Bringing The Frummy

If David Frum doesn’t stop with the heavy, snarkless, witless sarcasm he’s gonna land a permanent gig at Commentary, where bloated and unfunny sneering is the house style.

Frum: “Oh, look at the Clintons. They’re making people happy!
They’re the perverted people from Hornyland, in a scandalous
house on Semen-stain Lane!”

Here he considers how the economic downturn will affect the presidential race. He saves Hillary for last:

[M]ight there be renewed hope here for the Hillary Clinton candidacy? There was always a kind of primitive Golden Bowl fertility cult aspect to the Clintons’ popularity in the 1990s: So long as the fisher king was boffing maidens in the Oval Office, the harvest would come in healthy and rich. Then the fisher king departed to his great tower in the sky, and since then we have had nothing but trouble. Can Hillary tap into this great primeval instinct? Might she subtly suggest that she would restore the orgiastic rituals that brought affluence in the past? Rationalists might doubt that presidential sexual hijinks really enrich the nation. But believers can retort: They sure didn’t hurt!

David Frum, still hating on Teh Clenis — and not just Teh Clenis, but the vast majority of Americans who WOULD NOT HATE TEH CLENIS WITH HIM!!1!!!1!. See?! It’s funny because it’s so loaded with elitist and puritan contempt.


Comments: 51


Lord, what an idiot. The Fisher King is nothing to do with pre-Christian fertility rituals. He’s part of the Grail Legend; a king wounded by the Dolorous Stroke, whose wound remains unhealed until he meets the Perfect Knight (Sir Galahad). He certainly doesn’t go around getting his end away to make sure the crops grow – he’s got a great hole in his side.

Frum basically saw “The Wicker Man” once, and half-read a children’s book about King Arthur, and that’s it. Half-educated lout.

“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”, as everyone knows –

“Drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring;
For shallow draughts intoxicate the brain
While drinking deeply sobers us again.”

Autodidact military historians, THIS MEANS U.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

1. Frum is talking out of his arsehole.

2. Rationalists might doubt that presidential sexual hijinks really enrich the nation. Fortunately, there are precious few rationalists snugged in the bosom of the wingnuts, who believe to a cheeto-stained man that killing plenty of furr’ners enriches the nation.

Nim, ham hock of liberty

Why hasn’t Frum been given an huge hoagie to hold in that jpg? Hmm?

You know you wanna.


What a dope. It’s ‘The Golden Bough’. Better psuedo-intellectuals please.


What a dope. It’s ‘The Golden Bough’. Better psuedo-intellectuals please.


Hope Frum kept the receipt for “William F. Buckley For Dummies.”


jimbo, I missed that. No idea what the “Golden Bowl” reference meant. He can’t even get the name of the book he hasn’t read right…


Rationalists might doubt that presidential sexual hijinks really enrich the nation

Let’s see.

sexual hijinks = peace, prosperity, rising real income for the middle class

Puritianical anal-retentiveness = clusterfuck war, robber barons, falling real income for the middle class

Seems like a pretty rational conclusion to me.


Are these idiots ever going to get over the fact that nobody wanted to have sex with them in high school?

(I know, I know, simple answers to simple questions.)


Are these idiots ever going to get over the fact that nobody wanted to have sex with them in high school?

I dunno- nobody wanted to have sex with me in high school, but I didn’t become a war-mongering ass. Frum’s mental disease has got to go deeper than that.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

I dunno- nobody wanted to have sex with me in high school, but I didn’t become a war-mongering ass.

I had quite a bit of sex in high school, and right now I could cheerfully fillet half of wingnutistan with a breadknife.


Actually, the Fisher King is the Christianised version of Welsh/Celtic Bran The Blessed. The odd thing is that the fertillity aspect of the Fisher King is, apparently, original to Chrétien de Troyes’ Percival (in the early versions it was Percival not Galahad who is involved) and not part of the Bran legend in The Mabinogion.

But “Golden Bowl” is just priceless. I note he has corrected his reference and linked to “a relevant chapter of the Golden Bough”… how, exactly, the transference of royal power in pre-Republican Rome and Latium is relevant to The Fisher King or fertillity cults kind of escapes me though.

Jeebus, Frum just Googled “king” and “Golden Bough” and slapped the first result up without reading it didn’t he?


It’s kind of interesting the way Frum imagines his countrymen to think. He imagines that they have a very superstitious worldview. And, they often do. But I am not sure they are quite as dumb as he imagines they are.


Atheist, you got over it. That’s the important difference.

Qetesh, that’s just rage against stupidity. Very different than frustrated war-mongering “I didn’t get as much as you so you’ll suffer now” ass syndrome


“What a dope. It’s ‘The Golden Bough’. Better psuedo-intellectuals please.�

Gracias. I think I gave myself a minor stroke guessing what Henry James’ novel had to do with Frum pretentious rambling.


“Golden Bowl”. Wow, that’s perfect. I wouldn’t have thought of that if I wrote a parody of David’s article. I would make jokes about his dumb ass ideas, but I would totally miss the easy gag in the title. David gives it away for free. Even if you quote him in full context, try to hide his mistakes and support his political goals, he still sounds like a gibbering loon.


Well, they’re tired of explaining that Clinton really didn’t have anything to do with the eight years of prosperity and peace between 1993 and 2001, and the Bushes really didn’t have anything to do with the carnage and economic despair before and after. So they have to invent some sort of mythology to explain why Arkansans drive around with bumper stickers that say, “I miss Bill.” I suspect the Golden Bowl is where Frum relieves himself in the morning.


I suspect the Golden Bowl is where Frum relieves himself in the morning.

You give him too much credit. More like the seat lid…or the sink.


The nation’s citizens en masse knew and approved of a program of constant virgin deflowering in the White House because we believed the economy would wither on the vine otherwise? That is one of the most idiotic and fact-averse revisions of history I’ve ever read.


after david relieves himself in the morning, danielle crittenden sends an e-mail out to all of wingnutdom bragging about the size of his poo.

she lies, of course. the poo is actually michael gerson’s. and if you look at it closely enough, it has an image of jesus on it.


Priceless witticisms from David “Where’s Clinton Cumming” Frum.


I’d almost be able to read some of the wingnuts directly if there were just some recognizable signpost of reality in their screeds. Reading them is too much a like a hallucinatory dreamscape on a bad trip, but without the cool colors.

Conservative-echo-chamber-out-of-touch-with-reality meme creeps closer to the MSM ( as Weisberg hangs at the AIE:

“…Were you to start counting the ironies here, where would you stop? Here was a Jewish scholar criticizing the pope for apologizing to Muslims for a holy war against Muslims, which was also a massacre of the Jews. Here were the theorists of the invasion of Iraq, many of them also Jewish, applauding the notion that the Crusades were not so terrible and embracing a time horizon that makes it impossible to judge them wrong. And here was the clubhouse of the neocons throwing itself a lavish ‘do, when the biggest question in American politics is how to escape the hole they’ve dug. Reality seemed to have taken up residence elsewhere for the evening….”


Hmmmmmmmm….Death Cult, or Sexual Hijinx Cult? Decisions, decisions.

Aw, what the hell – Sexual Hijinx it is!


“The Golden Bowl.” Bwahaha.

Henry James’ tastefully appointed high society fertility cults.


You know, if you eliminate the “Wicker Man” foolishness and heavy-handed attempted sarcasm, he makes a good point. When there was a Clinton in the Oval Office, we had prosperity, responsible use of the military, and transparent, responsive government. Perhaps I have been wrong to throw my early support to John Edwards.


Hey, how ’bout this. How ’bout there’s no causal link between peace’n’prosperity and the president’s sex life. It’s just that I like the one, and I don’t want to know anything about the other.


Goodness, the awful way those lefties talk about good, conservative politicians! Oh, wait a minute . . .


Off topic, here’s: a post on the media

Also, I’ve edited my post on the CIA and the Iraq war.


From the Charlotte News & Observer, the second paragraph about harmless white powder in an envelope sent to John Edwards’ office. Verbatim:

“Edwards said a letter in the envelope contained “some negative comments” and powder spilled out of the envelope, but he didn’t elaborate on what teh letter said or its possible source.”

teh letter indeed.


Even more off topic, here’s the video for Calle 13’s latest single, “Tango del pecado.”

Now that’s what I call the important shit.


And even further off topic, Borneo, if you’re still hanging out here, congratulations. A new species of cat, and it’s all yours!


Getting back on topic, sort of, from the 3/19/07 issue of The New Yorker, one of those funny excerpts they put after an article to fill out column space:

From an advice column in the Lansing (Mich.) State Journal.

For fun and to try to mix this up a little, you two might develop a verbal or visual cue that is subtler than simply asking for sex. For instance when one of you mentions Vice President Cheney, that’s your code


“Can Hillary tap into this great primeval instinct? Might she subtly suggest that she would restore the orgiastic rituals that brought affluence in the past?”

I think Frum’s “target” here, insofar as he has one, is that the very thought of a middle-aged woman like Hillary having sex should induce such sniggering that all teh kewl kidz will refuse to vote for her. Because, y’know, making fun of Bill’s sex life has been a staple of every Reichtard ‘humorist’ for the last 15 years, but even the hardcore base is finding Teh Clenis a tad stale. Frum figures that if he can re-brand the same tired routines for Teh Clitllary, he’ll cement the Hall-of-Wingnut-Welfare-Fame standing he once hoped to capture with that ‘axis of evil’ line. If this is the edgiest stuff he can come up with, though, he’s not going to get called up for the 2008 campaign even by the Triple-A League contenders.


I’m laughing so hard, and I’m so intimidated by the erudition on this thread, that I am, well, bowled over.


What a dope. It’s ‘The Golden Bough’. Better psuedo-intellectuals please.

Thank you. I was wracking (what passes for) my brain, trying to figure out what my favorite Henry James novel had to do with Teh Clenis.

Not that the James Frazier allusion makes any more actual sense, mind you, especially when it’s all twisted up with Arthurian twaddle. But at least you can see which morsels of misinformation this moron is using to mangle his metaphors.

This is world-class wankery, IMO. Kudos to Frum! If he actually wrote this drivel, and you’re not just fucking with us. It reads more like an amateur and sub-par attempt at Jon Swiftian parody.

Honestly, I don’t know how these people manage to show their faces in public. If I even said something this ineffably stupid after having too much to drink at a party, much less published it, I would hide out in my apartment for weeks, hoping the three people who heard it would have forgotten about it. Or that they had at least forgotten my name.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Henceforward I will always think of David Frum as ‘The Golden Bowel’.

Hate Encrusted Eyes

What an embarassement of a human being.
His mother must be spinning in her grave.
Between the two of them they average out a mediocre journalist.


Then the fisher king departed to his great tower in the sky,

is that what we are calling suburban New York these days?


WHOO-HOO! I wasn’t going to but boy am I ever voting for Hillary now! I have found my inner feminist! You go, girl! Orgies!!! Orgies 24-7-365! Sweet. I AM a Hillary man.



I liked Bill, okay but, I was never one to rank him in the gods catagory. Looking back with wistful sighs. He was a pretty good prez. but, he is not the only democrat and I feel many of the dems can do a decent job as president. The problem is that we have an idiot in the white house.
Repugs desparate to carry on the romance of reagan elected his vp. Bush sr. was not awful but, more mediocre. After Bill, they still looked back wistfully to reagan and chose Jr. because he hung around the reagan white house alot so, surely the magic had to rub off on him.
This is the moral of the story. You cannot recapture time or go back or have someone like someone else. Which is why I’m so against hillary. Hillary is not Bill. Hillary is Hillary. You cannot recreate the 90s. And you see where it got the repugs trying this.
Move on. Don’t look for another Bill. Look for someone else without the same last name. Then you can have romance with the new guy. Why do you think the gop is having such a hard time finding someone they like now. Because they are still turning over rocks looking for Reagan.
Send Hillary off to a very long vacation somewhere like a deserted island and choose a new president.
My money is on Obama.


If I remember right, “The Golden Bowl” is about an impoverished aristocrat and his mistress deceiving a rich American businessman, who worked his way up from poverty, and his daughter to get their money. In other words, the preferred method for Frum and the rest of the righties for getting ahead: lie and steal from people who actually work. So maybe he DID mean “Bowl,” not “Bough.”


I never had a golden bowl, but I used to have a beautiful brass inlaid one…


Golden bowel?

More like a golden hemorrhoid.

(The Fisher King was crammed into Frazer’s overarching “dying and rising god/sacrificial king” theory by Graves and other writers. Seen one unified theory of mythology, you’ve seen ’em all.

And I think the “blighted land” piece may have glommed itself onto Bran from the Wanderings of Manawyddan part of I Mabinogi–Rhiannon and her son disappears at the same moment the land is blighted, and Manawyddan and his daughter-in-law travel around looking for them. When they free them from the underworld, boom! the land is fixed. Once you start in Welsh and go through Middle French, lord knows what might get messed up.)


Um…in that picture, doesn’t Frum look just like Nathan Lane?

Only not as talented.


What a dope. It’s ‘The Golden Bough’. Better psuedo-intellectuals please.

No, wait. Seriously? Frum mixes up “The Golden Bough” with “The Golden Bowl”?????????


And I still say he looks like Nathan Lane!

That’s the funniest thing since Jimi Hendrix sang “‘Scuse me while I kiss this guy.”

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

From an advice column in the Lansing (Mich.) State Journal.

For fun and to try to mix this up a little, you two might develop a verbal or visual cue that is subtler than simply asking for sex. For instance when one of you mentions Vice President Cheney, that’s your code

Lord t’underin’ Jeezus! I’ve just fried half the synapses in my brain, and I’m sure I didn’t have that many left after the infamous Mullumbimby Heads incident. You should have put a heath warning before springing that one on me.

Dick Cheney as a cue for suh…suh…sex {loud ‘spnnnnggggg’ noise as cerebellum jettisons itself out of the head in protest}.


I stand in awe…. your adaptations of lines from the Simpson’s surpass all expectations. You must have seen each episode nearly as many times as I have. Um, the first 8 seasons, at least.


Hehe, you got it, Marmoset. It was obscure, but too funny to me to pass up even though I knew probably no one else would get it.

I’m such a geek.


You give him too much credit. More like the seat lid…or the sink.

No, no, no! Frum doesn’t even try. He shits the bed, every time.


Does anyone actually subscribe to Commentary? Read the articles? Buy them on line.

Who the hell is actually supporting that clap trap? Norman P died years ago, mentally at least. Who’s supporting it?


It’s kind of funny that the fools who talk about Bush Derangement Syndrome are still foaming at the mouth over a man who left office 6 years ago.
My BDS will be cured in 2 years, the Clenis Derangement Syndrome is a disease without a cure.


[…] problem with real comedians: he hates them. On the other hand, he’s never had a problem with witless sarcasm (the Commentary style of political discourse), or, for that matter, utter nastiness. Nor, […]


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