You Are Jesse Malkin
Posted on February 7th, 2007 by Gavin M.
See, it’s funny. If you turn the sound all the way up and go stand nervously in the kitchen, it’s almost like a typical evening around the Malkin house.
…Except she isn’t yelling about how you put the keys on the other counter purely to spite her, and so forth.
Someone really needs to get back on their meds. I knew the fall of BushCo. would be ugly, but let’s have some dignity people.
Why is mommy screaming and hitting daddy?
That’s the last time I trust you, Gavin M, if that is your real name. You said it was funny, and I believed you, and never, ever again.
I really was hoping that it was a well-done parody of life in the Malkin household. Not “reality TV”, as it were…
Again, she doesn’t realize the material just doesn’t play to her act. Sure, I can see why there are some key words or phrases which will seem just crazy to ultra right wingers, but it’s just not the nutty stuff which the over-the-top high school drama fit would seem to be looking for.
I just picked up a box of Rice-a-Roni and read the stove-top cooking instructions with as much simulated panic, hysteria, and satirical pompousness I could muster.
Try it with other texts — sports reporting, bible verses, what have you.
It all sounds pretty much like this video.
I could probably find her some material more to this skit’s style, but I won’t, and I really don’t get why this one blogger became the focus of this SNL-reject rage.
Is she auditioning for The Roseanne Barr Story?
I thought, at first, this was a clever video parodying Michelle Malkin.
Sadly, no.
As someone once said of a local columnist, “It’s like watching someone’s brain melt.”
Oy vay, where are those keys? Give them to her before my eyeballs explode.
All this work, all this “humour” and nobody but the usual wingnut idiots and the people making fun of them will ever care about this.
Yes, well, we’re very sorry you feel that way, but we just wanted a simple block of flats.
(I always say that.)
Also: See, Michele, the fact that you rant and rave “like the angry German boy” doesn’t make the text similar to the things the angry German boy said. It makes YOU resemble the angry German boy.
As usual, you (and your director/editor) confirm everyone’s analysis, that right wing “nuts” such as yourself have no understanding of parody, satire, or humor. Or, rather, you have a child’s understanding of it. Ever hear a three-year old tell a joke?
THREE YEAR OLD: Knock knock!
YOU: Who’s there?
YOU: Banana who?
THREE YEAR OLD: Banana split!
YOU: (laughs politely)
They love the form of the joke but they don’t (yet) understand the content. But eventually they do! And maybe you will, too!
Good job!
“Performed” by Michelle Malkin? What language is this in, again?
Sadly, No! and your crazy Malkin videos, why can’t I quit you?
Oh boy. This is not working. Malkin’s recent commentaries are making her look more foolish than she realizes. Her hounds will lick the food off her plate, but she looks like a lunatic to everyone else. Her latest line of attack merely highlights her instability.
At least I get some mild enjoyment from seeing a hateful person film their mental breakdown.
All this work, all this “humour� and nobody but the usual wingnut idiots and the people making fun of them will ever care about this.
Exactly. The thing I love most about hard-core wingnuts is that they always seem to expect that once the American people learn about the latest “outrage,” they’re going to rise up and angrily reject liberalism once and for all. It’s especially amusing when it’s as completely inside-baseball as this particular thing is.
No, this is a three year old telling a knock knock joke.
THREE YEAR OLD: (tugging your pants leg) Oh, Oh, Daddy, knock knock! Daaad, knock knock! Knock knock! Daaaddy oh oh knock knock!
YOU: Who’s there?
THREE YEAR OLD: …ummmmmm….
I think Eric B has hit upon a plan! Someone needs to do a parody of Malkin doing a parody of Amanda. Oh, it would be meta-meta, and post-post modern.
I’m waiting . . . .
…and then Jesse poured himself the strongest Captain and Coke suburban Maryland has ever seen and drank the whole thing quietly in one big gulp.
Sweet alcohol dulls the pain.
FYI, the site is not looking good. Images aren’t loading. Another attack?
Yeah – I got a “503 Service Unavailable error” a few moments ago.
Max Power–
True–but that’s the *other* three-year-old. The one I knew told it the first way. There may be even more out there.
If I put something as insane and embarassing as that on the internet I would find myself the guest of honor at an emergency intervention courtesy of my family and friends. It’s sad for the female Anne Coulter that she doesn’t have that kind of support in life. She’s steadily upping the crazy as she slides into irrelevance.
Site looks normal now!
So is Michelle trying to compare herself to the German kid? Because if forced to choose, I’d have to say the German kid is far more sane. I thought she was much better this time, mostly because she didn’t really have to try to “act”.
Michelle Malkin telling a knock knock joke
MALKIN: Knock knock.
YOU: Who’s there?
MALKIN: Osama.
YOU: Osama who?
MALKIN: Liberals are secretly fascists.
I wonder how many of those video’s views are from Sadly, No! readers.
No one needs to do a parody of Malkin doing anything. She’s a parody unto herself.
Mr. Wonderful: Also: See, Michele, the fact that you rant and rave “like the angry German boy� doesn’t make the text similar to the things the angry German boy said. It makes YOU resemble the angry German boy.
On a related note: I just went and read the back of a cerel box in a wholly unconvincing Truman Capote voice which irrefutably proves that Tony The Tiger is Teh Gay.
Email to MM:
Hi Michelle
I saw both your Pandagon-related videos. The first attempt at acting was truly sophmoric, petulant, and utterly unbelievable.
However, your rage bit in the 2nd video was actually quite impressive. Stanislavski might note that your body’s experience and “muscle memory” has much more practical experience with word-spewing, mindless shrieking than intelligent discourse.
…and then Jesse poured himself the strongest Captain and Coke suburban Maryland has ever seen and drank the whole thing quietly in one big gulp.
Sweet alcohol dulls the pain.
Jesse: “Delicious bourbon. Brownest of the brown liquors. What’s that? You want me to drink you? But my wife’s in the middle of going crazy in what she assures me is a hard-hitting expose of how much the left hates America!”
All this work, all this “humour� and nobody but the usual wingnut idiots and the people making fun of them will ever care about this.
Unfortunately, the New York Times has a story up… and our society just became stupider.
“Someone really needs to get back on their meds. I knew the fall of BushCo. would be ugly, but let’s have some dignity people.”
LOL i love it
I feel bad for her kids – really bad.
This would actually be less funny if it weren’t part of a semi-coordinated smear campaign – rick moron, bill donohue, malkin… but, i mean, consider: this is actually the best they can come up with working as a group.
But this looks eerily like that old Daily Show segment where they’d have third graders reading transcripts of Fox News talk shows – that is, at their most serious they come close to approximating a pre-existing parody of them at their most serious. That’s funny.
I think Eric B has hit upon a plan! Someone needs to do a parody of Malkin doing a parody of Amanda. Oh, it would be meta-meta, and post-post modern.
Possible sample texts: the sermon on the mount; the gettysburg address; ‘i have a dream’; ‘nothing to fear but fear itself’; ‘ask not what you can do for your country’.
Why does Malkin keep embarassing herself like this? God, I’d die…
It was a big hit at tard central:
There were a couple of marriage proposals in there as well. I think the bleeped pornstar ‘fucks’ and the sight of Michelle’s frame shaking pre-orgasmically with rage, uh, arouse them.
That is very disturbing. If they truly think that was Oscar material, you can see why conservatives are universally unsuccessful in the creative fields.
I swear, I feel like Michelle’s next step is going to be to put on a diaper, buy a bb gun, and drive 900 miles looking for Amanda….
Maybe you could do a parody about the Left being outraged about the missing $8.8BB in cash? Or the Republican’s refusal to debate the escalation of war in Iraq? Or Cheney’s outing of a CIA NOC? Or the wasteland in New Orleans? Or the politicization of US Distruct Attorney’s?
You could probably make this a weekly feature…..because it’s all one big joke, right?
Malkin: Knock knock.
ME: Who’s there?
Malkin: Michael Moore is fat.
yeah, I stole that joke. What of it?
This reminds me of things improv groups would do in high school, only not funny. Not funny because there’s nothing crazy about the text.
I say yipes because, it also reminds me of high school because a significant number of people DO find it funny. Enough that I feel outnumbered, despite my assumption that I am smarter than they are.
Remember, lots of people voted for Bush because they wanted to. Lots of people listen to Mark Levin and Michael Savage because they agree and find what they say pertinent, insightful, and funny.
Malkin may look stupid to us, but too many people think she’s great. Many people think Amanda Marcotte is hysterical in the Freudian sense.
These people vote.
I read SN! religiously but have never commented (or at least I don’t think I have). I have to say that, hands down, the commenters here (not to mention Gavin, Brad and the rest of the SN! crew) are the funniest people in the blogosphere. I come here when I’m down and I KNOW I will cheer up. You folks are the best!!!!!
Michelle is pathetic – I have a few people in my family (all conservatards) that act almost the same way and it’s bewildering. I think they are all genetically wired with no sense of humor … one could probably get a research grant to find out!
They just like having their lizard-brains stimulated by her screaming. These people never had punk bands, remember. I’m curious to see how this naked-titallation approach plays out, now that she has failed utterly at trying to be a “serious” pundit/journalist.
I still think the proper response is for Amanda to read some of Michelle’s craziest work, which is to say any, and insert a huge, huge volume of vulgarity into it.
All with a calm, cool demeanor, in front of a church altar.
Also: See, Michele, the fact that you rant and rave “like the angry German boy� doesn’t make the text similar to the things the angry German boy said. It makes YOU resemble the angry German boy.
That’s exactly it.
Also, by shrieking Amanda’s writing and considering that a joke, Malkin is admitting that Amanda’s posts are not inherently hysterical; Malkin has to add hysteria to make the posts sound ridiculous. And who better to add hysteria than the slattern?
Q. How many Michelle Malkins does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Why do you hate America?
So she’s attemptig to make Amanda look unhinged. Good job, Michelle. You’re not unhinged at all. I never would think such a thing. Really. (backs slowly away toward the door.)
And SadlyNo yet again embarrasses itself.After its support and encouragement of convicted psycho Deb Frish, SadlyNo tries it again with lunatics like Marcotte!
C’mon, that can’t be Malkin. This actress has tits. And seems sane, by comparison.
>>the female Ann Coulter
You mean big tits and sanity are correlated? I miss my Einstein!
shut up Karen.
How is Marcotte, a great writer who has ‘threatened’ nobody, in any way like Frisch?
Perhaps you should learn how to spell, right after you polish those critical thinking skills.
I think Eric B has hit upon a plan! Someone needs to do a parody of Malkin doing a parody of Amanda. Oh, it would be meta-meta, and post-post modern.
If the parody of Michelle used excerpts of Alexander Pope’s Dunciad, would it officially hit meta-meta-meta status? Or is that still just meta-meta? What if it was excerpts of Shakespeare, and the CENSORED bleep was used for everything that Bowlder cut out? Or, just for shits and giggles, it could use the text of the Jubilate Agno, whose author really was completely off his rocker insane.
And if all those get to meta-meta-meta, where would Ginsberg’s Howl put us?
Just asking.
Dammit! Comments getting snarfed up again!
Probably due to my use of the quote tags. Hope I didn’t bork the site … well, anymore than it is usually borked.
Karen Schell embarrasses herself yet again by insisting anyone here ever supported Deb Frisch. And equating Marcotte with Frisch is disgusting. Fuck off, you brainless twit.
Kevin Hayden, I hate you.
Because of you, I watched the whole thing, looking for teh boobies, and NO BOOBIES DAMN YOU.
I turned the sound off, of course. I’m not suicidal.
Oh, and I feel really weird about this, but I really want to see Dinosaur The Editors read Selected Malkin now.
Grampaw, when the Utube reaches 25 seconds left, she raises her arms…. granted, they may be all-cotton & underwire, but it’s the first time I ever realized Malkin was trying to present herself as a woman instead of a gender-neutral billyclub used by Cheney for his anal-borgasms.
Well, you’re not gonna like this. Neither do I.
Malkin won. Their complaints and Catholic League fascist Donahue and even Hot Air Theater got Edwards to back down and fire Marcotte & co., if reports are to be believed.
Guess Edwards still thinks that caving in to lunatic right wing bigots somehow is going to help him get the far right vote.
If that was really the worst they could pull out of Amanda’s writings… wow. Amanda must… be… stopped? I dunno, I’m going to get a burger.
Don’t cave so quickly, El Cid. You’ll be mistaken for Karen.
I just watched that. The whole time I thought it was an actress portraying Michelle. Reading the comments, I have been enlightened. In this enlightend state I ponder viewing the video again.
You see,…
As an actress portraying Michelle I thought there were some funny bits. I also found parts of it way over the top and the “actress” had pushed it too hard.
Except now I know its not an actress.
Do I dare take a second look?
Because you see,…
Who hasn’t shouted at the screen?
Turn the sound ALL THE WAY UP? There is no way in fucking hell that I will ever even turn the sound ON when watching Ms. Rabid Shithead. It’s all I can do to make it through about a minute of just watching the Malkin vids that you’ve had here. Atlas Pam gets the same treatment.
I’m just glad that we have S’N to watch so we can only if we choose to.
Now that I know that is not a person pretending how Michelle acts when she is angry but is actually Michelle projecting how she thinks angry people act, I find her a pathetic thing.
Why are her loved ones allowing her to humiliate herself like this?
Why are her loved ones allowing her to humiliate herself like this?
What makes you think anyone loves her?
Michelle is a one speed lawnmower; it’s all full-speed, total rage all the time, or off.
You can see how she can’t grasp the range of emotional responses represented in Amanda’s writing. She just automatically figures that it must match her own.
Actually, I made it through 2 minutes of that.
Ok fine then.
Why is her camera operator allowing her to humiliate herself like that?
Did something happen in Iraq?o
I’d really love it if she read some Rude Pundit posts. Yet another reason to draft George Carlin for pres in 08. Rude Pundit as official blogger.
“Where do they teach you to talk like this? In some Panama City ‘Sailor wanna hump-hump’ bar, or is it getaway day and your last shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.”
Female Ann Coulter. hahaha.
What’s the difference between Santa Claus, Jamil Hussein and firebombed mosques?
Santa Claus doesn’t exist.
“but it’s the first time I ever realized Malkin was trying to present herself as a woman instead of a gender-neutral billyclub used by Cheney for his anal-borgasms.”
That was f***ing sweet…
(I self edited as to not offend certain sensible, sensative individuals who might visit)
(I really need to use preview)
I realize a year has gone by….but…what WAS that?
Michelle Malkin likes Edwards, does she? And considers beelzebush a Nazi? And she’s a soldier in the fight for the right to partay without having to get pregnant every time? NEWS to ME!
At the Museum of What Possible Sense Does This Make to Anyone On Planet Earth, the above video is surely the most PROMINENT display as you walk in the door.
(What I’m looking for is a clue as to why there are no photos ANYWHERE of Jesse Malkin…whose head once exploded over a college newspaper photographer’s attempting to snap his pic for a yearbook…and that SOMEHOW led me here.)
But the website itself IS aptly named:
“Sadly, no.”