Shorter Mark Steyn

Above: Steyn: ‘Peace. Good God, y’all, what is it good for? Aaabsolutely nothin, say it again!’

‘A Ford Not A Lincoln’

  • Everyone’s talking about his anti-Semitism, but let me tell you about Henry Ford’s real crime against humanity: In 1915, he was a peacenik! Now I shall rant about that era’s version of the Dixie Chicks…

Plus, Bonus Fun: Steyn, tireless in his capacity as an officer in the 82nd Chairborne Brigade, doesn’t like Jack Murtha’s proposal that actual soldiers be given a breather. In response to this stance, a real soldier writes in to suggest that the Chickenhawk Wingnutien STFU.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 7


the Chickenhawk Wingnutien

I will take your word for it, HtmL. I did think there were two t’s in Wingnutien.


Land sakes, there are lots of people who don’t like war. Heavens.


Good to know that slaughtering millions for nothing more than imperial rivalry is A-OK with Steyn.


Its was all going so well til Ford started making those dirty liberal Volvos. Dolchstoss!1! Dolchstoss!!11!!!


Wow. Is Steyn, like, the sole person in western civilisation who thinks WWI was a great fuckin’ idea??


RobW: But…it was a war! How can war be wrong?


Wow. Is Steyn, like, the sole person in western civilisation who thinks WWI was a great fuckin’ idea??

RobW, I hate to disillusion you, but Mark Steyn is not currently a member in good standing of Our Organization.


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