have taken? a million? two million? how do you square this with the crocodile tears shed for the victims of communist terror (the same people you wish the US had kept killing longer). I seem to remember from last time that you’re also one of the “more rubble, less trouble” crowd who thinks we need to take the kid gloves off and really let the Iraqis have it. you do realise that the people who will die in the surgified take-no-prisoners escalation you long for are exactly the same people you’re worried will be killed once the troops are gone? Or is it not who dies that matters but who does the killing? Plus ca change.

I’ll tie up the loose ends and go into more detail tomorrow, and continue in ten or eleven installments over the next week or so, but that’s all for tonight.


What is it with King of The Trolls Kevin and reefer? He knows a couple of the current trendy terms for it, he never accuses us “hippies” of using/abusing any other non-gummint approved substances, but he comes back to it again & again. My guess? He’s trapped by a wife, three children, & a mortgage into holding down a job where he’s drug-tested twice a day, and gets three days vacation every four months (what a swell gig that must be) when all he really wants to do is smoke some tea & play video games or photoshop in his basement all day long (yes, he’s the “lazy hippie”). And when his thrice-a-year three day vacation comes he’s so filled with rage he can only vent by, as mentioned above, visiting someone else’s house & covering it in his own poop. After his wife makes him mow the lawn, that is.(Makes him more of a lazy coward, really.)
Keep your eyes on the news, it won’t surprise me at all if there’s a workplace shooting somewhere in Louisiana, followed by the discovery of even more bodies at the suspected shooter’s house.
And that, Kevin, is one of the many reasons I hate America: What it does to Americans, not to mention what it does to the rest of the world.
(Parliament/Funkadelic reference: “America Eats Its Young.”
Now I’m calling an end to this thread!!! Game Over!!


But we haven’t hit 200 yet!


Anyone who knew who Triệu Thị Trinh could have told you with a fair degree of certainty how the Vietnam war would end even before it started.

See, that’s how you learn something from history.


Sorry – “Triệu Thị Trinh’s story”.


Four months, eh?

Must be trimming the hedges.


Damn! We’re still ten comments away from 200!


i think that was my fault. i bored everyone to death


consider this a contributary comment for the count. Cheers!


(comments are closed)