Terry And The Pirates

Terry Moran of ABC News ponders the questions raised by the Get Amanda Marcotte! affair, and what they might teach us about the rough-and-tumble nature of the political blogosphere:

What, if anything, does it tell us about Edwards that he’s joined up with this blogger? Is Edwards’ association with a person who has written these things a legitimate issue for voters, as they wonder–among other things–whom he might appoint to high office if he’s elected? If a Republican candidate teamed up with a right-wing blogger who spewed this kind of venom, how would people react?

Rick Moran of Right-Wing Nut House, brother of Terry Moran of ABC News, helps answer:

She is a rank bigot, a nauseating, die hard dogmatist whose sickening screeds against people she disagrees with (including most non-emasculated men) have sullied the debate between right and left for far too long.

Unfortunately, Marcotte’s type will always have a home on the left. She will be welcomed back with open arms and continue her unbalanced rants, raging against people whose only transgression is that they fail to fit their beliefs into her own narrow, warped, and cockeyed worldview.

Back to you, Terry…

Update: TBogg comments:

Waiting on the rimshot….

Rick “The Lesser” Moran writes about Amanda:

Her writing is full of so many half truths, manufactured criticisms, dead-wrong assumptions, and a child like ignorance of the emotional universe inhabited by normal men and women that trying to decipher her scribblings – once you can get by the obscenities and work your way through the incoherence – is a task best left to a psychiatrist.

…and then he invites his readers to go see the ever-sensible Michelle Malkin and Dan Riehl.

I could have stayed up all night and not come up with anything near that funny…

Above: Don’t hate us just because we’re beautiful


Comments: 40


i’m thinking the morans should have considered changing their surnames before going into politics (with a very small p). to “Cockwit” perhaps. McCuntybollocks


It is incredible that it even needs to be asked, but I’ll ask it anyway:

Hasn’t anyone pointed out to Terry what it is that his brother does/writes?
Hasn’t anyone pointed this out to the media-engorged public?
Do I need some kind of night course or something to be able to get away with that kind of shameless hypocrisy?


ahem. OR McCuntybollocks, that should read. colour me mortified. what is it with the sidebar cutting off the comments box? i can’t see what i’m typing. Or read, but thats another matter


This is a perfect example of a picture waiting for the perfect story to accompany it.

Don’t we all feel better now?


shorter right wing:

“politics is no place for invective and personal attack, you small-dicked short-arsed loser.”


[…] The reason that I think it’s critically important to push back against the Right’s efforts to have veto-power on John Edwards’ personnel decisions is that failing to do so gives the Right a Get Out Of Jail Free card for their own dubious hires. The Catholic League, a right wing pressure group, has taken up the banner of Malkin and Riehl to try to determine how a candidate they would never vote for runs his campaign. This is not to concede Donohue’s claim that the Edwards has hired anyone who isn’t a stellar operative or worthy of helping craft the strategies that will be deployed to help John Edwards win the presidency. Marcotte and McEwan were hired for their skills as bloggers, not in spite of them. I know that I’ve written somewhere between 1,000 and 1,500 blog posts in the last two years and I’m sure some people would find some of what I’ve written objectionable – that’s the nature of blogging. Allowing the Right to exert veto power over the movement of our bloggers onto campaigns – a process that democratizes political campaigns and makes them accountable to the base – is simply unacceptable for us as a movement. More precisely, this political moment is not about John Edwards, but about what the liberal netroots will let the Right get away with in their efforts to limit our political power. Democrats hire opinionated, feminist bloggers and the world is apparently coming to an end. Republicans hire racists, anti-Semites, crooks, and alleged crooks and the press does not emit a sound. This free pass has to end and we’re the people who are going to end it. The hypocrisy we see in the sea of criticism surrounding Edwards’ hires plays to one of the greatest challenges Democrats need to confront: the conservative media. An email I received this morning on the subject said: a guy who (no offense, amanda) is a lower-level staffer uses a few dirty words in a previous job, and edwards caves? […]


“It’s pretty strong stuff; her comments about other people’s faiths could well be construed as hate speech.”

Oh, wel, yeah, I can see how… wait a minute. Faiths?


Look, Terry, take your faith and shove it up your ass.

The Christian faith declares that every other fucking religion (Except maybe Judaism) is at best the creation of small-minded savages,. who in their delightful primitiveness just couldn’t quite understand how the world REALLY works, poor dears.

At worst, they’re creations of a being of pure evil and following them destroys your soul, rightfully condemns you to ETERNAL TORTURE, and destroys ALL of human civiliation.

And it’s not heresy, it’s right there IN THE HOLIEST OF HOLY TEXTS.

I’m pretty fucking tired of having Christians spew sermons about how evil MY gods are, and then turn around and cry to mommy if I do the same thing to them.

Either the Catholics and their other monothesitic pals can take some scissors to their holy books, or they can stop mewling and take the medicine they’ve dished out to every poor bastard they could get their hands on for the last several thousand years.

But either way, sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, asswipes.

PS – Republicans are demonstrably homophobic. Next she’ll tell us it’s “hate speech” to call the Klan a bunch of pinhead racists.


[…] The reason that I think it’s critically important to push back against the Right’s efforts to have veto-power on John Edwards’ personnel decisions is that failing to do so gives the Right a Get Out Of Jail Free card for their own dubious hires. The Catholic League, a right wing pressure group, has taken up the banner of Malkin and Riehl to try to determine how a candidate they would never vote for runs his campaign. This is not to concede Donohue’s claim that the Edwards has hired anyone who isn’t a stellar operative or worthy of helping craft the strategies that will be deployed to help John Edwards win the presidency. Marcotte and McEwan were hired for their skills as bloggers, not in spite of them. I know that I’ve written somewhere between 1,000 and 1,500 blog posts in the last two years and I’m sure some people would find some of what I’ve written objectionable – that’s the nature of blogging. Allowing the Right to exert veto power over the movement of our bloggers onto campaigns – a process that democratizes political campaigns and makes them accountable to the base – is simply unacceptable for us as a movement. More precisely, this political moment is not about John Edwards, but about what the liberal netroots will let the Right get away with in their efforts to limit our political power. Democrats hire opinionated, feminist bloggers and the world is apparently coming to an end. Republicans hire racists, anti-Semites, crooks, and alleged crooks and the press does not emit a sound. This free pass has to end and we’re the people who are going to end it. The hypocrisy we see in the sea of criticism surrounding Edwards’ hires plays to one of the greatest challenges Democrats need to confront: the conservative media. An email I received this morning on the subject said: a guy who (no offense, amanda) is a lower-level staffer uses a few dirty words in a previous job, and edwards caves? […]


Wonder who the right will allow to be Edwards’ blogmaster now? That nice, smart liberal Glenn Reynolds,maybe? One of Hooting Hugh Hewitt’s pets? Or Malkin herself, maybe?


Can we please break out the picture of Bush flipping the bird?
Can we please break out the video of Bush and Cheney refering to the reporter as a major league asshole?
Can we please bring back the story of Cheney telling a congressman to “Go Fuck Yourself”
Can we please stop jumping through hoops to pretend that Republicans are saintly virgins who never utter a dirty word or have an impure thought?

Amanda is a good writer and she writes with passion and sometimes uses dirty words.
Her talent has gotten her a job on a presidential campaign.

These right-wing welfare queens seem to be just a little jealous if you ask me.
Michelle Malkin is not clever.
She’s not witty.
She can’t (and doesn’t) write well.
And she can be easily replaced.


Sorry for your loss. I believe that Mr. Edwards pandering to us neocons has cost us plenty of laughs. Keep your chin up. This won’t be the last time Mr. Edwards changes direction. He might yet find his way. You never know, he might hire Michelle.


Here’s what I wrote to the Edwards campaign:

Once again, the Democrats cede the field to the Republican smear machine. Just like with the Swift Boat anti-Kerry campaign, the Edwards camp has permitted the right wing to define the debate. By firing Amanda Marcotte — whose writings I must assume somebody in the Edwards campaign had seen — you have not only allowed your opposition to dictate your personnel choices; you have also slunk off the field without even making a token effort to resist, making your entire campaign appear weak to both your opponents and, more critically, your supporters. You could have turned Marcotte’s writing style into an asset — “We engaged her because of her passion and her idealism,” etc. — but instead, you essentially agreed with the implication that fierce language and anger are “inappropriate” for a political candidate. (Ironic that the foremost complainer about Edwards’s connection to fierce language and anger is Michelle Malkin, a long-time purveyor of right wing shrillness.)

Well, speaking as one who might have been inclined to support Edwards — as opposed to Bill Donahue and the other small-minded bigots shrieking at you about Marcotte — I can say that I am incredibly disappointed. After six years of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rove leadership, disaster upon disaster upon disaster, over-reaching by the executive branch and bullying by the majority party in the legislature, I think it’s about damn time somebody WAS angry. Anger is a perfectly valid response to the events and policies of the Bush Administration, and while it is important to present rational alternatives, it is not necessary to be bland and emotionless about it.

You don’t retreat from the battlefield just because the other side tells you you’re using the wrong weapons. Amanda Marcotte and other bloggers of her ilk might inject some much-needed passion into a Democratic campaign. Please reconsider your decision to distance yourself from her.


“You never know, he might hire Michelle.”

Why hire someone who’s only talent is repeating other peoples words?
Especially when there’s an entire army of bobble-headed foxbots to choose from.


Dear Mr. Edwards:

Don’t you realize by now that when Malkin, Riehl, et al shriek the loudest it is from a position of fear and not a position of power? Since when did this witch, a documented liar and charlatan, deserve veto power over what is, and what is not appropriate political discussion? I predict that by Nov. ’08 ANY criticism of the far-right will be met with barks of “hate-speech!!” with demands for “apologies” for offending poor, pure Malkin’s gentle ears (while she calls for more torture, internment, more gay-basing, nuking Mecca and Tehran, etc.). You didn’t even put up the pretense of a fight – you’re a fucking LAWYER for Christ’s sake.


“You didn’t even put up the pretense of a fight – you’re a fucking LAWYER for Christ’s sake.”

But now Edwards is thismuch closer to getting Malkin’s vote.


Damn good point, Legalize. Digby, among others, has made this general point, but when are Dems going to realize that the right gets loudest when it’s frightened and impotent? Having Michelle Malkin go after your choice like that means Edwards made the right call in the first place. Geh.
Ah well, fuck him. Like Kerry before him, he’s now demonstrated he’s the repub’s bitch. Thank you, sir, may I have another? Not that I love her, but Hillary has bigger balls than that.


gotta say, just at the level of political tactics, that was a bad move.
i mean, i can’t think of a better way to show that one is an effeminate loser than allowing a few loudmouth wingnut charlatans to bend you over a chair and have their way. it seems some Dems still need a trip to the say-fuck-you-to-their-face-and-never-apologize-or-even-pretend-remorse school of politics. i mean, it’s not like the malkins of the world represent an interest group worth pandering to – they’re just a fringe group of assholes, and their partisan orientation is already set – so there’s just no reason not to simply tell them to go fuck themselves.


If it’s true that the Edwards campaign fired Amanda, I won’t vote for him. The blogosphere has had the Democrats’ backs for a long time, and now they show that they don’t have ours.


She is a rank bigot, a nauseating, die hard dogmatist whose sickening screeds against people she disagrees with (including most non-emasculated men)

Emasculated men, rejoice!


Comparison time:

Terry McAuliffe was on a radio talk show, and responded to some no-neck caller by agreeing that we need to close the borders, that those sneaky Meskins are a very grave threat indeed, and that said no-neck caller was a Brave And Intelligent Man. The Clinton campaign released a statement mildly rebuking DLC McAuliffe; McAuliffe himself made a non-apology.

Why hasn’t he been sent packing?


Well, Salon reported that the Edwards campaign fired Amanda, but the Edwards campaign is apparently refusing to confirm it.

So, maybe 30% chance of not-fired, or however one can figure the odds.


Wow. It took under 5 minutes for Rick Moran to delete my comment calling him a childish dick. I guess it’s good to know that even after a few months he cares, and is watching.


I don’t think you could improve on “Get a brain, morans!”, a different brad.


Well, Salon reported that the Edwards campaign fired Amanda, but the Edwards campaign is apparently refusing to confirm it.

Understood. I just want to make the stakes clear. If they cut Amanda and Melissa loose, they can forget my support (and Edwards is definitely in the mix for me right now).

It’s a bit like a golf tournament. The old cliche is: you can’t win the tournament on Thursday, but you can lose it. If they won’t stand with the people they asked to work for them, I can’t stand with the Edwards campaign – and policy positions be damned.


This has to be the stupidest fucking shit I’ve ever seen happen in the world of blogs and politics.


You haven’t been paying attention, Flip.


No shit. Especially considering where all the vitirol’s coming from. I doubt two more loathesome specimens of humanity walk the earth than Malkin and Donahue. Especially that guy…most of the gay dudes I know don’t obsess so much over teh buttsexxor as he does.


billy, this is showing up in the New York Times and ABC News. I can’t believe that *anyone* actually thinks it’s even *minimally* important. It’s like waking up to find that Larry King is doing a special show on Ann Althouse’s opinions of Jessica Valenti’s bosom, or Stone Phillips asking Jeff Goldstein how much he truly enjoys cockslapping. Blogspats crossing over to the news. O brave new world.


Wow. They are _so_ scared.

I mean, I like Pandagon, and I think Ms Marcotte is a good writer, but I didn’t go out and put money on Edwards to win or anything. There are a lot of other factors in political campaigning besides one member of staff being pretty sharp and funny.

Are they that wrapped up in the blogosphere that they assume that the presence of a blogger is all that matters?


yeah, but this is the rankest of rancid bullshit for other reasons: the Ed campaign just proved to the one of the main constituencies that can quickly and easily swing money and votes, whatever portion of the dem grassroots it is that organizes online, that they don’t know how to stand next to their own completely reasonable staff choices when confronted with completely unreasonable demands by the most fringe of loonies. this was about proving that the far fringes of the right wing are still loud enough to get their batshit insane concerns addressed in public forums and that they will attempt to brutally control the public messaging of both parties through the coming election.
thing is, there’s nothing to be done about it now, assuming the edwards campaign belatedly realizes they just got conned into eating dick by Malkin and that that’s not the place to be. the options are 1. pretend it didn’t happen, 2. accept that they got bluffed by a bunch of loudmouth lunatics and didn’t have the balls to stand at the table, 3. hire General JC and once the wingers realize it’s satire tell them to just shut the fuck up.
Or, i suppose, they could just hire Amanda back, and release a statement that says “Having reviewed the material in question we find it to be entirely reasonable given the context in which is was produced, unlike anything Malkin has ever produced.” which would be the say-fuck-you-to-their-faces-and-walk-away-whistling option. but that won’t happen, will it?


If it’s true and these two evil leftist bloggers were fired, I am sure Michelle, Rick and anyone who has even read LGF will stand in a circle, point and start firing each other till they’re all out of a job. I mean, they’re Right Wing bloggers. It’d be the honorable thing to do.

PS. Michelle cuts another on regarding Anthony Watada (sp?) in her column today. After breezing through the eyesore that is her writing, she takes a shot at John Kerry’s honor.

This is the same Swift Boat-loving Michelle who got her ass handed to her by Chris Matthews in 2004.

Again, Right Wing Bloggers = honor and integrity.



I was being mildly facetious.

But don’t you remember in 2000, when there were endless discussions about Gore, inventing the Internet, wearing earth tones, and Love Story?

All meaningless, all with next to no basis in facts, and all receiving endless contemplation in mainstream news organizations.

It’s part of their playbook. At least we’ve got a start in pushback this time round.


My bad. It was Ehren Watada, not Anthony or even Jamil.


Well, Salon reported that the Edwards campaign fired Amanda, but the Edwards campaign is apparently refusing to confirm it.

If the Edwards campaign actually fell for Malkin’s crazy-makin’ craziness, and hasn’t been reading Gavilicious and Bradstance, then John Edwards DESERVES TO LOSE.

There. Said it.


Resolved? Were you a debater, gavin?


Oops, wrong thread – ignore last comment


That’s a nice photo of Retardo.


Seeing as it looks like the Edwards campaign has suddenly decided to start paying attention to what goes on around the internets, I want to just add another voice to Spokane Moderate’s above…..

If the Edwards campaign is chickenshit enough to fold this quickly on this trumped up an issue, then John Edwards lacks the intestinal fortitude necessary to run a successful presidential campaign. He won’t have my support.

I’d like to see the Dems win for once, and stop spending all their time fellating whatever oozing appendage the right decides to stick in their faces whilst shouting “suck it, bitch”.

Speaking of which….how did it taste, Senator Edwards? Is it your very favorite flavor yet? I hope it is, because unless you find a spine real soon, you’ll be tasting it a lot over the next couple of years.


But don’t you remember in 2000, when there were endless discussions about Gore, inventing the Internet, wearing earth tones, and Love Story?

I remember the full panoply of inanity, amply documented by the Daily Howler. But I do think this is a whole new level of stupid, because we’re not even talking about the candidate — as I understand it, we’re talking about members — not even leaders — of the candidate’s communications staff.


Yeah, you’ve got a point. It’s another level removed, in that way.

But anyway to attack a Democrat is the theme, here, no matter how inane. And, especially recently, the further it is from any real issues (on which the R’s lose, consistently) the better.


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