The Blame-America-Firsters

Welp, it didn’t take long for some demented freak to blame the Virginia Tech shootings on America. Yep, look at this sick America-hater placing blame for this sad massacre on the good ol’ U-S-and-A:

The Monster Among Us
By Mark Noonan at 02:20 PM

There is, though, no comfort to be found in this – a person who, even if foreign born, was one of ours took it upon himself to gather weapons and then deliberately and with malice aforethought take the lives of 32 people. There is a monster among us, creating these men again and again and again, and until we face up to this monster, we won’t be free of it.

The monster I refer to is the monumental depravity of our society – the combination of glorified violence, socially acceptable rudeness, a sea of pornography, seeking to assign blame rather than accept responsibility, rampant greed for the things of the world, the concept of “its ok to lie” in certain circumstances…you mix this vile brew and you will be forced to drink it to the dregs…and what happened yesterday was just another sip of the cup.

Say, that last paragraph would look better with some pictures, don’t ya think? Let’s give it a try…

The monster I refer to is the monumental depravity of our society – the combination of glorified violence…

…socially acceptable rudeness…

…a sea of pornography…

…seeking to assign blame rather than accept responsibility…

…rampant greed for the things of the world…

…the concept of “its ok to lie” in certain circumstances…

…you mix this vile brew and you will be forced to drink it to the dregs…and what happened yesterday was just another sip of the cup.

Wow. That’s the type of anti-American bile I expect from Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky, but not from a patriot like Mark Noonan. Can the end of civilization be that far off?


Comments: 48


I don’t think there’s anything I, or anyone, can add to that. Amen, Rev Rocket, amen.

a different brad

Mark Noonan is a terrorist, plain and simple. He hates our freedoms.


Ohh, thank you. I saw this post at hells-handmaiden and was already tired just from trying to process it, much less attempt to reply to it. But I had a feeling that if anyone would find the right balance of pity and irony with which to reply to Mr. Noonan it would be at sadlyno. And whadaya know, you do not disappoint.

Smiling Mortician

Synchronicity, Bradley! Precisely the images I had in mind the first time through the paragraph — although I admit I hadn’t yet experienced that particular portrait of the Demented A.G. Is it just me, or does he look like the poster for The Omen XVII: Damien’s Justice Department?


The Sledgehammer of Justice speaks nothing but truth, to power and to the masses. Thanks, Brad. That makes the point as clearly and as poignently as one can make it. We become what we elect, and we elect what we are. Will we do better in the future?



the monumental depravity of our society – the combination of glorified violence, socially acceptable rudeness, a sea of pornography, seeking to assign blame rather than accept responsibility, rampant greed for the things of the world, the concept of “its ok to lieâ€? in certain circumstances

None of which influenced the person in question nearly as much as being psychotic did.

Oh, and “seeking to assign blame rather than accept responsibility” in a screed devoted to assigning blame? Classic.


…sobriety… modesty…

One man’s virtues are another man’s shariah laws.


When I first saw the title of this post, I thought it was called “The Blame-America-FISTERS.” I was getting, you know, aroused. Imagine my disappointment…


Doc Washboard: Dirty minds think alike 😛


on the money, i agree… my only deviation in my imagined imagery was that the gonzales picture replaced with a scooter libby picture.

i guess, then, that we’ve come to a parting of the ways — oh, now it is your turn to educate me. i look forward to the day when i will sit in a green room with john stossel as he practices his inflection:

‘GIVE me a break…’, no…
‘give ME a break…’, no…
‘give me A BREak’, no, that’s just wierd…
‘give me a BEAGLE AND SOME KY JELLY!’,… where did that come from?


Hysterical Woman

the concept of “its ok to lie� in certain circumstances

I think it’s okay to lie in certain circumstances. Like say, if the Nazis came to your door and asked where you were hiding the Jews, it would be wrong to say “Ann Frank’s upstairs”. However, if you were the President and you wanted to invade a country to salve your Oedipus complex, it would be wrong to lie just to get your way.


Well, it looks like the Muslim angle is petering out, so Fox News is checking out the next most plausible explanation …. Satan!

Was Cho Seung-Hui schizophrenic … psychotic … manic-depressive? Or were the shooting deaths of 32 people, including Cho himself, at Virginia Tech University part of the ongoing struggle between God and Satan … good against evil … lightness and darkness? … Dr. Richard Roberts, president of Oral Roberts University, shouts an unequivocal “Yes!â€? …Roberts says he’s seen this type and has seen the Devil cast out of a person.

Although always the one for caution, Roberts qualifies this by saying that he’s not quite sure if it was “possession” in this case, or just Satanic “oppression”.

I’m think I’ve got a Satanic depression coming on.

Principal Blackman

Absolutely perfect, Brad. For a great comedy follow-up, bring it to Noonan’s attention and watch how he spins to say that, you know, he only meant those things are bad when “the left” does them.


Violence, lying, greed, cheating, buck passing, stealing, – God if the Bush Administration didn’t have those things running 24/7 it wouldn’t have anything at all.


Noonan’s tirade there reads almost exactly like Cho’s. I mean, exactly. If you’ve heard Cho’s crazy videotaped final speech, he rails against, well, depravity, rudeness, smut, greed, lies, etc. Shouldn’t we put Noonan under a watch before he snaps and runs around the Blogs for Bush offices hitting people with a rolled-up copy of New Republic?


Also from Cho’s tape:

Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenseless people.

OMG, die like Jesus Christ! LIKE A MUSLIM!

Oh, wait.


via Mort: I hadn’t yet experienced that particular portrait of the Demented A.G.

Man, me neither. He looks like the Assistant Principal at my local high school. The one that was fired for skimming the petty cash.

Someone please explain to me how these people came to govern a super power.


I love these arguments – western civilisation is beset by pornography, violent movies and evil rock music!

No doubt movie companies and pornographers create their filth to advance their liberal agenda, rather than to make vast sums of cash.

If our culture plays to our worst urges, well, it can’t be capitalism that’s to blame – someone must be manipulating the markets to produce such depravity!

I blame Marilyn Manson, personally.

Herr Doktor Bimler

you mix this vile brew and you will be forced to drink it to the dregs
You people are trying to talk me into opening another beer, aren’t you?


“…. Oral Roberts University ….:

there is a joke there………….


Is it just me, or does he look like the poster for The Omen XVII: Damien’s Justice Department?

Naah. Just a really pale Urkel.


Socially acceptable rudeness? This is all the fault of the guy with fifteen items in the ten items or less lane?


Noonan‽‽ Oh, noes!!!1!!1!!


Cho Seung-Hui obviously played his KMFDM album backwards one too many times. KMFDM forward is the ultimate sound, but a message from Satan if you turn it around, after all.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Between Noonan, and A-of-Spades with his call for greater monitoring of withdrawn social maladroits in case they all run riot with their gun collection, the rest of the world will soon have to start irony rationing.


They’re blaming porn already? They can have my sweet, sweet porn when they pry it from my sticky fingers!


I don’t know if it’s funnier to read Noonan in the voice of Elmer Fudd or Sam the Eagle.

They’re both working for me right now…


Shouldn’t we put Noonan under a watch before he snaps and runs around the Blogs for Bush offices hitting people with a rolled-up copy of New Republic?

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

S. T. D. Hanson

“I will speak first of our ancestors, for it is right and seemly that now, when we are lamenting the dead, a tribute should be paid to their memory. There has never been a time when they did not inhabit this land, which by their valor they will have handed down from generation to generation, and we have received from them a free state. But if they were worthy of praise, still more were our fathers, who added to their inheritance, and after many a struggle transmitted to us their sons this great empire.”

I’ve yet to speak at a funeral without quoting Thucydides, and I’m not about to drop that tradition now.

I recently had a dream the Virginia Polytechnic University students fought back. But I woke up and realized that we in the West now appease under the gospel of the Path of Least Resistance, sown by Jimmy Carter and reaping its horrible, very un-grapelike (unless you consider wrath) present.

This Path of Least Resistance, or dare I say Path of Cowardice (PC), has sapped this country and destroyed the willpower of our children such that a weakling, non-Western man with an inferiority complex could massacre them unmolested. I mean, if our PC nature now means that we can’t tell a nigger or sand-nigger or kike or polack or fag or slope or chink or paki or wog or ho joke without tearing ourselves apart, then how can we even build ourselves up to violently protect this beautiful culture bequeathed to us so long ago by the Hellenes, and now sprinkled with nigger and sand-nigger and kike and polack and fag and slope and chink and paki and wog and ho jokes? If you fail to see that the coincidence between Imus’s firing and Cho’s firings is not coincidental, you are not paying attention.

I dreamed that we had not mollycoddled and feminized men to the point where we have ruined our true Western warrior culture, as established more than 2500 years ago. The lack of arming and training every young man from the age of seven no doubt led to far more deaths than necessary in Virginia this week. If they’d just had a shield wall, it would’ve been something. We have relinquished our superiority against other cultures—we regard them as all equivalent now, value-free. Where is the warrior code of the Western past that kept us strong, that built our empires, that protected democracy and our women from savagery and barbarism? Why are we now cowering, PC-servants to a radical fascist culture whose ideas of masculinity inspire them to be aggressive killers in protection of their own women, who they then subjugate right after gitting ours?

I dreamed, too, that the liberal English faculty had not filled its charges with the anti-war message of peace at all costs, and hate for the liberal Western Tradition founded by white male slave-owners. I dreamed that this peaceful hatred (PC, I might add) did not drive this killer on his rampage. But it did. And that message of peace, what did it get these victims?

In this dream, I dreamed that there were no “co-educational� dorms, that the permissiveness they’ve engendered had not increased the violence of men against women, that this housing arrangement had not allowed a man to walk into a dorm and assassinate a helpless woman. I dreamed also that we had not segregated housing by sex, making our children weak and unprepared for the violence of real world relationships between the sexes. I dreamed that husbands had access to hetaerae, intelligent prostitutes who men could actually talk to, not to mention boys to guide to manhood in … er…where was I?

And then I woke up, remembering that the West of old lives only in dreams. That the West of past lives on only in cranky fantasies of people who can make up really good utopiae about stuff that happened more than two millennia ago.

So here this call: Be brave! Resist PC! Call a spade a spade. You can rebuild the West if you just start with this simple shovelful of dirt. Dare I say that I have a dream?

Remember always Leonidas who defended the West with tiny numbers (just like you, you overwhelmed minority of anti-PC-ers) against the mighty hordes of the anti-West, who wanted to enslave all of Sparta, including its slaves. In fact, in closing with this struggle I am reminded of Herodotus, who once said:

“[T]hese people dwell northward of all the rest of the Indians, and follow nearly the same mode of life as the Bactrians. They are more warlike than any of the other tribes, and from them the men are sent forth who go to procure the gold. For it is in this part of India that the sandy desert lies. Here, in this desert, there live amid the sand great ants, in size somewhat less than dogs, but bigger than foxes. The Persian king has a number of them, which have been caught by the hunters in the land whereof we are speaking. Those ants make their dwellings under ground, and like the Hellene ants, which they very much resemble in shape, throw up sand-heaps as they burrow. Now the sand which they throw up is full of gold.�

©2007 S.T.D. Hanson


Do I really need to point out how stunningly full of shit Stossel is?
OK, then I’ll just add that not everything is rosy in flat-tax countries. I don’t know about Estonia, but here in Slovakia we’ve had flat tax – 19% – since … well, for some time now. And yes, the economy is booming. But the flat tax is only a part of the reason why. The rest? Huuuuuge tax hikes for foreign investors, various other perks (even the racist mayor of a certain city was more than willing to kiss the asses of Korean business) and especially the fact that most jobs created are in the low-skilled labor area. Car and car parts manufacturing are one big segment of the investment market, tech support is another one – hell, Dell, HP and Lenovo have moved their customer support divisions here. And all of them got tax breaks.
And there’s also the fact that while direct tax burden went down, indirect taxation – VAT – went up.
As for the decrease in paperwork, I can’t really tell. I filled out my tax return online and it took the usual 1 hour. OK, it’s probably because my math skillz suck. But the fact that there is only one tax rate did not have that much effect on the simplicity of the tax return forms. It’s still ten fucking pages and I still can’t for the life of me figure out whether social security and health insurance payments are deductible or not.
The bottom line: flat tax is probably a good idea. But it’s no goddamn panacea. And that “fair tax” idea sounds like total bullshit.


They’re throwing up golden sandwiches? What?


Now the sand which they throw up is full of gold.�



Crap, wrong thread.
Yeah well, Stossel is still full of shit.


I’ve got nothing to add except that this is a classic, Rev. Rocket.


That grin on Gonzalez’ face is the very definition of shit eating.


Pictures of naked people fucking caused this?

Never underestimate the power that is PRON!


S.T.D. Hanson

So which STD is it…I suspect gonorrhea AND syphillis.


STDH’s poster: “You can’t beat the Axis if you get V.D.”

Heheheh – yup, beating the Axis keeps you from getting V.D.

If you were looking for a pro-pr0n argument, there it is.


Great post, with an even greater straw man.

Thucydides? Herodotus?

That is classic. A sanwich of tow doods no one has ever heard of, with a creamy wingnut middle.

I know who i’m hiring to bake my wedding cake!



Two doods! Two doods!


The Sea of Pornography is very near the Sea of Tranquility. They are connected by the Straits of Self-Gratification.

a different brad

I had a dream too, you race-baiting piece of longwinded shit.
I had a dream a conservative took responsibility for the negative effects of the policies they promote.


Mark Noonan is a terrorist, plain and simple. He hates our freedoms.

How very Dinesh D’souza of him.


This is brilliant and beautiful and a great kick in the teeth o’ Loonan. Thanks for making my day.


MC H: It’s from the ancient Greeks, the root of all that is good in Western Civilization. How can it not make sense?

t4toby: Your failed educational system has left you weak. You would’ve been among the first to fall. You ever hear of a massacre at Plato’s academy? Of course not; they were men. And about me baking cakes: what don’t you understand about gendered division of labor? Did not Meno say to Plato: “A woman’s virtue, if you wish to know about that, may also be easily described: her duty is to order her house, and keep what is indoors, and obey her husband”?

Diff brad: The moniker is a clue. So, too, I thought, the self-contradicting madness. Ah, well, check here:

If that won’t do:
Q. Which ancient Greek is the favorite of pirates?
A. ARRRRchimedes

a different brad

Sorry, then.


Two doods! Two doods!

Well, that’s good n’ all. But three’s even bettah!


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