A Flock Of Seagulls

Gathering of Eagles countdown
By Michelle Malkin
March 05, 2007

12 more days until The Gathering of Eagles in Washington, D.C.

Are you ready?


Bradrocket adds: I’m sure they’ll come prepared for battle.

Gavin adds: The heroes are fully equipped.



Comments: 77


You are picking on hair???



The mullet is more than a hairstyle. It is a way of life. No haircut says as much about its owner as the mullet. Party in the back, business in the front. Two haircuts occupying one head.

In the 80’s, lots of people had mullets, myself included. But it’s 2007 now, and there’s no excuse for sporting this tragic haircut. If you have a mullet nowadays, you are either:
A. An ironic L.A. hipster trying to discover this year’s version of the “trucker cap,” or
B. A regular, garden variety dumbass.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian


C. A Status Quo fan from the 70s, who doesn’t see any reason to change what is a perfectly good haircut. Hey, it got me laid for the first time, I’m not changing a winning formula!

(Please note: I’m speaking here from the perspective of category C, not from my own previously immaculately coiffed perspective)


C. A regular, incarcerated, card carrying member of a white supremacy booster group.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

And why the buggery bollocks does Akismet keep telling me I’m ham? I’m not, really, although I just ate some (burp).

Oh, JK47, I see my category C fits within your category B. Oops. Put it down to mouse fatigue.


They have gathered to call Michael Moore fat.



Would the gathering of eagles be mad if I showed up and threw them a bucket of raw herring guts? Because that seems to me like it would be a thoughtful gift to bring a gathering of eagles.


Is this like a convocation of Kleagles?


The eagle is a carrion eating animal with a tiny brain and sharp claws that can do a lot of damage. The bald eagle is also a huge coward and will always run away if attacked. XD


Look, Mom and Dad! Our very own Freikorps!

And I adore the Malkin thing’s suggestion that by attacking people who are using their First Amendment rights, they are “representing the troops”.

This really, really is Freikorps mentality. You see, these liberals are a threat to our country. They’ve done so much to eat away at our American vitality that they’ve even caused the rot of their weakness to eat away at the heart of our government. Why, our government even has to share power with these liberals!

So, regardless of whether our government can not or will not do something to stop these liberals, fear not! There are still loyal, faithful, redblooded Americans who understand that dedication to God and country means that we must sometimes place ourselves on the line and fight the fight against the enemy within that our government fails to fight.

The only thing that keeps me sanguine in the face of the increasing fascism of America is the knowledge that most of these “Eagles” that will be gathering are probably more cowardly and incompetent than even your average 1920s Bavarian beer hall bratwurst gorging loudmouth.

Seriously, even the name is Freikorp-ish. “A Gathering of Eagles”?

Check out the good General if you want an up-close look at just how much like fascists these guys sound.


A Gathering of Eagles? Is that a Leni Riefenstahl flick?


Um, so they named their little non-event after a Rock Hudson movie? Curious.

Why do I get the feeling this is going to draw the usual 15-20 cheeto-stained wretches and one very confused Don Henely…


If John Ashcroft shows and sings his Let the eagle soar song I am SO there!

But Gavin got it just right with naming it a Flock of Seagulls. Theme song is built right in:
And I ran
I ran so far away
Couldn’t get away (from the military recruiters.)


How many times have you sat in front of the TV over the last four years, watching anti-war activists march on Washington, chase the ROTC off your local college campus, vandalize war memorials, insult the troops and wreak havoc under the surrender banner?

That would be zero times.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

The bald eagle is also a huge coward and will always run away if attacked. XD

Errr, Non Nato, I’d imagine the bald eagle would be more likely to fly away if attacked…

Is that a Leni Riefenstahl flick?

Funny how the old stuff comes back into fashion, isn’t it?


I’m glad to see this event take place and I anxiously await these patriots to protest about the lack of proper body and tank armor on behalf of the troops.

I can just imagine all the outrage and righteous anger we will hear about the budgets cuts at the V.A., and the disturbing living conditions at Walter Reed and other army hospitals.

I’m sure thats exactly what will happen since they support the troops way more than those cheese eating surrender-monkeys, or loony liberals if you prefer to use that label.


Why is George W. Bush funding al-Qaida and why aren’t we asking why he’d still send troops into harm’s way without the necessary funding?

We ought to be cutting Bush’s funding to al-Qaida, instead, except that Bush did another end-run around Congress to get that money.


A Gathering of Eagles? More like a Micturation of Chickenhawks.


I really need to see some pictures of this event. Only, no one get to close to it; we can’t have the wingers getting in a tizzy about “stalkers”=.”


Let me see if I understand this:
1) Opposing war means you hate the troops
2) Wanting the vets to have quality care means you hate the troops
3) Exercising our Constitutional Rights by peaceful protests against policies we find abhorent means you hate the troops

The gathering of eagles talks about protecting the monuments? Has any group said, “In protest of the Iraq War we are going to tear down the Lincoln Memorial?”

Jurassicpork ~ if we don’t adequately fund Al Qaida, who will? There was only so much money our friends the Saudis could give them!


oops, I forgot that wanting the troops to have adequate meals, training, weapons, equipment, armor & vehicles also means you hate the troops.


Er, have these dimwits applied for a permit from the DC cops?


I wonder if the name “Eagle’s nest” means anything to these people?


Seanly, it also means you are a terror-loving Communist.


Oooh, I had Hockey Hair back when I was young, from 1984 to 1989, but once you get it you can’t get it again. Only problem is Grizzled Prospecter Syndrome is associated with an immunity to Hockey Hair… consarn it, I’m hornswagled!


You are all going to get so beaten up if you show up in D.C.


Oops. Forgot. If you even look at the Vietnam War Memorial you hate the troops. Even if you think about the Vietnam Memorial and develop a mental image of it in your head then you hate the troops. So you’re hating the troops right now by reading this.

Troop haters.


From Malkin:

Now, imagine our troops getting word of that count. They’re walking the talk, committed to the long, hard mission of counterinsurgency in Iraq and abroad, risking life and limb – and only 40 of their fellow Americans bothered to represent them in the nation’s capital?

Only 40? They need to get some wingnut welfare busses going. Don’t trips on your lips while you’re walking the talk, Michelle!


Color us unimpressed.


Many years ago I did some work for Ross Perot at his office in Dallas, before he sold EDS. I noticed that in several places in his office he had a statement on display that said (approximately) “Eagles don’t flock, you have to find them one by one.”
Perhaps their celebration should be “A covey of gullible,cowardly, greedy, mindless assholes.” promoted by one of the “Heathers” for those in the know.


Welcome to the Hotel California…


Will Ms. Malkin be coming with her keyboard or on it?



of course no movement like this would be complete without the armband.

seriously, that’s what’s on the fornt page of the fucking website: “Get Your Armbands and Other Gear at the GOE Store”.

i am speechless.


Sounds like a great crowd to send some military recruiters into. All that patriotic fervor, I’m sure they could fill up the ranks in no time!


You're Cut Too, Shooshy

Don’t let the sound of your own voice drive you crazy…
(which is hard when you’re Pamela Atlas, and you make
Jade Goody sound like Laurence Olivier)

Can we order some “Gathering of Eagles” T-shirts to pass
out free to them? I think we all know what color they should be.

And my preferred collective is a screech of wingnuts.


I could not figure out the rationale for the gathering of eagles, so I posted an innocent query and got a predictable response. There actually have been two ‘desecrations’ in the last five years (according to cooking fora, at least), at local memorials, so clearly there is some sort or risk here that is mathematically measurable–

[apologies if this is illegible, lack of preview button and all that]

Tulkinghorn March 6th, 2007 9:50 am

Need some help here.

What is the exact nature of the threat on the monuments? I understand from the various posts and comments that the GOE is a response to a threat against the monuments, specifically to deface them. Who is making this threat?

Presumably just marching through or demonstrating at the site of the monuments would not be desecration….
Coop March 6th, 2007 9:58 am





I presume you’re wrong. For traitor Jane Fonda to have the nerve to even think of appearing near the Wall, that enough is dishonor and desecration.
travelinman March 6th, 2007 9:59 am

Having fonda in the same zip code as the Wall is a desecration.


More like a Micturation of Chickenhawks.

Has the screen name McTur8 been taken yet at the GOE blog?


Let the eagle soar with satellites, A tribute to Ashcroft’s crookedness.


They’re selling armbands?

This movement is going places, I can tell.


For the full Swedish revivification experience, go read their Mission Statement and the Comments appended thereto, until your eyeballs feel “slightly gelid.” Then, quickly, plunge your head into a bowl of ice water. It’s Swedish!


The only place i could envision a gathering of eagles is over a large piece of carrion.

Just sayin’.


A gathering of eagles
Appeared above my head
They sang to me this song of hope
And this is what they said…



Last time there was a Gathering of Eagles near here, they were scavenging an alewife die-off. As for eagle nests — they are very badly made, huge top-heavy stacks of dead wood smeared with guana and leftover carrion. Yet the eagles are loyal to the nests of their youth, returning year after year, generation after generation, to the same teetering pile stinking of ancient death and recent micturation. This, at least, the Reichtards have in common with America’s National Bird.


The only place i could envision a gathering of eagles is over a large piece of carrion.

The only place I’ve ever seen one is over a whole shitload of dead salmon. There must be a joke in there, I just can’t find it…


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss! Libby guilty on 4 out of five charges.


Gavin, did you design this for GOE? It looks like your work.


The Order of the Flaming Chickenhawk.


“CATEGORIES… Armbands, Ladies Apparel, Shirts and Outerwear, Headwear, Other Stuff.”

I thought they only offered the one kind.
You know the ones – solid red, white circle on the outside, jaunty swastika in the circle….


A Smattering of Fraggles.


Do the profits from their armbands, shirts & mousepads go to the soldiers?


Do you think thses two harpies will be attending the Gathering of Vultures.


Why can they not see it?

You can lead a con to water, but you can’t convince him it’s water.


JK47 & Qetesh-

Would it be wrong to say that your (A) and (C) are but mere subsets of:

“B. regular, garden variety dumbass”

Just sayin’.

And wow- armbands? That’s a nice touch. Seriously, has any other political group marketed armbands since the 2d World War? Besides the usual out-of-the-closet white-supremacist groups (Stormfront, the Klan), of course.


I’ve seen a couple of crows pretty neatly chase an eagle away from a crow’s nest. The eagle really didn’t fight very hard before flying away.

Desecrations at memorial, eh? I seem to recall…..

Truck running over crosses

Last night an angry man from Waco, apparently offended by the memorial, drove his pick up truck to Camp Casey and proceeded to run over the crosses with a chain and pipe fastened to the back.


Duros62 said,
You can lead a con to water, but you can’t convince him it’s water.

I nominate this for Comment of the Day. It’s, like, so totally tubular in its awesomeness.

mario fitzputzo

Where is ticky tacky with his lite brite sabre?


mario fitzputzo

collective nouns for birds are such fun:

A cooch of Anis

mario fitzputzo

Eagles don’t gather, apparently…

A congress of eagles
A convocation of eagles

mario fitzputzo

They do stoop:

Eagles, a stooping of


Magic: The Gathering of Eagles

We gotta tap two blue and Counterspell these bozos…


Do you think it a gathering of this eagle?

Herr Doktor Bimler

As for eagle nests — they are very badly made, huge top-heavy stacks of dead wood smeared with guana and leftover carrion

Oww, these pedantry pants are tight… they seem to have shrunk since last time I wore them…
No, the term guano can only be used of bats and seabirds. Owls (and questing beasts) produce fewmets, but the term for a hawk dropping is a mute — which I’m happy to apply to eagles as well.

Did you know that ‘gleet’ is the stomach phlegm of a hawk? Neither did I until just now.


Owls produce fewmets? How do they do with yankees?


Hopefully there will be a conveniently located Army Recruiting booth
amidst this gathering so the eligible eaglets can muster in mass for
the golden opportunity to put their asses where their mouths are. And I
mean that most respectfully to all who have.


A Flock of Seagulls? What, fly in, make lots of noise, shit all over everything, and leave? That kind of flock of seagulls?


I thought gleet was one of those unsavory exudates associated with, ahem, social diseases.

Principal Blackman

Teh Malkin:
How many times have you sat in front of the TV over the last four years, watching anti-war activists march on Washington, chase the ROTC off your local college campus, vandalize war memorials, insult the troops and wreak havoc under the surrender banner?

Her entire lede sounds like a trade-show come-on:

Man: Folks, how often have you opened the morning paper only to have the rubber band fly off and hit you right in the eye?
Marge: Never, but it’s my number-once concern!


How many times have you sat in front of the TV over the last four years, watching anti-war activists march on Washington, chase the ROTC off your local college campus, vandalize war memorials, insult the troops and wreak havoc under the surrender banner?
Hey !!! She left out spitting on returning soldiers !!!

The lede must reach its crescendo with sweeping, urban-myth style accusations of hippies spitting on soldiers !!!

How can you have your smear if you don’t have your spit !!!

Herr Doktor Bimler

How can you have your smear if you don’t have your spit !!!


Gavin, your picture Update reeks of fat bigotry! I demand you apologize over the next 20 posts or I shall remove you from my blogroll!

Or not. I’m still not sure i’m upset, but maybe I am.

Damn this moral relativity!


Are you sure these aren’t wedding photos?

Herr Doktor Bimler

Eaglets, I’ve had a few-
met; Then again, too few to mention…


Oregon Guy said @ March 6, 2007 at 19:59

And wow- armbands? That’s a nice touch. Seriously, has any other political group marketed armbands since the 2d World War? Besides the usual out-of-the-closet white-supremacist groups (Stormfront, the Klan), of course.

Well there are those Red State Armbands of the Glorious Conservative Cultural Revolution in the name of Dear Leader in defense of the Dictatorship of the Petroltariat! I think the General has some artistic renditions of these at the top of his fine call to arm(band)s.


Wouldn’t a Gathering of Beagles be more appropriate? Medium sized canines who yelp and bark a lot at squirrels…and shadows.

“The first mention of the beagle in English literature by name dates from 1475. The origin of the word “beagle” is uncertain, although it has been suggested that the word derives from the French begueule (meaning “open throat”, or more colloquially, “loudmouth”) or from an Old English, French, or Welsh term beag, meaning “small.” Other possibilities include the French beugler (meaning “to bellow”) and the German begele (meaning “to scold”).”



[…] of these nouns is as endless as it is creative. Who hasn’t heard of a Cooch of Anis or a A Flock of Seagulls? Hey! That last one almost rhymes with a Gathering of Eagles. The GoE organizers need a head […]


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