Join the March for Women’s Lives

keep_it_legal.jpgIf your feet can’t join the hundreds of thousands of people from around the country and around the world who are Marching for Women’s Lives in Washington, DC today (04/25/04), you can still take part by letting your voice, your support, and your message be heard that you won’t let a minority of zealots take away our reproductive rights.

It’s a health issue, a civil rights issue, and an issue of privacy. It’s a matter of keeping church and state separate. My feet can’t be in Washington today, but my fingers will be on the march, posting new material throughout the day, and my ears will be tuning in periodically for updates:

Live coverage from Pacifica KPFK
Hear the 1:00pm rally live from Cspan
IndyMedia has audio coverage and online updates here at DC IndyMedia

In the meantime, get acquainted with who’s on the front lines of this fight for freedom, how our rights are being eroded and by whom, and what you can do to stop them. Tune back in throughout the day for news, views, resources and snark but in the meantime, find out more here:

ACLU March for Women’s Lives
ACLU: Tell ten friends
ChoiceUSA, Young People’s All-Access Contingent
The Planned Parenthood March Page
Meet the Feminist Majority
Join 34 Million Friends
Who needs these guys making over our lives? (Flash animation.)

Update: added some audio links


Comments: 1


Thanks, Peanut, for reminding us that there is more important stuff than laughing at all the goofy stuff that Bush and his fellow wingnuts say and do, as important as that is…


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