Dan Riehl Nominated For Darwin Award

Limbaugh Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

While not being able to keep up with all of his many accomplishments over the years, I do speak from personal experience when I say Rush Limbaugh’s 1992 Best Seller The Way Things Ought To Be may have done more to carry discussion of conservative ideas and the concept of political freedom into elements of American popular culture where it was never thought much about before.

Then again, it may not have done more to carry discussion into elements where it was never thought much about before. I can’t say for certain, because that sentence made me scoop out my Broca’s Area with a grapefruit spoon.

So it’s good to see Mr. Limbaugh finally nominated for the Noble Peace Prize:

LEESBURG, Va., Feb. 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Landmark Legal Foundation today nominated nationally syndicated radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

Limbaugh, whose daily radio show is heard by more than 20 million people on more than 600 radio stations in the United States and around the world, was nominated for the prestigious award for his “nearly two decades of tireless efforts to promote liberty, equality and opportunity for all humankind, regardless of race, creed, economic stratum or national origin. These are the only real cornerstones of just and lasting peace throughout the world,” said Landmark President Mark R. Levin.

Above: Talk radio yip-terrier and National
Review Online speed bump Mark Levin

If you think there’s something odd about Mark Levin being able to nominate someone for a Nobel Peace Prize, you’re less gullible than Dan Riehl (e.g., when the weather report says it’s chilly tonight, you don’t run outside with a bowl). As it happens, we’ve seen this stunt before:

Dubious doctor touted as Nobel Prize nominee by Hannity, Scarborough

Fox News host Sean Hannity and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough both promoted Dr. William Hammesfahr‘s false claim that he is a Nobel Prize nominee.

Hammesfahr testified during an October 2002 court hearing on the Schiavo case that his claim to be a Nobel nominee is based on a letter written by Rep. Mike Bilirakis (R-FL) recommending him for the prize. But Bilirakis is not qualified to make a valid nomination under the Nobel rules.

Another tip-off was that Hammesfahr claimed to have been nominated for a ‘Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine.’ Suspecting none of this, Dan complains about all the egregious rat-bastards who have won the Nobel Peace Prize in the past (hint: not Henry Kissinger), and ponders:

With some thought, perhaps the real question is, were the honorable Mr. Limbaugh to ultimately win the prize, is it one he should even accept?

Perhaps the real question is, should the honorable Mr. Riehl wish to place a call to Mexico, would he attempt to dial via Taco Bell?

UPDATE: Dan addresses concerns as to the legitimacy of the unsolicited, and therefore invalid, nomination:

Now, were you intelligent, you could say you believe there’s a x % chance the nomination won’t be accepted, you might even say 100%. What you cannot say is that he was not nominated. Thanks for playing.

Allow us therefore to nominate Dan Riehl for a 2008 AVN Award in the category of Best New Starlet.

The Darwin Award is seeming like too much of a gimme.


Comments: 85


It wasn’t that long ago that conservatives scrambled to distance themselves from Rush Limbaugh. “Heh, heh, how dare you claim that Rush is a political voice of the Right? Ha, ha, he’s just an entertainer, saying those wacky things about liberals.” Now they fall all over themselves proclaiming him as the new Goldwater.

Does anyone but me remember those times? Wasn’t it the case that any commentator wishing to be taken seriously had to claim that Limbaugh was a nobody?


You won’t like Dan when he’s angry.


Re we sure Mark Levin isn’t actually Billy Joel?


I think Mssrs. Riehl and Levin misunderstand the Peace Prize and just want Rush to have dynamite. And who wouldn’t want Rush to have a big boom?


“I’d like to congratulate Rush Limbaugh for receiving a phony nomination to a stupid award that only commies care about, because he so obviously deserves it.”

That would have been an impressive slam if he’d actually intended it.


Limbaugh Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

“The Onion headline appears in real world”


I’m pretty sure they mean Limbaugh is nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine Consumption.

Or maybe it’s the Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine Consumption.

I always get those two mixed up.


Piece prize,SJ


Here is the list of those who can nominate candidates for a Nobel prize

“members of national assemblies and governments;

members of international courts of law;

university chancellors; university professors of social science, history, philosophy, law and theology;

leaders of peace research institutes and institutes of foreign affairs;

former Nobel Peace Prize laureates;

board members of organisations that have received the Nobel Peace Prize;

present and past members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; (committee members must present their nomination at the latest at the first committee meeting after February 1);

former advisers at the Norwegian Nobel Institute.”

Anyone see where these bozos fit in?


I didn’t know the Nobel prize could be extended to drug addicts who ridicule the disabled.


Jane Hamsher from FDL nominated her poodle Kobe for the Nobel Prize, too.



The fact is that Rush has done far more for humanity and for western civilization than any Clinton or Carter or socialist, by telling it like it is, straight up, no bias. He informs, educates, and unites. You liberals can’t even unite Congress when you win it.


And to think, Dan Riehl isn’t getting paid to write these things.


“The fact is that Rush has done far more for humanity and for western civilization than any Clinton or Carter or socialist, by telling it like it is, straight up, no bias. He informs, educates, and unites.”

Oh God. This isn’t a segue-way into a Reagan comparison, is it?


So it’s good to see Mr. Limbaugh finally nominated for the Noble Peace Prize.

Noble? Noble? Perhaps Limbaugh might also receive honorary degrees from Harbard University, Yule University, and MET.


Gary’s right. He made the world a better place when he called a teenage girl a dog. What a humanitarian!

But in terms of telling it like it is, straight up, no bias, Rush doesn’t hold a candle to Gare-bear.

I nominate Gary Ruppert for a Nobel Peace Prize.


he’s going to trot out the old, “i know you can’t nominate someone. It was a joke. Damn, you lefties can’t take a joke!”


While not being able to keep up with all of his many accomplishments over the years,

Dan’s lazy. Why, everyone’s familiar with Rush’s accomplishments in the field of oncology, achieving world peace, ministering to the sick, discoveries of new mathematical theories, detection of a distant solar system, work on the human genome, and his hit Broadway Musical.


… “you’re less gullible than Dan Riehl (e.g., when the weather report says it’s chilly tonight, you don’t run outside with a bowl)”

It’s lines like that that make me worry I might need Dependsâ„¢ soon. Seriously. Between this piece and the Boston cartoon terrorists’ “Hairstyles of the ’70s” press conference, I don’t know when I last laughed so hard.


Rock! Olbermann just made Levin today’s worst person in the world for this.

(paraphrasing): The comedian doesn’t want the award, because it can’t be smoked, popped, or eaten.



Yo quiero Taco bell.


With some thought, perhaps the real question is, were the honorable Mr. Limbaugh to ultimately win the prize, is it one he should even accept?

I think I speak for everyone when I say that Rush should emphatically turn down the award, as he has long ago demonstrated how opposed he is to peace.


I can’t figger these conservatives. Wasn’t someone just bashing Hanoi Jane because she never met a war she liked? Because she was all peaceful and shit? As libruls, aren’t we all lambasted and accused of treason daily for being such pussies that we think we might should have a, like, reason before killing tens of thousands of people? So what is this shit? It’s like your little brother crossing the line you drew down the middle of the room. Oh, wait, I forgot! When I am confused about wingnut behavior, I need to go to one of two sources. Orwell, in this case, war is peace. (The other is the abnormal psych class I took this past fall. It really made sense of cinservatives for me).


The fact is that Rush has done far more for humanity and for western civilization than any Clinton or Carter or socialist, by telling it like it is, straight up, no bias.

Ah, the Nobel Prize for Keepin’ It Real. Now it all makes sense.


I hereby nominate Henry Kissinger for the Nobel Peace Prize. HAHAHA.



“Re we sure Mark Levin isn’t actually Billy Joel? “


Billy Joel has at least a little talent and he was married to Christie Brinkley.

Mark Levin? Zero talent and couldn’t get fucked on a bet -even with Ann Coulter’s dick.

Tara the anti-social social worker

I’m having my wife send a letter to the Academy saying my home movies of our pups are Oscar-worthy.

You may now all refer to me as “Tara the Oscar-Nominated Anti-Social Social Worker.”

Qetesh the Abyssinian

The fact is that Rush has done far more for humanity and for western civilization than any Clinton or Carter or socialist

By risking his own health in order to keep so many dangerous drugs out of the hands of children.

by telling it like it is, straight up, no bias. He informs, educates, and unites.

He provides a living example of what happens when you take too many drugs.


“You liberals can’t even unite Congress when you win it.”

You might want to check your talking points again, Gare-Bear. Weren’t you claiming immediately after the election that the only Democrats who won their elections were closet conservatives?

By the way, we seem to be doing a pretty good job of uniting the Senate against your BFF’s latest tactic in Iraq.


Qetesh the Abyssinian

I hereby nominate Henry Kissinger for the Nobel Peace Prize. HAHAHA.


Alas, Righteous Bubba, that we live in the world that gave Kissinger a Nobel Peace Prize.

Mind you, the man can’t leave the country for fear of terrier-like prosecutors converging to grab his pantsleg. There must be so many countries that would like a word with him, they’d have to hire something the size of the Arabian desert just to hold the prosecutors.


So it’s good to see Mr. Limbaugh finally nominated for the Noble Peace Prize.

Yes, FINALLY. Long has our nation had to suffer the indignity of Rush not being able to wipe BBQ sauce off of the chin that supports his lie hole with the Nobel Peace Prize.


I nominate myself for a Kevin award for not picking up Kissinger in the original post.


God, I’m tired of Riehl’s retarded mug. It’s like looking at someone who’s out of their mind from huffing gasoline. You just want to get them the fuck out of your face.


[…] Original post by Sadly, No! and software by Elliott Back   […]


…nearly two decades of tireless efforts to promote liberty, equality and opportunity for all humankind, regardless of race, creed, economic stratum or national origin…

Dear God, and here I thought Leni Riefenstahl was the height of suck-ass.

Well, Rush does have his moments of racial-equality advocacy, like when he said we needed to arrest more white people for drugs.


Now, were you intelligent, you could say you believe there’s a x % chance the nomination won’t be accepted, you might even say 100%. What you cannot say is that he was not nominated. Thanks for playing.

Well, shit. I nominate Willie Nelson for the Nobel Peace Prize, then, if that’s the criteria. Hell, he should get it just for “Angels Flying Too Close To The Ground”. He’s got a better percentage than Limbaugh, I’d wager, as the only people who don’t like Willie would think folks like Rush would deserve such a thing. That is, assholes. That’s right, I said it.


Limbaugh, whose daily radio show is heard by more than 20 million people on more than 600 radio stations in the United States and around the world…

Indeed, we are heard round the world. Especially if you have a shortwave or are detained indefinitely for being a FRICKA FRACKA EVIL TERRORIST!!!!


Well, shit. I nominate Willie Nelson for the Nobel Peace Prize, then, if that’s the criteria. Hell, he should get it just for “Angels Flying Too Close To The Ground�. He’s got a better percentage than Limbaugh, I’d wager, as the only people who don’t like Willie would think folks like Rush would deserve such a thing. That is, assholes. That’s right, I said it.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, doesn’t like Willie Nelson.


Nobody, and I mean nobody, doesn’t like Willie Nelson.

I don’t like Willie Nelson. He brought the word “Phases” to country music, and that was wrong.


Qetesh: Considering Rush attempted to hide a bottle of Viagra from customs when coming back from the Dominican, I get the sneaking suspicion that he might not be all that successful at keeping them out of children’s hands.

Bleach and Listerine are available at the concession.


Dear Sadly, No!,

I’m new to these environs, but I cannot help but tip my hat to you folks for wading through all the intellectual filth you find, dig up, and then present to us every day. How do you do it and stay sane?

If anyone of you is ever arrested, the Lord forbid, you should be staked 1,000 of community service already accrued.

As long as you keep digging, I’ll keep visiting. Thanks for your efforts.

I was reading through the comments over at the un-Riehl world, and in response to someone pointing out his incredible stupidity, he stated that via e-mail he and Mark Levin were having quite a laugh about the Limbaugh nomination. Were they laughing at Dan’s utter stupidity at being bagged by Levin’s phony proclamation? Laughing at their readers for being duped as well?

Incontinentia Buttocks

Boy….great minds think alike! When I first read this story, I, too, immediately thought of Dr. Hfuhruhurr of Schiavo fame.

Though Levin can’t nominate Rush, if “university professors of social science, history, philosophy, law and theology” can nominate for the Peace Prize, does that mean that Distort D’Newsa and his colleagues at the Hoover could do so, after they give up on working to have it awarded Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld?

And Gary, is this what you meant to say?

Rush Limbaugh is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life!

Why don’t you pass the time with a game of solitaire?


Wow. I’m so adding “Presidential Nominee for the 2016 ‘Fuck Y’All Party’ ticket” to my resume.

What? I nominated myself. Thanks for playing.


I was completely unaware there was a Nobel prize awarded for being an asshat.

Live and learn I guess.

Innocent Bystander

Perhaps Dan got confused with the Nobel Pizza Prize. If you eat six at one sitting, you get the 7th free. I think Rush would be up for that.


AVN Award for Best New Starlet? Hah! Best Facial is more like it.


Nah, see, they just need to update the stodgy old thang and add a few categories. The Nobel prize for hate speech. The Nobel Prize for inciting genocide. And the ever popular and much longed for Nobel WarMonger Prize. Oh, and the Nobel Prize for Racism. Rush would be a shoe in….



Now, were you intelligent, you could say you believe there’s a x % chance the nomination won’t be accepted, you might even say 100%. What you cannot say is that he was not nominated. Thanks for playing.

Unfortunately for you Dan, we aren’t saying that Rush wasn’t (incorrectly) nominated to be nominated. We are saying he wasn’t nominated. Which you admit.



Best Group Sex Scene – Video – Fashionistas Safado: The Challenge (Evil Angel Productions), Belladonna, Melissa Lauren, Jenna Haze, Gianna, Sandra Romain, Gary Ruppert, Adrianna Nicole, Flower Tucci, Sasha Grey, Nicole Sheridan, Marie Luv, Caroline Pierce, Lea Baren, Jewell Marceau, Jean Val Jean, Christian XXX, Voodoo, Chris Charming, Erik Everhard, Mr. Pete, Rocco Siffredi

I would not have believed it either, had I not seen it with my own eyes.


“I tell people don’t kill all the liberals, leave enough around so we can have two on every campus; living fossils, so we will never forget what these people stood for.”

–Rush Limbaugh



Righteous Bubba,
Plus, before that record, Willie released Yesterday’s Wine, a concept album based around reincarnation. And Nashville collectively went “the fuck!?!”


I was at Willie’s “Triumphant Return” to Panther Hall in Fort Worth in 1976. He’d been banned after a legendary concert at Panther Hall in ’72 where a couple peeps died. The only sold Lone Star beer at that show, and only in cases. Yikes….



The fact is that Rush has done far more for humanity and for western civilization than any Clinton

Now this does happen to be true. However, the Clinton in question was Socks. It was a close race there, for a while, but I hear Socks has stopped burying his shit in the litter box, so he’s fallen behind.


Why are you devaluing the AVN awards? I’m confident the adult movie industry has too much self-respect to give an award to Dan Riehl.


I understand Dan was Time magazine’s person of the year recently.

Then again, so was I. The difference is that I won’t be putting it on my resume.


You liberals can’t even unite Congress when you win it.

Gary’s back!!

Gary, I thought you explained to us how we stole congress. Be consistent please, dear.


Oh Jesus. I had finally quit cracking up over the chilly bowl line when I read the Taco Bell remark. Oh. My. God. There really are people that stupid. My husband went to Taco Bell a few months ago to pick up a quick dinner, and some Paradise Valley broad (think very rich, very Republican) came in with two day laborers. (That’s Phoenixese for Mexican men you picked up at the Home Depot parking lot because you couldn’t be bothered to hire people legally.) So she runs up to the counter all breathless: “Does any one here speak Spanish??!!” At this point, she’s become a spectacle, so the manager asks her what she wants. Apparently, she had picked up these two workers to do some work on her house, but they didn’t speak English, and she didn’t speak Spanish, so she needed a translator. At the Taco friggin’ Bell.


“Now, were you intelligent, you could say you believe there’s a x % chance the nomination won’t be accepted, you might even say 100%.”
I like using independent variables. They make me feel smart!

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Bleach and Listerine are available at the concession.

Thank you, left_wing_fox. Can you suggest anything to get the vomit off the ceiling?


Noble Piece Prices for eveyone!

Dinner at Taco Bell is on me.

No really, I spilled a chalupa on my shirt!


I have been visiting this site since Seb ran the place in hopes of seeing boobs. It finally paid off. Thanks, see ya’.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Now, were you intelligent, you could say you believe there’s a x % chance the nomination won’t be accepted, you might even say 100%. What you cannot say is that he was not nominated.

I certainly can say that, but I suspect that Riehl has not quite grasped the finer points of Austin’s theory of speech acts. But don’t start me on speech acts and infelicities. There would be ranting.


Dan Riehl is a friend of mine,
He re-sembles Wittgenstein…


motherlowman: Apparently, she had picked up these two workers to do some work on her house, but they didn’t speak English, and she didn’t speak Spanish, so she needed a translator. At the Taco friggin’ Bell.

Which is fucking hilarious until you realize its a flawless metaphor for American foreign policy.

ps. Gavin: I’m totally stealing the “chilly outside” gag.


I nominate all the folks at Sadly, No!, The Editors, Roy Edroso, Glenn Greenwald, Kevin Drum, all those guys over at Talking Points Media, Jim Henley, Arthur Silbert, and Jeff Wells for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Now, if any of you would just nominate me back, then I would be happy to put a ‘nominated for a 2007 Nobel Peace Prize’ banner on all my blogs.



Funny Dan Riehl mentions this, because my wife nominated me for an Oscar this morning. Twelve, actually.

Sure, sure, the “Academy” may not recognize my nomination for Best Screenplay, or Best Supporting Actress, or Best Documentary Short, and all the rest, but I’ve been nominated — and the smarty-pants Hollywood elitists are just going to have to live with it.

If you’ll excuse me, I have to go get fitted for my tuxedo and start writing my acceptance speech. Speeches.

And, of course, I’ve got to decide what I’ll do when they announce my name as the winner! If it’s that liberal George Clooney, I’ll probably yell at him to cram the Oscar up his ass. But if it’s Scarlett Johannson, I’ll run up, accept the award, and then whisk her away to a romantic location. We’ll get married, and be the bestest of friends, and live happily forever and ever with our fourteen children named Brandeen.


[…] Of course, I’m the result of my parents having stayed together, so you never know. « Dan Riehl Nominated For Darwin Award Feb2 […]


Had Gore not been nominated, Levin would never have ventured forth from his dank, lonely smeg-world with this hyuk-hyuk item. We have to understand that the nuts’ collective ego is under severe attack (reality is relentless), and so the same people who in 2000 quoted Arendt in lauding Bush’s stem cell decision (as a nervous, flop-sweating Levin did on CNN) have now started to flail about with the grace and poise of a kid left blindfolded after the pinata has been emptied and the other kids have gone home.

I recommend Newman’s Own with butter. ‘S gonna be fun.


“Dan Riehl Nominated For Darwin Award”

Too bad we aren’t THAT lucky….


Though Levin can’t nominate Rush, if “university professors of social science, history, philosophy, law and theology� can nominate for the Peace Prize, does that mean that Distort D’Newsa and his colleagues at the Hoover could do so, after they give up on working to have it awarded Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld?

I can’t be sure, but this probably means academics with the special rank of “University Professor”, which is something that isn’t handed out very often, and only to faculty that have world acclaim at the most prestigious universities. This keeps Rush from receiving a nomination from someone on the “faculty” at Bob Jones “University”.

On the brighter side, it means Noam Chomsky can nominate people – though I’m not sure if linguistics fits under this criteria. He is, however, an “Institute Professor”, which is MIT’s equivalent of “University Professor”.

The “Nobel laureates” thing is a bit disturbing – so, theoretically, Kissinger can nominate whomever he chooses, and it’s a valid nomination. Oh, dear…

“Mein Fuehrer! I can valk!”


At the Taco friggin’ Bell.

Christ that’s stupid. I mean, yeah, you can find people at my local KFC who speak fluent Spanish… But having been born here, they’re also native English speakers.


Just to clear up a point raised earlier: Yes, we’re sure Mark Levin isn’t Billy Joel. Everyone knows that Billy Joel is Alan King.

[/ relocate 30 comments upthread so as to appear somewhat timely]


Well, he’d be the first nominee to have mocked a man with a debilitating disease. So he’s got that going for him, which is nice.



Mazel tov in advance. But what about your wife?


He’d been banned after a legendary concert at Panther Hall in ‘72 where a couple peeps died.



“Apparently, she had picked up these two workers to do some work on her house, but they didn’t speak English, and she didn’t speak Spanish, so she needed a translator. At the Taco friggin’ Bell.”

She was upset and confused because she thought they were male prostitutes and that ‘bese mi culo’ was Spanish for ‘eat my p***y’.


We were a small but warlike tribe of Gauls. Everyone thought that Julius Caesar wiped us out, but in fact we’ve been in hiding for the last 2000 years, biding our time. Now we return, pillaging and burning a trail of destruction through the thread, and no-one can stop us! Ha-ha!




So it’s good to see Mr. Limbaugh finally nominated for the Noble Peace Prize.

Noble? Noble? Perhaps Limbaugh might also receive honorary degrees from Harbard University, Yule University, and MET.

I’m not going to charge you for the keyboard, but the tea-out-my-nose-related medical bills are going to cost you. And I am wearing a Yale sweatshirt as I type, but I would so totally go to Yule University, where every day is a holiday.

does that mean that Distort D’Newsa and his colleagues at the Hoover could do so, after they give up on working to have it awarded Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld?

I believe that Dinette is merely a Fellow at the Hoover Intellectual Vaccum, so he probably can’t even nominate anyone for the cleaning contract for his office.

Herr Doktor Bimler

I now declare you man and box-turtle.

Now, were you intelligent, you could say you believe there’s a x % chance the marriage won’t be recognised — on account of me having neither religious affiliation nor civic status — you might even say 100%. What you cannot say is that the happy couple were not married.


Gonna try to close that sucker. Dang HTML!


Last night, Keith O. named Mark Levin “Worst Person in the World” for this stupidity.

Tonight, Levin responded on his show by spending nearly an hour pleading for anyone who has slept with Keith Olbermann to contact his show so he could publicly verify that Keith was “hung like a thumbtack”.



[…] of all, there’s this: Perhaps the real question is, should the honorable Mr. Riehl wish to place a call to Mexico, would […]


[…] PS: Rush Limbaugh Loses Nobel!!! […]


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