“Repent, Harlequin!” Said The…Uh, Bigger Harlequin

Resolved: Getting rid of Amanda and Melissa will totally appease the right, which isn’t crazed and frothing about John Edwards this week for other reasons, and projecting its own anger onto him in a plain 1:1 ratio.

Then again, here’s GOP.com, the official Republican Party website:

’04 Golden Boy Tosses Sunshine Demeanor For ’08 Agenda Of Aggression And Attacks

Edwards Lashes Out Against Clinton Administration For Giving Him Bad Intelligence On Iraq:

Edwards: “[I] went back to former Clinton administration officials who gave me sort of independent information about what they believed about what was happening with Saddam’s weapons programs. They were also wrong. And based on that, I made the wrong judgment.” (Fmr. Sen. John Edwards, “Meet The Press,” 2/4/07)

Edwards Attacks Sen. Obama’s Experience In Response To Iraq Question:

Edwards: “I will say [Sen. Obama] wasn’t burdened like a lot of us with the information that we were receiving [regarding Iraq] on the intelligence committee and as members of the United States Senate. … Senator Obama I think, what did you say, was a State Senator at the time, so he obviously wasn’t in the Congress and wasn’t part of the decision making.” (Fmr. Sen. John Edwards, “Meet The Press,” 2/4/07)

Edwards Won’t Answer Whether Hillary Has Been “Open And Honest” In Regard To Iraq:

NBC’s Tim Russert: “Do you believe that Senator Clinton has been open and honest about her support of the war in Iraq?” John Edwards: “I don’t know the answer to that question. Honestly. I don’t know what’s inside her head and her heart about this. I can’t tell whether there are political calculations going on. I just don’t know.” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” 2/4/07)


Journalists Pick Up On Edwards’ Turn To The Dark Side:

“In 2004, John Edwards Rarely Had An Unkind Word To Say About His Rivals For The Presidency. But It Isn’t 2004 Any More.” (Roger Simon, “Edwards ’08,” The Politico, 1/31/07)

Now Edwards “Embodies The Darker Tone.” (Howard Fineman, “Dem Candidates Come Out Swinging,” Newsweek, 2/12/07)

Episode I: In Mid January, Edwards Attacked…

Coming: “Edwards’ Mad Aggression Reaches A New Crazed Frenzy: ‘Gosh, I think this pen is leaking,’ shrieked Edwards while madly clawing his pockets in a berserker rage.”


Comments: 88


Salon is saying that Edwards has fired Amanda and Melissa, but were warned by the Edwards campaign that they might be hired back. Let the games begin.


Are they seriously using Star Wars references on the political site for the GOP? I refuse to check on basic principle.


John Edwards is clearly the greatest monster the world has ever known. No wonder he would hire the dark and mysterious Amanda Marcotte to run his indoctrination camp cum website. In fact, rumor has it that Amanda heads her own dark cult, dedicated to the worship of a great devouring feline, not unlike the lions of the Roman colosseum .

She is a perfect match for this second coming of Hitler Kahn the Hun.


I want to vomit.


I ain’t tryin’ to tell either Amanda or Melissa what they should do, but frankly, if the Edwards people came to me for my (non-existent) blogging skills to work on their campaign, I’d imagine they’d done a bit of research as to what I have and have not written, what stands I take and how voraciously I’d argued them. I’d also expect them to recognize that what I write speaking for myself and what I write speaking for someone else are two different things. Basic common sense, right? Now, if they came to me after dirtbags like Donahue and Malkin kicked up a snit and said, “Matt T., we’re really worried about this and think we might have to let you go to please the critics”, man, there’d be flames I’d split that joint so fast. That Edwards even considered caving in, even if the criticisms had any merit, considering their source, makes me really reconsider him as a candidate. I don’t think I’d support a man who doesn’t support me.

And man, will I be ever so happy come the day we don’t have to suck up to a bunch of terrified yayhoos who not only think I’ll be spending the bulk of eternity in incredible, total torment, I deserve it for thinking differently about the make-up of the cosmos than they do. Fucking Bill Donahue and Michelle Malkin have that much say over a campaign they wouldn’t support in a million years. Astounding.


This is a shrewd move on Edwards’ part. With his newfound vitriol, he needed to get rid of Amanda and Melissa to make room for The Rude Pundit.



If only.


Too right. I wasn’t all that keen on Edwards to begin with, but if he’d really fire Amanda and Melissa over what the likes of Michelle fucking Malkin has to say….

fuck ‘im.


Badass Harlan Ellison reference. Somewhere I have a copy of that story autographed by Mr. Ellison himself.


The lips closeup still disturbs me. Whoever filmed it does not like Malkin.


Well, at least Edwards can now be taken more seriously by hard right wing pundits who know that he is vulnerable to their attacks.

He has doubtlessly earned their respect, and from now on they will only tell the truth about their admiration for him.


Sounds like the speech you were given Mr. Altrocket, Gavin. Speaking of whom, did you lock him up in teh closet or something?


You can never back down to these people, as Picard said

“They invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far and no further!”


If this is the balls and personal loyalty of John Edwards, not only would I never vote for him, but he doesn’t have the sand to be President of the United States. If he can’t stand up to Malkin, how am I to expect him to stand up to Putin? For crissakes, you don’t have to gw bush stupid about it, but if you make a decision, at least stick to it for a couple hours!!!



teegee, I’ll second the “if only.” Rude Pundit would blow the rabid shi-tzu outta the water. A darker Edwards would need the Rude One to complete his image.


What would Wes Clarke do?



¡Piping Hot, Fresh, Integriliciousness!

Today’s Specialty:

“Context” and the Lies of the Zombie!


Herr Doktor Bimler

rumor has it that Amanda heads her own dark cult, dedicated to the worship of a great devouring feline
Amanda Marcotte is Gentlewoman?!


Did that GOP post actually cite Roger Simon as a journalist?


Rumor has it Amanda Marcotte’s twisted cult also worships and prays to a reflective spherical object. Unnamed sources have identified this object as the moon. Clearly Edwards is a deranged lunatic, quite literally, and may actually be under Marcotte’s pagan spell. That would explain everything; after all, he was so sweet and nice 3 years ago!


In fact, rumor has it that Amanda heads her own dark cult, dedicated to the worship of a great devouring feline, not unlike the lions of the Roman colosseum .

Not to give out any secrets of the Pandagonian Mysteries, but it’s a mouse that dark cult is dedicated to. And a disco ball. More like Apollo Smintheus if you’re looking for a classical reference.


When will the Democrats learn that the Republicans don’t have to like them? Not to go Godwin on you, but this is like a Jewish person taking advise from an anti-semite. “Gee, maybe I should stop controlling the media with my awesome Zionist powers. Maybe then I’ll get invite to those neat rallies!”


Divide and conquer. Anyone who watched the Lamont /Lieberman Senate campaign is familiar with these ugly GOP tactics. Lamont was portrayed as Negative Ned, a rich man who was out of touch with the concerns of ordinary families. Jane Hamsher and other supportive bloggers were pilloried for Jane’s column with Lieberman in blackface . Meanwhile, Lieberman ran a nasty, thuggish, campaign with over 387,000 dollars accounted for simply as petty cash . Negative Edwards appears to be the new GOP play book. Progressive bloggers and the Edwards campaign should have been preparing for these right wing attacks with well rehearsed answers. These attacks on progressive bloggers and candidates are going to continue, so serious discussion need to occur on how best to respond.


It’s fun when you try to fact check these things, you find that in the follow-up question Edwards made sure to point out “—and I’m not criticizing anybody, certainly not Senator Obama”, and then later elaborated that he was *not* criticizing Obama’s lack of experience: “I think that Barack Obama, because he is relatively new to national politics, it’s, it’s not as clear to me where he stands on, on, on issues. And, and no, I’m not faulting him for that, I just—I think he just hasn’t been around as long, so he doesn’t have as long a track record, so.” But, hey, don’t let facts get in the way of a good story.


Also, I think there’s a tinge of irony to the fact that the first two bullet points criticize Edwards for attacking the Clinton administration and Barack Obama, and the third is basically criticizing him for *not* attacking Hillary.


I’m a the point where the first Dem candidate to matter-of-factly state…:

“With all due respect to Ms. Malkin, my campaign is not in the market of soliciting advice from disengenuous, fringe-right, cut and paste, bloggers with limited rhetorical skills, and an even more limited grasp of the issues on the minds of the vast majority of Americans. I respectfully submit that to accuse any campaign of hate speech after gleefully advocating internement, McCarthyism, and the cynical division of the public purely out of a petulant sense of entitlement over the definition of what it means to be a ‘pure American,’ smacks of rank hypocricy, and refelcts the radical efforts my opponents will take to cling on to un-earned, and grossly disproportionate power. Such efforts are clearly out of touch with the desires of the public, as hers is a politics of failure, paranoia, division, and a lust for violence. My campaign intends to vigourously assert itself against the baseless and fearful smear-campaigns perpetrated by those who do not want their own records to be a subject of discussion – for good reason. Thank you.”

…gets my vote.


Herr Doktor Bimler said,

February 8, 2007 at 0:44

rumor has it that Amanda heads her own dark cult, dedicated to the worship of a great devouring feline
Amanda Marcotte is Gentlewoman?!

Herr Doktor Bimler, beware! This is how terrible rumors get started on the t00bz!

I assure you, Amanda Marcotte is much younger and far more attractive than I. However, I feel quite certain that my cat can totally kick her cat’s ass.

The dark cult referenced, is, if I remember correctly (been a while since I’ve read Pandagon) The Church of the Mouse and Disco Ball. I do not remember its rites and sacraments, but I know that dancing and looking fabulous were definitely among them.

I am anxiously awaiting whatever announcement the Edwards people are supposed to be making this evening.

Edwards had previously been one of the candidates I was considering supporting. However, if he’s stupid enough to cave to the likes of Donohue and Malkin, and fires Melissa and Amanda, then I will be candidate-shopping once again.



Oh, MAN. Mine too.


Oye, Gato–

Vamonos. Con “o.”

Tu amigo,


Matt T. said:

“… if the Edwards people came to me… to work on their campaign, I’d imagine they’d done a bit of research as to what I have and have not written, what stands I take and how voraciously I’d argued them.”

Yes. That’s point No. 1. Why wasn’t the Edwards camp up on this really basic bit of research?

Matt. T. further said:
“Fucking Bill Donahue and Michelle Malkin have that much say over a campaign they wouldn’t support in a million years. Astounding.”

Yes. That’s point No. 2. I mean, I know the Dems, the Pugs, and the corporately owned media swine are all part of the same bullshit hegemonic structure, but can’t they even pretend better than this anymore? Or has the contempt with which they all hold the voting public at last become so threadbare that they don’t care that we can see through it?


You know who I really hate? Michelle Malkin.


You know who I really hate? Michelle Malkin.

Get outta town!


Edwards isn’t appeasing the Right-ous; he is simply angering his base. I’m not too keen on him anyway, too much like a Ken Doll. A person who does anything other than laugh and spit on Malkin & Co, isn’t Presidential material. Would Bill Clinton back down? Would Jesus back down?


Resolved? Were you a debater, gavin?


so, if he doesn’t fire them none of the righties will vote for him, and if he does fire them they’ll all vote for him?
Seriously, for a bunch that prides themselves on not being PC this is the biggest hissy fit – bitching about language! I’m with Greenwald, there should be a targeting of all hired hands of each republican.


And another thing – in October Bill Clinton smacked around that little runt, Chris Wallace, and what happened – he looked powerful merely for saying what EVERYONE KNOWS TO BE TRUE, and standing up to an impotent bully. It’s easy, Mr. Edwards, if you stand up to them they slink away back into their holes; they backpeddal, seethe, and whine.

It’s literally almost as easy as turning on a light and watching the vermin scurry away.


I am so, so depressed about this.


I’m surprised to find myself saying that Obama is gradually winning me over. He’s just a more impressive human being than Edwards. Edwards has the slick sales pitch and the TV-ready face, but Obama has more gravitas and apparently more sac than Edwards too. Obama is my #2 choice now behind Gore.


I am so, so depressed about this.

Meh, it’s no big deal, Kathleen. Edwards is a lukewarm candidate even at his best and I think we all really know that deep down. Just keep your fingers crossed that the guy who is by far the best candidate, Al Gore, gets into the race.


edwards needs to counterattack. call a press conference and start off by saying “i’d like to read some quotes by bill donahue, who’s been criticizing some recent hires of mine” and then read some of his batshit crazy stuff: there’s no shortage of it. then you ask “am i really supposed to take the criticisms of the man who said these things seriously? this self-appointed spokesman for all catholics doesn’t exactly have the standing to claim that my campaign bloggers are bigots. sure, they criticized the papacy’s policy on gay rights and choice, but few catholics agree with the papacy on everything: donahue, for instance was a firm supporter of the iraq war, which both pope john paul ii and pope benedict have firmly opposed.” or something like that. i don’t know if donahue actually supported the iraq war, but i find it hard to believe that he didn’t. anyway, if he folds here he’s just reinforcing the democrats=weak talking point that he will have to deal with constantly in the general campaign.


Holy cow, a Cordwainer Smith reference in the entry title. I’m impressed with your level of obscurity, Gavin. This makes up for your penchant for posting videos of Malkin…


This can easily be turned around on them. Whoever runs for the Dems in 2008 better be ready to do some retaliatory rat-fucking. The Dem meme for 2008 should be that Republicans are out-of-touch, warmongering Jesus freaks who will kill us all. You think there might be a few McCain, Brownback or Guiliani staffers who may have done some blog posting and might meet that description?


isn’t it a Harlan Ellison reference? Not that I didn’t just enjoy reading the Cordwainer Smith wikipedia entry.


The ability to deal with effectively and not FUCKING CAVE to the right-wing shit-throwing machine is going be a major job requirement for the next president. What the fuck. Haven’t these people figured it out yet?


You’re right, Kathleen. It is Ellison. Somehow got it into my head that that was from the obscure but wonderful works of Smith.

That said, I have to agree that there’s a general assumption on the part of the right to do whatever they can to project their own impotent rage onto the left.


Yep. I said it a while ago, but it’s important enough that I’ll say it again. The job is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If you cannot stand up to the likes of the right wing smear machine, you do NOT have the sand to hold that office. It’s too important for that. Especially after the madness generated by king george…



Too true, mikey.

At least we can be glad he fucked up this early on.


However, I feel quite certain that my cat can totally kick her cat’s ass

Waves at GW and her badaaaaaaaaasss cat.


Slavering hatemongers like Malkin call us traitors, baby killers, cowards, terrorist sympathizers, etc. for years and the media yawns and invites them on TV. A presidential campaign hires a slightly-left-of-center feminist blogger who uses a cuss word or three in an angry post about the anti-feminist crowd and the NYT and ABC are all over it with lightning speed.

When will Edwards et al. learn that this only happens precisely because they buckle like a goddamned belt at the first sign of pressure?


This is not a deal breaker for me. Odds are the politician that makes me the most happy will never be elected in our reality. However, I think John E. can make some points by finding a way to acknowledge certain aspects of Amanda and Shakes’ writing in a spirit of forgiveness, understanding and growth. You basically say:

“yeah, they wrote all this stuff, of course I don’t agree with a lot of it, but we hired these two young women because they are passionate about what they believe. This being said, we will now move forward and discuss the important issues facing our country. They will remain with the campaign in a spirit of forgiveness and growth, and my wife Elizabeth has agreed to mentor them in etc. etc. etc.”


For an encore Michelle should read the Declaration of Independence in Malkin Face.


Malkin Face=”Petulant Scrunched up face paired with whining squeals”

Smiling Mortician

OK. I’m a little bummed, but not depressed. Edwards doesn’t have my support, but he never really did anyway (cute doesn’t go too far in my estimation).

I’m bummed because of what I naively posted the other day (something like “How cool, Edwards hired Amanda knowing full well that real people both say fuck and actually do fuck”). Turned out I was wrong and Edwards is both inept and cowardly. Eh.

I’m with mikey (as usual): it’s a tough job, Johnny. Grow some.

Also, I’m totally with Legalize, in every possible respect.


Kathleen said,
February 8, 2007 at 3:39

I am so, so depressed about this.



the_millionaire_lebowski said,
February 8, 2007 at 8:08


pffft hahaha!

Yeah, like, get a myspace page to whine about your hero John Edwards going down in flames, dude.

But seriously, people here actually believe John Edwards to be a viable candidate for the job of President of the United States? Commander and Chief and all? Okay, I’ll admit, the last 2 elections have proven that the bar is down there way past the molten core of the earth, on the other side of the planet even, somewhere past China and out in the moon’s orbit, but John Edwards?

Okay okay, say you have a such a gigantic giant ego that you believe that you must be President of the US. You realize that its probably in your best interest to have an internet blog. You look around for people who understand the medium. Me, I’d approach Greenwald, Marshall, Digby, Billimon, this guy– the absolute last people I’d approach would be the ranters. Cuz its just too easy to say, hey look at this,
“For instance, I bet not a one of them shovels his shit in their mouths, grinning and swallowing Divine-style.”

Fuck Baltimore.



I get it, Amanda makes Republicans squrim?

She cuts through the bullshit self-delusions that many stupid people (ie-Bush Republicans)hold that the act of typing out a sentence means cognitive thought?
Saying something makes it true and clapping loud enough will save Iraq?

Is that what you are trying to get across tm?


Commander and Chief

Commander-IN-Chief, you stupid cunt.


owlbear1 said,
February 8, 2007 at 10:20


I get it, Amanda makes Republicans squrim?

She cuts through the bullshit self-delusions that many stupid people (ie-Bush Republicans)hold that the act of typing out a sentence means cognitive thought?
Saying something makes it true and clapping loud enough will save Iraq?

Is that what you are trying to get across tm?

No, I was just sayin’ if you want to get elected its prolly best not to hire ranters to run your blog.
See, If i was running fer president, I prolly wouldn’t hire you either.


tb said,
February 8, 2007 at 10:39

Commander and Chief

Commander-IN-Chief, you stupid cunt.

Prolly wouldn’t hire you either, tb. Not that i got anything against you or owlbert1, its just gonna difficult to get my mum to vote for me if you keep jumping up and down yelling ‘cunt’.


Why does Rush get to rant and still be helping run a campaign?


Why is ok for Republicans to RANT and not be punished but Democrats RANT and it the ulitimate public disgrace.

Is the word FUCK that terrifying?

Is BULLSHIT too edgey?

Torture is a Fraternity Prank, but “Fuck You” means the end of America.



Why does Rush get to rant and still be helping run a campaign?


Why is ok for Republicans to RANT and not be punished but Democrats RANT and it the ulitimate public disgrace.

Is the word FUCK that terrifying?

Is BULLSHIT too edgey?

Torture is a Fraternity Prank, but “Fuck You� means the end of America.


Good stuff, owlbear, and if i was looking for the screaming-loon-in-the-street vote, you’d be on my short-list to run my election blog. Unfortunately I’m looking for the sensible-people vote.


I know what you mean about it not beinga “dealbreaker”, Pinko. If John Edwards gets the Democratic nod, then anyone who is as scared (or as angry) at what the Republican party has done to basic democratic, Constitutional principles as I am will vote for him.

I don’t like the Democratic party much anymore, and I haven’t for quite some time. The only time that Dems get my vote these days is when the Republicans have managed to frighten me so badly that I seriously worry about the advisibility of remaining a citizen of this bacward nation. Trust me – voting for Dems on this principle doesn’t do much to make me like them anymore.

Where this loses my support for Edwards is in the primary race. In fact, I’m annoyed enough over this that I’m giving some serious thought to changing my voter’s registration from nonaffiliated to Democratic for the express purpose of voting against John Edwards in the primaries. If he’s scared of Michelle Malkin, then how will he be able to resist pissing his pants the first time he gets an intelligence briefing on al-Qaeda?

Gad, I am NOT looking forward to the 2008 election. The Democrats *still* haven’t found an electable candidate with a spine to field. Does anyone else begin to think it’s possible that the Democratic party has been infiltrated by a large number of Republican operatives who are determined to destroy the opposition from the inside?


tm, the point is that Republicans have been winning elections consistently with the help of people far, far, loonier than anyone who has even been suggested to be involved with a Democratic campaign.

Mark Steyn has been invited to participated in weekly conference Calls to the White House. I realize that Amanda uses “fuck” a lot, but I really hope you aren’t suggesting a moral equivalency between saying fuck and being a racist apologist for genocide.

If John Edwards had hired Noam Chomsky to be his blog administrator, this criticism might have some merit, but come on. (This isn’t a slam on Chomsky, btw – I’m more in Chomsky’s corner than not – this is just an acknowledgement that Chomsky is far, far outside the Democratic mainstream. Hard to be an anarchist and NOT be so).


Oh, and just to go for the trifecta of annoying in the form of the triple post, the proper response to Michelle Malkin from the Edwards campaign would have been something along the lines of sending her the phone numbers of a couple of good dermatologists in her area to help her out with that nasty case of peri-oral dermatitis she’s sporting.

She probably needs to change to a non-fluoridated toothpaste, too.


I hope Hillary throws him under a bus now.


Edwards has revealed himself to be a punk.

I feel bad for Amanda, but we are all better off for knowing this.


Good stuff, owlbear, and if i was looking for the screaming-loon-in-the-street vote, you’d be on my short-list to run my election blog. Unfortunately I’m looking for the sensible-people vote.

You chicken shit little Sophist.

“Sensible” people don’t advocate Mass Murder for the ego of ONE person.
“Sensible” people equate “Torture” with Fraternity Hazing.
“Sensible” people don’t agitate for NUCLEAR ARMAGEDDEON!

So tm, its ONLY when Dipshit Republican warmongering bigots get all bent out of shape you know they heard the criticism.

and its seems the ONLY way to get to them IS to call them terrified dirty fucking little bigots.
Dipshit warmongering morons.
Crooks, liars and thieves.


one correction:
it should be,

“Sensible” people DO NOT equate Torture with Fraternity Hazing.

sorry about that.


Oh and tm thanks for letting me vent at you. Republican stupidity has just been of such epic proportions since they were voted out of control. It was cathartic. Thanks dipshit.


tm, the point is that Republicans have been winning elections consistently with the help of people far, far, loonier than anyone who has even been suggested to be involved with a Democratic campaign

Well yeah. So what? Just cuz those folks jump off a bridge I gotta do it too?
Look, I’m all in favor of a good rant, for instance-its nice to know owlbert is ranting over there in the corner, i just wouldn’t hire him for a position that requires communication.

Edwards made a mistake hiring ranters when there are much more capable people.
Now he will end up dumping them and look the pussy.


tm, to paraphrase Adlai Stevenson, you need a majority.


Here I am again posting on a dead thread. It sucks being (for the moment) on a night shift on the west coast. But I had to say this. I have been called out by many people in the past for ‘catering’ to the right. In my defense, this was done with that element of the “right” (double quotes very much needed here) that was obviously throwing their vote away on people that would from the very beginning use them, abuse them, and then care not a whit when they couldn’t make their house payments. It has been a frustrating experience. First of all, they seem to love people such as Malkin. But more to the real, they all seem to love and listen to Rush. I have been yelled at, spat at, not the least cursed at. Does this happen when I tell them I am a liberal? No. It happens when I point out that they exist in a demographic that is in peril, and that they need to think about what will happen if they are suddenly in need of social services. This debacle with Edwards is about something else, it is about caving. Extending the olive branch is something else entirely, but as someone who has tried, in my small way, to do that, I have to admit abysmal failure. What is my point? Some people CAN’T or simply WON’T EVER admit that they lead lives chock full of lies and delusionment. I suppose a healthy serving of real would be in order, except, well, I feel sorry for their kids.


Unfortunately I’m looking for the sensible-people vote.

Um, what?

Edwards made a mistake hiring ranters when there are much more capable people.

Wait, I thought Edwards was a no-hoper. So why do you care?

Hmm. Are you a concern troll?


Oh, man. Everyone here is yelling. I hate it when the grown-ups fight.

Since the thread has degenerated a bit, can I blogwhore? Just this once?

I’m trying to get people to participate in my Shrieking Harpy Photoshop Challenge. I keep getting all these nice screenshots of our delusional friend, but have neither the talent nor the time to do anything good with them. They’re just begging to be digitally enhanced. Anyone want to play?


Bring on some goddamn Aggression. The More Aggressive the Democrats are, the MORE Votes they will get. Let’s channel some berzerker frenzy into the party and start a Repub bodycount- Jail,the Gallows, unemployment- Whatever.

It’s time to stop pondering and start kicking ass!


Why can GOPers rant and Dems can’t hardly use faint praise without condemnation? Same reason any group of rightie thugs a-screamin’ get favorable coverage for their cause, while thousands of peaceful antiwar marchers merit a closeup of the mohawked dude smoking a joint.

It has nothing to do with who is “sensible”. It has nothing to do with “ranting”. Nothing to do with right or wrong. It has everything to do with corporate media, whose big-money interests naturally align with the GOP, and always will.

It’s all a four-letter-word called bias. And the fact that MOST people STILL get their main news input from the boob tube.

Without serious regulation to decentralize media control in the US, anything left of the boardroom will never get a fair shake in our major media.


I hope Johnny Sunshine hires Jesus’ General instead. How can you go wrong with the Lord’s own blogger?


MCH: you say bias, I say DFS: Double Fucking Standard. If some GOP candidate had pulled this, they would simply get the standard treatment going all the way back to St. Ronnie: R-Teflon. Though the media is definitely part of the mix, there are other factors in play too (lobbyists, “think tanks”, political strategists, pollsters, etc.) and they all contribute mightily.

The more things change in the political landscape, the more they stay the same. Until we can break this dismal pattern, the Dems are screwed.


Whenever the trolls and Republicans are overly concerned for the Dem’s chances and are warning us of dire consequences, it’s for certain someone must be on the right track.

They’re not going out of their way to help their opposition, after all.


“No, I was just sayin’ if you want to get elected its prolly best not to hire ranters to run your blog.
See, If i was running fer president, I prolly wouldn’t hire you either. ”

I’d hire Jeffery Dalmer to eat my opponents…I WINZ!1!!

p.s. I realize Jeff is dead, so I’d re-animate him first.


“Unfortunately I’m looking for the sensible-people vote.” – tm

Unfortunately there are no sensible people, only stupid monkeys.


Edwards has already lost any chance he had of getting my vote over this. He’s not even man enough to publicly address the issue. He’s just hiding from it and either way he goes on it now is irrelevant. He has let Malkin successfully bloody him. Can you imagine how much more repulsive she’s going to be now?


I’m a the point where the first Dem candidate to matter-of-factly state…:

“With all due respect to Ms. Malkin, my campaign is not in the market of soliciting advice from disengenuous, fringe-right, cut and paste, bloggers with limited rhetorical skills, and an even more limited grasp of the issues. . . .

It would be nice if CNN and MSNBC would also get to this point.


Edwards: I’m sorry, Ms. Malkin. I’ve talked to my bloggers and they assure me that they’ll never be naughty again. Isn’t that right, bloggers?

Bloggers: Yes, Senator Edwards.

Malkin: *smug*

Legalize: *barf*


Peter Daou made this point concerning the triangle of progressive netroots, the media, and the Democratic political establishment:This, then, is the reality: progressive bloggers and online activists — positioned on the front lines of a cold civil war — face a thankless and daunting task: battle the Bush administration and its legions of online and offline apologists, battle the so-called “liberal” media and its tireless weaving of pro-GOP narratives, battle the ineffectual Democratic leadership, and battle the demoralization and frustration that comes with a long, steep uphill struggle.”

John Edwards’ belated response to this blogger tempest in a teapot was so aggravating, because it was so predictable. He is no rookie when it comes to a Presidential campaign.The Washington Post recently ran a prominent story concerning the sale of his house filled with dark innuendo that amounted to nothing.
I applaud Mr. Edwards’ decision to stand with his progressive bloggers, and by extension the netroots. Unless the bloggers and candidates stand together, Democrats will be ineffectual as a force to change this country.



Amanda and Shakes are sorry if any of you terrified little bigots got your panties in a bunch.

Well, sorry if it got your panties in a TIGHTER bunch.

I’m not.


Fuck you, you delusional freaks.


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