Proof Of A Beneficent God

From John Hawkins at Right Wing News:

Big Announcement: I Am Now Consulting For The Duncan Hunter Campaign

A little more than a week ago, I mentioned that I had gotten a gig helping one of the presidential contenders build up his web presence, but that I couldn’t mention who it was at the time. When they gave me the go ahead, I promised to post again and give you all the details. Well, at long last, that time has now come.

On February 3, Nathan Tabor from TCV Media got in touch with me and asked if I’d be interested in consulting for the Duncan Hunter campaign. We bantered back and forth, came to a basic understanding that Saturday, and then finalized the…

Wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wait. Wait just a second here.

On February 3, Nathan Tabor from TCV Media got in touch with me and asked if I’d be interested in consulting for the Duncan Hunter campaign.

Hold on.

On February 3, Nathan Tabor from TCV Media got in touch with me and asked…

One sec.

On February 3, Nathan Tabor from TCV Media got…

It’s coming.

…Nathan Tabor from TCV Media got…

Here it comes.

Nathan Tabor

So John Hawkins was actually, in real life, hired by our old Renew America pal, Nathan?

Above: Family apparently bought him a consultancy firm
after his State Senate primary campaign flamed out

This is going to be excellent.

PS: Here’s Nathan’s latest.


Comments: 58


I know. We are soooo lucky. I frankly can’t pick between Duncan Hunter and Sam Brownback as my favoriteist Presidential Candidate.


** While I was hired to work specifically on the Duncan Hunter campaign, I want to emphasize that I was recruited and hired as an independent contractor by TCV Media, not by the Hunter campaign. Additionally, I am not a blogger or public spokesperson for the Hunter campaign.

So no fair pulling up anything insane I’ve said on my blog and going all Donohue on me.


Right-wing nutjobs? Working for Tancredo? Stunning.


In fact, after I interviewed Hunter back in December, I liked him so much that I actually offered to set up some interviews for him with bloggers to help get his name out there. In the end, none of them actually came off and ironically, I am now getting paid, in part at least, to do exactly the same thing.

Teh funny writes itself.


Not his latest, but a recent Hawkins piece. He’s also on the record as thinking the 2 pre-released “1/2 Hour News Hour” sketches are “sorta funny,” and Hawkins knows funny so just give the show a chance, people!


Crappity. linky


Ladies, I will refer this question to you:

Doesn’t Nathan Tabor look like he would be the worst lay of all time?


“Creeping Islam” gonna take over America!”. Yep, its a projection too.


I am going to put off deciding on my favoritest wingnut Prez candidate until Tommy Thompson announces.

Shorter Nathan Tabor: Blogging rules, what with the freedom of speech: but making fun of Christians, conservatives, or pro-lifers isn’t fair. Making fun of gays is A-OK though.




If you really want something in life you have to work for it. Now quiet, they’re about to announce the lottery numbers.


Thank god he put all those links to TCV Media in that post. I almost didn’t get the point that Nathan Tabor was at TCV Media which is the home of Nathan Tabor who, incidently works for TCV Media which is based in Nathan Tabor’s bedroom.

On the other hand, it’s nice to see that Nathan’s family (the Tabors) set him up with another job besides working for their soy bean bidness (his big client at TCV Media). The voters in his district (home of TCV Media) have already show that they’re not interested in his services.

And bu ‘his’ I’m speaking of Nathan Tabor…who works at TCV Media in case you were interested…


If ya cllick on that link it opens a tab in Firefox that reads, “Blogging Bigotry by Nathan Tabor” and ya kind of expect a big long list of the bigotry found in Nathan Tabor’s blogging.

But then, when you actually visit, it is an “article” by Nathan Tabor complaining of bigotry of other people. How disappointing.


Yes, and at the bottom of the article bemoaning the anti-Christian hate speech of the left it advertises……Ann Coulter!


I’m probably the 500th person to leave a comment about this, but the clips from the 1/2 hour news hour (republican ‘daily show’) are insanely bad…. beyond words.

Incontinentia Buttocks

You’ve got be impressed by a wingnut whose name is itself an idiotic wingnut policy scheme.


Ladies, I will refer this question to you:

Doesn’t Nathan Tabor look like he would be the worst lay of all time?

I notice no ladies have answered your question, so I’ll do it from teh ghey perspective.

When Nathan, who is not bad looking really, finally can’t supress *those* urges anymore and has his Haggard moment, I know exactly the kind of bottom he’ll be. One that is so hungry for the cawk that he’s literally begging for it, but as soon as he gets off, goes off on an uncontrollable crying jag, managing to sputter out “Oh, Lawd! Forgive me! I’m so sorry!” between the sobs.

Not that I’ve ever had sex with anyone that did that or anything….

*sigh* Oh preview button, how we miss you.


See? Now THATS Romance!!



Isn’t it illegal to hire to a 13 year old boy to “consult” a presidential campaign? He’s gotta be breaking some child labor laws.


When Nathan, who is not bad looking really, finally can’t supress *those* urges anymore and has his Haggard moment, I know exactly the kind of bottom he’ll be. One that is so hungry for the cawk that he’s literally begging for it, but as soon as he gets off, goes off on an uncontrollable crying jag, managing to sputter out “Oh, Lawd! Forgive me! I’m so sorry!� between the sobs.

It’s not that he’s bad-looking per se, it’s just that he just looks like the kind of God-bag who’s terrified of ANY kind of sexuality. The “beard” he marries will be lucky to get a few minutes of missionary-position action a couple of times per year.


We wouldn’t tolerate such attacks on those of the Jewish or Buddhist faiths, so why should we permit it when Christians are the victims?

I can almost see where he had “Muslim” there and scratched it out.


Why isn’t Nathan wearing his military uniform in that picture?


Waitaminit –

isn’t Duncan Hunter in jail? Or is that that other guy?


Duncan Hunter should be in jail.


Hello Friend,

This mail might come to you as a surprise and the
temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your mind; but
please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of
humility, It is indeed my pleasure to write you this letter, which I
believe will be a surprise to you as we have never met before, and I am
deeply sorry if I have in any manner disturbed your privacy. Please
forgive this unusual manner of contacting you. My name is Mr. Wahid
Adada, A Bahraini national. I have been diagnosed with Oesophageal
cancer .It has defied all forms of medical treatment, and right now I
have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts. I
have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared
for anyone (not even myself) but my business. Though I am very rich, I
was never generous, I was always hostile to people and only focused on
my business as that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret
all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to
have or make all the money in the world. I believe when God gives me a
second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different
way from how I have lived it. Now that God has called me, I have willed
and given most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended
family members as well as a few close friends .I want God to be
merciful to me and accept my soul so, I have decided to give alms to
charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds
I do on earth. So far, I have distributed money to some charity
organizations in the U.A.E, Somalia and Malaysia. Now that my health
has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore. I once
asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute
the money which I have there to charity organization in Bulgaria and
Pakistan; they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do
not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I
have left for them. The last of my money which no one knows of is the
huge cash deposit of Six Million dollars ($6,000,000.00) that I have
with finance House abroad. I will want you to help me collect this
deposit and dispatch it to charity organizations.
80% of these funds must go to victims of recent disasters and another
20% for your effort and time. Upon receipt of your response, I shall
communicate with you, and let you know the details of the transfer.
Whatever your actions and your decision, I thank you for taking the
time to read this email

Wahid Adada


I think that the 1/2 News Hour clips are pretty funny. It’s just that the left is engaging in a smear campaign because this is a balanced show and the Daily Show is an extreme leftist show.


Maybe you’re thinking of Duke Cunningham, Sam. Duke is the one who held the press conference so that he could squeeze out a few crocodile tears about the stuff he got from defense contractors in exchange for contracts–money, vacations, hookers, etc., etc.

Duncan “Rice Pilaf” Hunter is the one who held the press conference so that he could read the menu at our very own luxury resort at Guantanamo. He didn’t actually get to take that little vacation himself, however (more’s the pity).


You mean I’m the first to cite THIS:

“Rather than direct their venom at targets known for their capacity to fire back—such as the gay lobby—they have attacked people of faith. Since such people are naturally inclined to turn the other cheek, you might expect the controversy to end there.”

Attacking teh gays: good. Because they can fight back.
Attacking the Christians: Bad. Because they’re helpless. They turn the other c. and so forth. That’s why “virtuous helplessness” has been synonymous with “Christian” since…well, forever.

I already love this guy.

(On the same site it says: GET ANN COULTER – FREE)

Man, I wish I could.


Maybe you’re thinking of Duke Cunningham, Sam.

Aha, yes, you’re right – thanks, thunder and STH.

And that Gitmo menu thing was pretty despicable. Feh.

Maybe he could be Hunter’s running mate?


Gary, even Dan Riehl and Ace of Spades think it sucks ass. That’s how batshit insane you are.


I’m still hoping for the ultimate batshit-crazy Republican ticket in ’08. If you’re going to dream, dream big. Maybe Santorum/Brownback? Cheney/Coulter? Brownback/Hannity?

C’mon, Rethugs. Give us a ticket that’s so scary you’ll have to use the campaign slogan that Calvin Trillin’s been pushing Republicans to use for years: Never Been Indicted.


Come on, STH.

Think outside the box.



Duncan Hunter is a wingnut’s wingnut and the least electable republican candidate. I know little of this John Hawkins but how lame is he that the fringiest candidate of them all will only associate himself with him through some half assed intermediary like Tabor?



Is that more like a Dirty Sanchez or a Cleveland Steamer?

I apologize in advance.


You don’t have to apologize for poop jokes, sohei. You’re with family.


I used to troll around on Right Wing News and was kicked off after a couple of weeks. The abusive things that were said to me and others would put the whole inappropriate comments for bloggers working for candidates thing into perspective.


Is that more like a Dirty Sanchez or a Cleveland Steamer?

Sort of, but more of a play-by-play or mini-narrative than a single act.

STH – “Never Been Indicted” is excellent, though it might not play well with the intended audience. Indictment could be a big plus if you painted it as an attack by those horrible Mexilibrulislaminazifemifascists that was (at least for the moment) overcome or is tied up in appeals.

I think if Brownback/Santorum don’t get the Republican nomination they should make a third party called something like the Freedom Freedom Apple Pie Whoever Doesn’t Vote For Us Hates Puppies and Freedom and Should Be Beheaded By Their Best Friends The Terrorists Party, for that real glory-of-2003 flavor.


about a brownback santorum, i’ll just say this: there aren’t enough fingers and orifices on three people to make it work. we are talking toes here, people, toes.

and nostrils.

and poop.


(On the same site it says: GET ANN COULTER – FREE)

Man, I wish I could.

Not me. I wish they’d keep her locked up.


Heard a guy on Randi Rhodes a little while ago claiming that the Bosnian guy who shot up that mall in Salt Lake was an Islamofascist here on our shores.

So they ARE following us here, despite the fact that we’re fightin’ ’em Over There.


You’re right, Sam. If Brownback got indicted for, say, spray-painting the ten commandments on Nancy Pelosi, he’d be golden with the wingnuts.

I’m hoping for a wingnut third party, too; I just don’t see a Rethug candidate right now that would be acceptable to both the fundies and the big biz boys. Didn’t Roy Moore make some noise about running as a Constitution Party candidate in 2004? Roy Moore is some big-time fundie catnip, though I think he’s doing the lucrative speaking tour dealie these days.


Gary, can I make you a deal? I’ll watch the half hour news hour and you can watch the Daily show. You have to explain to me how playing back clips of the Administration contradicting itself makes them extreme leftists. I’ll report to you why the Half Hour isn’t funny. I’ll give you a hint: President Limbaugh claimed that two years of a democratic congress left America’s reputation in tatters. Actually that is funny, in a sadly delusional obviously completely not grounded in reality kind of way.


Yeah, Gary. Who do you think other nations in Europe and Asia are worrying about? Iran, rogue state with some oil and some tanks and some centerfuges, or America, rogue state with 8000 nukes, aircraft carriers, submarines, strategic bombers, ICBMs, invasion fleets and overwhelmin air power? Y’know, if I was worried, I’d just ask myself ok, which one has demonstrated a willingness to invade another nation. Umm, no. I’d ask myself, ok, if a nation is truly evil, it would pass a law allowing torture and unlimited detention without due process. Umm, no.

See where this might lead somebody who DIDN’T have an infinite supply of koolaid?



The fact is that America is not a rogue state and it’s just insane to compare America to a dictatorship like Iran.


Dood, don’t you pay attention?

Sanity is Fungible

Ask the smiling mortician, he’ll tellya…



It would be so wrong for everyone here to head on over to the TCV Media’s site and fill in a contact form paying particular attention to the comments/questions section and the “referred by” box.

I’m sure he wouldn’t mind hearing from us or fielding questions as to why he accepts donations if he’s running a real business and not some kind of front.

His website reminds me of the Rasta grocery stores I used to have to go into back in the 80s to find the right kind of produce. The kind of stores that had the same 2 or 3 expired boxes of cereal on the shelves every time I visited and the transactions took place from behind bullet proof glass.


Is it insane to compare Iranians to Americans? Understand where all this is going, gary. You want to kill these people. Men, women, children, old and young. Trust me, kiddo, I know. Bombs don’t care. So you want to kill them. To cause their deaths. What if you knew them though, gary? What if you went over there right now and met them, got to know their families and their hopes and dreams and fears. Do you really think that then you’d still want to kill them? Don’t you see what it’s doing to you?



Don’t you see what it’s doing to you?

Short answers to short questions: No.


The fact is that America is not a rogue state and it’s just insane to compare America to a dictatorship like Iran.

Hmmm. Yeah, it’s absolutely insane to question a government that screams they are bringing freedom to the Middle East, but invades countries under false pretenses, revokes the right of habeas corpus unilaterally, and has batshit insane notion that Saddam was a monster for torturing his own people, but the US government doing it is a-okay because somehow it fights terrorists in a fantasy 24-like scenario.

Meanwhile, Iran had a reformist government up until a few years ago. They cooperated in Afghanistan, held candlelight vigils after 9/11 and even were willing to cooperate in Iraq. But see, then we* had to be tough on them and call them an axis of evil and threaten them with regime change. Strangely this led to the reformists being thrown out of power and hardliners getting in. Weird eh? It’s almost as if US policy was completely and utterly counter-productive because of stupid domestic political concerns.

*I’ll use the we in the Adam Yoshida sense


Nice try, Mikey, but Gary is the kind of guy who wouldn’t even bother to speak to Iranians who are living here in the US…or Mexicans….or Salvadorans….Guatemalans… people……urban dwellers….


It’s almost as if US policy was completely and utterly counter-productive because of stupid domestic political concerns.

Trying to explain that policy as a goal of domestic political concerns is a lost cause.

But if you try to explain it this way:

The three slogans of the Party, on display everywhere, are:


It makes perfect sense.


…claiming that the Bosnian guy who shot up that mall in Salt Lake was an Islamofascist…

Bleah – I live about a mile from where that happened, and the incident is pretty much all that’s in the local news. Our mayor was very sane about it – is in general a good guy IMO – and pleaded with the community not to react like dumbshit racist / xenophobic assholes. We’ll see how well that works; SLC is not an especially violent place, though racism is endemic it doesn’t usually manifest violently.

So they ARE following us here, despite the fact that we’re fightin’ ‘em Over There.

Heh. That won’t fly with the reichtards, though – they’ll just say “Imagine how many more attacks there would have been if we hadn’t bombed Iran! I mean, Iraq!”


Mikey – nice appeal to sanity there, and it did have to be tried, but I don’t think you can expect much in the way of results.

Remember you and Gare-bear are using definitions of “rogue state”. I can’t speak for exactly what yours is, but I’m guessing something along the lines of “state which feels unbound by international law and is willing to do crazy violent stuff,” while his is “state which doesn’t do exactly what GW Bush wants.” Since America does what Dubya wants, it can’t be a rogue state. QED.


Gary’s either a piece of software or one fucked up individual. I’ve never in my life met someone that brainwashed and devoted to a president like he’s a god. Even the 28%’s don’t seem nearly as lost as Rupperto.


JK47- As a lady, yes. Henry; as my best friend would say (who happens to be gay) he needs a ‘thoughty- thoughty’ put on him.


JK47 – Yes, to infinity plus one.


I frankly can’t pick between Duncan Hunter and Sam Brownback as my favoriteist Presidential Candidate.

Hunter, for the Prince Philip-esque ‘the Chinese will make us all slitty-eyed’ campaign, complete with leather football to show how he’s protecting us all from the chinky chongs.


(comments are closed)