Kaus Stands By His Ann
Kaus, like the rest of his fellow-travelers, ain’t about to give up on Ann Coulter.
Here he wastes valuable electrons whining about Robert Wright chewing his ass, and he also tries to ‘gotcha’ Andrew Sullivan, in whose archive Kaus finds a semi-defense of the use of ‘fag’ by teenagers, thus establishing the ‘fact’ that not only is Sullivan a hypocrite, but Coulter is largely blameless. Or something.
Kaus: Handsomest man in all of Pseudoliberalism, and proud sometime-escort of Ann Coulter.
The vids in the link are hilarious — Kaus actually argues that Coulter is a ‘closet moderate’ and other shit that defies belief. On the other hand, and predictably, Wright regretably focuses on the word Coulter used instead of the sentiments behind it and the context around it, which is what makes Coulter’s use of it important and teenagers’ standard use of it not so important. Oh well.
The title of the post is to tease certain of our critics. I’m also hoping to get blasted for trafficking in ‘looksism’, which is apparently a heinous form of bigotry.
Kaus: Handsomest man in all of Pseudoliberalism, and proud sometime-escort of Ann Coulter.
I heard they shaved a gorilla.
…..and teenagers’ standard use of it not so important.
Oh. My. God.
Now Sadly,No! is defending the use of the word “fag” as a school yard taunt!
I guess that’s what we’ve come to expect from these shameless purveyors of fatty and tranny “jokes”!
Lookism? Why do you think they don’t let Bill Maher on until after midnight?
*Simpsons reference.
**Ann Coulter escort reference.
ooopsie, I was still Ann, evidently.
Kaus: his ideas are as neolithic as his looks
What you see is what you get, a dim witted stuck in the past contrarian.
Ha. A guy with a face for radio posts videos of himself, which is what you would expect from a guy with a brain for television.
And she apparently said it again, the next day, in a church.
I don’t understand Coulter. It just doesn’t make sense! Why would they clone a velociraptor in the first place, much less upholster it in leather and give it a book deal?
Sometimes it’s hard to be a Mickey; spendin’ all your love on just one Ann…
Mickey’s feeling his oats since turning a Geico gig into a sitcom.
Even a case of Mickey’s Bigmouth won’t make Ann attractive.
It’s hard not to comment on Ann Coulter’s looks. I mean, people (okay, male wingnuts) are always like “she’s such a beautiful woman” and you want to say “Are you crazy?” Plus, it’s never a good sign when people find women that underweight attractive.
I don’t understand Coulter. It just doesn’t make sense! Why would they clone a velociraptor in the first place, much less upholster it in leather and give it a book deal?
Have you or your readers learned nothing from the recent Daffyd ab Huge spat?
After all the humiliation and prejudice of those posts, we now have to deal with this horrific example of theropodophobia?!?
Have you ever walked through a mall as a velociraptor? People go screaming in the opposite direction! And that’s before you start feeding on them!
IIIIIII’mmm… Waitin’ for mah Ann.
Velociraptor: I apologize to you and all therapod-Americans for my horrid insensitivity. Perhaps we can use this as a learning moment, so that we can all begin to understand each other. For example, is it true that you and Ann each have *two* tiny brains, one in the head and one in the tail, or is that only those brontosaurus fatties?
What now, Suaropodaphobia?
I’m offended.
I’m also hoping to get blasted for trafficking in ‘looksism’, which is apparently a heinous form of bigotry.
Yeah, you and David Horowitz both.
Ann, I can’t quit you…
Check out how Kaus tries to tear off the left side of his face Poultergeist style in the second clip. His office must be on top of an Indian burial ground. I’d rather be inside one than defend Coulter though so I can understand his discomfort.
After having gone though a bunch of the links on bloggingheads I can say that the next blogger on there that I want to watch and hear rather than read will be the first. What the fuck is this thing anyway? The minor leagues, and low A ball at that, for wannabe TV pundits?
You’re playing into the hands of the caveman persecution industry with posts like this. For example, look at how Geico’s obsessive coverage of caveman issues and “discrimination” has framed the issue. Geico is funded by Big Caveman (people with insurance).
By criticizing Kaus, you’re simply enabling his failures. He must learn that being a conservative and a caveman are acquired traits that can be corrected.
I love how Mickey in the post below that approvingly links to K LO on the Corner.
“Kathryn Jean Lopez makes a good point about the much-maligned 1/2 Hour News Hour. ..”
Her point was that the show should be on Fox and the reason its not funny is because it was taped last year.
Mickey has lost it, totally.
His contemporaries have been reduced to K LO and Coulter.
Sad, really.
Why does Mickey kind of bob around like a Thanksgiving day parade balloon in those videos? Is someone under his chair pumping helium into him?*
* To all Thanksgiving day parade balloons who settled in for a fun evening of Kaus-bashing at this stupid blog, please except my apologies for using you as chief weapon against Mickey.
I think Norbizness had the best assessment on Kaus:
. . . back in the days before I had the good sense to realize he had no independent readership apart from people that made fun of him and should therefore ignore him… in fact, forget I even brought him up
But it’s a hard habit to break for some people.
And I better not see any Triceratops-bashing here, or it will be war!
“I’m also hoping to get blasted for trafficking in ‘looksism’, which is apparently a heinous form of bigotry.” –HTML Menken
“Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.” –Mel Brooks
Teh Funny is always subjective in the extreme. The only thing more tedious than expecting other people to weep and wail when you cut your finger is expecting them to smile cheerfully on their way into the sewer as you laugh your ass off.
Nah. If they were smiling as they fell in the sewer, it wouldn’t be nearly as funny…
Lawnguylander just made me spray coffeee !
LOL. Yeah that blog-video thingy is way premature. Makes that Fo x “comdey” show look pro.
Strewth. That is one unflattering photograph. That is the expression of a man who has filled his mouth with food and is about to do his impression of a zit.
A “closet moderate?” What’s up with that “closet” business? Is he saying that being a moderate (whatever that is) is a good or a bad thing? And why should I give a shit?
We at SADL wish to inform you that “Brontosaurus” is considered, by many of us, to be an unacceptable and weight-ist designation for A. excelsus, the sauropod properly known as Apatosaurus.
Our unfrozen caveman lawyers will be contacting your unfrozen caveman lawyers.
As such stalwart fellow moderates as Joe Lieberman and Rudolf Hess can attest, we moderates are desperately persecuted by leftwing extremists like Duncan Black and rightwing extremists like…like…
Oh well, I can’t think of any this moment. Besides it would be unfair to name names.
Speaking as a bafflingly weird-looking proto-simian I demand a banana.
Your wish is my command, Bubba.
Why can’t Mickey Kaus breathe through his nose?
That’s not a rhetorical question, or the opening line in a clever joke. I’m just curious – is it all swollen tissue and occluded openings up there or something?
As your Dentist, Mr. Kaus, I advise you now to rinse …
As an actual, bafflingly weird looking pro-simian, I protest Righteous Bubba’s dietary stereotyping.
I demand grubs.
Gary Ruppert said,
March 7, 2007 at 2:40
The fact is, liberals are about to lose bigtime. Freedom is on the march. Libby will be pardoned and Wilson and Plame, the real criminals and traitors, will be indicted tomorrow.
Has this happened yet?
An AyeAye is objectively pro-simian.
Has this happened yet?
The fact is, it has.
Well, pa-a-a-ardon me!
Ann Coulter’s dick tickles Mickey’s prostrate just perfectly.
Send hatemail to HTML Mencken. Thank you very much.
I like the way Gary’s sharp legal mind works. See, you have a grand jury hearing, an indictment, then a trial and then a conviction. And after that, you go and indict the victims as traitors! What could be easier?
It’s raining Anns, Hallelujah, it’s raining Anns!
If you ask me, it was a black day for the entire framework of zoological nomenclature when dinosaurs started giving themselves symbols rather than names, forcing one to use phrases like “The Dinosaur Formerly Known as Brontosaurus”.
Yeah!! And what about Pluto, goddamit??
Why does this blog take so long to download? Jeez. It’s not like it’s worth it or anything.
Was that photo taken in a NASA centrifuge?
The fact is, liberals are about to lose bigtime. Freedom is on the march. Libby will be pardoned and Wilson and Plame, the real criminals and traitors, will be indicted tomorrow.
Dear Gary. Isn’t he a dear? Suggesting that all CIA staff, and their families, be indicted. I imagine he extends that to staff of the DoD too, bless his little pacifist organic cotton socks.
Qatesh, it’s tomorrow, from that Gary comment.
did I miss the news about Joe Wilson?
And what about Pluto, goddamit??
Oh, the Pluto story. Didn’t they just rezone the place, so that instead of being housing-only, it’s now zoned for housing and light industry? Or perhaps it was the other way around.
He’s Mr. Potatohead’s evil brother.
I didn’t say “looks like”!
i go to the kind of hollywood parties your average hollywood asshole goes to, given that i am either the mean of hollywood assholes or the average of one (i can never get that right).
and mickey kaus is inevitably there. hell, he was even in my CD-mix swapping club (not as gay as it sounds. wait, yes it is. but not in a “faggy” way ahahahahaha).
why is he at such parties? well, because he’s a celebrity worshipping smoke-up-ass-blowing loser. because arianna is there and if she’s there he’s got to be there.
why am i at such parties? because it’s my job. i’m not a journalist, i don’t have pretentions to be one and so on. but kaus–i mean there is no 18 year old actress slutty enough to be outside of his eyeline, no idiot producer (and here i will separate myself at least partially from the pack) to stupid not to believe that kaus is some kind of intellectual.
it’s depressing, it really is.
‘closet human’ he means.
It’s hard not to comment on Ann Coulter’s looks. I mean, people (okay, male wingnuts) are always like “she’s such a beautiful woman� and you want to say “Are you crazy?�
Well, yes. Why else would they be wingnuts in the first place?
But, apart from that, it’s the authoritarian mindset again. They have been informed by their Thought Leaders that Coulter is attractive. Therefore, the fact that Coulter has none of the usual attributes of an attractive female (symmetrical features, glossy hair, bright eyes, smooth skin, a curvaceous figure, comparatively small hands & feet) means nothing to them. S/he is Attractive by Official Fiat, just as GWB is a “good Christian” even though he violates the ten official Xtian commandments and most of the Talibangelical amendments to same on a regular basis. In fact, if they had sufficient self-awareness, the wingnuts would probably argue that Coulter’s embrace of the most garish and tasteless accoutrements of ‘femininity’ — the coarse and brittle chemically-processed blondeness, the low-cut tops and brief skirts that emphasize a flat chest, corded throat, and tendoned legs — are “attractive” precisely because they indicate Coulter’s allegiance to Received Theory rather than vulgar, progressive-favoring Reality.
Kind of like the way Mickey Kaus has branded himself an “intellectual”… not because he’s ever had an idea of his own, or even been able to interpret the ideas of better-endowed thinkers, but because Kaus has taken money to be labeled “intellectual” by name-brand members of the MSM.
The caption for that picture is, obviously: “Kaus; spit, or swallow?”
Ann Laurie: That reminds me of this game, “Normalacy”, where everyone but a small group are basically gullible idiot. In this game, you try to get this job as a chair tester. The problem is, the job is for fat guys, and you’re a skinny slacker. The solution is to simply wear a shirt that says “I am fat” and everyone thinks your fat. So, basically, Ann Coulter goes around in a shirt that says “I am beautiful” and the wingnuts believe her.