A Browner Shade Of Brownwashing [Updated]
Princess Cupcake is angry that Littleton, Colorado still remembers those trivial school shootings, because, okay, domestic terror? [Chuh!] Like, have you ever heard of a thing called the International Muslamofascist Jihad Terror Conspiracy?
Anti-gun zealots oppose Navy SEAL memorial statue
By Michelle Malkin · April 06, 2007 10:06 AM***
Did you read it yet? This story is so flabbergasting, I’m going to walk you through it here to ensure you don’t miss it. There’s no clearer illustration of just how unreality-based and ignorant the Left is in this country.
Summary: Danny P. Dietz, a Navy Seal, was awarded the Navy Cross after having been killed in Afghanistan under conditions demanding enormous personal bravery.
Here is the beautiful statue memorializing Dietz that the anti-gunners in Littleton, Colorado are protesting:
Source: Denver Post
Right, you’re laughing. It isn’t funny, ok? She’s actually that bad. She really thinks there’s no reason why this beautiful statue might present some difficulty to the unhinged moonbats in Littleton — planned as it is for a location “near three schools and two playgrounds.”
The fog of moral equivalence overtakes Littleton:
Michelle goes on to link to the contact form for Littleton, so that her gibbering orcs can express their feelings directly.
Well, moral equivalence is a bad thing. So we’re taking up a collection to erect this statue of Pancho Villa in the park across from Michelle’s house.
Above: “La Reeeeconquista ees comeeng!!”
Let us know when the screaming stops; we’re also looking at an assemblage of crossed scimitars, and the price is getting pretty reasonable.
Update: I don’t know what everyone’s mad at us for. Henry Ford was a great American industrialist.
I suppose we can swap it for that statue of William Tecumseh Sherman that everybody’s yelling about down in Savannah. Jeez, people: Sherman was a war veteran.
Will the statue be complete with a button to press to hear Chuck Heston yelling “from my cold, dead, hands”?
Or would that be too obvious even for these champs.
This story is so flabbergasting, I’m going to walk you through it here to ensure you don’t miss it.
looks like she knows how dumb her readers are.
Ha, “Anti-gun zealots oppose Navy SEAL memorial statue” is worded like an Americablog headline.
Well, whatever. It doesn’t sound like “The Left” has a problem with it, unless The Left is some random suburban mom.
The Denver Post coverage points out that it’s the same community in which the Columbine school massacre took place, so maybe they tend to be a bit more sensitive to images of weapons near schools.
I’m not sure I mind the idea of putting such a statue near a school, but I also don’t think that a few parents raising questions about the statue’s location is the same as a mass gathering of the seditious town’s population to burn flags, perch on North Vietnamese anti-aircraft guns while ululating for the New American Caliphate.
Based upon the casting, that is going to be one ugly fucking statue.
It’s so shamefully true: Littleton, that bastion of leftism, is represented by Lefty McLefterson himself, Tom Tancredo, and voted for our current socialist president by an over 2-1 margin.
I was going to post what tbogg said. Whoever paid for the statue is getting ripped off by that crappy sculptor. It looks like nothing like the photo of the SEAL. I think the sculptor mingled the picture with one of John Wayne from “Green Berets”.
Does MM perform any useful function to your society? I mean, all she seems to do is get angry at seemingly random things that happen at random places in your country and blame them on teh left. Couldn’t you replace her by some homeless mental patient? At least you’d have a somewhat more creative answer to the question of who’s to blame and the arguments would make a bit more sense.
I actually only disagree with Malkin on two points: that one self-described peacenik who wants a statue of a dove is indicative of the Left, and that the statue is “beautiful.” The pose in particular is unflattering and stupid, and the workmanship looks pretty crappy. (Make that three things; don’t contact Littleton).
Just sling the gun on his back so he won’t look like a gun-worshipping poseur in Soldier of Fortune magazine.
I’ll settle for the erection of a replica of this Villa statue in Columbus, New Mexico.
For a memorial to a specific individual for acts of heroism, this statue seems far too generic. Dietz is virtually lost behind the oversize weapon, flak jacket etc. If the purpose of this statue were to memorialize soldiers in general it would be OK (albeit artisitcally crap), but for something allegedly is to memorialize and honor Dietz, it does a lousy job of inidivualising him and his sacrifice. I would think that the other picture of Dietz on Malkin’s site (also holding a weapon) would make a far more fitting memorial IMO.
A statue of the guy standing at parade rest wearing dress blues would work just fine.
When taunted by a Liberal in Parliament that he was going to die “on the gallows or of a vicious social disease,” Disraeli replied “That depends on whether I embrace your principles or your mistress.”
Erect the statue and remember that Dietz died for libs’ sins.
Does MM perform any useful function to your society?
She serves as an easy object of derision for people who don’t live on Planet Zoot.
Y’know, you just don’t see enough M203s memorialized in statuary. I think we should go around and randomly add M203s to pre-existing statues, starting with Rodin and Degas right up to Modern Day Christo.
And I don’t know what the big deal is. His finger is clearly in a safe, friendly off the trigger position. So how does this equate to Columbine?
I know a girl who lived through that nighmare – her boyfriend was seriously fucked up in it. I won’t speak for them, but you gotta wonder what especially people like them will think. I can’t think they’d approve.
And the “anti-hun zealots” she’s trying to shove onto our side of the field probably contain more than a few republicans. That’s a very conservative part of a conservative state.
I don’t get it. What’s the big deal about the statue? It’s not a real gun. No harm, no foul. Navy Seals use guns. Big guns. They don’t tickle the enemy with feathers.
Why are you criticizing “Princess Cupcake” for this? Where’s the fire?
I don’t get it. What’s the big deal about the statue?
Psycheout, you have annoyed me and occasionally angered me, but I have always given you credit for, unlike most wingnuts I’ve met, not being as dumb as a box of hammers.
Are you just playing obtuse? Or are you truly so stupid and insensitive that you cannot see why this particular statue, in this particular place might cause some level of consternation?
I don’t think it’s a huge deal and I doubt the mothers protesting it will perform acts of immolation if the stature goes up. yeah, it’s just a statue – of a guy who loks like that Klebold kid’s wildest fantasy. They get to at least put their two cents in and get some respect for it.
Psycheout is a parody. I’m not entirely certain that he knows that, however.
Personally, I think the statue would be more effective if the soldier was on top of a pile of dead Islamonuts, with two bikini clad buxom babes grasping his legs while he chomps a cigar. Also, every hour on the hour a fireball should go up behind the statue. Naturally, the libtards in traitor-stronghold Littleton wouldn’t hear it.
Jrod, do you remember that painting Stryker was painting in the mental institution in Airplane II? I barely remember it, but it was of a crazy-looking soldier with one leg behind his back, explosions, guns … that would make an awesome statue.
Or, to stick with my normal Blackadder theme, how about a noble Joe, standing with a look of horror and disgust over the body of a murdered nun, what’s been done over by a nasty old Islamofascodhimmicrat.
I have to agree with psycho.
That Malkin photoshop needs some fire. Or at least a hat.
If that statue is beautiful, then there are a couple of airbrushed vans around my neighbourhood which really ought to be inducted into some national art gallery.
Jeez, Julie O., looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
Michelle goes on to link to the contact form for Littleton, so that her gibbering orcs can express their feelings directly.
Translation: so that they can send white powder to everyone in Littleton.
Malkin can also do minimalist. This one’s called “Celebrity racists who get a pass.” The complete post:
Like the fog, she’s on a roll.
Malkin can also do minimalist. This one’s called “Celebrity racists who get a pass.” The complete post:
Like the fog, she’s on a roll.
Ah. I get it now. So “The Left” means anyone/thing that Malkin dislikes.
When taunted by a Liberal in Parliament that he was going to die “on the gallows or of a vicious social disease,� Disraeli replied “That depends on whether I embrace your principles or your mistress.�
Um, no. That was John Wilkes (Radical) replying to the Earl of Sandwich (Conservative).
Does MM perform any useful function to your society?
I have her face tattooed on the areola around my Left Nipple! I find it very , ahem, useful when I rub it between my fingers while I’m VWD (Vlogging While Drunk)!
Is it just me, or does the chest of that statue make it look like he’s wearing a bomb belt?
What is it with Americans and guns? Does the whole country suffer from Weeny Willie Syndrome?
Qetesh, this tells you everything you need to know about America as far as our gun sentiment goes.
They put this expression on everything.
I thought the same thing, and couldn’t quite figure out how this was a tribute. But, i’ve only had one cup of caffiene so far
That’s some good writing. All that’s missing is a “heh, indeed.” Maybe someday I can put up something like that and get linked by all bloggers in the known universe. For now I have to toil in anonymity.
Typical Malkin, she suspects a monolithic Left behind every initiative she dislikes. What a fookin’ idiot. I can’t take seriously anyone who constantly stereotypes all leftists into one homogenous group. Anyone who does thus is not a serious thinker.
Yeah – that casting is going to produce a grotesque statue.
Looks more like the 1960s edition of G.I. Joe, America’s movable fighting man . I suppose using an action figure would cut down on model fees.
Oh, Jillian, that is just appalling. If there were any corresponding Australian saying, it would involve beer, no god (except the one that gets shouted when the dog steals your sausage), and more beer. Probably silly hats as well. Heroic vomiting might get a look-in. Farting competitions later in the evening.
That’s what made Australia great.