Travel In Packs And Do It From The Back
Okay, I realize there’s no point tracking the depths to which Ann Coulter will sink, but I thought I’d at least point out that scamp crawling around on the floor, trying to glimpse himself some Ann Coulter upskirt:
Lucky kid. We don’t know how you feel about those things, but we can’t hardly think of a worse fate than to grow up having to call that effeminate ambulance chaser “dad.”
This “lucky kid,” you should be aware, is John Edwards’ son Wade, who was killed in a car crash at age 16. I’ll pause while you wince, and then I’ll throw the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler a bone. After all, in the name of civility he made it all the way through his post without cursing. I know I can’t fucking do that. Figuring himself on some sort of roll, Emperor Misha unfurls a few thousand words on what worked with Coulter’s joke and what didn’t, apparently in the persona of a cartoon villain rubbing his hands together as he explains his brilliant scheme:
Oh, it was a most brilliant jab at the pissy pants on the PC left and their hyperventilating hysterics and demands that everybody who doesn’t follow their playbook regarding what you can and cannot think and say should go to re-education camp, but the problem with it was that it required too much thinking to figure out what she was jabbing AT.
That’s never good when you’re trying to be snarky and deliver a piercing, funny, sarcastic blow. You need it to hit right where it hurts without having to print a road map with annotations to accompany it.
While Misha’s word choices come from the batch I reserve for ransom notes and such, I won’t judge. Humor is a high highly subjective thing, and I could practically hear the writer’s hoots and cackles as I read.
Meanwhile, over at the Jawa Report, someone else with a ridiculous name agrees with “Cap’n” Ed Morrissey that civility starts with the man in the mirror, but quickly shifts gears to place Coulter in a long line of “incivil” disobedience:
If civility is the touchstone, one could rightfully criticize Jesus Christ for his uncivil treatment of the moneychangers in the temple. Whatever your definition of “civility,” I doubt it includes lashing a man with a bullwhip (without his consent, anyway).
If “civility” is what we’re really after, then we might want to rethink those troublesome protesters carrying off the Boston Tea Party. Mocking Native Americans and destroying private property? Quite uncivil.
Dang, dude. Jealous much?
the problem with it was that it required too much thinking to figure out what she was jabbing AT.
Ann Coulter: the Umberto Eco of “faggot” jokes.
Holy shit. Making fun of a dead kid?
Hope they’re not the type of conservatives who pitch a snit over abortion at all.
I’m confused. These oily flatulent excresions mascarading as humans get all breathlessly outraged when someone uses a dirty word and decry the use of the seven dirty words as proof of the incivility on the left yet they defend a disturbingly masculine appearing harpy taking a shots at a presidential candidate by going after his dead son as sophisticated political humor. These are truly horrible people.
The fact is, liberals are about to lose bigtime. Freedom is on the march. Libby will be pardoned and Wilson and Plame, the real criminals and traitors, will be indicted tomorrow.
Well, it is March….so your above average, faux Gary!
Gary Ruppert said,
March 7, 2007 at 2:40
The fact is, liberals are about to lose bigtime. Freedom is on the march. Libby will be pardoned and Wilson and Plame, the real criminals and traitors, will be indicted tomorrow.
Wow. You’ve been huffing freon out of the air conditioner again, haven’t you, Gary?
So, Ann Coulter is akin to Jesus? Yeah, and I’m a direct ideological descendant of Genghis Khan.
The fact is, liberals are about to lose bigtime. Freedom is on the march. Libby will be pardoned and Wilson and Plame, the real criminals and traitors, will be indicted tomorrow.
Keep practicing. You’ll get there, but that wasn’t quite authentic enough yet.
The fact is, liberals are about to lose bigtime.
Yeah, I can’t wait to lose bigtime, can we lose command bunnypants next?
command = commander
Damn you preview button, Big Time!
Hope they’re not the type of conservatives who pitch a snit over abortion at all.
Remember the Reichtard Dividing Line, Jillian: ‘Pre-born’ fetuses, SACRED. Actual children, living or dead: Useful only for target practice. These guys are bigger believers in original sin than John Calvin ever was. And they do it all with a room-temperature IQ, too!
Thats all cunservatives do anyway – jerk off to Man Coulter while hanging niggers.
How can he type so much while zeeg-hiling?
No, I’m sorry.
NO ONE can be so completely divorced from reality as Gary Ruppert’s statements above indicate. I’ve been reading this blog for the best part of a year, and he’s had me fooled all this time, but now I’m calling satire. There’s just no other possible way he could have said that.
but the problem with it was that it required too much thinking to figure out what she was jabbing AT.
She was jabbing at John Edwards, women, personal insult lawyers (aren’t you a lawyer, Annie?), and a dead teen boy. Um, I still don’t see how the joke wasn’t tasteless.
I meant injury. Ann Coulter is a personal insult lawyer, not John Edwards.
OK. Help me out here. I’m actually fairly in touch with the nauseating philosophies, strategies and tactics espoused by those like Misha. I mean, yes, I admit I’d rather let the guys here filter it for me than confront it full-on on a daily basis, but I remain pretty aware of what they’re about. And still they manage to both shock and surprise me with shit like this — making a humorless, juvenile, mean-spirited and utterly pointless joke about a boy who died? In order to, what? Provide feeble support for a weak and humorless aspersion cast by Coulter? Fuck. I want off this planet.
guys, check the link in teh Gary’s name.
Faux Gary. Game, set, match.
I think this is Gary II, The Sequel, Snowwy. Still has its definite charms, but not quite reaching the dramatic heights of the original.
This is slightly off-topic, and I know it’s a big day, but I want to be reassured that the good people at S,N! will soon be doing something with this:
It’s just… sitting there.
Sorry to interrupt but.
Does anyone know what is going on with Mike Stark,
His site has been down a couple of days
And he was posting some pretty powerful stuff.
not the real gary? great, i was just about to come up with a great “G Ruppert smells like” post.
fritos, chocolate yoo hoo, and socks. and ass.
I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the folks Jesus ran out of the temple were the rich, conservative right-wingers of the day. Carry on.
Hell, Mortician, they just keep finding a way to live down to loathsome. I’m pretty sure the last calcified remains of that group of cheerleaders for hell, you know, the ones with the pom-poms made from human flesh, are the 20 some % they have today. Those people (using the term very loosely) are not, well, offendable. They are in for the duration. So I dunno, maybe this is kind of a watershed where we can begin to no longer expose and ridicule them, and start ignoring and marginalizing them. They are worth nothing more.
And Anne Laurie.
Actual children, living or dead: Useful only for target practice.
Nah, they’re really easy to hit, even on rocknroll. You wanna sharpen your trigger pullers, you take practice on teenage boys. Oh wait, that’s SOP….
Ack! I can never keep all these identities straight! I’ll just take ya’ll’s word for it.
Judeanpeoplesfront, I’m not sure there is a real Gary.
Faux or no, he’s a lot more entertaining than some of our pie enthusiasts.
Great Nathan, after years of rehabilitation the waters of puget sound will be set back to industrial era toxicity in one weekend.
The Jawa Report excerpt has given me a new appreciation of Tim Hardaway. He was practicing incivil disobedience!
Libby will be pardoned and Wilson and Plame, the real criminals and traitors, will be indicted tomorrow.
Oh haa hah heee hee ho hoohoo!
I loves me some Gary. He makes me laugh!
Wait a minute, I’m getting dizzy! First the right is all pearl-clutching about the incivility on the left for some anonymous commenters speculating about Cheney’s death and other bloggers saying “Fuck” and now they’re telling us that Ann Coulter was just having a little good-nautred schoolyard fun, and that calls for civility would have stopped Jeebus from clearing the temple, and then piling on that Edwards is a fag and rejoicing that his son was killed in a car wreck? All the while being terrified that Mike Stark managed to….talk to them?
Holy fuck! These people are certifiablyt insane!
In the goons’ defense, g, many news outlets (rightly, I believe) chose to print The Ozzie Guillen Special, while Dick Cheney’s choice goes unpublished.
Civility now!
The “Rope. Tree. Journalist.” t-shirt at the nut-tard’s page is particularly nice if you are say … a black journalist like Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Constitution.
…all the kids who will never spring forth from the barren womb of Ann “manhands” Coulter, thems lucky kids.
Smilin’ Mortician: n order to, what? Provide feeble support for a weak and humorless aspersion cast by Coulter?
Its all about being ‘edgy’, Mort. They (the half-clever ones at least) gazed upon rock and roll, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, John Waters, punks, etc. and saw only the power that targeted provocation can have to re-shape social norms. What norms were being challenged and why seems never to have occurred to them; they only learned that if you pound on a taboo long enough it weakens and goes away.
Try to imagine what the Dead Kennedys would’ve been like if they were unabashedly pro-Reagan and you get the idea of what they’re after.
Real Gary would have been a bit poutier, I think, and he tends to beat his alleged points half to death. Too pithy, but good try!
Kingubu is true, mon, on da wiyah … Right wing punk or metal music can only move toward skin-head music, which everyone hates except skinheads. The only model of rebellion available has always been vehemently against racism and authoritarianism — except skinheads.
This is why Idiot Rottweiler has nowhere to go with his schtick except self-parody. You can’t host a site based on words if your ultimate answer for everything is beating someone up because they’re a pussy …
As FZ said, the result is … stressed cheese.
Wow. That might be the most appalling thing I’ve ever read. He out-Coultered Coulter.
And comparing Ann Coulter to Jesus? Jesus, the meek shall inherit the earth, blessed are the peacemakers, that Jesus? Jesus, let you who is without sin cast the first stone? That Jesus? Holy fuck.
But I knew that wasn’t the real Gary, y’all are so easy.
Ahem. I spotted faux Gary immediately after same posted. How about those Dead Kennedys?
No, Aquagirl, he means the Jesus who got wasted every night and screamed racist slurs at the Midianites.
You can’t host a site based on words if your ultimate answer for everything is beating someone up because they’re a pussy…
Can we fucking put this in the constitution and have done with it? I hate these fucks…
What kind of pathetic loser do you have to be to anoint yourself “Emperor Misha”?
That site is a vision of what society would look like if the organizing principle was a circle jerk.
Mikey — you are right. If not for the total awkwardness and square peg-round hole nature of skin-head leaning dirtbags trying to host a website to discuss in words why the ultimate solution is always a tire iron — Sadly No! could not exist !!!
Wow, this just cries stereotype:
Hahaha, I’d make fun of Silky Pony but I’m too breathless from my 24 marathon and it’s on again in an hour. I can’t wait to masturbate again!
That Misha. What a faggot.
Let’s not forget who’s #1 AND #2 for that particular search term.
I meant injury. Ann Coulter is a personal insult lawyer, not John Edwards.
Correction: Ann Coulter is a personal insult.
Aquagirl said,
And comparing Ann Coulter to Jesus? Jesus, the meek shall inherit the earth, blessed are the peacemakers, that Jesus? Jesus, let you who is without sin cast the first stone? That Jesus? Holy fuck.
Sniper said,
No, Aquagirl, he means the Jesus who got wasted every night and screamed racist slurs at the Midianites.
I laughed so hard I nearly swallowed my laptop. Carry on.
But this is something I’ve been wondering about for a while, off and on. How is it that the raging self-righteous right bleats on about all sorts of virtues, then does exactly the opposite? Then, then, adding insult to other insult, accuse progressives of doing it?
I mean, all that “Teh Left hates us and all we stand for. They’re nothing but big hating haters, and they’re also not funny. Plus, they, like, have no sense of humour. Or logic. And they want to kill all children, and gnaw on their bones”.
I apologise for the lack of spelling and grammatical errors, but I just can’t bring myself to do that. Any poor soul who so much as suggests that killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people won’t make many friends is suddenly faced with a pasty horde of foaming, shouty belligerent yokels, warbling “Turr’rists!!! Satanists! Worshippers of Beelzebub, and haters of Mur’ka!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and incivil too!!!” *
Don’t they have any self-awareness? Don’t they have the slightest inkling that they’re actually ranting at bogeymen they themselves have made up?
You don’t catch cats doing that. If you upset a cat, you don’t leave your underwear drawer even slightly ajar, because the smell of cat wee takes years to get rid of, you know what I’m saying? ** And when you say to another cat, “Hey. Bite me.” they do. No faffing around. Cats do not accuse one another of their own failings. It’s all pretty straightforward. When my sister Luschka jumps on me while I’m napping, I give her a swipe with the claws out. When I jump out at her from behind the couch, I don’t then harangue her, claiming that she jumped out at me.
So what is it with you humans? Why are you so weird? Why don’t y’all just have a good, screaming scrap in the back yard, then snuggle up together, lick each other’s wounds, and have a nap? Always works for me.
*I always thought it was ‘uncivil’…?
** Research kindly contributed by my predecessor, Mercury The Crazed Semi-Siamese.
Sometimes, I consider that possibly, they have extremely damaged short term memories when it comes to verbal communications. So that they forget, within minutes, the argument they just made.
So they have several dicta that they remember, probably because they have them embroidered on pillows, that set them off: Democrats are Traitors; The MSM is Wrong; Ann Coulter is Attractive; with which to process any particular event.
So process they do, using the shortest path of smei-logic to reach theri predetermined conclusion, and never does it occur that what they just wrote conflicts with their own writings of just a few hours previously.
And no, self awareness can not be part of this process, or it breaks down.
And when you point it out, they short circuit and say “The Clenis! Michael Moore is Fat! Liberals Swear!”
OK, give the guy credit for truth in labeling. “Idiot” is right there in the blog name. But did no one besides me see the…”John ‘I talk to dead people’ Edwards” ref?
At first I thought he was joking, or I’d been drinking too much (still a goal).
So I read further, he can do with it as he pleases, even IF he earned it by lying, pretending to be in possession of supernatural powers and ripping off the general public…
Does this clown not understand that there are at least two John Edwards alive today?
Is it some elaborate joke? Am I too drunk? Is he too stupid? Last 2 not exclusive, yes.
Miss Emily,
Even worse, the psychic guy is John Edward.
Miss Emily –
This “psychic ripoff” thing is in reference to a passage in a Coulter (fingerquotes) column (undo fingerquotes):
In one of Edwards’ silver-tongued arguments to the jury on behalf of a girl born with cerebral palsy, he claimed he was channeling the unborn baby girl, Jennifer Campbell, who was speaking to the jurors through him:
“She said at 3, ‘I’m fine.’ She said at 4, ‘I’m having a little trouble, but I’m doing OK.’ Five, she said, ‘I’m having problems.’ At 5:30, she said, ‘I need out.’�
She’s saying, “My lawyer needs a new Jaguar … “
“She speaks to you through me and I have to tell you right now – I didn’t plan to talk about this – right now I feel her. I feel her presence. She’s inside me, and she’s talking to you.�
Of course, Coulter is being deliberately obtuse here. One word: METAPHOR.
There’s no end to these pricks. (Is it okay to say prick? I never know.)
By the way, I’m listening to MERCURY by THE AMERICAN MUSIC CLUB and it’s rocking my fucking face.
Just sayin’.
Hell, Mortician, they just keep finding a way to live down to loathsome. I’m pretty sure the last calcified remains of that group of cheerleaders for hell, you know, the ones with the pom-poms made from human flesh, are the 20 some % they have today. Those people (using the term very loosely) are not, well, offendable. They are in for the duration. So I dunno, maybe this is kind of a watershed where we can begin to no longer expose and ridicule them, and start ignoring and marginalizing them. They are worth nothing more.
Mikey, I think you’re onto something there.
Until this link to the Rottweiler’s site, I had not visited that particular corner of Hell. At the bottom is a scared little person, standing up on the highest place he can find and just screaming “AAAAA!! AAAAA!!!!” at the top of his lungs. You can find this sort of thing in train stations, bus depots and other public places where the poor sods Reagen “de-institutionalized” have washed up.
The posting and the comments under it are all from people with truly frightening levels of rage in them. The part that isn’t their fault: the last 20 years or so, AM radio and the various other portions of the wingnutosphere have made their living by scaring the living shit out of these vulnerable people, telling them that every goddam problem in their lives was the fault of The Other. Hippies, liberals, feminazis, Clinton, muslims, Hollywood.
The part that is their fault: They have taken this poisonous swill into their bodies and it has taken them over. Like the alien Black Oil on the X-Files, if you will, overriding their humanity. They have channeled their fear and frustration with whatever life condition they find themselves in, and turned it outward, seeking a target that The Big Man In Charge tells them that it’s OK to hate.
I see this whole trend getting darker & darker. The more the pendulum starts to swing back the other way, the more people like this are going to get frantic and deranged. Fuck it. I’m with Mort. I want off this rock too.
The part that is their fault: They have taken this poisonous swill into their bodies and it has taken them over.
They did make a choice to believe it, you know, and that’s what is crucial. I mean, some folks grow up in progressive surrounds, and so learn to be progressive. I didn’t. I grew up in a semi-stinky welfare area (on the edge of, anyway), and when I heard that sort of crap I thought about it, and thence rejected it because it was dumb. They don’t. They want somebody to blame, and somebody to hate, so they suck it all up and don’t think. Maybe they can’t think. Maybe they’re born stupid. I know that most of them, by the evidence on various discussion forae, can’t spell or use correct grammar or punctuation. I know that they have an appalling amount of hate. I know that they completely reject any attempt at discussion, either in person or in comments. They completely reject any attempt to dispute their pathetic opinions by use of verifiable facts.
And that, dear friends, is what really grieves me. And really frightens me. Our political world, and our entire future, is being shaped by people who believe in Santa and Satan, good and evil, myths and strawmen, rather than facts, logic, and compassion. The irony is that they’re passionately supporting those responsible for many of the problems in their lives, and vilifying those who might make a positive difference.
I’m with y’all. But better than us leaving, let’s ship them off: anyone ever read an old sci fi story called The Marching Morons? It’s an interesting thought, despite the genocidal aspect (and the wiki writers made a slight error about the ending).
Apropos of nothing, and on a slightly less depressing note, I found this today, and it shocked the living bejeesus out of me: Kevin Rowlands in stockings?!? This Kevin Rowlands, of Dexy’s Midnight Runners, singer of the immortal “Come On Eileen?!? What is this world coming to?
[…] Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: ‘Ann Coulter’s a comic genius and her heart is in the far-right place, but I think this time her joke may have been too sophisticated.’ […]
Combining the estimable Qetesh’s “ship ’em out” suggestions, with Nathan’s nugget on the National Review Alaska Cruise above, it seems to me we have the beginning of a plan…if that ship were to Never Return (meant in the most civil way possible), the world would be a better place.
Do you mean something along the lines of a three-hour tour, les?
I was actually a little queasy reading someone celebrating the idea of a parent griveving over the death of their child. Forget politics. What kind of sick person could ever do that? What kind of warped soul would ever think of such a thing, much less say it? How do people applaud that? I posted my advice, but doubt it will be acted upon.
Honestly, if this is the sort of person our society has produced, something is terribly, terribly wrong
Yes, Travis, that’s the idea.
And someguy, I too am disturbed about that. Even more, I’m disturbed that they consider themselves the party of values. They believe themselves to be morally superior.
Woe unto us, is all I can say.
Naughty Qetesh! Especially since I believe you come from a land populated by “the sons of a son of a scoundrel”, as the filksong goes. Although I suppose it could be argued that you have first-hand evidence that even the worst “scourings of the gutter and the workhouse” might someday produce a posterity approaching the human average — if only we could find an isolated and uninhabited landscape. Hmm, how do you suppose the video rights would sell?
tgvs pwvzx ibgxkr iyzewf otifkxmu zghoura cyuahg