Smells Like Something’s Still Burning Over There

Allahpundit of Hot Air is outraged over Amanda’s disrespect toward Christianity, and what it says about John Edwards:

It wasn’t their intention to malign anyone’s faith? By referring to religious conservatives as “godbags� and “Christofascists�? Quote:

Q: What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit?

A: You’d have to justify your misogyny with another ancient mythology.

Either he’s a gullible moron or he takes us for gullible morons. Bad news either way.

For a different view, here’s Allahpundit:

Do Catholics really believe they are eating Christ when they take the host? Allah knows that your priests have a taste for flesh–the younger the better, it seems–but this is ridiculous. And you have the gall to mock Muslims for believing that Satan lives in their nostrils at night? Allah will admit that we have our eccentric beliefs like any other faith, but at least cannibalism is not part of the core curriculum. Stop chewing on Jesus, you ghoulish fucks.

Back to you, Allahpundit:

Like [Michelle Malkin] noted recently in a not-dissimilar context, sunshine is the best disinfectant. The best way to fight the nutroots is to raise their level of exposure. Edwards helped do that. Thanks, Silky Pony.

Golly. One imagines that the next notion down the pike is going to be that Allah was merely writing satire. And indeed, normally, we’d be down with that. But when you read the Hot Air piece in all its switchbacks and updates, you find that Allah and Bryan have already carefully blocked that exit, doing a #2 woo-woo war dance of outrage over the notion that Amanda’s writing should be taken at anything but than face value. Along the way, they resort to quoting Crazy Jeff Goldstein, who provides the following logical equation:

[W]ere it really never Marcotte’s intent to malign anyone’s faith, she probably wouldn’t have dedicated so many hate-filled blog posts to, you know—maligning anyone’s faith.

Fair enough, then. Were it really never Allah’s intent to malign anyone’s faith, he probably wouldn’t have dedicated so many hate-filled blog posts to, you know—maligning anyone’s faith.

But maybe there’s an exculpatory rationalization still to be hashed together. It’s a mistake to sell these guys short; they’re clever in at least that one way.

[Hanx! Liberal Avenger]


Comments: 54


The fact is, liberals use swear words and tend to offend people of faith, which undercuts their whole argument. They are biased and hate freedom.


You guys really need to fix that closing tags thing.
Not that I mind being endlessly sent to an adam12 link.

It just kinda spoils the fun when the whole rest of the thread is underlined.


You need a higher quality of fake Gary Ruppert, guys. This one is embarrassingly lame.

Also, you seem incapable of grasping that the problem here is that John Edwards endorses hate-filled blogposts aimed at people of faith. The fact that Allah and other bloggers bringing this charge also write hate-filled blogposts aimed at people of faith is entirely irrelevant because they aren’t being employed by John Edwards.

sleazy, scuzzy, unprincipled, & handsome

hey, this [fake] gary ruppert said the exact same thing at the bottom of the prior thread. Me and bimler were ragging on him[it] for lack of effort. he[it]’s sort of like justin guarini singing barry manilow, just not enough commitment to the sentiment. as far as Edwards’ bloggers goes, they at least never took evangelicals’ money and then called them ‘deadenders’ behind their backs. that’s a whole ‘nother level of contempt.


Interesting. It only underlines forever in Safari not Firefox.

Sorry if anyone found that post offensive.


What happens in Safari?


close tag


You’re giving them too much credit to think they’ll come up with a new response. They’ll either ignore the hypocrisy completely, or huffily ignore the hypocrisy of saying it wasn’t meant to be taken literally and wonder yet again why us libruls got no sense of humor. They can’t be unhinged, cause they called that word yeaaaaaars ago, back in middle school. Asking why they contradict themselves is like asking why God lets innocent people suffer. It’s beyond our comprehension, we’re mere mortals.
Or they’re fucking idiots, but, c’mon, yah gotta have faith.


What happens in Safari is that when a link tag isn’t closed the whole freaking rest of the comments section becomes a giant link, and it’s impossible to add a comment (because clicking in the comments box also takes you to the link). Not to mention that all the text is underlined (since it’s a link).

Then Mac users become very annoyed (WTF, tm?).


You’re fucking right we do, Marita.


What happens in Safari?

And everything is a link.


Or we use firefox and never noticed, anon.


Can we stop screwing around a get back to looking for Jamail Hussein now?


Then Mac users become very annoyed (WTF, tm?).

Hey, I can’t be held responsible for anything i wrote before.
Frikin firefox want me to do a capcha too. What is that?


Do you ever think, ten years down the line, we’ll finally reach the Grand Unified Wingnut Conspiracy Theory? Like, Jamil Hussein absconded with Saddam’s WMD, then brought them to Dhimmi Carter, who took them into Syria in the dark of night with all of Saddam’s billions from the French from the Oil-for-Food thingy, and then he gave them all to Amanda Marcotte, who laughingly called them godbags?

And when that happens, will Jesus cry?


Do you ever think, ten years down the line, we’ll finally reach the Grand Unified Wingnut Conspiracy Theory? Like, Jamil Hussein absconded with Saddam’s WMD, then brought them to Dhimmi Carter, who took them into Syria in the dark of night with all of Saddam’s billions from the French from the Oil-for-Food thingy, and then he gave them all to Amanda Marcotte, who laughingly called them godbags?

Sounds reasonable, but the kerning is wrong.


I remember when Allahpundit quit blogging because someone made him cry. I’d love to think it was partly because of the mean liberals who put their wet fingers in his ear (including me for a day), but I think that living in Manhattan, where Bush got 12% of the vote, had something to do with it. Then Malkin unburied his stinking corpse. Unless the wingnut welfare is really really good, Allah will go away again if someone hurts his feelings.



a different brad said,

February 9, 2007 at 8:57

Or we use firefox and never noticed, anon.

Well, aren’t you just the coolest ‘brad’ ever? But I say: better my sister in a Mexican whorehouse than my brother using fucking Firefox.


This what they always do when they get hammered to the pavement- continue the attack by mindlessly windmilling their arms until they stumble on the new talking point.

And am I the only asshole here who uses Opera?


Hehe. I go with whatever’s trendiest, and solely on that basis.


tb said,

February 9, 2007 at 9:53

This what they always do when they get hammered to the pavement- continue the attack by mindlessly windmilling their arms until they stumble on the new talking point.

Let’s just say that SadlyNo discriminates against Safari users because they are anti elitist.

And am I the only asshole here who uses Opera?

Opera? Next you’ll be bragging on your linux box.


Anti-elitism seems lately to be favored by a very elite group indeed.


Anti-elitism seems lately to be favored by a very elite group indeed.

I wouldn’t have any part of it myself.


Absolutely, tm; that sort of thing is strictly for the common crowd.


Its not like they didn’t see it coming.


I use only NCSA Mosaic on my Win 3.1 box. I prefer Pine, but my ISP stopped offering it.


Okay, now you guys are just making stuff up.


Were it really never Goldstein’s intent to talk about his penis, he probably wouldn’t have dedicated so many hate-filled blog posts to, you know—his penis.


Maybe we should start calling it ‘the Glenis.’


Were it really never Goldstein’s intent to talk about his penis, he probably wouldn’t have dedicated so many hate-filled blog posts to, you know—his penis.

Kathleen FTW! It took far too long for someone to come up with that. The Sadly, No! commenters are slipping…


I use only NCSA Mosaic on my Win 3.1 box. I prefer Pine, but my ISP stopped offering it.

Okay, now you guys are just making stuff up.

Good catch, anonymous. Mosaic is a web browser, while Pine is an e-mail program. Mr. Fecke is a lying liar who lies.

Oh, and I’m posting this comment from Lynx using a VT 220 terminal.


Oh, and I’m posting this comment from Lynx using a VT 220 terminal.

d00d! u R an 31337 hax0r


You’re right. My ISP dropped Lynx first. Pine was my awesome Email program, but it’s gone, too.

Of course, that was twelve years ago, but I’m still not over it.

And Lynx was the bomb. Who needs graphics on their web pages, anyhow?


d00d! u R an 31337 hax0r

What’s all this? Errors on your serial port connection?

And Lynx was the bomb. Who needs graphics on their web pages, anyhow?

Though support for tables would be nice. I hear that’s going to be added real soon now.

Gad, a snarky reference to table support in Lynx. My life is so pathetic.


You get real content-oriented using those non-gui programs, once you get over the loss of that sweet, sweet anti-aliasing.


What’s all this? Errors on your serial port connection?

It’s my all time favorite quote from the Jargon File:

> I got X Windows running under Linux!

d00d! u R an 31337 hax0r


cyberdog on a twentieth anniversary mac.

actually, a treo 700p running whatever.


Were it really never Goldstein’s intent to talk about his penis, he probably wouldn’t have dedicated so many hate-filled blog posts to, you know—his penis.

Hmmm. Amanda, of the so many hate-filled blog posts about faith, is agnostic or atheist and has very little faith…


Were it really never Goldstein’s intent to talk about his penis, he probably wouldn’t have dedicated so many hate-filled blog posts to, you know—his penis.

Hmmm. Amanda, of the so many hate-filled blog posts about faith, is agnostic or atheist and has very little faith…

In a contest of penis vs. faith, penis always remains standing.


You young whippersnappers, with your talk of Lynx and Pine. Why when I first started “surfing” the “Intertubes,” I had to use an acoustic modem at 300 baud, and I had to whistle directly into it to transmit data. And then I’d have to transcribe the whistles that came back out of it, convert them to ones and zeros and hand-translate them into an ASCII image of a hot naked chick. One minor transcription error and you’d end up with a picture of William Howard Taft in a gimp suit.

Ah, good times.

Professor Blather

No offense intended at all …. but are you stupid?

Do you honestly, sincerely not understand the concept of parody – taking a position that is the opposite of your own, then exaggerating the position, to mock those that actually hold those views?

Seriously? You really didn’t get it?

Not to use the most popular current example, but since it should be an easy one for a liberal to grasp … you DO know that Stephen Colbert isn’t really a right wing extremist right? Or that the “correspondents” on the Daily Show don’t *really* mean what they’re saying, right?

You *do* know that Allah’s post was rather obviously mocking people like YOU who actually think that way … right?

Please tell me you’re not that stupid. Jeebus.

(Note: the above use of “Jeebus” was, in fact, a parody. Mocking those who mock Catholicism. If you think I was actually using the word “Jeebus” sincerely, than you still haven’t grasped “parody,” and should probably have been aborted by your mother, as was her Jeebus-given right).


Oh sure, this doesn’t malign anyone’s religion:

Allah knew it, kufr. Behind that goofy lopsided smile beats the heart of a bloodthirsty mujahid. Allah admires your savage beating of Brad DeLong, Reynolds–even though the “beating” to which Allah refers was, regrettably, merely figurative–and thus he cannot help but mourn that you remain a complete tool of the Jew. Why do you not join Allah? Seriously, with your hype traffic and Allah’s mad skillz we could set this shit off. Besides, it is not as though Allah has nothing to offer you. Did you know that there are no gun-control laws in Dar al-Islam, infidel? Truly it is like one big OK Corral. In fact, we give guns to two-year-olds. More guns, less Jews! Allah does not have quite as much to offer you in terms of nanotechnology, as the ummah is still about 1500 years behind the West in technological sophistication. But we are working on it, Allah can promise you that. So what do you say? Allah will be Emperor of the entire world in a few decades anyway so why not set yourself up now to be Darth Vader? […]

[…] Can you blame [Allah] for wanting to kill everyone in the world? Ah well. Let us turn now to the news, where we shall find once again that the Jew is plotting. What do you expect, though? Treason and deception are in his blood. By the way, did you notice that that last article was published in an Egyptian government newspaper? What happened, Zionists? Allah thought you had a treaty with Egypt. Tell me, is this “treaty” anything like the “treaty” we had with the Quraish? Oho! Oho! Oh, Jews, sometimes you make Allah laugh so much that it is hard for him to stay mad at you! Even as you brutally oppress the noble mujahedeen who are trying to kill you, Allah cannot help but be amused by you, how in some ways you are brilliant and in others you are profoundly retarded. Truly you are like fucking Rain Man. Allah is going to buy his next car in Tel Aviv, as he expects most of the dealers there will be pricing new models at “about a hundred dollars.”

Allah must go now. He is in a bad mood anyway from having judged a bunch of Christians this morning, which is always one of the most annoying and tedious parts of his job. Every time they come before Allah and Allah introduces himself, they just kind of smile nervously and start looking around–as though someone is putting them on, like Jesus is hiding behind a curtain or something with Allen Funt. So Allah has to sit there and try to explain to them that yes, their beliefs were wrong, and yes, he knows how shocked they must be that a guy who could not stop himself from getting nailed to a fucking two-by-four is not actually the one true god. The stupidest part, though, is that when they ask Allah to prove that he is god and Allah does something really cool for them like extinguish the sun or turn himself into a giant frog or whatever he feels like doing that day, they still are not convinced until Allah finally breaks down and gives himself stigmata. Got that? Making the sun disappear: Just an illusion. A small cut in the palm of Allah’s hand: ALLAHU AKBAR. Really, Christians, you need to start thinking outside the box. And while we are at it, what is going on with this, kufr? Allah recently heard about this and nearly coughed up a lung, so violent were his dry heaves. Do Catholics really believe they are eating Christ when they take the host? Allah knows that your priests have a taste for flesh–the younger the better, it seems–but this is ridiculous. And you have the gall to mock Muslims for believing that Satan lives in their nostrils at night? Allah will admit that we have our eccentric beliefs like any other faith, but at least cannibalism is not part of the core curriculum. Stop chewing on Jesus, you ghoulish fucks.

Allahu Akbar.

Fuck you, Professor Blather.


Typical leftwingnut bile. Too bad you cannot dffereniate between parody and doctrine.


You’re not making any sense, guy.


I mean, why not just type “fluh fluh fluh stupid liberal fluh fluh fluh” if you’re not even going to try to make an argument.


“Though support for tables would be nice. I hear that’s going to be added real soon now.”

(e)links has table support. No need to wait. So does w3m. elinks even has basic javascript support and color.

I’ll be honest, though. I’m using Firefox right now because I do web development, and I gots to have my Firebug and Web Developer Toolbar.


Professor Blather, try a little reading yourself. This very post, for example:

One imagines that the next notion down the pike is going to be that Allah was merely writing satire. And indeed, normally, we’d be down with that. But when you read the Hot Air piece in all its switchbacks and updates, you find that Allah and Bryan have already carefully blocked that exit, doing a #2 woo-woo war dance of outrage over the notion that Amanda’s writing should be taken at anything but than face value.

The problem is not that anyone here fails to recognize parody. The problem is that the bloggers at Hot Air fail to recognize satire or context. And the context of Amanda’s post that Allahpundit is clutching his pearls over is a debunking of the misinformation on birth control that a Catholic premarital seminar was providing–and I’m being charitable by calling it “misinformation.” “Boldfaced lying about how birth control pills work” would be more accurate. Amanda’s weapon of choice against that nonsense was satire. Cribbing from the definition helpfully provided by Sean in another thread:

1.a. A work or composition in prose or verse which (usu. humorously) exposes prevailing vices or follies or ridicules an (esp. prominent) individual; a lampoon; a performance or broadcast of a similar nature.

Here’s the best part: Allahpundit, Preston, and even the crazy one all know this. Normally–that is, if no political hay were to be made off Edwards hiring Amanda–they’d even agree with Amanda that the Catholic church’s teachings on birth control are pretty backward (when they’re not outright false). I mean, last I checked, not one of them was the father of seven good Catholic children.

I’m tired of this sudden conservative genius for missing the point. You guys are not actually that stupid. You know damn well what the point was–with Amanda’s post as well as with what Gavin did here, which was to show that the standard ol’ Cuckoo for Cockopuffs tries to apply to Amanda’s writing doesn’t work when it’s applied to his ideological cronies, and therefore likely doesn’t work applied to Amanda either.

Now if you’d just quit trying to play the rest of us for fools, that would be fabulous.


Just to be safe, before we fire Amanda Marcotte can we get that silly 1st Ammendment removed from the constitution, or at least that part about freedom of speech. Change it to something like “freedom of speech unless you say something that upsets some crotchety old catholic or the grand high dominatrix of conservative discourse Michelle Malkin”.


Dustin: You might want to read the 1st Amendment again, as well as some commentary on it. It prohibits the government from abridging the freedom of speech; it doesn’t prohibit ordinary bloggers (including both Marcotte and her critics) from spouting off on whatever comes to mind, including who should fire whom.

There is no 1st Amendment violation for Michelle Malkin et al. to say that John Edwards ought to fire Marcotte for her writings. Nor would it be a 1st Amendment violation for Edwards to fire her for her writings. And if he chooses not to do so, then William Donohue of the Catholic League has the right to criticize Edwards, and Edwards has the right to ignore him if he doesn’t think Donohue’s criticism is going to affect Edwards’ own base of supporters.


racks, burning irons, and affixing me to crosses may break my bones in the name of the Lord, Amen, but words will never hurt me.

I think the religious should be busier counting their blessings and spend much less time feeling attacked while perfectly safe to practice whatever sort of blessings they are.


Were it really never Allah’s intent to malign anyone’s faith, he probably wouldn’t have dedicated so many hate-filled blog posts to, you know—maligning anyone’s faith.

Could you point me to the place where Allah said he wasn’t mocking anyone’s faith? Because he was mocking the faith of those who think God wants them to kill infidels, especially Jews. But describing it as hate-filled assumes a seriousness that was not evident in the writing. Allah was doing obvious schtick, and the end of came when he tired of it.

For people who run an alleged humor site, you fuckers sure are humorless.


Not to mention, will someone point me to the place where Allah is working for a presidential candidate, and all this 14 year old ‘well HE DOES IT TOO’ would mean anything. Otherwise you’re just pissing down the pot to try and distract from the rain outside.


[…] « Goldman Joins Private Equity's Upper Echelon    Hatred Is Learned, Not Inherited, Part 2 » Do I See . . . By Sean Paul Kelley, on February 9th, 2007 . . . a little hypocrisy? […]


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