… And There’s a Lot of Jonah to ‘Go Through’

The Pantload, probably fired up after a screening of ‘300’ and eight packages of Twizzlers, gets all Bravefart on the Muslims:

There’s something about ‘The Enemy at Home’ that gets the Irish up, even in a guy named Goldberg. I can criticize and complain about my brother all I like, but if my brother bothers somebody outside the family, well, that’s just too bad. Similarly, Ted Kennedy may or may not be a Caligulan carbuncle, but if the jihadists want to behead him for it, they’ll have to get through me first.

Jonah’s ‘brother’ is hypothetical … the horrible thought of Lucianne pumping out another grubby little turd is oh so very real.


Comments: 43


Like taking out Jonah will be a problem.

I can’t see Jonah giving up one Cheeto to save Ted Kennedy. Unless he’s worried about not being able to make Chappaquiddick jokes anymore.


I feel so much better now that I know Jonah Goldberg has totally got Ted Kennedy’s back. No more sleepless nights!


The Pantload, probably fired up after a screening of ‘300′

Just the thought of Jonah slathered in mineral oil and wearing a leather Speedo would be enough to make Frank Miller renounce wingnuttery and start speaking at A.N.S.W.E.R rallies…


if the jihadists want to behead him for it, they’ll have to get through me first.

What’s the spread on how many minutes(seconds?) it would take a threatened Jonah to shove Kennedy forward squealing “take him, for Allah’s sake take him!”?


Later in the article, Gladheateacheeto writes We aren’t near the point where a respectable conservative says “the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim,” but one can smell the whiff of sulfur bubbling to the top of certain swamps.

In short, conservatives want to kill Muslims NOW.


Was that title a “fatty” joke??!
Shame, shame!
I’m gonna tell Ann Althouse!

…or, someone!

a former poster

“And grab some toilet paper; I ain’t gonna use no leaves. ”
-Darryl Bates in Red Dawn 1984

Something about that article bothers me, and not just silliness like, ‘But cries of hypocrisy tend to be among the weakest forms of refutation since the critic is basically castigating the hypocrite for accepting the critic’s own position’… it’s The Left and The Right not the Left and the Right. Does grammar mean nothing nowadays?


How much of this “you want my brother, you go through me” is because wingnuts would rather string up “liberals” from lampposts themselves?

This is like that Bill Hicks bit when he commented on Clinton firing cruise missiles at Baghdad (1993? 94?) after Clinton learned the Iraqis were plotting to assassinate Bush Sr.

“I don’t think we should have sent cruise missiles into Baghdad. I think we should have embarrassed the Iraqis. We should assassinate Bush, and then say ‘Ha! That’s how you do it, towelhead!’ ” 😉


Something tells me that Jonah would squeeze into a moth costume and screech “Not in the face! Not in the face!”


Don’t sell the boy so short. Once word gets out on the inter-tubes that they have to go through Sir Jonah, it will be mere hours before Osama surrenders and the whole Jihad gets called off and disavowed.


Just the thought of Jonah slathered in mineral oil and wearing a leather Speedo would be enough to

… send a whole pride rally to a strip club.

Then the thought of Kaye, Grogan! slathered in Astroglide and wearing a ocelot-print thong would send them right back.

Apologies. I shouldn’t have done that.

C Nelson Reilly

In an unrelated development, Harriet Miers is now officially under the bus!


we’re gonna need a bigger bus.


Man, I just dunno. With the blood of oh, let’s just round it off and call it a million innocent people on their hands, for them to be taking real actual hits for a political purge of their own appointees, it does feel a little like indicting capone for tax evasion. Hey, check it, I’ll take it, anything that weakens them or exposes them as the treasonous thugs they are is good, for America and the world, but the outrage seems so, er, misplaced, y’know?



If they have to eat through Jonah, however, Ted can sleep safe at night.


How brave. How… McBain-esque.

“I do not agree with what you say, however I shall alert the authorities when you exercise your right to say it.”

Hysterical Woman

Something tells me that Jonah would squeeze into a moth costume and screech “Not in the face! Not in the face!�

Are you insulting Arthur? Arthur is a much braver than Jonah, and he can do your taxes!


I’m not sure Lucianne pumped. I’m guessing it was more of a long, steady squeeze.

And the newly-dropped Jonah was covered in bits of peanut and corn.


Mikey: Isn’t the Justice System our country’s last and best defence against these people? To see it trashed is really scary! It’s worse than being robbed, sent to fight a stupid war, kicked to the curb regarding health care. So it seem to me.
Also it may be the Thin Wedge….


He’s saying that we shouldn’t be fooled into thinking that a country is ripe for invasion just because the government seems unpopular. When facing a foreign invader, most populations tend to pull together – whatever their prior disagreements – and take the invaders on.

Actually, he’s got a very good point, as anyone watching the news can tell…


Ahem. “Foreign invader”???

a former poster

Kathy said,

Mikey: Isn’t the Justice System our country’s last and best defence against these people? To see it trashed is really scary! It’s worse than being robbed, sent to fight a stupid war, kicked to the curb regarding health care. So it seem to me.

Someone has stolen your Nation and you want it back? We are looking for 300 men!


Marq, “doughy pantload” also might be construed as a poop joke.

However, I’m sure it is offensive to adult diaper fetishists. On their behalf, I demand Sadly, No! apologize. Also everyone who commented. Or read the post and laughed, without commenting.

I’m waiting!


You just know he went completely Pee Wee Herman during that movie.


> …if the jihadists want to behead him for it, they’ll have to get through me first.

Wow. I think we can quite honestly say: no they won’t.


I laughed. I apologize to all adult diaper fetishists.

The overly sexual hurly-burly of American life must surely be deeply horrifying

I find the juxtapostion of “sexual”, “hurly-burly” amd Jonah deeply horrifying.


Yes, g, thank you so very much for sharing that before now happily missed excerpt. I bet you bake kitten-filled cupcakes for Satan, too, don’t you?


We aren’t near the point where a respectable conservative says “the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim,”

Mr. Goldberg, have you met Ms. Coulter?


apropos of nothing, Conservapedia is very excited about their newfound popularity, touting themselves as more popular than Limbaugh. Also, they feel that the reclassification of ketchup as a vegetable is worthy of a “today in history” notice.

I really hope they don’t catch on to the joke until after they’ve upgraded their hardware.


Now we know why he’s not fighting them over there. He’s fighting them over here. Doughy Pantload is just his civilian name. He cleverly disguises himself by day as a warmongering, overfed chickenhawk pamphleteer affecting a decidedly (verging on exaggerated) unintimidating physical presence. By night though Jonah = (a ninja + a jedi) x the fucking terminator. You’ve been wondering who’s reponsible for all the garotted jihadi corpses that have been turning up in MA lately? Now you know, bitches. It’s been Jonah protecting your legislators from would be assasins. He’s even got Barney Franks’ back.


Damn, that’s like sloppy seconds wingnut welfare, a “review” of D’Nesh’s “book”.


Kinda, but due to wingnut involvement not entirely, OT: Have the wingnuts come out to vilify Congressional atheist Stark yet? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17594581/


Pantload’s take on military justice today was banal as well.


which definition of ‘first’ is he referring to?

that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


We aren’t near the point where a respectable conservative says “the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim,�

yes, we passed that point a long time ago.


We aren’t near the point where a respectable conservative says “the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim,�

Jonah’s right, but not for the reason he thinks.

He’s right because there are no respectable conservatives.


Jonah is the Norman Bates of American politics.


I got into this whole thing quite a while ago, just reading between the lines on the Seattle Times website about the McKay firing. Hmmm, I mused, what would cause a Republican appointee who’d been rated fairly highly to be so abruptly terminated? Well, Seattle had a huge bunch of Republican squawking about voter fraud, and now, I guess, his failure to make sure everyone from Gregoire on down was indicted probably signed his warrant.

I think this thing is going to be huge. It may even be the thing that brings the whole Bush house of cards down. When you subvert the federal justice system to punish people for not towing the party line, that’s tin pot dictatorship stuff. And just like the whole FBI scandal, they used the nifty new Bush-adjusted rules to try to run an endgame around the Senate confirmation roles for the replacements.

Of course, I can still remember thinking it was the end for the Republicans when Iran-Contra broke. Guess there is no underestimating the intelligence of a Republican voter.


Oops, meant to post that on the previous thread. Carry on.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

However, the “Greased Up And Enspeedo’ed Fat Boys Fan Club” will be queueing at his door. Complete with their vegetable of choice.


I can criticize and complain about my brother all I like, but if my brother bothers somebody outside the family, well, that’s just too bad.

Man, that is a horseshit argument, especially in this case. I come from a long line of backwoods folk and know all about the idea that if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. I actually have a brother and if anyone goes out of his/her way to screw with him, then we got issues. However, if baby bro stirs up shit all on his lonesome, he’s on his own and he knows it. Difference here is, the Bush malAdministration and its cheerleaders (like Jonah) were fucking with a country we had no business fucking with, and the only reason it’s my problem, they did it in my name. It’s a little late for that bunch of warmongers to claim this is an all-for-one, one-for-all deal, even though we’ll be the ones cleaning up their mess (as usual).

Jonah needs to quit trying to talk like he’s Billy Badass, cause he just can’t pull it off.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

Yak! Damn you, preview non-button!


[…] He rejects D’Souza’s thesis on several points — he even goes so far as to say that he, G.I. Jonah, will physically defend D’Souza’s liberal victims from jihadi attacks: No one’s gonna behead Ted Kennedy […]


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