Teh Speech-Policeman’s Other Ball

It’s a race with Feministe to see who posts something first on the ‘Ann Coulter calls John Edwards a faggot’ scandal!

Above: Coulter’s appearance nothing like that of unskilled drag queen

On your mark… Get set…

Dean Blasts Ann Coulter’s Slur, Calls on GOP Presidential Candidates to Denounce It

During her presentation to today’s Conservative Political Action Convention, political pundit Ann Coulter used the word “faggot” to describe a Democratic presidential candidate. Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today condemned her remarks and called on the Republican presidential contenders to denounce them.

Dean issued the following statement:

“There is no place in political discourse for this kind of hate-filled and bigoted comments. While Democrats and Republicans may disagree on the issues, we should all be able to agree that this kind of vile rhetoric is out of bounds. The American people want a serious, thoughtful debate of the issues. Republicans–including the Republican presidential candidates who shared the podium with Ann Coulter today–should denounce her hateful remarks.”

Ann Coulter, Remarks to CPAC Conference, 2/2/07: “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I — so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards.”

See the video at: http://thinkprogress.org/2007/03/02/coulter-edwards/

You can call us Pooh — ’cause we’re just that winny.


Comments: 494


I will so not call her a tranny or a cunt in response to her intemperate outburst. I totally won’t.

I’ll call her a lazy fatty.


That Ann Coulter – her ideas are false. FALSE!


Ann Coulter is…VERY OFFENSIVE!


Ann Coulter says things that are NOT TRUE.


Well she didn’t call Edwards fat, so she’s not immoral like Brad.


I have been spectating the 640-car pileup in hypnotized fascination. They just moved from setting ideological boundaries for criticism of the Catholic Church to whether or not it’s OK for a good feminist to point out that some feminists drive even some other feminists insane. I think it’s just the PC people arguing amongst themselves now.



I think we should do a photoshop of Ann Coulter with a dialogue ballon to the side that says ‘Lies’, and title-scroll on the bottom that says ‘Hates Gay People’ and it would be comedy gold. Gold!



Is Daffyd ab Hugh eating Ann Coulter out of the question?

Uh…I think I just lost my appetite.


See, that’s just not funny. It’s pretty hateful.

But does anybody remember all that stuff the wags were doing for a while during the Kerry campaign where they were mocking John Edwards and John Kerry for hugging so much? That struck me as funny, because it was highlighting the goofy anxiety our society has over masculine affection.

To be fair, I don’t know if I was amused by the commentary or by the silly cultural attitudes it exposed. I’m also too pooped to parse it out at this point.


See, Ann, I tried to tell you this two years ago. But you wouldn’t listen. Red meat’s got a built in problem. You throw out some red meat, and they eat it up. But the next time, you have to go farther, push harder, just to get the same response. Remember how it was with the oxycontin? It’s the same deal. You’ve gone so far now that you almost have to break the law in order to elicit more than a “ho hum, heard it before” kind of response. You’re in deep water now, and your worst nightmare is upon you. You’re going to get tossed under the bus and the malkin thing, that yapping little pale imitation of all the earth you’ve scorched and all the salt you’ve plowed is going to spend a presidential election cycle as the conservative darling pundit.

By the very nature of your success, Ann, you’ve got a built-in expiration date. And I think the clock might have just run on you. I wonder what you’ll find to do for a living next – Pro Wrestling, perhaps?



That’s it, you are out of my blogroll!

Too soon? 😉


Anne Coulter employed a very lame version of preteritio!


Now there’s someone who needs a giant sandwich. She looks like she could be snapped in two by a hard look.


You can call us Pooh — ’cause we’re just that winny.

Can we talk about Eeyore’s tail? Please?


It’s a race with Feministe to see who posts something first on the ‘Ann Coulter calls John Edwards a faggot’ scandal!

Sadly, No! wins!!!11fourthousandninehundredsixtyonedividedbyfourhundredfiftyone!!!

a different brad

Yet another reason to love Howard Dean.
Is it evilbad for me to again compare Coulter to H. Ross Perot?
In my defense, they ain’t just separated at birth, they’s both bat shit crazy.


[…] Coulter yet again used a homophobic slur against a Democratic presidential candidate. The idea that we’re hysterical lightweights because the New York Post’s unexamined prejudice is more interesting than, say, Fred […]


I think H. Ross was just crazy, different Brad. Coulter is evil crazy.

Those are my impressions…and I’m feel more certain of the second one.

a different brad

Perhaps, but I still think they look suspiciously alike, even if Ann is probably taller.


How much photoshopping would it take to make her look like a homophobe?


It all evens out in the end. Ann Coulter addressing a major conservative gathering calls Edwards a “faggot”; dozens of anonymous bloggers on B-list websites wish that Dick Cheney was dead. Can no one rid of of teh xtremes?

What we need is an authentic centrist who refers to celebrations with names like “Turnip Day”….men like Sam Brownback and John McCain.

a different brad

I’d say this over at feministe, but, well, this is safer ground.
It’s easier to come off as non-hysterical, and yes I know the root of the word and i’m oppressing you etc, if you don’t treat a simple trackback as an implicit assault for being “hysterical lightweights.”
Just a thought, please don’t kill me.


Jesus Christ.

How utterly tone deaf to all human communication do you have to be to not see this post as a humorous, self-mocking olive branch?

Unless, of course, you have already decided that the one attempting the communication is THE ENEMY, and are therefore free to dismiss anything they say out of hand.

What a narrow, ugly life to be stuck living. And I say that as someone who knows a little something firsthand about just how crummy it’s possible for life to be (I’ve been homeless, more than once, as both a child and an adult).


Where did this crap about “have to go to rehab if you’re homophobic” come from. Doug Giles used it, now Coulter–

Interesting choice of terms, you know, considering that “rehab” is usually what you go to get over an addiction. Are Ann and Doug trying to tell us something?


I still don’t know why incontinence jokes are self-evidently more innocent than fat jokes. But I’m even starting to bore myself with that one.


Where did this crap about “have to go to rehab if you’re homophobic� come from

That dustup between the stars of “Gray’s Anatomy.” You know, Hollywood, the source of all morality.


Coulter means she’d have to go to that 3-week rehab that helped Haggard so much.



The Gray’s Anatomy guy went into rehab after calling one of his co-stars a faggot. Hey, speaking of Ann Coulter and anatomy,,uh never mind.


You’d say what at feministe, a different brad?

No Responses to “For Shame, Ann Coulter!�
ifthethunderdontgetya®©³² Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
March 2nd, 2007 at 7:50 pm

*taps watch*


Her skin is a little grey. Oops, I made fun of her appearance, guess I’m on her side now.


I have no opinion as to whether Ann Coulter is a man or a woman, or possibly a horse. But I don’t think she should have used that unpleasant word.


Her skin is a little grey. OOPS there I go again with the unwarranted appearance jokes, looks like I’ve joined her side.


Leonard Pierce, you have deeply insulted me.

I demand satisfaction.


Jillian is exactly right here. Oh, and sheesh, they said some shitty things to you (Jillian) over there, which were wildly unfair. It’s nice to see that you seem to have let them roll right past.


They let my comment through thunder, I think that proves my superior ideological purity to yours. That’s what you get for hating fats, women, and fat women.


And I guess your anti-virus software didn’t go off right after you submitted your comment, Jrod?

Some people get all the breaks. *sniff*

a different brad

Hehe, yeah, I knows whatchoo mean ittdgy.

# adbrad Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
March 2nd, 2007 at 8:00 pm

It was just a trackback. That’s all. Perhaps it was a slightly childish case of needling you when it could just be left to die, but whining to mom about it doesn’t help your case.

I don’t actually think it was childish by gavin, but jeebus.
Even Rick Moran would let something like that through without unattributed edit.

You're Cut Too, Shooshy

Sadly, Neigh! Hadn’t seen her since she was kicking up snow in Budweiser Super Bowl ads.

The best part of that clip are the “What do we do?” murmurs, followed by the swell of appreciative applause. It’s kind of like watching a weird Seinfeld observation dawn on an audience. They try to make up for not getting the joke sooner with a long, steady clap.


Well, oudemia, if you don’t know me, some of those things might have been reasonable to say. Not charitable, but perhaps reasonable.

And lord knows I can be queen of the uncharitable sometimes, so I can’t complain too much. Although in my defense, I’m usually only uncharitable in pursuit of teh snark.


The bummer about this is that the whole point of her comments is to elicit outrage, so screaming and pointing at her, and the Right’s hypocrisy generally, are pretty much useless.

Coulter and Limburger and their peers are “funny” to their audience because they (the audience) believe that Liberals are all uptight pearl-clutching assholes who will gape like landed fish at the first sign of “un-PC” language. Orthodox liberal Marget Dumonts to their transgressive conservative Groucho. After the shit we’ve all seen the last couple of days, its easy to see why that idea gets traction, honestly.

The best response is open mockery of Coulter, and pointed questions to every GOP candidate that appeared with her about whether or not they agree with her assessment of Edwards.


Attacking Ann Coulter’s appearance is merely tertiary. What’s really ugly are her insides. She keeps her conscience locked up in a cage, so it shreds her soul to bits in retaliation.


No Jillian, I don’t believe the things they said to you in comments was at all reasonable, though at least it hasn’t the hostesses saying the worst.

Carl Jr. ate some of that same shit, the old “Oh you’re not horribly offended by this comical picture of a fat slobby nerd in front of the DooM novels he authored eating a giant sandwich then you’ll be joining the Publicans soon for sure!”

It’s sickening, the very idea that a mean sense of humor along with a lack of concern over the sociological implications of every utterance of the word cunt *GASP* is objectively exactly the same as feeling profound hatred for the overweight or penis-impaired. OH NO PENIS-IMPAIRED IMPLIES THAT WOMEN ARE JUST LESSER MEN, PLEASE SOMEBODY SCOURGE AWAY THE SIN!!!


If you really want to know why Ann Coulter’s appearance is not the issue, just ask David Icke!!


Good lord that post is awful. I hope y’all catch the gist, but in the mean time… FLOG ME FOR MY POOR GRAMMAR! CLEANSE ME OF THESE EVIL THOUGHTS OF PREVIEW BUTTONS!!


kingubu, the fact is that Lois Lane, err, Lois Romano, was just complaining about those uncivil liberals.

So it is kind of an opportune time for Coulter to come down with foot in mouth disease…after all these years of Limbaugh, Newt, etc., the media narrative of the uncivil left needs to be torn apart.

I’ll be sending something to Debbie Howell.


This isn’t so much about Coulter, she’s always making hateful statements, and the right wing plays it off as if she is a satirist or extremist when she is called on it.

Watch the clip and the reaction. Extended cheers, applause and laughter. Not a single boo that I can hear.

The story isn’t “Ann Coulter Calls Edwards a Faggot” but “Annual Gathering of Conservative Luminaries Cheer When Coulter Calls Edwards a Faggot.” Anyone there, especially the candidates, who don’t quickly and freely condemn her statement should be saddled with this.


anne skeletor just has the hots for him and hates him for that


Jillian — are you sure that Coulter isn’t one of those reptilian humanoids?


Although in my defense, I’m usually only uncharitable in pursuit of teh snark.

The problem with the intertubes is that you can’t hear tone or see the person you’re “talking to”. I don’t think Sadly, No! and Feministe! are actually in a cage match, no matter what the comment thread looks like.

That aside, Ann Coulter is prettier (and richer) than I am but at least my blood doesn’t cause metal to melt.


What’s with the wacky timestamp? Are we all in Hawaii? That would be nice. Some diving, some mai tais.


The story isn’t “Ann Coulter Calls Edwards a Faggot� but “Annual Gathering of Conservative Luminaries Cheer When Coulter Calls Edwards a Faggot.� Anyone there, especially the candidates, who don’t quickly and freely condemn her statement should be saddled with this.

Seems like Howard Dean has figured this out. This time the Dems SHOULD take the bait and scream and cry for an apology. Romney in particular shouuld come under withering attack. Time to give them a dose of their own medicine.


Jrod, the funny thing about it, to me, is the insistence of the writers and the commenters over there that they, and only they, speak for “the Other”.

I don’t talk a lot about my personal life online for a lot of pretty complicated reasons, but for once, I’ll lay a bunch of stuff on the line. My dad’s a gangster. My mom’s mentally ill. I grew up dancing back and forth around the borderline of “dirt poor”. We were poor enough that I was homeless two or three times when I was a kid, and during one of the more extended periods of homelessness, I experienced a particularly pernicious and exploitative sexual abuse at the hands of a relative. I’m not heterosexual. I’ve dealt with depression almost all of my life, since the abuse happened.

And you want to know what? Ultimately, who gives a shit? It doesn’t make anything that I say any more or less true, unless I am directly discussing what it feels like to experience some of the stuff I’ve been through. None of that stuff is who I am; it might shape who I am, but I am a fucking hell of a lot more than just an oppressed survivor Other whatthefuckever. I’m a huge Star Wars nerd. I’m a no-TV snob. I have a not-so-secret weakness for cute kittens and puppies. I love books more than almost anything else in the world. I’d rather be sitting under a tree by myself than just about anywhere else. If you think you know something about me because you know I am a sexual abuse survivor, or because you know I am bisexual, then you don’t know a damn thing about me.

But one thing that I really have a hard time putting up with is being lectured about what it feels like to be “The Other” by a passle of white women who are wealthy enough to have the spare time and cash necessary to run a fucking blog on the fucking internet.

I hate identity politics. It’s the twentieth century equivalent of Platonic idealism.

Can’t believe I’m posting this, but here goes….


How about:

The story isn’t “Ann Coulter Calls Edwards a Faggot� but “GOP Candidate for President Mitt Romney introduces Anne Coulter to an Annual Gathering of Conservative Luminaries, who Cheer When Coulter Calls Edwards a Faggot.�


If you like Genocidal Lady
Genocidal Lady like a’you
If you like to linger where it’s shady
Genocidal Lady linger too


Hey Jillian — thanks.

If you had a television you could be watching Star Wars on HBO2 right now. 🙂 (I am — by myself, even — whilst drinking a bottle of Billecarte Salmon Brut Rosé.)


We’ll see what the Democratic Party is made of right now. This is a big softball the wingnutz just lobbed right down the middle of the plate. Romney and Guliani were both at this thing– this is a golden opportunity to put them on the defensive.


The Democratic party is made of cottage cheese and tofu. Soft tofu, not extra firm.

If I were the praying type, I’d be praying every day to be proven wrong on this one.


Speaking as a nerd…wait I gotta push my glasses back up on my nose…


Jillian. I sincerely hope that after a few days that helps. You know well you gotta get it out, but this is not the most forgiving environment. In my case, that’s a good thing, ’cause it needs a bright lite to make the bugs run back under the fridge. But you know. It’s the damaged, the broken, the defective that can see the world for what it is. I wouldn’t ask to have my innocence back. Because then I’d likely believe the fairy tales and just so stories. No, I’ll take the clarity of insanity over the soft focus tones of real life.

My email is on the blog under the linky thingie. Reach out if you need to. Otherwise, please don’t expect them to understand. It’s not necessarily malicious, but you can’t ask people who don’t carry your wounds to recognize your scars…



If you had a television you could be watching Star Wars on HBO2 right now every day for like the last month

Fixed it!


aw, man. Imagine a strikethrough at “right now.” Me, I’m gonna sit here and imagine a preview button…


If you had a television you could be watching Star Wars on HBO2 right now every day for like the last month.

Not to be a copycat, but I thought that worked here?


Well Jillian, you haven’t let yourself become an eternal victim. I think you’re right.

Your story reminds me of my giant fat buddy I mentioned in the monster thread. I won’t relay it here, because it’s not my story to tell, but suffice to say his childhood was hellish. Eh, I’ll mention one bit: his dad shot him when he was 8. That’s pretty much par for the kind of life he lead. He’s a strong man who does not let petty shit bother him, and I have little doubt this springs directly from the hard live he’s lived.

Some people have their priorities straight. Some people know goddamn well that a silly joke is just a silly joke.

I’d share my life story too, if it was at all interesting or inspiring. I’ve been lucky enough to know some good people, and I ain’t tossing them under the bus if they make a joke I don’t like.


Imagine a preview button…

I support the preview button rebellion! It is expected to work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day??? Where are the breaks? Where is the time off?

Run Preview Button, RUN!


* *
* *

Yep, I’m old enough to remember ASCII art and I come from a UNIX background. So there…



Most days, mikey, I’m really doing fine. Mostly, it’s come down to realizing that I honestly don’t give a fat, flying fuck what anyone else thinks about me at all – unless they’re a friend, someone who has earned the right to have their opinion taken seriously.

The stuff I don’t talk about has more to do with just protecting myself than it does any sense of shame.

Days like this, I would trade five hundred liberal bloggers just to have one modern day Emma Goldman. Or the original EG, back from the dead. Why the hell can’t we get clear thinkers like her anymore?


Comments turned my ASCII art into crap. Thats a metaphor for something, right? Maybe for Ann Coulter’s soul?



mikey, your ASCII talents aren’t applicable in the cold, uncaring environment of WordPress. It’s 2007. The conservative revolution propelled the reptilian neocons to their rightful place in the New World Order. Their vassals control the media, the money, the corporations……..

Fuck it, Ann Coulter is a meanie.


Yeah, I’d like to see a photoshop of Ann Coulter with a large sub sandwich. Now I know this may get you delinked, but it would be funny. And Ann could use a sandwich or anything else in her pie hole to shut her up.

Is Edwards gay? Dunno, doubt it, don’t care. But as to putting Ann in rehab. Why not?

Actually I’d be interested in seeing feministe’s reaction to a Coulter / Sub photo. I’m sure heads would explode all over blogistan, so maybe you should ignore my Steel Reserve inspired rantings.


Get off my lawn….



Meh, I went and got angry posting over there. Screw it, time to switch my focus to booze.


Seriously. I hadn’t looked at the comments on the new Feministe thread, but golly they’re rotten and unfair.


She kinda looks like the snake from Jungle Book in that still.

Except you can see where the blackness void of her souil has drained the very color from the room.


Screw it, time to switch my focus to booze.

Let’s face it. Booze really satisfies. A day without booze is like … night.


It’s like we don’t even speak the same language.

It’s like the discussion I had with a friend last week when, all of the sudden, he claimed the Vietnam war had nothing to do with the Cold war, and then got upset when I wouldn’t take his opinion on anything concerning the Cold War seriously.

It’s bizarre as hell.


Rosé champagne . . .


Guinness, please …. and a double shot of Bushmill


Yeah, Jillian. I completely get your analogy, like totally. I just want to let you know you’ve got me completely convinced that tranny jokes and fat jokes are, in fact, really funny. Simply by using that gorgeous and completely analogous analogy.

And drink up good sirs! I’ve made sure we jackasses have released the floodgate withholding your ability to write fatty and tranny jokes, which are, as I said, the height of wit. Sorry for the inconvenience. I know that this entire site has been shut down for a few days because of it. Hopefully you get back up to speed.

For now? I’m on Vodka and tonic, because it’s cheap. [You might want to hit up a post on poor people, as Jeff Foxworthy tells me they can be comedy gold.]

Bird Protractor

Let her kep doing it, she only gives the voters of America a full picture of how twisted the Rethuglican Party has become….it’s no secret why they lost the mid-terms and they will lose in 2008.

She is helping the Dems….LOL


The sight (and sound) of Coulter makes my skin crawl. She’s as vile as they come.

Her neck seems to grow longer all the time, like Pinocchio’s nose. What is it, half a foot, 12 inches, heading for a yard? I suppose she thinks it’s just another sexy feature on her ubersexy frame.


huh? What? Analogy? Tranny jokes? What the holy hell are you talking about?


Seriously. I have no idea what any single referent in that post was about. Honestly.



What? I don’t drink anymore.


Sorry, my callousness gets in the way, Jillian. That’s the way things go. Lighten up already. Sheesh


Oh Jillian, hadn’t you seen? That is what they are saying (in the comments over there) is happening over here.

JG — if you want classism, there is a veritable panople of posts at Feministe to choose from — like when Jill mocks the trash that comes over to Manhattan on the weekends (how else is one to take snotty bridge-and-tunnel references?) or sneers at women still wearing (can you believe it?) things that she has determined to be out of fashion.

Frankly, that sort of thing one would be very hard pressed to find over here.


Ann Coulter by Lewis Carroll (Tenniel illustration)


Once again, all I can say is huh?

Jack, I seriously have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. It’s not your callousness getting in the way, it’s your total incomprehensibility.

Is this some Dadaist thing that all the cool kids are into that I don’t know about, or what?


Jillian, that was the point of JackGoff’s post. He can now feel very superior. Of course, some might say that posting comments to a blog he vowed never to read again (do I recall that correctly? It’s all getting mixed up) might seem to some like a child telling you over and over they are never going to talk to you again.


http://www.geocities.com/aznman410/a17.JPG Kaa seyz, “Balloo is a faggot.”


There’s a reference to transsexuals on this page somewhere? Other than one really snarky and blue comment at the top of this (already ninety comment-long) thread? Which I’m not even defending (Or not defending; I’m just not even addressing)?

This is what I mean. It’s like I’ve started having a conversation about the weather, or some TV show that I watched, and all of the sudden in the middle of the conversation, it turns into a diatribe about the horrible rutabaga genocide occurring in Saskatoon right now.

Is it because I’ve been up since four this morning? I don’t use drugs, and I haven’t had anything alcoholic in weeks.


Dadaist? I hate Trio to death, like totally.

Well, it could also be a diabolical interplay of callousness and incomprehensibility. Who knows? There is no rhyme or reason to which I can appeal, at least here.


He can now feel very superior.

And burpy. Don’t forget burpy! I’m drinking too fast…


Is this some Dadaist thing that all the cool kids are into that I don’t know about, or what?

Sadly, No!


Attacking Ann Coulter’s appearance is merely tertiary. What’s really ugly are her insides.

the inside is hard to separate from the outside. this is especially true as one gets older. picture ann at 90 when the hate will be permanently etched in a face that is already forming grouchy lines. all the wicked shit that stews inside her will be revealed.


And burpy. Don’t forget burpy! I’m drinking too fast…

Much better explanation. I take everything back, then. Cheers!


Suddenly, I miss Mario.


Mario huh? He can be amusing…

The Marv Albert Trial


when the hate will be permanently etched in a face that is already forming grouchy lines. all the wicked shit that stews inside her will be revealed.

Orwell, ‘At 45 a man has the face he deserves’, Orwell’s ‘looksism’, awful person, so insensitive and privileged, thank god he’s dead, yadda yadda yadda.


Yeah, quote-mining Orwell can produce wonders!


Won’t someone think of the rutabagas?


— The story isn’t “Ann Coulter Calls Edwards a Faggotâ€? but “Annual Gathering of Conservative Luminaries Cheer When Coulter Calls Edwards a Faggot.â€? —

Actually, I thought the story was “Ann Coulter gives the S,N! crowd an excuse to mock someone for mocking their mockery of a third party, therefore sucking everyone into Round Two of an idiotic blog-fight, all the while forgetting the fact that, hey, Ann Coulter called Edwards a faggot while conservative luminaries clapped and cheered, or that the aforementioned third party links to people who support genocide”.


Thank you, Jillian. Silence = Complicity.


That’s a little harder to get onto a scrolling CNN caption, though.




Mmmmmmmmm……………………….rhubarb pie.


The problem with your brilliant plan is that Romney did not introduce Ann Coulter, nor did he speak directly in front of her.


The Jackoff guy just spilled his vodka “and tonic” on me. Can someone lie him down on the floor next to the coats?



Nor did he distance himself from her remarks.


vodka “and tonic�

You slander me, sir. There is authentic quinine richere. I encourage you to take a closer look and sniff.


Don’t do that.

There’s probably amyl in there or something.

(Please note! NOT A GAY JOKE! Gay men are not the only ones who use poppers. In fact, there’s no joke here at all, okay? None.)


So, if I criticized any gay joke or tranny joke, should we expect a 700 comment thread from people saying “It TOOOOTALLY WASN’T, Fatty McFatterson!


Not to inflame anything of course! Of course, of course. We are all big hugz an’ lovey foreverz, but of course.


Please, for the love of sweet Baby Jesus, asleep in the hay, tell me where there’s a “tranny joke” on this page.


Hey, Jillian. A joke is teh sacred. If you have a problem with us saying it isn’t, you’d better just fliberty snickit, and stuff.

The tranny jokes were actually over at the Thread-That-Must-Not-Be-Named, by the author of this post. But it’s all good, because it’s comedy. And comedy is unassailable. Like totally.


us saying it isn’t

Damnit, “isn’t” = “is”


God, it’s like I’m being gaslighted by Master Shake.

It’s the littlest rutabagas that I cry the hardest for.


nothing can compete with a sour cherry lattice-top-crust pie fresh from a woodstove on a summer’s eve. nothing!


You aren’t getting the asininity correct, Jillian. I’m more along the lines of a mixture of Igniktnot and the Robot Turkey thing. It’s just the way I roll.

Side note; sorry I’ve been sort of stupid, but that’s my umor. Lighten up. Isn’t that the gist of this website? If “drag queens” are open to mocking by the authors, surely the commenter are open to mockery from other commenters as well? No need to discriminate or worry about feelings. After all, you’re being too sensitive. And if you don’t understand the mockery, why care? Did you not learn anything from our blog hosts?


Ann Coulter is just a columnist.

She doesn’t contribute as much to politics than people like Atrios and Kos.

Atrios and Kos are far more disrespectful and coarse than Ann Coulter too.


Negra Modelo, and I’m still really, really worried about Eeyore’s tail.

One more thing. I never thought I’d say this, but Gary Ruppert, thank God you’re here.


Mr. Goff:

Aren’t you supposed to be over at Shakespeare’sSister, pretending you’re in some trendy, up-scale faux-British ‘pub’ … or something ?

a different brad

I think SN! is supposed to apologize for having members with penises, or something.
I really wish this would stop reminding me of undergrad.


Ever been to a “British pub” Mr Page? Very tame compared to the Virtual Pub.

But you;ve stumbled upon the wonder of technology: multiple instances of mozilla. And the beauty of ctrl-R. Of course, I can assume that it works less efficiently elsewhere, but here, it ain’t really a thing to be on multiple websites. Good try, though. You might want to work on the “Jackoff” thing, as the blog hosts (at least the autor of this post) seem to think that that is the only thing to mock me with. I thought we were going for edgy! Either way, you should stop by, man. Get a brewsky and tell kona how gay jokes are teh funny.


And if you don’t understand the mockery, why care?

Exactly. You can eat pie.



I’m certainly not upset. I’m just baffled. I’ve never seen someone post completely incomprehensible, unparseable sequences of words before. I’ve seen drunk posting and everything, but this is totally new to me. I feel like a n00b or something.


Mr. Goff:

Yes, I’ve noticed that you like to lead with your name — but it’s clear to me that there are any number of ‘things’ to mock you with — self-righteousness, sanctimony, pretension (etc.) that no one needs to bother with that.

And ‘Virtual Pub?’ I’d rather attend 90 AA meetings in 90 days.


She (Ann Coulter) doesn’t contribute as much to politics than people like Atrios and Kos.

Hallehloogah! Or however you spell that. Root vegetables ain’t known for their spelling, and I’m not going to carp on your grammar.

Gary, I urge you celebrate your conversion by donating to Charlie Brown.

a different brad

I’m so fucking sick of losing comments to this fucking spam guard.
Sorry, but what’s the point of contributing when it’s only a 50/50 chance it’ll get through


I’d turnip my nose at you if you parsleyed this into a joke about my grammar.


I feel like a n00b or something.

I dunno, I couldn’t figure it out either, but when I feel n00bish it’s an assumption that I’m missing out on something that would make my life better. Doesn’t seem like the case here.


No offense, Jack Goff, but you aren’t a very fun drunk, are you? It’s like acid and bile are dripping from every comment of yours. But I guess I should lighten up because this is fun, huh? Wow. Time to crank up the Bauhaus and Skinny Puppy. I’m feeling the urge to dye my hair black and lament whatever I’ve done wrong in my life.


I’d turnip my nose at you if you parsleyed this into a joke about my grammar.

My grammars are all dead thanks.

a different brad

Here’s most of what I wanted to say, from a comment feministe doesn’t seem to want to approve.

I went to Vassar.
That means I know allllllllllllllllllll about the issues you ladies face. And I knew transgender people, so I’m also an expert on that.
And you ladies and sorta ladies are in need of a night in the Mug then my friend’s big ass double in Joss.
Then it won’t seem so bad.

Yeah, I know I’m an asshole, but come on, jeebus.
Since we’re lefties and not total dicks it’s better to try and make us feel guilty for shit we mostly didn’t do than to have no impact caring about the behavior of those who are actually hateful?
I actually did go to Vassar, as did my mother before me, and among many, many other things it taught me that I can’t know everything about what women go through, nor should I pretend to. But it also taught me a lot of white women use the tribulations of their gender as a guilt sink, and feminism as a cover for selfishness.
Not saying that’s what’s going on here, but fuck. Don’t minimize yourself by being so petty.

a different brad

Minus the money shot, of course, of the great quote a drag queen told me when I was 17 that I’d set up perfectly n shit.
Quote was
“Fuck being a victim, it’s boring.”

You're Cut Too, Shooshy

I just read every comment on the Feministe “go fuck yourself” thread.

kill me (hiccup), kill me…


I’d rather attend 90 AA meetings in 90 days.

I went to a few, but the sanctimony there was just as bad as the convos I have with myself regularly. Man, I’m such an asshole. Why go bigger?

Seriously, why aren’t you all lightening up? I thought we got to the core of this website long ago. It appears, Brad, Retardo, Gavin, and Travis, that you have readers who still don’t understand your gist. I, a mere humble supplicant, suggest you attempt to inculcate the masses better. That’s just me, the jackoff.

Leading with my name, as opposed to you, Marc? You don’t lead every post with your name? Sorry, I was reading too close, I guess.

I’m not the one who used my name as a talking point first. Never have. The author of this post knows who discussed it first. I suggest “thick skins” because that’s the answer to ever’thang.

And marcy, hon, why bother with my post if no one need bother with me? The incomprehensibility! [queue indignation and sputtering]

Gaw gee, what is your deal?! Is mockery only cool when it isn;t done towards Sadly, Nothing Doin’?


Looks like nobody told Ann to hold off on the stunt a few more days since the Libby jury is going home for the weekend.

Now what is she going to have to say to get attention?


I’m so fucking sick of losing comments to this fucking spam guard.

You’re referring to Sadly, No!, no? This doesn’t happen if you’re registered with the site.

a different brad

I never bothered to click that link. Now I will. Thanks for the heads-up.


I think I’m starting to get into this.

I was a Twin Peaks fan back in high school, after all.

Who’s Marcy? What’s she got to do with this? Did she kill Laura?


The problem you have, Mr. Goff, is you’re just not very good at what you think you’re trying to do. But then, you probably think that “The Glug McDrinky Pub” is a laugh riot.


Hey, when Queen Cunt of Fuck Mountain names a bar, she names a goddamn bar. Of course, when you go cursory, you miss a lot of backstory. The height of comedy is different for different people. Here, it’s saying that Ann Coulter looks like a man. Elsewhere, it is different.

“Lighten up” – Brad Rocket


Marcy = mercy. Lo siento for my Arkansan hubris.


Who’s Mercy?

Did she kill Laura?


Beat poets from the 70’s for 200 Alex.


Yes, and JR too.


You know Ann Althouse is loving this.


I’m sorry.

I’m usually the one who complains the most about feeding trolls, too.

I’m gonna slink off in shame at this point. I’ve got a sick friend I should be taking care of right now, anyway.


Though, her ain was bad with JR, and he only was in a coma for a while.


a different brad said,
I actually did go to Vassar, as did my mother before me, and among many, many other things it taught me that I can’t know everything about what women go through, nor should I pretend to. But it also taught me a lot of white women use the tribulations of their gender as a guilt sink, and feminism as a cover for selfishness.

He understands, but he’s got his limits when it comes to the white bitches.


Hey, finally. Someone gets it. I’m totally a troll. Same as Gavin over at the “Go-Fuck-Yourself” monolith-thread. I thought Gavin wanted the same courtesy here. Just trying to lighten up the discourse.


There’s a lot to be said for ShakespearesSister, Jack, but a purveyor of comedy it ain’t. (More than anything else, I am always reminded of a Forensics Team from a midwestern high school, all excited about the big Away tournament.)

But, on the subject of the good stuff online:

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I had thought I’d put a modicum of effort into a post about something that has sent me sputtering, but in a flash of epiphany, I realized that no one cared and the effort wasn’t worth it, as it would undoubtedly fall on deaf ears. Thus, I, instead, give you kitties. Loverly kitties. Fuzzy wuzzy squeetasmic kitties!



This Feministe contretemps is still more entertaining than Ann Bartow getting offended at the use of “D-Ho.” Or Gary Ruppert. But Ann Bartow getting offended at the use of “Gary Ruppert” would probably win out.


Zabu wabu be bop


And, Jack? Ann Coulter DOES look like a man. That’s just a fact, … Jack.


The height of comedy is different for different people.

That makes you guilty of height-ism, Jack, and I demand that you take down that comment.


Sorry, I must have missed something – why would Ann Coulter’s appearance be “off limits” to criticize? Isn’t she the one who’s been making her alleged “looks” an issue for her entire career? I believe I’ve heard Coulter often making arguments you can paraphrase as “because I’m so TOTALLY HAWT N’ BLONDE you know that every word that dribbles from my venom-covered lips must be BRILLIANT! I’m a pretty girl therefore I’m a republican!”. Also, isn’t she always threatening us with glimpses of her nether regions when she poses for photos in micro mini skirts?
Years ago, in a very horrible experience that still scars me to this day, I once followed a link left in a comment over at World O’ Crap to Coulter’s website. I’m never going back there to verify this, but I seem remember through the fog of horror that I saw she had pages and pages of photographs of herself in various outfits. Like a nightmare, the photos seemed to go on forever: Coulter in evening gowns, skiing clothes, and more micro-minis, dear god make it stop.
To borrow a legal term, hasn’t Coulter “opened the door” to criticism of her appearance by making that appearance part of her arguments? It seems perfectly fair to me to say of her “everything she says is false, and oh, BTW, she’s a weird-looking skank, too”.


And that’s what deserves to be mocked about her, right marc? Nothing else I can really see that is worthy of derision, nope.

And did you read the title. As in, the “non-blog” part.

And Shakes Sis is infinitely more hilarious to me than the Sadly, No, though in my more virgin blog days, I felt differently. Now I realize I was had.


And while the under-grads wring their hands, all a-flutter over offending the poor Authoritarian darlings, the same people they’re so concerned about will pull their eye-teeth out with rusty pliers.


Shorter this thread: “Hey, the bitch mocked our looks, all’s fair in love, war, and ranting online.”

We take the high road, I see.


It actually isn’t about worrying about Ann Coulter’s feelings. It’s about understand ing that her level of discourse falls well short of discourse. Her beliefs are evil and atrocious in our democracy. But really, all we got is that she’s got a large larynx. That’s funny, like totally. HIGH FIVE!!!!!! And we accomplish our goal, which was to what?


I hate to admit this, but there’s something attractive about Ann in the picture at the top of the post.


Jack, if you haven’t got it just yet … you can take the high road, you can take the low road, but your self-righteous chest-pounding about how much more Progressive you are than anyone else here just isn’t playing …

So pick a road, … as long as it leads out of town …


I’ll remember that the next time someone cuts me off on the highway. “Hey, buddy, your level of dexterity falls well short of dexterity, so allow me to present 12 action items for how to remedy that in the future!”


Jesus H. Christ. I’m 5’10”, 150 lbs (no fat jokes, please) and on my tenth beer. After reading JG’s comments from the past hour, I feel sober as hell. Is something wrong with me?


Yes, you aren’t lightening up enough. All of you. Is this website not about being as uncaring and asinine as possible? Because that’s really what I’ve gotten from at least the author of this post.


your self-righteous chest-pounding about how much more Progressive you are than anyone else here just isn’t playing

I bet that when I’ve progressively become more drunk than you that you’ll change your tune. I’ve even got the tune, if your interested.


coulter is harsh inside and she’s harsh looking. chronic rabid hatefulness is transforming her into a freak.

a different brad

Lesley, while I don’t think cunt is entitled to the special treatment some feminist types want it to be afforded, bitch n pussy I happen to more or less agree with, and very much try not to use.
Besides, I’d feel much worse about implying some well off white women like using the word feminist to pretend they’re not the snob they are if you hadn’t just spent a couple days proving that point for me.


Hey, stop making fun of my name!

a different brad

*not the *snobs* they are*

me typoriffic today


ut really, all we got is that she’s got a large larynx

no, that’s not “all we’ve got.” we’ve got what’s coming out of the large distorted freakish larynx: bile. Green viscous bubbly vicious bile.


JackGoff said,
March 3, 2007 at 8:09

Yes, you aren’t lightening up enough. All of you. Is this website not about being as uncaring and asinine as possible? Because that’s really what I’ve gotten from at least the author of this post.

Now I see where you’ve gone wrong, Jack. No, it is not about “being as uncaring and asinine as possible.” You should take your own advice and get some “backstory” before you start lecturing the world at large.

And are you Virtually drunk, Jack? Or (as it begins to seem) Actually drunk?

By the way, some people don’t drink, as enticing as a Role-Playing Bar, cutely called “Glug McDrinky’s Pub” may be.


adifferentbrad, you’re one creepy sounding dude. glad this is the intertubes where i’m not in any meaningful proximity. ugh.


Well Jack, as you keep pointing out, this is a humor site. Nobody ever claimed it was high discourse. And yes, everyone realizes you’re attempting to make fun of Brad and the other insidious posters here. The problem is you suck at it.

Since you asked, the goal is to have a chuckle at these wingnuts. Hey, I realize that unless we dryly relate the contradictions and fallacies these wingnuts use, rather than mocking them with every bit of ammo they provide us, we are personally murdering the fat and transexual. We don’t care, what with our evil hateful treachery and all. I know cuz piny said so.


Yes, you aren’t lightening up enough.

Dude: I’m floating on beer bubbles. As far as I recall (but hey, I’m not as drunk as you), I didn’t say anything like “Hey, when Queen Cunt of Fuck Mountain names a bar, she names a goddamn bar. Of course, when you go cursory, you miss a lot of backstory. The height of comedy is different for different people. Here, it’s saying that Ann Coulter looks like a man. Elsewhere, it is different..”

And yes, I know you were being ironic. Just not funny. You’ll learn the difference some day.


ah, for the days of irc when the ignore-trolling behaviour feature could be summoned. anyhow, jack et all enjoy your booze and don’t let the constant insults get you down. it’s the intertubes. (those insulting you believe they are good people and when they call you an asshole, they mean well.)

i’m off to eat a samwich with celery sans the maniacal genocidal fatty salty wingnuts


YOU try walking around the mall as a cunt and see how people respond to you!


et fucking al. preview button!

a different brad

“creepy sounding”?
Couldn’t use the “in my parent’s basement” line cause we’ve given it a wingnut connotation round these parts?


The problem is you suck at it.

Well, sorry. I don’t really do the grade school humor it takes to make it in this biz.

And you guys aren’t reading your blog hosts, as you’re arguing against them. They made the point that humor is supposed to be subjective and not an absolute that one must fit oneself to. I may not be funny to you, but watching you all squirm and twist is giving me fits of sheer hilarity.

And who said irony isn’t funny? I know 200 years of literature didn’t, but who am I to argue that Voltaire is actually very hilarious? I can;t come up with zingers like “Damn! Look at the Adam’s Apple on that chick! HAHAHAHA!”


I have spent a bit of time now reading “i am jack’s non-blog / It’s. Not. Even. A. Blog!!!!” [http://iamjacksnonblog.blogspot.com/] And I want to apologize, personally, to Jack. It just isn’t fair, picking on someone like you.

(And I especially feel bad about that Forensics Team/Away tournament crack. It was a shot in the dark; believe me, I had no idea the pain I may have inadvertently caused you.)

a different brad

And will someone tell me why piny wouldn’t let this comment go through? oy vey.

“Since it seems my earlier less than polite words were deemed non-kosher, let’s try again. Mandolin- Maybe instead of treating the people at SN! the way some have, unfortunately, treated you, how’s about you don’t presume to know the content of our collective character based on a very personally inflected understanding of something we can’t even find anyone saying? Coulter’s followers make her supposed attractiveness an issue, yet in addition to being so skinny she could well have a disorder (not saying she does, just that she fits the stereotype) she’s got an adam’s apple and, to me at least, bears a strong resemblance to H. Ross Perot. When she’s held up as a model of heterosexual male desire, these are things that pop into my mind, because I’m a heterosexual male I reallllllllllly don’t desire her, and wouldn’t even if she had, i dunno, Barney Frank’s brain.
I won’t pretend to understand what you’ve been through or face in life, but dismissing those who’d at least be open to trying to understand their own mistakes in relation to your kind (words i don’t mean in any “you people� sense) seems shortsighted, and a poor way to educate. And no, it’s not your job to be Jackie Robinson, but if you’re going to act persecuted maybe you could at least talk to us about it first before dismissing us as bigots?
Cause, y’know, otherwise it comes off as you thinking us…. I dunno what the transgender world calls those of us who fit into the more common male/female poles (if you’re still debating it amongst yourselves may I suggest unmixed?) are all automatically biased against you, which is a bias in itself.”


(Jack, the squirming and twisting is only happening inside your head. Those who are reading your comments are just shaking theirs, wondering what crawled up your ass, and why you won’t let it out.)


As for the pretty girls, I can only guess that it’s because liberal boys never try to make a move on you without the U.N. Security Council’s approval. Plus, it’s no fun riding around in those dinky little hybrid cars. My pretty-girl allies stick out like a sore thumb amongst the corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie-chick pie wagons they call “women” at the Democratic National Convention.

Who said that?


I may not be funny to you, but watching you all squirm and twist is giving me fits of sheer hilarity.

You’re completely wrong, Jack. It’s very funny. Shit/crap/fuck. No, it’s HILARIOUS to me. I’m sure you stand corrected.


The self-righteous never notice when they’re wrong, Lee.


And who said irony isn’t funny?

Wasn’t me, I swear.


Who said that?

Ken Mehlman?


He was probably thinking it, TRex.


That’s cool, marc. My blog is a POS, which I’m sure you noticed me saying multiple times.

And well, actually, I was wondering what crawled up the owners of this blog’s collective asses when they decided that one post on a feminist blog calling them out for fat jokes was worth trolling said blog and jacking up a thread to over 600 comments. Though, i guess that doesn’t really matter, because, despite protestations against the obvious, double standards are the norm for all the blogosphere. Post about another post? You care too much about it all. Just, don’t pay attention as we troll your blog and balloon the comment threads. It isn’t that we care. No.

And marc, I know you don’t give a shit, but I have enjoyed your comments at Pandagon in the past, at least a few times. When you’ve been idiotic, I have let it pass.

Only when egotistical whiners deem a thread inconsequential, yet post egregiously at said thread in indignation, I feel a little less motivated to give a shit about trolling their threads.

Meh. Hope you keep fighting the good fight against women with large larynxes, because that’s the true menace here.


You’ve let it pass ? when you thought a comment of mine was idiotic ? Well, gosh, am I ever grateful.

By the way, were all 600 comments posted by the writers and readers of SadlyNO ?

Sadly, no.

So, do me a favor, Jack, in the future: don’t pretend you enjoy comments you are incapable of understanding.


And well, actually, I was wondering what crawled up the owners of this blog’s collective asses when they decided that one post on a feminist blog calling them out for fat jokes was worth trolling said blog and jacking up a thread to over 600 comments.



Just, don’t pay attention as we troll your blog and balloon the comment threads.

And don’t look now, Jack, but, unless you’ve got a chubby mouse in your pocket, it looks like you’re running this suicide mission of yours all by yourself.


don’t pretend you enjoy comments you are incapable of understanding.

Marc Page: Not egotistical in the slightest. Nossir.

Gavin, you’re the victim? Of a supposedly inconsequential thread at a blog that talks about nothing, according to your discourse? Well, I guess that’s your prerogative.

Marc, you’re trying too hard. Go for broke and call me a fathead poopyeater. It’ll mesh much better ’round here.


And well, actually, I was wondering what crawled up the owners of this blog’s collective asses when they decided that one post on a feminist blog calling them out for fat jokes was worth trolling said blog and jacking up a thread to over 600 comments.

Just a wild and crazy theory, but it just might be that the post “calling them out” was the blog equivalent of a bitch-slap. Whoopsie, there I go oppressing the minorities again, when will my pasty white ass learn?

Bring the flame to Sadly, No!, Sadly, No! brings the flame right on back. Oh bother, by saying back I’m clearly referring to a woman’s ass in a derogatory fashion, back to the flagellation room for more reeducation.


I suspect, Mr. Goff, I am no more and no less egotistical than you appear to be.

And as much as I enjoy the different sorts of humor and remarks provided by the proprietors of this here blog, I think I’ll just say things the way I do … if that’s acceptable to you under the Guidelines for Proper Progressive Speech (as determined by your august self, of course.)


Hey, say what you want, and own it. Don’t obfuscate when someone brings your words and deeds back to you. Own them. I have more respect for people who do that than people who try to make a pointless joke about some higher progressive idea. Bullshit. You wanted cheap laughs, and you got them. You had your reward. Revel in it, but don’t act like we all are supposed to share in it.


We take the high road, I see.

You take the high road
And I’ll take the low road
And I’ll reach the funny afore ye.


There’s that egotism, Jack. Do you really think anyone here is concerned about earning your respect? … Seriously, check the “backstory,” babe.


Which is, GoatBoy, the point of this blog. Take the low road, find the cheap laughs, bring in the masses.

So why act like it isn’t, as Gavin did over at Feministe? Piny said nothing else other than pointing out that this blog repeatedly doesn’t give a shit. Many people concurred, and yet acted like no one should speak that aloud, lest Sadly, No! become sadly nonexistent.


No, Marc, I know they aren’t, deary sweetypie. In fact, I’m certain most people here think I’m a completely piece of shit. I’d find it hard to raise an argument against that. I could say “Hey, that’s kinda ad hominem”, but who are we kidding? The blogosphere bleeds bluish-ad-hominemish. But have at it, mange. The “backstory” is the same everywhere. Appeal to the masses requires speaking to them, which also requires entertainment. [egotism] Some people don’t feel that the entertainment enjoyed by the masses is funny, and they believe that some of it is detrimental to various groups of people. Therefore, they object. [/egotism] Fucking assholes, right? Damn drag queens and women with large adam’s apples! They just want to make us all humorless bitches!


No, Marc, I know they aren’t, deary sweetypie. In fact, I’m certain most people here think I’m a completely stupid piece of shit. I’d find it hard to raise an argument against that. I could say “Hey, that’s kinda ad hominem”, but who are we kidding? The blogosphere bleeds bluish-ad-hominemish. But have at it, mange. The “backstory” is the same everywhere. Appeal to the masses requires speaking to them, which also requires entertainment. [egotism] Some people don’t feel that the entertainment enjoyed by the masses is funny, and they believe that some of it is detrimental to various groups of people. Therefore, they object. [/egotism] Fucking assholes, right? Damn drag queens and women with large adam’s apples! They just want to make us all humorless bitches!


Dance with MEEEEEE! I’m ever so lonely, loveys!

[sorry about the dual posts, tried to fix a typo]


Jack, Ya caught us. NONE of us here give a shit. Really we don’t. You win! You’re better than all us. Hurray for you! Here’s a medal. Keep it shiny.


Jack, baby, doll, it wasn’t that good that we needed to see it twice. But:

JackGoff said,

March 3, 2007 at 9:13

Which is, GoatBoy, the point of this blog. Take the low road, find the cheap laughs, bring in the masses.

So, now you don’t like “the masses?” What are you? some kind of elitist, or what?


Yup, Piny said SN doesn’t give a shit, in a tone that us lowbrow SN types would normally reserve for people who want us dead. Then all the posters said “tut tut, it’s sad that these SN boys hate fatties so much, truly vile.” 300 posts later they’re wondering just how their words were twisted to somehow mean that Sadly, No! is somehow bad.

It’s true that Sadly, No! fanned the flames that had been lit. THAT’S WHAT THEY DO. It’s much more fun with the wingnuts, of course.


Jack, we’ve already had a spiraling, fractal exchange about this over at Feministe.

When we deploy moral reasoning, you’re like, ‘Racka-frack. At least the Rude Pundit doesn’t try to explain himself.’

When we’re crude, you clutch a lily and drift near the fainting couch.

Sir, I’m sorry, but Ann Coulter is funny. Maybe you don’t think so. If I could call Voltaire’s shade from the catarrhyptine gloam, he’d be frickin’ laughing too.


Here’s a medal.

Dude, I’d totally take it from you if it wasn’t covered in Vaseline. I just don’t know where that grease came from.

Yes, marc. You figured me out. I hate the fact that a majority of people in this country feel a man who dresses in women’s clothing is worthy of derision (full stop), and any chance that one can equate a political rival with those degenerates is teh funny. Same for fat people, transgender people, non-white people, etc.

Of course, SN isn’t about worrying about the inconsequential bullshit like the way other groups feel. It’s about taking the low road, and appealing to the masses, who love a good fat/tranny/drag queen joke. That shit is HIL-AR-I-OUS.


Hey, Gavin. I’m not zuzu. The Rude Pundit can go to hell.


It would be interesting to see what might happen if these Holier-than-Thou Ultra-Sensitive Pro-gressives would put this sort of time and energy into objecting to what people like Coulter say and do, instead of attacking their natural allies, the Imperfect but Certainly Well-Intentioned.


Droll Troll:

Are you sure you’re addressing the right person? I haven’t said anything that could remotely be construed to sound like what you said up there.


Droll Goff?

Does it not strike you in the least bit funny that a women held in such high esteem politically and called ‘beautiful”(?) by so many of the Republicans ALSO looks like a man pretending to be a woman?

Even a little?


Bullshit. You wanted cheap laughs, and you got them. You had your reward. Revel in it, but don’t act like we all are supposed to share in it.

cheap? man, the SN! subscription fee is killing me. Plus they took away the preview button.

Man Couletergeist

how do u spell C-U-N-T?


Of course, SN isn’t about worrying about the inconsequential bullshit like the way other groups feel.

You have to get over this ass of a supposition that drag queens are a special category of people, unearthly and easily hurt by the use of the term ‘drag queen.’

You know what a real drag queen would be like? She’d be catting on Ann.


It would be interesting to see what might happen if these Holier-than-Thou Ultra-Sensitive Pro-gressives would put this sort of time and energy into objecting to what people like Coulter say and do

So true, which is why I and a few of my close friend volunteer at a local junior high and tutor for free. I’ve also donated money to various things, which I won’t cite because that will be egotistical. I do have a limitation, in that I have to work and do classes around 12 hours a day (on average). Not an excuse, of course, but I do try.

Simply, it doesn’t have to be worth it to you (what I do), but arguing that calling Ann Coulter a “drag queen” and Mann Coulter is not fighting her message. It’s about cheap laughs. I’d just like one of you to admit that this isn;t some higher purpose, because it isn’t.

As to the Uber-Blogger-Holier-than-Thou horseshit, I have said, multiple times, the exact same horseshit occurring here. I have been insensitive, uncaring, asinine, the works. To multiple people in the left/feminist blogosphere. I am not immune to douchebaggery. You think you all are.


are there any examples of politically correct humour (that isn’t mocking political correctness)? I’m thinking of all the shows/comedians I find funny and there isn’t a PC one in the lot.

a different brad

Did I commit a speech crime with the words drag queen earlier?
can someone point me to the archive of the memo on when that stopped being an ok description of the people who i knew to call themselves drag queens?


That’s a pernicious stereotype Gavin, how dare you! Don’t you know that to even acknowledge that people are different, other than to sing praises to the sky, is to utterly deny the very humanity of people?!?


You’re right, Gavin. Drag queens being used to mock Ann Coulter isn’t an insult to drag queens. How could I have been so blind?


Your last comment was interesting, Jack, but I think you went a step too far if you expect us to believe you have “close friend[s].”

And if you think you played the part well … the part of the “insensitive, uncaring,” etc., perhaps a little more work with the Community Players is in order.


I am not immune to douchebaggery. You think you all are.

[cobag]good lord that’s stupid[/cobag]

Herr Doktor Bimler

I’m not sure which part of this thread has offended me most, but I think it was comment #6, where CS Lewis Jnr used the verb “spectating”. That makes FSM cry.

And the title of the thread is offensive to monorchids.

a different brad

Ok, phew. Just a troll.
He’s got a tiny point tho.
Coulter’s much less attractive than many (most?) non genetically female females.
Not that it in any is at all relevant to the content of her views, which, being so repugnant as to not be worth real comment, only serve to show how many progressive men continue to insult women by acting as if they occasionally consider their own appearance.


Just let me know when it’s my turn to “feel” offended.


I think you went a step too far if you expect us to believe you have “close friend[s].�

Well, some of them are just people in my major, but a few of them are people I do love. I realize that “love” and “friendship” are less important than fat/tranny/drag-queen/fag jokes, but some people, who you might want to listen to, don;t care for them. At all. Of course, that’s just a suggestion, from one jackoff to another.


Well, from one jackoff back to another, trust me when I tell you, you will make a lot more friends down here on the ground as soon as you climb down off that high horse you ride in on.


I know 200 years of literature didn’t, but who am I to argue that Voltaire is actually very hilarious?

I think he’s an atrocity. Surely that extended joke about carving steaks from the fat chick’s butt in Candide is proof of a Holocaust-enthusiast. I’m glad Voltaire’s dead. Too bad the Enlightenment couldn’t die with him.

Roswell Autopsy

I hate to admit this, but there’s something attractive about Ann in the picture at the top of the post.

Hey, I’d dissect her.

a different brad

Oh wait.
That was the point Gavin made in the original caption to the picture in the post.
I wish I could say I was being sarcastic, but it’s been a long night, offline and on.
Sorry Gavin.


You know, Mencken, I never said stop posting. I just went with “lighten up”. Which no one around here seems to do, as pearl-clutching is Teh Fun.

And marc, yes. Assholes need to descend from the high horse. Especially when they’re riding over a multitude of their compatriots. Of course, when you don;t give a shit about those people you’re mauling, the ride seems smooth and lovely.

Just close your eyes, guys. No one gets hurt from tranny jokes, or drag queen jokes, or fat jokes. No one worth mentioning, that is. Shhhhhhhhhhhh.

a different brad

Another problem with being on a high horse is it distorts your field of vision, jackgoff.
In no way was the joke insulting to the transgendered or drag queens, unless you’re saying Coulter is one or the other, which would not be entirely shocking but would be a bit of a surprise at this point in the game.
Are you saying these groups cannot have their names used in any portion of any joke anywhere?
Or are you standing up for the rights of hack drag queens?


feministe, a cross between

Weenie is a very sensitive guy, and it angers and saddens him that everyone isn’t just as sensitive as he. An admitted male feminist, Weenie is ever vigilant against anti-progressive attitudes. Though he seldom comes into personal contact with the working classes, he keenly feels the pain of their oppression nonetheless.


Innocence Abused guards her purity jealously and cannot countenance crude language and gets the vapors over frank references to intimate bodily functions.


here is a bit of comedy; I have been a reader of sadly no! and feministe, and now, this. The problem boils down to Sadly No! not understanding that they insulted one fellow by making light of his girth and how all people of girth may take this comment. They thought they were just making fun of him. Others, and Feministe writers objected, and said, with all this fellows flaws, you had to pick jokes about his girth? Then much typing above, under, below, up above one another, and side to side.

To the Feministe: Sadly No! thinks we are not making fun of all people of girth, but this one person of girth, and we are using his girth to do it. We are sorry if you are a person of girth, but we do not mean you when we make fun of this person of girth.

To the Sadly No!: Feministe thinks Sadly No! should be sensitive to people of girth. There are many more traits you could ridicule the target with such as his love of genocide, militarism, the fact Hitler would have (insert your own joke here).

If none of this correct, well I apologize, but I hate to see two blogs I read regularly fall into this sniping. I think some of it good natured, but it is hard to tell in text. I am a long time lurker, and no commenter, but you all have drawn me out. I mean all this constructively, and if all this sniping is good natured to hash out some differences and draw the wingers out, well Huzzah! you fooled me. I am crossposting this comment ad Sadly No! as well.


You know, Mencken, I never said stop posting.

No, but your crew implied that I might as well if I didn’t properly respond — meaning, admit error and throw my priviledged self at the mercy of the Feminste politburo — to ‘being called out’ and ‘educated’ on the absolute depravity of fat jokes.


Well, Jack, you leave me no choice then — I’ll just have to go back to mocking geeks like you.


Are you serious, adbrad? A modifier makes the comparison okey dokey? Please. A simple change of subject proves you wrong. Change “drag queen” to “woman”. Misogynistic horseshit, even if you were talking about Margaret Thatcher.


You know, Mencken, I never said stop posting. I just went with “lighten up�. Which no one around here seems to do.

when the funny pictures (of homicidal maniacs) have to come down because they break someone’s rules of decency, the laughter dies around here. If this were 1942, we’d be chastized for mocking Hitler’s moustache.

a different brad

Like I said, it’s been a long night, n it’s getting late. I’ll stop feeding this troll.
You may be holier than me, JG, but I bet I have a better singing voice.
Or not, whatevah.
*stops cluttering thread*


Humorists joke with the society they have, not the society they wish they had.


Question, Mencken:

Why, if Feministe is such a polemicist website with no fruitful criticisms, do you care about what they say. Your co-blogger seems to think that lightening up is a proper course of action. Grow a pair, honey, after all. That’s what we must stand for, not this uber-sensitive worry-wart horseshit. Go all out, be proud of your fat jokes and your tranny jokes and your drag queen jokes. The dissenters aren’t worth your comedic chutzpah, right?


Please. A simple change of subject proves you wrong. Change “drag queen� to “woman�. Misogynistic horseshit, even if you were talking about Margaret Thatcher.

But if you change it to ‘bowling ball,’ it isn’t offensive at all.

See, a simple change of subject proves you wrong.


How about we change “drag queen” to ‘privileged, white college boy,’ Jack? Is that okay with you?

And by the way, Jack, what makes me think you’ve never sat down and had a drink with a transexual ?


jack’s not a troll, he’s a tireless rebutter.


So a bowling ball is a person now. Huh.


Holy cow! Which way to the celebrity gossip?


And by the way, Jack, what makes me think you’ve never sat down and had a drink with a transexual ?


I’m not going to try to prove the creds, but I know a few transgender people. Granted, I truly know less pricks than transgender people, so I guess I shouldn’t be judging you so harshly…


So a bowling ball is a person now. Huh.

I meant ‘bowling ball’ as in ‘small, round black person with no arms or legs.’


Jack’s not a troll, he’s a tireless butt [of the joke].

There. That’s better./


Because racist jokes are funny too, amiright? High fucking five.


OMG. Jack, have you no sense of humour or are you pulling the collective leg?

he’s kidding. has to be.


I guess we’re all just going have to face it. We’re just not good enough to fight in the same ranks with Jack and the High ‘n Mighty Brigade. We have sullied the Movement. We might all just as well register as Republicans tomorrow.


Lesley, I don’t think he’s kidding. (And I feel very badly for him.)


Right, because “bowling ball” = ’small, round black person with no arms or legs.’ = comedy gold.

Sorry if I missed it. I was too busy being a humorless bastard who tends to think of people as humans first, comedy props, like eightieth.


We might all just as well register as Republicans tomorrow.

They do use your style of humor, marc, early and often.


what SN! should do is ensure all their pix are “feministe-approved.” They must have a stamp for such occasions, like the government.


Actually, I meant ‘bowling ball’ as in ‘dead baby that comes out of the ball return.’

Because don’t you hate when that happens?


jack, you’re beginning to sound like chris hitchens. just a little. are you depressed, son?


Jack, you just told us that you are “a humorless bastard.” So, what do you know about “styles[s] of humor?”

And, if you don’t mind, since I’ve been involved in American politics just a bit longer than you have, would it be okay with you if I decide for myself which side I’m on? Or will you dictate that to me as well as what I may say and how I may say it?


I also hate it when people try to use humor as a bludgeon to push the conversation away from what they don’t want to talk about.

But, then, I’m just a jackoff. If you truly deemed my comments to be worthless, it might be best to ignore them.


And, if I’m not mistaken, a tendency to the Authoritarian is always evident on the Right side of the American political spectrum. So, Jack, perhaps you’d fit in quite nicely at the next Republican Women’s Conference.


But you see, Jack, I don’t think your comments are worthless. You think mine are. Since I respect damned near all people, I listen to them. Sure, I might make a bad joke from time to time about folks like you, but I’m still listening. You ought to try it some time.


I would like to know how I sound like Hitchens. You don’t have to tell me or even make up a reason, though I would like to understand your reasoning.

Good point marc. Stop worrying what I say, then. It obviously doesn’t matter to you. If the proprietors of this blog wish me to leave, I will leave. I’m, at the moment, repaying the courtesy said proprietors gave to feministe.

And marc, your side is your side. Live it. love it. But don’t obfuscate when someone objects. Take it head on.


I also hate it when people try to use humor as a bludgeon to push the conversation away from what they don’t want to talk about.

I mean, that thread at Feministe is now pushing 700 comments. There’s been quite a bit of serious conversation.

But, then, I’m just a jackoff.

Um, go by ‘John.’ Just a suggestion.


Wow, so, all this time, we coulda been friends, Blanche?


Jack, what the fuck is wrong with you? I have no doubt that we are on the same side politically … that’s what I was talking about. I don’t like the government we have and I’m betting you don’t either. That’s the point.

And why would anyone want you to leave? Do you really think blog owners want to see “O comments” under their posts? Don’t you think they like having as many comments as they can get, representing a lot of visitors to the site?

I’m beginning to think what I don’t get is how so many of you treat these sites as if they are Actual places and that you are fully and completely interacting with Actual people. Even more so than the meat-world, you’re dealing with a lot of illusion here. Beware of Maya, Jack.


Um, go by ‘John.’ Just a suggestion.

Tried that. Didn’t work with the reichwing trolls. Funny how easily your humor melds with theirs, innit?


Now you’re just starting to sound paranoid.


Speaking for myself, I like Jack a lot better than Annie and Shoelimpy.


jack. you’ve said “lighten up” countless times, and I interpret that to mean “hey, lay off a little, let it go, give it a rest, give me a break…” but you seem unable to do that yourself.

if people started ramming rules down your throat about you should find funny, what you should and should not laugh about, would you not be offended?


Well, definitely Jack over Annie. (Now, there’s a visual … )


Lesley, Jack’s use of “lighten up” is supposed to be a sardonic echo of what he perceives SadlyNo’s argument to be, that the Feministe commenters should “lighten up” about the fat joke. It’s what passes for cleverness among the undergraduates, I suppose.


Depends, lesley, on the reason they give. If they told that I should stop using the :Chick has a large Larynx” argument as well as my refernces to drag queens, I, myself, would listen to them, because I am hurting people I am not aiming at hurting. If I didn’t give a shit, and I was gunning to keep an audience who loves to read that stuff, I’d keep it up, and add in a little more.

I would never argue that Gavin isn’t writing for his audience. Nor would I say his audience cannot laugh when and where they choose. As I said, own what you find funny. You think that Ann Coulter = Man = Drag queen = hilarious. Own that. Quit trying to act like that isn;t your point. It’s been you point all along. And quit worrying about the naysayers. Do we matter to you? Obviously not, as I’m sure someone along the line made you read “To Kill a Mockingnird” (if in the US), and there’s quite a bit there about empathy.

Granted, if you have no empathy, that’s something to own as well. Come right out and say it, and quit lying on threads where you show categorically that you are, in fact, lying.


marc page Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
March 3rd, 2007 at 3:32 am


A good sign. Maybe they’re beginning to come to their senses. (Or Ilyka needs some time to review her class notes from the Pablo Seminar on Internet Discourse.)


Damn. Yeah, learn to proofread, jackoff.


Commedia dell’arte

The performances were improvised around a repertory of stock conventional situations: abortion, jealousy, fat jokes, love, some of which can be traced in the Roman comedies of Plautus and Terence, which are themselves translations of lost Greek comedies of the fourth century BCE. These characters included the ancestors of the modern clown, and troll. The dialogue and action could easily be made topical and adjusted to satirize local scandals, current events, or regional tastes, mixed with ancient jokes and punchlines. Characters were identified by costume, masks, and even props, such as the giant sandwich.


Then I’m the damn giant sandwich, begging you not to use me as a prop to degrade other people.


“… the Chick has a large larynx … ” You know, I’ve looked and looked, and the only person who seems to have used that phrase is you, Jack.

So, why the quotation marks?

And why do you use the plural pronoun? Are you speaking for yourself, Jack, or are you the designated representative of a particular Group of Aggrieved Victims?

And many of US (since we’re speaking in the plural) read Harper Lee’s book because we wanted to, and we ‘got it.’ And to make the leap from a bit of low humor to accusing a large group of people of being sociopaths is well, a hell of a leap.


What Mr. Goff appears to want to accomplish here is for the proprietors and the commentators to confess that yes, they laughed at the joke, and yes, they’re sorry they did, and yes, they promise to never ever again laugh at such jokes.

Now, if you will all kneel and bow your heads …


Well, no one on this thread has mentioned it, true. I was actually going off of other assholes talking about Coulter’s looks instead of her evil bullshit ideas. And I am completely wrong in thinking that you all were trying to say that she looks like a drag queen. In fact, you come out and say “Coulter’s appearance nothing like that of unskilled drag queen”. You even say “unskilled”. That makes it worthwhile, and eminently acceptable. Not hateful at all. High five. Meh.


No, don’t say you’re sorry. Come right out and say “Fat people are hilarious, the porkers, but only when they don’t have our ideology” and then we can know where you stand. I hate when people lie about their ideology. It agreement gives the fatties a pass for you, sing out. Don’t hide beneath the warm blanket of political correctness. Own your beliefs.

Then, moreover, don;t whine when people call you out for your beliefs. Much like what should be done with Coulter, but since she’s a woman, you gotta go platinum with the insults, namely attacking her for teh XX.


I haven’t heard any whining; but if you need to believe that’s what you’ve heard to make you feel like you’ve done your job, Jack, well, okay.

And if Miss Coulter being a woman is enough for you, then ‘own her,’ she’s yours.


see JackGoff, when you wrote:
JackGoff said,
March 3, 2007 at 11:25

Then I’m the damn giant sandwich.

I knew you had a sense of humor. I think the SN! chaps are joking about one particular fat man, not all fat men. They perhaps do not understand, as much as well meaning explain, how this may hurt other people of girth.

I think this is one of the primary differences between us all.

for a background I submit the sad case of Fatty Arbuckle.


the jokes are certainly being “owned.”

equating ridiculing Ms. Coulter’s qualities with a hatred of all women who share certain physical characteristics with her is ridiculous.


Ideologues like Jack never notice when the rhetoric of the True Believer, which they use in place of thought, takes them to ridiculous and insupportable extremes.

So committed to the Party Line as he is, Mr. Goff will turn Miss Coulter into a victim, never considering for a moment that Miss Coulter wouldn’t hesitate to (and I mean this literally) have Mr. Goff ‘removed’ (one way or another.)


Coulter is a woman who hates women, a woman who denounces feminism while enjoying a high-paying career, a woman who thinks women’s suffrage is a mistake while she writes political books, and a woman who uses her supposed good looks to market herself and get Fox Noise spots, even though she’s really not good looking by the standards of the majority of humanity*. None of this is funny?

*just a guess


And Mr. Goff’s point is a very simple one: you may criticize any of the things you mentioned, Jrod, but you may never make a joke about Miss Coulter that is based on her gender.

No matter how much damage she does, the ‘low blow’ (as Jack might see it) is not allowed.

His whole point, in a nutshell (so to speak.)


thine enemy isn’t the “sadlyno team dancers” who poke fun at people who are barely recognizable as human and not good enough to be compared to animals (it’s increasingly difficult to refer to Bush as ‘chimpy’ after reading Jane Goodall).

look at it this way Jack, it’s probably more of an offense to men to call ann manly.


[For the record: since my response to a ‘strawman argument’ from something calling itself ‘Mnemosyne’ has yet to struggle out of moderation:]

HTML Mencken Says:
March 3rd, 2007 at 4:37 am

Well, I would say, if my comments weren’t always stuck in moderation, that Archie Thompson’s a very unusual case.

marc page Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
March 3rd, 2007 at 3:32 am

I didn’t “stroll in� anywhere. No legs involved ‘here.’

And I said nothing remotely like what you pretend I appended to my question.

An anecdotal exception to the rule [Archie Thompson] does not change the fact that for most of us, our weight is what we make it.


These rules are too complicated, I’m just gonna join the Republicans. Good Bye forever you bigoted so-called liberals.


in the feministe comment thread jack’s lively with the insults. over here he’s Mr. Delicate Sensibilities. i guess when you’re with your own crowd you can let your true personality shine through.


Well, Jrod, they just don’t want us any more. We laughed at a ‘fat joke.’ Of course, we can volunteer for the Maoist re-education camp, and after a rigorous program of rehabilitation, perhaps we’ll be allowed to vote for a Democrat again.


yeah, they turn the moderation off and on at their whim. that must be very time consuming for them.


Hey, here’s a stitch:

They [fundamentalists] are especially likely to say their religion colors and shapes almost everything they experience in life, that it is the solution to all of humanity’s problems, that it is very important to them to support the leaders of their religion, that they are learning everything they can about their religion, that nothing else is as important in their life, and no other outlook could be as true and valid.

No other group comes close to being as zealous. Feminists usually come in second in my studies, but way behind the religious fundamentalists, and one finds far, far fewer of them.

Altemeyer, The Authoritarians p 126


From what I can see there, what else do they have to do with themselves? It’s not as if they’re committed to fixing this mess we’re in. After all, Miss Coulter’s feelings may have been hurt by a comment on a liberal blog.


they could care less about ms. coulter’s feelings. they are worried about all the people who share characteristics of coulter’s that might take offense at a joke directed at ms. coulter. they are also concerned with the left-liberal image. it is the duty of every left-liberal to set an example to the public at large and the repuglicans that we are better people than the repuglicans. and we can’t do that, as far as they’re concerned, if we make jokes about fat repuglicans.


Given the admonitions, aspersions and irregular but substantial spewage of guilt of late, I will not call Ms. Coulter large or super-sized, nor cite LL Cool J at this moment saying, more bounce to the ounce and what I say counts. Or …

Brenda’s got a big ol’ butt …

Nothin’ ….

I refuse.


the fact that we oppose genocide, needless war, killing, suffering, torture, and corruption is not good enough for feministe. you must strive to be teh perfect. FOR THE PARTY.


How many hours is it going to take before I figure out what’s going on here?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Oh, people, people,people! Will you leave off, already? If I could hack up a furball the length of this thread I’d instantly achieve buddhahood.

Really, I mean, at the beginning of this fracas I had some opinions, but by now, all I want is for it to stop, please God, please Baby Jesus, stop! Is it necessary for us to fall on our fellows and rend them for this, which is, honestly, a minor issue, whatever side one wishes to take? Do we need to eat our own?

Not that that’s a bad thing, necessarily. If the handmaiden had let me have kittens I’d have enjoyed crunching down on one or two, just as a snack after all that work, you know? But I never even got a sniff of nookie, much less any joyous birthing experience, so no crunchy kitten snacks for me.

I’m off to bring the handmaiden another gecko. She so enjoyed the last one.


any cat who types and reads blogs should be profiled in the journal Nature.

have you tried http://www.cuteoverload?

Teh Preview Button

It wasn’t the Fat Jokes that drove me away; it was the fact that people are still writing ‘larynxes’ when they mean ‘larynges’. Promise me that you’ll get it right, next time an opportunity comes up to talk about more than one larynx, and then I’ll think about returning.

Herr Doktor Bimler

I also hate it when people try to use humor as a bludgeon to push the conversation away from what they don’t want to talk about.

I know the feeling. Sometimes I visit a humour blog, and OMFG, people are telling jokes! Shouldn’t there at least be some kind of warning at the start of the thread?


thank god no one reads my blog.

You're Cut Too, Shooshy

This and the Feministe thread should be read with a Smashing Pumpkins soundtrack. ’93 to infinity, to quote Souls of Mischief. 14 years later, and the left still spirals into viciously circular cliche over humor, identity, “moral triage” and the elusive “owning.”

Humor is cruel and unfair, and its purposes are never wholly noble. And yet it is as inalienably human as rage, hope, and despair. This is a tragic condition, and one you negotiate instead of solve. It is not a moral problem that can be settled by either “Own your oppression” or “Lighten up, bluestockings.” Productive battle is one thing, but when HTML and piny start morphing into late-night dorm voices, it’s time we take a break.

Let’s move on, while teh snark guitar gently weeps…



— “And that’s what I learned in school today / that’s what I learned in school …”


The pie here used to be so much better.


Boy, he or she is REALLY FUNNY!!! If you thought his or her joke about Edwards was good, you should have seen when s/he gave a WEDGIE to Guiliani!!! Or how she did a total ‘PSYCH’ on McCain! LOL!

S/he hasn’t changed from his or her JUNIOR HIGH days! Well, except now his or her hair is longer, s/he takes estrogen, and he or she can’t go out for the football team.


Okay, okay, I think I’ve got it now. Tyra Banks was walking through the mall in a Jack Goff suit, and everybody was pointing at her and saying, “Ha, ha, ha! Look at that jackoff!” And Tyra Banks said, “Why are you laughing at me?” And they said, “Because you look like Ann Coulter!” And then Tyra Banks shot back, “Yeah, well your level of discourse falls well short of discourse!”


Coulter should not bother speaking.

She should have sex with live animals.

That might shock some people.


Incontinentia Buttocks

When I opened this thread this morning I thought, “Sweet Baby Jeebus, not another three hundred comments in the continuing sensitivity circular firing squad.”

But having read all the comments, I’m happy to report that it really isn’t. Instead, it’s yet another negative object lesson in troll feeding. And it’s really all about a single troll.

Stop it, people! DON’T FEED THE TROLLS!


Wait. I’m still confused. Am I allowed to laugh at the manzier or not?


I am ashamed.

Deeply, deeply ashamed.

Someone please spank me.


Okay, okay, I think I’ve got it now. Tyra Banks was walking through the mall in a Jack Goff suit, and everybody was pointing at her and saying, “Ha, ha, ha! Look at that jackoff!� And Tyra Banks said, “Why are you laughing at me?� And they said, “Because you look like Ann Coulter!� And then Tyra Banks shot back, “Yeah, well your level of discourse falls well short of discourse!�

And everybody was like “Oh, SNAP!” and they all laughed, and Tyra laughed, and they all walked arm-in-arm down to the See’s candy to get some peanut brittle but when they got there they shoved Tyra into a dark and scary cave and then someone hit her on the head and she woke up at the Orange Julius and she was all fat, and she had a big scar on the stomach of her Jack Goff suit and Tyra said “Ugh, they stuck a freakin’ sandwich in my freakin’ uterus.”


Jeezus, 80 kamillion comments engendered by a sandwich and an adam’s apple. And meanwhile the fucking brownshirts are having a multi-million dollar CONVENTION fer chrissakes.

And at this point, I’m convinced that JackGoff is Jeff Goldstein, same initials and everything, including a massively obsessive refusal to just stop, unmitigated by Klonopin, alcohol, or mother’s milk.


She’s a MAN, baby!


So why act like it isn’t, as Gavin did over at Feministe?

Because we’re not in the habit of aiming our weapons at each other around here. Perhaps we can get some lessons, Jack?

I’m, at the moment, repaying the courtesy said proprietors gave to feministe.

And that’s all this has ever been about. Turf and retribution. Nothing more to see here. Except for Jack, the fat tranny cunt. We should see that well. Whee! I’m hateful and worse than genocide. And definitely off the blogroll.


Austin Powers movies are plainly worse than genocide. Women are objectified, fat people are all made cruel sport of. Anyone caught watching any of these films intentionally will be off the blogroll. Any caught laughing will be excommunicated. Further details to be included in Glorious Weekly Revolutionary Tract vol. XCVII. (Check the insert for a coupon on hairshirts).


But one thing that I really have a hard time putting up with is being lectured about what it feels like to be “The Other� by a passle of white women who are wealthy enough to have the spare time and cash necessary to run a fucking blog on the fucking internet.

Well said, Jillian.


That’s classist. Shame. Shame!


That’s classist. Shame. Shame!

It’s only “class warfare” when the poor speak up. Otherwise, it’s just capitalism as usual.


I was going to have a few comments on Ann Coulter, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the words “aging transvestite cocksucker”


And everybody was like “Oh, SNAP!� and they all laughed, and Tyra laughed, and they all walked arm-in-arm down to the See’s candy to get some peanut brittle but when they got there they shoved Tyra into a dark and scary cave and then someone hit her on the head and she woke up at the Orange Julius and she was all fat, and she had a big scar on the stomach of her Jack Goff suit and Tyra said “Ugh, they stuck a freakin’ sandwich in my freakin’ uterus.�

Take note, Foucauldian sports fans. That’s how you take the discourse to the next level!


kingubu said,

March 3, 2007 at 12:16

Hey, here’s a stitch:

You’re reading that too! Best frickin’ e-book in the history of the Internet!


Could we please stop insulting us communists by comparing us to the identity politics-obsessed thought police? It’s ideolog-ist, that’s what it is! You are all off my blogroll. And I don’t even have a blog.


Is it evilbad for me to again compare Coulter to H. Ross Perot?
Ross has a smaller Adam’s apple.


I wouldn’t have intercourse with Ann Coulter using Ann Coulter’s penis.



…it’s yet another negative object lesson in troll feeding. And it’s really all about a single troll.

And an exceptionally feeble troll at that.

Much ado about nothing. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, if you’re able to withstand the tedium.


coulter is truly a vile cunt

but before we run out of bile, how about some love for the democrats for choosing joe lieberman to give their radio address this weekend?

h/t to pach at fdl


Jillian said,
March 3, 2007 at 17:51

I am ashamed.

Deeply, deeply ashamed.

Someone please spank me.

OOkay, after several hundred pointless comments, NOW we’re getting into a weird area.

Not that I wouldn’t spank you Jillian. When a lady asks me to spank her, I spank her.

But I wouldn’t spank Ann Coulter. Blegh.


George Johnston said,
March 3, 2007 at 18:54

Is it evilbad for me to again compare Coulter to H. Ross Perot?
Ross has a smaller Adam’s apple.

But larger ears.

(Please note, I made no allegations as to the value or appearance of large ears, nor cast any aspersions on the bearers of large ears; nor did I make reference to their similarity to a car with it’s doors open; Also it should be noted that the mild, extremely lame joke preceding this did not even contain a drum sting. Any similarity to humor, real or imagined, is solely in the mind of the author; it does not reflect the feelings of the Owners of Sadly, No! who are scheduled for their circular firing squad at 4 PM today. Neither is this supposed ‘joke’ intended for human consumption, and any resemblance to humans, animals, inanimate objects or platonic ideals is purely coincidental. No jokes were harmed in the posting of this comment, although a small nose goblin was flicked at my cat)


When a lady asks me to spank her, I spank her.

But I wouldn’t spank Ann Coulter. Blegh.

using “lady” and “coulter” together is creating some cognitive dissonance for me here..


Ann is looking a little chubby. Did she really need to go for seconds on that rice cake? Drop a couple pounds Ann, nobody is hearing your words because they’re mesmerized by your swaying chins.

Smiling Mortician

You know you’ve stumbled into something trolltacular when Annie drops by mid-thread to point out the attention whore. Just sayin’.

aunt bea traven

A tranny, a fattie, and a depressive/feminist walk into a stem cell research clinic & abortatorium waiting room. The tranny goes up to the bartender and says “I’d like to donate some blood.” The bartender says “You can’t donate blood if you’ve had gay sex.” The tranny says “Just because I’m a tranny doesn’t mean I’ve had gay sex.” The bartender says “You’re right. Have you had gay sex in the past year?” The tranny goes back to the waiting room. The fattie goes up to the bartender and says “I’d like to donate some bone marrow.” The bartender says “You can’t donate bone marrow if your heart isn’t strong enough.” The fattie says “Just because I’m a fattie doesn’t mean my heart isn’t in good health.” The bartender says “You’re right. How long was the last sub sandwich you ate?” The fattie goes back to the waiting room. The depressive/feminist goes up to the bartender. The bartender says “You look just like ann coulter.” The depressive/feminist replies…

aunt bea traven

“That’s Not Funny!”


Poor, Poor Ann. What sort of a fate do you think she will be relegated to? Well, hell would be the ultimate fate, but in the interim, I’m thinking that perhaps self destruction similar to a recent amorous astronaut.Oh wait, no, thats not so bad a fate really, since pyschological problems can find help.
There is no help for EVIL, which is what Ann is.
Maybe the best outcome from all this, is President JOHN EDWARDS.


Can I just add this to this fascinating discussion?

I think it’s relevant. Doesn’t call her fat or a man at all.


I’m convinced that JackGoff is Jeff Goldstein

Now, that’s just low. (And, if you hadn’t noticed, I’ve stopped.)


Ok, this whole thing is just weird. I truly don’t know what to say. But it sure doesn’t feel like good ole Sadly, No around here lately. Its like a parallel universe or something. I’m afraid if I look close it will actually say “Nadly, So!



‘Let’s Punk Ann Coulter’.

It’s the best way to shut her up for good.

Ideally, have secret video and put it on YouTube.


Just one more comment? Its wafer thin.


Is this thread about fat jokes? Cause if it is I’m not reading it.


Everybody just take their asshole reduction pill. Nobody is arguing from a purely intellectual stance anymore. Everyone is just pissed off. Just stop it. Nobody has said here’s what bothers me and here’s why. Everything is couched in all these weird terms and spouting off. It is pretty clear people only care about pissing other people off. That is what happens in real life. That is why people make fun of other people. They want to piss them off and make themselves feel better.

Seriously, corn dogs for everyone. I’ve seen JackGoff around the internet a lot and he’s pretty reasonable a lot of the time. You know what, he’s pissed off now, and he’s doing to same thing others would do if they were pissed off, going over and stirring shit up. That’s how it works. Since everybody is projecting their entire life histories onto these arguments and other people’s motivations, it is pretty clear that there can be no way forward. I call it the “wall of pain.” The wall has been breached and there is a fucking pain fountain of everybody in the world’s issues related only tangentially to anything.

These things cannot be sussed out in a multi-dimensional comment thread featuring 400 different voices. If anybody here cared about any of this shit, they would start doing it one on one offline. But I don’t think people really care, they just want to flame on. Chunderbags of the world know where my e-mail is, so they can follow up there. If people want to actually talk to each other they should do so, but I think it is clear this whole thing is a ridiculous farce.



Pinko can eat me. I say flame on.


I call fake pinko. I mean, c’mon. Three paragraphs and only one patented 3bs word? Logic I can follow? Sentence structure akin to college level skills? And the whole thing based on a rational precept? Nah, gotta be a fake. Somebody let PP know this cats out here squatting on his gig.

Just foolin’. Pinko’s oh so much more than right. Not constructive, not meaningful, not working – and worst of all, not FUN. I’m gonna go stir up a Pork Snorkel and sit outside in the sun….


Smiling Mortician

Everybody just take their asshole reduction pill. Nobody is arguing from a purely intellectual stance anymore. Everyone is just pissed off. . . . Nobody has said here’s what bothers me . . .Everything is couched in . . . people only care about . . . corn dogs for everyone . . . everybody is projecting . . . there can be no way forward . . . there is a fucking pain fountain of everybody in the world’s issues . . . If anybody here cared . . .but I think it is clear this whole thing is a ridiculous farce.

Thanks for clearing that up, Pinko. On behalf of, y’know, everyone, I’m going to take my pill and stop being such a pissed-off, projecting, anti-intellectual pain fountain of a ridiculous asshole.

Whew. I feel better now. At least I will feel better, if it turns out I didn’t bollocks all those tags. Preee (*sob*) vieeeew . . .

aunt bea traven

pinkos’ doggies are fat.
it wouldn’t surprise me if they were trannys too.
have they been spayed, pinko?


Those things are DOGS??


aunt bea traven

no fair comparing whoopi goldberg to ann coulter.
whoopi has done nice things, too. unlike coulter.
coulter just gets to be compared to bill donohue.
that’s the definition of a win/win situation.


Shut up. Ann Coulter is smart. Liberals are dumb.



If you know the person you are trying to engage is just losing it because they are getting really mad, are you still making the right choice. I did generalize, but you would note that everyone includes me! I just took my asshole reduction pill. There is no way for me to ask you the same in text without sounding like I didn’t take my asshole reduction pill, even if I were trying to be ironic and lighten the thread. I would have no way of knowing whether you know me well enough that we could joke like that, I could be starting an all out war, thus, I repeat my comment above, with the bold words unredacted. And puppies.

aunt bea,

they also have stinky farts, but so do I. I hope lactose intolerants and broccoli enthusiasts aren’t offended, but farts smell like poop.


Shorter Pinko:

Fat people are like farts.


Wow, I am a little late to the party and have not hat a chance to read through all teh funny of this post. Forgive me if this has been covert already, but is not Coulter and Drudge like best buddies. You know, with friends like that…..

Anyway, I think photoshopping a beard on Coulter would be woot…. woot funny!!11!!!

You know, like the stoning scene from Life of Brian.


I didn’t say that. Sometimes analogies can be useful, but sometimes analogies breach the wall of pain and we have to solve societal problems of fat prejudice, transphobia, sexism, homophobia, classism, racism (in no particular order) in one thread, and then it goes on from there.


Mikey, today is a slurpee day (or perhaps a cold brew). Since I am quite infantile, I would prefer a drink that made my tongue red and my brain freeze.


Fuck off and die, Capt. I fucking hate you so much I might say something that I mean to hurt you specifically, but it might hurt someone else I don’t mean to hurt accidentally. This either makes me a troll racist or perhaps if we want to have finer distinctions, we could say that it shows a certain lack of sensitivity, but then again when people are so mad that they want to hurt someone that bad, are they acting out of a specific anger or are they just revealing their true selves? I wish it were so easy to generalize. Odds are it can be both or either, but then we wouldn’t be able to build big fat straw men with which to bludgeon our enemies.

Smiling Mortician

Although it’s a bit too early out here on the left coast, Pinko, I’m thinking perhaps a shot of some nice 15-year-old Glenmorangie to wash down teh anti-asshole meds will even everything out.

OK, you’re right: we don’t know each other well enough so I’ll desnark like a Romulan warbird uncloaking: I was funning you. I think you’re dead-on right and I was trying to, y’know, make silly faces so mommy and daddy would stop fighting.


Poor, Poor Ann. What sort of a fate do you think she will be relegated to? Well, hell would be the ultimate fate, but in the interim, I’m thinking that perhaps self destruction similar to a recent amorous astronaut.

Oh, please. People like that only make me wish there was a hell. She’ll keep on getting money and book contracts and spend her weekends rolling in 10-dollar bills, carousing, and screaming at the people who hem her seemingly endless supply of black sheath dresses. The best hope is that she’ll drink herself to death sooner rather than later and the subsequent inquest/media frenzy will yield findings that embarrass the right wing in general.


Could people stop commenting while I’m trying to read the ridiculously arrogant and high-horsed dialog between the god damn trolls Pinky and the Captain?

I mean when some people are sly it is OK, like Berube, whom I love, but if other people are full of themselves and kind of sly or needling in the same way, they are condescending assberets.

Also, I am without sin so I just clusterbombed your glass neighborhood with stones.


No, SM, you were totally awesome- our exchange just proved both our points, and you know I love ya from way back.

The best part is that I was trying to be as reasonable as possible and you showed how you could twist the reading to be totally inflammatory, arrogant and condescending. Which was teh awesome, also showing how if people don’t want to even try, the flames, they will reach the sides of my face.

Rock on, SM.

And snorkel that pork! Pinko, out

aunt bea traven

if sean hannity gets a hand job from ann coulter,
does it count as a homosexual experience?


You’re all a bunch of idiots.


Condescending assberets I can deal with, but self-involved assfezs just make my ass tired…



Come on, debate me with facts, libs. Oops, can’t, so you don’t. God Bless The President and God Bless Our Troops.


At the risk of sending this thread spiraling into an all-out “I know you are but what am I?” war, could I just point out one other thing about Coulter’s picture up there?

Look at her eyes. I think the formerly-promising semi-young Right wing pundit miss is hopped up on goofballs.


Come on, debate me with facts, libs. Oops, can’t, so you don’t. God Bless The President and God Bless Our Troops.

This is not the facts department. You want Atrios or Kos. This is unredeemingly offensive jokes and hilariously introverted flame threads.

Arguments are next door.


It’s the assderbies I hate.

Smiling Mortician

True confession? I have on occasion been an assberet. It’s those damned asstams and assfedoras I can’t stand.

Smiling Mortician

Hey, g, my college roommate came in third in the assderby once, so back off.


I heard that “assbowler” was racist, so I will go with asscap.


M: (Knock)
A: Come in.
M: Ah, Is this the right room for an argument?
A: I told you once.
M: No you haven’t.
A: Yes I have.
M: When?
A: Just now.
M: No you didn’t.
A: Yes I did.
M: You didn’t
A: I did!
M: You didn’t!
A: I’m telling you I did!
M: You did not!!


Dood, we’re arguing about asshats right now. You know, style, season, what they’re wearing in Paris? Come back later…



My mom always told me a gentleman should take off his asshat when entering a room.


She’s also really funny when she calls Obama a ‘nigger’, Franken a ‘kike’, and Malkin a ‘slant-eyed Jap’.

Way to elevate the debate, Ann. And isn’t it a LITTLE IRONIC that she followed her comments by saying ‘I don’t know why all gays (aka ‘faggots’) aren’t Republican!’

It’s a mystery to me, too, Ann. . .

Smiling Mortician

Mikey, I believe this spring the chapeau-cul is all the rage.


Every time coulter makes news, I think of this….


aunt bea traven

coulter is actually very vulnerable now. she put the kibosh on sam sedar being on the same talk show episode. as much as i like sedar, he’s not exactly the terminator, and she’s obviously afraid of him. think progress noted some of her other ‘fag-bashing’ comments. her long pause at the end of her comment shows that even she didn’t know how well this slur would go over, even among a wing-tard crowd. this is the kind of thing chris mathews would feel okay about tossing her under the bus. he almost did it after the crap about the 9/11 widows. maybe she’ll get fat and o’reilly will make fun of her.


Happy Hinamatsuri, guys!


I love Sadly, No!

aunt bea traven

once a coat checker handed me my assborsalino.


You guys are a bunch of asstronauts. If you could guarantee me pigs in space, I would sign up right now.


Makes sense. After all, isn’t a diaper nothing more than an assdorag?



I think babies and gang members and pirates would be offended by your conflation, mikey.


Ask for something difficult next time, Pinko.


Give your doggies an extra smooch from me.


you know, this is a quixotian (sp?) battle – the right will never be exposed for what they are. battling windmills… ah, well. and remember, not all republican are racist, but all racists are republican.


So does this mean we’ve dismantled the circular firing squad?


Come on, debate me with facts, libs. Oops, can’t, so you don’t. God Bless The President and God Bless Our Troops.

Here are some facts for you, asshat. What do you have to say about those?


Patrick Murphy is at FDL. I donated back when he was running, and he is delivering.

Let’s find our priorities. This Judean Peoples Front versus the Popular Front for the Liberation of Judea thread has gotten boring, and never was even potentially productive.

Give me poop jokes, or give me the impeachment of Abu Ghraib Gonzales. Accept no substitutes.


I think babies and gang members and pirates would be offended by your conflation, mikey.

Probably true. But let’s face it, gang members are easily offended anyway. I reckon I can beat the crap outta most babies, and pirates are too busy searching limewire for live Neil Diamond Hits to do anything about it. Besides, diapers serve an important function to astronauts, beavis and butthead and anyone who needs to drive 400 miles without stopping, even if they always come to a shitty end….



I love teh Muppet Show.


400+ comments is an indication Sadly, No! needs a new topic. Just be thankful this isn’t Eschaton. This post would have like 2,400 comments or some shit.


Steve_e, didn’t you mean like 2,400 comments and some shit?


[The following bit comes from Feministe, and it’s a damned good general description of what went on throughout that mess:]

Soupa Doupa Says:
March 3rd, 2007 at 3:45 pm
I’m out. This is bad faith arguing, putting things into my mouth that I did not say, assuming I believe things I do not, ignoring things I actually did write.

[As for the refugee from Shakespeare’sSister:]

JackGoff said,
March 3, 2007 at 20:14

I’m convinced that JackGoff is Jeff Goldstein

“Now, that’s just low. (And, if you hadn’t noticed, I’ve stopped.)”

[Yeah, sure. But you might just as well have been … ]


Not sure how that follows, marc, as I never talked about utilizing my genitalia to physically assault someone, and I didn’t espouse genocidal and racist ideas.

I would like to apologize, however, for my excessive trolling last night. I should have ended it with one comment, but as one person pointed out, I’m a mean drunk. Something I should definitely work on.


I would like to point out that Michael Moore (who is fat) has not been mentioned once in this entire thread.

There, fixed.

Smiling Mortician

Hey, anonymous-with-all-the-extra-N’s? thanks for the link to the Coulter porn. Funny stuff. So’s the Onion piece on door-to-door Marilyn Manson, TKB. And the own-damn-self audio (hanks, J). And — hey! That gives me an idea! Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a group blog that focused primarily on snarky humor instead of on internecine warfare? A place where we could all hang out on foggy Saturday afternoons, after the coffee but before the scotch — or, hell, during both the coffee and the scotch — while we’re all trying to avoid, oh I dunno, grading papers or something? Wouldn’t that be great?



That gives me an idea! Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a group blog that focused primarily on snarky humor instead of on internecine warfare? A place where we could all hang out on foggy Saturday afternoons, after the coffee but before the scotch — or, hell, during both the coffee and the scotch — while we’re all trying to avoid, oh I dunno, grading papers or something? Wouldn’t that be great?

I don’t know if that is dreamer talk or crazy talk. No, I know what it is… CRAZY TALK, YOU TALKING CRAZY TALKING PERSON!11!!!eleven!!!11!!!!one!!!111


Why did you have to mention grading papers? Don’t you love me anymore?



Blue America, at work.

I’m a proud donor to Patrick Murphy’s campaign in 2006, and again today.


Oh yeah, one more thing. Alll you graizie paper graders, all my life, marking me off a grade (or three), just for being late.

)(@*(#$#^&*^^!!! eleven !!!111


Hey, SM, I’ve been grading papers all week. We can swap notes on how late ITTDGY’s paper was. The wretch….


P.S. I last turned in a paper in 1981. Late.

Smiling Mortician

Jillian. Baby. You know I love you. I hurt you because I love you, you know that.

And as for you, Mr. Dontgetya, maybe this will teach you a little responsibility, a little prioritization, a little of some other big latinate noun. Hmmph.


i’m betting this week marks the end of photoshopped mockery involving fat on this blog. sadlyno’s in the corner with the dunce cap on. bad pupil!


JackGoff said,
March 3, 2007 at 23:33

Not sure how that follows, marc, as I never talked about utilizing my genitalia to physically assault someone, and I didn’t espouse genocidal and racist ideas.

Now you’ve done it. Mr. G’s lawyers are probably drafting the summons right now. I suggest you seek legal counsel. (And some therapy wouldn’t hurt.)


P.S. I last turned in a paper in 1981. Late.

That ain’t nothin’. I just now turned in a paper that was due in 1981.

Smiling Mortician

Hey, ITTDGY, I can’t get your latest link to work, but Patrick Murphy is very cool. Very cool indeed.


Hiya SM, I’ll just quote the whole thing:

Well – It looks like the last few questions are some doozies. Here we go, I’m glad we’ll hit 100 comments before I sign off.

First, Iran. It pisses me off that some of these guys on the other side who never wore a uniform are so quick to saber-rattle against Iran when we havent even tried to talk to them. (I know ‘pisses me off’ is not supposed to be the vanacular of a congressman, but I was a paratrooper after all). President Kennedy once said, “We should never negotiate out of fear but we should never fear to negotiate.� At least we are now going to talk to Iran about Iraq, but I’d like us to talk to them about their nuclear ambitions and not just bury our heads in the stand.

Afghanistan – Congresswoman Marcie Kaptur was terrific on our trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan last week. She has taken the initiative to address the Madrassa’s (I’m killing the spelling of this), some that are educating young Muslims to extremism. We need to combat this with ‘Soft Power’ and helping, especially in the tribal regions, educating their children in a secular setting.

The Media – Well, I dont think we should hesitate to back down from a fight. We need to communicate to everybody, not just our base. I have been on Hannity and Colmes, local Fox shows almost every week, and local conservative radio (Michael Smerconish is our local and most popular conservative host, he fills in for O’Reilly on RadioFactor often)…as well as CNN, Hardball and the Countdown (just this week). I think it’s our responsibility to communicate to our country through the medium they use, TV and radio…kind of feels like being in front of the classroom back at West Point on most occassions, except I dont get to ask the questions.

Hey, Howie and everyone in the Lake, I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity today to talk to you. I really appreciate your earlier support of my candidancy for congress when no one gave me a shot…and now, when I’m not the most powerful member, you’re still supporting this skinny guy from the Eighth District of Pennsylvania.

Please dont report me either to child protective services, that diaper has aged for 20 minutes now.

Gotta run, thank you so much, and hopefully we can do this again soon. My wife will be back any minute and then we have to take off for events in the district tonight…the life of a new member…I’ll be keeping up the fight and will continue to make you proud.

Let me know if anyone is coming to Pennsylvania or Washington DC, it’d be great to have you stop in and say hello.



Hey, marc. I’m in therapy for depression, thanks for the concern though.

Smiling Mortician

Thanks, thunder. A congressperson speaking clearly, intelligently, rationally and humanely about both issues and strategy. In a voice I can relate to. It’s enough to give me hope.

What are you all looking at? I got something in my eye, that’s all.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Asstronauts? Ha. After the last round at the pub the other night, somehow I ended up with a beer jug stuck on my head. I figure that makes me a juggernaut.


JackGoff said,
March 4, 2007 at 0:18

Hey, marc. I’m in therapy for depression, thanks for the concern though.

[I should have known.]


Why isn’t she working for FOX News?

The really sad thing isn’t that a hate-filled, shallow tart would say something like this, but that after the shock wore off she received thunderous applause.


JackGoff is really boring. So is his nom de plume. Jack Goff… Jackoff? Oh, I get it! Ha. Ha.


JG- thanks for apologizing- you never have to apologize for how you feel- it is just nice to get it for trolling. Don’t stop being you- you gotta say what you believe.

Even if you think you got trolled previously, trolling in response would be like, well you know.

Everybody have a great day.

Carne asada tacos on the grill tonight for everyone, some grilled onions and chips and salsa as well- we’ll even throw some not dogs on the grill for the vegetarians. We will however not be supporting any raw foodie types.


Does it make me a total asshole to want to spelling flame the congressman?

He does sound awesome, though.


Please nobody go trolling over there. I posted that because it really seems to be true in a lot of ways. There are arguments that you reach into your bag of insults for that which will hurt your opponent- the question is, why is it in your bag? Yes, you might imagine that it will be especially effective of mocking your opponent’s views, but ironic derision can in fact be viewed as actual derision by those not involved in your brouhaha. It is something to think about. Maybe if it were said in a way where it didn’t come out like a personal attack, it would be easier to think about.


Pajamas Media’s Atlas Shrieks on the Edwards/Coulter flap:

As far as Coulter’s out of the left field “faggot” remark goes — it may have been a poor choice of words but further Atlas investigation reveals John Edwards campaign has a mostly gay staff and rumors about his sexuality are rife. Just for knowing.

Citizen journalism at its finest.


Question: Would Mark Steyn be an asstoque?


JackGoff, not that anyone with depression shouldn’t do whatever they can to beat it back but here’s Oliver Wendell Holmes on why you have to be stupid not to be crazy:

Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked. Good
mental machinery ought to break its own wheels and levers, if
anything is thrust among them suddenly which tends to stop them or
reverse their motion. A weak mind does not accumulate force enough
to hurt itself; stupidity often saves a man from going mad. We
frequently see persons in insane hospitals, sent there in
consequence of what are called religious mental disturbances. I
confess that I think better of them than of many who hold the same
notions, and keep their wits and appear to enjoy life very well,
outside of the asylums. Any decent person ought to go mad, if he
really holds such or such opinions. It is very much to his
discredit in every point of view, if he does not. What is the use
of my saying what some of these opinions are? Perhaps more than
one of you hold such as I should think ought to send you straight
over to Somerville, if you have any logic in your heads or any
human feeling in your hearts. Anything that is brutal, cruel,
heathenish, that makes life hopeless for the most of mankind and
perhaps for entire races, – anything that assumes the necessity of
the extermination of instincts which were given to be regulated, –
no matter by what name you call it, – no matter whether a fakir, or
a monk, or a deacon believes it, – if received, ought to produce
insanity in every well-regulated mind. That condition becomes a
normal one, under the circumstances. I am very much ashamed of
some people for retaining their reason, when they know perfectly
well that if they were not the most stupid or the most selfish of
human beings, they would become non-compotes at once.

Then there’s the other kind of crazy that Coulter, Daffy, etc. share that is quite compatible with teh stupid. The kind of crazy that leads you not to lament the amount of suffering in the world but to don the cheerleaders costumes for more war.


Which is why I believe that sanity is fungible…



mikey, I posted that link about the Coulter thing because I think a lot of it is correct even outside a radical feminist view, not that it seemed like the right time for a referendum on Twisty’s raison d’blog. I just think that enough hornets’ nests have been stirred up and was not meaning to stir up another one.



nyt reports romney distancing himself from coulter’s remarks like bill clinton from his bong.. to wit

Mr. Romney preceded Ms. Coulter at the event and mentioned that she was speaking later — he jokingly referred to her as a “moderate.� But he was not in the room when she spoke, Mr. Madden said.

then josh at tpm(no chomsky, thanks)muckraker finds photos of mitt loading a fat(oops!) coulter nug into his fantasy bubbler..


I getcha, Pinko, but I happen to have a certain pride in my beliefs, and when they are trashed for no basis but anger, whether that anger is justifiable or not, I’m going to defend those beliefs. I am NOT that. I will not be lumped into that. Why the hell do they want to make it so hard to be on their side? I am an ally. I AM a supporter. I was a member of NOW and worked for ERA ratification when they weren’t even fucking born yet. Sure, they can take their position. But if they have comments, they can listen to mine…



I know, mikey, but there is a lot of stuff other than that post to read over there and I don’t think “they” is appropriate here- Twisty is Twisty- not part of Feministe or any cabal- she’s got her stand and she is pretty intense but also consistent with it. The fact that women are marginalized in society in many many complicated and subtle ways in addition to the overt ones makes the issue of viewing society as a Patriarchy a legitimate one. Shots are given over there, I never take it personally. I’m trying to figure it all out. The thing is, no matter what gets said about men in feminist circles, I’m going to be an “ally” of women as much as I can be, and I think I might have to take some shots because of it. Men are privileged in general in our society- that’s the way it goes. I’d rather someone express to me how that could be true than be unaware of possibilities.

We’re all just trying to live out lives as people and not things.


I ain’t buying. Look. I do marcom. I HELP groups get their message out for nothing. I do a lot of work in my “spare time” to try and work for some level of social justice. I don’t expect anything in return, except MAYBE to no be fucking attacked by the people I fucking want to help. And my experience has been that the people I help are my friends, my alllies. If I am going to try to help and be accused of the same shit I’ve been fighting since forever, I ain’t gonna be predisposed to help. Or even speak. So you tell me. What good is that kind of bullshit doing anyone?



‘scuse me.
a correction.
lovely photos of mitt and ann at talkingpointsmemo.



Well, BIG THANKS to you, Pinko and Mikey. SHEESH!!!

I didn’t read the other thread, but it’s just so yucky what you are saying here.

I’m ashamed of you Pinko. You must have TONS of black friends right??? But WHY OH WHY can’t they UNDERSTAND that you are breaking up their Black Panthers party to LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE ON THEIR SIDE.



gender dysphoria is categorized as a serious mental disorder by the American Medical Association this surely explains Trannie Annie’s behaviour


My opinion of anyone who responds to the troll will be altered, probably irreemably.

There’s been too much spleen, wroth, ire, and other good SAT words stirred up around lately for it to be anything but selfish to go that route right now.


Thanks, Jillipants. But I think everyone will ignore Qweb’s disgusting remarks.



wroth. sweet.


One of the big things you learn is when you are overrrun, lay down a base of fire, take your wounded and fall back to a defensible line. I am not going back over to twistys, they don’t want me there, fine, I don’t honestly give a shit. But I’ll say this.

Hey, I don’t know twisty, I don’t know what her deal is. But why would she attack me? I mean, what level of ideological purity does she demand in her supporters? We all want the same things – and yet, I’m somehow the enemy? Jesus christ on a cracker, what hoops do you have to jump through to be a friend? And why bother?

A little anecdote. I did an entire event, with live music and lots of stuff, for an abused women’s center in SF. I did it for nothing. The director of the center was a lesbian who had a problem with me from the beginning. She accused me of being part of the mechanism of oppression. I said, but I want to help you. I believe in what you are doing. Anyway, she fought me tooth and nail for weeks. The event was a success, we raised 200 thousand dollars for a shelter and two new outreach counselors. And she and I are very good friends today.

The point is simply this. Accept you allies. Do not subject them to impossible standards. If you do, you do not really care about advancing your agenda. You are a liar and a pretender. But if you can accept human beings, flawed though they might be, as people who share your beliefs and your goals, you have a chance of moving the ball downfield. Now, what is it you really want?

I did not cross post this because, quite frankly, I don’t give a shiit…



Given the choice between being called a fatassed cunt or being called a racist (or sexist or homophobe or a war mongerer-enabler or so forth) I know which one I’d pick.

Insult the size of my butt or the shape of my genitals all you want, but I’d rather not have my character insulted.

So, given a choice, I hang with people who will probably call me a bitch, or a twat, or whatever once in a while – but will NEVER call me something that’s seriously offensive.

Seems simple enough to me.


Ilyka used to be funny. I’m sorry for her loss.


This thread still goin’?

How ’bout some music?



I’ve always identified with you and am learning more about why while reading your comments this weekend. I too am a nay-saying feminist and have also done care-giving and para counseling with domestic abuse, and the sort of activism you talk about.

I come from gangsters too, my brother was a serial killer, gramma had a lobotomy and grampa hanged himself in the garage. I was also homeless at times as a child and grew up endangered by my caregivers, who broke my bones and subjected me to bizarre, humiliating, and pornographic sexual abuse. My mind is not right by normal standards, but I know some things normal doesn’t want to, and that’s just fact, one of many that does not define me. But experience so outside the norm tends to bring out the worst in weak and scared people when efforts are made to share, and at some point the silencing can not be borne. You have things to say that are important. You command respect among those with ears to hear, who need to know that the things that happened don’t have to break us.

I wish I could email you, but I can’t and if we’re going to share disturbing narratives about oppression Sadly, No can accommodate that. Feminist blogs, not so much. Why is that? I don’t begin to understand it, but I know when I am safe.


Qweb was total bullshit and it is invisible.

mikey, I didn’t take Twisty’s post as an attack on you, or as an attack on me. I took it as an attack on misogyny, which takes many forms, including “liberal” ones. I also took her post as a more than reasonable look at the Ann Coulter situation, even if she used the worst of many comments, while not discussing the fact that there are tons of people that are not total assholes. I also took her post as a no bullshit style, that did not “cluck cluck”- she just let it fly, with no “shame on you”- I thought she was just saying “look, this exists.” I thought is was much more genuine that some other situations that we have been dealing with lately. In no way did I want you to feel like you were being shit on. I didn’t take it that way.

I’m sorry this just opened everything up again. I hope you can take me at face value.

Have a nice rest of the weekend, I’m going to take a little break.

J and fp, I hope you guys continue to find it OK here-


Twisty is Twisty. You go to her place, you play by her rules. They are pretty uncompromising.

Let’s play by Sadly, No rules. We’re here.


Pinko, I am fine here. Really and truly and honestly.

I am serene and smiling with the pleasure of a day well spent. I hope you feel that way, too. You are a totally, thoroughly, and completely awesome dude.

All of this is good in the end….sooner or later, we all have to learn to talk to each other, and sometimes we just have to keep finding new ways to fail at it on the way to finding a way that doesn’t fail. Or keep trying something out, just to make sure that it really doesn’t work. Or whatever.

You, however, are fabulous, and I really am sorry if you’re feeling down over any of this. You don’t deserve to be.

fp….I wish things had gone better for you. Just never give up on yourself, you know? Making the best you can of the life you get is the only thing any of us can ever do. Don’t ever think that the crap defines who you are though, ’cause that’s a biggie on the list of things that bring you down.


Meanwhile, it’s Saturday night, I’ve had a bowl of tomato bisque and a couple glasses of wine, and I’m off to Zappos.com to look at shoes.


Well, part of my sadness is that I’m not sure the meat was quite “on” tonight, meaning I think it could have been “off” in the “oh shit” kind of way. We’ll know in 4-20 hours.


‘I don’t know why all gays (aka ‘faggots’) aren’t Republican!’

Ann sweetie, here lately it seems like they are.


J— said,
March 3, 2007 at 2:43
*You can call us Pooh — ’cause we’re just that winny.*
Can we talk about Eeyore’s tail? Please?

J: “Somebody must have taken it.

How like them.”

Jillian, FP: As my father (who would die of alcohol abuse, although neither of us knew that then) would say when my mother (the unmedicated manic-depressive) was being particularly off her gyroscope: The advantage to having a really terrible childhood is that, once you’ve survived that, there’s so many things you’ll never have to waste time fearing ever again.

Also, it gave me the ability to spot the difference between a noisy asshole with a grievance and a *truly* dangerous person. This would be useful when I went out into the big world and met people who divided up the world up according to one or another political theory, because it can be hard for the ones who grew up in safe households to figure out which theoreticians are rigorous and which are actually sociopaths.

Mr. Goff: I am an old person. I am *so* old, I’m on dial-up, which is one reason I’m a regular on Sadly No instead of Feministe — they keep hanging up on me. You, on the other hand, seem to be a relatively young person. Perhaps you should look at what people are now saying about Hillary Clinton’s thesis, and consider whether in 2042 you’ll want to be wasting your time explaining how things were different then?


Anne, I am unaware of what you mean by “Hillary Clinton’s thesis”.

And I am 23, if that helps.


Anne, I am unaware of what you mean by “Hillary Clinton’s thesis�.

As highlighted in an earlier thread here, Senator Clinton (age 59) is now trying to defend her “centrist” credentials against Reichtard attacks that she did her thesis (when she was 22) on a self-confessed communitarian, which would not seem like such a bad thing except that she is trying to be “centrist” and they are hoping Teh Sheeple Voters will see ‘communitarian’ and read ‘Red Menace’. You will have to take my old person’s advice on this: Most of us did stuff when we were young that we wouldn’t do again if we got a chronological mulligan. Quite a lot of that stuff was fun at the time (*coff* recreatioal chemicals and/or sf cons *coff*) and some of it seemed very, very serious. But one of the problems with both the fun stuff and the serious stuff is that after a decade or three you get tired of making excuses for it. Remember how hard you laughed at your parents’ high school yearbook photos? For some of us, our youthful defenses of Political Correctness are like neon polyester and Farrah hairdos. It’s not that they were *wrong*, in context, but if we knew how much time we’d spend defending them afterwards, we’d have gone for the snappy quip and the quick exit. Or the natural fibers and classic up-do, if you’re talking about photos.


Where did this crap about “have to go to rehab if you’re homophobic� come from. Doug Giles used it, now Coulter–

Hi, Dorothy! Don’t really know if this got answered above–there are 459 posts above mine–but i suspect that this refers to, most recently, “Grey’s Anatomy.” An actor (a black one, though this is irrelevant) called a castmate of his (white-again, not relevant) a “fag.” He then blamed his slur on alcohol abuse, and checked into rehab. I am only aware of this vaguely – interesting that Ann and Doug are, seemingly, caught up to the minute on it. Do you suppose they get e-mail newsletters from teh Advocate?


Well, it may be that I am too young and too stupid to judge, but I don’t think, at the moment, that the amount of time spent defending a concept is worthwhile in determining its truth and its adherence to justice.


Well, it may be that I am too young and too stupid to judge, but I don’t think, at the moment, that the amount of time spent defending a concept is worthwhile in determining its truth and its adherence to justice.

It’s not about truth. It’s about how much of the finite energy you have to spend on this earth has been used on This One Thing. I’m closer to your age than mikey’s, Jack. But not by much. So take it for what it’s worth: the things you spend hours doing now you may have pause to regret down the road — not the cause you spent them on but the things you could have spent them on instead. Thassall.


Let’s play by Sadly, No rules. We’re here.

Maybe it would be good to codify these, g. I propose we have a committee on rules that would draft a preliminary protocol of Sadly, No! rules which the community would vote on. But then, perhaps the first thing that should be done is have the committee on committees name the committee on rules…

“Somebody must have taken it.

How like them.�

Thank you, Anne Laurie. You’re a real friend. Not like Some.


[…] night while I innocently dined on figs and ambrosia, a couple of fellas wandered along from, sadly, Sadly, No. And guess who they […]



I’m going to burn some cyber-incense around here to clear the air and drive off the demons of meanspiritedness and uncharitability that are haunting this stuff lately.

Does anybody know a Buddhist priest? Perhaps someone could post some pictures of lares that we could all leave food offerings in front of?

Just feel the love, people. Feel the love.


The only Lares I know is a Mexican restaurant on Pico Blvd in West LA. But with a couple of their margaritas, I can feel the love. I’ll join in.

Carnitas tacos make a great food offering.


When I think of Lares, etc. I think of Siouxsie and the Banshees “Cities in Dust” which pretty much sounds like the tale of Pompeii being buried by Vesuvius. Sometimes it just feels like that.

Smiling Mortician

It’s good to have the lares, but I think we should round up some penates as well — you never know when random doorknobs or plumbing fixtures might need a little encouragement, and at this point we could use all the help we can get.


I’m not sure which part of this thread has offended me most, but I think it was comment #6, where CS Lewis Jnr used the verb “spectating�. That makes FSM cry

You’re just jealous of the impactful word usements I structure.


At first JackGoff confused me.

Then he annoyed me.

Then he intrigued me.

And then he persuaded me.

You’re a brave and compassionate man, JackGoff.


And then he persuaded me.

I made him eat pie before that. Fattening fattening pie.


A bit like how ex-smokers really hate smokers. Well, ladies who used to be dudes, really hate homosexuals. It’s weird I know. Can’t we all just get along?


What is so hateful about calling someone a faggot? I thought it was totally acceptable to be homosexual these days? You’d think she used the N word or something.


last year at the same conference she repeatedly called Muslims “towel heads.” This is all just part of her calendar.


It’s “totally acceptable” to be black, too, JohnB, so why the reluctance to use “the N word”? I mean if one word is OK to use because you think we’ve “accepted” those it labels, why not the other? Or maybe perjorative labels spouted by sneering hate-mongers to cheering crowds would tend to show that as a society we’re not as “accepting” as you seem to think?


Yay! Another looooong thread about shit…

Poo and Pie all around


You’re just jealous of the impactful word usements I structure.

Ooh, an L.A. Story reference! Well struck, sir.


Gah, look what I missed. PP that was the worst link ever. EVAR.

Worse than annieangel’s, even.


Ooooh oooh, no, wait: It’s actually a wonderful link, PP, because it provides inadvertantly (thx, Ilyka and Twisty) just the right neener neener response to piny’s stupid-to-the-billionth-power post that started this whole mess:



The thing about “I Blame The Patriarchy” is that they really, really do.

Commenter: I didn’t quite mean that men are babies. That may be true, but it wasn’t what I was getting at.

Commenter: You’ve been testosterone-poisoned by hanging out at S,N too much, I think.

And so forth. Predictable man-bashing. Sounds like low blood sugar — sandwich, ladies?


Also, they say that when men call Ann Coulter a “skank,” we mean this:

A “skank� is a woman who lets more than one man fuck her, and who is therefore dirty and degraded.

No no no. A skank is probably promiscuous but that’s not what makes her dirty; her dirtiness — literally, her sleazy nasty foulness — is what makes her a skank. They have it exactly backwards. Plus this condescending bullshit that men who use this term assume that a woman who has more than one sex partner is therefore degraded is totally ludicrous. And they are complaining this about Liberal men. It’s almost as if they are so invested in their ideological agenda that their entire perception of the world is warped by…


Never mind.


On the other hand, having just read and thought about this some more and gotten a better angle on where Twisty is coming from (she is hard core, but right about some stuff):

(posted at IBTP)

I got taken to task for calling Ann Coulter a “cunt� during the recent blog dustup and I have decided to retire the term. I would still say she’s a putrid sack of maggot-ridden pigshit, but the very fact that I would reach for “cunt� as a handy equivalent for that sort of putdown betrays the context in a way I’m no longer sanguine about. It’s very tempting to reach for the sharpest rock, but when what you get with the Boy’s Happy Hate Meal is “motherfucker� — possibly “cocksucker� (which includes me after a few beers) — while the girls get called “cunts,� I can only rationalize for so long before agreeing that it makes more sense and is much less divisive simply to call Ann Coulter a malignant, rotting length of distended rectum and avoid the ugliness of gender-based discrimination.

So there’s that. I still think the sandwich was funny and I still find the PC Police incredibly tiresome and I could do without the mantra of “men suck” from the RFs. But I’ll concede on “cunt” and perhaps, in a small way, make the world a less Coulterish place. Kum bay fucking ah.


At any rate, there’s one last thing that’s been driving me nuts, but I’m putting it down here on purpose, and not in fresh thread, in the hopes that it won’t really get read by many eyes at all and this stupid, stupid waste of time can die the death it needs to have. But it’s been driving me crazy for days, and so I just want to say it and have done with it.

Over at one of the interminable threads generated by all this interminable stupidity (and which I choose not to link to in order to not stir anything else up – feel free to find it yourself if you’re curious), a couple of comments were made about how, to paraphrase, liberals hate women and gay people as much as anybody else does.

And this, right here, is the heart of the difference between the two arguments being made by the two sides in this.

A little bit of background: I’m a socialist. I’m not a liberal, I’m not a Democrat; I’m a socialist. Now, I call certain liberals all sorts of names at different times – mostly when they do stuff that pisses me off. Liberals are pus-headed morons on the “free trade” issue, their understanding of property rights is fundamentally flawed, and their foundation for civil rights is built on a bed of shifting sands. Many liberals are frequently dicks.

But you will never, ever, ever hear me call them “the enemy”. You will never hear me say that they (as a class) hate women, or queers, or anything else. This is a choice I have made; I have chosen to build a coalition with liberals.

My reasons for this are pretty straightforward: there really is no viable Left in existence to work with in America anymore. The Communist Party (USA) has its collectivist head so far up its collectivist ass on so many issues that it’s not even funny – if you check their website out, they hold up China and North Korea as Good Communist States, they endorse John Kerry for president at the same time they claim to stand for the principles of revolutionary socialism. Whatever.

There are practically no active socialist groups in this country. You’ve got places like New York – but then again, New York has everything. Some of the old steel and coal belt cities still have active chapters – Cincinnati had a good one, last I checked….so places like that still have some active, organizing groups. You’ll find some hotbeds of socialism and anarchism throughout the heartland of this country – they’re the remnants of Eugene Debs American Railway Union, for the most part (Lawrence, Kansas is an anarchist nexus, believe it or not). And, much to the everlasting chagrin of socialists everywhere, the legacy of the United Mine Worker’s union out west is the Montana Freemen groups of today. Breaks my heart, especially as I’ve always loved UMW’s kickass Wobbly roots.

Why do I share all this stuff? Well, I’m a history student, and I’m a socialist, so it interests me, and like anybody else, I’ll take any excuse I can get to ramble on about a favorite topic. But more than that, it sorta establishes, at least a little, my socialist bona fides – the fact that this sort of socialist political in-group wankery is pretty much just off-the-cuff background knowledge for me helps to show that I am at least an afficionado of the field, much like the way a real baseball fan could probably quote Hank Aaron’s lifetime ERA stats off the top of his head (or whatever it is you baseball groupies do; I have no idea, so don’t shoot me).

The point of all this is that Socialists of one stripe or another are the only group of non-Conservatives who get to call liberals “the enemy” without being either completely ironic or completely hypocritical.

Technically speaking, liberals actually are my enemy. Our ultimate goals are NOT the same. Hell, I’m still bitter about the way the liberal-leaning social dems sold out the Red Berlin Soviet to the fucking Freikorps in 1919. I can’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht hadn’t been murdered by the precursor-to-the-SS goons…..if the Berlin Soviet had held, the socialists might have held the Reichstag, and if they’d held the Reichstag, all of Germany might have gone Socialist, the Revolution in Russia might not have gone wrong, the French Socialists could’ve gotten their act together and with Germany’s backing made a real play for power in France…….all idle speculation, of course, but I still blame the damn liberals for it.

And yet I make a choice to work with them, because I think that we have, at least at this current juncture in history, enough of a common purpose to make that possible.

I don’t understand what goes through the head of people who call themselves feminists and yet still refer to liberals as haters of women. We already know that they call conservatives haters of women; I agree with them on that point.

But what’s left for them? If conservatives are haters of women and liberals are also haters of women, then who is left for them? Other, of course, than their own little echo chamber, carefully constructed so that they never have to interact with anyone who does not yet already agree with them – and therefore utterly powerless. And by their own design, no less.

Ultimately, what it comes down to is that this is a group of people who, when they disagree with me, call me a fucking bitch and not a traitor. That is a group of people who, when I disagree with them, will never let a rude word offend my ear, but will call me a traitor to my principles right to my face. All things considered, I know where I’d rather stand.

And damn, but did it feel good to get that out.

Random Observer

This failure to communicate is frustrating. I am not a “liberal” or a “feminist”, I’m just a person with a set of ideals. My thoughts are not exactly the same as every other person in my vague category.

I expect to disagree with everyone at some point.

I do think choice of words is important. (Not so much on a humor site though – comedy can be offensive!) So I do not totally agree with you but to me you aren’t the enemy, just another thinking person. I don’t approve of people calling Coulter a slut or tranny or whore for example – but I don’t assume that person is some vile fiend for doing so.

What I see is a lack of self-awareness and rampant hypocrisy. Everyone looks for fault, blaming everyone else for all the problems in life, never looking inward. When *you* do something it’s bad, but when *I* do the same thing it’s ok – because I’m me! Of course there are special circumstances that explain it away…

Random Observer

By the way Hank Aaron was not a pitcher, he did not have an ERA. (Earned run average – a measure of runs allowed per 9 innings)


(spits on Jillian)


Technically speaking, liberals actually are my enemy. Our ultimate goals are NOT the same.

Right, just like the people at Feministe who want a world where everyone is on the same side and no one is ever called a nasty name make my blood run cold. But we are so far from that being a practical consideration that I am quite willing to put off that fight until our combined forces have fended off the fascists.

I don’t understand what goes through the head of people who call themselves feminists and yet still refer to liberals as haters of women.

Evidently they are extremely pissed off. Twisty over at IBTP informs me that I am a misogynist simply by virtue of being male. To her credit, she also says that she herself is a racist by virtue of being white. It is not exactly a laugh riot over at IBTP. Advanced blaming indeed.

Meanwhile, in the gender-neutral slag-off, I offer these alternatives to the hurtful and gratuitous “c-word.” Complete the following sentence: Ann Coulter is a _________ .

(a) vomit-crusted leprous taint
(b) rotting length of distended rectum
(c) maggot-ridden scab collection lying in a gutter overflowing with fermented piss
(d) extremely unpleasant person whose ideas do nothing to advance the cause of enlightened discourse.

Really, once you burst the bonds of cheap-shot sexism, you can get so much more disgusting. It’s liberating! ALL of our bodies are nauseating!

Speaking of which, no spitting, please. It’s tacky.


I loved that, Jillian. Well done.


Twisty over at IBTP informs me that I am a misogynist simply by virtue of being male. To her credit, she also says that she herself is a racist by virtue of being white. It is not exactly a laugh riot over at IBTP. Advanced blaming indeed.

Well in that case she’s right, but geez. It’s correct on one level to say that everyone’s racist, sexist, etc, but then it must follow that if it isn’t put into context, by which i mean accounted for but then assumed rather than continually rehashed, then one comes to another correct maxim: ‘if everyone’s a racist, then one one is.’

These fucking people cannot seem to handle heirarchy in anything; with them it’s all or nothing. It’s just systematic in their thought, a continual hiccup, a feature as well as a bug: either/or instead of if/then. They have no capacity for value judgement beyond Manichaen dichotomy.


This failure to communicate is frustrating. I am not a “liberal� or a “feminist�, I’m just a person with a set of ideals. My thoughts are not exactly the same as every other person in my vague category.

I expect to disagree with everyone at some point.

Totally agree with you on that one. It’s just the difference is that when you disagree with me, the worst thing that might happen is that I might call you an asshole (which, I freely admit, still isn’t very temperate, thoughtful, or helpful. My defense in this case is that I’m human, imperfect, screw things up sometimes, and am working on getting better). Apparently, when you disagree with others, you get called an enemy of the people. It was unattractive when Lenin did it, and it’s just as unattractive when anyone else does it. Save that for people who really are your enemy – not for allies with whom you have tactical differences.

This is why “Life of Brian” makes me laugh as hard as it does…..that running joke about the silliness of progressive movements is so, so, so true.

And that being said, baseball is just weird. If you like baseball, you must be all about oppressing women. Or Micronesians. Or something.



That was annoying. See what comes of posting at five in the morning?


These fucking people cannot seem to handle heirarchy in anything; with them it’s all or nothing. It’s just systematic in their thought, a continual hiccup, a feature as well as a bug: either/or instead of if/then. They have no capacity for value judgement beyond Manichaen dichotomy.

I was stunned at what I found over at IBTP when I followed PP’s link. I found industrial grade stupidity. I found a cult of victimization, an endless variation on the theme “nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I’m going in my closet and eat worms”. I found a tight-focus arrogance, a cultural hubris almost beyond understanding. The belief, for example, that NOBODY can be enlightened except them. That they can be the final arbiters of all that is good in the world. And coincidently, it’s just people they know and like. Everybody else is the enemy. Plus, the patronizing arrogance in “I’m not deleting this comment even though it has mis-spelling and html errors”. That would only be something less than idiotic if they had a blog-wide policy of deleting comments for mis-spellings. But again, the “us” gets a pass while the “them” gets the back of their oh-so-righteous hand.

But mostly, I was pissed because them made a bunch of assumptions about me. Yes, I am a “liberal dude”. And in knowing that, you know NOTHING about me. You don’t know my history, you don’t know my actions, you don’t know my passions. And yet you play a smug little game where you can describe me in whatever terms you wish? Know what? It’s not at all surprising to me that Twisty’s a racist – she’s got the instincts.

Anyway, it’s been bugging me for a couple days, and I’m not willing to go back over there for anything, so I came back to this old thread to leave it. Like Jillian said, it felt good to say it…



[…] about to share my take on it by starting with the insightful and pro-social Pinko Punko, who checked in with an indication of how bad things got on day three or so, when the frayed and sleepless were […]


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