Fishing in Shallow Waters Dept.

Poking around YouTube’s comment threads yields what may be the most devastating criticism of all time:

annikathompson7 (17 hours ago): Michelle, you could learn a thing or two about comic timing and charisma from Julia Gorin…oh, wait, charisma is something you have to be born with. While I enjoy your books and columns, you should not be on the screen. Bad, very bad.

Jesus. That’s like being told you could learn a thing or two about pleasuring a woman from Ben Shapiro.

Just devastating. I don’t know whether to laugh or puke up my soul.


Comments: 11


More like learning how to pleasure a woman from Elmo.

Christ in fuck, did she cut her hair AGAIN?! What, does she go on a Flowbee binge when she feels depressed?
I see Bush and Reagan mugs, I can’t tell who’s on the third one, but no doubt some other macho man’s man like Marion Morrison.

Incontinentia Buttocks

Well, Michelle Malkin can take some comfort from the fact that anyone who enjoys her books and columns is probably not really worth listening to.


I don’t know whether to laugh or puke up my soul.

Lately, both seem appropriate for most situations.


More like learning how to pleasure a woman from Elmo.

You elmo-leftists are missing the point.

doghousepiiman (8 hours ago)
You emo-leftists are really missing the point here. The point is that Edwards has hired a “woman” who is not only handicapped by a sparse vocabulary, but who wouldn’t know meaningful, insightful analysis or commentary if it were wound around here jiggling body. As is so common in the rainbows and unicorns world of the emo-left, she seems completely at home in the world of bumper sticker politics, though, so I guess she fits in nicely with Nancy-boy Edwards’ team.


I’d say better to laugh. I want Julia Gorin to get more popular. I want her to end up having the worst sitcom ever made, on Fox, for 2-3 weeks in july. I want her to make it impossible for conservative comics to have a career for decades to come.
Now, there’s the scifi monster angle to consider. This beast might grow out of control by some freak chance, and she might end up some kind of conservative Opra…… oh, wait. That’d require some form of talent.
Cheer with her fans, they’re doing the Lord’s work, though they don’t know it.


Even Shorter Gnome Guy


Nice find, tm…

[Marcotte] wouldn’t know meaningful, insightful analysis or commentary if it were wound around here[sic] jiggling body.

Jiggling, eh? Now *that’s* meaningful and insightful commentary.

As is so common in the rainbows and unicorns world of the emo-left she seems completely at home in the world of bumper sticker politics

Betcha he has the marvelously insightful “rainbow and unicorn emo-left” on a bumper sticker…

so I guess she fits in nicely with Nancy-boy Edwards’ team.

“Honk if Edwards is too faggy for you!”

Of course, it’s possible I’m thoroughly mistaken, and all that was marvelously meaningful and insightful. I guess I’m just too jiggly to appreciate the finer points of logic, being a “woman” and all.


Michelle Malkin may look down on Marcotte, but that woman got her to say “Fuck Bush” several times on video. Go Amanda!


Never again. Two salvos of Malkin in the past hour — my first and last. Fuck all y’all for bringing that into my world. *shudder*


Short Michelle Malkin: Teacher! ‘Manda said a bad word!


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