The Worst Piece Of Shit We Have Ever Seen

This won’t stand.


Comments: 250


Didn’t Michelle Malkin write that bullshit book?


That was just fucking awful, 1/3 of the way through I’m fucking gouging my motherfucking eyes out and letting out a high pitched scream to try and drown out the sound. I can’t reach the keyboard, my hands are too busy at my eyes, I am hoping if I just flail around with my feet it will knock the plug out. Cheerist she really is just a fucking skanky bitch that Malkin. NEVER AGAIN ! I am letting someone else go first from now on.


If you didn’t know who Malkin was (and I’ve only made it through about 1/2 the video), she just seems like she’s reading some sensible blog comments at a slam poetry reading.

If Malkin would be willing to do podcasts of herself reading (just reading) my favorite liberal blogs, I’d subscribe. That way I could listen to Digby or someone while on the road.


Well, at least we don’t have to worry about her getting work as an actress.


And, having freeze-framed the extreme closeup of Malkin’s ‘o’ shaped lips, a thousand morbidly obese wingnuts ejaculated all over their keyboards.


What a very small person she is.

On the other hand, I had no idea how good a writer Amanda Marcotte was.


I can’t even begin to elucidate how I feel about this.


On the other hand, I had no idea how good a writer Amanda Marcotte was.

Then I shall mock you mercilessly for your ignorance of such a fine writer.

[Well, if “neener, neener” qualifies as merciless mocking.]


That was just fucking awful, 1/3 of the way through I’m fucking gouging my motherfucking eyes out and letting out a high pitched scream to try and drown out the sound. I can’t reach the keyboard, my hands are too busy at my eyes, I am hoping if I just flail around with my feet it will knock the plug out.

Obviously you didn’t stay for the delightful outtakes at the end or you wouldn’t feel that way.


I like the Mao hat. Nice touch.

I wonder what Malkin’s stuff would be like read aloud by a middle-aged guy with the general body shape of Dick Cheney, naked, in a bath?


This will not stand, eh Gav? Hokay, I’m thinking that means we need a suitably unhinged moonbat to appear in a Sadly, vlog to counter these pernicious accusations of…of what, exactly? Amanda says dirty words? Does that disqualify her from working for Edwards? But certainly she could, if she wanted to, work for Dick (Go fuck yourself!) Cheney, right? Once again, Right Blogistan has raised an issue without providing a narative. And once again, I don’t get what they are upset about.

But I do like the idea of a Sadly, No vlog hosted by a hot babe. Surely none of the proprieters want to uncloak in that fashion, but maybe there’s a young lady in boston who could help? Perhaps by reading selected quotes from Ace of Retards and AssRocket ™?


Incontinentia Buttocks

I wonder what Malkin’s stuff would be like read aloud by a middle-aged guy with the general body shape of Dick Cheney, naked, in a bath?

It would be a rough approximation of one of Eva Braun’s typical evenings in the Reichskanzlerei c. 1943.


I’ll pay her airfare if she goes down to the Ninth Ward and repeats the performance of the Katrina post. Seventeen months later and nothing’s changed. I’m sure they’d love to see Malkin mock that up close.


I think what we have here is Bizarro version of political mockery, or a photo-negative that hasn’t been used to print the positive.

Usually in something like this, the performer is attractive and cool, and the text he or she reads verbatim is ludicrous on its face. That’s what makes it funny, when it is funny.

Here we have the opposite: a truly repellent “performer” reading stuff that is perfectly okay and at times fairly sharp.

Even *she* lost track of when the text was worth making fun of, and when it was just sort of unobjectionable. Sometimes, alas, no matter how much you screw up your face and make a piggy nose, what you’re reading remains sensible and pertinent.

This must be how they felt at the debut of The Rite of Spring. The context looked correct but everything else was drastically “wrong.”

And, to cap it, of course, the endearing “out-take” at the end. Because MM’s audience can’t get enough of her.


Oh, shit. That was…something else. That performance is going to come back to haunt Malkin.

Atlas Pam is better.


Oh, no! Thanks to Amanda, Michelle Malkin and her acolytes will never vote for John Edwards!

Such a tragedy, I hope she’s pleased with herself.


Malkin really is at the intellectual and emotional level of a teenager at best. This is just pitiful.

The only thing that depresses me is that she’s making a killing putting out this crap while I sit here and work (reading SN! counts as work, right?) for a fraction of what she earns.


Speaking of teh shrieking harpy….Did somebody say ‘bimbo eruption’?

Is Atlas Pam really better?

It depends on what you mean!

Warning…long vlog, with sound effects by Pammy.


The Katrina post is actually one of my favorite pieces from Pandagon; it perfectly verbalized the outrage that so many of us felt about N.O., and the official inaction that mocked the suffering of thousands.

I’m not sure what the Malkin thing is trying to do here, except bring Amanda’s style and talent to the attention of a wider audience.


I see Teh Malkin-Thing has been taking ‘Acting for Television’ lessons from Pam ‘Atlas Bugged Out.’

I fear that The Worst Piece of Shit We Have Ever Seen is too limiting, Gavin.

The Worst Piece of Shit Anyone Has Ever Seen is, perhaps, more technically accurate.

These people are playing with fire, and they have no firepower. I think Amanda Marcotte and the lefty blogosphere in general have been remarkably good natured and patient about this, so far.

I am currently in a great deal of pain, and thus, ill-tempered enough (some would say that I always am) to participate in a lovely, vicious, no-holds-barred slapfest, if these people are stupid enough to keep this shit up.

This is obviously how the wingnuts plan to distract their remaining followers from their AP debacle. Because the best way to deflect criticism that one has made a fool of oneself is to…make a bigger fool of oneself! Brilliant!

Can’t wait to read Patterico’s ‘reasonable’ response to this little bout of personal attack and character assassination.


No, THIS is the worst piece of shit I’ve ever seen. Michelle Malkin and Julia Gorin should duke it out.


I’ve got it. Strip in a new audio track with a new VO — maybe a selection from “Mein Kampf” — sped up to give it that Alvin & the Chipmunks sound…that’d be kind of surreal.


Huh, she needs to retake those acting classes. She could be reading Shakespeare and it would make people poke their eardrums out with a pencil rather than hear another word.


Some birds outside my house just fell out of the air when I viewed this.


It’s got nothing on the war of the words.


I still don’t get it. So they expect edwards to cave and fire marcotte. holy crap what losers


i get the feeling Malkin’s going to, very soon, regret ever doing that.


Ha, ha.

You know what would be really funny?

If some over-privileged angy white bigot got an impressionable, earnest, dishonest and angry Filipina to read out loud his ignorant rants for the web.

Oh, wait, never mind, it’s been done already.


What a jealous wIngnut welfare queen she is. Heaven forbid that someone receive a political job where the checks aren’t signed by a Scaife.

Charles Giacometti

Try watching it without the sound on. She looks certifiable–like some word amalgam of a Pug and Mussolini. I expected her to burst into flames at some point.


Malkin can’t read. She’s being prompted by the earpiece hidden by her piggy tails.

Does anyone listen to a girl in piggy tails?


Come on, Amanda, you have to admit she memorized this somewhat difficult prose quite well. I like it this way even better than in written form. And those sound effects are HONK!ing hillarious! Imho crazy Michelle (pardon me, isn’t that french?) should recite all your postings!
And this way, she wouldn’t have much time left to post crap at ehr won blog, too… 🙂


The fact is, Amanda Marcotte is not very civil and uses gutter language, this reflects badly on John Edwards, already not in highregard for being a rich trial lawyer.


Not shown: The cameraman diving out the kitchen window as Jesse pulls in the driveway…


So Malkin is mocking Amanda Marcotte for being wrong about the Duke rape case? Malkin is wrong on a weekly basis. Remember the “OU bombing” case? Lite brites in Boston? All the unfairly handcuffed Marines who later pleaded guilty to murder? Lunatics in glass houses who are never right shouldn’t cast stones at someone who was wrong ONCE.


“Malkin can’t read. She’s being prompted by the earpiece hidden by her piggy tails.”

Ok, I didn’t think of this trick…


Also, I demand a S, N! remix. Ideally of a dog barking La Maglalang’s blog posts.



I made it through 15 whole seconds of that.

She misses the mark. Andy Kauffman was more enraging, even when you knew it was a gag.


I’m pretty sure I’ll be having nightmares for some time remembering those closeups of Malkin’s mouth. You should have warned me.

BTW Given the wit and writing skills of Amanda, “I pity the fool,” as the erudite Mr. T might have put it, for those picking fights with her. Alas, Malkin does not rise to the level of a fool.

This will be delicious.


That was jesse malkin, right?


I like the rhythm of Amanda’s text. I never noticed that when I simply read it.


So they expect edwards to cave and fire marcotte. holy crap what losers

ding fucking ding.

And remember, they’re not going to shut the fuck up about it until they are made to shut the fuck up.

‘Ramil Hussein! Raggy! Raggy!’

Terry C, Pelosi Fan

The Rabid Pekingese… hate her LONNNNNNNNGGGGG time!


Go eat your fucking cheetos ruppert.

And don’t forget to comment on her shitty performance on you tube


is this what passes for wingnut humor?


of course what’s worse than saying all those thing pandagon did? impersonating it!

Terry C, Pelosi Fan

Gary Ruppert said,

February 6, 2007 at 3:23

The fact is, Amanda Marcotte is not very civil and uses gutter language, this reflects badly on John Edwards, already not in highregard for being a rich trial lawyer.

Oh, I see Gary the Retard is weighing in with his usual bizarro view of the world.

Fuck off, Gary! How’s that for gutter language?


Those outtakes at the end were more than just an attempt to make MM endearing, (like having a normal slice of toast and then someone offering to put shit on it), she was making a statement to the audience that she was so much better than Amanda because she couldn’t even force the actual words past her own lips.

These weren’t outtakes people, they were always meant to be in the video.


Imagine what it’s like living with this miserable wretch for even one day. Yikes.

Whoever married this Fang Store is a luuuuuucky guy!

Is there any doubt this is what she’s like away from the Fox cameras?


I only lasted 10 seconds. Dear God, I’ll never get those 10 seconds of my life back! NEVER!


Malkin’s column: American troops in shackles

Boo freakin hoo, Michelle: Marine pleads guilty in death of Iraqi

And she’s calling out another blogger for being inaccurate?


Malkin can’t even pronounce New Orleans properly.

Think she gives a shit about the city whose name she can’t pronounce?


“Whoever married this Fang Store is a luuuuuucky guy!”

Hehehehe the lucky fella!


Michelle ought to look into performing dinner theater for bulimics.


Gary Ruppert said,
February 6, 2007 at 3:23

The fact is, Amanda Marcotte is not very civil and uses gutter language, this reflects badly on John Edwards, already not in highregard for being a rich trial lawyer.

Wow … that is actually very close to the real, actual Gary Ruppert verbiage and cadence.

Amazing what borgs can do these days ….


She looks certifiable–like some word amalgam of a Pug and Mussolini.

Shit, at least Mussolini’s gestures were funny.

And fake Gary alert, by the way.


You know last week some fools a t-bogg were saying this skank is hot. Looking at her makes me want to hurl.


Dayum. That bitch ain’t right in the head.


Why must liberals always be about Bush hatred and bias against freedom?


Has Malkin ever met Pamela Oshry? Atlas Boobed looks like a freakin’ retard when she reads her OWN stuff.


If you didn’t know who Malkin was (and I’ve only made it through about 1/2 the video), she just seems like she’s reading some sensible blog comments at a slam poetry reading.

So good


Atrios made this page load slow. Phd or no. Doh!


John Edwards, already not in highregard for being a rich trial lawyer.

Yeah. Among other cases, that little girl who lost her intestines to that hot tub drain was totally asking for it.


Wait a minute! I thought Google was in a conspiracy to keep Malkin off of YouTube!


Wow, I’ve never seen a comment thread on Sadly, No! populate this quickly.

Re: Gary Ruppert

?modeerf tsniaga saib dna dertah hsuB tuoba eb syawla slarebil tsum yhW

The only true way to get rid of a Gary Ruppert is to type his sentences backward.


I made a game out if it. Keep alternating between play and pause to see the most ridiculous face you can find. It was actually somewhat entertaining.


What’s up with the pigtails and jaunty cap? What is she 5?

Is it some mocking effort at an “artsy” look for her Theatre Piece? or does she mean it and she actually think she looks cute?


California liberals are trying to stifle conservative speech on YouTube. Not fair.


Ok, Gary, yer crackin me up. “highregard”, eh? What is that, Beauregard’s brother? Highregard Edwards III? Urine idiot…



She’s so … you know, urban.


On the plus side, I got a good screenshot of the exact moment when my bowels ruptured, producing roughly the same expression that Malkin has.


I continue to be impressed with the triviality of the right wing blogosphere. This is the best use of their time and energy – making a big fuss about some things that a newly-hired aide of a longshot presidential campaign once said? That she had an opinion about the Duke rape case that was later undone by emerging facts? It’s like the Jamilgate farrago, where all that effort and all those words were expended on proving that the AP had improperly sourced one of their reports (which it hadn’t, and what difference would it have made if it had?).

Meanwhile, Kos gets his phone calls returned by Harry Reid and Howard Dean, the FDL crew provides by-the-minute coverage of the Libby trial, Bowers and Stoller at MyDD drive Democrats in safe districts to cough up millions of dollars from their campaign war chest to support close races, and ActBlue will probably raise and funnel more money in 2008 than any other single organization or donor.

I know why they’re doing this – kick up enough dirt and it looks like smoke, people who aren’t paying close attention will assume there’s a fire there somewhere, and somewhere down the road press coverage of Edwards will mention his “controversial” staff, or how he may be a little too close to the “angry, deranged” leftblogosphere which will hurt him in reaching out to Ma and Pa Nascar. But it’s still amazing that all their propaganda machinery is focussed on such a small* target, and for such a tepid controversy. All that Scaife money and all those zombie supporters and all that wingnut welfare and all that talk about armies of Davids, and this is the best they can do? Liberals are bootstrapping their own media infrastructure, nine-figure fundraising engine, and power base on top of the blogosphere, and conservatives…make a homemade YouTube videos about how someone’s webmaster was wrong about something once – and used nasty language!

* Small in terms of overall political salience, not talent.


dude, that bitch is just fucked up.
totally. fucked. up.


On the positive side, that video is a gold mine of crazed Malkin facial expressions that can be used to illustrate future posts.


Let’s have a contest. Who can come up with the best screen capture of malkin.


In case you wondering what happens when she removes the hat.


Enought said about the left tilt of Youtube.

The rube says, on a thread with a YouTube vid of Malkin right at the top.

Gotta be a parody.


So let me see if i get what Michelle Malkin seems to be implying.

1) You should not be running John Edwards’ blog if you have ever used the word “f**k”.

But it is perfectly fine for Vice President Dick Cheney to tell a member of congress to, “Go f**k yourself.”

Got it 🙂

It is also OK for President George W. Bush to call people “assholes” when his mic is accidentaly left on.

Right you are 🙂

2. Because Michelle Malkin could find a few blog posts that were rants, it means that there could not be many other posts by the same author that were humorous and insightful.

Oh absolutely. And if we find a video of a few missed baskets by Michael Jordan, it means he must be a bad basketball player. Because you know, when you hand pick your examples, trying to create a certain slant, your examples are of course representative of the person as a whole. Got it! 🙂

3. When the opposition reads words you have written, they will of course deliver the words exactly as you meant them, without trying to deliberately sneer or say things extra loud to make you sound bad.

Of course. We all realize this. 🙂

Thank you Michelle Malkin. Your points are as incontravertible as your points on iraqi’s that you say do not exist (but of course do exist), or George W. Bush being a good President, or the Iraqi war being a good idea, etc., etc., etc. 🙂

Steven Joseph 🙂


Meanwhile, Malkin quite calmly and politely discusses the advantages of interring Japanese-American citizens in concentration camps during WWII.

At least she never says “fuck” while she does so. That would be barbaric.

BTW, has anyone ever taken a look at the possible motivation that a Fillipina might have for arguing that interring people of Japanese descent was a good idea?


That was bad.

And I don’t just mean in a “those guys are a bunch of goat-humping shitweasels” kind of way, either. I mean, that was actually really *bad*.


That cunt should have stayed in her Quezon City whorehouse.


Where the fuck is that sanctimonious schmuck Bradley J. Fikes? Motherfucker would own this thread.

Jillianz on her kneez

At least she never says “fuck� while she does so. That would be barbaric.

Not only that, it would require one of those sticker, like on my hip hop jams. That always boosts sales among the kidz and gangsta wannabeez.

BTW, has anyone ever taken a look at the possible motivation that a Fillipina might have for arguing that interring people of Japanese descent was a good idea?

Hmmmm? Did we know about that at the time? I wonder why we didn’t intern the white German and Italians.


You are merely envious of the enfluence we weild, and our progress in exposing the liberal media death machine in the fight for freedom. You have no facts, only bias.


Wow, the trolls are out in full force, aren’t they?

Who are you, and why are you using that sort of language around here? Because we don’t put up with it, motherfucker.


“That cunt should have stayed in her Quezon City whorehouse. ”

This is what liberals call civil discourse. No wonder nobody takes them seriously, especially when they talk of tolerance, openmindedness, and niceness.

Jillianz on her kneez

Amanda Marcotte for fuckin’ preznit! Godammit!


Didn’t her mouth in close up resemble a little asshole?

Jillianz on her kneez

“That cunt should have stayed in her Quezon City whorehouse. �

This is what liberals call civil discourse. No wonder nobody takes them seriously, especially when they talk of tolerance, openmindedness, and niceness.

That’s not discourse. That’s just an opinion. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, or don’t you believe in tolerance, openmindedness a good $2.00 hoochie mama? What’s not niceness about that? Don’t you love the free market and free enterprise?

Jillianz on her kneez

Didn’t her mouth in close up resemble a big asshole?

fixed yer typo.


You are merely envious of the enfluence we weild, and our progress in exposing the liberal media death machine in the fight for freedom. You have no facts, only bias.

Yeah, you guys obviously “weilded” a lot of “enfluence” in that last election, the one in which the Democrats stuck their foot in your party’s collective ass. You’re finished, fuckers. Dustbin of history? Yep.


I don’t really like pie all that much.


This is what liberals call civil discourse.

You’re a parody troll aren’t you?

No one would call this civil discourse. It was a deliberate insult aimed at a vile excuse for a human being.


This is what liberals call civil discourse. No wonder nobody takes them seriously, especially when they talk of tolerance, openmindedness, and niceness.

Hey, she defended putting Americans with the wrong ancestors in concentration camps. FUCK HER. If you think liberal “tolerance and open-mindedness” requires us to accept racist assholes you’re sorely fucking mistaken, guy.


Jeez. She’s just trashy. And these clips of her are so damn mediocre. They look like something a high school kid put together. And she seriously needs to work on wardrobe if she wants to be taken seriously. She looks like she’s trying to do the whol gangsta rap or something. But it’s so fake. You know, like rich white kids from the burbs trying to look all bad and everything. (p.s. – No offense to high school kids).


Some — but not all — liberals are pretty fucking stupid. Just look at the comment sections at Kos. Mindless sheep. Their entire goal in life is to be a member of a club. That way, they never have to think.


Gary Ruppert said,

February 6, 2007 at 3:50

California liberals are trying to stifle conservative speech on YouTube. Not fair.

Who needs evidence when you have a pretty girl to read the lies?

Where have I seen this before?


Again, I emphasize that just watching it without knowing who Malkin is and what you’re supposed to be thinking, you’re just listening to some interesting commentary with odd emphasis.

The goal was to dress her up as someone’s stereotype of a self-serious liberal feminist lefty ranter, but the well-dressed slam poetry type.

The funny part is that it shows how the far right inhabits a certain universe in which arguments just aren’t necessary; her accidental compliments to the good writing won’t be noticed by the minions, who know automatically what thoughts are permissible and which views are to be seen as automatically ridiculous.

Picture, instead, an angry but fairly intelligent teen-ager forced by the teacher to read a selection of Shakespeare, or a speech by Abraham Lincoln at the front of the class. Not because the text by the Pandagon blogger is the equivalent of Shakespeare or Lincoln, but because the text to be read is understood by the class and the teacher to be sensible and even admirable.

But the young student forced against her will to the front of the classroom rebels in the only way she can without getting in trouble directly: she over-emphasizes the wrong words, she rolls her eyes, she over-dramatizes. Oh, goodness, will she make teacher pay for making her put down her doodles and expose her to potential embarrassment.

Some of the students watching this spectacle either are her close friends who guffaw at how the young rebel showed the snotty old fart teacher who made her read something out loud — so, so uncool — while the rest of the students watch an attention-hogging twit thinking she’s a brave rebel and in no way damaging the text from which she reads.


I wonder what Malkin’s stuff would be like read aloud by a middle-aged guy with the general body shape of Dick Cheney, naked, in a bath?
Look, I’m willing to take one for the team and do my best naked Cheney impersonation, but does anyone know how I would get that taste out of my mouth afterward?


John Edwards is a putz. He advocates the use of nuclear weapons.


Some — but not all — liberals are pretty fucking stupid. Just look at the comment sections at Kos. Mindless sheep. Their entire goal in life is to be a member of a club. That way, they never have to think.

Megadittos, Rush. Megadittos.


I denounce all the assholes that are going after Malkin for being a woman. Her actions are more than odious, we don’t need the usual sexist shit.

People that talk about her “fuckability”/”skankness”/”Quezon whorehouse” can go to hell, and are obvious trolls. We can’t let that shit stand either. Come on, people.

Dick Cheney, in a bath

Why is she panting?

Innocent Bystander

I watched it with the audio off. All I could think of was how Michelle looks like a HS kid reading an essay on her summer project – “Fly Dancing: How I Taught a Common Fly to Dance Right by Pulling Its Left Wing Off.”


It’s only going to get worse. That’s all folks like Malkin know how to do: get nastier as their political positions get increasingly undercut.


That’s it? Four wasted days in Iraq and now she’s reduced to taking potshots at a bureaucrat in a presidential campaign? Talk about your big issues.


I denounce all the assholes that are going after Malkin for being a woman. Her actions are more than odious, we don’t need the usual sexist shit.

People that talk about her “fuckability�/�skankness�/�Quezon whorehouse� can go to hell, and are obvious trolls. We can’t let that shit stand either. Come on, people.

Agreed. Stop that shit now. Malkin’s attacks, as ugly as they are, don’t warrant that kind of response.


I thought Amanda’s post expressed the feelings after Katrina quite eloquently.

Sometimes, all you have is bad language.

And as has been pointed out plenty of times, the Right (but never right) wing certainly doesn’t shy away from curses when they feel like the mikes are off.

I guess the difference is that us liberals don’t mind letting people think that we use expletives on a daily basis, and actually are able to integrate them into dialogue effectively.

Up yours, Gary.

Smiling Mortician

I’m more than a bit intrigued by the notion that the Edwards campaign has hired Amanda, knowing full well what her blogging track record is. Wouldn’t it be cool if the next round of presidential primaries involved some candidates who acknowledged that people say (and, for that matter, actually do) fuck? And who refused to be defensive about it? Who actually told the pearl-clutchers to focus on something real? That would be nice.

Oh, and the inbred racist moron guy is really boring.

Innocent Bystander

“You are merely envious of the enfluence we weild, and our progress in exposing the liberal media death machine in the fight for freedom. You have no facts, only bias.”

I think your projection script is broken Gary….

res ipsa loquitur

Wow. Her nostrils really flare when she’s angry. Bet she’s spitting, too.


Ok seriously – she’s like a little kid having a temper tantrum when she doesn’t get any attention. This thing can only be described as bizarre. I have never liked Malkin but lately, she has really just gotten like Jerry-Springer-Show kind of trashie. No wonder no one takes her seriously but the wingnuts.


When she was on the Buffalo Beast’s “most loathsome” list a couple of years ago, they described her as a case study in “racial Stockholm syndrome.” From the portion of this that I was able to get through, I’d say it’s still in full force.


Careful, Pinko. You’re right, but trust me, bay bee. Bring a chair and a whip anyway…



My suggestion for a reply would be for a vlog where Amanda reads particularly stupid Malkin bits with unnecessary, frequent, and excessively vulgar profanities inserted. George Carlin has a list of dirty words on his website as a resource.

Smiling Mortician

I’m with you, Pinko. No need for whips on my account.

Seriously, the distasteful ad hominem (ad feminam?) attacks are beneath us. Granted they’re floated here primarily by trolls trying to create an image of dirty, uncivil hippies — but the occasional ugliness does reveal itself in the angry rant of a non-troll.

The high road doesn’t have to be the path of the wimp, all congressional evidence to the contrary.


Wow. They’re so scared of John Edwards they can’t even act remotely cool about it.

I agree with the earlier commenter who thought the Mao hat was a nice touch.


What Pinko Punko said. Really, it’s fucking beneath. It’s Malkin-beneath.

Malkin’s internment book was her try-out for the upper echelon of wingnuttia. She failed, and is reduced to Regnery hackjobs, a crappy website and picking blogfights.

bleat my little emoter bleat

That reminds me, isn’t it about time for Acting American Idol?


Mr. Wonderful:

This must be how they felt at the debut of The Rite of Spring. The context looked correct but everything else was drastically “wrong.�

That was…beautiful. I don’t see a lot of Stravinsky refs in the blog world and that one….well…I teared up.

Thanks for that. And you know what? After seeing just 5 seconds of that Malkin bit, I really kind of have a feeling why the audience that night rioted…

btw–how did you all get the preview button? I’m looking for one for World O Crap…


Bottom line is that John Edwards will not say he would not drop nuclear bombs on Iran if elected President.

The atmosphere and dialogue in which we decide who will be President has become so stupid and shallow and moronic and vile that a fundamental issue like:

Will you use nuclear weapons or not?

Is somehow considered superfluous, forgettable and unimportant.

While I’m sure she’s a nice person, Ms. Marcotte is working for a guy who thinks he needs to “talk tough” — and that means never ever saying there are limitations upon when he, as President, would drop a nuke on some poor brown kids’ ass.

Let’s talk about that.



Damn you for making me watch that. I need to go and pour a gallon of bleach into my eyes and ears so that I will never again be subject to such insanity ever again.

Then again, I survived Pammy, so maybe I’ll make a full recovery after a few nights of screaming.


nice going guys. you got the coveted “wallcot link”.



Some — but not all — liberals are pretty fucking stupid. Just look at the comment sections at Kos. Mindless sheep. Their entire goal in life is to be a member of a club. That way, they never have to think.

True enough. But more – but not all – conservatives are pretty fucking stupid. Liberality is correlated with education.


Of course, the Marcotte paragraphs Malkin chose to highlight were a bit kooky to be honest. But the apparant intent of Malkin’s attack isn’t to portray Marcotte as kooky or looney, it’s too portray her as “excessively shrill” intemperant, caring too much & then pretending not to be the raving shrill moonbat Malkin just knows that she is.


Ah, could Michelle be preparing to do an Ariana Huffington? That is, leaping from the wacko right to the left now that the winds of change are turning?


For want of a tag, the context was lost! Loose tags sink ships, people!

And yes, this thread has had some incredibly stupid trolls on it The sad thing is that I can all but guarantee you that the offensively misogynistic stuff said by said trolls will end up getting quoted on some right-wing site as “evidence of the hypocrisy of the left” or something. Feel free to quote this post when that happens.

And yeah, I also disavow anybody who makes sexist slurs against Malkin, as well. And just to show my uncivil leftie street cred, I also call anyone who does that an asshole.


“That cunt should have stayed in her Quezon City whorehouse. �

This is what liberals call civil discourse. No wonder nobody takes them seriously, especially when they talk of tolerance, openmindedness, and niceness.

Nice try Gary. Of course it is not a little revealing that the offending commenter ‘maldoror’ does not seem to exist except in the unique event where an offensive post is made a few minutes before your riposte.

Your search – maldoror – did not match any documents.

So you seem to have combined the virtues of Trollness and Tockpuppetry in one thread. Is there a proper term for this type of low-rent false flag operation?


Malkin’s delivery is excrable but face it, Amanda’s writing is just total crap. She only delivers the trite verities of the Mindless Wing of the Left, never any real analysis nor insight, just raw meat for the EfBushCheney crowd. She is no more than a Bizarro Malkin.
Could Malkin do Greenwald or Yglesias as she has Amanda? Of course not. And there is the problem. Now toss in her sad attempts to rewrite herstory by cleansing Pandagon archives and voila! Edwards has just invited trouble. Soon he will have to field questions about his dubious choice of Amanda to run his blog. And then Amanda must either jump or get pushed. Kharma for the viscious stupidity of her Duke remarks and worse reaction to the perfectly appropriate criticism she elicited. How delicious that she is to be hoisted on her very own petard!


Her performance reminds me of a “performance” put on by the Little Rascals. Next up, Alfalfa crooning “When I’m Calling You.”


While I don’t agree with everything Ms. Malcotte said, as a native of New Orleans I thought her remarks pretty close to 100% accurate about my old home town. Most of the Bush supporters I know are not entirely comfortable with places like San Francisco, New Orleans and New York, for all the reasons Amanda cites. Surely we have not forgotten some of the deeply awful things a few of the Religious Right said about 9/11 being God’s revenge on the evil liberals who didn’t want to lynch gay people? If the three cities I mentioned suddenly were wiped off the map, more than a few on the right would be quietly jubilant, maybe not so quietly. If there’s anything the intolerant can’t stand, it’s tolerance; if there’s anything hateful to the crazier members of the right, it’s personal freedom.


[T]his reflects badly on John Edwards, already not in highregard [sic] for being a rich trial lawyer.

Class warfare! Class warfare!


Hey, from the looks of that video, that Amanda chick is a hottie!

What’s all the fuss?


Er, like, what’s the problem here? All of this makes perfect sense to me.

Maybe we can hope that if Michelle keeps reading this stuff, it will sink in and she will learn a thing or too. Meanwhile, let’s circulate it in a form that makes it appear she is really saying this stuff on her own! Let her explain about a “botched joke.”


So she’s reading Amanda’s old blog posts because Amanda is now a blog-writer for a long shot Democratic candidate?

I couldn’t make it past the one about Katrina. What did Amanda say that was so wrong? She didn’t want New Orleans Disney-fied? Shouldn’t Malkin agree with that sentiment since Disney while good ole ruthless capitalists also still let blacks and gay people into their parks?

I think Malkin is just jealous. I think Malkin should get in touch with Tancredo ~ they seem to have a lot of rascist feelings in common. Except Tancredo would probably keep telling Michelle that he’ll have her shipped off to Gitmo because of her pigment. I see a new Careerbuilder ad campaign…


What a very small person she is.

On the other hand, I had no idea how good a writer Amanda Marcotte was.

Exactly. All Malkin’s done is introduce a whole bunch of people to Pandagon.

It’s so silly: Little Lulu and her fellow travelers think they’re doing this because it will ostensibly frighten John Edwards into dropping Amanda from his blog, but in their heart of hearts it’s really all about doing something that they figure will piss off Us Evil Liberals — even if it’s self-defeating (do they REALLY want to increase Amanda’s site traffic and risk losing some of the saner members of their base?).


What Malkin and people like her don’t get is that the English language is a subtle, nuanced thing. And sometimes, the only word that captures the exact shade of meaning you’re looking for is “motherfucker.”

So what the fuck is wrong with that?


Anyone wanna bet that Malodor and “Gary Ruppert” are the same person?

Meanwhile, I think it’s hilarious that the righties are wasting so much time on such self-defeating silliness.

For one thing, all they’re doing is introducing Amanda to a whole new readership, and while most of the people who click over from Michelle’s site will be trolls, there will be a couple of folks who are reachable — and they will stop reading Michelle except for the laugh value.

For another, they have no idea of the quality of blog fu possessed by Elizabeth Edwards, John’s very sharp wife. She groks the blogs like no other high-powered pol or his/her spouse. I’ve seen her pull the bloggie equivalent of KRS-One on trolls. It’s lovely.


So she’s reading Amanda’s old blog posts because Amanda is now a blog-writer for a long shot Democratic candidate?

I couldn’t make it past the one about Katrina. What did Amanda say that was so wrong? She didn’t want New Orleans Disney-fied? Shouldn’t Malkin agree with that sentiment since Disney while good ole ruthless capitalists also still let blacks and gay people into their parks?

I think Malkin is just jealous. I think Malkin should get in touch with Tancredo ~ they seem to have a lot of racist feelings in common. Except Tancredo would probably keep telling Michelle that he’ll have her shipped off to Gitmo because of her pigment. I see a new Careerbuilder ad campaign…

The righties just don’t want to admit that this sort of thing is why they lost the freaking ’06 elections — and why they will get their asses kicked (or as Jimmy Carter said, “whupped”) even harder next year.


[…] Her nasty little video hit-piece is typical Malkin high-school bullying nastiness at it’s most infantile and childish. It sucks ass as a video too. […]


I don’t get it. Malkin’s been going on TV and doing her crappy little videos for donkey’s yearsnow,but she’s got no screen nous at all. her gestures, her voice, herweird expressions, her utter awkwardness whenever she’s put in front of a camera, it all just screams “7 year old forced into a nativity play against its will” She’s the most awkward uncharismatic person i’ve ever seen on TV (apart from Joe Lieberman). Don’t they have courses for this kind of thing? Even fucking Margaret Thatcher learned to hide her neck bolts and act half normal. Why is it so hard for this dipstick?


Let’s have a contest. Who can come up with the best screen capture of malkin.



“7 year old forced into a nativity play against its will�
Imho she looks more like a 7 year old desperately craving for attention. Obviously, she doesn’t realize that her rampant emotional personality results in exposing herself on TV as the nutcase that she is.


As a video response (on youtube) I’d like to see a loop of that clip where Bush (when he was Gov. of Tx., or running for it) flipped the bird at the camera.
(or I’ll do it if someone can tell me how to capture the video and post it )


She runs the gamut of emotion from “Why” to “ZZZ.”

Note to Amanda: Use more profanity. That way, when Michelle reads it, her voice is replaced by more euphonious sirens, klaxons, animal noises, and other relief-giving sound effects.


Y’know, it’s funny: if you mute the audio and just went by MM’s facial contortions, you’d have no diea that this was any different from a regular installment of “Hot Air”.


Help. My eyes and ears are bleeding.


That was painful…sorry, I couldn’t get through it all. Do you think she thinks these things up by her lonesome? The little girl thing is creepy also.

There is another thread around about conservative humor (we are nicer than Christ..LOL, isn’t that a bit blasphemous?) and the lack thereof. Was this an attempt at humor?

She scares an icky there’s a spider sort of way.

That was a sad and pathetic attempt at character assassination.

I like freedom by the way…but I can’t seem to equate it with far right conservatism..oh! I get it, freedom for rich, white, male heterosexuals (*ahem* hehe). Ahhh, my mistake. Although I’m still trying to figure out how hatred and bigotry and fear lead to freedom. Guess I should shake my silly liberal head and get it right. The connection is there somewhere…


Sweet! How fast can we re edit this and put her own words [malkins] in her crazy looking mouth? This really shows just how unhinged Malkin is. would be great to hear all her craziness about Iraq coming out of those images.


Oh gods, watching it with the sound on gave me a headache. And her mouth does look like an anus with teeth in closeup, which is enough to make me hurl.


Gary Ruppert said,

February 6, 2007 at 4:11

“That cunt should have stayed in her Quezon City whorehouse. �

This is what liberals call civil discourse. No wonder nobody takes them seriously, especially when they talk of tolerance, openmindedness, and niceness.

Oh, shut up, Gary. You (or one of your fellow wingnut trolls) probably stuck that comment in there yourself. You assholes do it all the time to try to discredit lefty blogs, but the only ones stupid enough to fall for it are other assholes like you.

We’re perfectly capable of saying heinously outrageous and incredibly offensive things here, but we don’t need to be sexist and/or racist to do so. Only you wingnut morons need to do that.

Besides, we all know the Malkin-Thing was born in the USA. She is an ‘anchor baby.’

And speaking of ‘tolerance, openmindedness, and niceness,’ Gary Ruppert is a pus-sucking warthog.

See? Not even one obscenity. I can do that when I want to, but I usually don’t want to.


For anyone who got past about 20 seconds into the video – I salute you.


[…] Malkin has now reached epic levels of stupidity, recording a YouTube video in which she reads–poorly–Amanda’s New Orleans post, trying in vain to act like Marcotte is just totally divorced from reality and horribly mean because she, like, swore and stuff. […]


You know, I used to read Amanda’s posts occasionally, mainly when my regular bloggers linked to her. I guess I never realized how much she pushed wingnut buttons!

I feel terrible–I probably missed out! She must’ve been way better than I ever gave her credit for!

Sorry, Amanda!


You know, Alistar Cooke was never that screechy before. D’you think that is what being dead does for someone?


Hey! I’m posting from the future! Cool!

Humbert Dinglepencker

She needs to control her facial contortions. Did you notice that no matter where you pause her screeching, you get one of those self-parodying facial tics? Hilarious.


C’mon, there’s nothing wrong with a few facial contortions, a little screeching, and a few self-parodying facial tics. Actually, these are qualities I’ve come to admire in a woman.


She looks like a Thai trannyboy


I can’t wait to see the video where her heart explodes and she goes down like a Dawn of the Dead zombie.


As I posted to youtube:

Amanda Marcotte is a manure-covered yokel with only a pretense of learning, who views everything through the cracked lens of her intellectually-bankrupt paradigm.


She may be “intellectually bankrupt,” but she’s laughing all the way to the bank.


MM makes such funny faces when she speaks.


I wouldn’t let Malkin suck my cock if she had the last mouth on earth. This hateful harpie has cerebral palsey of the soul.

Speaking of right wingers, if you hate the Scientologists as much as I do, then you’re going to love this post about one of the most extraordinary examples of reverse religious persecution that you’ll ever read anywhere.

Imagine being forced to go on the run for 7 years because you made a pun about Scientologists?


The Freak Show reaction to Amanda’s hiring clearly bodes well for the Edwards campaign.


Robert O’Brien is a hypocrisy-covered christopath with only a pretense of compassion, who views everything through the cracked lens of his spiritually-bankrupt paradigm.



Righteous Bubba said,

February 6, 2007 at 17:03

Let’s have a contest. Who can come up with the best screen capture of malkin.


And I just had to click on your link. Now I’ve got to go scour my eyes with steel wool.

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes down to the bone.


I’m glad to see Malkin is tackling the tough issues.

I’d like to see her read some of the transcripts from today’s hearing about the $9 billion the CPA “lost” in Iraq.


I think it’s absolutely fitting that the best she could come up with was to be the kid on the playground who mimics what everybody else says, in that petulant, singsongy tone known universally as the only weapon of the fundamentally irrelevant.


this malicious mite is allowed to speak write … to pundacrize while my beloved Molly is dead …….

Someday there will be a reckoning …



Geez libs are really some pathetic losers….



Is this where Malkin has fallen? It is sad when Malkin must play out this obvious attempt to garner attention when her “career” as being THE voice of the knee-jerk reactionaries is stopped in its tracks by the continued success of Coulter, Rush, Hanity and O’Reilly…

The sad part of it is, I watched the entire video and felt sorry for her… at one time she was a rising star within the conservo-blog movement only to be derailed by her own words and accusations… now she is basically a puppet brought out to mock the other side with such a horrible reading…


What the fuck was that? Man, her communication skills truly suck ass. I’d venture her target audience (numb-nuts freepers) will be just as confused as I am.


Folks, I think most people don’t grasp where Michelle Malkin is coming from in her vitriolic rants. I’m a 3rd generation Marine and a decorated combat veteran (Vietnam). I was raised in the military (my father was a “lifer”) and grew up on military bases attending schools in the DoD school system. I have seen people like Malkin all of my life, as have all of us who grew up on-base. We call folks like her, “camp-followers”. I don’t want to get into defining the term but if you know a “military brat”…ask one of them what a “camp-follower” is and you’ll have a better understanding of who Malkin is and why she writes like she does.


You all really feel Amanda’s skilled writer?




Wow. You’re all 17 then?


I keep waiting for the pingpong balls to pop out everytime she reaches a shrill crescendo.



pop pop pop!!


Fuck you Jiffypop- How’s that for shrill- was my writing good as Amanda’s? Any rythmn there?


How do I feel about watching this?

I finally understood how Winston Smith (in “1984”) felt as he was tied to the chair in Room 101, with the caged rat in front of his face.

Maudlin Malkin certainly has the same rancid mouth as the vicious rats Smith faced.



To whomever said this:

Spokane Moderate says:

“On the other hand, I had no idea how good a writer Amanda Marcotte was”

Are you kidding me? Good writing does not indicate that you are mandated to drop 5 or 6 f-bombs in a diatribe. In fact, good writing is just the oppositie. Apparentlly Amanda Marcotte is not aware of that. I know several 6th graders in my area of the U.S., and NOT ONE of theme who have gotten done aparento


Poor thing … she’s just a little too high strung. But aren’t the pigtails just precious???


shit sandwich.


She’s not much of a journalist and now we know she’s not much of an actress/comedian, either.

Too bad she lacks the courage to use her mediocre investigative skills to determine who forged the Iraq/uranium documents that were used as a basis to launch the Iraq War. I suppose that would preclude her from being a paid right wing shill anymore.


“In her increasingly desperate attempt to make herself into some kind of media darling, hideously deformed, incessantly snarling she-beast Michelle Malkin has been making shitty little videos with crappy commentary and putrescent You Tube-level production values for Hot Air.”
The Rude One puts it rather nicely I think.


I know several 6th graders in my area of the U.S., and NOT ONE of theme who have gotten done aparento

Well, I’m convinced; you clearly are the go-to person for good writing.

And, yes, Amanda is a wonderful writer.


Bad. Really bad.


Good writing does not indicate that you are mandated to drop 5 or 6 f-bombs in a diatribe

No, but it does demand that you do not write clunky-ass bureaucratic phrases like “indicate that you are mandated” where a better writer would simply write, “require one to.”

And never type “f-bombs” again. Was there an explosion? Was there shrapnel? Was anyone injured? Of course not, because it’s just a word, a beautiful word spelled “fuck” and often, as it is here, followed by “you.”


Robert M. said,

February 6, 2007 at 2:43

The Katrina post is actually one of my favorite pieces from Pandagon; it perfectly verbalized the outrage that so many of us felt about N.O., and the official inaction that mocked the suffering of thousands.

%%%Were you there? I’m two hours north of NOLA. Have lots of friends there. Relatives too. I know people who lost everything.

BTW…Katrina caused tremendous damage here also. But the locals here didn’t wait for “government help”, they just grabbed chain saws, tied chains to tractors, and cleared the roads.

I’m curious as to whether this “outrage” extended to Governor Kathleen “oh wait I’m drawing a ” Blanco. Who told Bush she needed twenty four hours to make a decision about allowing Federal Troops into the state. (Posse Comitatus, look it up)

One word about Blanco. Incompetent.

Or maybe there was “outrage” at Mayor G. Ray. “Chocolate City” Nagin. (He used to be a Republican ya know)

Three words about Nagin.Flooded school buses.

Perhaps you were “outrage”ed at the thugs shooting at rescue personnel, looting big screen TVs, and liquor, instead of helping with the rescues.

There is enough blame to cover Local, State, and Federal agencies.
(FEMA…The Army Corps of Engineers, the Orleans Parish Levee Board).

Bush deserves a share. Two words about Bush. Michael Brown.

But those of us here, know better than to lay it all on him.


MsUndersetimated, the Unlikely-Named –

“Good writing does not indicate that you are mandated to drop 5 or 6 f-bombs in a diatribe. In fact, good writing is just the oppositie.”

Allow me to get my first edition Strunk and White and beat you to death with it.

Good writing means good communication. If you wish to add emphasis, you do so. How you do so depends on not only your understanding of the target audience, but also the phrasing you are most comfortable with in the medium you are using. Yes, this can be considered the written word, but it is also an extremely informal medium; hence slang and jargon are common here. Blogs, like much of internet writing, is as much spoken language as it is written, and different rules apply for each of these. For instance, frequent misunderstandings have brought rise to both “emoticons” and to “tags”.

But I’m sure you understand all that.



BTW…Katrina caused tremendous damage here also. But the locals here didn’t wait for “government help�, they just grabbed chain saws, tied chains to tractors, and cleared the roads.

Did you have police officers from the next county come on over and threaten you with shotguns too?

What generated the 30 foot wall of water in your neighborhood?

How many helicopters were sent out to destroy survivor’s shelters?

Sorry to hear you went through the same thing the people of NO suffered.


If you take out the sarcastic context–if you take out the title and the zingers on frame right–and just concentrate on what Malkin’s saying and how she’s saying it? She does an excellent job of tearing George a new one.

As I’m typing this, only the sound is on and it sounds even better.

Is there someone out there with the technology to edit this into an anti-Bush screed delivered by one of his most dedicated “adherents”?



I feel so threatened. The 30% terminally stupid won’t understand satire, if that was supposed to be satire.


It is clear to see that Michelle Malkin is not irrelevant as some stated.

Why is it clear to see?

Because that “irrelevant” person who “isn’t much of a journalist” has captured the hearts and minds of all those who posted under this thread attempting to sling mud at the “irrelevant” Michelle Malkin.

She is being carried deep in the hearts and minds of all those who are talking about her on this forum.

She is a powerful force and the fact that everyone here is talking about her proves it.


Because they disagree with her. Simple as that!

Michelle Malkin has displayed more smarts, more resourcefulness, more skill, more guts, more backbone, and more clarity than many here would care to admit, and I am certain that she has much more than most on this forum could muster within themselves, which is why you are talking about her and not someone else!

Michelle Malkin not much of a journalist?

Michelle Malkin is irrelevant?

And I’m Ronald McDonald!

I don’t think so.



Good gods… I wanted to stick my fingers in my ears and make humming noises just to drown her nerve twittering voice. She could do the world a favor and get laryngitis. Or maybe a real job.


Billy, we’re talking about her because we are AMAZED there are still people who actually listen to Malkin as if she had something worthwhile to say.

It goes like this Billy.

You read or listen to her screed, recognize it as the vacuous tripe that is ONLY MALKIN, and stand stunned by the stupidity. You then have to make sure you’re not imagining it, so you ask the person standing next to you, “Did she really just say that?” They will usually answer, “I think she did but I really don’t want to take another look since some day I hope to have children.”

But what makes the whole circle of incompetence complete is YOU Billy. Thanks! Your praise of Malkin based on NOTHING but mindless adoration; “You’re all laughing at her because she is just so laughable!”
Great stuff!


Why did I write a 300+ word post about this yesterday? “channelling Pam Atlas” is all I needed to say.


All I can say is “What a DEUCHBAG!” Maybe if we get an immigration bill, we can deport this wacko bitch!


i’d totally do her. i mean, someone should cuz, damn, she needs to get laid.


Nice rebuttal. Sheesh.


why does it always have to come down to some idiotic comments about gender or ethnicity?

you guys drink too much kool-aid.


dear terrorists, please take out george w. bush. thanks in advance.


William dear,

===She is being carried deep in the hearts and minds of all those who are talking about her on this forum.===

Uh, no. Neither deep in my heart nor deep in my mind. She is an annoying, buzzing fly, and I enjoyed my swat at her. Then I went back to having a life.

We’re talking about her now, in this thread, because the subject arose. We’d be talking about that nice old couple in Utah who died and were honored by scads of kids who came to the funeral on their bikes, but this thread is about that stupid video by Malkin. So we’re talking about it here.

Isn’t it neat how that works?

Also: your getting a stiffy over her doesn’t make her either relevant or insightful. Rebutting or thoughtfully criticizing Amanda’s posts might get her closer, but she didn’t do that. Instead she merely read Amanda’s posts aloud in a childish, petulant voice.

You need to move up in the world, dear. Your taste is atrocious.


“You are merely envious of the enfluence we weild, ”

You misspelled “effluence” – and “wield”.


The Cognitive Dissonance of some Americans is shocking and awe inspiring! Neo Conservatives who click on Drudge, who listen to Rush, who watch the Fox Nothing Channel are in bizzaro world. The notion that we have to stay in Iraq because of UBL said about black hawk down where we lost 2 choppers and 18 troops pales to losing 60+ choppers and 3,300+ Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq in the hunt for Weekend at Osama’s and WMDS in Iran? It will only take a spark for this entire Government to go up in flames! USA! USA! USA!


Those close ups at the end are unsettling.

She doesn’t have a very good complexion.

Kinda like O’Reilly’s.

What’s the word I’m looking for…..

Blotchy, that’s it, blotchy.



That bug-eyed bigot M. Malkin
’Tis a mad dog whose constantly yelpin’ —
“Obey me, Red Staters!
All liberals are traitors
Their treasonous scalps to me bring in.�


Whoa! It looks like someone got under the collective skin of the liberal, progressive, democrat… whatever you trying to spin it as today. I read through some of your comments. Viscerally delicious. I guess if you can’t debate MM on the issues, attacking her on the playground is the next best thing. Anyone need a tissue?


Y’know, for such a pretty girl, she really is disgustingly ugly. And I’m not sure what the point of this all was, either. Was she trying to be humorous? (May be used in evidence as to why conservatives tend to make such bad comedians). Was that supposed to be satire? Because except for the incredibly inept attempt at acting, what I heard mostly made sense. Was she attempting to insinuate that Amanda Marcotte’s message is rendered irrelevant because it’s got a few dirty words interjected into it? Guess that might equally apply to Cheney’s pithy and erudite ‘Go fuck yerself’ retort to a US Senator, then.

Seriously, this fails on so many levels I’m surprised her husband and friends didn’t lock her into a closet until she came to her senses before releasing this into the public domain where she could immortalize herself as a complete laughing stock. *Shakes head pityingly.*


Debate her on what issues? Does her reading someone else’s writing in an oddly exaggerated style and with added sound effects form a cogent argument rather than a rather pitiful attempt at a playground-style attack? Or can you really not see that in that video she did exactly what you now condemn? Talk about viscerally delicious.




Well – that was weird, but thanks for the publicity.


==”I guess if you can’t debate MM on the issues…”==

That would be awesome. When does MM plan to start actually debating issues?


You know, she is a hateful person with no redeeming qualities at all. She makes my blood boil just looking at her. I find her repugnant and completely un-human for the things she spews from her mouth. Here hatred of everything I value in unending.

Yet I totally would want to have my way with her.

Is there something wrong with me?


15 seconds and I was ready to vomit. Can someone just duct tape this
dogs mouth? Good god she makes no sense and what the hell, needs
to be caged. And what does the dirty underwear squad see in her?


malkin is a complete moron. the fact that anyone gives her the time of day is sad. How come shes not in the military if she worships Bush? Not saying our military is ignorant it’s just that shes so vocal about how great the pedophile, indian robbing, CIA leaking, gay bashing while having a pregnant lesbian daughter, womens rights abolishing, war mongerers are doing their job- it seems if she really believed in this administration shed put more on the line then just her whoreish suck up reputation.


James Ballou said,
February 7, 2007 at 17:15

What is really funny is that your post is no more than a troll to get people to comment on your blog…right now I see zero comments on all your posts.

Lonely often?


“Michelle Malkin has displayed more smarts, more resourcefulness, more skill, more guts, more backbone, and more clarity than many here would care to admit, and I am certain that she has much more than most on this forum could muster within themselves, which is why you are talking about her and not someone else!”

…and not the fact that she is a ignorance fucktard who has no guts and is a shamless whiner.

Do I win teh Intertubes!?!1!


Lesson: First get the caffine, then write comments, then spelling not so badly.


[…] The reason that I think it’s critically important to push back against the Right’s efforts to have veto-power on John Edwards’ personnel decisions is that failing to do so gives the Right a Get Out Of Jail Free card for their own dubious hires. The Catholic League, a right wing pressure group, has taken up the banner of Malkin and Riehl to try to determine how a candidate they would never vote for runs his campaign. This is not to concede Donohue’s claim that the Edwards has hired anyone who isn’t a stellar operative or worthy of helping craft the strategies that will be deployed to help John Edwards win the presidency. Marcotte and McEwan were hired for their skills as bloggers, not in spite of them. I know that I’ve written somewhere between 1,000 and 1,500 blog posts in the last two years and I’m sure some people would find some of what I’ve written objectionable – that’s the nature of blogging. Allowing the Right to exert veto power over the movement of our bloggers onto campaigns – a process that democratizes political campaigns and makes them accountable to the base – is simply unacceptable for us as a movement. More precisely, this political moment is not about John Edwards, but about what the liberal netroots will let the Right get away with in their efforts to limit our political power. Democrats hire opinionated, feminist bloggers and the world is apparently coming to an end. Republicans hire racists, anti-Semites, crooks, and alleged crooks and the press does not emit a sound. This free pass has to end and we’re the people who are going to end it. The hypocrisy we see in the sea of criticism surrounding Edwards’ hires plays to one of the greatest challenges Democrats need to confront: the conservative media. An email I received this morning on the subject said: a guy who (no offense, amanda) is a lower-level staffer uses a few dirty words in a previous job, and edwards caves? […]




Jealous much?!




[…] The Catholic League, a right wing pressure group, has taken up the banner of Malkin and Riehl to try to determine how a candidate they would never vote for runs his campaign. This is not to concede Donohue’s claim that the Edwards has hired anyone who isn’t a stellar operative or worthy of helping craft the strategies that will be deployed to help John Edwards win the presidency. Marcotte and McEwan were hired for their skills as bloggers, not in spite of them. I know that I’ve written somewhere between 1,000 and 1,500 blog posts in the last two years and I’m sure some people would find some of what I’ve written objectionable – that’s the nature of blogging. Allowing the Right to exert veto power over the movement of our bloggers onto campaigns – a process that democratizes political campaigns and makes them accountable to the base – is simply unacceptable for us as a movement. More precisely, this political moment is not about John Edwards, but about what the liberal netroots will let the Right get away with in their efforts to limit our political power. […]


Loved teh outtake(s)/


MM is simply uckin’ fugly!!! Period.


Malkin acting out Marcotte’s noxious ramblings = Malkin spewing hate???

She’s just reading a script, man, and guess who wrote it?


lol…that was pretty funny. And Marcotte deserves it.
What was Edwards thinking when he hired these two in the first place? Anyone who reads their blogs from time to time, which I do, will quickly realize that this type of rhetoric is *all* they bring to the table. There’s nothing particularly thoughtful to any of their interpretations of political or social issues.
If Edwards was looking for a liberal blogger of substance, he would have been a lot wiser to invite someone in the mold of Matt Yglesias or Christy Hardin Smith, rather than a low-functioning idealogue like Marcotte.


Malkin just did a fantastic job of demonstrating exactly why the media has a larger poresence of liberal commedians. Apparently conservatives aren’t funny. You see, if liberals were going to do that, they’d read some paragaph Malkin wrote talking about how great he is but read it as if they are in a sexed up frenzy while applying KY jelly to an eggplant. Or reading excerpts from Rush’s book as a maid in a drug deal.


Dear Claire how Sophist of you…


Thank GOD her bleeped swear words were merely simulated. The thought that actual profanity could ever pass through Michelles’ sacred lips……………. it would be too much to bear!


Is that Ann Coulter?


“Thank GOD her bleeped swear words were merely simulated. The thought that actual profanity could ever pass through Michelles’ sacred lips……………. it would be too much to bear!”

For some reason I have a sick need to hear and see cuss words passing through those verv “sacred lips.” Does anybody else share my sickness?


Anus Lips Malkin.


What amazes me is that there are people who actually take what this professional liar says seriously. I mean, her vblog outlet is called “Hot Air”. How much more appropriate/ironic/whatever can that be? How seriously do you think she can take herself when she puts out this unintentionally hilarious drivel?

But truth be told, Talkin’ Malkin is no moron – she rants, raves, and hates all the way to the bank. She is a saavy (at times) propagandist who peppers her nonsense with inaccuracies and half-truths, which many will say is the most insidious form of lie. The fact that we’re posting these comments in this blog (and that I’m writing this now) means that she’s getting precisely what she wants.

So nothing further from me regarding Talkin’ Malkin, except to quote the late, great James Brown in what I would say to her:

“Like a dull knife just ain’t cuttin’,
You just talkin’ loud
And sayin’ nothin’.”


What the fuck was that garbage??!?!? Isn’t this the banana who defended internment camps? Note: I can call her a banana cuz I’m Asian myself. Holy shit that was bad!!


All poor little Michelle wants is attention, attention, attention. And she’s got it. Some day, after her minute or year or decade of *fame* is over, she will be a sobbing lump on her bathroom floor wondering why the world is against her. By then, all of her minions will be minioning for some other *famous* mouthpiece. The larger the ego, the more painful the deflation. And it IS inevitable. Pity the poor fool.


[…] You all seem suspiciously threatened by the fact that a person who speaks her mind is actually being given a more widespread voice. I can understand how shocking it must be for the world you dominate – the world of fabricated truths and manufactured consent – to be infiltrated by someone who actually expresses genuine passion. Ms. Malkin, I watched you reading Amanda’s post about New Orleans, and was honestly sickened that you seemed to find such a pleasure in mocking a person’s expressed fears. You struck me as the type who would prank-call a friend and tell them that you had news their grandmother had been rushed to the hospital, just so you could see how they would react and mock them for it later. Your feigned disgust over Ms. Marcotte’s use of “offensive” language might be more convincing if not so thoroughly tainted by the irony of the genuinely revolting nature of your own behavior. Picture the pederast lecturing the child for swearing, and you’ll understand what I mean. […]


Malkin’s insane. Case closed.

Notice how she doesn’t offer any actual refutation, just derision. It’s all she knows.

She is, however, smokin’ hot, especially with that cute little hat. I was hoping for a different kind of video.


Malkin still can’t stand the fact that Amanda has breasts.


Two words for Malkin’s mouth: Anus dentatus.

Amazing how she manages to spew obscenity even when she’s not uttering anything bleepable, isn’t it?


As a physician, I’ve examined lots of lips and a fair number of assholes. I concur with Bina. In those extreme close-up Malkin mouth shots, it would be very hard to tell which end is which.


I’m fascinated, in a clinical sense, by the obsession on this comment threat with scatology. Do you really think this sensibility is going to fly with normal voters? How old are you all that you think that the “f*ck, f*ck, f*ckety f*ck” approach to political rhetoric is going to win you elections?


November 7th, 2006 Sue.


Okay, do people not have a sense of humour?! I’m sorry but this is too funny for words.


The Democrats who won by a very narrow majority on November 7th did not use profanity and vulgarity in their speeches. Remember, Lieberman beat Lamont despite all the “rape-gurney Joe” slurs. John “F’in” Kerry lost in 2004 (yes, he did). And Edwards, belatedly realizing that Marcotte was a gigantic liability to his campaign, got her to quit. This isn’t about Democrats vs. Republicans. It’s about the mature and the immature. Grow up.


Did somebody here just a few days ago say something about Edwards or Marcotte not caving in?


Sue: What is intrinsically mature or immature about profanity? I’m not talking about the significance (or, rather, “significance”) attached to it by society; I want you to objectively explain the intrinsic property of, say, the word “fuck” that somehow makes it “immature”.

Then, while you’re at it, for bonus points, explain to me why censored-for-TV words that mean /exactly the same thing/, and sound really rather similar (like Farscape’s “frell” or Battlestar Galactica’s “freck”) are somehow more acceptable.

Then, for super-duper-bonus credit, explain to me why you and so many others have allowed these near-random formations of four letters to have so much control over your emotions, and why you’ve given them the power to affect you so deeply.

(Did you know, by the way, that the word “shit” was considered, for a time, to be the polite way to describe fecal matter? It wasn’t until the lower classes started using it that it became “offensive”.)


malkin– i’ve never actually heard her speak before.

what a hateful, hate-filled person.


amanda marcotte is an ugly dog he she.


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