MC Fisher
It’s a good thing we can count on Bryan “MC” Fisher to help answer the question “Why did this happen” at Virginia Tech:
When people ask the question, as they did on 9/11, where was God when this campus was terrorized, the proper response can only be, “Our culture has spent 40 years telling God to get lost, and defiantly declaring to him that he is no longer welcome in our high schools, [That’s why we pray (pray)] our colleges, and in our public squares. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to us that, after spending four decades telling him to go away, he’s not around when he’s needed.” [We got to pray just to make it today] [MC added]
Because as we all know, nothing bad ever happened anywhere to anyone when God was around. Since he’s been gone however, it’s just like in The Incredibles when they are forced into retirement — everything’s gone to hell. At least we know who is to blame:
We need to rise up and say, “We are bringing prayer back to our public schools, we are bringing the Bible back to our public schools, we are posting the Ten Commandments on the wall of every classroom in America, and we frankly don’t care what the Supreme Court thinks about it, because it is the lives of our children, not theirs, that are in danger.”
That way, God will ensure that America’s health care system can provide people with obvious mental health issues with the assistance they need. Just like it did when God’s president, Ronald Reagan, was in office. Next up, John Lott & His Sock Puppets:
Researchers John Lott and William Landes presented evidence that public shootings with multiple victims were substantially less common in states where law-abiding residents are allowed to carry handguns.
Sadly, the evidence they presented was teh suck. Only God can save you now, MC.
And we must not forget that even Christ himself instructed his own disciples to arm themselves for self-defense purposes: “And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one” (Luke 22:36).
Mona Charen, arguing that “the grim social realities we’ve created in the 21st century” [!?!] are more responsible than anything else, points out that, “For centuries, guns have been plentiful in the United States. Yet your chances of being gunned down by a total stranger at your local school or bank or church in 1644, 1744, 1844, or 1944 were exactly nil.”
What about your chances of being shot or lynched by someone you did know? Or strangled? Or stabbed? Or does it not hurt in those cases? Then again, maybe it just wasn’t possible to hit squat with guns prior to 1944. In this case we feel we can say, even without the benefit of a link, that the chances of Mona’s statement being accurate are exactly nil. Surprised? Sadly, No!
Yet your chances of being gunned down by a total stranger at your local school or bank or church in 1644, 1744, 1844, or 1944 were exactly nil.
I hear the streets were paved with gold back then.
Read somewhere (so much info, so little short term memory) that the winner in school shootings was 45, & it happened in the 1920s. American winner, anyway. And of course, no one was ever gunned down in, oh, say, a saloon or other watering hole for looking cross-eyed at someone else, back in the gun-totin’ days of the Wild West.
Or perhaps Miss Mona meant those actual ending in ’44 years only, the odds may have been entirely different in years not ending in ’44.
“Guns don’t kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people.”
Good thing there were no local banks in 1644.
Also, in the same time period the auteur mentions, our culture has also spent 40 years favoring a right wing political movement.
So, which has caused more problems: God’s retreat from the schools, or the right wing’s assault on our policies?
I love it when they call John Lott & William Landes “researchers”. That’s nice & vague. What’s their area of expertise? Criminology? Sociology? Law?
Sadly, no.
It’s economics. Economics!
Forgive me for being skeptical, but asking an economist for advice on public health & safety, or on criminology, seems akin to asking a gourmet chef for advice on revising the tax code.
Nevermind that the kid grew up in a ‘good Christian house’.
Let’s ignore that he was certifiabily batshit insane, and yet still able to legally purchase firearms.
“Yet your chances of being gunned down by a total stranger at your local school or bank or church in 1644, 1744, 1844, or 1944 were exactly nil”
…unless you were a minority, or living in a frontier area, or engaged in a war, or at a bank robbery, or… oh why bother? The rank stupidity of that statement boggles the mind. I’m sure colonial and frontier American life never had random violence involving guns. I’ll take Mona’s word for it.
Ow. My brain hurts, and my soul feels dirty. Thanks guys.
Yet your chances of being gunned down by a total stranger at your local school or bank or church in 1644, 1744, 1844, or 1944 were exactly nil.�
Unless you were chinese in los angeles in 1871
Or in Rock Springs Wyoming in 1885
Or if you were black in alabama in 1870
Or if you were native american in north dakota in 1895
Look behind you, Mona, your stupid’s showing…
Correction: It was a school bombing, by someone unhappy with (surprise, surprise) an increase in school taxes.
(And yes, baths are useless.)
Where’s the link to the article quoted or am I being a Charen-like dumbass?
Sweet Chocolate Jesus, they’re going to run through all the liberal strawmen in record time at this rate.
Who’s taking bets on how long til the first winger blames Clinton?
Derbyshire (gawd, what an upper class twit name) should take note of the fact that several (at least) people were able to survive by the coward’s old standby, playing dead. If United 93 actually happened as the legends would have it, they knew it was over for them, cowering or not, so why not make the move?
I’d be happy to meet Mr. Twit somewhere, me armed with, let’s say, a paintball gun, he armed with his manly courage and bare hands. We can start at the distance of one classroom length, he can charge me, and we’ll see what color his clothes end up being. (Btw, Hinckley used a .22 on St. Ron, how’d that end up?)
On principle I can convince myself to be sympathetic to those looking for a “deeper” meaning of life in religious practice but the whole “bad shit happened because people aren’t worshiping my god enough” thing is just the worst sort of post hoc superstition.
Worse, its ultimately nothing more than a way to blame the victim while hiding behind god’s robe. “See what you get, sinners? See what you made god do/allow??”
Cruel, despicable, inhuman fuckers.
Oh for fuck’s sake. How was someone going to gun a lot of people down with frigging muzzle loaded fire arms. The argument is so stupid I can’t believe i responded to it.
It was obviously Bill Clinton’s fault. Teh Clenis, as portrayed by the much missed Phil Hartman, on the sadly still in existence SNL, got busy with sorta hot floozies all the time. This dumb fuck of a shooter saw this as a 12 year old and got jealous, leading to a shooting spree a decade later.
Yet your chances of being gunned down by a total stranger at your local school or bank or church in 1644, 1744, 1844, or 1944 were exactly nil.�
Has this moron ever heard of the wild west? Or bleeding kansas? Does she think that the wars between the Indians and the Whites were peaceful affairs? Has she forgotten about the religious wars that raged through Europe in the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s?
Even with my sketchy grip on history, I can see she’s not on the level.
Why does Bryan hate America? Those damn wingnuts…always blaming America first.
Sweet Chocolate Jesus, they’re going to run through all the liberal strawmen in record time at this rate.
Yeah, I sometimes think it’s gonna be nothing but liberal strawmen until they either attack Iran or strangle themselves on anger. Seems like its ramping up a level.
Dear God,
Please don’t let me be killed by a stranger, especially one who posts comments on a right-wing authoritarian blog.
k tks bye
Wow, check out this prof from VTech leave a smoldering rhetorical crater where D’Souzamaphone once stood.
Our culture has spent 40 years telling God to get lost, and defiantly declaring to him that he is no longer welcome in our high schools …
Wow … so much for the Omnipresent thing!
Plus … how can G*d get lost? (So much for the Omniscient thing!) I mean, worst case scenario … ask directions!
G*d: Hey, man, do you know where I can find St. Vitus High School for the Terminally Pointed?
Man: Sure, go 3 blocks North, where you’ll come to a stop sign, then turn right & go 5 blocks West until you come to a 7-11, then turn left & go 7 more blocks, the school’s on the right.
G*d: Thanks, man!
Man: No problemo.
G*d: Hey, man, anything I can for you?
Man: Sure, afflict Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, & Bill Donohue with priapisms.
G*d: Sure thing, man! Mission Accomplished!! Let’s Roll!!!
Man: Outasight!
Parting Philosophical Question: If we start telling all the right-wing-christo-fascist-sexually-perverted-nut-jobs to get lost, is it going to take 40 years for them to take the hint?
And we must not forget that even Christ himself instructed his own disciples to arm themselves for self-defense purposes: “And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one� (Luke 22:36).
Arrgh! Only the lowest of the low pull out this one. The quote is taken out of context – Jesus is having the disciples be armed to fulfill a particular prophecy, not to defend themselves. And I’m not even a Christian.
Sheesh, if the stupid bastards would actually read the damn book they might get a clue.
In 1644, was there really even such a thing as a stranger in the US? If you were here, you lived in a colony of a few dozen people. Chances are you knew everyone. So yes, the chances of a stranger killing you were nil. Chanced of John the local blacksmith going on a rampage? Not so nil. Hell, back then, with no fingerprints, photos, DNA or anything murder was quite easy to get away with as long as you didn’t get caught in the act or seen by someone else (who, in the small towns of the past would probably easily identify you).
Murder rates in NYC have fallen dramatically since the 1970’s and are now even lower than they were in 1850. So much for her godless liberals take on crime.
Rape is much lower than it ever was before. Raping women was common fare for solders after pillaging a town throughout much of human history (and sadly still is in many parts of the world). But I better not bring that up, otherwise I’ll be told I don’t “support the troops.”
Is she also saying that New York and Chicago were safe places in, say, the early 1920s?
Why, what fools those Untouchables were!
If only they had armed the citizens of Chicago in Capone’s areas, everyone would have been much safer!
Yet your chances of being gunned down by a total stranger at your local school or bank or church in 1644,
No, no one would shoot you in front of your church. However, around that time, were you guilty of worshipping God in the wrong way, some total and complete stranger might cut your goddamn head off and set you on fire. If, of course, you didn’t die from disease or malnutrition or in some nobel’s war to expand his vacation-home possibilities.
Man. These people are not only empty shells and poor excuses for human beings, they’re fucking stupid to boot. I would call on “conservatives with characters” to rebute this disgusting display, but they’d just mention something ugly Michael Moore was supposed to have said and that’s the end of discussion in their book. Pitiful.
The stoopid….IT BURNS!
Why don’t these guys go find wherever it is god ‘got lost’ to, and live their with him?
“And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one� (Luke 22:36)
I see that out of context quote, and go all in with this verse.
“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” (Matthew 6:5-6)
“Mona Charen, arguing that ‘the grim social realities we’ve created in the 21st century’ are more responsible than anything else [snip]”
Is it all right if I quote Michael Crichton?
“It is the conceit of every generation that it has pushed aside the weight of history to be living in a present time so unprecedented that the past no longer matters.”
See now, I thought God was punishing the USA and the Commonwealth of Virginia for allowing any mentally deranged person to get a gun with absolutely no questions asked.
But I’m just an atheist, so what do I know about His inscrutable ways?
And given that the Dems have had to give up even pretending to fight back against the gun nuts as the price of actually, you know, getting elected, the US can look forward to lots more of these blood baths before anything is going to change.
It’ll be sorta like people realizing that the Iraq War and the entire Bu**sh** adminstration are a crock of shit, even though the media pom-pom wavers never had the balls to actually say anyting like that.
“Sadly, the evidence they presented was teh suck.”
And the LORD was with Judah, and he took possession of the hill country, but he could not drive out the inhabitants of the plain, because they had chariots of iron.
At that time the LORD said unto Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time. And Joshua made him sharp knives, and circumcised the children of Israel at the hill of the foreskins.
Then Saul said, “Thus shall you say to David, `The king desires no marriage present except a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, that he may be avenged of the king’s enemies.'” Now Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines. And when his servants told David these words, it pleased David well to be the king’s son-in-law. Before the time had expired,
David arose and went, along with his men, and killed two hundred of the Philistines; and David brought their foreskins, which were given in full number to the king, that he might become the king’s son-in-law. And Saul gave him his daughter Michal for a wife. But when Saul saw and knew that the LORD was with David, and that all Israel loved him…
I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night. I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them? My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him.
Wheeeee. Isn’t it the posted policy here to fight nonsense with nonsense?
I didn’t tell God to go away, I just stopped clapping.
“Yet your chances of being gunned down by a total stranger at your local school or bank or church in 1644, 1744, 1844, or 1944 were exactly nil.â€?”
Wow. That’s just some… wow… My mind is boggled. Considering that the multiple shot firearm wasn’t even invented until the early 1800s, I would agree that, yes, your chances of getting gunned down in a bank robbery in 16 fucking 44 were slim.
Fisher is a goddamn idiot.
I didn’t tell God to go away, I just stopped clapping
Aha! So you’re the one who made his little gossamer wings fall off. I hope you’re proud of yourself.
I miss Mary Rosh!
where was God when this campus was terrorized,
Probably the same place he was during Rwanda.
Yet your chances of being gunned down by a total stranger at your local school or bank or church in 1644, 1744, 1844, or 1944 were exactly nil.�
To continue MIkey’s “unless” –
Or black in Tulsa in 1921
Or black in Rosewood, FL in 1923
Or black in New York City in 1863
Or a coal miner in Scranton PA in 1871
Or a Mexican immigrant in LA in 1943
Or Chinese in Seattle 1886
Or Italian American in New Orleans in 1891
I think the first guy has a really good point: posting the ten commandments in every classroom will help keep our kids safe from future shootings…
…as long as we post ’em on one of these.
Yet your chances of being gunned down by a total stranger at your local school or bank or church in 1644…
But just wait 30 or so years (in Massachusetts, anyway) and your chances would have been pretty high that you’d be skewered and burned alive during King Philip’s War (1675-76) when the Indian tribes got together and tried to exterminate all the white people in the Bay Colony. Total strangers, mostly.
[…] -Bryan Fisher said the shooting occurred because we don’t indoctinate our children into a Christian theocracy. […]
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to us that, after spending four decades telling him to go away, he’s not around when he’s needed.
So, wait a minute…
God: spent four decades being told to go away; went away and wasn’t around when we needed him.
On the other hand –
PFC John Rambo: spent roughly the same amount of time being told to go away and also being spat on by hippies; returned to save his country and Teh Freedom in their hours of need. Twice.
God: worse than Rambo.
we are bringing the Bible back to our public schools, we are posting the Ten Commandments on the wall of every classroom in America, and we frankly don’t care what the Supreme Court thinks about it
I am really glad that this person is your problem and not mine down here in the South Pacific. Semi-rational people, in his position, might think “Oh, living a theocracy would be nice. But that would involve the destruction of the constitutional documents of the country where I live, so perhaps I should move to some place where I can start a theocracy without affecting other citizens, or where a theocracy is already in force.” But no — he is simply demanding that the rest of you abandon your constitution and live by his rules from now on.
It may be that he read “The Handmaid’s Tale” and saw it as a policy prescription rather than as a cautionary tale.
Sometimes my six-year-old gets mad at me and tells me to go away, too. I have yet to allow some crazy person to break into our house and shoot her to death as punishment for her disrespect. Usually, I’m satisfied with a brief time out. Does that make me a better parent than our Divine Father?
Damnit MC Bradrocket! He’s MY bitch. I’ve been hosing that hound for years and now you’re going to step into my territory without giving me the due I deserve?
Well, ok, since you’re a little more popular, and since you will make sure that more people know that Bryan is a fucking pathetic individual that can’t tie his shoes without permission from Butch “nice ass” Otter or Larry “I do senate aides in the bathroom” Craig, maybe it’s not a bad thing.
I just want some happy happy linkage, though.
Oh, and you might get the spelling right on his last name as well. It’s Fischer. That way when people look up “Fat fucking asshole ex-preacher wife beating prick Bryan Fischer” they get the right one.
Sometimes my six-year-old gets mad at me and tells me to go away, too. I have yet to allow some crazy person to break into our house and shoot her to death as punishment for her disrespect. Usually, I’m satisfied with a brief time out. Does that make me a better parent than our Divine Father?
What, not even a flood, or a plague? Sheesh, at least afflict her with boils or something! Show the brat who’s boss!
Pussy liberal parents grumble grumble.
Actually, akaDad’s verses are a really appropriate response to theocrats like this guy: In Matthew 6, Jesus said to pray in private, in secret, NOT out loud in classrooms or over a loudspeaker at school activities. The same chapter emphasizes that one’s good deeds and personal sacrifices should also be secret. For those who believe Jesus is God, here is God himself saying the outworking of faith should be a private matter.
And here is the “fat fucking asshole ex-preacher wife beating prick Bryan Fischer”‘s post that Bradrocket is refering to.
God couldn’t keep an eye on the shooter because he was too busy the week before helping Zach Johnson with his short game at the Masters.
(The genocide in Darfur will have to wait until after the Players tournament in May)
Here are but three examples of shootings at churches.
If lack of Teh Ten Commandments doomed those in public schools, what doomed these Christian churchgoers?
The logic and brilliance of his case are obviously compelling. What I don’t get is this: european countries are far less religiously correct than the U.S., yet they don’t have these problems. Not only that those european countires haven’t yet realized that more guns makes everyone safer so they have outlawed handguns. Yet they still don’t have the kind of school shooings we do.
I am so confused.
jersey tomato said,
“Sometimes my six-year-old gets mad at me and tells me to go away, too. I have yet to allow some crazy person to break into our house and shoot her to death as punishment for her disrespect. Usually, I’m satisfied with a brief time out. Does that make me a better parent than our Divine Father?”
Yes, jersey, it does.