Eat It, BushCo Chumpwagons
John Edwards comes through:
Chapel Hill, North Carolina – The statements of Senator John Edwards, Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwen in reference to their work as independent bloggers before joining the Edwards campaign are below.
Senator John Edwards:
“The tone and the sentiment of some of Amanda Marcotte’s and Melissa McEwen’s posts personally offended me. It’s not how I talk to people, and it’s not how I expect the people who work for me to talk to people. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that kind of intolerant language will not be permitted from anyone on my campaign, whether it’s intended as satire, humor, or anything else. But I also believe in giving everyone a fair shake. I’ve talked to Amanda and Melissa; they have both assured me that it was never their intention to malign anyone’s faith, and I take them at their word. We’re beginning a great debate about the future of our country, and we can’t let it be hijacked. It will take discipline, focus, and courage to build the America we believe in.”
Amanda Marcotte:
“My writings on my personal blog, Pandagon on the issue of religion are generally satirical in nature and always intended strictly as a criticism of public policies and politics. My intention is never to offend anyone for his or her personal beliefs, and I am sorry if anyone was personally offended by writings meant only as criticisms of public politics. Freedom of religion and freedom of expression are central rights, and the sum of my personal writings is a testament to this fact.”
Melissa McEwen:
“Shakespeare’s Sister is my personal blog, and I certainly don’t expect Senator Edwards to agree with everything I’ve posted. We do, however, share many views – including an unwavering support of religious freedom and a deep respect for diverse beliefs. It has never been my intention to disparage people’s individual faith, and I’m sorry if my words were taken in that way.”
Now let’s talk about Bill Donohue, the president of the fringe-right Catholic League who was so offended by Amanda and Melissa.
Recognize any names from their Board of Advisors?
Brent Bozell III
Gerard Bradley
Linda Chavez
Robert Destro
Dinesh D’Souza
Laura Garcia
Robert George
Mary Ann Glendon
Dolores Grier
Alan Keyes
Stephen Krason
Lawrence Kudlow
Thomas Monaghan
Michael Novak
Kate O’Beirne
Thomas Reeves
Patrick Riley
Robert Royal
Russell Shaw
William Simon, Jr.
Paul Vitz
George Weigel
The wingnuts’ celebration was premature. Good for John Edwards in having a good perspective and backbone.
Good to see. As I said in another thread, this would have been a deal-breaker for me (you don’t throw people who’ve sacrificed for you – after you’ve specifically asked them to come on board because of their writings – to the jackals over something like this).
Now, where were these statements yesterday…
Point of information?
It says “Posted at 19:29 by Gavin M” on Feb. 8.
Is this accurate? Where, literally, on Earth is it 7:30 pm today (it’s 9:42 am in Los Angeles)? Gavin, are you in, like GUAM?
Just wondering.
Is this accurate? Where, literally, on Earth is it 7:30 pm today (it’s 9:42 am in Los Angeles)? Gavin, are you in, like GUAM?
We’re based in a country whose name must remain confidential, but whose code-name is ‘Deutschland.’
In case some Christianists aren’t feeling sufficiently persecuted today, I would like to personally insult the ancestry of all who believe our nation was founded on, or should henceforth show any preference to, superstition and fairy tales:
Your mother was the Tooth Fairy, and your father is a good-for-nothing chunderhead.
Good. The wingnuts will flip! They already had the scalps on their wall and this is just one more lesson to show them that the tides have changed and we’re not going to put up with their crap anymore.
I can’t wait to see the malkin froth over this one.
Where are these gals writing? I haven’t kept up.
On another tack, why is it that the religious ideas a person holds supposedly are so immune from criticisms? This idea that religious beliefs are somehow untouchable has just got to go. I really look forward to when the ideas can be debated openly and honestly without an immediate Offside! foul being called…
And on topic: no, Sadly, No! you’re completely off the tack with that list above. Those people have no political affiliation whatsoever that might influence their comments.
By the way, Glenn Greenwald (where I first saw the press release) has been absolutely on fire the last few days.
His take-down of the Doughy Pantload is a thing of beauty.
Seems like faint praise to me. I get the sense the clock is ticking on Amanda’s role in the Edwards campaign. Perhaps the lesson here is we can be more effective in advocating for our positions from outside the campaign than from inside. Relative effectiveness in creating an issue and positioning it? Malkin 5, Edwards/Marcotte 1.
It was none other than the brilliant Lee Michaels who pointed out “you are what you do.” Politicians politic. Campaigners campaign. And bloggers blog…
Seems like they chose the best way out. It still sucks that it was a flap in the first place, based on the history of the people making the stink.
I do wish they wouldn’t have gone with the non-apology apology, though.
Sorry if that last sentence offended anyone.
Robert Destro is on the board? Where’s Cobra Commander?
Where, literally, on Earth is it 7:30 pm today (it’s 9:42 am in Los Angeles)?
LA is GMT -8, so the place where it’s 7:30 PM (approximately) would be GMT +2.
Don’t they teach this stuff in the schools any more?
Now it will be Edwards is too French to do the right thing, which would be obey the frothing mouthpieces which make up the undie stain that is the right wing blogosphere.
I’m with you, Mikey. The statement read to me as a combination of “What do you mean, these women we hired have potty mouths? How could you hire people like that in my name, when I don’t even take the time to find out who you’re hiring in the first place, or to even have a staffer vett their previous writings” combined with “They were very naughty, bad people, but I’m gonna give them one more chance…” when the tone should have been “suck it. I hired them, they speak for me, and they’ve yet to do anything offensive while on the clock here. Besides, they were right about the politics, and isn’t that what matters here?”
Too late. I’m deeply offended. Although, of course, if my being offended makes you feel guilty or otherwise uncomfortable, I certainly apologize.
I am deeply and personally offended by everything ever written by everyone on that list of advisors!
Where’s my apology???
I think I recognize that guy Monaghan – didn’t he inflict really shitty pizza on the world?
Man, those are two bullshit apologies. They shouldn’t have been issued.
That is quite a list of nutjobs. I personally haven’t been able to stand Patrick Riley since his days with the Lakers.
I’m offended by your use of the word chumpwagon. It is disparaging of…
Jeez, I hope nobody at Time looks at Ana Marie Cox’s old stuff.
This was the most sensible thing for the Edwards campaign to do. Throwing the bloggrrrls under the bus would have been unacceptable, and while giving Malkin and Donohue the finger and saying “eat it, cobagz” would have been nice, it wasn’t a realistic option.
Edwards is clever enough to realize that he is running in a primary, and needs the netroots’ support. Say what you want about the guy, and I’m lukewarm towards him, but his momma didn’t raise no dummy.
Jas, it’s a step forward from taking a Swiftboating. He’s a politician, Amanda and Melissa now have different roles to play working for a politician. It’s the politician’s equivalent of saying “suck on it.”
Last time I checked, Malkin hadn’t said a peep about this. Can’t wait to read what nutjob thing she’s cooking up. Sure hope it involves a Mao hat.
I think it was good Edwards didn’t can the staffers, but I would’ve turned the arguement back on the accusers. Based on much of Donohue’s statements, he’s a homophobic, anti-Semitic (a real one!) mysogonistic jackass. And I was baptised Catholic muwhahahaha!
Shorter John Edwards – I agree with Donohue and Malkin. But I’m wimpier than they are.
mikey, I’m gonna tentatively disagree with you.
Malkin and the Mighty Wurlitzer trumped up this issue, amplified it, and vaulted into the MSM using tried and true techniques. even two years ago, that would have had a Democrat folding immediately.
The fact that they didin’t score the scalps they so desperately wanted is going to be a crushing blow to them. Not that they’ll admit, of course, but the blood lust was upon them and they wanted surrender….bad. Although Malkin et al will claim this as apology as a victory, their readers will be frothing in disappointment and savage, brute pain. All they will know is that they didn’t get what they wanted, adn that is the key difference. The pushback from the blogs worked; it prevented Edwards from caving.
He made a statement that will cover during the election, and he will be able to say that we dealt with this issue- all while giving the wingnuts NOTHING they wanted. It may not be the big F.U. that would have been sweet, but once he decided not to fire our ladies, it was maybe an intelligent strategic move.
Anyway, that’s how I see it.
Tom Monaghan, heh, pizza delivery wingnut. I boycott his pie.
o yeah, I totally second the title of the post.
You can bite our collective asses, rightwing chunderloaves!
come on back and do some trolling NOW, you egregious squeezebags.
You know what every name on that list has in common?
Each and everyone of them would crucify Christ in a heartbeat in he returned to earth tomorrow.
I think issues like this are wonderful. Typically, the wingnuts look like idiots and someone of substance gets some publicity. The left should manufacture light weight, irrelevant issues like this to keep the right wing outrage machine busy. The “Cry Wolf” campaign. 24/7 apoplexy isn’t all bad. And if, heaven forbid, a substantive issue arrives…they will have to spend all their efforts impotently saying, “but this one is important” to a glassy-eyed public.
I think it was good Edwards didn’t can the staffers, but I would’ve turned the arguement back on the accusers.
Yeah, it was a bit of a missed opportunity, but let’s face it, that’s kind of really not Edwards’ style. He hopes to win by process of attrition and by being the bland, inoffensive and most “electable” candidate.
There is another thing going on here early in the 2008 race, and I think it’s worth mentioning. Much of Edwards’ support comes from the fact that he’s The White Guy in this primary. Many, many liberals/democrats feel that the country is not ready to elect a black or female president, and go with Edwards for his “electability.” He’s not going to turn into a bomb-throwing hippie. He’s going to be extremely milquetoast. Considering Edwards’ overall image, hiring Amanda and Melissa was kind of a weird move and probably not very well thought out.
This is going to be a very interesting primary. All of the frontrunners have a legitimate shot. Plus it’s always entertaining to watch Joe Biden crash and burn.
If Amanda is still employed by the Edwards campaign January 1st 2008 then I will have been wrong. But it sure looks to me like he’s just buying time to let the shouting die down before he throws these “political liabilities” out the window…
Exactly Billy. They’ve been so successful with these faux outrage rants that getting a mainstream politician to not fold is a win.
Plus, there are still the Wolf Blitzers that will tout Donahue as actually representing Catholics, so he had to defuse the issue.
Now I’m an Irish-Catholic not running for anything, so I’m free to tell the Catholic League – Get lost you bigoted creeps. You don’t represent me! You’re an embarassment to Catholicism.
Lawrence Kudlow, heh, social security wingnut horseshit peddler. Josh Marshall pwned him with such savagery that I swear I saw eye makeup on Kudlow’s perfect french cuffs and teardrop stains on the mile-wide lapels of his 30’s vintage pinstripe gangsta suits.
Kate O’Beirne, heh, metal-faced wingnut. I once chopped two cords of wood with her face, and she didn’t need sharpening afterward. Just a little eyeliner, and off she went to do Matthews.
Apropos of that Board of Advisers…
Why is it that all academics and teh left were expected to do penance for the idiotic things said by Ward Churchill, a man virtually unknown outside of the field of Native American studies, and not particularly well respected within it, while nobody on the right has to apologize for Dinesh D’Souza, who says even more outrageous and indefensible things than Churchill, is a member of the Stanford Faculty (I assume) through his Hoover gig, and is actually well known and respected on the right?
The fact is that John Edwards just sunk his campaign again.
Edwards has proven himself to be a fringe candidate with his constant exaggeration of poverty in America, with his demands of massive tax hikes to socialize health care, and his embrace of anti-Christian bigoted leftists.
John Edwards sold his soul to the far left. He’s nothing more than a craven opportunist who’ll say anything to win.
Remember how he cosponsored a resolution to go to war in Iraq?
Remember how he couldn’t tell people what he really believed about Iraq until 2005?
The fact is that John Edwards is an opportunist hack with nothing close to the experience of George W. Bush.
You have to look at the field for the Democrats to realize how doomed they are.
John Edwards: No executive experience, 6 years in the Senate
Hillary Clinton: No executive experience, 6 years in the Senate
Barack Hussein Obama: No executive experience, 2 years in the Senate
The only Democrats with executive experience were two guys who ran small states (Richardson and Vilsack).
The population of Iowa and New Mexico combined is less than half of the population of New York City.
The fact is that Rudy Giuliani is coming around to seeing things the right way on big issues. And he would definately crush Hillary, Edwards, or Obama.
Rudy Giuliani is a lot like President Bush. They’re both uniters, after all.
Although, you all are ignoring the fact that Hillary Clinton is working to sink your nutroots heroes. Hillary released the Madrassa story on Obama. Hillary’s minions in the media advanted the story about Edwards and his insane bloggers.
Hillary wants nothing less than total power. And I guarantee that if she is allowed to become President, she will try to assume total dictatorial power, in order to seize all private firearms, destroy all “violent” video games, redistribute wealth, and implement socialized health care.
Hillary Clinton becoming President would be the kiss of death for American freedom.
Which is why the election of a Republican like Rudy Giuliani is so vital to saving America from internal and external terror.
George W. Bush has been one of the greatest Presidents in our nations history. And he has reversed the dictatorial advance of the Presidency, which was accelerated under the first Clinton regime.
Julie O, yes, you’re right, of course. In the world of realpolitik you’re not allowed to say what you would want to say.
But then, I also see some merit to the notion that, while Edwards might be talking a good game on some issues, he really is a fairly centrist candidate, and may well be looking to win as the “white, male candidate” over Obama and Clinton.
That said, I wish he could have kept his personal opinion out of the press release. Who cares if he was offended by what his own employees had written prior to their employment? But I guess that gives him the benefit of some folks saying “See, he’s offended, just like I was, but he supports free speech, just like I do…” and catch some of that middle-ground.
D’Souza is a perfect example of the reasoned, moderate discourse the right promotes.
Seriously, when is the Hoover Institute going to dump him like the Ward-Churchill-of-the-Right he is? (Of course, Ward Churchill wasn’t part of the progressive movement like D’Souza is part of the conservative movement).
“…Barack Hussein Obama…”
Oh, Gary, you really are a wingnut’s wingnut. The only thing that makes me think it’s not the real you is that you didn’t get in any zingers referring to us as “the Democrat Party.”
Or did you stop doing that because your hero had to eat crow at the House Democrats’ retreat the other day?
The fact is that when a leftist says “centrist”, he means “to the right of Kucinich”
The scale of idealogy according to the left
Very Liberal: Nobody
Liberal: Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney
Centrist: Edwards, Obama, Richardson, Kerry
Conservative: Hillary, Lincoln Chafee, Chuck Hagel
Very Conservative: Rudy Giuliani, John McCain
Fascist: Bush, Cheney, Condi Rice, Lieberman
The only thing that makes me think it’s not the real you is that you didn’t get in any zingers referring to us as “the Democrat Party.�
I didn’t see any opportunities for that.
But, now that you bring it up.
The Democrat Party has no shot of winning the Presidency in 2008.
But, when Hillary is nominated, there’ll be a lot of hiliarious whining by nutjobs like Cindy Sheehan because Hillary is a liberal who doesn’t foam at the mouth 24/7.
they have both assured me that it was never their intention to malign anyone’s faith,
I think we’re missing an interesting point here: the only thing anyone has apologized for was the “religion bashing”–not the harsh language, the “man-hating rants”, the feminism, the gay rights support, or anything about the Duke posts. And the apologies themselves specifically call out free expression of religion as the reason they felt the need to apologize.
I’m waiting for the wingnuts to figure out that he blew off all their issues but one. And that one he framed in a way directly anti-supportive of any would-be theocrats and “my religion firsters”.
And the final piece of the statement nails the RWNM for exatly what they were trying to do: “We’re beginning a great debate about the future of our country, and we can’t let it be hijacked. It will take discipline, focus, and courage to build the America we believe in.â€?
I don’t think Edwards is a foolish or as wimpy as he might appear. He can simply call out these points (“I support everyone’s right to religious freedom” and “Stop trying to hijack the debate”) just about anytime the wingnuts pop up again.
Very Liberal: Nobody
Liberal: Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney
Centrist: Edwards, Obama, Richardson, Kerry
Conservative: Hillary, Lincoln Chafee, Chuck Hagel
Very Conservative: Rudy Giuliani, John McCain
Fascist: Bush, Cheney, Condi Rice, Lieberman
Gary, for the first time ever, we agree, except I’d put McCain in the “fascist” category, HRC in the “centrist” category and Kucinich in the “very liberal” category.
And given your track record on predictions, I thinking of going to Vegas and putting a dime down on Edwards.
I for one am convinced the reason for this pre-emptive attack on Edwards is that the Left of the blogosphere kicked the Right blogosphere’s ass in the last election cycle and the powers that be are desperate to do something (anything!) to hinder that momentum. Dollars to doughnuts this is not an isolated event, but part of a more aggressive campaign to disconnect Democratic candidates from progressive blogostan. That’s why Edwards has to hang tough here, because this will set a long-term precedent. Please don’t tell me Tester and Webb win and the D’s take the Senate without the help of progressive bloggers. The Right knows that. This is the test bomb run to cut that relationship off.
“We’re beginning a great debate about the future of our country, and we can’t let it be hijacked. It will take discipline, focus, and courage to build the America we believe in.�
So Edwards is comparing criticisms of his staff to terrorism?
Geez, what a North Carolina Goober
Malkin hasn’t commented yet, but the second fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth has
I particularly like the up-is-downism in Dan’s read of the situation. Edwards lacks “the courage to stand up to a few foul-mouthed, unhinged bloggers”
Out of curiosity, Gary, do you actually believe the things you write here, or do you just write them as a service to your party and/or a way to try to bug your political opponents? There’s certainly no shame in choosing the latter option–hell, it’s what 99 percent of the political blog world exists for–but if you actually believe it? Yikes.
Geez, what a North Carolina Goober
Yeah, North Carolina is full of goobers. When you look at it on an elecotral map, it appears red.
Meanwhile, Gary’s political spectrum:
Centrist: Bush, Cheney, Nixon, Hitler
Liberal: Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, Fox News
Very Liberal: Everybody Else.
When it comes to Edwards’ opportunism. I’m sure that when he goes to Durham, he says that he favors Duke over UNC. When he goes to Chapel Hill, he says that he favors UNC over Duke. When he does to Winston-Salem, he says that he likes Wake Forest most of all. And when he goes to Raleigh, he says that he hates Duke.
Also, on that idealogy list. It’s nice to see that my views of the left are proven accurate. And that the left thinks that Cynthia McKinney is only liberal.
If John Edwards can’t stand up to DailyKos, what makes you think he can stand up to Osama bin Laden?
Gary, you don’t get to define the political center as the 50% mark on the Republican Party.
In reality, there are no real lefitsts in American politics.
Gary, your views on the ‘Left’ are second only to your predictive abilities for being based on fantasy.
Gary, because he stood up to one hate filled, violent rhetoric-filled, religious wacko already: Bill Donahue.
When Edwards goes to a pee wee football game, he says he hopes everyone has fun and no one gets hurt.
Here’s how I would break down the major political figures.
Conservative: Bush, Cheney, Romney
Moderate: Brownback, Giuliani, McCain
Liberal: Both Clintons, Richardson
Very Liberal: Edwards, Gore, Obama
Rudy Giuliani is a lot like President Bush. They’re both uniters, after all.
Yeah, Bush is the uniter par excellence. He’s united 32% of the stupidest Americans into one semi-significant support group, while uniting the rest of the planet earth and 65% of all other Americans against him. Good show lad!
Bush is a uniter though his efforts in Texas and early in his term.
It’s only the divisive scorched earth attack of the left that drove down his job approval ratings, and Bush’s refusal to fight back hard.
Well, there’s certainly no one on the Catholic League BoA that anyone could take offense to, is there? Professional scold and Walter Peck impersonator Brent Bozell; Dinesh D’Souza, who wrote a book about how leftists are responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center; Alan “Making Sense!” Keyes, who wants to lock up doctors and charge them with genocide; and Robert Destro, who collaborated with Cobra Commander so many times in the past to commit terrorist acts against America.
Shoot, if you had to fire people from your presidential campaign if they’d written things that offended a lot of people, wouldn’t Keyes have had to remove himself from his own ticket before doing anything else?
Well, this was…very John Edwards. I mean, I could understand this reasoned, politic response if this criticism had come from someone who wasn’t a fucking bugshit crazy racist anti-semetic homophobe or a serial liar who argues for denying rights to people just because she doesn’t like their political affiliation. I mean, did any liberal Catholic groups lodge any complaints? Did any liberal groups at all lodge any complaints? Did the complaints come from anyone apart from egregious dirtbags who wouldn’t in a million years vote for John Edwards? Did I miss it?
And friggin’ Donahue, I swear…it’s guys like him that make it hard for me, a hardcore backslidin’ atheist, take “liberal Christians” seriously when they complain about me being too mean in my estimation of their “faith” when some Bible-thumpin’ yay-hoo starts screaming hellfire and damnation because I don’t want their friggin’ fairy tales taught in school or forced on people who don’t wish to follow them. Rev. Barry Lynn, Fred from Slacktavist…is there any else?
“It’s only the divisive scorched earth attack of the left that drove down his job approval ratings, and Bush’s refusal to fight back hard. ”
Even Gary think W’s a wuss. Gary, if W won’t stand up for himself, what makes us think he’ll stand for us when the dusky brown hordes of islamonazihomofacists come a knockin’?
It’s only the divisive scorched earth attack of the left that drove down his job approval ratings, and Bush’s refusal to fight back hard.
Oh, I get it, Bush is a big fucking pussy. If Bush can’t stand up to the liberals, how is he going to stand up to bin Laden?
This idea that religious beliefs are somehow untouchable has just got to go.
Can’t be said often enough.
Oh, and Gavin, in case you want to stockpile some WMD for the next YouTube wars, I recently remembered a Japanese guy who covers metal songs using only his vocal cords (scroll down for YouTube clips).
Gary, what I like about you.
Is your love of short paragraphs.
Each one containing just one snack-sized idea.
Or unsourced assertion.
Coming from nowhere.
Put forward like we’re supposed to care.
Or refute it somehow.
Even though you never provide any links yourself.
Because you can’t.
Because you’re really really dumb.
And you get paid by the line.
Well, another thing that undermines Bush’s job approval ratings is his refusal to get tough on illegal immigration.
But, in general, he just refuses to expose the left for the horde of traitors that they are.
Bush is a uniter though his efforts in Texas and early in his term.
It’s only the Garybot’s attempts to defend him on the Intertwit that drove down his job approval ratings, and Bush’s refusal to fight back hard, because he is a terrorist-lover.
JK47 owes me a coke…..
The fact is.
That Gary’s got nothing but ad hominems.
And meaningless assertions.
Typed in without any reliable sources.
Because he’s dumb as a squashed apricot.
And he has asthma of the brain.
Which means.
He talks.
Like this.
All his.
Little peanut-sized
At any one
It’s only the divisive scorched earth attack of the left that drove down his job approval ratings, and Bush’s refusal to fight back hard.
Yeah, and Osama’s only problem was that he sent America so many flowers he couldn’t pay the florist bill. No Gary, the reason W’s approval ratings suck is that he’s a horrible President. He made terrible decisions, he’s void intellectual curiosity, he hides behind sychophants and shills, he’s hired people based purely upon ideology and not upon competence, and his refusal to admit mistakes only multiplies the number of his tragedies and the ultimate damage inflicted upon everything he touches. He’s a dim-wit, a horrible leader, arrogent, and now that the curtain has been pulled back on the Great and Powerful Oz and all of his plans have come to ruin, everyone but the Koolaid drinkers know it.
And Gary, as I’ve pointed out to you before, if you’re going to hang out on lefty sites, you can throw out all the batshit bugskin crazy you got, but dude. You cannot scare us with the word “Liberal”. It is only in your funny little binary world where “Liberal” is an insult. I am actually (cover your ears, darlin’) PROUD to be a liberal…
The fact is that when a leftist says “centrist�, he means “to the right of Kucinich�
The scale of idealogy according to the left
Yes, Reary Guppert. Just as Dick Cheney would be slightly to the left of Himmler.
But, in general, he just refuses to expose the left for the horde of traitors that they are
This is definitely a Fake Gary. The real one would fuck up and write ‘hoard’.
One thing that’s holding down Bush’s approval ratings?
The fact that he’s a completely incompetent soft-headed child of privilege, who has screwed up evrything he’s touched, and the trail of dead people, bankrupt families, firebombed countries, and pregnant goats can’t be concealed by the PR teams anymore….
It doesn’t even matter. Nobody gives a shit about this except the screwjobs perpetrating it. It’ll be forgotten in a week.
Gary Ruppert:,
Here’s how I would break down the major political figures.
Conservative: Bush, Cheney, Romney
Moderate: Brownback, Giuliani, McCain
Liberal: Both Clintons, Richardson
Very Liberal: Edwards, Gore, Obama
More Gary ratings!
Lieberman: Liberal
Inhofe: Liberal
Scalia: Liberal
My mom when she told me to wash my own underpants: Very Liberal
That red-haired girl who thinks she’s so hot: Very Liberal Lesbian
That 350,000 membership roll for the Catholic League? That’ll be the people who get direct mail, blast emails, etc. The number of Catholics in the US? That’ll be about 60 million.
The number of people on the Catholic League’s staff? Bill Donohue and three others. It’s an operation with the same staffing level as S,N! — but because it’s based in New York, it gets its foghorn-headed bossman on the teevee.
Yeah, as the late, lamented Molly Ivins noted, in working with Texas’s Democratic and Republican legislators, he succeeded in uniting conservatives … and ultraconservatives.
“The fact is that John Edwards is an opportunist hack with nothing close to the experience of George W. Bush.”
Yes, Gary, bush has far more experience as a hack than Edwards, which is why our country is weaker than it ever has been, why our military is broken, and why nobody is afraid of us any more. good job, ReNAMBLAcan perverts.
Amanda Marcotte:
My intention is never to offend anyone for his or her personal beliefs
I don’t have any vested axes in this fight, don’t know anything about the people involved… but really, what kind of a feckin’ wussy apology is that? Offending people for their personal beliefs is precisely what we’re here on Earth to do. If you’re unwilling to offend people because they claim to have ‘beliefs’ rather than ‘stunningly stupid superstitions’, then it’s time to dig a hole in the ground, bury yourself, and let someone else have your share of the oxygen.
It’s madness gone politically-correct.
Col. Klink said,
February 8, 2007 at 20:36
You know what every name on that list has in common?
Each and everyone of them would crucify Christ in a heartbeat in he returned to earth tomorrow.
Colonel, you read my mind.
The Gary seal of approval = Edwards may have a shot.
Where is Greg Gutfeld and teh funny on all of this ???
The crazy has spoken:
It’s really kind of amazing–she makes this veiled threat about how Edwards better be “careful or he might get hit”!!!
What the hell??
I mean, fuck?
I mean, JEEBUS!!!!!
“The fact is that John Edwards is an opportunist hack with nothing close to the experience of George W. Bush.�
Not so. They both have equal experience in the military.
I like Doug’s careful distinction between “Greg Gutfield” and “Teh Funny”
Gary, gary, gary.
Giuliani is your new great white hope? Awesome. Seriously, I love it.
Are you just too stupid to realize the skeletons in Rudy’s closet? Nevermind the stuff that’s public, there’s far, far better fun to come. Honestly, I can’t wait. Your other hero McCain has hired dirty tricksters who’re gonna eat Rudy alive.
Go back to corrupting the youth, Gary. At least you succeeded with that, once.
Well, it’s good to see that Edwards is spineless before the campaign has even properly started. Start a statement by acknowledging the nonsense points brought up by the hypocrites making the personal attacks? Nice defence of your staff. I suppose people should be thankful he didn’t just fire them immediately… or perhaps he’s just another change-nothing politician chasing the “centre”.
As I said, it’s useful to know these things early on, at least.
please tell me coach riley is not on the board of the catholic league
What a sell out! If someone hired me to blog for them, I would of course assume they hired me because of the way I blog.
For that Pandagon broad to apologize and say she was just “joking” (yeah right) is so fucking WEAK that I am laughing my ass off at her.
She wasn’t joking, she hates Christians. But she doesn’t have enough balls to tell the truth!!! That makes her a liar, and liars are scum.
But it’s still funny as Hell to watch her backtracking. And to watch you all back a sell out who obviously is either lying now, or has been lying all along.
If someone hired annieangel to blog for them, I would of course assume they had a severe mental handicap, possibly being incapable of lifting their head without drowning on their own spittle.
Same way I feel about Edwards hiring Amanda. He only hired her cuz she’s a lesbian.
No, but, really, forget the trolls. This surely isn’t a victory of any sort. Edwards didn’t fire somebody on his staff for offending right-wing wankers, but did criticise them for doing so? That’s _good_?
aa is the Christian that’s FUN to hate.
You start to understand why the Romans liked to do that thing with the lions.
They did the thing with the lions because they were the evil oppressive fascist government of the time who were forcing the religion of Rome down the Christians throats and the Christians were having NONE of it and peacefully protested this oppression by becomming martyrs for Christ.
I hope this increases your understanding.
Yeah. Iraq has nothing to do with it.
Oh, annie. Learn to really USE the jackboot! ALL Bush-despisers are scum, remember?
And the beauty of history remains as the christians come full circle and finally become the new Romans.
The Christians were the Romans in the 300’s. LOL.
I guess you never noticed the Roman in Roman Catholic.
When it comes to Edwards’ opportunism. I’m sure that when he goes to Durham, he says that he favors Duke over UNC. When he goes to Chapel Hill, he says that he favors UNC over Duke. When he does to Winston-Salem, he says that he likes Wake Forest most of all.
Aw, Gary, honey, Edwards wouldn’t do that… The fact is, Duke sucks!
I guess you’re not swift enough to realize I was obviously referring to the pre-christian romans. You know, the ones who were around for 1000+ years before they got the Jeebus bug.
I think think this specific thread’s “Gary Ruppert” is a sockpuppet (multiple users using same identifier) meant to divine how the “left” will react to a postulate that “Edwards is a wimp, and a very liberal wimp that the Republicans will demolish”.
Edwards’ statement saying “he’s shocked, shocked…” about the content of their posts , (ho hum, it shouldn’t surprise anybody if he really has never read ANY of their posts, they’re bloggers, people) and they get to keep their jobs, as long as they agree to never say ‘fuck’ again or sneer at christians. Its a 95% win !!! Meanwhile, Donohue and Malkin are further marginalized. 21 months to go, eyes on the prize, eyes on the prize.
How did pre-Christian Romans do that thing with the lions if the Christians weren’t around yet?
My writings on my personal blog, Pandagon on the issue of religion are generally satirical in nature and always intended strictly as a criticism of public policies and politics. My intention is never to offend anyone for his or her personal beliefs, and I am sorry if anyone was personally offended by writings meant only as criticisms of public politics. Freedom of religion and freedom of expression are central rights, and the sum of my personal writings is a testament to this fact.
Perhaps i was wrong in suggesting that the Edwards campaign made a mistake in hiring Amanda Marquette.
Anyone who can sell out that quickly is sure to be a well-respected asset in Washington DC.
Robert Destro? Is Cobra Commander or Serpentor on the board too?
You might want to restrain your epicaricacy, seeing as how both have been effectively muzzled as long as they are employees of Edwards’–a rather Pyrrhic victory, if you ask me.