I *hate* Huckabee

Well, actually, I don’t. It’s kinda hard to. And that’s a problem. Yglesias:

Michael Scherer bothered to learn some facts and write the profile for Salon. He says Huckabee’s charming. His political approach:

“If I really know what it means to follow Jesus, it means no kid goes hungry tonight,” he said, at one stop in Iowa. “It means no wife gets the daylights beat out of her by some alcoholic abusive husband. It means no kid lives in a neighborhood where he is scared to death of some child predator that is going to pick him up and carry him off. It means not one single elderly person has to make the choice between food or medicine.” Unlike former Sen. Rick Santorum or Sen. Sam Brownback, Huckabee does not spend time pounding the pulpit over baby murder and sodomy. He’s a self-styled “compassionate conservative,” a poll-tested concept that worked once before. But while President Bush discarded the slogan like a prom queen’s sash, Huckabee wants to convince America that he is the real deal.

Huckabee is, obviously, a longshot. The odds favor Giuliani and McCain. Nevertheless, over the long haul I think it’s clear that the Huckabee approach — marrying religious traditionalism with some kind of revived effort to cope with domestic social policy problems — is more promising for Republicans than the tax cuts and war platform of a Giuliani.

I haven’t lived in the state for most of Huckabee’s reign, so i’m not saying I know him like most Arkansans do, but here are my impressions:

He’s made of fucking Teflon — and not just politically, like Reagan was (and therefore easily and righteously hatable), but personally. Seriously, he’s a smooth operator. He’s a Baptist preacher, but not like Jerry Fallwell; ‘fire and brimstone’ is kept at minimum.

The guy plays bass in a rock band. He likes the Stones.

Compared to most Rethugs, Huckabee’s a socialist. Really. From what I’m told, social programs like ARKids First — the state’s medical insurance program for children — have been a godsend. And this is precisely the sort of socialism, coming from a source that is ‘above suspicion’ so to speak, that middle and working class Red Staters, weaned on Limbaugh and Reaganism and therefore programmed to think first last and always ‘fuck teh guvmint’ can and do embrace.

Speaking of which, it’s the elite and wealthy Rethug element that really, personally hates Huckabee here — just as the national Rethug elite hates Huckabee’s political philosophy. Yglesias is right that Huckabee’s formula can be successful for the Republican Party. This, I suspect, is why above all other reasons Huckabee won’t win the nomination: his brand of Rightwing populism is too William Jennings Bryan and not enough Ayn Rand for the elites to endorse. Or, if you like, Huckabee is more sincerely a believer in ‘compassionate conservatism’ than the national Republican elite would like, wholly indoctrinated as it is with economic libertarianism. The kingmakers in the Republican Party are more like David Frum, who wants to economically stress the middle and working classes so that they will develop good moral character, or like the WSJ editorial board, which believes that government only exists to help the ‘Wealthy Criminal Class’ get wealthier. Huckabee’s not a top-down class warrior, and for them that makes him and his politics unpalatable.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not a Huckabee fan. I’m just saying, he’s a slick politician and I mean it as a compliment; and more importantly, his brand of conservatism is less dangerous to Americans and probably the rest of the world than the alternatives. Also, it’s slightly awesome to hear complaints from the fairly-well-to-do and deeply reactionary branch of my family about a Republican governor: ‘He’s a taxer!’ ‘Gotta pay for all that guvmint spending!’ But then the real reactionaries didn’t much care for Winthrop Rockefeller, either, and that guy, Republican or not, was one of the better governors we ever had. Whatever.

One last note: remembering Yglesias’s past egregiousness compared to his recent decency continues to annoy me. Populism is apparently okay for the Right, but Left Populism is teh suxxx0r!11! I just puked a little bit in my mouth.

Ooops, one more thing: Huckabee most annoys me with his health Nazi schtick. There is a decent libertarian case against Huckabee, but it ain’t the kind Randroids, Propertarians, Glibertarians, et al., will make.


Comments: 72


Where’s Eugene Debs when you need him?


Honestly, this is pretty much how I saw Huckabee before this past weekend’s CPAC. I came in expecting moderation and conservative values based on traditional Republican policies and a bit of real (not feigned) compassion.

But put in front of CPAC’s rabid hordes, he starts tossing out jokes about Syrian cabel drivers and touting the fact that he was the first guy with a conceal/carry permit.

“There can be no negotiation with radical Islamic fascists…They are not interested in detente, they are not interested in some type of peaceful coexistence. They are solely interested in…our absolute annihilation and destruction.” Huckabee made a strong play towards this audiences’ fear that Al Qaeda will completely wipe out every American life and destroy this country. What he never discusses is how people holed up in caves in Pakistan and Afghanistan or bombed-out neighborhoods in Iraq are going to implement an existential threat to the United States of America. All he does is recognize that some people hate us and would want to do what they have thus far been unable to do.

So whatever I thought he was before CPAC and however he’s been in Arkansas, he’s taking a big lurch to the right to make a play towards the Bedwetter Caucus and all the fear-filled supporters of tyranny in America as long as it means another morning where I don’t have to wake up and find Al Jazeera on the TV.


Man. Read It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis. Huckabee sounds just like Buzz Windrip.

Nothing like a little homespun authoritarianism to get the ole’ ticker going.


I’ve been here six years. The local print media don’t like Huck. There have been episodes in which he apparently blurred the line between private and public property; they say he (and his wife Janet) are, to put it bluntly, greedy. There were also some highly publicized cases in which Huck let a prisoner go, because he got religion, and the con robbed or killed again.

My own impression has been that you could have hung a D behind his name and he could have gotten elected governor in any midwestern state. He favors good government and is as strongly for education as you can be in a state with such a lousy school track record as Arkansas. The state government hangs onto this archaic system where there are scores of independent agencies, overseen by insiders; Huck tried for a massive overhaul and failed, but he tried.

So yeah, we could have done worse the last eight years (like with the guy who tried to succeed Huck; some Republicans were bent out of shape that he only offered Asa tepid support, but the voters weren’t about to reward Asa for leading the impeachment lynch mob going after the state’s still-popular ex-president.) Given the unhappiness we’ve heard from true-blue wingers about the available GOP choices, Huck, whose flaws seem petty in comparison, may indeed sound good to them. And yes, it won’t hurt to have a scrawny dude who used to weigh 300 pounds saying, “If I did it, you can do it.”


I was kind of wondering if getting bashed around by the Reichwing Swiftboaters would eventually make Huckabee wake up and realize that he’s actually a conservative Democrat, not a moderate Republican. If MBH is correct, Huckabee’s already moving to the Dark Side, but that won’t protect him from assaults by Brownback, Tancredo, and the other MSM-second-tier Repub candidates. If he gets any traction, I’d guess the most vicious attacks would come from our own Willard Romney, who’s been touting his own “moderate, compassionate” credentials — Mitt’s never afraid to take credit for anything Massachusetts managed to accomplish during his (very occasional) time in the govenor’s office, even as he bashes our humble People’s Commonwealth for coddling poor kids, suspected dopers, old people who don’t want their homes razed to make room for yuppie McMansions, and all us other libruls. Preacher or not, is Huckabee mean enough to lock fangs with his fellow Repubs and survive?


So if Huckabee runs against Hillary, I might get really confused?


Right now, i’m backing Rudy Giuliani, due to his leadership abilities in the War on Terror.

Let’s face it, we need a commander in chief who can build on the legacy that President Bush has built. The President is the greatest liberator that the world has seen in a long time and we need someone who won’t undo his achievements.

Do we really want to go back to a world where the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, where Bin Laden had no fear of his life, and where Saddam Hussein was free to develop his WMDs?

The fact is that a Giuliani/Huckabee ticket would be very hard to beat.

But, if Rudy disappoints me by caving in on values issues, then I’ll back Huckabee. Huckabee is in the same sort of position that Bill Clinton was in back in 1992, only Huckabee isn’t a lying, drug-abusing, murderer like Clinton.

The right is in the majority on immigration, abortion, gun control, and gay marriage, and we shouldn’t cave in on those issues.

A “me too” candidate will lose in 2008.

The fact is that America is a conservative nation and they want someone who can win the War in Iraq and who can defend their values from the attack launched by the left.


Oh yeah, I forgot Mitt Romney. I doubt America will elect a non-Christian in this time of war.


I think what’s really cool is when he pulls a sheet out and explains that every voter is really just a wrinkle within a single cosmic reality.


Given Jesus’s commentary is public, none of the Republican candidates really qualifies as ‘Christian’.


Gary, are you sure you aren’t Lyndon LaRouche? Only he talked in those painfully measured , endless sentences, averring the most outlandish things to be true.


I wouldn’t have a problem with voting for Mitt Romney over Hillary Clinton. Because while Mitt’s religion is pretty much contradictory to Christianity, it’s closer to Christianity than whatever faith Hillary subscribes to.

While Latter-Day Saints are completely wrong about the Book of Mormom being the word of God and they are wrong about the location of Christ’s resurrection, they are on the right side when it comes to the culture war.


“The right is in the majority on immigration, abortion, gun control, and gay marriage, and we shouldn’t cave in on those issues.”

Immigration– nope
Abortion– Hah!!
Gun Control– Are you sniffing glue?
Gay Marriage– Until you get to the “civil union” part


I call bulls**t on the above Gary Ruppert. It is a solid effort, but the phrase “Let’s face it” is a dead giveaway. Surely the true Gary would have said “The fact is….”

But this — a lying, drug-abusing, murderer like Clinton — is very nicely done. Kudos – you made me laugh!


Let’s face it, we need a commander in chief who can build on the legacy that President Bush has built.


I’m trying to combine a spectacular incompetence with some righteously mal-placed indignation, Gary.

Imagine if Rasputin and Marie Antoinette spawned?



Hah! I never thought I’d say this, but Gary, I’ve missed you!

Sure, you’re insane, but at least you’re not a Feministe-bot or Fatty AnnieAngel or Shoelimpy or that horrible jackass Grampaw.

Troll my threads anytime!


Just get ready for a country where rocks are very, very old.


To magnify on GJDodger’s comments, Huckabee won his last term with just 53% of the vote, in a great year for GOoPers, against a candidate who could have appeared on a milk carton. He left such a great legacy for the ARGOP that it now has no candidates holding statewide office, and less than a quarter of the legislature. He can’t raise money, isn’t drawing flies, and has no idea why he’s running except that he doesn’t know how to do anything else.

Huckabee’s campaign, like that of everyone except Rudy, McCain, and maybe Gingrich, is performance art.


18 comments and not one “Fuckabee’s“, yet? Y’all are slippin’…

What, am I the only person who actually liked that silly movie?


Damn. Within the last couple of weeks I read something about how Huckabee really wasn’t handling himself well with the media — getting real pissy and in writing. I could have swore it was a diary at Kos but I can’t find it now. Pretty sure the hissy fits were over gifts or registering for gifts at the end of his term as gov. He’s got that Wayne Dumond thing in his closet which could get a bit more heated than a parting gifts controversy so I’m not sure what to think of any cool, teflon-y composure he might have.

That said, I heard him hear on WNYC a month or so ago and he does come off like he’s normal and would never actually take part in a mass covenant marriage ceremony where the batshit crazy vocal stylings of CeCe Winans could be heard.

And though he didn’t sound folksy, the name sure as hell is and please sweet jesus let Bush be the end of people voting for yokel-ness.


Say gary, remind me where in the christian bible it says to go bomb de women and children.

On another note, i figured out why Coulter made that joke about Edwards being a faggot – she happened to be taking a piss one day while Edwards was at the urinal beside her, and she got ticked because he’s got a bigger shlong than she does. She’s a man baby………….


Governor Huckabee has long been my top choice for President. I am glad that you are finally seeing the light. And beginning to turn to the right.


HTML, you’re just mad that my photoshop was better than yours. Or Gavin’s, whoever made that silly thing that made no sense.

Now go change your shirt, you’ve been wearing it for days.

Don’t EVEN try to deny it.


It’s so cool that people from AR read my scribblings; howdy neighbors!

I concede all criticisms of Huckabee in this thread, and I admit that all forms of right populism in America can easily and quickly mutate into the bumpkin-fascist variety. My politics can be fairly called Left Populist, and populism per se fascinates me, but my larger point, I guess, is that it’s always there and *since* it’s always there — religious, nationalist, sceptical of everything ‘big’ be it government or business — I suggest we co-opt it or otherwise account for it so that its excesses and ugly qualities can be tempered, because when the wingnuts harness it, they play to and exascerbate its nasty qualities. That said, Huckabee’s formula of populism, while potentionally dangerous simply because it’s rightwing, is still preferable to Bush’s or Brownback’s or Tancredo’s. And it’s also better than the Norquistian, ‘govt spending aside “defense” budgets over my dead body’ kind of shit the Republican elite really wants.

Look, populists can be fascists, but the *worst* possible American fascists are the economic libertarians; religious nuttery is hugely problematic as everyone knows, but one of its virtues is its total rejection of social darwinism. People forget that while WJB was a buffoon during the Scopes Monkey trial, arguing against scientific darwinism, he just as tirelessly argued against the social darwinism wholly embraced by the plutocrat class.


jesus sniflheim, that fucking article is fucking depressing. uncivilly so.

civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil motherfucker civil.

it kind of sounds funny after a while.

but having said that, what the fuck is wrong with arkansans that they allow themselves to have such stupid dimwits running their school system?


“Huckabee’s campaign, like that of everyone except Rudy, McCain, and maybe Gingrich, is performance art.”

Glad to see that you are coming around too, Brian. The Democrats are all jokes this time around, the real choice for 2008 is between Rudy and McCain.


Do we really want to go back to a world where the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, where Bin Laden had no fear of his life, and where Saddam Hussein was free to develop his WMDs?

Gary, if you watched even Faux News, you would know that thanks to the current Repub administration the Taliban is taking Afghanistan back — because our troops have been pulled out of Kabul & sent to waste their time and lives and America’s treasury in defense of the failed Neocon strategy in Iraq. Bin Laden has no fear in his life, because Bush has publicly announced he doesn’t care whether or not bin Laden is ever called to account for his crimes. And America’s enemies in Iran, not to mention Russia, are free to develop WMDs and sell them on the open market because your beloved Repub administration have flushed so much of America’s resources, money, military, and international credibility down the Neocon crapper.

Really. If you don’t come up with half-way-believable talking points, Mr. Ruppert, people are going to think you’re a parody. Sure, it’s easy to be lazy and just regurgitate the Wingnut Welfare Wurlitzer faxes, but do you want to be mistaken for a progressive sockpuppet?

Innocent Bystander

I think I’ve seen enough of Republicans running the Executive Branch to last me the rest of my days. Besides, I want the Democrats to get some of that Unitary Executive and do some civil rights abusing on a certain segment of the Republican Crime Syndicate. Lets start with Dick Cheneys secret energy meetings….


Do we really want to go back to a world where the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, where Bin Laden had no fear of his life, and where Saddam Hussein was free to develop his WMDs?

This is just spam at this point. Gary, you can do better than this. It’s like you copied and pasted a block of text out of a RNC fundraiser piece of junk mail.


the right is not in the majority on abortion. are you a troll gary?


While Latter-Day Saints are completely wrong about the Book of Mormom being the word of God and they are wrong about the location of Christ’s resurrection, they are on the right side when it comes to the culture war.

Also, While Muslim Fundamentalists are completely wrong about the Koran being the word of God and view Christ as a minor prophet, they are on the right side when it comes to the culture war.

Well, right-wing, anyway.


Killing bin Laden.. Yes.. Killing a leader of a movement that celebrates its martyrs will surely not backfire in any shape, form or fashion. Maybe he should just be, you know, *arrested* for his crimes and tried in a court of law? But of course the rule of law and the concept of justice is just a bunch of sissy faggot hippie bullshit anyway completely foreign to the Western tradition of constant blood feuds and genocide.


Ya, but at least he has a good relationship with teh jews


He’s got that Wayne Dumond thing in his closet

It wasn’t so much releasing Dumond that turned me off on Huckabee. It was his trying to blame Clinton for releasing Dumond that did it for me. Huckabee is just another lying GOP scumbag.


Huckabee talked about the same social concerns in an NPR interview – it sounded like pandering to an NPR audience. If he said the same to CPAC then I would be impressed.


religious nuttery is hugely problematic as everyone knows, but one of its virtues is its total rejection of social darwinism.

What color is the sky in your world, Mr. Mencken? Seriously, social Darwinism is the only thing (falsely) associated with Darwin that modern-day fundamentalist Christians accept. Why do you think it sounds so unusual when Mr. Huckabee partially rejects it? Why did Republican, Southern Baptist Governor Riley get hammered by the Alabama Christian Coalition for trying to make Alabama’s tax code more progessive? Because Robertson, Falwell, Kennedy, Dobson, et al. are greedy, power-mad fucks who could appear on a Social Darwinism recruitment poster. Granted, I don’t think most of these leaders are actual religious nuts (well, maybe Robertson), but the followers who empower them certainly are. Our current crop of religious nuts have merged the worst aspects of economic libertarianism with social conservatism in a covenant marriage. And it’s those people that would allow Huckabee to obtain the nomination. Remember where we’ve heard “compassionate conservatism” before, and think hard about what sort Supreme Court Justices would be picked by William Jennings Bryan reborn.

Oh, and “Free Silver” was just stupid.


Our current crop of religious nuts have merged the worst aspects of economic libertarianism with social conservatism in a covenant marriage.

Prosperity gospel. It’s Christianity with no holds barred. He with the most cash is the most holy. Use the Famous Web Search Engine to discover how the explain away that camel-and-the-eye-of-the-needle stuff. It gets pretty silly.


I wouldn’t have a problem with voting for Mitt Romney over Hillary Clinton. Because while Mitt’s religion is pretty much contradictory to Christianity, it’s closer to Christianity than whatever faith Hillary subscribes to.

Methodism? That’s surely an unorthodox view, Gary.


Blogwhoring: I saw Huckabee at the Conservative Summit in January. Here’s a first-hand account. The man’s got skills.


Gary and Shoe apparently subscribe to Christianism: All faiths are equal, but mine is more equal than others. You’re all going to suffer in hellfire, False Believers!


Because while Mitt’s religion is pretty much contradictory to Christianity, it’s closer to Christianity than whatever faith Hillary subscribes to.

You mean Methodism?


Aw. John beat me to it.


Do we really want to go back to a world where the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, where Bin Laden had no fear of his life, and where Saddam Hussein was free to develop his WMDs?

I know Anne Laurie already said it, but Gary-poo, let me emphasize that the only one of those we don’t already have to deal with now, under this administration, is the third one, and that one only because Saddam’s Deady McDeadington, mayor of Deadsville. Plenty of other nutsy dictators seem to be quite free to WMD up the joint, though.


Afraid of George Bush? Heh. That dude is my bitch.


only Huckabee isn’t a lying, drug-abusing, murderer like Clinton.

Damn, dood, that’s harsh. I mean, it’s ok to just disagree with his political beliefs. To be the opposition, you don’t need to demonize the other side to that degree. You can simply put forward a considered, thoughtful rebuttal to explain why you believe his policies are incorrect.

Oh wait, that was Gary Rupert, right?

Never mind…



Sully linked to ya’ll ‘Leftists for Huckabees.” Oh wait, I forgot the question mark…


[…] blogger vocabulary that no one else will understand.  Take “Rethug,” for instance.  As in: “Compared to most Rethugs, Huckabee’s a […]


This sounds dangerously close to an endorsement.


I saw one interview with Huck (I beleive with Chris Matthews but I could be wrong), where he was very deliberate about favorably comparing himself to Bill Clinton, i.e. their modest backgrounds, sense faith as a means of driving social justice, sense of the importance of strong public institutions, etc.

It was interesting. I came away from the interview liking the vision of the world he espoused much more than any of the other GOP candidates, even though I disagree with many of his positions, and tend to agree with many of Rudy’s social positions, for instance.

On the other hand, because he is a Republican, I can’t help but think that he is probably a skunk like the rest of them.


A whack-a-loon who can appear moderate to the low information voters is probably the only chance the Republicans have any more. The Religious right will not accept anybody but a theocratic bigot; the Greed-publicans won’t accept anybody who kowtows to anything but the bottom line, which means big Gov, cuz that’s where the Big Profits are; and the run of the mill Republican is alarmed by anyone too visibly affiliated with either of these positions.

It’s why Bush had to run in Compassionate Conservative clothing.

So you can’t trust a Republican until you know what’s inside.

so I say let’s crack them all open and let’s see.


“The Religious right will not accept anybody but a theocratic bigot,”

Then why are so many of them getting behind old Rudy? He’s a far cry from a “theorcratic bigot,” wouldn’t you say?


Gary Ruppert said,

March 8, 2007 at 6:09

Oh yeah, I forgot Mitt Romney. I doubt America will elect a non-Christian in this time of war.

Since when were Mormons not “Christians”?


Then why are so many of them getting behind old Rudy? He’s a far cry from a “theorcratic bigot,� wouldn’t you say?

did you notice there was another cohort in my description?

The Greed-publicans, otherwise known as establishment Republicans?

Also, there’s probably a few of the low-info type who like the guy that Rudy played on TV.


How does anyone think I’m *for* Huckabee? He’s a Republican. I’ve never voted for one in my life and never will. I’m just saying for a Republican, he’s hard for me to loathe with the usual alacrity.


He’s a Republican. I’ve never voted for one in my life and never will. I’m just saying for a Republican, he’s hard for me to loathe with the usual alacrity.

Now THAT’S an endorsement.


Ann Fathaus said,

March 8, 2007 at 7:26

18 comments and not one “Fuckabee’s“, yet? Y’all are slippin’…

What, am I the only person who actually liked that silly movie?

you are so right, Ann. I read this post when it first went up and it didn’t even occur to me.

And no you aren’t the only one – I totally loved that movie.


Well, get up on that hatin’!


The problem with this post is that it isn’t about me in anyway.

Why bother?


I’m just saying for a Republican, he’s hard for me to loathe with the usual alacrity.

Let me help. Here’s a choice tidbit from Timmeh and Huck on Press the Meat:

MR. RUSSERT: You or your staff did not pressure or try to convince the parole board—parole board in any way shape or form?

GOV. HUCKABEE: No, we didn’t. And, in fact, here’s the, the part that never gets really pointed out. That parole board had all been appointed by either Bill Clinton or Jim Guy Tucker, my predecessors. I don’t think I had that kind of power. If I’m that persuasive, I’ll be the next president of the United States.

MR. RUSSERT: But, in hindsight, you regret announcing that you were going to commute his sentence.

GOV. HUCKABEE: Sure. I, I—of course I do, because it, it turned out not to be as we thought, that he had an exemplary prison record. And he’d been commuted by Jim Guy Tucker while he was acting governor, and Bill Clinton knew all about it.

More on Huckabee and Dumond.


The really hilarious part about Huckabee trying to spin Dumond’s release as being Clinton’s fault is that the original right-wing spin portrayed Dumond as a VICTIM of Clinton, who was supposedly rail-roaded because the girl he raped was Clinton’s cousin.

So first Bill Clinton frames the guy and unjustly sends him up the river, then releases him so he can go off to rape and murder someone else. What an awful guy that Clinton is, huh?

Huckabee is a joke. A bad one.


Gary Rupture: I doubt America will elect a non-Christian in this time of war.

I’m trying to fill in the logical connection there and I got nothing. Well, actually I got something, but it’s wearing a pointy hood and carrying a rope.


[…] assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography # Dorothy Rivers …Comment on I *hate* Huckabee by Realist That parole board had all been appointed by either Bill Clinton or Jim Guy Tucker, my predecessors. […]


That’s a good rebuttal, mds. Hmmm. Lemme stew on it, but right now I suspect you’re right on most of it.


The only real quality Republicans care about in their candidates is if they pass the daddy test.

and hate gays and minorities (even if they are one)


That’s a good rebuttal, mds.

Whoa, I need to disrespect bimetallism more often.


From Bryan’s famous “Cross of Gold” speech:

There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it.

He said this in 1896, and we’re still arguing about it now.


Then why are so many of them getting behind old Rudy? He’s a far cry from a “theocratic bigot,� wouldn’t you say?

Giuliani-time’s running away from his non-theocratic-bigot views as fast as he can. No real pro-choicer (excuse me…opponent of forced birth) would appoint judges like Scalito or Thomas.


“…more importantly, his brand of conservatism is less dangerous to Americans and probably the rest of the world than the alternatives…”

Um, based on what I’ve heard Huckabee say in interviews this is not the case. The man’s yet another war-mongering neo-con. How can you say he’s less dangerous than the alternatives when the alternatives include Ron Paul?

Honestly, Huckabee scares the sh*t out of me more so than most of the other neo-cons running.


The Christian right (and other fed up conservatives) are supporting Mike Huckabee, but the right’s pundits are not flocking to support him, and many of them are actually trying to derail him. Case in point:

Rush’s Hit-Piece on Huckabee (stick with it, audio of Rush)

Something is very very very very wrong with this picture. Bottom line: The best candidate for the Republican nomination is Huckabee.

Huckabee – Cinderella Man



Finally America is waking up! Gov Huckabee is a solid Christian with gonads!!!! He is not afraid to speak out against abortion and the political homosexual agenda. He’s not afraid to speak highly of jesus Christ and to acknowledge the Bible as the Word that this country needs to go back to. We have allowed the ACLU and the gay activists to take our speaking voices away and were not going to take it anymore!!! I believe that Huckabee will be the next president of the United States as long as he doesn’t sell his soul in order to be elected. God is watching over him and whom God is for NOONE can touch. May the Holy Spirit continue to protect Gov Huckabee and may the reign of Clinton and Bush come to an end. Christians are the moral majority not the Republicans who don’t have a soul and worship money as their “god”. The backbone of the Republican party are Christians not the money grubbin’ Republicans who don’t care about the down and out. The Democratic Party threw out the Conservative Christian Democrats and slid so far left that they are out of touch and in bed with gay activists and men-hating feminists and anarchists. Let them have their “goddess” Hillary however no person with a real soul will vote for that “witch in Brooks Bros clothing” Her and her “first husband have brought shame to the office of the President. They both should be in jail right now!


First off, Romney is a Christian. Mormons believe in Christ. End-of-story. The kind of ignorance that dictates otherwise gets very frustrating after a while.

Secondly, Anthony Falzarano … you’re praying for the end of Bush’s administration and profess your belief that the Holy Spirit is protecting Huckabee, yet you fail to see how hauntingly like Bush this Baptist is. But your comment brings to light a very eerie phenomenon: many Americans seem to be buying into Huckabee’s preaching that he’s “a Washington outsider” with the kind of aw-shucks, down-to-earth values that will bring a fresh face to D.C.

Sound familiar? It should. It’s Bush’s 2000 campaign mantra, practically verbatim.


Only Scientologists are the Tru Christians. All others are fake apostates.


(comments are closed)