Pwned Again! (Damn You, Blogs For Bush!)
Official Blogs for Bush Commentary on Sen. Obama’s Presidential Announcement
As opposed to all those raw, unofficial Blogs For Bush commentaries that keep lighting up the Internet with their sassy and irreverent approach to American politics, circa Generation-Now.
This must be from their main office. We’ve gotten used to the wild daily hoots from their anything-goes, thrill-an-instant rapid response team (i.e., Noonan and Margolis, with whatshername and sometimes that other guy). We ought to pay extra attention to this one.
1. He hasn’t the experience: Certainly the most impertinent Presidential campaign since Wilke in 1940.
Then again, there was Steve Forbes in 1996 and 2000, who was never elected to any office above and including dog-catcher. Actually, for 2008, there’s presumably Giuliani, who never held a state office. Come to think of it, actually, for 2008, there’s also, presumably, that one-term governor, Mitt Romney. Actually, there’s also Cox and Smith, for the GOP in 2008, who were never elected to a single office above, below, or including municipal sewer commissioner. Come to think of it, there’s also that one-term Republican governor, Gilmore…
But point taken, yes.
2. Should he get elected, his ultra-liberal policy proposals will just be more-of-the-same political gamesmanship when placed into practice.
I’m not sure what this means, but the individual words seem to add up to something worrisome.
3. Democrats would be monumentally stupid to nominate anyone else because ONLY Obama can win at least two or three States won by President Bush twice.
Duh, okay. Gee, it looks like we’re in a real pickle then, huh?
Posted by Mark Noonan at February 10, 2007 07:04 PM
Drats! It was Noonan the whole time. If only there were some way to tell!
“Certainly the most impertinent Presidential campaign… “
Gosh, I hope Obama’s campaign manager can find a way to use this phrase! I know I would treasure it forever, and possibly embroider it on a tasteful sampler to hang in my office. Because, what’s more disqualifying for a Presidential candidate than “impertinence”? Kind of sums up a whole chunk of the Repub political philosophy: “Vote for Us, Minions, Signed, Your Betters”. Of course, that’s exactly the kind of dogwhistle craven toadies like Mark Noonan find irresistable…
Seriously — don’t Noonan’s complaints sound a little half-hearted? Even rote? My forecasting record for 2008 is already screwed, because I didn’t think Hillary Clinton would actually declare herself a candidate, on the grounds that it would make her an irresistable target for every half-bright Reichtard crazy with a big arsenal and nothing more absorbing in his life than a few months of cross-country celebrity stalking. The Wingnut Wurlitzer just can’t seem to bring anywhere near the level of brio, of personal invective, of insane sociopathic projection to their attacks on Obama… even when they made up that “B. Hussein O. went to a madrassa!!1!” bullshit, they had to pretend it had somehow come from “Hillary’s camp”. Maybe some part of Obama’s calculations include the possibility that “Hitlery-the-Murdering-Lesbian-Satanist-from-JooYork-Emasculating-Robowife-of-Teh-Clenis” has made herself a kind of Reichtard flypaper? Is it possible that the real extremists among the Wingnutzetti will be too busy ‘stalking *her* over there to attack *him* over here?’
Then again, there was Steve Forbes in 1996 and 2000, who was never elected to any office above and including dog-catcher
To be fair, recount is still pending. Nobody seems to give a shit, though. That’s Including the dogs.
When it comes to impertinence George trumps just about everybody. Honest to goodness real life examples here.
Ha! Anne typed out a whole novel, complete with topic sentences and punch lines, while you were busy hunting and pecking “Frist”
Like, game totally over, man.
Maybe he was trying to write “incontinence”
Just a theory.
Certainly the most impertinent Presidential campaign
For some reason I am thinking of Dennis the Menace 2008. Please correct me if I am on the wrong wavelength, and I will blame the beer.
Thanks to Blogs for Bush I’m totally convinced.
Bush/Cheney ’08!
Here’s hoping Newt Gingrich is crazy enough to run. It’d be fun to watch godbags’ heads explode as they try to say Newt has better morals than…. anyone besides Godwin’s associates, but especially Obama. A never divorced guy who seems whipped enough to actually care about and listen to his wife vs…. hehehehehe. Plus, it’d make Al Frankin’s candidacy even more appropriate.
What what? An impertinent kneegrow? Somebody carry me to my fainting couch!
The middle america commenting at 11:05 was not me. I demand you take that comment down immediately.
Hey. A wee bit OT*, but has anyone around here seen this completely insane piece (.pdf) about Cheney considering the OVP to be a “fourth branch of government?” That man is bonkers! And, is the “Preview” button hiding out with the veep in his “undisclosed location?”
adb, did you see Chuck Norris’ awesome
rantessay on who should be president? He distilled everything you need to be a president down to two qualities: Wise and Christian morals and then decided that only Newt Gingrich embodied such things in the American Body Politic.He then had the temerity to suggest that while he didn’t approve of all of Newt’s shortcomings and indiscretions, he was still the best qualified.
And what happened to the preview button anyways? Did the terrorists steal it away to prevent Gary Ruppert from winning the war or something?
1. He hasn’t the experience: Certainly the most impertinent Presidential campaign since Wilke in 1940.
I don’t know what’s worse — the fact that he sounds like a villian from a Bond flick, or that he doesn’t even know how to spell Willkie. It was your own party’s nominee, for jeebus’s sake.
Don’t look at me, I voted for FDR. But Wendell Wilkie was a much better man than Cheney and/or teh puppet.
P.S. The preview button is busy trying to learn photoshop so it can enter Marita’s contest.
Dudes, I’m getting a Dinesh D’Souza ad on this site.
This is not good. Especially when it’s for a book called “Negrofascism”
“Bill Richardson”, as a name, just doesn’t get the multi-culti leftwing juices flowing as well as “Barak Obama”.
It’s been so fucking cold that my multi-culti leftwing juices froze to the inside of my thighs this morning as I was walking to get the papers the papers. But I’m warm and cozy again and I’m going to spew a load of them on a pic of Bill Richardson just to prove Noonan wrong.
Has anybody actually ever been elected “Dogcatcher”? Where is it an elective office? I think Malcolm S. “Steve” Forbes, Jr. should find a place where they elect the Dogcatcher, sidestep the residency requirements, and spend a bunch of money on those terrible, film noir ads he ran in Iowa eight years ago, just so he can get elected Dogcatcher and show us all. (By the way, he said he’d get rid of Greenspan and flatten income taxes; he didn’t even have to get elected to do that! Bravo, Stevie!)
Basically, if people are dumb enough to elect shrub and teh shooter for a second time, how could they possibly be competent enough to select the dogcatcher?
And this is just the warmups! I can’t wait ’til they start arguing amongst themselves over whether being too crazy or not crazy enough lost them the majorities.
Perot? Nader? LaRouche? I mean Jesus, every fucking election has more “impertinent” candidates than Obama. Plus, Obama was a state senator before he became a national senator, so he’s held both state and national office, which is more than one could say for George W. Bush (among others, of course) when he first ran.
Well, Thank Goodness for Blogs and The Internet.
Brad, Gavin, and Most Sadly No! Posters. Bradley J. Fikes, Patrick Frey’s (Patterico’s) friendly Acquiantence, trashed this website yesterday on Cathy Seipp’s website.
Well last year. Mr Fikes made a RACIST comment towards me, referring to me as “SUCH PEOPLE.” Mr. Fikes has decided to engage me in Dialogue on this website and Blog:
Sour grapes? ..> 9 Feb 2007 by David N. Scott
Yesterday I posted some stuff from Allah Pundit’s old site found via internet
archive. I also posted this on Liberal Avenger here and here about how I was
about to do so, and I also posted one of the juicier links. …
Pererro –
“Sour Grapes” is the title, “Pererro” is the Website.
Mr. Fikes also decided to MOCK me in the way I type posts. His call. I have caught Bradley J. Fikes LYING about his RACIST Comment towards me. Can Bradley J. Fikes LIE Some more? We’ll See.
The OJ Simpson Case
Dudes, I’m getting a Dinesh D’Souza ad on this site.
This is not good. Especially when it’s for a book called “Negrofascism�
YES – What the hell is that? The link goes D’Souza’s new book “The Enemy At Home” on Amazon. Is it a prank?
You know he only used th word impertinent because somebody smacked him down for trying to slip “uppity” into his article.
YES – What the hell is that? The link goes D’Souza’s new book “The Enemy At Homeâ€? on Amazon. Is it a prank?
It’s gotta be. And it’s a damn good one – using the word “Negrofascism” in any other context would be considered crossing the line from satire into slapstick, but when it’s paired with the name “Dinesh D’Souza” it just doesn’t seem like it’s that ridiculous that someone would choose it as a book title.
Hell, it fooled me.
Like the monotonous, head-ache inducing pounding of the street repair crew outside your window at 9 AM, they once again, like a tired-run down, one-act comedian, pull out the “ultra-left” card.
Chrimminy, don’t they get bored with that? Anyone left of Strom Thurman? Far-left nutjob.
Next thing you know, Nooner will really go off the deep end and say Obama is the opposite of Lincoln.
YES – What the hell is that? The link goes D’Souza’s new book “The Enemy At Homeâ€? on Amazon. Is it a prank?
Damn. The ad this week is supposed to be for ‘In Defense of Extermination,’ by Mark Steyn.
Such a fine line between parody and actual wingnuttery. Cases in point:
1. Dinesh D’Souza’s “Negrofascism”
2. First comment on Noonan’s Obama post: Let me offer a little advice that could change the debate over the next 2 years. Don’t call (or describe) anyone on the American Left as “liberal” or “progressive”. In any political dictionary these terms have become so corrupted that they truly confuse the proles. Call Obama a Marxist, an Economic Fascist, a Collectivist, if you like, but don’t call him a Jeffersonian Liberal. He’s just not!
Posted by: RiverRat at February 10, 2007 08:42 PM
Anybody else remember way back when parody was actually more extreme than the original it was skewering? I’m so nostalgic.
I just noticed the Dinesh D’Souza “Negrofascism” fake ad thing. For a second I was actually taken in, but when I realized it was satire I laughed for ages. Awesome.
The middle america commenting at 13:36 was not me. I demand you take that comment down immediately.
This whole “experience” thing is a red herring. It comes up in every election and never matters one whit. Why? Because there is nothing, no job, no role, no position that would EVER truly prepare anybody for the job of President of the United States. I am certain that the night after the election, when some previously small-potatos politician comes to the realization that he has been elected president, it is the scariest, what the hell have I gotten myself into moment you can imagine…
Ah hell, I can’t wait til NEXT christmas to get the preview button back…
Anyone who believes I’d be commenting here instead of watching Anna Nicole coverage is nuts.
“impertinent” “the proles” (and, from a previous post) “immature”
Mark, Mark, Mark–
It can’t be adequate or satisfying to merely write like a 65-year old spinster aunt. Have the courage to do what you really want: save or borrow the money, and *have the operation.* Not because we’ll all respect you more–although we will–but because you’ll respect yourself.
Courtesy of Carpetbagger Report ,February 10:
“And one last word about experience. Clearly, in his third year in the U.S. Senate, Obama enters the presidential race with the least federal experience among the leading Democrats. But I have a hunch this isn’t going to hold up as a credible knock on Obama’s candidacy, and here’s why:”
Years in elected office:
* Obama: 10 years (7 state Senate, 3 U.S. Senate)
* Clinton: 8 years (8 U.S. Senate)
* Edwards: 6 years (6 U.S. Senate)
* Giuliani: 8 years (two, four-year mayoral terms)
* Romney: 4 years (one four-year gubernatorial term)
* McCain: 25 years (4 U.S. House, 21 U.S. Senate)
Seriously — don’t Noonan’s complaints sound a little half-hearted? Even rote?
Yeah, he just seems to be going through the motions on this one, like he knows he’s supposed to dismiss Obama, but he just didn’t feel like it at the moment.
But don’t worry–he’s still got the energy to bring teh stoopid to some of his other favorite targets, including San Francisco:
and, of course, NPR:
I can’t stand listening to NPR for no other reason than the way they pronounce “latina” – with that hard “a” in the middle there…for crying out loud, this is America and its ok to use English pronunciation…
You tell ’em, Nooners!
BTW, I think he took a hint from this post, as the Obama thread is now called “My Commentary” instead of “Official B4B commentary.”
in some ways a sadistic side of me wants hillary to win (even though shes not my fav candidate) because then, it would be 4 maybe 8 years of gold from the right. can you imagine the unhinged hatred of hillary and bill from people like malkin, fox news etc??
it will be a goldmine for liberal humorists everywhere
Damn tags. Here’s Teh Noonan’s anti-SF vitriol:
I propose we sell San Francisco to Hamas and Hezbollah. Seriously, wall it off and then transport as many Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists who care to come – let the good and wise people of San Francisco see what life under their heros is like.
Sure, he’s just rehashing an old Bill O’Reilly bit, but you can’t seriously expect Noonan to come up with his own crazy talking points about everything, can you?
I can’t stand listening to NPR for no other reason than the way they pronounce “latinaâ€? – with that hard “aâ€? in the middle there…for crying out loud, this is America and its ok to use English pronunciation…
You tell ‘em, Nooners!
That’s the coop de gracie right there.
This whole “experience� thing is a red herring. It comes up in every election and never matters one whit.
Ah. “Experience.” Like the record of experience that qualified our sitting President for office?
Does anyone remember, as I do, the days of yore when right-wingers were promoting term limits as a method of purging “professional politicians” from our ruling bodies, so that “citizen legislators” could bring the wisdom of the masses to our political system?
I can’t stand listening to NPR for no other reason than the way they pronounce “latinaâ€? – with that hard “aâ€? in the middle there…for crying out loud, this is America and its ok to use English pronunciation…
“Hard ‘a’?”
WTF is a “hard” vowel? Is he talking about a “broad” vowel, maybe, but didn’t dare use the term “broad” because it has girl cooties? Must be: “hard” is such a good, masculine term for pronunciation, after all.
(And I guess if Noonan hates the broad “ah” sound hates so much in “La(h)tina”, he also hates it in father, always, awesome, blah, blah, blah….)
So Noonan doesn’t like latinas with hard a’s. Christina Aguilera… Shakira… Sorry, I got distracted. What were we talking about?
“…the way they pronounce “latinaâ€? – with that hard “aâ€? in the middle there…
Shit. I thought it was an “i” (pronounced “e”) that was in the middle. – La-TI-Na. I totally missed the hard ‘a.’
Damn catholic grammar schools…
Wow, His Grace, that’s one hell of a Chuck column. I heard Norris had joined wingnuttia, but damn.
SN! really needs to attract his attention.
Because there is nothing, no job, no role, no position that would EVER truly prepare anybody for the job of President of the United States.
Mikey, I think there might be just one: 8 years as VP under an effective and popular President. Add to that actually winning a popular majority in one’s own national election campaign… well, you get the idea.
(Submit, Comment!)
Yeah, good point Rob. I guess in addition to gore, for that matter, hillary has a better idea of what she’s getting into than the rest. For whatever its worth…
You know he only used the word impertinent because somebody smacked him down for trying to slip “uppity” into his article
Jas wins a kewpie doll and two free shots!
Ah, damn. That one got me good. Still hilarious though, expertly crafted.
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