Crisis Averted!
It’s that guy at RedState again. (Did we mention that they’re now a subsidiary of Eagle Publishing?)
The Cruelest Cut
By streiffWe posted a group photo below while editorializing on the sordid behavior of the British government in the recent hostage crisis with Iran.
The image in the photo is stark. Twelve of the fifteen are pulling a full-dhimmi, laughing it up, three are somber, two with hands clasped in front and one in a modified position of parade rest.
If you haven’t seen that image before it could be because Agence France Press committed an editorial fraud upon everyone who subscribes to its service.
Oh no, another photo controversy — and this time the British Navy are in traitorous dhimmi cahoots with Teh French1!!
Maybe we can help fix this burgeoning international incident. Let’s go back to the original post.
The Sun Finally Sets
first the empire and now the spirit
By streiffBritish Marines and sailors provide the Iranians a photo op
I’ve said before, you never know how you will act in a situation until you have experienced it. I’d like to think I’d be one of the three on the right.
Sure thing, Clausewitz.
Above: Artist’s rendering of Streiff in heroic military pose
We can make you a copy for framing; just drop a line.
[Hanx! Spartikus, J— ]
Update: Oh no! That tall guy has gone over to the dhimmi side!
Update: Hooray! Those other two tall guys and that one short guy have gone over to the angry side!
Will civilization prevail? We think it might all be up to the chick in the scarf — she seems to be wavering.
Because REAL fucking MEN are not happy and excited to be released from captivity. No, no no! If a hostile nation takes you, a member of the armed services, into custody and then some weeks later surprisingly releases you, and you are such a wimp pussy crybaby enemy-loving collaborating swine that you actually smile and look happy about your impending release, well sir, you should be dishonorably discharged and perhaps prosecuted. A real man, a soldier of the Queen, would frown and look grumpy. Grumpiness is what separates a true patriot from a treasonous slug.
Honestly, where do they come up with this shit?
Do Right Wing men come in any flavor besides “plucked Wookie”?
These people are, to put it nicely, fucking retarded. What do you want them to do, flip up their kilts and make the Iranians all mad so they recklessly attack so America can ride to victory? Sheesh, for the last fucking time it’s a movie not Clausewitz. If these people were damn serious about winning this war they’d have quit their damn dominatrix war fantasies long ago.
Maybe those guys just didn’t like the food? Or maybe they were pissed to be leaving and wanted to stay, trouble with the wife at home or something.
I just think the whole way Iran played this is hilarious, i really do. I mean, they gave the fucking sailors SWAG. “Here take these gifts, and have a nice flight.”
We put panties on people’s heads and lock them in cages, Iran hands out gift bags. WTF?
Well it is an old British tradition. And despite my hatred for the Daily Mail, and RedState, I am inclined to agree that while we cannot blame the smiling and waving, I like the guys on the right more than the others. They might have been brave enough to tell the Iranians to piss off. The Iranians use nationalism to unify their people, who otherwise like the British and the Americans. This was a tiny victory for them.
Keep in mind that this incident could have been used as an excuse for the US to launch an air strike. Fortunately, it was settled peacefully. This time.
As to whether their boat was in Iranian waters, I think they were, but I can’t find proof.
I think the real story in that picture is that the officers (at right) are about to get reamed by their superiors.
I’m inclined to think both sides were lying and there never were any sailors, any boats or even any water.
You’ll find “streiff” to be great source material.
Wingnuts, cropping pictures so that areas with the most information/activity is in view is not a political statement.
Go away.
Keep in mind that this incident could have been used as an excuse for the US to launch an air strike. Fortunately, it was settled peacefully. This time.
Ask yourself “why wasn’t this used by the bush/cheney cabal as a causus belli for launching the air war against Iran”? If you can come up with an answer other than “the attack is already scheduled and and the pieces are being put in place around that schedule”, please let me know what it is.
Watching bush around this whole british seaman thing, he couldn’t get worked up about it, could hardly be bothered to mention it. Could that be for any other reason than he knows the exact day, hour and minute the bombs are going to fall? So it really means nothing to him?
The Red State brigade this week has been walking around all excited, stroking their weapons with wild abandon, praying for a war with Iran as a result of the British sailors. Now they are disappointed.
But, being from the school of lemons and lemonade, if they can’t have a war, then by God, they can have a photo scandal! Involving the media! The French media yet! Next best thing and all that.
To the barricades! Start whacking off again, boys!
As to whether their boat was in Iranian waters, I think they were, but I can’t find proof.
This is the part that has been cracking me up throughout. This argument about whether the Brits were in Iraqi waters or Iranian waters. This is not only funny, but fun because EVERYBODY who makes a definitive statement is a liar! I love shit like that.
See, the only way to actually define where the border is offshore is by negotiation, in this case between Iraq and Iran. The border is clearly defined in the Shatt al arab, as it’s part of the land border. But as soon as you get offshore, the border has been disputed forever, but especially since the Iran-Iraq war ended. So absolutely no one can make a statement about whether the British were in Iraqi or Iranian waters, because nobody knows where one ends and the other begins. So they were all just talking out there ass, and once again, the US press gave us approximately 40% of the story…
Zounds, but this photo interpretation thing is hard work. In this AFP picture, some of the people who have smiley faces in the AFP picture that caught Red State’s attention now have serious faces. And in this AP picture, the sailor in the three-piece suite who has a serious face in the AFP picture that caught Red State’s attention now has a smiley face. So confusing!
suitesuit. Me spell pretty one day.Clearly, in the brief moments between when those pictures were take, he converted to Islam — or at the least was overcome with dhimmitude — and began smiling in perverse pleasure at his own evil.
“Honestly, where do they come up with this shit?”
The ACME Craperator(tm)…
Twelve of the fifteen are pulling a full-dhimmi
For what it’s worth, I only see 6 smiling folks, so in addition to presuming to judge the character and motives of the 6 he can see, he’s condemning those whose faces he can’t see. Of course, in the video I’ve seen they all look pretty damn happy, and who could blame them? Besides the paper tigers at Red State, of course.
I just think the whole way Iran played this is hilarious, i really do. I mean, they gave the fucking sailors SWAG. “Here take these gifts, and have a nice flight.�
We put panties on people’s heads and lock them in cages, Iran hands out gift bags. WTF?
Not only that, but they also got suits out of the deal! Looks like someone’s prison system has better funding than ours.
streiff’s just angry because they still have heads. .
What about the various sailors who have their hands appropriately clasped in front of them but are committing the treasonous act of smiling? Is that a half-dhimmi?
I think the chick in the scarf gotted shorted in the fashion swag department. Hopefully, they made up for it with teh gift basket.
Howcum you never link to smart, rational conservative commentators? Huh?
I detect some liberal bias in your choice of conservatives to make fun of.
Why not pick on George Will? He’s not nearly as stupid as most of the guys you pick on.
Liberals! Hmpf.
I just can’t believe Red State boy didn’t make a bigger deal out of THE SCARF. What the hell is that Muslim woman in the hijab doing there? And why aren’t our brave Allies raping and murdering her in the name of Freedom?
No, that’s a demi-dhimmi.
I think the chick in the scarf gotted shorted in the fashion swag department. Hopefully, they made up for it with teh gift basket.
She did get 5 Persian rugs for 5$…
Never underestimate the strategic genius of a well-placed gift bag. The flamboyance of their good treatment oftheir prisoners put Abu Ghraib in even starker relief.
Bush got his ass handed to him; Blair got to say in public, unequivocally, that he would always seek a diplomatic solution to their differences; Cheney’s little operation out of Pakistan was exposed; and Ahmadinejad came out smelling like roses – he was working at a much higher level than all of them combined. If he weren’t all evil and The Enemy and such, I might be amused at how he maneuvered the whole lot of ’em.
streiff’s just angry because they still have heads
No doubt. Their first offense to Streiff’s martial honor was not firing back at a ship armed with an anti-aircraft gun. After all they were in an INFLATABLE FUCKING boat so what could go wrong in a gun fight? There was a time when the Tommies knew how to take a right slaughtering, Gallipoli, The Somme etc. Maybe it all began to go wrong when they pussied out at Dunkirk by electing to evacuate and not to get killed to the last man. Tsk. Tsk. What’s this world coming to when even a Brit decides he’d rather not be riddled with bullets and floating face down in who knows whose fucking waters and would rather get home to his hot girlfriend instead.
Bush got his ass handed to him
Real world polical players always kick dumb drunken frat-boy’s ass. Sistani had no problem maneuvering bush into a corner to preven chalabi from being appointed benign dictator and forcing popular elections the Shia were sure to win. It’s no surprise that Ahmedinijad was more politically savvy. He probably not only went to class, but was sober when he did. I’m convinced that one of the reasons bush won’t talk to other national leaders that are not american toadies is ’cause at some level he knows they’re smarter and better than him…
Not content with his current level of stupidity, streiff now says that the British sailors should have given the finger to the Iranians. Literally.
Couldn’t make this shit up if we tried. Talk about doubling down on stupidity.
bemused: And what a strong closing line on that middle finger post: “You may be in captivity but your enemy can never take away your ability to resist. Only you can do that.”
Evidently this idiot don’t know much about Britain.
Ask yourself “why wasn’t this used by the bush/cheney cabal as a causus belli for launching the air war against Iran�? If you can come up with an answer other than “the attack is already scheduled and and the pieces are being put in place around that schedule�, please let me know what it is.
Watching bush around this whole british seaman thing, he couldn’t get worked up about it, could hardly be bothered to mention it. Could that be for any other reason than he knows the exact day, hour and minute the bombs are going to fall? So it really means nothing to him?
Alternatively (here’s the ‘happy’ version!), Cheney’s wargamers have been forced to acknowledge the meagre outlines of reality: “We” don’t have the troops to attack Iran because the Oval Office Occupants have spent the last four years running American soldiers and materiel through the Iraqi meatgrinder. So, barring a Hollywood-scale breakthrough in the robo-army research, Preznident Pissypants is going to spend the rest of his term in a sullen holding action, like the proverbial monkey with his fist caught in the coconut, unable to implement any more grandiose Lawrence-of-Arabia dreams because he won’t “let” the Democrats pull “us” out of Iraq. Of course he’s sullen; of course he refuses to do more than acknowledge Sistani’s diplomatic win beyond the most perfunctuary grunts — he’s a spoiled twelve-year-old who’s busted his Playstation and *still* the grownups won’t buy him an XCube!
Well, if a 12 year old is still using a first gen Playstation today he’s not really that spoiled. They’re up to number 3 now.
N it’s XBox and Gamecube, or was. Now it’s Xbox360 and Wii.
Theology Question: Is it a sin to pose as a Bush-loving, Iraq War cheerleading jerkoff on the message boards? I have to admit, coming up with some of the batshit crazy stuff they post is harder that I thought it would be. Maybe I just need practice. It is fun to throw around the word Islamo-fascist, tho.
O.T. I happened to notice a certain dangeral perfesser over at TPM.
The dancing badgers are relevant to the topic, right (because they are proof of intelligent web design)?
“We� don’t have the troops to attack Iran because the Oval Office Occupants have spent the last four years running American soldiers and materiel through the Iraqi meatgrinder.
Oh no. They have that covered. How? They happily accept your premise. Then they immediately point out that the naval air and strategic air are not stressed at all by Iraq or Afghanistan. The Iran war will be completely an air campaign. They ran a test last summer over Lebanon. It didn’t work out, and they had to use ground troops, but they aren’t letting that challenge their assumptions about how effective an air attack can be for regime change.
They are, if nothing else, “Fact – Averse”…
Gavin that is some sweet work. I like how you used the original shoes. All I would say is maybe a little more glare on his gut.
Can someone tell me what a Full-Dhimmi is? Can I get a quick glossary-check on dhimmi, anyway? I mean – I think I know what they mean by it, but where does it come from?
g – I’m really curious about that as well. What is the provenance, anyone know?
Are your mouse fingers painted on? You’re too good to google?
A-Girl, you are teb BEST!!
It’s a fucking Net – Work…
Not too good, just too lazy…
Thanks for teh link. I shall read it now. 🙂
If those were real MUR’KAHN troops, they’d have killed a thousand of those ragheads before they’d ever let themselves be captured!
A machine gun under each arm and grenades stuff in my crotch, I’d have taken out every one of them dang Iranians myself!
Je comprends…… I think I actually underestimated the wingnuts. Didn’t think that was possible. At least ‘dhimmi’ makes sense, if you concede the dumb ass starting point. (I even entertained the notion that they just didn’t know how to spell ‘dim’. You have to set the bar pretty low, in my experience.)
I’d just like to say that, when I’m gettingt to a dark place where the evil bastards are making me feel hopeless and furious and miles away from even a glimpse of any humor in the situation, I come here, and see that there is hope after all, once I get my coating of magic snark dust. Thanks for that.
People like the, “what pussies, joining their countries *crunch-crunch-gulp* military and getting captured *sluuuuuuuurp* and then NOT having the good sense *burp* to get killed and start a new war front? *’cheeto-encrusted fingers being wiped on jeans’ noise goes HERE* What fucking PUSSIES!” group make me embarrassed to be an American.
I’m just sayin’.
I think what REALLY pisses them off is that the Great Muslim Evil Terrah-ests treated their POW’s better then we treat ours, and it, rightfully so, makes us all look bad.
Y’know, after reading some of the comments at Red State, I almost thought I was at Twisty’s place. Substitute “patriarchy” for any mention of the mainstream press and it’d be hard to tell em apart. At least many radical feminists have genuinely been victimized by men at some point in their lives, what the fuck is this group’s excuse?
I know it’s not new to point this out, but jebus mcchreebus, how can they pretend to be the tough, macho ones when they’re that fucking whiny?
Hmmm… I think the Sadly Hoes have fallen for a diversion from Red State as their comrade Béröcketbé has been taken hostage by the TPM empire.
Who here will wield the lightsaber and rescue Béröcketbé?;
For my money, those three on the right are just pissed off because the (French) cameraman made the obligatory “British seamen” joke.
The Royal Navy’s two worst nightmares come together.
Either that, or they were having a quiet toss in the corner and got busted. “Nah, honestly, mate, I was just seeing if the lining in my pocket was torn.”
I really, honestly, truly love the ‘swag and new suits’ thing. That just tickles me completely pink. Makes a wonderful contrast, doesn’t it? Iranian captives get a new suit (except poor Faye) and a bag full of swag, while American captives get an orange jumpsuit complete with blinders, and torture.
Gee, it’s a good thing we’re the good ones, eh? Us with all our respect for human rights and all.
Twelve people are thinking, ‘I didn’t crack. I kept my cool and all the putzes got was some silly clips of us saying we were sorry. So long ya’ schmucks.’
Three people are thinking, ‘I hope nobody finds out we told them everything they wanted to know. But it was really, really scary!’
“I’ve said before, you never know how you will act in a situation until you have experienced it. I’d like to think I’d be one of the three on the right.”
You would be…
The Brits will now torture the sailors to get the ‘truth’ about their ordeal out.
Why are you taking a cheap shot at Twisty’s? Harumph! Just kidding. More cheap shots please.
I won’t even comment on the above. It speaks for itself.
I tried to lurk a bit at Twisty’s, but ultimately it just feels so old a perspective it’s downright anachronistic. She’s got cancer so she’s due just about whatever support system works, but the basic premise dated, if it was ever valid. Some guys have noticed the good ole boy system on their own. One or two, over the years.
To which I could add all kinds of qualifiers to try and find the acceptable way to say I think feminism is a good thing and know having a penis makes my opinion on the topic relatively unimportant, but eff it.
Or to say that sexism is gone or societal gender bias or etc etc etc etc etc etc.
It’s kin to racism, I think. Still very much there as an ugly part of our society, but not such that it’s fair to assume every white southerner, or white american in general, is racist.
I can;t wait to see if the Iranian hostages are smiling when the US releases them. ‘Cause, you know, whether they are or not, that will say some something, I’m sure.
yea that looked like a circle jerk (or snap i suppose) of “womyn studies seminars” circa 1990 over at twisty’s – all speculation and innuendo about men – it didnt seem like an honest discussion – but i have a penis as well so what do i know…
but at least their complaint about patriarchy is valid – these wingnuts like streiff dont have anything like that its all myths and movies and “Master and Commander” novels
Those gaudy Eastern European suits are awesome though! The Moscow mafia pays top price for those things, and these damn Brits got them for free. Master and Margarita my ass.
It’s surprising that they look so happy to leave. After all, it’s back to rum, sodomy, and the lash…
How come the Iranians dressed all the dudes to look like Jonathan Rhys Myers in Match Point?
I want a recount on the dhimminessity of the released sailors in the shot.
Looking at it from a glass half full view, I see only 6 and a half confirmed full dhimmi roasted baby eating traitors. One sailor definitely has his arm raised in a dhimmiwave, but we just can’t see enough to know whether he’s smiling. Three whose faces are obscured would appear not to have arms raised, and there only appear to be 13 in that particular angle. Perhaps two were so ashamed to be released they wouldn’t even be photographed. In any case, in the shot in question, presuming it wasn’t manipulated by the French press, shows less than a clear majority of dhimminessity, meaning these poor men and woman are not collectively roasted baby eating traitors and should be allowed to shop in our malls.
QED n stuff.
a different brad and Hugely, feel free to have opinions with your penes (yes, I believe that is the correct plural). We modern feminazis have agreed that it’s possible to have both.
islamofascist, you should know better: the Iranians captured (captivated?) by the Murr’kins are all vile turr’rists, and will never ever ever be released.
After all, it’s back to rum, sodomy, and the lash…
You say that like its a bad thing.
I am concerned about the Gift Basket Gap, though. Nothing would say “hey, sorry for scooping you up off the street, sticking a bag on your head, and running 120 volts through you nuts” like some nice Godiva chocolates, a shower kit, and a DVD-R of The Battle for Algiers Maybe we can drop a cost-plus contract on Men’s Wearhouse for the suits.
Candy said @ 5:02
Je comprends…… I think I actually underestimated the wingnuts. Didn’t think that was possible. At least ‘dhimmi’ makes sense, if you concede the dumb ass starting point. (I even entertained the notion that they just didn’t know how to spell ‘dim’. You have to set the bar pretty low, in my experience.)
Not the wingnuts as a whole, m’dear, I don’t think it’s possible to underestimate them. Dhimmi in it’s modern, political sense was largely coined by Bernard Lewis, who, although definitely far, far off his rocker, was undeniably bestowed with some form of demented intelligence, paradoxical as it seems.
Qetesh said @ 10:53
islamofascist, you should know better: the Iranians captured (captivated?) by the Murr’kins are all vile turr’rists, and will never ever ever be released.
Indeed, every inmate currently at Gitmo is a vile, heathen, Ba-B-BBQing islahomomexifascist. If not, why would they be there in the first place?
Party favor close-up!
Indeed, every inmate currently at Gitmo is a vile, heathen, Ba-B-BBQing islahomomexifascist. If not, why would they be there in the first place?
Indubitably, Bistroist. It’s a prison, ooh, sorry, detention centre, for evil islamohomomexifascists, ergo everyone there is, by definition, an islamohomomexifascist. How could it be otherwise?
And because Iranians are very very naughty, we know that the suits and swag bags will cause them much torment, and should really be described as torture, while our own gagging, bagging, and shagging of turr’rists is a robust expression of our respect for human rights and a clear demonstration of why we are better than they.
I’m still smirking about the suits and swag. Perhaps it’s a dastardly plot, and the instant those blokes get an erection, the fabric of the pants will contract and cut off their willies.
Or the swag is composed of items cunningly designed to induce squabbling in small children, so the seamen won’t be able to get any sleep.
Fiendishly cunning, yer Persian is, mate, I tell ya, y’gotta keep both eyes on ’em at all times.
[…] a sizable portion of their estate to you and Susan after the wedding. « Crisis Averted! […]
The Left in a nutshell: I hate document but love Iranian swag.
I’d only give them an 8 for a full dhimmi. Now a double-reverse dhimmi, that might be worth a 10.
I’ve said before, you never know how you will act in a situation until you have experienced it. I’d like to think I’d be one of the three on the right.
I’d like to think that streiff would blow his Iranian captors if he found himself in that situation. But he’s right, we don’t know how he would act.
One thing we do know: streiff will never, ever be captured while serving his country.
This is really one of the funnier posts and comment threads in a while. Of course, it would be nothing without the set-up, so don’t get a big head.
Well, now that the Brits are talking to the media about their experience in captivity – the solitary confinement, the isolation, the mind games, the fear, etc. – I’m just wondering how long it will be before the Right Wing condemns such tactics as torture/defends such tactics as Frat -house high-jinks.
[…] Barnett joins the rest of the 101st in mocking the British sailors for surrendering to Iran. Because Dean Barnett […]
….while editorializing on the sordid behavior of the British government….
Sordid behavior? Where? When?
The Brits were tortured. Also, broadcasting them on TV violated the Geneva Convention. So 2 things:
1. This is chickens coming home to roost. The UK can thank the US for that, but they also tortured and killed unnarmed Iraqis.
2. When do we start bombing Iran? Monday, right?;_ylt=Ar3VgLxgBbudNRjCvpzddjis0NUE
Y’know, I don’t think I give a fig whether or not the sailors kept a stiff upper lip or howled like babies. I don’t care what they told the Iranians. I don’t care whether they apologised for being in Iranian waters, the war in Iraq, or Demis Roussos.
And I don’t think anyone else has the right to criticise. After all, as the tossbag says, none of us know what we’d do under that sort of pressure, and I don’t think any of us has a right to criticise those who find themselves in such a situation.
streiff is a knob. And a weeny one at that.