Bushwah Du Printemps

Bush vetoes troop withdrawal bill

In only the second veto of his presidency, Bush rejected legislation pushed by Democratic leaders that would require the first U.S. combat troops to be withdrawn by Oct. 1 with a goal of a complete pullout six months later.

“This is a prescription for chaos and confusion and we must not impose it on our troops,” Bush said in a nationally broadcast statement from the White House. He said the bill would “mandate a rigid and artificial deadline” for troop pullouts, and “it makes no sense to tell the enemy when you plan to start withdrawing.”

Because if the funding bill were allowed to pass, it would turn Iraq chaotic and confused.

Can I borrow a dollar? Thanks. Veto. Hey, you owe me a dollar for that dollar I just vetoed you from lending me. Woot! [sour orchestral vamp]

Okay, I’m going to be honest and be the first here to admit that this was more fun when the Republicans held all three branches of government, and were running crazy-mad all over the place with no hope of accountability. That was frickin’ telling it to the man, man! These days, at times, it feels more like beating on a beached jellyfish with a baseball bat. How long can they live?

So wait. Also, besides killing all the troops, the Democrats are emboldening terror. Plus, according to all sources, George Tenet is now newly to blame for the unhinged and treasonous perception, which is not real, that Iraq was a bad idea. Which we distinctly did not order, with our game faces and pounding keyboard fists! Aiee!

It is someone’s fault — perhaps you and you and you. Also, the stinking Jews Muslims.

Wait, I mean Jews Muslims. No, wait. [checking the Internet] Muslims.

Anyway, happy May Day, which commemorates the eight-hour day and the weekend, brought to you at bloody cost by the American labor movement uh [ahem] Loyalty Day!

Actually, if I am not mistaken, that jellyfish needs much pounding to become tender. Pardon me for saying so.


Comments: 45

Smotes Durston

That “loyalty day” is a gag, right? RIGHT?!

It’s that fake website that has Bush gabbin’ that the Chinese have come pretty far for a race that can be blinded with dental floss, right?

Or it’s APRIL1st, not May, right? Please….?


Loyalty Day!! WTF?

Grand proclamations demanding “loyalty”- isn’t that word rooted in “law”?

The Emperor, in his pajamas, is demanding fealty. All else are traitors, I guess.

Smotes Durston

And I know Media Matters (and Eschaton) already reported it, but Glenn Beck’s comment that the trumpeting of global warming science by Al Gore is exactly the same as the eugenics science trumpeted by Nazis, has got to be the god-damned stupidest argument I have ever heard. And I grade student papers for a living.


a different brad

Not to sound bloodthirsty, but personally I feel no need to be humane to said jellyfish.
Fucker stung me too many times, it’s gotta die.
Plus, otherwise its offspring might one day sting my offspring.
Think of the children, bash that jellyfish but good.


Re: Loyalty Day

I HAVE TODAY approved House Joint Resolution Number 479, designating May 1 as Loyalty Day, and calling for its appropriate observance by the people of this Nation. I am in accord with its purposes.

The naming of May 1st as Loyalty Day conflicts, however, with the observance of that day as Child Health Day pursuant to joint resolution passed by the Congress in 1928.

I therefore urge that the Congress enact legislation amending the act of May 28, 1928, 45 Stat. 616, by substituting the first Monday in October for May 1 as Child Health Day, thus avoiding the conflict that would otherwise result from simultaneous observances for different purposes.

Eisenhower’s signing statement, 7/18/1958.


“This is a prescription for chaos and confusion and we must not impose it on our troops,� Bush said

Every time Lord Fauntleroy whines about how the mean ol’ Democrats are hurting the troops and trying to cause bad things to happen to them, I die a little on the inside. I’m not sure what’s more pathetic and a national embarrassment; that he keeps saying it, or that people believe it when he does.

If the Dems were smart, what they would do now is start wondering openly why Bush is being so soft on a complacent and feet-dragging Iraqi government. It’s been for years; why is he refusing to take off their training wheels?


Oy, a whole lotta stupid all in one day.

I wonder if Bushy-boy’s fork has a cork on it’s end.

a different brad

Also, is it standard for gubbermint proclamations to use the now relatively archaic phrase “in the year of our Lord”, or did they just have to find a way to shout “ooga booga! we’re dumb superstitious fucks, jeeeeeeeeeeebus!” in there to make it even worse?

Strange Forces

Loyalty Day?


So, I was sitting at work, troubleshooting the network and the preznit came up to me and was like, “Loyalty day!”

I was like, “Yeah, Whateva!


Osama must be partyin’ like it’s his birthday…


To truly appreciate Bush one should add “capisci?” to his every sentence.

a different brad

To answer my own question, seems that Clinton used it, too, so oops. Gotta stop acting wingnutty and asking questions I can answer.

a different brad

I’m distracted cause
phil hughes……
go look at the box score, folks.

a different brad

i jinxed it without saying the wrong word, even


Every time Lord Fauntleroy whines about how the mean ol’ Democrats are hurting the troops and trying to cause bad things to happen to them, I die a little on the inside.

Thank you. I mean, this shit’s GOTTA stop. The “troops” are really busy. Oh, they have political views, and they’re all over the board. But they have a job to do, and no matter what happens in the stateside debate, they have to keep on just fucking well keeping on.

I was fighting for my life in an insane swirl of daily, almost hourly combat, less than four fucking goddam WEEKS after the kent state massacre. If anybody thinks that what happens here has ANY goddam impact on the, what? The soldiers? They’re gonna what, stop fighting? Fight less hard? It’s YOUR FUCKING LIFE ON THE LINE, IDIOT!! Please, how can we make these empty suits stop playing this game?

I know, most people haven’t been in combat, so it somehow SOUNDS good. It’s beyond stupid, it’s beyond silly. You keep doing your job ’til you get on that freedom bird ’cause the alternative is YOU LET THEM KILL YOU!! Come on. Do NOT let these republican thugs sell you on this bag of manure.

Soldiers soldier. Because the alternatives are to run, or to die. Neither are acceptable. So FORGET any argument that what happens in Washington has ANY impact on them. Oh, some might say “right on” and some might say “fucking commies”, but roll out comes, you saddle up, mount up and go do your job. Why is this so hard to understand?

More importantly, why is this so easy to exploit?

A Pox on Both your houses, fuckerwads….



Sorry, I’m back. I’m still spun up.

Somebody explain to me what they’re really saying, please?

It’s what? “Oh, those rotten Dems want me to come home, I’m gonna go out there and NOT shoot haji?” Huh? What are they saying is this horrible thing that is happening to these soldiers in Iraq?

They’re tough enough to fight “al Quaida” eyeball to eyeball, but if the Dems want to redeploy them they’ll what? Lay down their weapons? Cry like babies and surrender? Of course not.

They’ll do their job right up to the end. Now let’s get them the fuck outta there….


Ok, I’m done. I’ll go make my turkey….


Loyalty Day? I thought it was Law Day.

Hey, I read Jonah Goldberg today in the LA Times. His column is all about how Bush’s critics are gonna cherry-pick Tenet’s book for the quotes they want, which is really terrible and manipulative and, you know, like BAD and all, because they’re cherry-picking it and all. And he would tell you how wrong that is, except he hasn’t read the book yet.

Jonah comes through again.


As somebody said to somebody else who said if we pull the troops out the enemy will start a bloodbath: They’ve already started.


Actually, that would be Labour day, bought to you by the stonemasons of Melbourne, if I recall correctly.

Sitting as I am overlooking the route of their march, no more than 500 metres from the 888 memorial, let’s here it for patritotic predantry!

You can add this to the list of great things brought to you by Melbourne, such as AC/DC, Dead Can Dance and the Crumpler bag.

No really, there’s no need to thank us.



Patritotic predantry?



Da best kinda predantry there is, m’man…



I can never make a point like mikey does, but it’s worth noting that many people get it, mikey.


If I knew how to link, I’d say that mikey was featured on this very site.


Thanks Kate. They just have to stop trying to play this card. People need to ask them “huh?” They have nothing behind the buzz phrase.

Turkey was good. Now if I just had a cookie….



Damned if Dem do, damned if Dem don’t.

a different brad

Off topic- Berkeley Breathed is doing a book tour for a new kiddie title he’s got out.
i might well end up renting a car for a day to get to long island to see him next week, if i can’t find any other way. I figure at least one or two other folk here care enough it’s worth sharing.


…but roll out comes, you saddle up, mount up and go do your job. Why is this so hard to understand?

None of the people around Bush have any personal experience with that “go do your job” concept you so rightly espouse,Mikey. In the Bushworld, if it looks to be unpleasant, demanding, or difficult — much less life-threatening — the correct response is to hang around making excuses and whining until the hoi polloi rides off and they can award each other more medals and no-bid contracts. The Reichtard meme that America was “changed forever” by Vietnam is true so far as those gutless scumsuckers go… people like Dubya “AWOL” Bush and Dick “Five deferments, other priorities” Cheney have made their entire careers from goldbricking, featherbedding, and related forms of petty treason, and they’ve inspired every succeeding generation of Reichtard larvae to strive for the same level of incompetence.


g at 4:30 — you’re only right. “…except he hadn’t read it yet.”


Bah! May 1 will never be Loyalty Day to me… it will always be Mission Accomplished Bulging Codpiece Day.


Well, to us heathens May 1 will only EVAR be Beltane – fire/fertility festival extrordinaire (read: sex in the woods – w00t!)
So, as holy days go, I’d say my ‘religion’ has the best one.

12,000 turned out for the celebrations in Edinburgh: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/6610507.stm

Oh, and I got yer “Loyalty Day” right here fuckwads…


“I therefore urge that the Congress enact legislation amending the act of May 28, 1928, 45 Stat. 616, by substituting the first Monday in October for May 1 as Child Health Day, thus avoiding the conflict that would otherwise result from simultaneous observances for different purposes.

Eisenhower’s signing statement, 7/18/1958.

Nice catch, J-. Interesting how it’s not appropriate to simultaneously express loyalty to the country and concern for children’s health. Oh right, Ike was a Republican.

Anne Laurie- you’re close, but not quite there. It isn’t just that they’re not interested in doing anything difficult, demanding, or dangerous but that they clearly hold in contempt anyone who does such things without huge recompense- they act like anyone who does for others without the prospect of getting rich in the process is a sucker.

Including fighting wars


Here’s the highlights from the linked story above, via The Big Orange Overlord:


“Government records recently obtained by The Nation reveal that the Bush Administration has paid Blackwater more than $320 million since June 2004 to provide “diplomatic security” services globally. The massive contract is the largest known to have been awarded to Blackwater to date and reveals how the Administration has elevated a once-fledgling security firm into a major profiteer in the “war on terror.”

“Blackwater was originally slated to be paid $229.5 million for five years, according to a State Department contract list. Yet as of June 30, just two years into the program, it had been paid a total of $321,715,794. When confronted with this apparent $100 million discrepancy, the State Department could not readily explain it. Blackwater’s two years of WPPS (Worldwide Personal Protection Services, a little known State Department program) earnings exceed many estimates of the company’s total government contracts, which the Virginian-Pilot recently put at $290 million combined since 2000. Six years ago the government paid Blackwater less than $250,000.”

Seriously, why aren’t these fuckers in jail yet?


The reason May first is chosen as the day to remember workers is because of the Haymarket riots that erupted out of the first international labor solidarity strike in favor of the eight hour work day. It’s one of the few times that the American labor movement ever really managed to have any sort of impact on the behemoth that is the American economic system.

But I just adore “Loyalty Day”. The record of the American interaction with Communism is always good for belly laughs. No matter what the Commies did, the Americans always had to respond. And when the Commies did something totally fucking asinine, like send their version of the National Guard to the homes of people who don’t show up for the “totally voluntary May Day celebrations”, the U.S. had to respond to that, as well.

Now, there’s a perfectly appropriate response to that kind of thing. The appropriate response is to point one’s finger, after the fashion of Nelson Muntz, and loudly proclaim “ha-ha!”. But was that the American response? Of course not. The American response was “We’re Number One! U.S.A.!!! You rotten Commies can’t best us in anything! You think YOU know how to be completely fucking asinine? You don’t know anything about completely fucking asinine!! WE will show you how to do completely fucking asinine the right way – the American way!!!!!!” and promptly came up with the Orwellian-sounding “Loyalty Day”.

Pretty much all of American history from the end of WWII on makes sense once you realize that the driving imperative in all our doings has been to make sure no matter what the “evildoers” did, we did it better – even when it was something no sane, moral person should have been doing in the first place.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Tbogg1 S,N 0
Beer 711!!1 Bimler 0


More fun with May the One:

Loyalty Day originally began as “Americanization Day” in 1921 as a counter to the Communists’ May 1 celebration of the Russian Revolution. On May 1, 1930, 10,000 VFW members staged a rally at New York’s Union Square to promote patriotism. Through a resolution adopted in 1949, May 1 evolved into Loyalty Day. Observances began in 1950 on April 28 and climaxed May 1 when more than five million people across the nation held rallies. In New York City, more than 100,000 people rallied for America. In 1958 Congress enacted Public Law 529 proclaiming Loyalty Day a permanent fixture on the nation’s calendar.

Courtesy of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.


What’s a crumpler bag?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Blackwater was originally slated to be paid $229.5 million for five years, according to a State Department contract list. Yet as of June 30, just two years into the program, it had been paid a total of $321,715,794. When confronted with this apparent $100 million discrepancy, the State Department could not readily explain it.

Look down the back of the couch, dude.

What’s a crumpler bag?

Crumpler make the world’s coolest laptop bags and stuff. I personally own a Considerable Embarrassment, and can easily spend ten minutes clicking everything on the site just for fun.

How can you not? I mean, it’s the only website I know of with a dunny chain.


[…] did the White House become a political crack house?  Bush says others are rigid on Iraq?  Bush warns about the chaos and confusion to come as if there has been anything else there since he chose to […]


Here’s something that’s been bugging me.

A few years ago, I noted an announcement in the Christian Science Monitor from President Bush that he, in his infinite wisdom, was proclaiming November 20-odd as Thanksgiving.

I thought that was odd, because hadn’t Lincoln already organized a national Thanksgiving?

And now I see he is announcing Loyalty Day.

Now, far be it from me to give Mr. Bush the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t want to look stupid. Is re-announcing holidays and Official Patriotism Days every year something that every president does? Have I just not been paying attention?

Can anyone set me straight?


I think Jillian just explained Iraq perfectly. Check this out:

The USA had Vietnam, where we went to a little tiny country and tried to impose our will on it via military force and did not succeed.

Then, the USSR had Afghanistan, where they went to a little tiny country and tried to impose their will on it via military force and did not succeed.

All even, right? Fuck that! We couldn’t end the game tied with those evil commies! So we had to go to another little tiny country and try to impose our will on it via military force and not succeed.

And since there is no more USSR, we win forever!!!!111!!!

In your face, commie fuckwads!


Just off the top of my head, Chan, without even googling, I’m going to take a wild guess at it: Thanksgiving occurs on the third Thursday of November, which falls on a different date every year. So maybe it takes an annual presidential proclamation to declare the exact date a federal holiday. This could likely be done away with by statute, or may not be necessary at all, but presidents sure do like their meaningless proclamations and photo ops- for example the annual pardoning of the turkey.


Loyalty schmoyalty, as my friend’s dear departed dad used to say every May 1:

Hooray hooray the first of May
outdoor fucking begins today.


What, was there no “sour orchestral vamp” to link to? There must be one SOMEWHERE!!!!1!!!


…OK, I didn’t find one in my half-assed Gizoogling, either. Feh. However, I did happen across the personal site of the composer of the scores for the remake of Dawn of teh Dead, Slither, and some little flick called “300,” whatever that is. There’s some neat stuff to listen to there.


Damn. When you said Jellyfish, I thought you meant Andy Sturmer.


[…] What was that about ‘beating on a beached jellyfish with a baseball bat’? […]


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