Pam Ref. 41°N 93°W
Is it just us, or are the wingnuts devolving into a sort of pre-toddler ontological state, in which an unpleasant stimulus simply makes them go Blaa! and lash out, and a pleasant one makes them go Whee! and clap their hands?
Democrats invite Muslim Brotherhood leader to speak to Congress
Maybe he’ll perform live genital mutilation surgery on Nancy Pelosi and several of her female grandchildren… Sorry to be gross, but we are doomed with “leadership” like this…It is getting very hard to take. hat tip Andrew Bostom
Democrats invite Muslim Brotherhood leader to speak to Congress Jihadwatch
A new apex of cluelessness (if the story is accurate). Would they have invited Hitler to address Congress in 1942?
One hour earlier:
Love this story. In a word? Toosh.
Two Muslim wives rip husband’s nose off Right Truth via Myrtus hat tip Yidw/lid
A Saudi man lost part of his nose in a heated argument with his two wives because he threatened to marry a third woman, Shams newspaper reported on Tuesday.
YAY! I would have ripped a different appendage off but hey that’s just me
When Walt Whitman wrote the line, “I contain multitudes,” this wasn’t quite what he meant.
Although, to be rigorous about it, he didn’t mean Stoli Appletinis either.
You do of course realize that now I have to open up Google Earth and find those coordinates.
The answer? Apparently farmland just south of interstate 34. Huh.
Remember, this is the same Pam who is pro-cervical cancer and thinks Fox News is liberal. So I’m not overly shocked that Crazy Muslim Violence Against Women is bad, yet Crazy Muslim Violence Against Men is good. Men ARE scum, after all. Except John Bolton, with his glorious mustache.
Someone needs to get Semisonic on the italics.
What’s this? A broken italics tag? If only there were some sort of button-like mechanism one could use for previewing…
Goddamn, that woman is fucking ugly. I don’t mean her appearance, mind you. I mean the things that come out of her brain. What the hell is wrong with her?
What’s this? A broken italics tag? If only there were some sort of button-like mechanism one could use for previewing…
I’m trying!!
I’m more worried about Lat. 38° 54′ N, Long. 77° 00′ 13″ W (her islets of Langerhans, according to Harlan Ellison). That much alcohol — pancreatitis — not good.
You seem to have missed the big news (no, not the size of her tits) about Pammy. That crypto-liberal, Dennis the Peasant, has more and more.
There’s a constant thrum of anti-muslim rhetoric in the American media. It doesn’t matter if it’s accurate, as Swift Boaters will tell you with glee. MEMRI (run by a “retired” Mossad agent) is the most sophisticated example. If Muslims are evil dogs, it’s not quite so indefensible to steal their land and impose a hegemony over them.
You do of course realize that now I have to open up Google Earth and find those coordinates.
The answer? Apparently farmland just south of interstate 34. Huh.
It’s also a cultural reference. Would it be boring if I said what it is?
Pam needs to go visit her ideological contemporaries at 35° 40′ 12″ N and 51° 25′ 47″ E. Pam just has to refocus her anger. She would fit right in.
It’s also a cultural reference. Would it be boring if I said what it is?
Elucidation is never boring. Give it to us, Gav-baby.
Ooohh … a Wire reference. Impressive.
For Pamela’s consideration:
Nancy Pelosi has taken over the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee!
By the way, Pamela has a new vee-log. This one looks like the last installment from South Florida. Communal tip jars are communistic, TV shows ain’t wait they used to be, and the same goes for sex ed.
Ouch, I screwed up the link for the Knesset story. Again.
Communal tip jars are communistic
Cause here in Canada, tips are pooled and given to the entire staff: the waitress, hostess, and chefs get a chunk of the coin you leave on the table.
I think, however, that in Canada, wait staff are paid a standard wage and don’t have to live off the generosity of tippers.
Funny, two more songs from 154 come to mind when I click on a Pammy vlog: “I Should Have Known Better” and “Once is Enough”.
“Being Sucked in Again” or “Mercy” from CM are equally appropriate.
There’s also the Cheney anthem (“Mary is a Dyke.”)
Pam wishes cliterectomies on her enemies, and cervical cancer on her daughters.
Now I’ve got that song in my head.
Not until the New Pornographers’ “Letter to an Occupant” came along was there another song simultaneously as nerdy and uh… rocking… as “Map Ref.”
Heh. It must be zeitgeist.
The whole point of my post was that using obscure song references as post titles is cool, but leaving people who aren’t in the know in the dust isn’t. (And until I researched that post, I thought this song was a My Bloody Valentine original.)
Hysterical Woman, do I know you from Josh’s site?
“Maybe he’ll perform live genital mutilation surgery on Nancy Pelosi and several of her female grandchildren”
Now isn’t that just a civil and decent statement? Talking about the genital mutilation of an elected official and her grandkids on the floor of the United States House of representatives is the epitome of civility, right?
Well, she didn’t write fuck.
Wait, them coordinates is a Wire reference?
The band or the show, cuz in the show, when McNulty did the coordinate readin, he gave minutes, too.
I want specificity, dammit!
Genital mutilation is a mostly African cultural (i.e. not religious) practice that predates Islam by over a millennium and is practiced by some African Christians and Animists as well, so going so far as to actually hope some member of a mostly Arab Muslim group does it to Pelosi and her grandchildren is not only unbelievably disgusting, it’s also pig ignorant.
Ooohh … a Wire reference. Impressive.
That makes two this week — further evidence that Sadly No is awesome.
(And until I researched that post, I thought this song was a My Bloody Valentine original.)
But… it was on an entire album full of Wire covers! How could you have bought that album without knowing what it was?
I didn’t! It was posted as an mp3 on a My Bloody Valentine site a few years ago, and the title stuck in my head. Since I was too lazy to figure out how to do the degree symbol in ASCII and couldn’t remember the actual coordinates, I had to look it up again last week. And then when I went to see what album it was from (there are so many MBV albums to choose from) I learned the shocking truth.
Ah, I figured you got it on some filesharing thingy (napster, soulseek, whatever) and was just giving you a gentle ribbing for it…
Did you ever see that photoshop contest for corporate product placement in classic album covers? The one for “154” was pretty good.
Hey, has she endorsed anyone for President? Like, someone who talks to her friend John Bolton?
Did you ever see that photoshop contest for corporate product placement in classic album covers?
Do you have a link to the rest of them?