I will be posting entries from the Glenn Reynolds Roboshop Contest later in the week. You guys have done some amazing work, and I can’t wait to show it off.
Also, you will soon know the awful truth about the Editors and the People’s Revolutionary Council for Centrism for Connecticut for Lieberman. As a former inner party member at PRC4C4C4L, I can tell you that this operation isn’t as benign or fluffy as he’s led you to believe.
Finally, did anyone catch Battlestar Galactica on Sunday? Holy shit.
That is all.
UPDATE: Major BSG spoilers in the comments. If you haven’t seen the ep yet, read no further.
They can waterboard me all they want, but it’s worth it: EAT IT, STARBUCK!
I pray to the gods every night that she’s not one of the final five. That would just be silly.
The murderous whiny-ass tramp is dead! The murderous whiny-ass tramp is dead!
Holy Shit indeed. As in “Holy shit the damn show has jumped the shark!”
(In Chico voice) A’ no n o no, atsa’ no good. Atsa’ Soap-a Opera. I needa the Space-a Opera!
Heroes, OTOH, is kicking ass and taking names.
Preparing for jump. Coordinates: over the shark nebula.
Hey, Sarcastro, what’s that thing great minds do again?
Oh crap I hope chuckles doesn’t see this thread… You should update with a spoiler warning.
Oh sod it. Talk to me when BSG reaches LOST levels of shark-jumping. It’s still the best damn show on teevee.
I think she is one of the final five. They can’t just kill her. Or can they? Hmmm….
Making her one of teh Final Five would be teh st00p1d. She was a child ferchrissakes, who was born to a real mommy. How could Mama Starbuck have gotten pregnant from a Toaster if’n Sharon’s baby is the “first of the new race?”
But for the record, I would be stunned if this was the last we ever saw of her. I think they’re planning to do Something Else with her.
Making her one of teh Final Five would be teh st00p1d. She was a child ferchrissakes, who was born to a real mommy. How could Mama Starbuck have gotten pregnant from a Toaster if’n Sharon’s baby is the “first of the new race?
hmm.. Maybe she got cloned when she was captured on Caprica, and they implanted her real memories in her clone, and Starbuck has either been a clone since Caprica, or since she was rescued on New Caprica, and the real Starbuck is being held by the Cylons.
There are isolated moments when my decision to pull the teevee cable out of the wall in 1992 makes me feel alone in the universe. This is one of those moments.
I personally think that the show’s producers are a little bit more on the ball than to pull either 1)she’s a cylon, or 2)she somehow gets ‘resurrected’ (cloned, becomes a spiritual being, etc…). I think that we’ll continue to see her, but it will primarily be flashbacks and memories of pre-war interactions with other characters.
I had a couple of thoughts… to boil it down: Starbuck is not dead. If she is one of the final five, we’ll find out that they are not necessarily cylons. Some sorta mystical thing going on ~ humans are just wandering around, stumbling towards the right path while the cylons are in the right ballpark, but on the wrong path.
The Libby persecution’s jury foreman is a neighbor of Tim Russert.
So, how exactly did Scooter Libby get a fair trial? He didn’t. Plain and simple.
The CIA is free to contine it’s anti-American agenda, like when they ordered Edward Morrow to smear Joseph McCarthy. And they have been given the green light to continue undermining the Iraq War though their friends in the media.
If this was Star Trek, I’d be expecting a “temporal anomoly” or some shit. Anytime anything really dramatic happened on that show (except for Tasha Yar’s death) it always turned into a frickin’ time-warp-nothing-you-saw-the-last- two-episodes-happened – la dee dah sucker! Like frickin’ Dallas with Bobby Ewing showing up in the shower! I mean, what the fuck was that?!?!?
Anyhoo…. Is Starbuck dead? Find out in late April.
All right nuggets, there’s a reason the camera spent some time doing its herky-jerky thing around my hand as it was on the ejection mechanism.
The CIA is free to contine it’s anti-American agenda, like when they ordered Edward Morrow to smear Joseph McCarthy. And they have been given the green light to continue undermining the Iraq War though their friends in the media.
Teh awesome.
Kara – that’s what that was. Still, though. She was well into the gravity well of that planet with a super dense atmosphere. Would an ejected pod have enough energy to be able to pull into orbit? Oh right, TV physics.
Prevailing theory round these parts is the cylons on caprica did something to clone her and when she died they are going to somehow resurect her so she can tell them what a human “sees” between life and death. That’s her destiny and why she is so important to teh cylons.
Also I swore when she went down the gravity well I saw lights on the planet but I could be nuts
Gary’s back! And he’s still an idiot…
Didn’t Joe smear himself? The man was a Nazi-defending idiot.
More importantly, on BSG, the only way they could do something about the ejector working is if there was a cylon raider to scoop her up when she ejected. Otherwise, she would’ve been crushed as she parachuted down.
like when they ordered Edward Morrow to smear Joseph McCarthy.
Oh, where does he get these precious nuggets of wingnuttery?
Wait, wait, wait… Dirk Benedict did what, now?
From the Wikipedia article on Operation Mockingbird
I have no doubts that Mockingbird II is ongoing and is directing the anti-war coverage of the media.
As well, it wouldn’t stun me if the CIA was partly responsible for the Killian Memos, as part of their anti-Bush agenda.
You almost have to admire the tenacity that would lead someone to believe that the CIA, the military, the elected Congressional majority, the justice system, the Dept. of State, and 2/3rd of the freaking country– Americans all– are “anti-American”, rather than admit that you were wrong and that everyone you trust is a dick.
If it was tenacity and not delusion, I WOULD admire it.
I hear the CIA also killed Kennedy, and were responsible to raising the Berlin Wall. And Sputnik? CIA. The CIA fired on Fort Sumter. They also blew up both the Maine AND the Lusitainia. If you look closely at photos of the Titanic, you can see where “CIA was h3r3!!1 We are killin ur d00ds!” written in the side of its wrecked hull.
It’s all true! Just wait fifteen minutes, then check wikipedia!
Starbuck is teh deads. I’m sure this will tie in with the over-arch story, no freaking idea how. I’m guessing her daughter will make a appearance (unless she’s dead. I missed most of the first half of this season).
I’m also pretty sure next season will be the last one.
Man, I’ve never seen BSG but I’ve been reading up on it in Wiki. Jeez, I thought the mythology of the Buffyverse was complex. These folks have levels of levels. How do you keep up without a printed guide?
If you listen to the commentary on, it’s prety clear that Starbuck is indeed no more. She has ceased to be.
It’s all part of an elaborate ruse to fool us all into thinking she’s dead, when she’s really not, and will return as Emperor of the Cylon Empire.
A ruse planned, sponsored and funded by, yes, … the CIA.
Ya know, the woman went thru some really severe shit. Not only did she see her civilization destroyed. She had to spend two more years hanging on by her fingernails.
Going out diving into a vision?
Why not?
Let her go…
Bombing of Pearl Harbor? CIA.
The Great Depression? CIA.
New Coke? CIA (totallyCIA).
The Gary Ruppert is free to continue it’s misplaced apostrophes, like when it uses “like” when it should use “as”.
Did Lorne Greene rip off a metallic silver Cylon’s arm and beat him/it to death with it?
The CIA is free to contine it’s anti-American agenda, like when they ordered Edward Morrow to smear Joseph McCarthy.
Beautiful. Classic, vintage Gary. This post should be kept under glass and protected from natural light.
so, according to gary, if you want to join a movement with a real progressive agenda, taking radical action against american imperialism, forget the socialist party of america or moveon, join the CIA.
it really is something other than else!
there has not been a tv scifi show since space 1999!
>. Edgar Hoover became jealous of the CIA’s growing power. He described the OPC as “Wisner’s gang of weirdos�
Hoover calling them weirdos; now that’s rich.
Personally I’ve worshipped at the altar of Ron Moore since the old DS9 days, and agree with Brad R., despite the show’s faults this season (and they are legion) it is still the best damn thing on teevee. Cried my damn eyes out as I watched the ep. I thought they handled the story beautifully and the revelations about Kara’s past filled in quite a few holes about her current self-destructive path.
To me the series reads like a scifi version of The Iliad, with Kara cast as a futuristic Achilles. However, I have seen a gag reel showing Katee mugging for the camera and proudly proclaiming that she’d be the both the one to die this season and be revealed as a cylon, so maybe she is one of the Final Five. If so it might help to explain a big tie between the cylon and human religions (I believe Tyrol’s family worshipped the “5 Prophets”). What I’m wondering is, who the hell was the Leoben in her head during her vision? Cylon programming kicking in? A god? *The* god? Can’t wait to find out.
Question, didn’t Sharon have “memories” of growing up on Caprica as well before her cylon programming kicked in? Just sayin’…
And Gary, jeez, can’t you go poop on another thread?
There is also a reason why the Cylon ship at the end was real. Kara’s alive. They have either captured her mems in a Cylon body or some other crazy stuff. It was fine. If she is dead, it was a good ep.
Chuckles can eat it.
I can’t believe I didn’t get a spoiler alert on the other bloggo that spolied it for me.
Also, eat it.
Tony! Guido!
have no doubts that Mockingbird II is ongoing and is directing the anti-war coverage of the media.
Of course you don’t, Gary. Others may become disheartened and falter in the face of facts and circumstances. But your faith will go on. Your heart is strong, Gary. You cannot be swayed.
That’s why we love you, Gary.
Chekhov said, “If in Act I you have a pistol hanging on the wall, then it must fire in the last act.” Well, Starbuck’s hand on the eject lever and the Cylon raider sure seem like a pistol hanging on the wall. We’ll see what happens in the last act.
My lame detector was going off big time. Starbuck ejected and was picked up by the heavy raider.
Gavin was staring at his computer screen sadly, wondering how he could ever get the preview button to work….
Brad rushed into the room, lust in his eyes as he stared at Gavin’s hunched slender frame, and speaks, “fixing preview buttons is no job for little boys………..”
Gavin gasps to see his greasy haired lover who he thought was shot in the face by Cylons….
“its apollorocket time” said Brad…..
cut for anal sex
Annie, consider for a minute that you have been reduced to writing Internet slash fiction about Gavin and me. Take a step back and realize how deeply, deeply disturbing that is.
Brad, do you ever preview what you say before you say it?
Oh, never mind.
Internet slash fiction? Slashing pies? No, you cannot make me curious enough to peek out from behind the Meringue Line to see what that nutjob is doing. But I don’t mind slasher movies when the victims are all pie. No, pumpkin, don’t go down to the basement!!
Because that’s where Prussian Blue and their Nazi chorus line are thrashing about . . . and thus the threads all come full circle.
cut for anal sex
Worst. Scene. Evar.
My guess is they’ll make her into a being of light, like the ones from the original BSG. I think eventually the show will get into explicitly supernatural type stuff, and the light beings (whatever they were actually called) are one the big elements of the original series that hasn’t been used somehow. That and robot dogs.
Anyway, Kara was prophesied to do some great thing, and I doubt the show will change its track record of fulfilling every prophesy they bother to mention.
Pinko, Freedom Camp offered no spoilers, so you eat it.
And finally Dan Someone gets it.
Spoiler! Spoiler!
Some Guy ~ in the aftermath of New Caprica, the little girl’s real mom comes running up to reclaim her daughter. It was one very lame bit at the end of the atmosphere drop episode.
And finally Dan Someone gets it.
For some reason, that sounds like an insult…
Oh well. Back to my pie.
Only whores serve frozen ova with their fur pie.
No. Never mind.
Gary Ruppert said,
March 7, 2007 at 19:45
The Libby persecution’s jury foreman is a neighbor of Tim Russert.
So, how exactly did Scooter Libby get a fair trial? He didn’t. Plain and simple.
The Libby cleaning lady is married to a second cousin of a guy who once worked for a company that had dealings with another company that once employed someone who knew my sister.
So, how exactly is that relevant? Knobbefsticke.
judeanpeoplesfront: I’ll see your Space 1999, and raise you…wait for it…[drum roll]
Blake’s 7!
I mean, it’s only the greatest scifi TV series since evah. As a girl, I thought Avon was Teh Hawt, and of course Servalan did wonders for the women’s movement, with her ‘How to carom around sand dunes wearing chiffon and high heels while threatening someone with a gun’ workshops.
Errrmmm (looks around sheepishly). Anyone else remember this? (Shuffles shamefacedly towards side of stage)
Qetesh. how could i have missed that!
qick impressions;
zen seems kinda gay
dental care seems pretty poor in the future
now i’ve got these images of you carooming around the sand dunes in a chiffon mumu and tiara…
oh, and that is the longest wikipedia entry i’ve ever seen.
never underestimate the power of nerd
The CIA is free to contine it’s anti-American agenda, like when they ordered Edward Morrow to smear Joseph McCarthy. & etc.
Shorter Gary:
Dai-sy, Daiseeee…
qick impressions;
zen seems kinda gay
dental care seems pretty poor in the future
now i’ve got these images of you carooming around the sand dunes in a chiffon mumu and tiara…
Zen’s voice came from his inventor, supposedly. Verr’ English and proper.
Dental care in England was pretty poor, ergo…
And indubitably vis a vis the chiffon, not so much of the muumuu, and probably double dibs on the tiaras, sweeties.
Check this for some Servalan-y goodness. She was my heroine, kinda. Bless her evil little heart.
Ooh, ooh, here‘s some more B7 goodness, with a theme song by Eric Idle!
The groovesome thing about Blake’s 7 (besides Avon and Servalan) was the quality of the storylines. It was a developing saga, with unresolved badness sometimes, and characters that had conflict (and didn’t resolve it by saying “We need to talk about our situation” the way they do in soaps).
The sets were made of cardboard and styrofoam (really!), the costumes were sometimes quite ludicrous, and the special effects were really very mundane effects. But people religiously tuned in for the characters and the story.
Ahhh, the halcyon days of my yoof.
My BSG prediction:
As others have said, Kara ejected and was picked up by the heavy raider. That much is obvious to anyone who understands fiction.
The real fun will come when she escapes (or is released by the Cylons voluntarily) and everyone in the fleet is completely convinced that she’s a resurrected Cylon.
Qetesh, B7 makes me think of poor kids playing happily with sticks and cans, while the american kids have closets full of lightsabers, transformers, and last years nintendos.
15 years and i still don’t know how to spell muumuu. sad, really.
“cut for anal sex”
When will there be creampies?
“cut for anal sex�
Is this some kind of sick joke about circumcision?
My guess is they’ll make her into a being of light, like the ones from the original BSG. I think eventually the show will get into explicitly supernatural type stuff, and the light beings (whatever they were actually called) are one the big elements of the original series that hasn’t been used somehow. That and robot dogs.
Uh, I know a few people who work on the show. We are not going to see the Crystal Ship on this series. Unless things go seriously wrong. The Crystal Ship was introduced because some of the writers were beyond worn-out back when and in their exhaustion, thought that doing a thinly-veiled paen to crystal meth and the Doors song would be a hoot.
If you have kids, and I have two. Women – when they find out they are pregnant they get some pretty crazy hormonal shit happening. I think she is pregnant and that Apollo or Mr. Hoover are the prospective fathers. And she can’t figure it out. So she pointed the nose to the “hard deck” (i.e. splatter point) and was going to find out who loved her more.
Mr. Hoover……. silent
Apollo…………. silent
Well that didn’t work out so well. ok. next theory.
Final Five. no clue…. way to dramatic for me. After the final 5 are revealed, will they narrow it down. Hopefully get to the final 2 or so. Then the audience gets to vote for their favourite actor and they the prize money!
No seriously…. way to much talk about being between death and life with that weirdo cylon dude who was makin out with kara (with some nice nipple shots) SAY YES TO SPANDEX mmmmmmm. She’s gonna be in some place between life and death. I.E. 1 of 5 super cylons.
say no to drugs…. late at night.