Through The Din And Desultoriness Of Noonan…
San Francisco Values
By Mark Noonan at 07:16 AMWhen I write that the other side is insane, this is what I’m talking about –
Hullo? Oh no, just poking around on the Internet, why?
It’s the red one. Behind the paint cans and oily rags, on the rickety Ikea shelf in the garage.
Yeah, with the bare wiring exposed. Be careful climbing the shelf; it’s rickety.
Oh, sure. Just bring it back when you’re done. Talk t’you later, Brad.
Huh. Okay, where were we?
…I propose we sell San Francisco to Hamas and Hezbollah. Seriously, wall it off and then transport as many Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists who care to come – let the good and wise people of San Francisco see what life under their heros is like.
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Ah hAH!
Just like D’Souzaphone, Mark has more in common with the terrah’ists than with citizens who actually live here.
Why does Noonan hate America?
Will the Hamas and Hezbollah sorts bring “e”‘s with them? Because someone needs to inform Mark that it’s speilled “heroes”. Not “heros”.
Perhaps the same radicals that stole all of the “ic”‘s from the Democratic Party have now stolen all of the “e”‘s from our heroes! Vile, underhanded brown people with their letter stealing religion!
Tell you what, we’ll give San Fransisco to the islamafascinazisumunists, and in return, we wall off the Bible Belt and install the Inquisitions. Like, Olde Schoole, Dark Ages ghetto-style theocracy, where witches are burned and dissidents are executed for offending Our Lourde.
Hamas and Hesbollah don’t care about the US, they care about Israel.
Blogs for Bush, the offical blog of Dead Enders in Thier Last Throws
Evidently his plan is that by selling them San Francisco, it will break up the color group and prevent us from buying houses and hotels. Then he can avoid paying the REALLY outrageous rents.
Hate to be a medievalist jerk, Some Guy, but the greatest era of witch burning postdates the Middle Ages.
I know, I know, I’ve asked before, but just where the FUCK do they get this shit. It makes less than no sense. Even the blood-crazed idiot Noonan could get this. The VERY shit he hates about many/most of us in liberal SF (among other places on other coasts) are the things that absolutely make fundamentalist theocratic authoritarians about as far from being our heroes as gw bush is. All of the shit we believe in they hate. All of the shit, and i do mean ALL the shit they believe in we hate. We are for tollerance, inclusiveness, rights for women, minorities, gays, social justice, peace and mercy. How can they rail against our beliefs in specific one day and then blindly lump us together with those who oppose everything we believe. Who, incidently, hold a worldview much, much closer to Noonans than to mine. Just change the name of the deity and the book and you’re there.
Also, before he goes insulting the good and wise people of northern california, perhaps he should look up the cost we’ve paid in our young men and women in every war fought this century. We’ll fight. Hell, I can tell mark noonan the pussy how hard we’ll fight, even when the cause is an illegal lie. I wonder if he’d have the balls to stop into one our little watering holes or public houses, maybe out in the aveues or down around portero hill and say that to somebody’s face. Kinda doubt it…
And San Fransisco’s CRIME that warrants such harsh and deadly punishment?
On October 26, a student filed a formal complaint with the university against the College Republicans. By December, Director of the Office of Student Programs and Leadership Development (OSPLD) Joey Greenwell notified the College Republicans in an e-mail that the complaint accused them of “walking on a banner with the word ‘Allah’ written in Arabic script,� which led to “allegations of attempts to incite violence and create a hostile environment� and “allegations of actions of incivility.� Greenwell also stated that the OSPLD had concluded its investigation and had passed the case along to the Student Organization Hearing Panel (SOHP), a panel of students, faculty, and staff members who will deliver a verdict on the charges.
Well, we can mix in the best of the best, Karl. Little witch burning, a little inquisition, a little public stoning, and you bet your ASS the mandatory 10% tithe/week is coming back.
LISTER: Do you mean they had a war over whether the doughnut diner hats were red or blue?
HOLLY: Yeah. Most of them were killed fighting about that. It’s daft really, innit?
LISTER: You’re not kidding. They were supposed to be green.
I propose we sell San Francisco to Hamas and Hezbollah. Seriously, wall it off and then transport as many Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists who care to come – let the good and wise people of San Francisco see what life under their heros is like.
Isn’t that pretty much how D’souza feels about American liberals? We’re responsible for 9/11; it only makes sense they save their own skin if they can’t put a lid on our suicidal activities by pretending we’re not part of the same country.
In the run-up to the war and shortly thereafter conservatives taunted us, challenging our commitment to human rights, freedom for women, etc., when in reality they just wanted to get under our skin long enough to do what they were determined to do with Iraq. They never believed in the principles they momentarily usurped from us. They never will.
so where does Mark Noonan hail from? What virtuous community does he live in?
And who the Hell are the “We” who want to sell a city?
so where does Mark Noonan hail from? What virtuous community does he live in?
Um, Las Vegas, I think. I’m not kidding.
Shit City. No wonder he hates everything.
Quick question..WTF is up with the “Negrofascism” book advert? Is that some snark or has google ads crwed up again?
Damn those Liberal swine!
The brave College Republicans had Islamofascism on the ropes with their flag-stomping tactics. It was only a matter of time before Osama surrendered.
Damn that PC stuff, anyway! Damn it to hell!
I just shrugged at it. Thought it must have been one of disouza’s earlier works. Seriously, I thought that. It fits along with his current screed in support of appeasement…
Wait, if we sell San Francisco to teh Djimmocommiefascistislamonauts, how will Michael Wiener be able to dine out with his little dog?
I’m not sure this has been thought through carefully.
Why does Noonan hate America?
He’s a conservative.
Just sayin’.
Why is it that the party of life has so much contempt for it?
Eh, I fumbled the link there.
noonan is bat shit insane but the cretinous commenters are just morons.
Okay, this pretty much is O’Reilly (Ya Reilly) offering “the terrorists” free reign over San Francisco (basically telling them to “go ahead” and blow up Coit Tower).
There’s something profoundly wrong with regressives.
Can I get one last latte before the Islamobrats take over?
[Well, someone needs a nap and someone else needs to decide whether to spit or swallow:]
I think it’s time to stop the flame wars. Instead, let’s just concentrate on the tasks at hand. In the end, all shall be right with the world.
Posted by Jeff Goldstein | permalink
on 02/11 at 01:41 PM
Sure. If you want to shut it down, go ahead, Jeff.
Posted by Dan Collins | permalink
on 02/11 at 01:49 PM
Wow, that is some powerful insanity over there. Only a diehard Republican would think that the best way to show your love of America is to show how many Americans you hate.
Wow, that is some powerful insanity over there. Only a diehard Republican would think that the best way to show your love of America is to show how many Americans you hate.
Well, according to the Repubs, what good is your club if just anyone is allowed in? The Repub mantra: “Gated communities for all! We get the suburban enclaves plus Las Vegas, and ‘those people’ get the jails, internment camps, and in our fantasies all coastal U.S. cities!”
Lesly said,
February 11, 2007 at 21:26
I propose we sell San Francisco to Hamas and Hezbollah. Seriously, wall it off and then transport as many Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists who care to come – let the good and wise people of San Francisco see what life under their heros is like.
“Isn’t that pretty much how D’souza feels about American liberals? We’re responsible for 9/11; it only makes sense they save their own skin if they can’t put a lid on our suicidal activities by pretending we’re not part of the same country.”
Yes indeed. Actually, one of the reasons D’inesh and Noonan really hate a lot of people in places like SF is that the folks there have a generally not terrible standard of living, and enjoy life fairly well. D’inesh and Noonan feel that a lot of whom they think of as ‘liberals’ in America should be living miserable lives, with their noses pressed against the glass of the windows, envying their betters.
Noonan and D’Souza resent that many of their political enemies are not suffering. One of the big arguments they like to make about their political opponents is that if the ‘liberals’ really lived up to their ideals, they would live in cardboard boxes on the streets and not drink good wine.
Never mind that D’Souza and Noonan are utter products of the most generous wing-nut welfare and would starve if left to their own devices. It’s nice the WNW has paid for D’Souza’s 8000 plus square foot mansion. I’m not sure he could have done that on his ‘immigrant pluck’ alone.
Didn’t we tell these assholes to STFU a few months back? I guess he didn’t get the memo. Or his wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead.
This is great for me, as one of the “good and wise” SFSU students (studying abroad in Madrid, unable to witness all the asshattery). Noonan’s right, there are at any given time between 5 and 10 College Republicans at State, and as I’m sure you can imagine, they’re the most mentally stable, low-profile, even-tempered, downright POLITE bunch of gentlemen I’ve ever encountered in all my gaywad, poetry-reading, flag-burning, bible-eating days.
Yes, Mark Noonan is a nut job…but I’m still not sure where I stand on the underlying issue. The College Republics have every right to stomp on flags. I’m sure some will equate stomping on the word Allah with burning a cross or something, but they very likely didn’t even know what the Arabic characters meant.
That said, one of the differences between progressives and regressives is that, presented with that information, they would not be at all honest if they apologised for insulting Islam.
Still, I think that the college/university/whatever is being a little too knee-jerk in their response to the situation. If they bother to investigate further, they’re going to look like the worst kind of PC police. The correct response is to issue a statement saying that the CRs have every right to be immature and pointless, for as long as they want to be.
How can they rail against our beliefs in specific one day and then blindly lump us together with those who oppose everything we believe.
If they really believed this, they would be even stupider than I think they are, which is saying a great deal.
They don’t believe it.
Right-wing blogging has become nothing more than some demented fuckwits striking various poses, trying to find the poses that will make the tricks shell out the cash.
Really, even their outrage has become rote. I mean, look at the Malkin-Thing’s latest ragegasm (tm TBogg). She was totally phoning it in. Vlogs of her reading Amanda Marcotte’s posts out loud, in the worst tradition of community theater ‘actresses’ auditioning for a William Inge play? Please.
Well, I suppose it did succeed in distracting the Malkintents (tm I can’t remember who) from the utter failure of the Great War Against Teh AP.
These folks are tired, mikey.
They’ve been screaming like banshees for six fucking years and all they ever wanted to do was enjoy the bright shiny world with no evil liberals or gays or brown people or uppity women and the booming economy and the dollar-a-gallon gas and the flowers and candy (and oil contracts) from the grateful Iraqis who are enjoying their brand spankin’ new democracy more than they can even tell!
The world they were promised.
And they didn’t get it, and looks increasingly, even to delusional morons like them, as though that world is not only never going to happen, it never could have happened, no matter how hard they clapped and cheered and lied about it and prayed for it.
So, they are tired and cross, their hands hurt from all the clapping and Tinker Belle fucking died anyway, and they really need naps, and better jobs, and some health insurance, and a chance to win elections again, and for people on mean liberal blogs to JUST STOP ALREADY pointing out that they’ve been totally played like the idiots they are, and they’re NOT GETTING ANY OF THAT EITHER.
Let’s try to empathize here, people.
Or not. Because most of them were probably scum to start with, but some of them might have been salvageable human beings, if they hadn’t thrown their lot in with the filth brigade, and then wallowed in it.
So, in my first ever (I think) Official Sadly, No! salute:
Eat it, cobagz!
Um, Las Vegas, I think. I’m not kidding.
Oh. Clearly, one of the Shining Cities on the HIll of Christian Virtue. I might have known.
Nothing says Christian Values like gambling and showgirls.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…..
Noonan’s comment crew are a magic bunch, especially keefer. But that typekey crap annoys me. I refuse to remember my login, dammit, and they’ll dump me asking how a resident of Las Vegas has the moral high ground over San Fran.
Shit like this makes me wish the left had an overlord who could send out the order that the new meme is the hard right simply are not americans in any recognizable way, cause, well, they ain’t and people might benefit from hearing about it.
I’m really sick of being a better Christian in action than most of these people, considering I don’t believe in God.
I propose we sell San Francisco
You’ll get a better price if you go for an open auction. Many countries would consider SF an asset, if the US doesn’t want it any more. I’m sure we could scrape together some money down here in the South Pacific and put in a bid.
On the other hand, if Noonan prefers to break up SF and sell each lot separately, I’ll be bidding on the Toronado.
The College Republics have every right to stomp on flags. I’m sure some will equate stomping on the word Allah with burning a cross or something, but they very likely didn’t even know what the Arabic characters meant
I propose a simple test. Have the hippie kids stomp around on a pic of jesus (the blue-eyed one) or some similar christian iconography, or perhaps in recognition of the right’s best humanitarian instinct, group piss on a King James Bible. If the Noonans of the world have no problem with that, I’ll stand up and salute their inclusive, progresive values myself…
Google “piss christ” mikey.
I think Bryan over at HotAir just sneezed. And the way he did it, it definitely sounded like “gaaaaah-VIN!” You know, the way sometimes people make fun of other people by sneezing in a way that sounds like their name.
Are you gonna take that from him?
Oh, I’m actually a pretty big fan of andres serrano. SFMOMA frequently has some of his work on display…
Gentlewoman said,
February 12, 2007 at 0:03
Malkin’s youtube of her pretending to be Amanda typing a post is truly hilarious and brilliant.
I don’t read her site, so I have to thank the boys here for posting it.
Thanks. It was nice to be able to find something funny on this site. I think you all are tired.
Hi annie. I like pie too, but I’m making brownies today…
Most of San Francisco is privately owned, so in order to sell the entire city, “we” would have to confiscate it through eminent domain first.
That Mark, such the conservative.
On the other hand, if Noonan prefers to break up SF and sell each lot separately, I’ll be bidding on the Toronado.
You can have the Toronado as long as I get Zeitgeist.
I just want the old Jefferson Airplane house in Pacific Heights…
truly hilarious and brilliant
Hilarious I’ll give you. Brilliant? not so much. Although, annie, you set a pretty low bar.
So Noonan wants to move from a system of Israeli apartheid to a system of American apartheid.?
His mother must be sooooo proud!
I think it was pretty brilliant. Simple and direct to the point. In fact, the video was really nothing but one big hilarious point.
In fact, the video was really nothing but one big hilarious embarrassment for the fools who made it.
Nice work, kingubu. I was in severe danger of making myself look like an idiot until you fixed my comment. Thanx!!11! 🙂
I am worried about annie’s anti-pie agenda. I fear that she may become violent and attack an innocent pie seller.
Also, annie’s anti-pie tirades have frightened away the preview button.
That was a namestealer. Prepare to be banned you evil pretender. No one will namesteal my dearest Annie on my site. Not while there is breath in my body.
That was a namestealer. Prepare to be banned you evil pretender. No one will namesteal my dearest Annie on my site. Not while there is breath in my body.
Dude, I sincerely apologize. It will never happen again.
Look, you guys. If it’s this easy to get consensus on pie among the widely varied political viewpoints represented by the S,N commentariat, how hard would it be to come to a political accomadation on the major issues facing us today? Let’s use this as building blocks to a grand unified theory of desert!!!
Jas – yes, the college repubs have every (legal) right to stomp on the flag. If you go over to B4B’s homepage however, the very next post is about a NYTimes article, followed by a Noonan rant about communities deciding their own values without Federal interference (though he ventures into school prayer on that one).
You see, conservatives believe communities should be able to decide what to believe and how to live for themselves… as long as those communities are conservative. Don’t want those Mass. liberals telling them how to live, but Noonan and his fellow conservatives sure do think it’s their place to impose their views on the entire nation, especially liberal communities like S.F.
Too often, we operate under the false assumption that conservatives consider hypocrisy to be a negative trait. They wear it like a badge of honor.
I just know if I prostitute myself for the aging gymteacher, someday she will grant me some Xtian nookie.
I know!!
I think it’s important during this trying time to give pie a chance.
What’s Blogs for Bush’s name going to be in two years anyway?
Bubba, they should just change it to “Blogs for Bloodshed” and be done with it. They don’t need bush, they’ve got candidatinus maximus lining up to take their shot…
What’s Blogs for Bush’s name going to be in two years anyway?
“What’s Blogs for Bush’s name going to be in two years anyway?”
–This Domain For Sale
Blogs for (jeb) Bush?
Blogs for (george p) Bush?
Blogs for (noelle) Bush?
Hey, I don’t want anyone thinking that I agree with the Nooners, I’m just saying, the underlying issue isn’t entirely without merit. His take isn’t “free speech for all!” but “free speech for me, but not for thee,” the standard regressive stance of shit sandwich politics – the more bread you got, the less shit you gotta eat.
Oh, and on the B4B issue, I’m hoping they go with “Blogs against Obama”, but that’s just me.
Blogs for Speaking Engagements for Bush.
It’ll be called Blongs for Bush and it’ll be porn.
Annieangel continues to be an unamusing parody troll, tho’. . .
as an Oaklander who works in SF, let me – with all appropriate civility – tell dear Mr. Noonan to go fuck himself.
o/t: Talking urinal cakes warn drunks
Glad to see that Jenna & Not-Jenna have finally found gainful employment!
re: Blogs for Bush
Ted Haggard was against bush before he was in favor of it!
Blogs 4 Bush = Bush Defense Fund
Wait. Some righty wants Izlamofaciterrorbrownpeople owning* a chunk of America? Oh, sure, it’s just SanFran, but d00d, it’s continental US soil you’re suggesting selling to your worst nightmare. What kind of anti-‘Merkin ter’rist supporter are you?
*I’ve got dibs on Bodine’s.
So a University in San Francisco investigates a complaint.
He isn’t upset of the decision since the article seems to say they haven’t made a decision, he’s just upset they are taking a complaint seriously.
Don’t all Universities take complaints seriously?, irrespective of whether or not they believe them to be specious or not?
That’s just stupid.
I’m wondering what happens to the Alameda Naval Air Station in Noonan’s perverse fantasy… I mean, it’s not like huge natural harbors are of any sort of strategic value, right?
I don’t think that even Lincoln, at the worst moments, was vilified as unfairly as our current President. How President Bush puts up with it and retains his sense of Christian love and mercy is a marvel.
It seems that the really great are usually reviled in their lifetimes.
Posted by: Mark Noonan at February 12, 2007 01:38 PM
It seems that the really great are usually reviled in their lifetimes.
Well, I wonder how we are supposed to tell the really great from the scum of the earth. Perhaps the SotE are not reviled until 10 years after their death? Or do they get their due quota of vilification before they are born?
Well, I wonder how we are supposed to tell the really great from the scum of the earth.
Nails and wood judiciously applied to a subject are a litmus test of sorts.
[…] the time Mark proposed we sell San Francisco to Hamas and Hezbollah. That really worked out badly, especially when Sheikh Nasrallah turned up at SFX with a planeload […]