Nice Love Letter, Howie

Howie Kurtz pens a love letter to Michelle Malkin today. Damn liberal media:

A Hard Right Punch

Michelle Malkin’s Conservative Fight Has Others Coming Out Swinging

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, February 16, 2007

Michelle Malkin has seen her head electronically grafted onto a photo of a bikini-clad body.

She had to cancel a Berkeley book signing in the face of 200 shouting protesters.

YouTube banned one of her videos. And she felt compelled to move after critics posted online her Gaithersburg area address and pictures of her home.

Clearly, this is a woman who arouses strong emotions.

“They’ll ridicule my looks, ridicule my ethnicity, go after my family,” the 36-year-old blogger says of her critics. “They’ve attacked my husband relentlessly. There’s a strong sexist strain among my liberal critics, who think it isn’t possible I could have gotten anywhere without my Svengali husband, or some white man, embedding ideas in my head.”

Make no mistake, though: This daughter of Filipino immigrants plays pretty rough herself. Whether on her blog, her Internet talk show or her Fox News appearances, Malkin delights in sticking her finger in the eye of the liberal establishment. And she is convinced that her detractors don’t play fair.

“Particularly when you’re a minority conservative,” she says, “you get a lot of ugly, hysterical, unhinged attacks, because you’re challenging so many liberal myths about what people of color should think.”

Good God, Howie.

This is a woman who sneeringly posted Cindy Sheehan’s divorce papers on her website in a sickening moment of bwah-ha-ha gotcha “journalism.” She laughably accused the New York Times’ travel section of aiding and abetting would-be assassins of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. She wrote a shoddily researched and overtly propagandistic “history” book defending mass racial internment. And let’s not forget her loony conspiracy theories about Mexicans plotting to retake the Southwestern United States in a full-scale reconquista.

Gavin adds: Let’s not forget the incidents of death threats from her supporters when she posted people’s personal information, the Chad Castagana domestic-terrorism case (Castagana ‘idolized’ Malkin), the Denise Denton suicide… ’06 was a pretty busy year for Michelle. Clown Central Station has more.

What I’m trying to say, Howie, is that Michelle Malkin is a first-class wacko. This is not even a debatable point. But instead of challenging her with peoples’ legitimate criticisms of her “work,” you let her blather on about the random assholes who have left racist comments about her in blogs. Bloody hell. By letting her whine incessantly about the evil, nasty, unhinged wiberal bwoggers, you let her off the hook for all the crazy-assed crap she’s done over the last few years. Stop being a chump, homey.


Comments: 196


“…go after my family.”

Bwahahaha! Somebody call the WaHambulance! The only reason people posted information about where her and her family lived is because she posted personal information about the Santa Cruz college kids and they started receiving death threats from wing nuts. What goes around comes around, Michelle.


Yeah, though posting anyone’s home address/phone number on your blog ain’t right. Ditto making attacks based on someone’s race.

The point is, though, that Michelle likes to use these things to deflect criticism of her actions and paint herself as a poor defenseless victim. She’s a classic bully who can dish it out but can absolutely, positively not take it.


The only reason people posted information about where her and her family lived is because she posted personal information about the Santa Cruz college kids and they started receiving death threats from wing nuts.

But you forget that because somebody made a reference to ping pong balls once, it means Michelle is always the victim in these things.


Kurtz and Malkin sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g….

It sure beats watching Halperin and Hewitt.


It sure beats watching Halperin and Hewitt.

Yeah. I just don’t understand the fetishization of wingnuttery by much of the mainstream press. These are the people who constantly shreik at them and accuse them of treason. They’re like abused wives who have their self-esteem battered to the point where they reason they’re “lucky” to have their husbands. Completely bizarre.


I’m tempted to say its Howie Kurtz, what do you expect? But then again I’m also tempted to say it The “New” Washington Post, what do you expect? Look at the today’s op-ed’s alone. I especially love David Broder’s “Why Bush is Really Super Awesome although Everyone Keeps Misunderestimating Him”. Jesus what a horrible piece of shit that paper has become!


They’re like abused wives who have their self-esteem battered to the point where they reason they’re “lucky� to have their husbands. Completely bizarre.

There does seem to be some pathology that requires certain people to try to “earn” the love of the people that most despise them. It’s not just battered wives. I remember the people just on the outside of the “in” crowd in HIgh School and how willing they were to destroy anybody else to rise one more step in status, even though the in crowd knowingly mocked them (and would never truly let them in.)

I always prefered the freaks myself.


The media elites in the US seem to think that if they kiss up to the right and portray them in flattering terms that they will lose the appellation of “liberal” media. Except even if CNN was the 24 hour watching painted schools dry in Iraq channel, Michelle and her ilk would accuse CNN of showing targets to the terrorists and thus hating America. Nothing less than complete and total subversion to the notion that George Bush is the second coming is considered mainstream and even in that the MSN makes too good a bogeyman to leave alone anyways.


Once again, the norm in U.S. politics:

Right wingers can call for nuclear war, genocide, assassination, martial law, rape, torture, abolishing the Constitution, demonstrating outright racism, declare entire religions evil, or make fun of someone’s ethnic background, what have you. No massive condemnation.

Centrists and liberals can make the smallest, tiniest truthful yet slightly rude comment, and it’s headline news.

We all know this. We know it’s no accident that the major news media would always (by instinct, they don’t need any puppet master commands) rather ally with outright fascists than with people who might raise their taxes.


I’ve never heard anyone imply “it isn’t possible [she] could have gotten anywhere without [her] Svengali husband, or some white man, embedding ideas in [her] head.” Most people I’ve read think they’re two of a kind and partners in writing and research, but that she fronts Brand Malkin because she’s more marketable and can get away with saying the vile things they both believe. I don’t think anyone denies she’s got plenty of disgusting ideas all her own in that head of hers.


Howie isn’t kissing up to the right, he is the right.


Exactly. He’s a fucking wingnut. No one who could believe and write that Rush Limbaugh is mainstream, as Howie did years ago, is ever or was ever objective or even centrist, much less a part of the ‘liberal media’. He’s no different than Terry Moran, and only less obvious than John Stossel.

Categorically Imperative

“Michelle Malkin has seen her head electronically grafted onto a photo of a bikini-clad body.”

The fact that Howie leads with this pretty much explains the motivation for this article. One can only marvel at the amount of potential human life that has seen an early demise via Kleenex while Howie did his “background research” for this profile.


A good amount of Howard Kurtz’ household income comes from wingnut welfare. His wife is a “consultant” for folks like Arnold Schwarzenegger and that nice ladies against women thinktank.


If Michelle holds the entire left responsible for racist comments on her blog, why can’t Howie hold Michelle responsible for the actual criminal actions of her commenters?



Malkin’s videos were taking off YouTube because they made both baby Jesus and baby Cthulu cry.


Shhh! Jules! You’re ruining it!


Can’t wait for the WaPo to go under, they don’t have a billionaire suger-daddy like the Moonie (Washington) Times so I expect it won’t be long.


Yeah, we criticize Malkin because she is a minority woman. Good call, Mr Kurtz. Idiot.


They went after her husband?

oh where is the fainting couch when we need it.


Look, all you need to know about the malkin thing is that she even sickened Tweety, and let’s face it, before it happened I didn’t think it was possible. But when she famously went on Hardball and pulled out the “some people say john kerry’s wounds were self-inflicted”, even tweety got offended and all up in her grille. That’s a wingnut’s wingnut…



Malkin enjoys being a vicious, pejorative-tossing, emotions-rankling bitch. She courts controversy like a prom queen courts compliments, relishes her position in the center of the right-wing filth pit of horrifically awful ideas, and probably masturbates to the hatred she stirs up with her every utterance.

She’s vile. Malevolent. Utterly amoral. Completely insane. And, like all the Kool-Aid sipping right-wing dingbats of her generation in the national media or blogging world (Jonah Goldberg, Instapundit, Hugh Hewitt, Andrew Sullivan, James Taranto, Charles Johnson, et al.) she’s been wrong about everything for so long it’s almost surreal she’s still given space on prominent MSM publications to express her batshit insane views.

Kurtz is an ass and a hack. I am so tired of sanctimonious right-wing sycophants like Kurtz defending the psychotic, fringe-dwelling shitbirds on the media right like Malkin, Coulter, Limbaugh, and the other batshit insane freaks of their ilk without holding them accountable for the complete and utter failure of everything they have been promoting since 9/11.

Can we not hold these idiots accountable for all that they have been wrong about instead of having MORE fluffer pieces written about them in major publications by fawning douche bags like Kurtz?

And their scumbag enablers in the press are such repugnant shits.

A pox on them all.


Ann Coulter is a Goddess and I worship Laura Ingraham and Michele Malkin .

Chad Castagana

Michelle Malkin is a professional agitator, and eventually someone is going to get killed. Mr. Kurtz will then act surprised that anyone took her words seriously.


“shoddily researched…”

Hell, by her own admission it was defamatory.


This may all be true but you’ve got to admit she’s hot in a Navy-port-of-call-strip-club kind of way.


“This may all be true but you’ve got to admit she’s hot in a Navy-port-of-call-strip-club kind of way.”

Is the purpose of this thread to give a forum for leftwingnuts to make even more sexist remarks about Malkin?

Why am I even asking, obviously the answer is yes, it’s all that is being posted.

I guess it makes you all feel better to trash people. Sigh.


“Mat,” you lazy lazy lad. Please not to just cut and paste the rants from here to Atrios and back. It really reveals a commenter that has no ability to come up with new insults at the drop of a capture buffer.

But since this is the way you obviously do not work, two can be the same game. Copy and Paste engaged—
Mirror mirror on the wall…

” a vicious, pejorative-tossing, emotions-rankling… the right-wing filth pit … masturbates … vile… Malevolent…. Utterly amoral. Completely insane…. right-wing dingbats … batshit insane views….an ass and a hack… sanctimonious right-wing sycophants … psychotic, fringe-dwelling shitbirds… batshit insane freaks … idiots … fawning douche bags …this tide of batshit insanity … fucking wackos….scumbag… repugnent shits.”

You really, really do not need more time in your room.
And have you ever reflected on the sub-text of the name “mat” with the lower case “m”? Don’t.


Brad: Yeah. I just don’t understand the fetishization of wingnuttery by much of the mainstream press

It’s the same reason some guys like trussed up vixens to stomp on their sack. They crave the punishment.


“…go after my family.�


No f***ing way.
No f***ing f***ing way.

Someone who has GOT to have fnords sandwiched between every word she writes got someone to MARRY HER?

The amount of karma displacement must be staggering.


I have a challenge. Try, as an experiment, once a week publishing a column recommending that entire nations of the Middle East be genocidally exterminated. And not just by nuclear weapon, but by having each individual man, woman, and child shot in the head on TV and YouTube while an American guy yells, to every single one, “Where’s your Allah now?”

Then, once every seven weeks, as a test, publish a column calling Christians stupid. Not recommending they be killed or outlawed or anything, just call them stupid, and backward, or something.

How much you wanna bet that a mild insult to Christians gets major notice while repeated calls for merciless genocide goes ignored?


I’d bet that the calls for merciless genocide would get noticed much, much more. But only outside of blog comment threads. In this realm, most would agree with you like multiple drinking birds nodding over the same shared, if small, pond. And you would feel much better about yourself and your insights. You’d even come to believe, over time, that you were correct.


I’m so not taking that bet….


All those racist Bush apologist sites aside of course.


vanderleun, if you want to someone to read your blog and drop you a comment or two just ask, pumpkin seed, no need to get all pouty on us.


Can anyone on this planet make sense ? Don’t bother slamming Michelle for anything other than what she has done. It’s perfectly acceptable to criticize someone for what they do, but once you cast aspersions as to who she is or how much of a racist she is, you validate the premise that blog readers and writers are actual nuts. I have no problem with Kurtz post and he is as far from right wing as Cheney is from reality. Maybe with some additional civility on both sides of these arguments we can find common ground to build on instead of childish name calling. Neither right nor left is innocent of this return to high school mentality. We all need to grow up or move on.


It’s like that Greenpeace add, “if you are not with us you are against us”. I agree with their goals but not this method. North America doesn’t benefit from half of us fighting the other half to the death over anything. Thats the kind of argument right wingers use most often, and adopting that position undercuts our own platform. Adhering to our principles is the way to win, not chucking them out the door to behave like it’s grade 10 again and somone called your girlfriend a slut for being a blowjob queen. Honesty people. Reality and co-operation.


“We all need to grow up or move on.”

Hello? This is Sadly, No. Far as I can see nobody here is interested in growing up.


So really, the fact she’s made a career out of what amounts to reams of barely incoherent *personal attacks* on at least 60% of the American populace is completely and totally justified because she’s a Filipino woman with two kids.

I really don’t get it. Attacking Malkin on her words (just the ones Howard quoted in his *own freaking article*) is about as difficult as being affected by gravity. But we’re supposed to believe that she’s victimized on a daily basis by THE LEFT and she’s still all smiles because of her traumatic experience, and gosh isn’t she a trouper?

I really think that this was Howie’s clever shot at showing Michelle as the flaming whackjob we all know, it’s just that he well, completely sucks at this whole writing thing.


Dood. She calls for mass internment, torture, killing on an industrial scale and racial intolerance. We called her a ho. Now, as a lefty I struggle with the whole “Moral Equivalence” thang, but c’mon now youngster. To say “neither the left or right is innocent”, while possibly true on an absolute level, fails to accurately describe the relative “crimes”. Indeed, it is you who are guilty of pulling all the shades of grey out of the worldview, leaving only a binary choice: rhetorical perfection or unacceptable ranting. Pssshhaw…



I guess I’m the only person pissed at in fighting when there are real issues to tackle like, climate change, Afghanistan, Sundan, Aids in Africa. Bickering over the little things just makes me feel like we are loosing our battles instead of winning them.


Vanderleun, your sneering sanctimony and knee-jerk piety caries no weight in a forum where most of us are not audacious or disingenuous enough to make such silly claims of “civility” or taking the high moral ground in discourse. But what we do offer is honesty, accountability, and the notion of admitting mistakes that lead to the undue deaths of our fellow citizens from the policies we supported.

Nothing is more repugnant than being wrong, and causing great harm from being wrong. Dirty words and name calling do no real harm, but supporting–cheerleading, more or less–bad policy decisions that led to unnecessary loss of life and treasure in this insane Iraq War is the most morally repugnant thing imaginable. Where do I begin to chronicle the horrible mistakes made by the Bush Administration in Iraq that Malkin et al. cheered on despite the readily apparent failure and destructiveness of such policies? And all horrific lack of accontability by the right for this madness?

So spare me your silly call for civility, or whatever other smug bullshit point you are attempting to make..

“And have you ever reflected on the sub-text of the name “matâ€? with the lower case “mâ€?? Don’t.”

Oh my, how puerile of you, Mr. Smug Civility.


Okay, maybe it’s some kind of flashback, but i think at least one and maybe two entire threads have disappeared…


I think the aricle was fair and accurate. My daughter lives in Santa Cruz. Those phone numbers of innocent college students was already posted on flyers and posters all over campus and all over town.

One thing I have noticed in the blog wars—Michelle is very tough, but she is honest and may of the other bloggers are not. However, she won’t take any s—. And I say, ,good for heer!


Civility is paramount if advancement and progress are our goals. Every decision has implications and the right has no exclusive domain over death and poor policy. Its disingenuous to even suggets that. If all you want to do is complain and do nothing then you are as guilty as the perpetrators of of the crimes you rail against for doing nothing to actually end them. If we can’t work things out on the web how do we expect lying politricksters to do any better. Should we not lead by example ?


Amen Katie


“Amen Katie?” You’re agreeing with her that Malkin is “honest?” Are you nuts????? C’mon, man, just click some of the links I put in the original post. The woman is simply dishonest through and through.


Nic, this is a snark site, we’re here to laugh at these jokers, not so much to formulate policy. There are other, more serious sites on the interwebz, though, this isn’t the only one, and those discussions are being had, just not at every freaking site. Kind of like how while every house needs a bathroom, not every room has to have a crapper.


“My daughter lives in Santa Cruz. Those phone numbers of innocent college students was already posted on flyers and posters all over campus and all over town.”

Ditto that comment: The names Malkin posted were all over the Monterey Bay. She exposed nothing, except the idiocy of the comments on this post.

Should we expect civility from libs? Puleeeese. They kill a million babies every year, but worry about our troops??


Honest? The malkin thing? You are batshit insane, or lying. She honestly supports internment for muslims. She honestly accused john kerry of shooting himself. She honestly thinks muslims should be discriminated against. She honestly dislikes many provisions in the American Constitution. She is honestly a crank, a lying, disembling, murderous cancer on American political discourse. Fuck her, Fuck her lies and Fuck you, amen katie….



Stop it mikey! Your cursing is killing fetuses! Don’t you understand?@@?!!


Asking Kurtz to “Stop being a chump” is like asking water to stop being wet, or something.


I wondered where the strange Malkin defenders were coming from, so I looked at the referrals on sitemeter. The blog on Little Green Fuzzballs has linked to this post. I anticipate that the best of the best of our friends on the right will be dropping by

Welcome, LGFers! Let us hear your voices! Don’t let logic, consistency or reading comprehension stand in your way! Tell us what you think*!

(This is, after all, a comedy site, so we may as well let them provide some entertainment.)

*I’m using this term as generously as possible, for the sake of inclusion


I think the aricle was fair and accurate. My daughter lives in Santa Cruz. Those phone numbers of innocent college students was already posted on flyers and posters all over campus and all over town.

1. I don’t believe you. Can you prove this? And no, just quoting your daughter is not proof.

2. Even if you can, so what? Are you really arguing that Malkin’s intention was anything other than endless harrassment from her nationwide army of basement trolls, or that she *only* bears responsibility if she went to the phone book and looked the numbers up herself? (Hell, even then you’d probably blame the phone company for publishing the book in the first place.) The fact remains that the right-wing loonies who listen to Malkin never would have found the phone numbers in the first place without Malkin’s intervention.

Also Nic, take your concern trolling elsewhere.


And “you’re either with us or against us” rhetoric reminds you of Greenpeace first? Have you ever actually heard the president of the United States speak? His name is George Walker Bush, you should look him up when you have a chance.


anniea “I guess it makes you all feel better to trash people. Sigh”

yep. if you call those two people, it does indeed.


Dear SadlyNauts,

By the time you read this I’ll be gone. I know this probably comes as something of a shock to you considering all we’ve been through together, but you were taking me for granted. I’ve found another blog, one whose commenters treat me with the respect and affection that I deserve. They truly make me feel like a button. I’ve moved on, and I hope you can too.

I hope we can still be friends.

– Teh Preview Button


Wow, a whole bunch of brand new trolls… Just in time for a snowy evening at home by the fire, with a warm cat on my toes, and a nice glass of wine at my fingertips.

If you think the Malkintent is honest, my contention is that you should look up the word “honest” in a dictionary. (Hint: It’s in the “H” section.) I don’t think the word means what you think it means.


“Hello? This is Sadly, No. Far as I can see nobody here is interested in growing up.”

Exactly. From down here it’s easy to spot someone being a whiny ass titty baby, and call them on it.

We complain about corruption and abuse, they complain about photoshoppery and disemvowelment. That fact that so many on the right (esp LGF’s and Ace’s crowd) take it so personally is what reassures me this is the better place to be. Nothing is angrier than a wounded animal, S,N! hits home.

and judging by the DOS attacks, you’re doing pretty well at it.


Maybe Malkin’s honest in the sense that she so completely believes the bullshit that she spews that you can’t really call it lying.


I agree with Katie. Michelle Malkin and her commenters are honest.


Oh, my mistake. I thought that said “ho nest.”




Why don’t you just ignore her? I mean, without all these posts about her, she might not be so popular. It’s giving her the spotlight when you write about her, even nasty things that make you feel better. Her biggest audience is people who claim to hate her.

This blog should really be called the “All About Malkin” blog. It’s almost a fan site.


Nic, you sound like a billy joel song.


amh said,
February 16, 2007 at 22:20

Maybe Malkin’s honest in the sense that she so completely believes the bullshit that she spews that you can’t really call it lying.

If that is so, she is a sociopath … (which sounds about right.)


Furthermore, Mdhatter, you should be paying attention to me. I don’t have too much longer left on my shelf life, after all. These legs have seen a lot of mileage, and they can’t have too much more in them. Enjoy me while you can.

Ignore that Malkin woman and pay attention to me!!!


Lemme tell you about those right-wing assclowns from LGF and Ace and such. They are so thoroughly terrified, so afraid of everything that might hurt them, that they are prepared to give the terrorists ANYTHING they want if only they won’t try to hurt us again. They’ll throw away our precious constitution, thow away thousands of young Americans, throw away America’s prestige and standing in the world, throw away the moral high ground we have held for over a hundred years – there is NOTHING they seem to hold in greater value than there own sad little jergens-stained lives. No philosophy, no ideal, no belief they would put their lives on the line for. It’s all a futile waste, and they’ll keep cheering it on like a chimp at the cocaine dispenser, anything as long as they don’t have to stand in the line of fire. Filthy little bastards…



Awesome!! Another outstanding politician with Avanzd Thinkin’ from my state of Georgia and my home region of the South!!! Thanks to

Anti-evolution memo stirs controversy
By Jeremy Redmon | Thursday, February 15, 2007, 01:37 PM
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The Anti-Defamation League is calling on state Rep. Ben Bridges to apologize for a memo distributed under his name that says the teaching of evolution should be banned in public schools because it is a religious deception stemming from an ancient Jewish sect.

Bridges (R-Cleveland) denies having anything to do with the memo. But one of his constituents said he wrote the memo with Bridges’ approval before it was recently distributed to lawmakers in several states, including Texas, California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

“Indisputable evidence — long hidden but now available to everyone — demonstrates conclusively that so-called ‘secular evolution science’ is the Big-Bang 15-billion-year alternate ‘creation scenario’ of the Pharisee Religion,� the memo says. “This scenario is derived concept-for-concept from Rabbinic writings in the mystic ‘holy book’ Kabbala dating back at least two millennia.�

The memo calls on lawmakers to introduce legislation that would end the teaching of evolution in public schools because it is “a deception that is causing incalculable harm to every student and every truth-loving citizen.�

It also directs readers to a Web site, which includes model legislation that calls the Kabbala “a mystic, anti-Christ ‘holy book’ of the Pharisee Sect of Judaism.� The Web site also declares “the earth is not rotating … nor is it going around the sun.�


moral high ground we have held for over a hundred years…

One step too far … other than that, a most agreeable rant.

[ also informs its reader that there is no gravity; everything is held down by the Right Wing continually sucking …]


one of the last things you could call michelle malkin is “honest”

maybe some people’s criticism of her is over the top, but when you publish a story in the NY Post about a burned and blown up mosque in Iraq, and the pictures you lead with conveniently don’t show the worst of the damage, then you’re being dishonest!

“this mosque wasn’t ‘burned’ or ‘blown up’ there is only some fire damage and part of the roof was blown away… oh and the mosque changed hands too which maybe resulted in alot of people dying but im too dumb to recognize that”


“Why don’t you just ignore her?”

I do. I’ve never been to her site, even once. I’d never giver her the traffic.

Ignoring michelle is like ignoring a sparrow in a greenhouse. You’d love to take a nap, but something that doesn’t want to be stopped and just keeps flying into the windows at full speed. You try not to laugh, since half the widnows are open, but eventually you just have to realize that some have less skill.

I want to be concerned for her, but I’m more concerned for the remaining windows.


Martika or whatever your name is….why do you steal my name so much? I don’t recall ever having spoken with you.

Mdhatter and I are friends. Can’t deal with that??

I think you’re the one who wants his attention, and who wants the attention off the fact that you are the ones who are giving Malkin all the attention.

LOL. 🙂


nice marita, you fraud. No-one serves pie like the real annie


and yeah, what she said.

annie may be a troll, but her heart is in it.


The only times I’ve been to her site are when it has been linked here. I’d have never seen the youtube with her banging on the keyboard except it was put up on this site.

It was hilarious and brilliant. I did just click over to the Sheehan divorce papers which was pretty nasty for Malkin to post, I agree. But I don’t agree with the premise that giving it attention and saying disgusting sexist things about her is being better than her.


Sadly,no indeed. Very weak Brad, try again.

Fact: Cindy’s divorce papers were first posted on the blog “Dang if I know”:

Michelle cites this in her original story. That blog found those records on the Superior Court of California’s website:

– Overreacting to the New York Times posting security camera info about a unpopular public figures vacation home? That’s it? Next!

If you had been brave enough to post links of Malkin’s rebuttals to Muller and Robinson’s critiques of her book you would see that they were wrong:

Lastly. Your disingenuous characterization of Malkin having “loony” conspiracy theories regarding a “full-scale reconquista” is ridiculous: did read her original article did you?:

She is simply REPEATING THE WORDS OF THOSE WHO HAVE SAID THESE THINGS. And Mickey Kaus of Slate backs her up.

This was not an article about conspiracies. It was an article about the hypocrisy of selectively reporting racism.

Well, that was easy.

Oh, and nice try with the “Damn liberal media” comment. One write-up about a conservative blogger that explicitly lists some of Malkin’s mea culpa’s doesn’t do anything to balance out the mountains of continual liberal bias instances.

Sadly, no indeed!


well annie, I try to learn from Pinko-sama. It’s okay to be pigheaded as long as your not being pig-ist about it.


Man, Ben Bridges is a non-stop source of entertainment. I can’t remember exactly when – sometime in 2005 – Bridges introduced a bill banning the teaching of evolution because, and I’m paraphrasing here, it confused him. Said as a boy, he was taught evolution all week long (in a rural Georgia school in the ’30s and ’40s, no less) and then learned something entirely different in church. So, because it hung him up fifty years ago, no education for anyone. If I recall correctly, this is the same Georgia legislative session (which barely last three months or so) that was able to ban gay marriage and ban genital piercings for women, but just couldn’t find the time to make the budget or properly fund the schools. So they went over. For 40 days at something like 20 grand a day.

Apparently, this kerfluffle has spilled over into Texas, as one of the major right-wing loonies in the state leg has used said memo to introduce his own bill pushing pig-ignorance and stupidty (which is what ‘banning evolution” means, frankly).

Man, the South is so entertaining.


So what if the papers were posted elsewhere first?


Mdhatter, I think people should just try to be nice to each other. Imagine a world without petty bickering over politics which never really make a difference in the lifestyles of the ones who are bickering.

We’d get a lot more done.


oh andrew, you’re going to have to parse harder than that to take her name off her own book justifying the use of internment camps based on skin color.


Ahhh, annie, I was just trying to help you get the attention you so desperately crave. I would think you’d be a little more appreciative.


Didn’t read the book did you md?


i’ve read ‘the book’. A good book it is.

Problem with reading Michelles book is this thing I have about rewarding wrongheadedness.

Case in point. I’m not debating that your links say what you claim they do.

I’m stating flatly that you are defending someone of low ethics. You are trying to polish a turd, which is what michelle’s views stink like. I’m not fighting you, I’m laughing at how much crap you’ve already managed to get on your nice pants.


Will someone wake me up when (if) andrew makes a salient point?


martika, i totally appreciate it.. Personally i think she just likes me.

I like both of you, for entirely different reasons.


But you like me better.


No. Low ethics is lying about what a book says and then displaying false piety about ethical standards.


Too late Marita! You just posted the following:

“Will someone wake me up when (if) andrew makes a salient point?”



She is simply REPEATING THE WORDS OF THOSE WHO HAVE SAID THESE THINGS. And Mickey Kaus of Slate backs her up.

As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Mickey Kaus sucks goat balls.”

It’s true, you can look it up.


You interrupted my nap for that?

Please, share with me what you consider the merits of Malkin’s book to be. I’m dying to know.


Wow. Is there an echo in here…echo in here…echo in here?


How do we get LGF to link more often? This is fun.
andrew, baby, it takes about 15 minutes to read the malkin thing’s book. (awesome phrase, mikey.) You seem to have confused taking everything claimed in the book as the word of God with reading it. There is a difference, which admittedly might be too subtle for you.
The thing that really bugs me about the malkin thing and coulter n the rest is that their careers are built out of using public forums to try and avenge ancient personal slights. The malkin thing went to Oberlin, and was supposedly treated about as badly as you’d expect her to have earned while there. Coulter used to follow the Dead. … Imagine Ann Coulter on acid. And, c’mon, what are the odds Pam Atlas’s ex hubbie isn’t a Woody Allen type, or maybe her parents were.
I don’t mean to be sexist, I think revenge and rejection, if anything, plays more into the average wingnut male’s motivations. But still, it’s not really about the politics for these folk, it’s about personal revenge for not getting laid enough in college. It’s just pathetic.


Fact: Cindy’s divorce papers were first posted on the blog “Dang if I know�:

Not much of a blog, is it? It looks like there’s been one post there since the Sheehan affair, circa August, 2005. And the blog was started in August, 2005.

Malkin picked this story up how, exactly?

oh so very typical

Hey, I’ve been here a whole minute and it doesn’t sound just like LGF and every other right-wing blog I frequent! What the?!! You mean some people actually disagree with what I believe? I DID NOT KNOW THAT!


ok, andrew, so you have low ethics too. and by your standards i can then assume you agree with everything else I said?

don’t hate the player, andrew.


and yes, annie, i do like you better, whever you;re here. I am an ‘easy’ liberal, after all.


I have total hearts in my eyes for you too, Mdhatter.

Gavin/andrew, I still don’t see what it matters if the divorce papers were posted other places first, it’s just so horribly tacky to post stuff like that PERIOD. Where it says “dissolution no children”…. That is just a hurtful thing to post for any reason. Mean too.

Arguing about where it was posted first is stoopid.


Is it wrong that I laugh at everyone of the ping pong jokes?

Honestly, I’d have a lot more respect for her if it was her career choice. That’s an amazing skill, something that must be strived for.

Being a right wing nut job takes little more than a total lack of self respect. Every day, she is out there saying stupid, false things, degrading herself for a movement that would happily tell her to shut up and make babies if they ever got their way.

Michelle isn’t good enough to be a ping pong ball girl.


They kill a million babies every year, but worry about our troops??

I killed three just this morning. And they were THIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS big.


Does it count that I’m a liberal and I have killed both babies AND troops?



Oh. Mikey, it doesn’t count if they aren’t our troops. Have you learned nothing?


Did the WaPo do a story exactly one day after the NYT FDL piece in the name of balance….

and if so is Michelle Malkin the best they could do from the RW side of the aisle…God help us


Well, hell, they weren’t our babies, either…



Hey! I thought this “vanderleun” creep was just another garden variety LGF wacko, but he’s the editor-in-chief of “Pajamas Media”!

As we all know, the little weenies at PJ Media (Instapundit, Charles Johnson, Roger Simon) are pillars of our community and some of the bravest souls and finest minds of our great republic.







“Baby is troop veal”

-Julia Child, personal Chef to Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln


Well, so far, I am not impressed by the trollage.

Admittedly, LGF (if that is where our latest guests are coming from) has some high standards to surpass. The many and varied Pasty ‘n’ Pablo shows, Patterico and his apologists, etc., and of course, our own Gary Ruppert and the recently-returned Doc Sammich. That Kevin guy was amusing for a while, if you like obsessives. Oh, and the Pie Twins. I always forget them because they’re so boring.

So, come on LGFtoids, amuse us. Defend your much-maligned Goddess of Demented, Unreasoning Bile!

You know, the one who’s basically been wrong about every stupid, hateful thing she’s ever said, but just whines, pouts and presses on.


Let your Malkin-Thing fanboy freak flag fly! (But please, no more felonies and acts of domestic terrorism, OK?)


Mmmmm… bloody fetus parts.

Oh, wait, did I say that out loud?

And my first reaction to Mat’s discovery was “p.m. has editors?”
Then I reread the comments in question by vanderleun, and thought, “oh, right.”


QUOTE I consider much of what she says hate speech. Any legitimate news source would be embarrassed to have her affiliated with them. UNQUOTE I have to agree, eruddock. It is so sad to see how far the Washington Post has gone in the tank for the increasingly discredited chickenhawk party. Howie Kurtz ought to be ashamed of himself…but so too, should Dave Broder, Fred Hiatt, and the rest of the shills.

By ifthethunderdontgetya | Feb 16, 2007 7:06:47 PM | Request Removal

Sometimes I wonder if it would be better too simly ignore the WaPo, Merlin-Mab style, and not comment there at all. Other times, it’s just too tempting to tell the pompous windbags to STFU.


Just to rub in the point about vanderleun, here’s a bit about Speaker Pelosi flying commercial. I think it’s meant to be comedic, but, well….


“This is not even a debatable point.”

You guys are cute when you speak *ex cathedra* like this.


Mmmmm… bloody fetus parts.

Oh, wait, did I say that out loud?

diffbrad, whenever I see one of those outrageous nyms, I’m never sure if it’s Iffy or teh l4m3, but I always know it’s one of them. I’ve spotted Iffy on several other blogs just by the fake nym and started laughing before I even read the comment. 😉


You guys are cute when you speak *ex cathedra* like this.

Careful Knemon, you know how the liberal blogosphere treats papists.

Would you care to debate the Malkin-thing’s first class wacko status?


The people who criticize Malkin steal my identity! They have no shame (though some have breastesses, even in the presence of disgraced ex-presidents).


Interesting reading. I’ve come from LGF, and was hoping for an insight into how liberals view Malkin and her work. I have to say, I’m not impressed with the quality of your thought, but it has been fun to read through. While your jokes are kind of funny, I can’t quite figure out how you can really believe your own words. Do you really think that Muslims should be treated the same way as old Christian women, with the same rights and freedom from inspection?

Do you not live in the same world as the rest of us?

I know you are going to reply by calling me racist and whatever else it is that is a knee jerk reaction to someone challenging you. But seriously. Don’t you have a nagging doubt at the back of your mind? Just a little sense of insecurity? Just something, somewhere, somehow, that makes you think: ‘hey, I may not be right about this. And if I’m wrong, someone could die.’

You know, the difference between liberals and people who read LGF and Michelle Malkin is that the latter live with the doubt that they may be wrong all the time. They have a conscience, and it troubles them. But they are adult enough to realise that they must make a choice – even when that choice is painful, and may lead to the commitment of troops in harms way or the erosion of rights for certain groups who want to kill us.

Liberals are afraid to make that choice. They would rather feel warm and fuzzy inside, and follow politically correct doctrine. Even when it costs lives elsewhere.

I would rather make the hard choices. Thats my personal view. You can, of coursse choose to make your own mind up about how you live your life. But I feel I’m going in the right direction. I don’t think you’ve even begun your journey.


I like Michelle Malkin. She can be a little conservative for my tastes but she is bright, intelligent, and articulate, and not afraid to take a position.

Most of the criticism against her is convienent smears. People who with lack of maturity and evidence try and revise facts and cite her for lack thereof. There is a reason why she is rising in the opinion world and most of the commenters are not……. She is right , you are wrong.



Ooops, I forgot teh link!11eleven!!


You know, the difference between liberals and people who read LGF and Michelle Malkin is that the latter live with the doubt that they may be wrong all the time.

Here let me fix your typo.

People who read LGF and Michelle Malkin are wrong all the time.

There, all better.


I can envision Dick Cheney, declaring George Bush “Cesar” Then pulling the National Guard back from Iraq to operate bird flu prevention camps for members of The federal government usually casts a wide net of inaccurcies to insure the one person in the million is caught. Unfortunately those bird flu camps are being constructed in Minnesota and Nebraska. If you see an old turkey farm being dismantled you will know why. But it will be too late.


Let’s play a game and try and parse JD’s comment.
It would appear to say people who lack maturity use evidence to revise Malkin’s ‘facts’ and use her as a reference for lacking her own facts.
Wait… that’s not it.
I can’t do it.


Do you really think that Muslims should be treated the same way as old Christian women, with the same rights and freedom from inspection?

Do you really think the US Constitution applies to only those American citizens you happen to like this week?

Do you not live in the same world as the rest of us?

I’m certainly glad I don’t share the same bed as you — the urine stench must be unbearable.

I would rather make the hard choices.

“Cheetohs or Doritos? Hmmm…”


Also, what’s a “convienent (sic) smear”?
One that’s easy because it’s true?


Do you really think that Muslims should be treated the same way as old Christian women, with the same rights and freedom from inspection?



Just a little sense of insecurity? Just something, somewhere, somehow, that makes you think: ‘hey, I may not be right about this. And if I’m wrong, someone could die.’


Do you really think that Muslims should be treated the same way as old Christian women, with the same rights and freedom from inspection?

Yes. I’m not going to take away someone’s rights because of their religion. It’s not like you need to be Muslim to blow something up anyway.



Just a little sense of insecurity? Just something, somewhere, somehow, that makes you think: ‘hey, I may not be right about this. And if I’m wrong, someone could die.’

Well, pal, I think you might wanted to have asked yourself this question BEFORE we invaded Iraq.


Do you really think that Muslims should be treated the same way as old Christian women, with the same rights and freedom from inspection?

Hell fucking yes. Ever hear of the Constitution? The government can’t legally treat citizens differently based on their religion. If you don’t like that, it has included within it a mechanism to alter it instead of just ignoring it when you want to.

Liberals are afraid to make that choice … I would rather make the hard choices

You seem willing to make choices that would be hard on others, at least. How very brave you are to be willing to give up others’ liberty for the illusion of safety. If that’s where that particular journey ends, I hope I never do begin.


“Would you care to debate the Malkin-thing’s first class wacko status?”

Well, come now. *First* class? That’s, like, Phelps. And the guy with the “32 Galaxies” poster on Market Street.


Well, come now. *First* class? That’s, like, Phelps. And the guy with the “32 Galaxies� poster on Market Street.

So, we’re all agreed, then, she’s a wacko. Now, we’re just discussing the degree, correct?

Excellent! We’re making so much progress!

And, just to further follow up on Daniel P.’s comment; speaking as an Old Christian Woman, if you mean ‘inspection’ preceding airline flights, the only way Muslims could be subjected to more would be if they were had to undergo a pre-flight full-body-cavity search.

Because when I fly, I am subject to the same pointless indignities as everyone else, even though I am disabled and need assistance to walk.


You know, I’m just sitting here, laughing at you, GW. You know that, right?

Bwahahaha! People here used to think you were literate!


OMG, honestly, sometimes I just crack myself up. I’m never coming back, this is just too much fun.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Hey! I thought this “vanderleun� creep was just another garden variety LGF wacko, but he’s the editor-in-chief of “Pajamas Media�!

Is this the vanderleun who described Jane Hamsher’s breast cancer as ‘BDS metastatising into her implants”? Brad, this thread needs fumigating.


Hey LGFers, sorry I’m late to the party. How’s it going rooting for a new terrorist attack to happen in a city you don’t live in so that you can get confirmation that your fears are wholly justified and that you are not in fact a bunch of giant pussies? Every time I visit your favorite blog there’s always someone mentioning how terrified he is of muslims, liberals and children’s toys. I hope you were all able to get the Mooninite skidmalkins out of your underwear. Any progress to report on your efforts to hang Ted Turner for that little prank?


MDhatter: How do you know what Malkin has to say if you’ve never been to her site?


Herr Doktor, I believe you are correct in your identification.

Kindly excuse me from this thread, as I must go and be violently ill.

It not only disgusts me that I have shared a comment thread with this creature, it disgusts me that I share the planet with it.


Do you really think that Muslims should be treated the same way as old Christian women, with the same rights and freedom from inspection?

Do you not live in the same world as the rest of us?

I know you are going to reply by calling me racist and whatever else it is that is a knee jerk reaction to someone challenging you. But seriously. Don’t you have a nagging doubt at the back of your mind? Just a little sense of insecurity? Just something, somewhere, somehow, that makes you think: ‘hey, I may not be right about this. And if I’m wrong, someone could die.’

Now, see? When I wrote that post upthread a ways, THIS is what I meant. This cat is SO terrified, if the goddam terrorists would just come back he’d surrender. Americans are willing to stand up and say “here’s the line. Cross it at your peril”. But not these guys. There is no freedom, no precious liberty bequeathed to them, bled for in places like the ardennes, iwo jima, the pusan perimeter and a beautiful little community called an loc, that they aren’t willing to give up, just throw in gary’s dustbin of history rather than accept a tiny, infinitesimal greater risk in their lives. I’m really disappointed in these clowns. I don’t know what they are, but they aren’t Americans, that’s for sure…



“Excellent! We’re making so much progress!”

Baby steps.


Teh Preview Button posting above was not me. I demand that you remove the comment by the obvious imposter immediately.

Not to do so would be unethical, and make a mockery of preview buttons worldwide.


Mikey- Why do you think the problem of Islamofascism is going to stay static forever as a tiny infinitessimal risk? The trend is there to say that it is on the march, getting a foothold wherever it sees weakness, trying to enforce it’s backward ways on humanity and succeeding in many areas, growing stronger and bolder every day.

I don’t have to have to personal risk of worrying about my own hide when getting on a bus, to worry about the influence of this medieval way of life spreading all over the globe. I see what it does to choke off the potential of the people it tries to control and I don’t like it.

That you don’t worry about it, when it’s plain as day that parts of the globe from Malaysia, to Indonesia, to Pakistan, to Afghaistan, to Iraq, to Syria to Eastern Europe to Western Europe, and just starting in the US are seeing the popular spread of a Backwards form of Islam that is against everything that you conceivably are for as a liberal. In fact, you are almost defending these freaks “right” to be theocrats by force because they aren’t a big deal to you because you are never going to have to feel any effect personally from them….. (or so you can hope.) I find that really incredible. Don’t YOU have any standards as a modern human being that you think should be the norm for the rest of humanity? You got yours, so screw the rest of the globe?

It’s a mysogynistic, brutal, freedom limiting theocracy, yet you don’t want to fight it.

And stranger yet, you think anybody who is offended by it’s lack of enlightenment values, is ready to roll over “and give the terrorists what they want” which is EXACTLY bass-ackwards of what is happening. Like profiling Muslim men at airports is “giving the terrorists what they want.” Very bizarre. I would say that ignoring the threat of Islamo-whackos who hide behind our Political Correctness is “giving the terrorists what they want.”


Howie is such a wet spot from carrying GOP water that I had to keep moving to a new dry spot when I USED to watch him on Sun. morn . My yelling in amazement at his selective reporting and obvious bias just “F”ed up a good day too much.


It’s a mysogynistic, brutal, freedom limiting theocracy, yet you don’t want to fight it.

Oh claire, we here at Sadly, No! are all for fighting mysogynistic, brutal, freedom limiting theocracy. I’m glad you’ve seen the light, and will be voting for the Democratic party in 2008.

It is the Dinesh teh Souzaphones who not only agree with mysogynistic, brutal, freedom limiting theocracy, but want to surrender to it.


Ah, finally, a forum where Charles Johnson’s little acolytes might be exposed to an alternative opinion.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the main difference between myself and the average LGFer is that I don’t piss myself in mortal dread every time some lunatic in Waziristan farts.

If I were ever to lose contol of all my mental faculties and suddenly decide to support militant Islamism, LGF would be my pornography.

Imagine – every word, every deed, every psychotic act of terrorism plastered before the eyes of tens of thousands of pant-shitting blowhards.

Who would need 72 virgins in the afterlife? There are 72,000 virgins logging on every hour.


y’see, we don’t have the right to invade other people’s countries and tell them what religion they should believe in. Countries that never attacked us. That posed no risk to us. That did not have weapons of mass destruction. What do you think the US is, the world’s big daddy? Did you think that when Clinton had his Balkan adventure? Now there was a situation where arguably our assisting was preventing genocide. Where were all you war supporters then? Could it be you didn’t care because the people being ‘genocided’ were Muslims? Nah, that would be positively midieval, wouldn’t it?

you don’t seem to give a rat’s ass about Darfur, or the repressive regimes the US has supported in Central and South America. I’ll bet you couldn’t pick Rwanda out on a map. Nope, blind as a bat to all o’that. And, ahem, you didn’t give a fuck about the Taliban, who the Bush administration wined and dined, when they were repressing the hell out of women who had had a pretty decent shot at life under the Soviets.

This government did not go to war to ‘help’ the oppressed Muslim women. Women in Iraq were fairly free under Sadam. Some were doctors and lawyers and went about unveiled and felt free to drive cars and go about without a male relative. We’ve thrown that country back a century with our hapless adventure.




Did you put “I’m so scared. Why aren’t you?” through a grandiosity machine to come up with your long winded post?

I wish the sane people in the countries and regions you mention all the best fighthing radical Islamists and I hope they wish us the same in our battle vs. Christianists.

By the way what about Saudi Arabia? The home of Wahabbism? Why didn’t you mention them? Why don’t right wing war mongers ever mention them?


Also, why is it, with the exception of Hugh Hewitt, a wingnut’s level of fear seems inversely proportionate to their actual risk?
I ride nyc’s subway system daily, without a thought.
Apparently 5 and half years later they’re still pissing themselves in Kansas.
Grow some testicles.

Oh, and Claire?
Are you posting from active service overseas?
Ifso, thanks for your service and sorry it’s being misused, but I suspect you’re doing as much to defeat this oh so terrible threat as I am. Only featuring unnecessary bedwetting.


I can’t wait until the Muslim middle east turns their jihad inward, “sect” against “sect” and tribe against tribe. They’ll kill off most of the population themselves, and Israel, being targetted by the freedom loving Muslim extremeists in Iraq, Iran and Syria, will nuke the whole region.

Shake and bake!!!!


I like pie! Well, not that flabby, lumpy banana cream stuff, but most pie.



I think I love you.

Can’t we steer ourselves past this ideological barrier and find a relationship based upon mutual lust?

You’re not Reagan and I’m not Gorbachev, after all.

Call me.


Dammit a different brad, I rode those subways for 23 years. Did you ever get on between the cars, mr. tough guy?

(Back in the months before I moved from Sunnyside to Manhattan, specifically because of this problem: by the time the 7 train got to Sunnyside, people would be falling out the doors when they opened, it was so crowded. So I learned and adapted.)


In fact, you are almost defending these freaks “right� to be theocrats by force because they aren’t a big deal to you because you are never going to have to feel any effect personally from them

Claire. Take a deep breath. WE are the united states of America. We have fighter jets. stealth bombers, aircraft carriers, nuclear weapons and expidtionary force. They have some doods. Will they hit us again? Absolutely, that is the nature of asymetric warefare. Will they somehow conquer us? That’s deeply insane. Try to live in this world, nutjob..



Teh Sun,

Do you mean loitering in between cars to maybe smoke something or are you talking about actually boarding the trains in between cars? Because the latter (pretty fucking hardcore of you if that’s what you mean) is no longer possible. They’ve got these gates now that prevent it. Ever since Bill Bratton turned NYC around a lot of the fun is gone.


Dinesh de Souza is an idiot.
I didn’t give a fuck about anything before 9/11.
I care more about a spreading ideology than local situations I can’t personally have any effect on. Care about Darfur? Only superficially. So what if I did? What would that magically change? Have to pick and choose my fights.
No, not in the service, too old, don’t have any brothers. Just a cousin in Afghanistan. If service people are the only ones who have the right to an opinion, does that mean we get to let them fight the war as they see fit?
What do I do? I read a variety of books and articles and wade through crap like this and pass them on and try to inform the people around me who don’t have as much time to read up about this stuff. And it is having an effect, actually. I’m rather pleased about that. You do what you can.

I view the groundswell of Islamofascism as a threat to a liberal way of life that I think is the correct direction for humanity to go. That’s the fight I’ve chosen. Haven’t wetted the bed yet, but am concerned. Can’t believe you aren’t, but hopefully you have some fight in you for some ideal. If you think Christo-fascists are the world’s biggest threat, then go for it. The battle of ideas will win out, I hope for the better.

The UN’s mandate is to protect member countries from dictators, etc. In Iraq, we had to enforce that mandate. You gotta start somewhere. If we didn’t do it in the past (and should have) is no reason to not do it today- Maybe we SHOULD go to Darfur next to show how much we care.


…actually boarding the trains in between cars?

Exactly what I mean. Somebody had to represent the white d00dz wearing suit and tie, headed for Wall St. (Exchange Place, if you wanna get technical).

I was that guy.

P.S. Somebody changed my name again. I blame Joe Liarman.


Claire, you are deranged, or tragically misinformed.

I’m sorry.

Here is a short summary:

The bush administration ignored warnings about 9/11 because they only cared about invading Iraq. “You’ve covered your ass now, son.”

As soon as possible, they used 9/11 to invade Iraq. Even though Iraq had no WMD, and was not involved in 9/11. Hey, what were they going to do, go after Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia owns CheneyCo.

So now going around to the U.N.’s man date *that’d be Bolton, if yur Pamma Lamma Ding Dong*…Saddam was our best buddy, back when Reagan’s rotting brain and the bigger shrub were in power. Didn’t work out so well, did it?

The UN’s mandate is to protect member countries from dictators, etc. In Iraq, we had to enforce that mandate.

CheneyCo did not get a man date from the U.N. to invade Iraq. They didn’t even try, because they knew it would be shot down.

Thanks for playing, Claire. You do win a Shrieking Harpy card.



Well, come now. *First* class? That’s, like, Phelps. And the guy with the “32 Galaxies� poster on Market Street.

Goddammit! It’s 12 GALAXIES!!! Frank Chu! Get it right.


Claire, are you honestly saying that you actually believe that we are fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here? Are you serious? They weren’t there, in Iraq, until we got there. And now, thousands of people are dead, who wouldn’t be dead, if not for this unbelievably stupid war.

Do you know or care about Halliburton and Lockheed Martin and all these corporations that are making huge profits off of all this death? Do you know or care about all the BILLIONS of dollars that have been spent on this crap, or the $10 BILLION that was to rebuild Iraq which has disappeared without a trace? This money was shipped off to Iraq in cash, and vanished. Do you know what we could do domestically with all of that money? Every single mother in this country could stay home in a nice place until her children were in lovely schools, with that kind of money. Health care could be had for all. But we blew it on killing people.

How about our rights and freedoms? How about all the people who have been sold as terrorists and shipped off to Guantanamo and held without legal counsel or trial, because rival tribal leaders wanted to get rid of them? Is this your idea of supporting freedom and a liberal way of life?

What is wrong with you? You think this is all okay because you have some sort of sense of uneasiness?

That is sociopathy.


hey lgfer you said: ” I would rather make the hard choices.”

what “hard” choices have you made that have involved any sacrifice on your own part?

Oh i suppose your hard choices involve punishing muslims and sending others off to war for your sake. How very hard that must be


Some of us gave a shit about these things before 9/11, Claire. Maybe you should finish catching up before telling us what to do next?
And you might want to listen to the folks who reality has demonstrated were correct, as in not Malkin or anyone remotely like her. Y’know, the informed experts who were concerned about Al Qaeda back when Bush’s crew was already looking for excuses to go into Iraq. Same people, mostly, who were soon after mentioning Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and wasn’t a threat.
People who’ve done more with their lives than read hate filled rightwing blogs, you did come here from LGF, right?, like go out into the world and educate themselves on the actual facts of the matter.


Right on, diff brad. Way back in 2000, I was running around sqawking like Cassandra about all the horrible things which would happen if Bush were elected, and by golly, they’ve all come to pass…… and then some!

But hey, 9/11 is the only thing of importance that’s ever happened for these dipshits who only care about their families and their stuff. As long as they’re safe, and the people who are dying are on the other side of the world and not of their race or creed, they don’t care even a little bit.

It’s always the same: First they spout off about “saving the heathen women” and when it’s pointed out that that was not the reason given to invade Iraq and that the reasons given to invade Iraq were, in fact, big fat lies, they abandon that position and fall back on the “but the big bad terrists will come here and get my white middle class ass if we don’t fight them there.”


I’m not sure about Iraq. I do know that if we hadn’t gone in, 100.000’s of Iraqi civilians would have been killed routinely by Saddam if he weren’t removed, just as they were for the years before we took him out. To stop that tragedy I think was a noble goal. I also think that Iraqi’s are the ones killing each other at this point, unfortunately. And I also know that alot of the fighters are from Iran and Syria that we are killing, and that they shouldn’t be in Iraq in the first place, so fuck them.

No, I don’t care about Halliburton. It doesn’t make sense to me that $400 billion is spent on a war so a corporation could make $3 billion in profit. Seems like there’s an easier way to make $$. $ 10 billion? So what compared to $400 billion. I hope they find it. Also, if we hadn’t spent the money on the war, it would not be used to finance mothers to stay home. (How old are you? When has this ever happened?) Funny how that works. (Or doesn’t, as history suggests.) It wouldn’t be spent on universal health care, either.

What rights and freedoms have you lost? Seriously? I haven’t lost any that I know of, except the “right” to fly and bank unencumbered by rules and regs. I know you’re worried about a slippery slope, but I haven’t seen evidence of one yet.

You know, Iraq may have been a mistake in the way it was done. I think taking Saddam out was correct. Somebody had to enforce the UN mandate, and the UN will not, so we did as is our right, legally, by the way after the first gulf war. The aftermath should have been fought much harder and Al-Sadr removed as a leader early on, etc.etc.

But I would like to point out that Iraq could be totally wrong, Guantanamo could be totally wrong (I think 99% of those guys are probably no-good sons of bitches, but do think their status should be resolved in a reasonable amount of time) but even is these things are dead wrong, this does not mean that Islamofascism is not a threat.


And you guys that think terrorism is an “acceptable risk” for time immemorial, are just whistling past the graveyard hoping that the zombies will eat you last.


“By the way what about Saudi Arabia? The home of Wahabbism? Why didn’t you mention them? Why don’t right wing war mongers ever mention them?”

Hey, LGF can be creepy, but they “mention” SA all the time.


Claire actually talks about billions of dollars being stolen by the angels of death being nothing of concern.

I see it’s hopeless.


Claire, you honestly don’t understand what you’re talking about. You’ve let fear and ignorance combine to lead you to folk who tell you what you want to hear. Don’t bother to keep pretending to be reasonable, not after you write off war profiteering by saying it’d just be spent on welfare queens anyhow. (N btw, that’s like bitching about your spouse giving change to the homeless but having no prob with them buying new cars on credit every week, when you actually look at the amounts of money involved.)
You have a right to want to feel safe, Claire, but you don’t have a right to demand the world cater to your stupidity to make you feel safe.
Also, you’re what, 10, 100 million times more likely to die in a car crash than in a terrorist attack? Where’s your fucking outrage about the Hitlerism of the nation’s highway system?


You guys and gals are being too easy on KKKlaire.

I do know that if we hadn’t gone in, 100.000’s of Iraqi civilians would have been killed routinely by Saddam if he weren’t removed, just as they were for the years before we took him out.

That would be long ago years when Rumsfeld, Reagan, and Bush the Embiggeratorâ„¢ sucked Saddam’s ass, KKKlaire.

Not the recent years when he had no WMD, no connections to Al Qaeda (cept they hated eachother), and was no threat to us. Please feel free to blather on. Without you chickenwingnuttien (two t’s please), there would be no SADLY, NO!



What the hell?

Calling her names and telling her to “blather on” makes you look like a fool. Who would or SHOULD take anything you have to say as anything other than vile ad homs spewed by an idiot and signifying nothing other than that you are a hateful person.



Which pie eating hypocrite said that?


I’m Saved, MotherFuckers

being the AnnieAnegl quote.


The quote is, “I’m Saved, Fuckers.”

It even comes on a T-shirt.


The quote is, “I eat a helluva lot o’pie, for an aging gym teacher”.

Available at chickenhawk


So we supported Saddam a long time ago. So we had to support him for time immemorial? We cannot stop supporting him if it’s the right thing to do? Best buddies forever. Does not compute. Kinda like that “we created Bin Laden, now he can’t help himself, he has to kill people….” meme of old.

“War Profiteering” is 2% of budget. Big deal. Isn’t it all in Cheney’s bank account? Go look.

Strange analogy. People aren’t crashing into other people (for the most part) on the highways with malice aforethought because they don’t like that those other people don’t go to the same church. If they were, I’d be the first one to mount an anti-fuckhead gun on the roof of my car. I wouldn’t just let it happen. By your analogy why go after serial killers? It’s only a couple of women a year, what’s the big deal?

You are um, different, Brad. Don’t know how you concluded that war money would be spent on welfare queens- Were you referring to the stay-at-home moms there, Brad?

Oh, and the “UN mandate” wasn’t for us to invade, it was for Saddam to adhere to the agreement he signed, which he violated repeatedly, and for which the UN exists to enforce, (yes, the UN was created to enforce the wishes of the body, not just pontificate uselessly and endlessly) which they did by proxy having us do it with no-fly zones, etc for 12 years. Shit or get off the pot. Or would that be “just poop” in Iraq??

Like I said previously, I’m not particularly worried about my upper “middle class white ass” being blown up, but I do see a lot of people getting killed all over the globe for the sake of this sick ideology. Bloody borders literally in dozens of countries. Like if you are not aware of what is happening in Thailand for instance, you are not paying attention. Has not one thing to do with Iraq. The planners who blew up the “white-asses” in Spain were planning the thing years before Iraq ever happened. I also think the U.K. is in for some pain bigger than 7/7 was, unfortunately. They have a really bad situation on their hands. If that doesn’t concern you, you might be part Ostrich.

“Don’t bother to keep pretending to be reasonable, Claire” – ROFL!


So then your argument is because it might not be spent well, we shouldn’t mind giving away billions of our money? Ok, I was wrong about the welfare queens, but that makes just as little sense.
And Claire? Thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of Iraqis would be alive right now if we’d left Saddam there. It’s a simple, basic fact, which I know you won’t accept. When you talk about him as a mass murderer, you’re talking, as mentioned already, about Saddam when we supported him, not Saddam as he was in 2003.
As for your attempt at a police blotter, yada
No one is disputing that jihadis are a threat. What’s in dispute is the degree of threat, and whether we should burn the constitution because some people don’t like us. I say no, and I was here, in nyc, on 9/11, just like before and after. Living in fear of them is you giving them exactly what they wanted. Congrats on being easily manipulated. But hey, you are from LGF.


Like most normal white Americans in the “fly over” states I am deathly afraid of any black man and suspicious of all brown people in general. I can’t understand how any white person could live in NYC all the time with so many brown people everywhere. How are they willing to take such a risk ?


(yes, the UN was created to enforce the wishes of the body, not just pontificate uselessly and endlessly)

Umm, but Claire, the UN’s “wishes” were for us not to invade Iraq. They made those wishes very clear and those wishes were declared irrelevant and ignored.

I don’t want to call you names, but you need to wake up to some real facts. The religious hatred you so fear has been around for centuries and you are in no more danger from it now than you ever were. Real freedom is the ability to assess and accept your own level of risk. You have been played.


The religious hatred you so fear has been around for centuries and you are in no more danger from it now than you ever were.

I disagree with this. There is a marginally higher risk for Claire as a result of the boneheadedness of the War on Terror.


Claire, the fact that Saddam was killing folks wholesale while he was a buddy but nobody cared until we had a falling out shows that your so-called “noble goal” had fuck-all to do with why we wanted to depose Saddam. WE NEVER CARED that he gassed his own people, and even sold him military equipment after, until magically, a decade and a half later when Saddam was no longer an ally, it mattered to us. Not mattered because we really cared, any more than we had when it happened, but mattered because it could be used to help gin up a bullshit case to help convince the rubes.

Saddam was not an “islamofascist,” he was a tin Hitler, a dime-store dictator no better, but also no worse, than most of the 40+ current world dictators about whom we do next to nothing.


Oh, and the “UN mandate� wasn’t for us to invade, it was for Saddam to adhere to the agreement he signed, which he violated repeatedly, and for which the UN exists to enforce, (yes, the UN was created to enforce the wishes of the body, not just pontificate uselessly and endlessly) which they did by proxy having us do it with no-fly zones, etc for 12 years.

It’s always nice to see the wingnuttiens bring up the U.N. resolutions as an excuse for CheneyCo.’s war….before they go back to dismissing the a den of terrorist loving appeasers. It’s like complaining teh Left doesn’t want to bother bringing the gift of Democracy to the Iraqis…just before saying the real solution to the Iraqi problem is to turn them to into glass.

And Claire, getting back to those U.N. resolutions…In November of 2002, UNMOVIC returned to Iraq. They found no wmd. The only violation then remaining of those resolutions was proof that the wmd had been destroyed, which simply wasn’t available, as they had all been destroyed so long ago (after the first gulf war). Saddam’s regime, whatever it’s faults were, was not a theocracy. A theocracy in Iraq is more likely now, thanks to the bungling of CheneyCo.

Righteous Bubba, here’s a nice summary.


Tigrismus, there is a certain Nobel prize winner who accurately described why we are in Iraq:

“Oil is much too important a commodity to be left in the hands
of the Arabs.” — Henry Kissinger

9/11 and the war on terror, wmd, bringing democracy to the iraqis…all just excuses for the PNAC.


Seems much more likely than a newfound regard for the well-being of Iraqi citizens, anyway. Islam is a convenient bugbear we can use to gain power over oil-producing regions before we are bankrupt and the Chinese need for oil(and their ability to pay for it) begins to impinge on our own need. Compared with our attention to Iraq and Iran, we seem amazingly unconcerned with Islamic dictators in Africa, Asia, and even those in the Middle East with whom we have allied ourselves(i.e. any dictator we don’t see as a threat to our oil supply), no matter how detrimental their societies have actually been to us e.g. Saudi Arabia, Yemen. If spreading democracy and rooting out the causes of terrorism were our goals, wouldn’t we engage dictatorships more strongly? Wouldn’t we demand societal changes from our dictator allies?


QUOTE Right-wing author and pundit Michelle Malkin filled in for Bill O*Reilly tonight on The O*Reilly Factor. During a segment on a newly-proposed Airline Passengers Bill of Rights, Malkin said, *So you*re behind this Passengers* Bill of Rights move. I have to tell you, in general, I*m skeptical of anything that has Bill of Rights tacked on to it.* UNQUOTE Hat tip to Digby at Hullaballoo. As Digby says: Now can we stop the pretense that the rightwing of American politics is anything but a braindead, authoritarian cult?

By ifthethunderdontgetya | Feb 17, 2007 12:04:47 PM | Request Removal

I tried to post that here, but word-depress ate my post. *Sniff*



Brad, Mikey is disputing that the Jihadi’s are a threat. He seems to think the threat is static, small, and unchanged through the centuries. I see Radical Islam on the march, gaining strength and followers and money all over the globe. If it just stayed a mosquito to flick away forever, no big deal, but it is not. Islam is an expansionist ideology, passive when weak, and forceful when strong. Getting blown up on a subway is only the tip of the iceberg. The whole sliding back into darkness of whole societies are shariah law gets a foothold, Thailand, Indonesia, all over the middle east, even starting in Europe with “special” courts, etc. – a lot more women than just Iraqi’s used to be headscarfless and go to university- Iran, Saudi, Afghanistan, even Egypt are all regressing. Just in sheer demographics, Islam will be the majority in Italy in 2 more generations. Unless it reforms itself, you can expect more and more mayhem like the stupid cartoon riots, car torchings, death threats if we dare criticize Islam, restrictions to free speech, etc especially in Europe where they do not have the free speech rights we have in the first place. This stuff is increasing every year. It is a threat to enlightenment values. It has nothing to do with Iraq. By your logic, the root cause of terrorism is fighting it.

I don’t see the constitution being eroded.

I believe we should stop giving money to repressive governments like Egypt. As far as influencing dictators to change, how have those sanctions been working out in North Korea and Cuba, etc.? We are condoning repressive governments by not fighting the repression? Maybe. But you gotta start somewhere, like I said.

Brad, Saddam was killing his political opponents like clockwork, right up to the time we invaded. It wasn’t just Halabja.

Saddam violated his UN borders with the Kurdish constantly- that’s why we had to keep no-fly going for so long.

Iraq was a kite-flying paradise where women drove- wow- Saddam gave $25,000 to every suicide bomber in Palestine. He wrote a copy of the Koran in his own blood. He hardbored Nidal, Sheik Mohammed and others. His weapons and components were taken back by Russia before we got there. Yeah, secular, benign, kindly old man. No bloody prisons, not torture chambers, no disappearing, no tongues cut out, no hangings, no killing of entire families due to the actions of one member. Just an all around great guy. The Iraqi’s loved him.


The amazing thing about Claire is her tone of weary worldliness. She adopts this persona of a realist throwing some cold water on us pie-in-the-sky liberals. This, despite the fact that every foreign policy decision adopted by the Bush administration has been wrong because they were based on lies and deception. This despite the fact that she had admitted she was ignorant of world affairs before Sept. 11, 2001. Spare me the claims that she has a good idea of world affairs–she has absolutely know clue about what is going on.

The idea that we can fight the brand of Islam she is so terrified of with guns is laughable: it grows from the barrels of our guns. We are spreading it with our armies. It wasn’t in Iraq before our invasion. Saddam was an asshole, and was an asshole while Reagan and Rummy sold him tanks and chemical weapons. It had nothing to do with the ideology she fears and a lot to do with our pretty consistent support of dictatorships for much of 20th century history. Claire admits she has no knowledge of this history so we should pay little attention to her ill-informed justifications for our current foreign policy.

She is simply incapable of admitting that the Bush administration has spread the very ideology that terrifies her so. We understand how to stop it far better than she does.


“He hardbored Nidal, Sheik Mohammed and others. His weapons and components were taken back by Russia before we got there”

do you have any evidence of this? I doubt it

the problem with the Iraq war, is that it really doesn’t make sense even from the LGF “All mooselimbs are going to kill us” perspective. Saddam was an arab-socialist, not allied with AQ or Iran or any hardcore “Islamists”. Sure he used some religion to legitimize himself, but really no more than Bush does. He was a secularist

If we were really interested in fighting “Islamism” there are about a half dozen better governments worth toppling in 2003. If we were interested in fighting state-sponsored terrorism, then there are also better candidates in 2003. By invading Iraq the US made a gamble, it chose to commit resources to one theater and to limit its future options. It chose to divert troops from Afghanistan to do this. From any strategic mindset (unilateralist, multilaterist) the invasion makes zero sense.

If fighting Islamism really is a generational struggle, how come there’s no draft? how come there isn’t even a tax hike? actions speak louder than words

Now the US can’t bring the pressure it wants on Iran because of what we’ve committed to Iraq. Invading that country was just strategic foolishness. Not to mention the 100s of thousands that have died, but you’ve already jumped through plenty of hoops justifying that


Claire, mikey’s a vietnam vet. I’ll listen to him before you when it comes to threat risk assessment, thanks. Especially because he’s been paying attention since before I was born, let alone before 5 and half years ago.
When you learn how to distinguish between fearmongering that plays on your own weaknesses and actual threats, then you can at least begin to pretend you now know the danger.
And the fact you haven’t noticed the constitution being eroded means you still haven’t learned to pay attention very well, Claire. Or you’re being coy about the truth that you don’t care, cause you’d rather be herded around than scared.
Me, I think your whole equation is fucked.


The other thing that’s just plain stupid with Claire and the LGF crowd is this little construct. We’re afraid that islam is going to kill us. The only chance we have is to kill them first. Will these bloodthirsty criminals ever realize that there are problems you can’t kill your way out of.

Why is Islam becoming more popular in all those nations she mentions? Why is there a growth in muslim populations and influence? Are they getting this power in the UK and Italy and Egypt and Palestine and Thailand at the point of a gun? Are people adopting and accepting their religion and worldview because of suicide bombers and subway bombs? Or is it, just maybe, just perhaps, a response to a perceived powerlessness that results from powerful western nations exploiting and brutalizing third world nations, scattering their populations as refugees throughout the world? Maybe if we actually helped them, with programs and education, we could find a way to live with them. Claire talks about sliding back into darkness. And then offers as a solution killing on a mass scale. This kind of mindless bloodlust, this tendency to fall back on military solutions to social problems is an ugly, growing trend. If I was a brown person in a third world country, I would hate Claire too….



This galls me: the assertion that the islamo-fascist position is so doggoned attractive that Enlightment values don’t stand a chance.

This complete lack of faith in western liberalism shows exactly how little they value it. In their hearts, they are authoritarian and they assume every one else is as well. They know damned well the appeal of religious fundamentalism and theocracy.

My favorite bit so far…

This stuff is increasing every year. It is a threat to enlightenment values. It has nothing to do with Iraq.

Wait, this global war of civilisations has nothing to do with Iraq? You wanna explain what the hell we’re doing there, then?

By your logic, the root cause of terrorism is fighting it.

She’s finally starting to understand, I think.


Apparently you didn’t get the memo.

Kurtz isn’t a fool. He’s in on it.

“Mr. Kurtz, a real journalist would identify himself as married to Sheri Annis, a Republican media strategist who runs a company called “Fourth Estate Strategies” selling her right wing media expertise. A real journalist would say that before every column, kind of like “I approved this message”, so we’d all know where you’re coming from. In baseball terms, the Kurtz/Annis family bats right and throws right. Right, not left, not center, right. Just so we’re clear. I know I’m just a lowly pajama-wearing blogger, but we like to know these things up front.”


Have sex in your are tonight!…


[…] – Shorter Mistah Kurtz on Obama’s 30-minute sales pitch (which 21.7% of all American households watched, making it a tremendous ratings hit): “I’m Howard Kurtz, dammit! Only I am allowed to define Obama! He sure as hell isn’t allowed to do it himself!” It’s so funny to see his vitriol directed against Obama, especially when compared to his fawning and respectful treatment of unhinged hyper-conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin. […]


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