So Long And Thanks For All The Freedom

From the Gathering of Eagles Mission Statement:

We believe in and would give our lives for the precious freedoms found in our Constitution. We believe that our freedom of speech is one of the greatest things our country espouses, and we absolutely hold that any American citizen has the right to express his or her approval or disapproval with any policy, law, or action of our nation and her government in a peaceful manner as afforded by the laws of our land.

From our hosting company:

I’m writing you about your site “”. It was getting severely DDOS’ed and causing the whole edendale server to have a very high load (around 200, when normal is 1 to 2) and tons of connections. For now to keep the server from being totally unusable, I’ve had to rename the web directory. The server is stable now, please leave it disabled for at least a few more hours until the attack dies down. If you have further questions, let us know.

Memo to all Gatherings of various types of Eagles, Hawks, Ptarmigans, Albatrosses, Cormorants, Egrets, etc:

Re: Severe Distributed-Denial-of-Service Attacks



Comments: 108

Incontinentia Buttocks

Obviously, Gavin, you didn’t read carefully enough…

We absolutely hold that any American citizen has the right to express his or her approval or disapproval with any policy, law, or action of our nation and her government in a peaceful manner as afforded by the laws of our land.

That doesn’t say anywhere that you have the right to disagree with the wingnuts, only with the government and the nation.

Free speech has its limits, you know….


What happened? What is “severely DDOS’ed “?


Wow, making baseless accusations towards groups of people you disagree with politically without a shred of evidence. Shall we start calling you Gavin McCarthy now?


I can’t check the video from work, but will be severely disappointed if, when I get home, I find it does not contain at least a smattering of Yakety Sax.


Brilliant, Gavin

Loves tha Fraggles.


And here I thought the server was down due to a reinstall that was going to result in the return of my friend, teh preview button. And it turns out to be some cheetoh stained WoW warrior doing his bit for freedom, justice and the american way….



Oddly enough, I agree with Shoeangle.
You have NO PROOF that this wasn’t a hax by I\I3d laI\/I07.


I thought they had finally done it. I really thought they had finally silenced Teh Funny.

C’mon annieangel, don’t you have the Google? Severely DDOS’ed is when someone wants to silence a website that mocks claims like, “Watch us turn 300 into 30,000”.

I’m not sure of the mechanics, but it has to do with the 82nd Chairborne and Cheetos (Oh yeah, and trying to not look at the Adam’s Apple whilst spanking it).


None of these guys has back-up for their “National Park Service” crowd estimate either.

No wonder they’re pissed at you.

Meanwhile I hear Lileks has revised his own hometown Eagle estimate from 7 to a million bazillion, based on figures from the National Dork Service.


The Sadly, No! bobolink flies again!


How do you know it’s not TEH FEMINISTS?


My GF and I ended up going down there over the weekend (drove on Friday, took 13 hours from RI in the snow, ack). Since we ended up at the memorial a little late, we found ourselves surrounded by Eagles. Lots of black leather motorcycle jackets with patches and the like. Plenty of ’em with those natty armband thingies they were selling online. Walking through their group (a few hundred it seemed, 1000 tops) was interesting. they were pretty polite, but probably that’s because I didn’t tell them where I was heading.

When we caught up with our fellow gay-abortion-islamofascists a little ways down the road (many times larger of a group than the Eagles!), we had to waltz right through their counterprotest line to join the march. The Eagles yelled some silly things (“take a shower!” “get a hysterectomy!”) and held up silly signs (“if you want peace, PREPARE FOR WAR!!!”). There was a stiff wind that shredded a lot of signs. We took a picture of the “no unauthorized photography” sign. We didn’t see the riot police. The security guards at Pentagon City Mall made us stash our signs away. Far out man.

a different brad

Yeah, limp has a point.
Maybe jebus was trying to fit the server up his arse and it got disconnected.
Let’s not presume some impotent little wanna be vet or two realized they had no ability to argue their case or cause and thus resorted to childish, petty means. It’s not as if they showed they lack the balls or capacity to argue with the people running and commenting at a political comedy site. A faceless, pointless, sad little attempt to use the internets to scream “shutupshutupshutupshutup!” doesn’t, y’know, actually only serve to egg anyone on.
Doesn’t the Malkin fan behind this and the attack on calling all wingnuts realize he’s the pussy version of Chad Castanenblahblahblah?
Michelle will never even know yer name, champ. Unless you email her, and if you do that you’d, y’know, make her potentially complicit in it.


I dropped a burrito on my keyboard while I was reading all of the Shoelimpy/annieangel bitching in the last thread. Did I inadvertantly cause your problems? I thought everything was okay, but maybe some Taco Bell Fire Sauce (TM) got into the keyboard…

btw, telling people to shut up is not impugning their right to free speech.


Maybe Gavin was desecrating a bag of Cheetos. The Gaggle of Geese couldn’t attack mobs of Sadly, Nosians, so they went after the site!

Next thing you know, they’ll bomb a monument to stop protesters from contaminating its hallowed ground. I wouldn’t be surprised if some Timothy McVeigh-style conservative movementarian tries something like that.

America’s budding fascists may feel they need to use terrorism to “prove” how diabolical the liberals are. Hey, I’ve read comments that suggest using tactics like that. It was on some god awful right-wing blog. Maybe David Niewart has something in his archives.

a different brad

And, yes, of course I’m sorry for my use of the dreaded p-word just now.
I feel just like Ann Coulter.
*rubs adam’s apple*


By the way Gav, Seb et al., please pass the collection plate if you think a Sadly Server upgrade is in order. Don’t know if that’s the answer, but there’s been quite a few 503 errors in the last month or so, at least on my end, and I think a lot of your regulars would be willing to chip in for a Bandwidth Surge.

Oh, and Some Guy, I fail to see what Nude Lawyers have got to do with this?

Innocent Bystander

Sounds like their ability to estimate crowd size is no better than their WMD judgment or their thinking we’d be greeted with flowers and that future generations would sing songs about us or what the entire charge of the Treasury transfer to Halliburton would cost us.

One counting methodology that could provide insight on the actual number of Fleagles there: How many Porta-Potties were on station? I think the rule of thumb is 10 Porta-potties to 1 pro-war protester. If they had 300,000 porta-potties there, well, I’d give them the benefit of the doubt.


Although the MSM remains silent on this devastating denial-of-service attack, we stand proudly with you, Gavin, 30 trajillion — strong according to the National Blog Service.


Free Speech (TM) isn’t free. To be free it needs to kill freedom-hating speech. Then the history books can tell our kids about how brave and valient Free Speech (TM) is and how wicked and savage and racially impure your terrorist-loving speech was.

Don’t you even try to change those history books you historical revisionary.


Man do I loves me some Fraggles. Makes me all warm and tingly inside.

Local media in DC pretty much ignored the Gathering of Wool shindig this weekend. My guess is that about 12 people showed up with cheeto-stained fingers, plus a couple of Hell’s Angels two months early for Rolling Thunder. A total non-event.


Nude lawyers have to do with everything, for one.

I will also voice my report of a large number of 503 errors roaming the plains of Sadly, Rohan!*

I almost wish i had known about this GoE bruhaha going on, I would have hopped the metro and givin’ you all an exclusive on-the-spot reporting from Chopper New Balance.

*Gavin is totally Wormtongue.


“And, yes, of course I’m sorry for my use of the dreaded p-word just now.”

What? Presume? Potentially?


We . . . would give our lives for the precious freedoms found in our Constitution.



How do you know it wasn’t the fatties who are angry with the sammiches and party hats? ARGGHHHH! It is a mystery.


We . . . would give our lives for the precious freedoms found in our Constitution.

Well, I guess that posting all day on freerepublic about how teh gays are plotting with the muslims to take over Pittsburgh is kind of “giving your life,” seeing as you don’t really have one left at the end of the day.


Also, maybe the wingnuts should Google “National Park Service” and “crowd estimates” before they go posting the ‘official’ numbers.

See, e.g., this, for starters.

Please remember that the United States Park Police no longer provide crowd estimates.


Well, I guess that posting all day on freerepublic about how teh gays are plotting with the muslims to take over Pittsburgh is kind of “giving your life,� seeing as you don’t really have one left at the end of the day.

Yeah, but if you didn’t really have a life to start out with, you can’t honestly claim you have given it, right?

And I second the 503 error thing.


The 30,000 # reflects us so fuck you you liberal faggott assholes. We made the coolest signs and we were definitely going to go and mom was so proud that we were going to leave the basement for the first time this year (and it’s only mid-March!!) but why did she start making chocolate chip cookies and making remarks about the weather just when we were beginning to get our stuff ready sometimes we think it’s like she doesn’t want us to leave even though she’s always humiliating us when we have a panic attack, anyway we decided to stay home in case any jihadis showed up on the homefront and use our telepathic mind tricks to defend the monuments so we WERE there. We were going to levitate the Pentagon just to show up the hippies but decided to fuck with your site instead you libtard defeatocrat fucks.


Word on the street is that the liberal anti-war movement has finally realized that they’re no match for those cunning, soaring freeper-eagles, and have planned a diabolical attack that strikes at the very heart of the freeper movement. On March 29, at 2 a.m. (EDT), they will conduct a devastating, simultaneous offensive on all Frito-Lay plants in the U.S. and Canada. Soar, eagles, soar!! Protect your supply lines!!


of course, this begs the question, how can a bunch of trouserstain wingnuts who lose days upon days fapping over Saint Ann of the Adam’s Apple talk about giving lives they DON’T ACTUALLY HAVE?


Ye Publick Notice:

We’re switching hosts, probably as soon as this weekend. No more 503s — EVAR!1


The National Park Service estimates that this thread has 30,000 comments.


Thirty thousand and FIRST!!!!ii!1!!

a different brad

Yaaay for new server. N to back up what someone said over on the other thread, don’t be afraid to ask for donations if the need be. I’d pony up.


While its true that the Blathering of Smeagols aren’t putting their lives at risk, they have sacrificed their sanity, credibility, and any shred of self-respect. I, for one, honor their service.


Switch to that host that Conservapedia uses.

Yeah. That’ll put some zip in S,N!’s performance

T3h DD05 80|\/|84r

That just SO fucking sux. I wasted 10 minutes of my life typing a comment totally in 73h 1337 5p34k – and what happens?

“Service temporarilly unavailable” god damned mothar fukkin’ erra'” happens.

U go switch that damned server now, boyz. Now. I’ll be glad to throw a bit’a change in ‘da jar.

Og Niels … du bliver altsÃ¥ nødt til at fÃ¥ dig et liv 😉


What is that guy talking about? Is he a chonga?


Wait, wait, wait…. If SadNo changes its hosting set-up, what will Seb do with that 486 under his desk? Hamsters gotta eat, too, yo.


I’d be more than willing to pitch in a few bucks to a tip jar if y’all are moving servers and stuff.

Hell, I should just send you what this place saves me on therapy every month. You guys could all retire.

So, anyway….sometime in 2008 or 2009 I’m going to be moving to another location within the U.S. I haven’t decided where yet, and I’m hoping y’all can offer me suggestions as to where might be good. Let me know….where’s a good place to be a teacher and live as a lefty in this country anymore?


Ft. Bragg if you like redwoods on the coast, or Northshore Lake Tahoe if you like mountains, snow in winter and beautiful scenery. But either way, it pretty much hasta be california…



Westside L.A. It may be The Dirty City compared to points north, but at least people around here don’t pretend that ‘hella’ is a word.


Why do they insist on videotaping their own event (Gathering of Now Besmirched Name of Cool Bird) and then claiming 30,000 attended. Michelle, you videotaped the crowd and put it on Hot Air. Still sticking to 30,000? Really, you are? Um, ok…


Nøøh, det har jeg sgutte nogen planer om, vennen min. Til gengæld har jeg noget tøj i vaskemaskinen, så nu må du have mig undskyldt. :-p

Haha! Fracking Fraggle-vids! Forget what I said about Yakety Sax, this’ll do.


Wha…??? You mean hella’s not a word? Bummer…



“National Park Service” my ass. I drove to the Mall and couldn’t find one goddam government employee to valet my fucking car. Had to pay $23 at a garage and WALK six blocks. What the fuck am I paying taxes for anyway?!


Hold on a minute? If hella isn’t a word, what about hellsa?

As in, “I was hellsa baked!”

Up here in the Northwest, you can use any word you want to, as long as chronic is involved.

Oh, now you’re gonna say something about ‘chronic’, huh?


Hej hej. Velkommen, fjordfukyng DD05Boemb analkanals!!! Farging corksuckers!

How do you know it wasn’t the fatties who are angry with the sammiches and party hats? ARGGHHHH! It is a mystery.

Why do trickcreatures eat the server?! It is not a mystery! Buttertroll oatmeal arm fatties think it is made of ham! Stupid fatties! It is to funny!


From the Hot Air video Marco mentions above: “On March 17, 2007, a sea change unappreciated by the dinosaur media took place. The silent majority was silent no more.”

Malkin et al. remind me of the Communist Party members played by Mary Gross and Julia Louis-Dreyfus on Saturday Night Live: “The papers are full of lies!”


The silent majority was silent no more.�

I don’t think the problem is that they’ve been silent. The problem is they’ve been vacationing out of the country or something. The pollsters have been completely unable to find them…



Why do trickcreatures eat the server?! It is not a mystery! Buttertroll oatmeal arm fatties think it is made of ham! Stupid fatties! It is to funny!

oh, God…. you now have to totally Photoshop this up….

Herr Doktor Bimler

Full fathom five the dinosaur medium lies:
Of its bones are coral made:
Those are pearls that were its eyes:
The silent majority is silent no more
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.



you mean the chron? we don’t need to say teh whole word in LA

bistoist and others–yes on giving seb brad h et al some dosh for their fine work.

i’m in for 3 figures. low 3 figures.

and as for gathering of the fucking losers: fuck them and the fucking horse they rode in on. all 140 of them.


Well, you do have the last name to know…

a different brad

Off-topic, which one of you all knowing beer types wants to tell me about Flying Dog Ales? Just put a six of their pale ale a’chilling in the fridge. Any beer with art by Ralph Steadman on it is a beer I”ll buy, I just hope it has the non-gimmicky drinkability of, say, the Monty Python brew.



Now come on, how hard is that question? You want the SF Bay Area. True blue and many places actually pay teachers decently.

I even know a few to introduce you around.


That’s what I was gonna say originally, snowwy, but rents are obscene in marin, sf, the penninsula, berkeley. She’ll end up living in hayward or san leandro. Milpitas/fremont aren’t that bad, but the commute to wherever the job is would suck ass. That’s why I’d think about more rural NCal, like tahoe (could live in truckee area) or the Mendocino coast. Fort Bragg is a beautiful, peaceful place. I’ve spent a lot of time up there, and would go back in a minute if I could make a living there. I publish the damn book and that’s where I’ll go…



“Off-topic, which one of you all knowing beer types wants to tell me about Flying Dog Ales? Just put a six of their pale ale a’chilling in the fridge. Any beer with art by Ralph Steadman on it is a beer Iâ€?ll buy, I just hope it has the non-gimmicky drinkability of, say, the Monty Python brew.”


Great parody, Brad. Very funny!


So, anyway….sometime in 2008 or 2009 I’m going to be moving to another location within the U.S. I haven’t decided where yet, and I’m hoping y’all can offer me suggestions as to where might be good. Let me know….where’s a good place to be a teacher and live as a lefty in this country anymore?

Los Angeles. Plenty of schools there, plus it’s got to be the most godless, liberal city in America, and I mean that in the best way. Well, actually, San Francisco is probably more liberal, but it’s more of an aggressive dirty-fucking-hippie style liberalism as opposed to L.A., where everyone’s liberal but doesn’t make a big deal out of it. Plus, as an added bonus, you get to vote for Henry Waxman every two years.

My GF is moving out to Los Angeles this summer and will be looking for a teaching job… I’ll let you know how that goes.


I think it’s my fault.

I hit the wrong button when I was using teh my-google-space-tube thing.


Man, all you left coast dirty hippies are making me think I’m on the wrong coast lately. I should swing by that way sometime later this year just to see things – I do have some family not far from there that I could pop in and visit…..

Thanks for the advice! I’m sure I’ll be hitting y’all up for more concrete suggestions and such the closer I get to moving time.


This one goes out to Michelle Malkin.

“The Dinosaur” by Augusto Monterroso

When she awoke, the dinosaur was still there.

This is fiction, of course, as the citizen journalist shows no signs of waking.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

You guys get label art by Ralph Steadman?!? Wow, it’d almost be worth drinking US beer for that…

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

Nice verse, Doktor. Now if only someone would ding their bells…


No sign of waxing, you say?


All the hipsters in San Francisco that I knew moved to Portland, where they complain louder now.

I really love San Francisco.

On the other hand I love Tuscon, and they need more Democrats I think. Plus there’s an insanely comprehensive record store there, and maybe still a leftover tiki bar with parrots and all.


And in tempe you can see RCPM at Ritas anytime you want…


Herr Doktor Bimler

Now if only someone would ding their bells…

A comprehensive history of “The Silent Majority in Poetry” would also have to include Tennyson, with “The Silent Majority Wakes”:

… above it swell
Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;
And far away into the sickly light,
From many a wondrous and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.

Profound stuff.


Hey Dok. If you and Penny ever decide you need to adopt a child to be your heir and and receiver of wisdom, I’d like to volunteer…



Come to West Virginia for the Deliverence-style adventure and stay for the ramp roasts and the inbred redneck tomfoolery. Ah, I’ve made myself sad.


Come to Baltimore for the Bean pies, crab cakes and the drugs.


Come to Boston. Pahk the caah and have a wicked pissah time here.


There are some pretty nice places in West Virginia (and Western Maryland) to come to. Mainly for nature lovers.


another brad,
Flying Dog isn’t bad. A little on the heavy side, but I never was much of a beer drinker, even back when I drank. I chose my beers based on whatever was the least shitty cheap beer, so I wound up drinking a lot of Lonestar and PBR. Thus, my palate may not be trustworthy. Truth is, I only bought some because of the HST connection. Still, I split it with a buddy who’s an actual beer guy and he dug it, too.

Further off-topic, like Jillian, I’m looking for a place to move to from my current home of Athens, GA. Unlike Jillian, I’ve got no marketable skills and, quite frankly, enjoy the bohemian existence far too much to change it, especially since I’ve got no real reason to do so. I’m kicking around the idea of New Orleans, as perhaps there’s a way there to put my prep-cook abilities to good use.

Also, mikey, you mentioned Northern California. My cousin just moved out to Oxnard with his wife (she’s a nurse and they’re payin’ her good to come out there, too). You got any thoughts about that local?

the dryyyyyyy cracker

Just because you all seem to be enjoying yourselves, thought I’d share something that done got my goat:

So I’m listening to All Things Considered yesterday, right? They do a remote from the anti-war rally, and not only do they spend two-thirds of it focusing on the counter-protestors, they close with a line about how the Gathering of Eagles was there to protect the Vietnam War Memorial from the anti-war marchers.

So I sent NPR a letter saying I’d like to complain about the piece, but I couldn’t because I had to keep Mara Liasson from blowing my dog. I doubt they saw my point about how phrasing can create a presumption.

Anyway, the media’s your enemy. G’night!


I know I’m late to the party, AGAIN, but that video was most excellent. It’s that level of snark that keeps me coming back. Even thru the 503 errors. Keep it up guys.


the dryyyyyyy cracker, your point may have been lost on NPR, but we get it here.

Keep sending those letters!


All the hipsters in San Francisco that I knew moved to Portland, where they complain louder now.

Yes. Could you please, please, please take them back? You can also take the East Coast twig-pilgrims, as a bonus. Seriously, we don’t want them.

Smiling Mortician

Man I hate it when I have to actually work all day and miss all the fun. WTF was up with that last thread? One never knows when the Angelic Binars will loose their moorings and drift over (albeit aggressively).

Anyway, to sum up: if SN needs money, I’m there.

Jillian, pay no heed to these California types. Western Washington (anything oceanside of the Cascades) is totally where you wanna be. Come visit.


where’s a good place to be a teacher and live as a lefty in this country anymore?


Further west than westside LA. Charter schools, lefty charter schools, alternative schools, cool private schools.

Look me up when you get into town.


Oh, Western Washington is good too – I’m an exile.


I should let you know, before we go any further, my safe word is “cinnamon.”

aunt bea traven

According to the National Dental Service, there were 30,000 teeth attending the Gyre-thering Of Bandersnatchs.


We’re switching hosts, probably as soon as this weekend.

Typical cut and run. What kind of message does that send, hippies?

Also, Amarillo is lovely this time of year, and they need lots o’ teachin’.


you mentioned Northern California. My cousin just moved out to Oxnard with his wife

Oxnard’s Southern California. Just north of Malibu.


the non-gimmicky drinkability of, say, the Monty Python brew.

Dude! I ran across this stuff in Calgary, while at a conference, and I snatched it off the shelves! Any beer that has one of Gilliam’s cartoons on the label and the name Holy (Gr)Ale is destined to go right down the hatch.

Not the greatest drinking experience, but not as bad as that shite Trader Joe’s inflicted on me via their mind-control cool packaging the other week. That shit was so sugary-sweet and thick that I felt like I was gonna hafta mainline insulin just to maintain, and … what? Did we start talking about chronic again? \

I’d like to note that I thought all the 503s were because of the shitty shape of the wi-fi infrastructure in Concepcion, Chile. The cheeto-stained wanna-be h@>


Goddammit. Sorry. Tried some archaic 1337sp33k and ran into the whole “open bracket” thing.

As far as LA goes, yeah, if you wanna try working for the LA Mummified School District, there are a lot of good people in there putting their shoulders to the wheel, trying to shove this massive smoking behemoth out of the deep muddy ditch and back onto the road. Some of them are friends of mine.

I spent a whole buncha time working with the top administrators trying to figure out how to get rid of some of the dingbats who have fastened themselves to the LAUSD in the hopes of sucking out a free lunch. It is sad, but those very few do indeed make life a living hell for the other teachers.

Oxnard was pretty sketchy as of a few years ago, but I haven’t been there in a while, so it may have gentrified. Houses going from $170K to $700K in a five-year span will do that to a place. Topanga area is about as lib/yip as you can get in LA; there are still some burnouts proudly flying the fringed buckskin look at the Canyon store on weekends. Anyone here ever been to the Mermaid? Great place. Shot some scenes for “Eight Heads in a Duffel Bag” there with Pesci back in ’96.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

There’s always Australia, Jillian. I know, technically, we’re not part of the US, but John Howard tries so hard, you’d think we were. Think of us as a very, very, very offshore island cousinland.

Plus, the beer is excellent, there’s plenty o’ sunshine, and rents and house prices in my corner of it are pretty reasonable.

Overall, it’s pretty nice place to be, provided you don’t mind the occasional bite from some of our lovable wildlife.


I vote for Portland/PDX – Cali is hella expensive tho my wife made me move back to San Diego from Portland.- i’d love to buy Tboggs place for cheap heh

teachers dont make much in PDX but its a cool city with good transportation options, true blue peeps and local little neighborhoods – weather sucks tho in winter unless you ride/ski. beware of the Christists tho 5 miles outside the city limits – it becomes penciltucky pretty quick but it is beautiful country


Well, that’s what I get for listening to Momma. So…is it nice anyway?


Also be sure to stir up the Freeper beehive, because a Freeper will fall for anything if you slap a flag on it — let alone a flag, an eagle, and the word, ‘troops.’

Makes you wonder how many of the dipshits have ignorantly managed to turn their computers into zombies.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Any beer that has one of Gilliam’s cartoons on the label and the name Holy (Gr)Ale is destined to go right down the hatch.
Also it is comes from the Black Sheep brewer, who can do no wrong. He used to be one of the family who owned Thekston’s Old Peculier, until Thekston’s was bought out by one of the industrial breweries, at which point he jumped ship and went indy.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Plus, the beer is excellent

But, but, but — Castlemaine XXXX… Victoria Bitter… Fosters…
It’s OK for you, Qetesh, you’re a cat; but us humans who don’t lick our own butts have different ideas about what constitutes an acceptable flavour.

OK, there’s always Little Creatures.
[wanders downstairs to open a bottle of Little Creatures].

a different brad

In case any care, Flying Dog Pale Ale reminds me of Sierra Nevada, maybe a little heavier. And it’s nice having a bit of Steadman’s work staring at you from your hand, I have to say.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

But, but, but — Castlemaine XXXX… Victoria Bitter… Fosters…

They’re for tourists. I’m talking about real beers: I live, y’see, in the home town of Coopers Breweries, and they make some very fine pale ale and dark ale. Plus there are a number of good boutique breweries around here, and some particularly fine ones in Tassie.

Anyway, you’re just jealous ’cause you can’t lick your own bottom.


Along with Coopers, Toohey’s New and Hahn Premium are fine beers.


Jillian, move to Seattle. It doesn’t really rain here ALL of the time.



I would be remiss not to point you towards Bellingham, WA.

It really is beautiful. I went to college there (now in Seattle). You really have to check it out.


Bellinghm is good. Western Washington in general is good. Skagit Valley, Olympic penninsula, Port Townsend…all good.

If you dont mind a little isolation, I like Long Beach penninsula in WA state. And Astoria, Oregon.

But back to LA – Topanga is becoming a little gentrified. More screenwriters and webpage designers moving in and buying cottages from the buckskinned guitar players. But its still good. The local school is a big center of the community.

Anyone here ever been to the Mermaid?

It’s a private home now that’s rented out for events. But it sure is beautiful.


If you move here (Western Washington), be prepared to smoke a lot of BC Bud to get through the winter.


Memo to all Gatherings of various types of Eagles, Hawks, Ptarmigans, Albatrosses, Cormorants, Egrets, etc:

Ahem, us eagles and ptarmigans are pretty lefty at our place, and have no association with them dumwits.


I dare you to wax me …


I have no egrets at all.


[…] I feared violent confrontation, all we got was a Blathering of Smeagols (hat tip: Sadly, No! commenter kingubu) – a middle-aged black wonam who kept ranting incoherently and flipping us the bird. A group of us, […]


Anyway, you’re just jealous ’cause you can’t lick your own bottom


Egrets, I’ve had a fewww…


[…] enough,  the exact same thing happened to Sadly, No when he decided to deliver a long overdue nose-slapping to the rabid rightwing […]


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