From Case File: Stark v Raving-Mad [updated]
When Malkin’s people raised a hysterical victim shriek yesterday about Mike Stark’s visit to the Conservative Political Action Conference, they apparently didn’t realize he had a pocket recorder with him. Because today we find this attempt to displace the raw-spoken Ann Coulter as Queen Bee:
The CPAC I saw
By Michelle Malkin
March 04, 2007 11:15 AM[…]
There are countless conservatives who bring their children to CPAC. It’s a family-friendly event. I brought mine last year and the year before. I met several parents with their kids there this year. We expect CPAC to be a place where conservative role models speak with clarity, passion, and integrity. There are enough spewers of mindless filth, vulgarity, and hatred on TV, at the movies, and in the public schools. We don’t expect our children to be exposed to that garbage at the nation’s preeminent conservative gathering.
Whereas, here’s Malkin chatting with Mike Stark at CPAC:
Stark: “What happened, Michelle?
Malkin: “Some punks from the Nation came, and they ambushed me at my book signing.”
Stark: “Heh, that’s real professional.”
Malkin: “Yeah. Such chickenshits.”
Stark: “What did they do?”
Malkin: “Uh, they had a video camera, and they, uh, started, uh, lambasting my book. Assholes. I’m sorry, I’m just like, cursing. It’s made me [unintelligible]. ”
Above: Audio enhanced via SadlySoft
Also see Michelle’s spastic video freakout, courtesy Max Blumenthal at The Nation!
Update: Transcript corrected by Mike Stark. (Mike’s site has gone down hard. These mysterious denial-of-service attacks are very mysterious.)
It’s made me [unintelligible].
So that’s what made her unintelligible!
Much ado about stuffing.
I said it once and I’ll say it again: Amanda made Michelle say “Fuck Bush” several times on camera. Go Amanda!
I am shocked.
they, uh, started, uh, lambasting my blog
He asked her to autograph a photo of detainees at Manzanar. I wonder why she didn’t say that instead of the “lambasting my blog” fiction.
The video’s hilarious. The “chickenshit” Malkin offered seems to be a smelled it/dealt it kinda thing.
What exactly would be the ballsy thing to have done?
I personally have the vapors. I demand Michelle Malkin resign her blogging job for the Slobodon Milosovic/Jefferson Davis campaign immediately.
Why does Michelle Malkin hate conservative Americans?
What exactly would be the ballsy thing to have done?
Dropping ordnance on her booth from 30 000 feet.
Wait, wait.
You mean to tell me. That Michelle Malkin has children? Her own? Children? She has?
This has sent my entire view of reality into freefall.
So some people ambush her at a signing and then the stalker dude does it again, but with a hidden tape recorder, she curses and then apologizes and um, what is this thread about????
I think this thread is about how Brad and Gavin are insanely jealous of Michelle Malkin, Miss Annie.
Patkin said,
You mean to tell me. That Michelle Malkin has children? Her own? Children? She has?
She hatched them herself.
looks like Mike’s getting the DDOS…
$ ping
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
I love it when moronic brownshirt fucks pretend to be two different people and talk to themselves. It never gets old…
Wasn’t Little Bryan at hand to protect her? After all, CPAC is clearly more dangerous than Iraq.
A little bit of fun.
But see, Michelle uses bad language where in belongs: In private conversation to desparage other people. Using it in public to express your disgust at the direction the country has taken? Oh the horror!
Don’t wingnuts try to infiltrate Yearly Kos and do Merry Prankster stuff with videos like our side does too thier little shindigs? If they don’t, why not? Are they afraid Army Recruiters are going to be there?
Why are they so freaked out about all this? Are they really that much of a pack of humorless dinks?
There’s an old Police album that describes Malkin’s internment book– Zendatta Manzanerrata, I think it is.
Slightly OT but the Screaming Harpy has weighed in with comments on Coulter.
As far as Coulter’s out of the left field “faggot” remark goes — it may have been a poor choice of words but further Atlas investigation reveals John Edwards campaign has a mostly gay staff and rumors about his sexuality are rife. Just for knowing.
The fact is if there is any true to these rumors, that perhaps Edwards is gay, shouldn’t we know that? Shouldn’t we know if this man is deceiving his wife, children, country and living a lie? Shouldn’t we know if a man that represents the party that celebrates gay rights is so ashamed of it, he lives a ginormous lie? Regardless of your position on gay marriage, regardless of whether you celebrate or merely tolerate the gay lifestyle, we ought to know if John Edwards is a liar and a hypocrite.
Perhaps someone should ask the President if the rumours on certain leftwing blogs that the reason he has so much influence over Tony Blair is because they are having a homosexual relationship are true.
Shouldn’t we know if the President and Commander in Chief of the military including the strategic nuclear forces is, as so many rumors have indicated, an alcoholic and drug addict? Don’t we have every reason to pursue those rumors, and shouldn’t it lead to mandatory drug testing for elected officials…
The funniest thing about this clip is the way Malkin apologizes for using the pretty mild swear word “chickenshit.” Can these people really be THAT square?
I think this thread is about how Brad and Gavin are insanely jealous of Michelle Malkin, Miss Annie.
Coming from the biggest attention whore on the intertubes, this is particularly rich.
Someone sounds jealous of Shoelimpy. 🙂
To me it sounds like she says “lambasting my book.”
if there is any true to these rumors, that perhaps Edwards is gay, shouldn’t we know that?
If you prove you aren’t homosexual, Michelle, then maybe John Edwards will follow your lead.
There are enough spewers of mindless filth, vulgarity, and hatred on TV, at the movies, and in the public schools. We don’t expect our children to be exposed to that garbage at the nation’s preeminent conservative gathering.
She brought the kids to CPAC? Jeebus, how bored the little tykes must have been!
And can we please have a moratorium on the word “spew” being used as an equivalent for speech? It’s so over.
I think this thread is about how Brad and Gavin are insanely jealous of Michelle Malkin
Ya know, I’d almost be jealous of Michelle Malkin. Think about it. She gets up every morning knowing that no matter how bad her day’s gonna be, she won’t have to work hard at all to make a shitload of money exploiting the fears and hatred of others. She knows she can write whatever outrageous bullshit she wants, right up to outright lies, not having to do an actual lick of journalistic reasearch, and she knows the people who pay her money won’t call her on it or care that she gets caught out, which she invariably will. She knows that whatever nonsense she drops, a horde of screaming howler monkeys will defend past the point where she’s proven irrevokably wrong and/or a liar, and some will even perform physical violence in her name. She knows there’s a good chance she’ll be on television where, again, whatever she says she’s not responsible for. It must be nice to know you can knock out a poorly argued, shoddily researched book in two months that’s instantly ripped apart by any credible academic yet you’ll still get published.
In fact, if one had no dignity or self-respect at all, I could definately see how anyone would be a bit envious of Michelle Malkin. It’s all about how much of a dirtbag for the big money you’re willing to be, I suppose.
OT again, but it looks like the worm has turned on Coulter this time.
J-, that would certainly make more sense.
off topic
Dafydd ab Hugh
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the nation had a video camera and a picture of japanese children at an internment camp during WWII they asked her to sign. it had nothing to do with her blog
annie im finally going to say it.
you’re an idiot. Red text on a somewhat red background? anyone who chooses to do that has be fucking retarded
Don’t wingnuts try to infiltrate Yearly Kos and do Merry Prankster stuff with videos like our side does too thier little shindigs? If they don’t, why not? Are they afraid Army Recruiters are going to be there?
The Reichtards talk tough when they’re all alone in their intertoobz basements, but they haven’t shown much initiative when it comes to acting on their tough talk about baseball bats and cock-slapping and the rest of their amazing G.I. Joe conversation-skillz. The word “chickenhawk” applies to every aspect of their sad little lives, and none of them wants to be the first to be captured on camera having his ass handed to him by a progressive little old lady with a walker, or a liberal pansy with two black belts (the second one in tongue-lashing). Their failure to put their money where their mouths are is a net benefit, of course, because hotels charge a ginormous cleaning fee when Repubs piddle the carpets, and you know the Cheeto Brigade will skip out on that bill, too.
When the really hilarious losing-it flip-out comes from someone who really wants to be famous, I guess you could say they’ve gone star-craving mad.
Ian Shwartz from Newsbusters is stalking Maureen Dowd! My hands are still shaking (but only with the giggles).
annie – I have come across sites like yours on the intertoobz which pander to leg fetishists – with the God-fearing schtick at the top does it mean that you a Christian dominatrix as well. You aren’t one of The General’s paddlers are you?
BTW, the script on your merchandise is so small that anybody who was visually impared and who tried to read it would be arrested for lewd conduct
Galactic Dustbin said @ March 5, 2007 at 3:39
Are they really that much of a pack of humorless dinks?
Hey, Pasty regularly wins Wrong Blogistan’s humor awards.
just sayin’.
Someone sounds jealous of Shoelimpy.
No, I’m jealous of Dr. BLT.
Uh, oh. He’s probably gonna show up here now. Sorry, guys.
It’s too obvious that the annie site is a parody, like that Jesus General guy whatever his name is, or Betty Bowers. The red-on-red and sometimes orange-on-red design with the falling flowers (?) is over the top. A recent post with a cat picture, but she calls it “pussy blogging”? A letter in which she says a woman who e-mailed her should marry a guy she doesn’t love, because he’s rich?
The drawback is that unlike Betty Bowers and the Jesus General guy, annie isn’t funny. But I think it’s still an attempt at parody.
I’m sure Malkin realizes that chickenshit is inappropriate.
The Conservatives should just stick to using more appropriate and wholesome words like “raghead” and “faggot”, and keep fantasizing out loud about how many ways liberals should be eliminated. That way next years conference can be more family-friendly.
What would you call it if Woman A decides to confront and attack Woman B in a very public fashion almost ever day for years?
What would you call that?
What if Woman A decides that she needs to gather a bunch of people, fly halfway across the country to confront Woman B?
What would you call that?
What if Woman A decides to spend two years digging up dirt about Woman B’s personal life without permission and puts it into a book?
What would you call that?
What if Woman A decides to gather an even bigger group with ex-Seals and retired military to drive across the entire country to confront Woman B?
What would you call that?
Kind of sounds like obsessive, behavior to me.
Woman A is Melanie Morgan
Woman B is Cindy Sheehan
Morgan’s “Move America Forward” is teaming up with the people behind “John Kerry Lies” to confront Cindy Sheehan in DC. She has accused Sheehan of planning to desecrate the war memorials and so this group spoiling for a confrontation. They are activly working to start a fight.
Does it sound to anyone else that they are hoping for some violence?
Here is the Video
“…she curses and then apologizes and um, what is this thread about????”
Why is it that some people persist in preserving in their writing on the Internets the verbal tics and circumlocutions that most other folks are trying to eradicate from their speech?
Isn’t the “um” generally a placeholder used when we can’t think of anything intelligent to say? I sometimes wonder whether these people turned in term papers full of ellipses to indicate the time they spent staring at the screen trying to figure out what to write.
Loved the “three broken engagements” question directed at Coulter. She was momentarily stunned. And to pick on Blumenthal’s looks? Um, he’s not exactly a troll, so it just made her look more crazy and desperate. Nice treat to end the weekend. Thanks.
“blowback said,
March 5, 2007 at 5:03
annie – I have come across sites like yours on the intertoobz which pander to leg fetishists – with the God-fearing schtick at the top does it mean that you a Christian dominatrix as well. ”
Sexist liberal dude bullshit. The way you assholes hate on women makes me SICK.
Isn’t the “um� generally a placeholder used when we can’t think of anything intelligent to say? I sometimes wonder whether these people turned in term papers full of ellipses to indicate the time they spent staring at the screen trying to figure out what to write.
Funny, but my wife (a linguist) just had a post a few days ago on this very topic.
Long story short: in the course of some work she’s doing, she’s come across some very convincing arguments that “um” and “er” are real words, with real meaning.
Why is it that some people onthe internet talk about some people onthe internet in a condescending way while adding nothing to the debate or even the conversation????
“Long story short: in the course of some work she’s doing, she’s come across some very convincing arguments that “umâ€? and “erâ€? are real words, with real meaning.”
Screaming Harpy’s post’s comments are instructive:
Coulter did not call Edwards a faggot. She said “*If* I were to call him,” etc. Big difference.
Clever Retort
So, geo11 … You would have no problem *if* I were to imply that Condi Rice is a dyke nigger, not actually calling her a dyke nigger, but merely alluding to the fact that *if* I were to call her a dyke nigger, I would need to enter rehab?
btw — rumors about her sexuality are rife!
“Long story short: in the course of some work she’s doing, she’s come across some very convincing arguments that “um� and “er� are real words, with real meaning.�
Oh yeah, well just wait till all you lefty scumbags have your little “YearlyKos” wing-ding. We’re gonna show up and….take your pictures! Maybe even …ask you a question!!
I know, I know, it’s vicious, but you guys started it.
Update: Transcript corrected by Mike Stark. (Mike’s site has gone down hard. These mysterious denial-of-service attacks are very mysterious.)
Goddammit, Lamont!
I loved this in one of the HotAir comments (yes, I’m starved for entertainment, and heavily procrastinating on work). Apparently, and you may not have known this, but the following equation holds:
Pie-inna-face == terrorism.
Fascinating, isn’t it? I’d have called it whole-cream snark, but then I’m only a cat, and a bald one to boot.
Rereading the update here: Some defenders think there’s no difference between Malkin’s crude “Asshole” remarks and left-leaning blogs like Sadly No’s general acceptance of swearing. The former creates “out-takes” in her vlogs, where she affects such an aversion to swear words that she pretends to stumble over their very pronounciation. The latter swears openly, with wit and aplomb. Inauthenticity – that’s the difference – with hypocrisy, false piety, and posturing to boot.
annieangel said,
March 5, 2007 at 6:26
Why is it that some people onthe internet talk about some people onthe internet in a condescending way while adding nothing to the debate or even the conversation????
annieangel said,
March 5, 2007 at 6:27
“Long story short: in the course of some work she’s doing, she’s come across some very convincing arguments that “um� and “er� are real words, with real meaning.�
I ask, what could one add to this doublet? It is utter perfection.
Meet Harold, terrorist bomb maker.
I’m bored of being annoyed with her.
Like that fucking unicorn on YouTube.
“The former creates “out-takesâ€? in her vlogs, where she affects such an aversion to swear words that she pretends to stumble over their very pronounciation. ”
I’m not going to check for you, but I did see the video thanks to SadlyNo posting it. I think she was stumbling over mispronouncing the swear words for the vid, not actual swearwords.
She wasn’t really cussing in the vids, she was saying words that were close.
People should stop fucking swearing.
I swear people should stop fucking.
qetesh my (ex)furry friend!
i dropped by to offer myself to annie”i came here for an argument. sorry, this is abuse” angel. but just wanted you to know, that nasy bite is finally settling down. i was having a look at it this morning, with the torch and mirror and all, and my neighbor walked in, and well, we both had a good laugh after she came to..
I think she was stumbling over mispronouncing the swear words for the vid, not actual swearwords
Working from memory, I recall her saying something at the end like “so-and-so is a b-batch! Tee-hee-hee (hand covering mouth), I can’t even say it!”.
It’s here, it’s only 30 seconds of your life, and a chance to prove me wrong. I have a good reason why I can’t check for another hour or so at least. Now I want to know if my memory was right or not.
judeanpeoplesfront: good to hear the botty’s settling down! And isn’t that just one of those neighbourly situations that good honest folk love to laugh about, eh? Did she ask what the speculum was for? Oh, we laughed so much about that one back at the cat basket!
Qetesh, honestly i wasn’t all that chummy with that particular neighbor before this morning. but she was a dear about it once the shock wore off.
and there wasn’t a speculum as much as this huge latex glove that they use to inseminate cattle…
She’s saying “farker” for fucker, and “batch” for bitch.
She was stumbling over “batch.”
I think Michelle said “arsehole” not “asshole.”
There’s a big difference between the two, in case you didn’t know.
annieangel: Just talked someone else into checking it for me. At the end, she says “… lowly son of a batch! (laughs) I can’t say it. It’s hard for me to say”. Presumably she’s not having “difficulties” saying the word “batch”, so I got it right.
But regardless, even if she did have fake swear-words to say instead of real ones, my point stands. By putting it in her “outtakes”, she is presenting herself as someone who is so damn pious that she can’t even bear to utter a single swear word, even when it’s for a good cause. Of course her private conversation with Stark shows otherwise.
Annieangel, use your brain. Why would she protest that “it’s hard for me to say” if all she had to say was “batch”.
oh, and the gecko that lives behind my printer would like you(QtSA) to know that it’s NOT acceptable to offer geckos as kitty dowry
annie, keep parsing. you so go girl!
Gwem: I always thought that “ass” was yet another bastardisation of the Queen’s own English by the Yanks, a misspelling of the word “arse”? But perhaps we should give her the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps Malkin Thing believes that donkey-anus is less offensive than generic-anus. Or something.
I just watched it. The outtakes are of her saying “farker” and “batch.” You know, so that there is no copy of her actually swearing under the censors. DUH.
I assume the humor is in that she can’t say a fake swear word. You know, like you try to go on a tirade with fake cusses.
Use YOUR brain, moron.
Perhaps someone should ask the President if the rumours on certain leftwing blogs that the reason he has so much influence over Tony Blair is because they are having a homosexual relationship are true.
Now I am in favor of gay rights and opposed to disparaging homosexuality, but I have to say this: George W. Bush is, by far, the gayest president we’ve ever had. Holding hands with that Saudi Arabian guy (don’t remember his name)? Gay! Playing dress-up as a fighter piolet and a cowboy? Gay! Why do you tink he’s so fond of Jeff Ganon and Samuel Alito (both of whom are gay)? Gay!
You all know I’m right.
annie, keep parsing. you so go girl!
Hehe. Maybe annieangel’s “aluminum” hat is on too tight today. Just accept it, annie, Malkin Thing is not as nice a person as her race-baiting, torture-apologisting, boo-freakin’-hooing public persona would lead you to believe 🙂
look, i’ve go to go, i dunno, watch TV or something, but Q, i would so love to hear an artful diatribe on the right hon. John Howard.
I was in NZ last year and the local press coverage on him is outstanding.
i know, the mote in thine, GW Bush, and all. but still..
By using “gay” as an insult you are disparaging homosexuality.
I only know of Malkin through this site. I have no opinions on her except that her vids are hilarious.
But she clearly didn’t use real cuss words in her vids.
LIVE with it, you lowly son of a bathc!!! Whoops, batch, that’s better.
Damn lag. In response to 8.09: annieangel, you’ve missed the point entirely. The point is that Malkin is presenting herself in her vlog as someone who doesn’t swear, when she obviously does. I know it’s complicated, but please, try to pay attention. That sort of thing is often called “hypocrisy”. You might be familiar with it?
Perhaps someone should ask the President if the rumours on certain leftwing blogs that the reason he has so much influence over Tony Blair is because they are having a homosexual relationship are true.
Now I am in favor of gay rights and opposed to disparaging homosexuality, but I have to say this: George W. Bush is, by far, the gayest president we’ve ever had. Holding hands with that Saudi Arabian guy (don’t remember his name)? Gay! Playing dress-up as a fighter piolet and a cowboy? Gay! Why do you tink he’s so fond of Jeff Ganon and Samuel Alito (both of whom are gay)? Gay!
You all know I’m right.
Dear Leader has always given off a fey vibe that you can only find in certain pastors that go on and on about how manly they are using, slang that is about 3 years out of date.
No she isn’t. She is censoring herself and finding it HARD.
You’re kinda dense.
wait, wait, wait…
you only know of michelle malkin through this site?
This site is a shrine to Malkin. 🙂
You’ve all seen the VP Countdown post right?
I love me some Nitpicker.
Cor, I hate when annieangel just hangs out here. The whole place smells like a pungent cocktail of Love’s Baby Soft, catfood, and ass.
See you guys later.
yeah, but she’s FAMOUS. like you annie.
you can’t be honestly saying you aren’t exposed to her anywhere else.
are you sequestered? in a convent?
annieangel (8.17): … so you’re saying that Michelle Malkin not only does swear, but swears so much that she has difficulty not swearing? Presumably this reflects upon the fact that she has no issue with swearing herself, right? And so then the reason that she was “fake swearing” in her vlog was… what? Because she didn’t want to offend the “honk-HONK” sound-effects guy who had to bleep her fake-swearing out? You’re not making a lot of sense, annieangel, especially considering what she posted today on her own blog.
[shrugs] In the meantime, here’s a wiki page for you to meditate on.
The funniest thing about this clip is the way Malkin apologizes for using the pretty mild swear word “chickenshit.� Can these people really be THAT square?
after that ‘survey’ by some nutter showing the # of swears on left/liberal blogs = George Carlin’s mouth and the # swears on right wing blogs (+ mein kampf) = pristine snow, Malkin can’t easily say “shit” anymore.
By using “gay� as an insult you are disparaging homosexuality.
It has more to do with the fact that Bush is being a phoney. Trying to hide his homosexuality in a veil of “manliness” that backfires as a magnifier to that homosexuality. Sad really. Futhermore…
Wait a minute. Why the fuck do I care what you think? Keep pretending to “care” about homosexuals while you vote for people who want them reclosted and/or dead.
Is Hot Air a place where conservative role models speak with clarity, passion and integrity? Would Ms.Malkin expose her children to her blog?
are you sequestered? in a convent?
Probably a cult.
I’m saying she is not pretending to stuble over swear words, there ARE no swear words in the vid. I have no idea why she censored herself, possibly because she didn’t want to offend the soundman, possibly because. Ask her.
What you wrote originally was false and misleading, and that is all I am saying.
I have no idea how much or how little she swears, all I know is she had trouble saying, “son of a batch.”
It is a kinda stupid thing to say.
Keep pretending you care about homosexuals while you use the term “gay” as an insult.
That said, the naughty words police can fuck right off. Getting worked up about a bit of colourful language smacks of classism, and reinforces my belief that these people are more interested in the “outside” of a person than the inside where it matters. I wouldn’t batt an eyelash if Malkin swore like a sailor, provided that she wasn’t such a self-righteous prig about how others choose to express themselves, cherry-picking it to suit her own agenda. It’s the hypocrisy that matters to me, not calling some “arsehole”. That and the whole torture-apologist thing. A little of that too.
Well, she did apologize seconds after she swore, and she didn’t know she was being taped. It’s not like she was swearing on stage or on her blog, she was swearing about some idiots who took it upon themselves to crash her book thingy.
Before someone takes my meaning wrong, which is more than possible around here, the fact that she didn’t know she was being taped and yet apologized for swearing shows she understood that she might be offensive with the cussing.
Is this really the road we are going down, btw?
Fat jokes, tranny jokes, gay jokes and now this piddly shit where there’s NOTHING yet you’ll make something?
Please say this isn’t going to go on until the election.
Come on people, shine on your brother, everybody get together try to love one another right now.
And all that nice stuff. Everyone who is in politics is in it for the same reason. Remember that, and remember we are all just peons to ANY of them. They don’t HATE each other the way you seem to think we are all to HATE each other.
Get real.
“That and the whole torture-apologist thing.”
Would you please give Michelle a break. Apologizing for torture is hard work, and it makes you mispronounce shite.
annie, it’s funny you should ask about the road we are going down when you support the road that’s so low it’s below sea level.
What road do I support??? Hmmmm???
I support AMERICA. Period.
What you wrote originally was false and misleading, and that is all I am saying.
“False and misleading”? Annieangel, you’re full of shit. I called it how I saw it, and how I saw it was her making a point of ensuring that her audience knew that she was anti-swearing.
Now you might be right, she may well have been fake swearing throughout the whole thing, instead of real-swearing and screwing it up at the end. But either way, my point remains. She was making the point that she either (1) she is so uptight about swearing that she’s not really swearing, even though they put great honking noises over it, or (2) she is swearing but having enormous difficulty doing so because it is so against her beliefs. I believe that the latter is more likely considering what she says, but either way, the point remains that she’s making a show of her supposed intolerance of the arch-sin of swearing.
Except that it’s bullshit, because she does swear when she doesn’t think anyone critical is watching, or when she thinks she has a sympathetic ear. Apparently she swore after someone from the Nation confronted her with the effect that Japanese concentration camps had on innocent people and their families. Perhaps it momentarily revived her poor little sputtering light of conscience so she could see what a horrible person she has become, and her only way to fight back was to call the person who forced her to confront her horrible mirrored visage an “arsehole”.
Apologizing for torture is hard work, and it makes you mispronounce shite.
Well, torture, what can you say? Shiite happens.
You are an idiot.
The out-takes are of her FAKE SWEARING. There are two.
In one she is saying “farker.” In the other she is saying “son of a batch.” She stumbles as she says it and laughs and says she can’t even say “it.” It being “son of a batch.”
Please watch it yourself. You haven’t yet, it’s obvious.
The swearing after the Nation thing she apologizes for as it’s obvious she is upset and knows she has said something she feels she shouldn’t have. To someone who is only there to catch her reaction to being ambushed.
And to you, this is a bad thing. Amazing.
Maybe you can catch her stubbing her toe and saying “fuck.”
THAT would show her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this really the road we are going down, btw? Fat jokes, tranny jokes, gay jokes and now this piddly shit where there’s NOTHING yet you’ll make something?
So she is being fair and reasonable to make a great big fuss about swearing on another blog — a blog, I might add, which swore openly and without pretense — but as soon as we catch her being a hypocrite about it we’re nit-picking?? Now we’re meant to be all “shine on your brother, everybody get together try to love one another right now” just because the tables are turned? Fuck off.
I “love my brother” by seeing to it that everyone knows just what an empty, hypocritical, two-faced beast the American conservative tradition has become. So-called followers of God and lovers of small-govt who rendition and torture innocent men and women while kicking up the biggest load of bullshit ever about a few misplaced f-words. Malkin Thing is the archetype of what I hate in this new “conservativism”, the sheer hypocrisy. She’s a hypocrite for pretending not to swear. She’s a hypocrite for not following up her “it was okay to torture Rashid Rauf” post by noting that the charges against Rauf were dropped. She’s a hypocrite for obfuscating the royal fuck-up that was her Jamilgate case, which may well have resulted in a few people getting “visits” from Iraqi military groups well-known for their human rights abuse and torture. She epitomises the hypocrisy of the whole new conservative paradigm.
So yeah, you can fuck right off with your please to be civilised, because this stopped being civilised 5 years ago, and it won’t be again until this American “conservativism” is dead.
Wow. You’re stable. LOL.
I don’t see any hypocrisy, she was upset, she swore, she apologized immediately and without prompting. And she didn’t do it in a public forum she was being secretly taped.
Hmmmm, secret taping of conversations…..wasn’t there a great big UPROAR from the left about that very thing not so long ago?
Who’s a hypocrite????
You really ned to calm down. Whether or not people cuss is not hurting YOU. You’re loosing it.
You are an idiot. The out-takes are of her FAKE SWEARING. There are two. In one she is saying “farker.� In the other she is saying “son of a batch.� She stumbles as she says it and laughs and says she can’t even say “it.� It being “son of a batch.� Please watch it yourself. You haven’t yet, it’s obvious.
If I didn’t watch it, how on Earth did I get the quote exactly right at 8.04? You’re not very bright, are you. You still miss the point.
I’m off. I’ve got better things to do that argue with someone who obviously has the reading-comprehension skills of a 6 year old.
You said you talked someone else into watching it.
If you watched the vid and don’t understand it, I guess you have the viewing skills of a mole.
Take THAT.
Here’s the low road.
When George Bush builds a road, it’s shit all the way.
Hmmmm, secret taping of conversations…..wasn’t there a great big UPROAR from the left about that very thing not so long ago?
Why do you think he’s so fond of Jeff Ganon and Samuel Alito (both of whom are gay)?
And yet both of whom, put together* are not nearly so gay as Teh Supreme John Roberts, who’s so not-heterosexual he couldn’t even produce a sample for AI like his Fearless Leader. Fortunately, if you’re a soulless Repub enabler, you can still buy a wife and a couple of adorable blond infants on the international market.** Sometimes I wonder if there’s a straight Repub left among the current Elephascist power structure. And every one of them a self-loathing closet case busy abusing his happier fellows for the ‘sin’ of being honest.
*eww, bad visual — brain bleach, stat!
**two stalls down in the bazaar where Cheney stocks up on the blood of virgins
Elendil, if you’ll take some gustatory advice from a fat person: In certain situations, an abundance of pie can actually lower one’s blood pressure. Mmmm, pie!
Oh, annie, annie, annie.
Jesus wants to know why you only act like you care about homophobia when you are on this site. It makes him very sad. He’s crying right now.
I had to explain to Him what a “concern troll” is.
I have a question. Maybe you can help me? Does Satan love creationists more? Or does he love fundamentalists more?
They all make Jesus look intolerant, hypocritcial and dishonest. That makes Him sad.
We are all praying for you.
Annie, you “stuble[d]” over Mr. Jesse Colin Young’s deathless lyrics. It is:
Come on, people, now,
smile on your brother.
Everybody get together,
try to love one another
right now …
And here’s some current Malkin. And I’m hoping she invented this guy. I mean, could he be a more perfect symbol ? Johnny Cadaver ?
“He would do it all over again, and he loved being an American”
By Michelle Malkin · March 04, 2007 10:18 PM
An American hero, R.I.P.:
Even when he was a little boy playing with his GI Joe action figure, there was little doubt what Jonathan Cadavero would do when he grew up.
“That’s going to be me,” he’d say of his toy soldier.
And so they shipped little Johnny Cadaver home (at least what they could find of him) and his Mama and Papa sang a rousing chorus of Country Joe McDonald’s “Fixin’ to Die Rag,” their love and admiration for their Commander-in-Chief shining through the tears in their eyes, for yes, they were proud indeed to “be the first ones on their block to have their boy come home in a box.”
Annie, you “stuble[d]� over Mr. Jesse Colin Young’s deathless lyrics. It is: Come on, people, now, \\ smile on your brother. \\ Everybody get together, \\ try to love one another
I guess it’s hard for her to say.
So, if Amanda were to dress up in one of the T shirt dresses that MM favors and hysterically read transcripts of this stuff into the camera, would that be wrong, or just funny?
annie, when did anyone say anything homophobic? Why is suggesting someone is gay hateful to gays? or is it because saying “George Bush is X…” is automatically offensive to X?
Leave my annie alone, you uncivil liberal dumbfucks.
Look at me!
[…] site is still down (apparently under a DDoS attack), but Sadly, No! has the audio of Michelle’s unhinged, obscenity-laden rant. Digg […]
My favorite part of Max’ stunning video was when the courageous member of the Fighting Undergraduate Republicans shrinked away from the camera, covering up the Confederate Flag he had pinned to his jacket – er – uniform. He said that he didn’t want to be seen on camera wearing it.
Heros – all of them.
Ms. Malkin is a pretty messed up person. I predict we will one day read news stories about her of which she would not be proud.
Got an email from the Edwards campaign. Looks to be saying “thank you Anne for the lemon delivery, we were awfully thirsty for some delicious lemonade.”
Zython – Is this the photo you were thinking about
George Bush and Prince Abdullah stroll through spring flowers at the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas.
Look who’s hand he is holding now! Bush must be just so jealous>
Tip of the day: If you starve the attention whore, she’ll only get funnier and more desperate. It also causes less pie, a situation which is beneficial for the waistlines of all involved.
And no one ever said whether she got her credit card back.
once again, annieangel: dried up old hag “Christian”.
you are not a Christian, annie – you are disgusting dried up old hag who calls herself a Christian, yet acts exactly the opposite of what one would expect Christ to do.
please, go back to your street corner and continue to sell yourself to the lowest bidder, stinking old biatch.
Leave my annie alone, you uncivil liberal dumbfucks.
“Your” annie? Are you hitting that shit? Somehow I think not.
I always skip Anneangel’s posts. Try it, you’ll like it!
“what is this thread about????”
Zython – Is this the photo you were thinking about
George Bush and Prince Abdullah stroll through spring flowers at the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas.
Look who’s hand he is holding now! Bush must be just so jealous>/i>
YES! Thank you good sir.
annie, when did anyone say anything homophobic? Why is suggesting someone is gay hateful to gays? or is it because saying “George Bush is X…� is automatically offensive to X?
Probably the latter.
Shoelimpyâ„¢ said,
March 5, 2007 at 13:51
“Leave my annie alone, you uncivil liberal dumbfucks.”
I didn’t know sockpuppets could talk…or suck ass so well.
I’m now convinced The Pie Queen is actually Gavin in a fat suit.
Hey! Why don’t you try walking through the mall in a fat suit with people leering at your Christian legs and see if you don’t troll liberal snark blogs!!!11!1!
Hey, can anybody recommend a good electric razor? I mean, the thread’s thoroughly stuck in the pie anyway…
Bubba, try this one, maybe?
Leave my annie alone, you uncivil liberal dumbfucks
You call it your “annie”? That’s kinda weird. Most people just go with “Johnson” or “rod” or “schwartz”.
Man, the most super awesome part of that Hot Air post is all the basement-dwelling wanna-be tough guys volunteering to be Michelle’s bodyguards. A bigger bunch of fake-ass rough and tumbles you will not see outside of an SCA swordfighting practice, with all their bogue gun talk and threatening posturing towards the evil picture-taking liberals. And you just KNOW that every one of them is thinking “And then I’ll save her life, and she’ll totally fall in love with me and leave Jesse and we can raise an army of future neocons together…”
Bubba, try this one, maybe?
There’s no nose-hair attachment for that one.
uncivil liberal dumbfucks
Oh, come on, that’s not even subtle. You can do better than that, sweet pea.
If RB is going to tell us about his nose-hair attachments, then I will certainly retaliate with a detailed list of the detritus I find in my beard.
This page is now requesting my “splashcast” username and password. Give it up, guys — your new toy is broken.
I will certainly retaliate with a detailed list of the detritus I find in my beard.
There’s nothing going on here, so why not? It could be a guessing game like, I dunno, I spy with my little eye something that is gelatinous.
Jillian, you’re a genius. I’d laugh my arse off. Sadly, I don’t think she will do it, but maybe someone else might volunteer? (Devastastin’ Dave, I’m looking at you? You still around?).
OK, this is only tangentially related, but it’s a Malkinundrum, as it were.
In response to the Washington Post’s reports about terrible health-care conditions for returning vets, Malkin, Sister Toldjah, and Volokh have all trotted out a misdirection: This just shows you how bad socialized medicine is!
Of course this is a fact-free assertion, since the VA system provided the best health-care in America under Clinton. Big shock, W has screwed that up royally.
Lots of people have piled on in Volokh’s comments, and there’s a roaring debate. Of course Malkin doesn’t allow comments, so as her eyes do not have to see the foul, nasty words that spring from our foul, nasty fingertips. But Sister Toldjah allows comments, so I posted a friendly comment pointing her 3 or 4 readers in the direction of a Business Week article extolling the virtues of said health-care. To wit:
It was deleted.
So I posted another. And another. Both deleted.
So I posted a comment pointing out these deletions, and asking why it was happening. Deleted.
So…this seems like the sort of thorny issue the Sadly No! folks might take a shine to. Is there any way to get Malkin and Toldjah to acknowledge the Business Week article? Is that the sort of challenge y’all are up for?
I doubt there’s any good way, if they’re deleting polite comments. But privatization is being at least partially blamed in the press across the spectrum, including the Army Times, and the more public discussion that gets the harder it will be to make any sort of honest case that socialized medicine is to blame.
“the harder it will be to make any sort of honest case that socialized medicine is to blame.”
And this will be a factor how?
Of course this is a fact-free assertion, since the VA system provided the best health-care in America under Clinton. Big shock, W has screwed that up royally.
I just want to point out something, and I’m not sure if this is covered by the WA Post article or anything, but it’s something I know pops up.
The situation at places like Walter Reed are actually related directly to the Army and how their hospitals are set up. The VA administration is not *directly* responsible for the conditions at Walter Reed or places like Walter Reed because the VA isn’t responsible for the conditions at Army hospitals.
The Army is.
You’re right Patkin. My bad. The VA is still doing fine.
You’re right, les, I should have said they’ll be less able to make a believable case, though that hasn’t bothered them in the past all that much either. Or hurt them, as some people seem able to believe the wackiest, most obviously false things, even after proven false.
Yeah, I noticed that Mike’s site was down as of early this morning. Suspicious, no?
Anyway, Buzzflash’s editors asked a simple but intruiging question today: “What Does Support the Troops Mean to You?”
I can’t come up with a comprehensive answer but I at least can say that I tried.
[…] General Sadly No! Max Blumenthal Michelle […]
The fact that Stark’s site has been subject to a Denial of Service attack isn’t a surpise. Republico-conservatives are nothing but a bunch of criminals. Perhaps liberal-progressives should organized DoS attacks on Republico-conservative sites.
Perhaps liberal-progressives should organized DoS attacks on Republico-conservative sites.
Naw that would just make it so fewer people could partake in their stupidity.
And it would just give them another thing to waaaaaahhhhhh about.
Naw, they’re already losing the battle of ideas, and at the ballot box. And at the bar, now that Scooter’s gone down.