So: my roomate Justin and I are moving out of our current apartment in Jamaica Plain at the end of May and are looking for people to take our place on the lease. Because we are apparently cursed, we have had THREE PEOPLE agree to take the place AND THEN BACK OUT AT THE LAST MINUTE. How in the goddamn world we could be unlucky enough to find such absurdly irresponsible people is beyond my mortal powers of comprehension.

Anyway, the point is, I’m really desperate. I don’t want to give up my security deposit. I need someone to move in by May 1. It’s a nice apartment in Jamaica Plain. Heat is free in the winter. It’s got a nice, big kitchen, and it’s right by the Forest Hills T stop. If you know anyone in the Boston area looking for housing in May, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE forward them my Craig’s List posting. It can be found here. Thanks 🙂

Also, please use this thread to discuss why irresponsible people suck.

UPDATE: Link fixed. Thanks.

Here’s a present. If you like Arcade Fire, at least.


Comments: 51


Damnit, now they’re all going to bitch at me.


With or without the couches?


It’ll be with the couches. Or hell, without if you want. They were there when I moved in.


How in the goddamn world we could be unlucky enough to find such absurdly irresponsible people is beyond my mortal powers of comprehension.

Well, picking candidates based on the Steel Reserve Drinker/Sawks Fan/Brought Good Weed To The Walk-through matrix might’ve been a factor.

Just sayin’…


Well, picking candidates based on the Steel Reserve Drinker/Sawks Fan/Brought Good Weed To The Walk-through matrix might’ve been a factor.

Guys, I’m really not in the mood for snark right now. I am extremely angry. I had someone say they’d move in just three days ago, say they were going to move in on Saturday and then just cancel tonight.


Eeeek. Sorry, man. Hope you find someone to take it over.


Nah, it’s cool man. Thanks for understanding. I’m just very stressed out at the moment. I don’t normally beg people for shit on this blog but, well, I just can’t afford to give up my damn security deposit.


Check that link again to Craigslist, Brad. I don’t think you want that one up.


Why? What’s wrong with it?


The link goes to your account. i.e. anyone can delete or edit it.


Holy smokes, that’s cheap rent.

Downside: Having to live in JP.


Downside: Having to live in JP.

JP roolz, u drool, beeyotch.


Does the heat cost in the summer? Seriously, good luck.
Irresponsible people suck because they always leave someone else holding the bag. Not holding it in a good way, either…


Irresponsible people suck because they always leave someone else holding the bag.

I just don’t understand how these people were raised. Not to sound like a Republican, but didn’t their parents teach them any fracking values?


Jesus H, where is this that you only pay $560 something for rent?? I should get a job at Mullen in Wenham just to pay that cheap Boston rent, sleep through half the train commute, get a livery for the rest of the way, and use the rest on whores for the back seat.


5 and change? Holy shit!


My favorite part about irresponsible people is when they bitch at you after screwing you over. Ah, the sweet, sweet sound of a spoiled/crazy asshole telling you how to live!

Sorry for the snark, Brad. I’m going through some bad irresponsible poeple crap myself…

Best of luck to you! Keep hope alive since the place looks nice… well, except for those couches!

There I go again!


Sounds like the parents of those involved taught them those good old fashioned Republican values.


Yeah, I’m thinking of just tossing out the ugly green couch, since it’s open up more space in the living room and make the place more attractive.


Yeh, and irresponsible people crap, too!


The fact is that all you dope-smoking, terrorist-sympathizing hippies deserve each other. So you can’t afford irresponsilble people backing out of a lease? Well, you can’t aford ISLAMOFASCISM either. Think about it, Leftist.

a different brad

This makes no sense to me. I was in Boston last summer for some Radiohead shows n the rents were comparable to Manhattan and trendy parts of Brooklyn. Where is all that money coming from? Do mommy n daddy pay for off campus places for that many kids? (Yes, I’m a semi-grown rich kid but I was never that spoiled, thankfully.)

a different brad

N at least the irresponsible party isn’t yer roommate.
That happened to me, but I won’t get into details cause I’m not big on admitting to felonies* in public.

*- Nonviolent, of course.


Jeez, if I could find a place for less than $1500 a month I’d quit working.

Good news? I’m on the new computer. Trying to move in and get all my shit installed. Gawd, I hope that bimbo and her dog don’t show up until I get greasemonkey installed…



HIiiiii, different brad!!!


I know little about Boston, but is that rent not dirt cheap? Where the hell do you live, anyway? That’s a nice apartment, with the exception of the couches, which: no.


Also, people are assholes and I’m sorry about the bailing, Dr. Rev. Esq. Rocket. That sucks. Who does that?


Gawd, I hope that bimbo and her dog don’t show up until I get greasemonkey installed…

Sadly, Too Late, mikey.


Annie, you picked the wrong night to piss me off. Consider your pathetic loser ass- and the even more pathetic ass of your loser boyfriend who can’t write and has no job- banned.


At the southern edge of Boston Massachusetts, there lies an incredible place, Where people of all races live comfortably. A place where art and ideas are shared freely. It is a dynamic community with the luxury of a beautiful neighborhood. The hustle and bustle on Centre St. is balanced by the cool breeze off Jamaica pond and the enchanting greenery in the Arnold Arboretum. This place is called Jamaica Plain…….

What no hate? No racism? No jerkle circs? You guys are such hippays.


Annie, you picked the wrong night to piss me off. Consider your pathetic loser ass- and the even more pathetic ass of your loser boyfriend who can’t write and has no job- banned.

Hip, Hip, Hurray!

Brad, may the bluebird of happiness find you the ideal sub-tenant tomorrow.


P.S. Be sure to get a substantial (non-refundable) deposit from the next applicant. Like half the month’s rent or the first month’s rent and damage deposit or whatever you choose to call it. Usually the damage deposit is half a month’s rent.


Hey, forget all the political bickering and arguments over gun control (or less of it) this week, just for a few minutes.
That video is the BEST purpose of the internet – to show total strangers like me new bands that they might not yet have heard.

Very Cool. Thank you.

(and yeah, I hadn’t heard of them yet. Too bad their NYC shows are sold out, I’d have gone down from Albany to see them).


Like I care. 😀



Yep. That IP address has just been banned. I’m sure you’ll go to another one shortly- which I’ll be certain to ban as well. You’ll be weeping like the wuss that you are because for a long time, we tolerated your sorry ass more than any other blog out there, and now we’re saying “BYE-BYE!” You’ll have no other places to troll, Li’l Annie. So, so, so sad 🙁


Tom- yes, they are quite good.

And btw, I’m against gun control, save for reasonable exceptions (i.e., people who are seriously mentally disturbed such as Mr. Cho was should not be allowed to buy handguns. that’s a fairly obvious restriction, IMHO.)


And in hopes of happier thoughts, I leave y’all this. Don’t say I never gave you anything nice.


I’m trying to figure out where I stand on gun control. This shit’s gotta stop. Kids killing kids, people reaching for their gun rather than a good old fight, life have less and less value. I WANT to find a way to limit access to firearms.


I can’t abide the thought of letting anybody fuck around with the constitution. Fuck with the second amendment, next your fucking with the fourth, then the first. Hell, we’re watching them chip away at basic guarantees of liberty and nobody seems to fucking care. So, along with the good shit in there, I guess we’re stuck with the shit that’s seriously outmoded. But surely smart people can come up with a way to reduce availability? ‘Cause Brad? You want something that’s almost impossible. Virginia doesn’t have a waiting period. So how you gonna ask a retailer to find out about a customers mental health status while he’s in your store? Not gonna happen. If we’re going to agree to some kind of limitation, it would have to work in the real world…



Eh, mikey, don’t worry about the Bill of Rights so much.

It’s already been reduced to a Bill of Suggestions by this administration.

Speedy trial? That’s covered in the Sixth Suggestion: “In all criminal trials, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense – unless it’s too much of a bother, or they might be a Muslamofascist because they’re brown or something”.

Freedom of speech is guaranteed, likewise, in the First Suggestion. The Eighth Suggestion governs our conduct in Gitmo and in our overseas secret CIA prisons.

Just let it go. Worrying about your rights can get you put on a no-fly list nowadays. And considering there’s talk of turning the no-fly list into a “no crossing the border at all” list….

It’s almost farcical to think we have any rights in this country at all at this point.


If we’re going to agree to some kind of limitation, it would have to work in the real world…

Lawsuits against the manufacturers.


sorry for the suckiness, Brad, and hope it works out.


I’d suggest that all the irresponsible people who pooped out on their lease-assumptions might also be the answer to why certain right-wing blogger get paid six figures (when they should be paid five fingers) to write columns for the National Review.

Hey, I synthesized two threads! I love when that happens.


Hey, that’s my old neighborhood!
My advice is to go to Doyle’s and begin drinking heavily.


Heh, Brad, I live just up the street, by the Green St. T stop. I pay 575 a month for a great place. JP is the place to be in Boston. Relatively cheap rents, good neighborhood.

Is the least ONLY for the summer or is there an option to extend it next academic year? If so, that would be much more tempting, I think.


Wow, you’re like right on the other side of the T stop from me.

I’ll point out the area he’s at (from the CL posting) is one of the more convenient areas in JP.

I was almost tempted to respond, but I already get a deal where I am so the drop in cost would only be about $80. Not sure if that’s worth going through a second move in two years. It IS closer to all the nicer things in JP, though.

Miguel de Icaza

Is Brad leaving Boston?

It is a shame, I never got to meet you guys.


Apropos of nothing other than bitching about Bad Moments In Renting, I am reminded of the time I gave a guy a deposit on an apartment (in Somerville — I know which side of the frickin’ river to live on). I told him when I gave him the check that it was not good until the following week, but he said that wasn’t a problem, postdate it, he’d hold it. Then he (a) cashes the damn thing, (b) disappears for a long weekend and then some, and (c) when I finally get back in touch with him, says he’s given the apartment to someone else. Plus, he has the gall to demand more money because my check came back NSF.

Anyway, what I’m saying, Brad, is that things will turn out all right. Actually, what I’m saying is that I would prefer to discuss me than you. But also, things will turn out all right, so don’t worry too much.


I hope you get someone to take over your lease. I know how bad it is to have to deal with irresponsible people–in my case two roommates who drove me to find an apartment where I live alone.

However, if the stress is what caused you to finally ban Annie, then it’s certainly a large storm cloud with a silver lining, in my opinion.


Hell, if I could think of something to do with myself, I’d move up and take that spot. Boston sounds like a groovy little town, but I can be shiftless in Athens, I suppose.

I got a friend who recently moved up there with his ladyfriend, and they were looking for new padage (living with her folks). Would a couple be too much?

Theophrastus Bombastus von Hoehenheim den Sidste

With Annie gone, how will I get my daily dose of stupid?


Dude, if I were planning to move to Boston, I would totally rent that place.

Alas, my wife, she doesn’t care if she never sets foot in “that city” (her exact words) again. So I guess we’re both outta luck there.


(comments are closed)