Oh, Well That Settles That, Then
Stephen Spuiell, boy genius of the National Review’s Media Blog, demolishes doubts about the anticipated attack on Iran:
Bush Calls Claims of Manufactured Evidence “Preposterous”
He also mocked NBC’s David Gregory, who (probably under orders from Chris Matthews) had just asked him if he was trying to gin up a pretext for war with Iran:
BUSH: The idea that somehow we’re manufacturing the idea that the Iranians are providing IEDs is preposterous, Ed. My job is to protect our troops. And when we find devices that are in that country that are hurting our troops, we’re going to do something about it, pure and simple. Now David says, “Does this mean you’re trying to have a pretext for war?” No. It means I’m trying to protect our troops. That’s what that means.
“Ed” refers to CNN’s Ed Henry, who had just asked a similar question about Iran.
It might be hard for sane people to immediately perceive from this brief statement how gibberingly around-the-bend Spruiell is, even in the context of The National Review. He’s cheering that the President ‘mocked’ a journalist (at least in his mind, if not in the actual transcript), while implying that when George W. Bush says something, it’s a priori true. ‘Monitoring the media,’ for Spuiell, means accepting official Government statements at face value, while attacking journalists or opposition leaders who question them.
Spruiell doesn’t think about issues, per se, or even act according to a coherent conservative ideology — his way of doing kritik is to identify the politically-correct ‘conservative’ stance on an item, and to express it with the unexamined confidence of a talk-radio host.
In case you’ve been wondering what kind of professional media critic could have watched as the rationalizations for the Iraq War collapsed in every agonizing, tragic detail, only to fall unhesitatingly for an even crappier attempt to gin up a conflict, here’s one answer.
Above: Stephen Spruiell, prime military age
Is he in his mom’s basement?
I still don’t think Teh Ghey are welcome in Bush’s Killbot Factory, though.
Qu’elle dill!
Attention 419 scammers!
Hey Stephen, pull my finger. No really, it’ll be different this time.
I had a ‘stache just like that in high school.
while implying that when George W. Bush says something, it’s a priori true
Are you saying this is wrong? Of course if he says something, it’s a priori true. Unless I’m sketchy on my Latin, and a priori doesn’t actually translate to “so not, as evidenced by the facts exposing my previous train of lies under almost identical circumstances a few years ago,”.
Read Uggabugga on the President’s comments on “fabricated evidence” today.
I believe mulletsgalore.com identifies that as the “molester mustache”.
Is he in his mom’s basement?
Probably. I suspect she cuts his hair as well.
Hi Marita, you do indeed need to use quotemarks in the actual hypertext link to make it work at your place.
[a href=https://www2.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=12381518&postID=1421475095202678812>This would work here[/a]
but you need this at Marita’s:
[a href=”https://www2.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=12381518&postID=1421475095202678812″] casa[/a]
Got to go with shrieking harpy card!
What were the odds I would screw that post up?
I want a +5 Ann Althouse cone of banality, please.
I’m experiencing cognitive dissonance. I see the guy and expect a Trans-Am in the background. I see the computer and expect something resembling modern man in the foreground. I’m logging off before I go insane enough to think about the cup.
His moustache is very French.
Shit, I pretty much look like that!
is he in his mom’s basement?
probably. i suspect she cuts his hair as well.
you mean he doesn’t cut his own hair?
So wait, he mocked David Gregory by calling him Ed? That’s fucking harsh man.
Never mind. I see now where the President Pwoned11! that fucker Gregory.
“No, bitchass,” the President said to a mute press corps. “I’m protecting the motherfucking troops by rattling this here sabre [waves sword menacingly under Gregory’s nose] at those buggers in Tehran. Why if they cross into the soverign country of Iraq to attack American troops, I’m going medieval on your asses! By the way, that Iraqian missile we secretly showed shouldn’t have read “Made in Taiwan” on it. And the Iraniqians so DO have the the same years as we do. It’s a motherfucking fact, bitches!”
Nice pic of Spruiell. Psycho Killer, qu’est que c’est??
As Bad News Hughes said, “Burt Reynolds? Nope. Tom Selleck? Uh uh. Try Chile D. Molester. Shave that fucking mustache.”
Prime military age? Are you fucking kidding me? If that dood was a replacement in MY squad, I’d go up to the Cap’n and see if I could make a trade. If not, I’d give him the 82 baseplate, a pig, 300 rounds of 7.62and 5 rounds of 40mm HE in addition to his personal weapons, water and shit. One three day op humping ruck in the southeast asian summer and he’d find someone else to annoy….
OK, here’s what’s fun: read Mikey’s last comment, then scroll back up, look at that obnoxious face, and think about how quickly and significantly the cockitude would change. Yup, that’s something Oliver Stone would want to film.
Hey Mortician! You out there? I’ve come up with a better motto, mission statement or pirate flag. You ready? Check it out:
Sanity is a fungible commodity
Ok, that’s just creepy…
That is one douchebag-looking picture. Dude needs to go on Queer Eye. The feathered haircut, the molester ‘stache, God, it’s just all too awful! (clutches pearls)
A little creepy, yeah, mikey.
Anyway, I’m on board, and thinking we paint it on blimps and fly it over football games. Or maybe just ramp up a coast-to-coast Lite Brite campaign.
And JK47: I read it as “mole-ster ‘stache” and liked it even better. ‘Cause if Spewie became the spokesmodel for the Mole Men, that would be pretty cool.
“My job is to protect our troops. ”
He’s sure has a lot of jobs over the past few years. I wonder if he’s any good at them…
I notice he never says what his job really is, which is to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
thats not a mustache, he got that by rooting out islamofascist badgers
in his moms backyard and oh, the red eye, it fairly screams Skeletor.
I had a ‘stache just like that in high school.
Shit, I had a haircut just like that in high school, but at least it was actually in style twenty five years ago.
Stephen Spruiell, prime military age
And trying not to look as though his dad just caught him wanking.
Prime military age? Are you fucking kidding me? If that dood was a replacement in MY squad, I’d go up to the Cap’n and see if I could make a trade. If not, I’d give him the 82 baseplate, a pig, 300 rounds of 7.62and 5 rounds of 40mm HE in addition to his personal weapons, water and shit. One three day op humping ruck in the southeast asian summer and he’d find someone else to annoy….
mikey, I so love you. 🙂
I dunno…
If they brought back teh draft, I’d be willing to help teh little coward get out of it; I’ve got a digital camera.
That moustache is the moustache of a 17 year old boy desperately trying to use a fake ID. He doesn’t actually like beer, but people are watching, so he can’t buy the peach schnapps he wants, get drunk, and jerk it to anime rape porn while sobbing, just a little, deep inside.
He should really consider shaving that off.
What a creep.
The hair says, “Christopher Cross,” but the peach fuzz mustache says “Skynard.”
Yah. He looks more like a stalker than a perv. Or sometimes stalkers are pervs too. He looks like pervo stalker.
Bush Calls Claims of Preposterous Evidence “Manufactured.”
Fixed teh headline typo.
Personal attacks make me a sad panda 🙁
And that SHIRT! Geewillikers, Mrs. Cleaver!
On the screen is a picture captioned “IDOL,” and it looks like the person is pointing a gun towards the lens. So who is Stephen Spurious’s idol? It doesn’t look like the person who would have been my first guess, based on the available evidence: Sebastian Bach of “Skid Row.”
Shit, I had a haircut just like that in high school, but at least it was actually in style twenty five years ago.
Exactly what I was thinking. I saw Spruiell’s photo and thought, “Hey! I used to wear my hair like that! … in 1980.”
marq, you are a bad, bad boy.
For a change, instead of tea, today it was Fresca out the nose.
Thank you so much, marq!
And I agree, that is one seriously bad haircut.
Doesn’t wingut welfare pay well enough for these boys to go to actual barbers, or does the staff at NRO just pass around a Flowbee?
I believe mulletsgalore.com identifies that as the “molester mustache�.
No, I believe Stephen is sporting the Romeo-of-the-Trailerpark Dirt-Stache.
Silly Gentlewoman–the entire male staff of teh NRO doesn’t have enough hair between ’em to use a Flowbee on… unless you’re talking JPod’s “Gorilla Growthâ„¢,” in which case, there’s entirely too much!
Tiiiiiiiiiiiny bubbles,
Maaaaaaaaaaaaake me happy…!
[…] Especially, one assumes, those who don’t have a choice in the matter. Isn’t that right, Spruiell and […]
omg dude. shave.
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