Kick the ball Ahmed!
Your friendly neighborhood Coalition Provisional Authority knows how to get things back on track in the New Iraq?:
Monday, May 17th — Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) officials and members of the Iraq Media will leave the headlines on the sidelines as they compete together in a friendly soccer (football) match to be held on Monday, May 17th at 5 PM (1700). […]
The game will be played with eight players from each team on the field at a time. Coalition Public Affairs Officers and members of the Iraqi media working in Iraq will demonstrate with athletic prowess their commitment to the shared goal of a free and sovereign Iraq. […]
Both teams will wear locally made jerseys which bear a logo which reads, in Arabic, “Together We Work for the New Iraq” blazoned on an image of the country. After the game, the teams will share, God willing, cold drinks as well as increased mutual respect and understanding in their professional relationships. [Emphasis added]
[No link yet — we received this press release by email. Because of today’s attack however, the game has been canceled.]