Thtephen Thpruiell Frowed Up

Hearken, reader, for you are about to witness an ironic ‘Gasp! Could it be?’ construction followed by the simulated dashing of the writer’s hopes — a combination justly known for producing that timeless frisson which is ever the font of laughter:

Matthews: Press Coverage of the Libby Trial “Isn’t Quite Accurate”

Just heard on MSNBC:


MATTHEWS: One of the ways the press has covered this isn’t quite accurate.

Gasp! Could it be? Is Matthews finally to admit, now that a jury has found Scooter Libby guilty of perjury, that his and his colleagues’ coverage of the case has been unfair, inaccurate and colored by their obsessive loathing for Dick Cheney?

MATTHEWS: Scooter Libby wasn’t just chief of staff to the vice president. He was assistant to the president. And yet the president seems to have been completely exonerated for his behavior.

Wait for it; it’s money. Here it comes, yo:

Of course not.

Video here.

It gets us every time!

Bonus points to Spruiell for linking to his own posts as evidence, as they essentially consist of Spruiell seeing something trivial on TV and making comments like, ‘The liberal media strikes again. What a bunch of liberals.’


Comments: 35


Bonus points to Spruiell for linking to his own posts

So he gave himself three hat tips in a row. There must be a name for this.


So he gave himself three hat tips in a row. There must be a name for this.

Self Gratification?


A hat tip hat trick?


How does he keep up with the news like that?

I think the headline these people want is: “Libby Wrongly Convicted! Superiors thereby exonerated by logical necessity.”

And this isn’t RenewTownMaxDaily we’re talking about.


Posts from the future. Crazy.


War in Iraq Stupendous Success, Mosques Undamaged, Overenthusiastic Flower Pelting of teh Liberators Responsible For All Casualties!

When will all those liberal Dave Broders and Howie Kurtz’s finally tell the truth?


Methinks someone was worried about Gavin and HTML showing up in ninja gear to TP their house.

Miguel de Icaza

Sadly No! Gets better every day, keep up the good work, the last week has been pure gold.



Reality is always conspiring to make wingnuts look retarded.


Thtephen Thpruiell Frowed Up

Godammit. You guys are hopeless. There’s NOTHING funny about having a speech impediment!

YOU try walking around the mall with a lisp and see how people treat you!!


There’s NOTHING funny about having a speech impediment!

No Thit!


oh sweet Pirates of the FSM, I hate Chris Matthews.

even his frickin PSA makes me frow up.


So Chris Matthews is wrong because the facts have shown him right.

That’s a pretty tough rap to explain your way out of.

Matthews’ interview with Woodward is right on the $$$ — and confirmed by the jury and by Amb. Joseph Wilson’s comments today.


Yeah, I guess that’s probably true- The Libby trial pretty much demonstrated that it was complex, involved, and covert. Bush couldn’t have been involved.



The Libby trial pretty much demonstrated that it was complex, involved, and covert. Bush couldn’t have been involved.

Yeah, but we could still nail the man in charge of the country — assuming he survives his “leg clot”. Wasn’t a leg clot the exact same illness that kept the original Tricky Dick from testifying for his underlings during the Watergate trials? One thing you gotta give the Reichwing: Once they find a dodge that works, they never give it up. Traditionalists to the doughy, soulless core, every one…


Of all the situations that call for a speedy pardon, the persecution of Scooter Libby is one of those situations.

The fact is that Libby was convicted of spurious charges in a kangaroo court. He was convicted of a jury of leftist nutjobs, led by liberal witchhunt artist Patrick Fitzgerald.

The fact is that Plame was not covert, she was outed by Aldrich Ames, and Libby could have never obstructed justice, because there was no crime committed.


Plame was not covert, she was outed by Aldrich Ames

Wow. Talk about dense. That’s fucking neutronium, there…


So, Gary, all those leftist nutjobs FORCED Scooter Libby to lie to a Grand Jury?

I know this is pearls before swine, but the idea of Obstruction of Justice, My Dear Gary, (and as Patrick Fitzgerald so ably noted in his press conference) is that the prosecutor is unable to determine the facts of the matter because SOMEONE is not telling the truth. It doesn’t matter if there’s an underlying crime or not. The lying by itself is the crime, as you sanctimonius wingnuts never tired of telling everyone when the issue was an extramarital hummer.

Facts, Gary. They’ve never been your friends, I know. But that doesn’t mean your imaginary friend-facts have any bearing outside of your bedroom.


hey! Gary! I thought Wilson was going to be indicted, and Scooter exonerated!

Huh. Funny how that worked out, isn’t it.

There’s still the civil trial to go, too.


The fact is that Plame was not covert, she was outed by Aldrich Ames, and Libby could have never obstructed justice, because there was no crime committed.

Now this is the real deal Gary.

Gary, did you know that lying to the FBI or US Attorney’s office regarding a criminal investigation is a crime regardless of whether the crime they are investigating turns out to be prosecutable?

Of course you didn’t.


The fact is that Plame was not covert, she was outed by Aldrich Ames,

And given that Plame seems to be a non-conservative, Gary would consider that an heroic act, if it actually happened.


I’m confused. Is this the lovable goof Gary that shows up here now&again to spout (alleged) right-wing nonsense, all as part of a meta-performance art piece?

Or is this a real Gary, who actually believes this tripe?

Either way, that was pretty weak. Din’t even see no mention of the Clenis in the post calling for a pardon. C’mon – you can do better than that!

Random Observer

I sadly missed the party for the most important topic in the history of the internet ™ but I must say a few things. (You know, because it needs to be brought up again…)

1: Jillian I admire your courage. You are the person we are supposed to be helping, not alienating. Not that you need help or pity – just that it was nice to be reminded of what this shit is supposedly about in the first place. Actual people with actual problems. Not some moronic race for last place, who can be even dumber than the next.

In multiple threads devoted to ego-centric internet drama your posts stood out as worth reading.

(serious pants come off)

2: Whatever you guys do, do *not*, I repeat *not* ever mention Dave Chappelle: Killin’ Them Softly and specifically the part about how to please a man or the entire known universe will be sucked into the resulting whirlpool of stupidity. It will make Mac vs. PC look like tea and crumpets.

3: I once owned a three legged dog named Skippy. (For real – yes we named him before he lost his leg) And my mom adopted a three legged cat. I loved them both but they ran like real maroons.

Are you an ableist for laughing at a 3-legged-dog, or an ableist for equating a 3-legged-dog with a disabled person?

Answer: C) your question is stupid.

(serious pants back on)

4: It is comforting to know that this part of the internet isn’t any different from any other part. Still full of loud silly completely un-self-aware people with too much time on their hands and nothing better to do than constantly preach, grandstand and claim that their shit smells way better than yours. I see the same names in the middle of the drama over and over – these people need to cool it for a while and give everyone else a turn to make asses of themselves. Drama queens. (And kings)

(serious pants off again)

5: Nobody is going to care if you make fun of Star Wars nerds. They are the absolute bottom rung of the social ladder.

These opinions are solely those of Random Observer and do not represent Sadly, No!, Feministe, or Hey It’s Crowded on This Soapbox.


5: Nobody is going to care if you make fun of Star Wars nerds. They are the absolute bottom rung of the social ladder.

Speaking as a furry, I can honestly say we’re camping the botspot right now, and have no plans on relinquishing it anytime soon.

Simply put there’s nothing so low that we cannot reduce further by putting it in an anatomically accurate mascot costume.


Speaking as a furry…

Now you’ve done it. I’m going to put on my jackboots and increase my eliminationist rhetoric. Beware the rise of the totalitarian left-wing anti-furry state.


Simply put there’s nothing so low that we cannot reduce further by putting it in an anatomically accurate mascot costume.

Well, actually, my opinion of President Bush would probably go up.


Wow; I’m a little embarrassed by the above, but I’ll try to take the compliment in the spirit in which in was intended (I don’t take them well, usually – I’m really, really shy IRL). So, thank you.

I still feel bad and a bit frustrated that I don’t think anybody over at the other place got the point I was trying to make – that places like this may very well call you all sorts of bad names, and poke fun at people with whom you may for some reason identify, but what they won’t do – and what places like Feministe WILL do, unfortunately – is call you “the enemy”, which is deeply, genuinely offensive. And yeah, I take any assertion that I am willfully racist, sexist, or homophic as calling me “the enemy”. It’s ultimately laughable, seeing as I’m female, not straight, and gave up a decade-long career in banking to go teach in a school with precious few white faces, just because I *do* care about racial issues in this country – but the idea that because I disagree with some people over an issue as nonsubstantive as *word choice* means that I am, in their eyes, “the enemy” is just beyond the pale.

Whatever. I’ve decided that I really do have a few more words to say on the topic, but I’ll post ’em down below in one of the more relevant threads. Hopefully, no one will even end up reading it, because I’d just like to see this stupid crap die, but I’ve been trying to *not* post this last little thing that’s been annoying me for days now, and it’s STILL annoying me, so I know I have to get it out.

To get this back on topic….the whole “Star Wars nerds” thing reminded me of something. I am about to make what is probably the most embarrassing admission ever to be made anywhere on the whole of the internet. You see, not only am I a Star Wars nerd, I’m also a biology nerd. So, brace yourselves….

I have, more than once, contemplated doing a cladistic analysis of Wampas and Tauntauns to determine their respective phylogenies, possibly using Banthas as an outroup taxon. The main thing that’s stopping me is that I can never get clear enough freeze-frames of Empire to be able to make out relevant character traits.

Could it be that Wampas are highly derived Banthas? The world wants to know!

I am so ashamed of myself for even admitting this.


Jillian, that is so cool! Really, I love that people feel so passionate about their field that they cross-pollinate with their other interests. I really do.

If it helps any, there are a number of mathematical papers around the place that do similar things. Yes, joining Jillian in the confession box, I must confess that I am, or at least was, a maths geek. Even worse, I am, or was, a computer geek. Programmer and general hacker, mind, so don’t ask me to fix your crappy Windows box.

There. I’ve said it. Say it loud and say it proud, Jillian: Geek I am, and geek I will remain!


Gary, is there some reason why we should listen to a sex offender like you?


Nobody is going to care if you make fun of Star Wars nerds. They are the absolute bottom rung of the social ladder.

No, that would be the Objectivists. Even Star Warts and furries make fun of Objectivists. Even *Scientologists* make fun of Objectivists. And even a soft-hearted progressive need not feel bad for mocking them, since a central tenet of the Objectivist creed seems to be that our mockery just indicates their natural superiority (cfa Jackie Mackie Paisley Plaid). So it’s all good.

Simply put there’s nothing so low that we cannot reduce further by putting it in an anatomically accurate mascot costume.

I say this with love: Some people simply look better wearing a full-head mascot costume. And, yes, among those people would be the current Oval Office Occupant. If only he’d worn a Rocket J. Squirrel headpiece with his flightsuit, for instance…

Herr Doktor Bimler

The concept of a Rocky-&-Bullwinkle White House does appeal. The downside is the corollary that Putin would have to dress up as Fearless Leader.

Herr Doktor Bimler

have, more than once, contemplated doing a cladistic analysis of Wampas and Tauntauns to determine their respective phylogenies, possibly using Banthas as an outroup taxon.
When numerical taxonomists go bad…

what they won’t do … is call you “the enemyâ€?, which is deeply, genuinely offensive
How about if I say bad things about Wagner trees?


How about if I say bad things about Wagner trees?

Like the one that had Notung stuck in it?


(comments are closed)