Cue Yakety Sax [Updated]
Breaking: Several Suspicious Devices Discovered in Boston
Suspicious Devices Found In Four Areas In Boston. (Hat tip: LGF readers.)
(WBZ) BOSTON Police are investigating four suspicious devices found at four separate locations throughout Boston.
Officials are telling WBZ the devices are similar to the one found this morning in Sullivan Square attached to a beam supporting I-93 north.
The four locations for these devices are the Boston University Bridge, Longfellow Bridge, Tufts New England Medical Center, and the intersection of Stuart and Columbus Streets.
WBZ has learned Boston police removed an item from the Boston University Bridge but they would not elaborate on exactly what the item is. Officers have since cleared that scene.
UPDATE at 1/31/07 12:19:21 pm:
Boston police now say all of the devices are “hoax devices” and one of them contained a picture of a man “flipping the bird” to police.UPDATE at 1/31/07 12:54:47 pm:
Authorities now say they have discovered as many as 10 of these hoax devices around Boston.UPDATE at 1/31/07 2:03:29 pm:
It’s turning into an “oh brother” kind of day. The latest news: the “devices” were part of a hare-brained advertising campaign by Turner Broadcasting, promoting the animated show “Aqua Teen Hunger Force.”
This is a perfect piece of art. I yearn to add something to the end by way of a rimshot or an eep-wow noise, but I can’t bear to touch it.
Check the comments to savor some classic Teh Paranoid Style — sinister metanarratives and wheels-within-wheels and all that timelessly imminent right-wing stuff. Even a bit more than usual, I mean:
#21 Barking Pumpkin 1/31/2007 12:12PM PST
Regardless of who is responsible for this, I’m afraid that it will take another event of 9/11 proportions to wake the American public out of their collective stupor regarding who our enemies are. I pray to G-d that I am wrong.
#129 syncrodude 1/31/2007 01:05PM PST
These were not hoaxes at all. They were deliberate acts of purposeful disruption against the people of Boston. This is exactly how terrorism works. Get the Citizens of America aware of people in there midst that are out to do them harm, and then keep putting up “almost attacks” that force us to duck and cover. Do this over and over until the people stop reacting, then hit e’m with the real ting to get them all shook up again. Then repeat. It is very effective. Boston was shut down with a few dollars worth of parts. And even if someone was caught with these devices, there is nothing illegal about possessing them. But look what you can do with them to cause large scale disruption.
No, this was real…
Here’s Malkin, plying a similar tack:
Update: A hoax.
Or something else.
Jason Smith e-mails: “Simultaneously placed at various strategic locations. I wonder if someone is sitting back and simply studying the emergency response protocol and timing… trying to identify weak spots and gaps to exploit for a real attack?”
Well, you know those Mooninites.
Above: “Say goodbye, cavemen! We have mapped your defenses!”
(Reporter on the scene) Marita adds: One of the suspect devices was affixed to MIT’s Frank Gehry-designed Stata Center, which, if blown up, would look… not terribly different. Oh, the humanity!!!
Above: Stata Center — ‘still standing.’
[Hanx! Julie O., Mantis, Lawnguylander, Steve!]
It was Err, a mooninite. My sister-in-law, who lives in Boston, said a guy with dredlocks was arrested. My post, with pic of the device, here.
Yes, and they’d used the “devices” in nine other major cities over the course of many days, and nobody else screamed “terrorist!”
What does this say about the poor Boston police that they can’t figure this stuff out on their own? And now they’ve arrested some poor guy whose only offense was guerilla advertizing.
But do you sense the disappointmet in the LGF post? Their hearts went pitty pat at the opportunity the deaths of Americans would give their RWNJ friends to retake the country.
Their hearts went pitty pat at the opportunity the deaths of Americans would give their RWNJ friends to retake the country.
Yeah, and if they have to sacrifice someone for the cause, who better than all those Kennedy-voting, gay-marrying Bostonians?
Al Qaeda, youz mah only friend…
“Alright! Who wrote ‘The Moon Rulz, #1’ on my car with a key?”
Perhaps because I’m in ATHF’s prime demographic, but I find this whole thing hilarious. First, that these signs were planted in 10 cities and it took days for one to be noticed. Second, that people are so afraid for their lives that they’re confusing sprinkler parts and Mooninites and everything that’s *not a bomb* for a bomb. But when it comes to actual security, we got nothing.
I thought they stopped making ATHF.
Funny-ass show, but this marketing campaign makes no sense at all. And seriously fucked over Adult Swim.
I think I have found other terrorists… Someone should be notified!
Man, the warblogger/freeper community is in total freefall. It’s one embarassing episode after another. It’s like that Kids In The Hall bar fight sketch where the little guy keeps coming back after getting decisively hammered to the ground.
Here it is:
How embarassing. In the US, rampant paranoia and maudlin histrionics are all too common. It’s getting pretty damn annoying.
Oh well, after we attack Iran and the American fascist movement encourages the Bush administration to finally make the US a police state, we can focus on defeating the wingnuts. That will be fun for a while. It will keep us occupied.
The LGF readers hopes you can see their paranoia and bloodlust, because they’re doing it as hard as they can.
Jamil Hussein was behind the whole thing, treasonous traitorous libs!
You know those shoes hanging on those phone wires? Sure. You know the ones. All I’m saying is…well, you know what I’m saying. It’s only a matter of time.
Funny-ass show, but this marketing campaign makes no sense at all. And seriously fucked over Adult Swim.
Oh, I dunno. I’d bet that most of their target demographic will find this pretty funny.
The weird thing is, it was a TBS marketing stunt … but I was watching it unfold on CNN as if it was real.
And they say megacorps aren’t getting too big!
Get Jack Bauer on the case pronto!
I say “fucked over AS” cause I heard grumblings from the City of Boston that they want Turner Broadcasting to pay however many thousands were spent treating this like a real deal.
[…] Original post by Sadly, No! and software by Elliott Back […]
Here are some comments from way down the thread, after it has been repeatedly revealed that it is an ATHF campaign:
WriterMom: Imagine this scenario-someone offers dumb college kid a few bucks to do a ‘harmless prank’ or ‘art installation’-pick your excuse. Or-some not so dumb college kid, but rather a Muslim sympathizer is asked to test the waters.
Then, the potential terrorists watch and see how long it takes to discover the objects, what the police do-who goes where, what equipment they bring out and what the news coverage is like. Then the plans get refined, and more refined.
cookielady: Too true. That’s what I meant about patience and impatience. The patient ones keep plugging away at infiltration by population and intimidation by legislation. The impatient ones blow things up.
Mooninites: the patient terrorists
It continues!
syncrodude: These were not hoaxes at all. They were deliberate acts of purposeful disruption against the people of Boston. This is exactly how terrorism works. Get the Citizens of America aware of people in there midst that are out to do them harm, and then keep putting up “almost attacks” that force us to duck and cover. Do this over and over until the people stop reacting, then hit e’m with the real ting to get them all shook up again. Then repeat. It is very effective. Boston was shut down with a few dollars worth of parts. And even if someone was caught with these devices, there is nothing illegal about possessing them. But look what you can do with them to cause large scale disruption.
No, this was real..
Forget al qaeda. They’re old news to the wingnuts. They were undoubtedly praying to good god that there would be some way to connect this to Iran but either way this was looking like a blessing. The more you read these message boards the more your realize they really do want to see another terrorist attack as long is it’s someplace blue like BOS. I’m sure they would be all for a Putin style series of convenient explosions on the east coast.
Then once they found it it was a hoax the commenters consoled themselves by turning on the real enemy:
“I will put $10 in Charles’ tip-jar (one time only – I’m house-poor) if this hoax was not – repeat, not – done by some sort of leftist, with Black Bloc-style anarchists (and let’s not get into whether they’re really leftist or not) at the head of my personal list.
Takers? E-mail me; my nic is blue. Please be sure to identify yourself as from LGF.”
Thwarted once again they find consolation by thinking that now they’ve got ted Turner by the balls at last and he should hang for this. But does TT still even work there? Sadly, of course not which someone pointed out. An “Oh brother kind of day” indeedy. Heh.
Yeah, here come the bombs! Aw, look at this now, I don’t see crap in there. I know this game. This is how they get you.
This is what Adult Swim has been running apologies about?
Jebus icebergfucking Chreebus.
LGF is what making everything child safe has led to.
Lawnguylander, further down that LGF thread is this comment:
#262 Colt 1/31/2007 03:09PM PST
“MSM execs going to jail on terrorism charges… hmm.”
It’d be wrong to say I’m aroused. But I don’t know else you’d call it.
Colt gets boners thinking about media execs going to jail over stupid marketing campaigns? Very kinky.
He’s like:
thwappity thappity thwappity … mmm, Ted Turner in an orange jumpsuit … thwappitythwappitythwappity … yeah, Pinch Sulzberger making license plates … thwapthwapthwapthwapthwap … oh God oh God oh God … ahhhh.
tag closed?
gah. Now?
It must be real disappointing for these avid nukes-going-off-in-every-‘hood-24 show fans to not have the real meal deal once in a while.
The LGF readers hopes you can see their paranoia and bloodlust, because they’re doing it as hard as they can.
Are their egos satisfied? Damn no!
Note the more subdued San Francisco response from two weeks ago.
The best part is they have been up for three weeks everywhere, and that the glowing cartoon was described as a “man flipping the bird” on LGF. Maybe it was Barack Saddam Osama!
Truly, truly classic stuff from Malkin:
I think the “man” pictured was Antonin Scalia.
All I can say is:
I hope they can see this, because I’m doing it as hard as I can.
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“ZOMG! What if this had been REAL!?! OHH NOES! Terruh-rists could be doing this RIGHT NOW!!”
Well, then, thank god for Ted Turner for exposing us to our vulnerabilities so that we can fix them. Right?
God, this just gets richer and richer…
Malkin cannot comprehend our advanced science, even if she uses 100% of her tiny Earth brain.
Seventy-five-hundred-thousand dollars for emergency response services, a cool three-quarters of a million bucks, according to May-yah Mumbles (aka The Honorable T. Menino), and over the course of their busy workday they still only found 10 or 11 of the original 38 “performance pieces”. Of course, most of the missing 20-odd were probably pried loose and are now adorning dorm walls, or eBay auctions. But, yeah, at least one local bloviator (Jon Keller) thinks that the poor schmuck responsible should be punished, “they should throw the thickest book possible at him”, not least because of the “vulgar hand signal” part. Because nothing says “Al Queda Pwned Amurka!!1!” like a frowny icon flipping us the Lite-Brite bird.
Pants-Pisher Nation. We should be ashamed of ourselves.
I’m a little more concerned that a large number of people with guns and large egos took this nonsense seriously, and then arrested someone because they look like jackasses for freaking out about colored lights hanging in public streets—two weeks after they were put up.
Well, that and someone calling the bomb squad over unauthorized light bulb arrangements.
America is just turning into the blogosphere. Teh QOTD, from a Fox News Memo: “For the record: seeing an item on a website does not mean it is right. Nor does it mean it is ready for air on FNC. The urgent queue is our way of communicating information that is air-worthy. Please adhere to this.”
To which I can only append, if we’re talking Truths to Live By, “just because it has wires and batteries doesn’t make it a bomb.” I think everything I own that isn’t clothes or books has wires and batteries.
Damn, LGF is an embarrassment of genius:
“As innocuous is these stupid-looking things are, if you were a ‘splody looking to place a series of bombs in a city, how would you disguise them? The fact that it has a stupid-looking cartoon character on it doesn’t mean that it isnt a bomb.”
“TBS committed an act of terrorism plain and simple. The actual potential for carnage is beside the point.”
“All this talk of cartoon network has me wondering…..has The Boondocks been shitcanned yet?”
All this “what if..” hysteria. cripes.
What if “”splodies” (creative. no, really. get yourself a cookie.) put IEDs in trashcans on the street on trash day?
What if they carried a backpack full of C-4 into an airport security line?
What if they drove a truck-full of explosives onto a busy bridge (of which there are quite a few in the DC area) and set it off?
Are these dweebs really so pathetic in believing that their security blankie keeps them safe? That [AS] should be charged as terrorists because they simply (and un-intentionally) opened their eyes to how un-safe we really are?
There’s no way Al Qaeda could have DREAMED to have achieved this level of fear and terror in Americans.
“if you were a ’splody looking to place a series of bombs in a city, how would you disguise them?”
I probably would NOT put flashing lights on them.
(oh geez, now DHS will be looking for me)
And they said it couldn’t happen here.
(1) I love how it was “a man flipping the bird to the police” my emphasis. I am surprises he didn’t go ahead and say “the troops” or “patriot americans.”
(2) My husband’s reaction: “looks like my criticism of The Departed that the Boston police couldn’t be that dumb and incompetant was unfounded.”
#345 blue sky 1/31/2007 09:57PM PST
Well, I’m off to bed. Thank you again to all those people who stand guard to protect us while I sleep.
Don’t forget to keep the nightlight on.
God, Mooninites? Honestly? lol
The Mooninites have commented to the press on this matter here.
Now they are going to get “tore up.”
I hear Malkin is planning to do an embed on the Moon now, to get to the center of this Mooninite plot. Or is the Mooninite plot the Washington Times, in which case she’s applying for a job?
America can, should, must and will blow up the moon.
So the people who claim they have a monopoly on the best ideas to keep America Safe (namely kill brown people) spend their time protecting us freaking out over sprinkler parts and marketing hoaxes? Thank God we have them to keep us safe whilst the Army is in Iraq.
I keep thinking if it wasn’t Err “turning it up” so to speak, they wouldn’t have called the bomb squad. Unauthorized litebrights. Oh noes, they were giving the finger, how rude. Cue pearl clutching. Jesus. They were calling it a “guerilla marketing campaign,” on my local news this morning. Anything to distract from the fact that a bunch of cops and media assholes and politicians lost their minds over some innocuous light boards with a cartoon character flipping the bird. Even as it was unfolding on the news, my friend turned to me and said, “These are probably nothing, you know that?” “Yeah, and the media isn’t helping with their histrionics, but better safe than sorry,” I said at the time. I was trying to give these guys the benefit of the doubt. What makes me not want to do that is the dogged determination to pretend that something really really serious and awful happened even though it didn’t, as a way of relieving themselves from any responsibility for flying off the handle over something stupid. “OMG, it totally COULD HAVE BEEN A BOMB!!!1111!!!” Yeah, but it wasn’t. Change your Depends and pull yourself together.
“Yes, we smoke while we flip the bird.”
As a terrorist, I know the best way to keep a bomb inconspicuous is to cover it with astonishingly bright lights and then deploy it in the early evening, when the lights are most visible AND there are numerous people on the street to notice them.
What could possibly go wrong?
By the logic of the Boston PD and the LGF cretards, anyone who puts up a band flyer on a telephone pole is a potential ‘splodie’, because Oh noes! Maybe they’re testing our defenses!! Maybe they’re putting up thin sheets of C4 disguised to look like a poster!!!1!1!
I know this is a trite and cliched statement, but we really are through the looking glass here, people.
As I said elsewhere, what’s the difference between this incident and the War of the Worlds incident in the 1930s? Panic, hysteria, etc. Oh, except those fooled then were shamed by their foolish gullibility, whereas now they’re trying to justify being paranoid little pants-pissing children.
True, why should anyone bother to check a suspicious package when it has a cartoon character on it?(And there was a large black duct- taped battery pack attached to each, just about the size of a pound of Semtex and a number were planted in places that were obvious targets and two phony pipe bombs were also discovered.)
Now of course, if a bomber was planting devices that he wanted not to be discovered immediately, maybe trying to make them look like something innocent would never cross his mind. They’d never think of that would they?
C’mon, smarten up. Not everything is an opportunity for more snark.
So why can’ t the LGFmoroni get off their lardy asses and get to the bottom of
THIS terrorist plot
I mean, this one is a *natural* for them! They can examine the fonts and the kerning for important “clues”.
“C’mon, smarten up. Not everything is an opportunity for more snark.”
Yeah, actually, this is.
Now of course, if a bomber was planting devices that he wanted not to be discovered immediately, maybe trying to make them look like something innocent would never cross his mind. They’d never think of that would they?
C’mon, smarten up. Not everything is an opportunity for more snark.
I hereby call for the immediate arrest and trial of all military family members who leave “welcome home” banners on highway overpasses. It’s the easiest way to conceal an act of unpatriotic-ness, after all.
Seriously, though, the opinion around my office here in Boston is that yeah, it was a stupid overreaction, but we’re at least satisfied that the proper people seemed to have responded as requested. No harm no foul. Except to the ad agency guys who might get fined/indicted. Hope that goes away.
I encourage this paranoia. If all that needs to be done is get these loons riled up, there are a bunch of eyesores I’d like to see eliminated:
Hey, loons, look at the ubiquitous explosive potential of billboards, bus advertising, scaffolding, Learning Annex catalog dispensers… the list is endless. Something must be done! And talk about splodies! If slammofashist suiciders disguised themselves as pasty-faced bepaunched white guys with Banana Republic shorts and CAT hats, entire swaths of the heartland could be in jeopardy. Round ’em up! And just consider… what if, instead of those clunky TNT belts, they hid their plastic explosives in ponytails! Charles fucking Johnson my ass! More like Mustapha Bomb if you ask me.
Not in this Sales & Marketing office in Boston. The consensus here is that it was pretty stupid, the city actually reacted fairly well, as they should have and that Turner ought to pay for the costs involved. Maybe not jail, at least not for the poor schmucks who were hired to put them up, but for the company executives responsible.
And yes, I watch Adult Swim but it’s like waving a toy gun at a cop, it’s just stupid and irresponsible.
Can this really be classified as a hoax?
According to the dictionary we see:
hoax –noun
1. something intended to deceive or defraud: The Piltdown man was a scientific hoax.
I don’t think these were ever intended to look like bombs or to be passed off as bombs. Calling this whole fiasco a “hoax” is like saying that since the cloud *looked* like a bunny rabbit to you, AND THEN TURNED OUT NOT TO BE A BUNNY RABBIT, a hoax was involved.
This needs to be taken seriously. At any minute, these Islamoonites can link up and form the dreaded QUAD LASER! The beam is enormous – there is no escape.
This is the funniest thing ever in the history of things. Only this passionate prose from the Err himself can express what I’m feeling right now towards the boys in Freeperland:
“We’re gonna rock your FACE!”
Ben said,
February 1, 2007 at 16:20
“C’mon, smarten up. Not everything is an opportunity for more snark.�
Yeah, actually, this is.
Hey, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is serious business! No snarking!
LGF poster:
One man has been arrested. An exchange student from Belarus, hired by a guerilla marketing firm to carry out the ad campaign. I have a feeling more arrests are pending.
Belarus? A furrener! Could he be Muslim??? Oh noes!
So now the Islamofacists have subverted the advertising industry to do their vile fearmongering work? Is NOTHING sacred?
I hereby call for the immediate arrest and trial of all military family members who leave “welcome home� banners on highway overpasses. It’s the easiest way to conceal an act of unpatriotic-ness, after all.
Maybe we should start checking every one of those magnetic “Support The Troops” yellow ribbons for explosives — after all, WHAT BETTER WAY to conceal a bomb than to make it patriotic!?!??!?
Aw, hell, let’s just give the police the right to arrest anyone, anywhere, anytime. You Never Know, after all!
The snark lies not within the city’s reaction to the suspicion, but instead within the hysteria and fear of the freepers and their ilk.
Though it is weird the no one in the Boston PD recognized them.
Besides, terrorists don’t watch Adult Swim.
“And yes, I watch Adult Swim but it’s like waving a toy gun at a cop, it’s just stupid and irresponsible.”
Indeed that is. But you don’t get charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Carrying a Concealed Handgun Without a Permit when you do, which is what some people claim should be done with AS. And thus, the snark.
And there was a large black duct- taped battery pack attached to each, just about the size of a pound of Semtex and a number were planted in places that were obvious targets and two phony pipe bombs were also discovered.
Are you for real? Put down the Tom Clancy novel and step away slowly.
the only thing keeping my brain from going “splody” right now is the profound irony that at least 75% of the lgf commentors look like carl.
My first thought was that it was an awesome MIT hack…
There is a house going up down the road which will partially obscure my water and NYC views. This morning as I drove by on my way to get the papers, the papers, I noticed they were stringing wires through the structure and connecting them to a master box of some kind. How can I be sure that this budding McMansion is not the mother of all IEDs? The workers looked like they may well be from Venezuela and I don’t want to get my ass blown off so I called the local building department to plead my case but the dhimmicrat that answered the phone clearly did not share my power to fear the unknown and unlikely so I’m going to have to resort to some black ops on this construction site. Ever vigilant.
Good point. I was thinking your average warblogger = Carl. Except Carl might be in a bit better shape and isn’t a virgin.
Reactionary eliminationists will be spanked with moon rocks.
That’s a masterpiece. Somebody has to use that for a band name.
but it’s like waving a toy gun at a cop
Actually, it’s nothing like that. It’s like waving a My Little Pony at a cop and having everyone go nuts because they think it’s a gun.
I could have made a fortune if only I’d bought stock in diaper companies…
I pray to G-d that I am wrong.
I believe he meant “right.”
Because if a cat sniffs some anthrax, the LGFers are going to freakin’ lose it, feeling as though they have a reason to live again.
Seriously, they’re dying for another attack over there. It’s the only thing keeping their heads out of ovens.
It’s like waving a My Little Pony at a cop and having everyone go nuts because they think it’s a gun
Well, those unicorn ones can be kind of pointy, and it’s a slippery slope from there.
This story keeps getting funnier. Here are a few clips from
“BOSTON, Massachusetts (CNN) — Two men pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges they created panic by placing “bomblike” electronic light boards displaying a cartoon character with an upraised middle finger throughout Boston.
Assistant Attorney General John Grossman called the light boards “bomblike” devices and said that if they had been explosive they could have damaged infrastructure and transportation in the city.
Peter Berdovsky and Sean Stevens, will be released on $2,500 bail, said Mike Rich, their attorney. The next pre-trial hearing is scheduled for March 7.”
Uh, yeah Grossman. If they had been explosives and not a light board with a cartoon character flipping the bird, they sure could have done some damage.
Here’s another snip.
“Devices in place for weeks
Turner said the devices have been in place for two or three weeks in Boston; New York City; Los Angeles, California; Chicago, Illinois; Atlanta, Georgia; Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon; Austin, Texas; San Francisco, California; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.”
Somehow, all these other cities managed to not be driven into hysteria by a cartoon character flipping the bird. I certainly hope the feds swoop down on the people in the above cities who planted the threatening “not like a bomb at all” bomb-like devices and bring them to justice.
I am sure Confederate Yankee is pondering releasing the Boston suspects’ home addresses and Social Security numbers.
Never have I been more ashamed of the Boston PD. Not when some officers thought “Billionaires for Bush” were real and asked to have their pictures taken with us. Not when the cop taking my stolen wallet report had to be told everything three times and to have words such as “wallet” and “leather” spelled for him. Not when one of ’em who stopped my car was wearing a plastic bow tie… and it wasn’t Halloween. Never.
Good thing I just work in Boston and live elsewhere. My cops aren’t that dumb, are they?
[…] 1 Feb 2007 Boston meets the Mooninites Posted by dr.hypercube under politics , privacy * More evidence that fear does not makepeople smarter. For folks who are not up on this latest Keystone Kops incident, yesterday the Boston PD, local and state government, and the media went ape after someone reported a suspicious device (one of which is pictured above). Additional devices were found around town – they’d been there for, apparently, three weeks. Look like a bomb to you? Not to me – I’m well past the twenty-something demographic, but I recognized the moon guys instantly. If I wanted to blow something up I might use a NEMA enclosure with some conduit coming out of it to hide my device; a high tech Lite-Brite – not so much. Now, of course, the powers-that-be are embarrassed and are going to get even – starting with the 2 poor schmucks who put the nefarious devices up. Go ahead, fine ‘em for violating a ‘post no bills’ law – write ‘em a ticket, but anything more? Come on. This is, as far as I’m concerned, a kind of Type II error – evaluate the hypothesis as true (OMG, we must treat those things as IEDs) when it is in fact false – the kind of error that is far more likely when dealing with terrorism (because there are so few terrorists and so much random real life going on). It would seem to me that public safety folks might want to examine why they committed such a large and long mistake and do so in a public way so everyone can learn from the fiasco, rather than concentrating on whuppin’ on a couple of Lite-Brite hangers. I know, I know – I’m living in a fantasy world, but seriously – we need to start holding folks, government and media both, to account. Panic, overreaction and constant fear are no way to run a city, state or nation. In the absence of any real ‘learn from our mistakes’ effort, I suggest mockery. * Little later: Speaking of mockery – my fave comment: Seventy-five-hundred-thousand dollars for emergency response services, a cool three-quarters of a million bucks, according to May-yah Mumbles (aka The Honorable T. Menino), and over the course of their busy workday they still only found 10 or 11 of the original 38 “performance piecesâ€?. Of course, most of the missing 20-odd were probably pried loose and are now adorning dorm walls, or eBay auctions. But, yeah, at least one local bloviator (Jon Keller) thinks that the poor schmuck responsible should be punished, “they should throw the thickest book possible at himâ€?, not least because of the “vulgar hand signalâ€? part. Because nothing says “Al Queda Pwned Amurka!!1!â€? like a frowny icon flipping us the Lite-Brite bird. […]
Malkin: “Or something else.” At which the 101st Fighting Keyboarders spring into action, hauling their GI Joe action figures out of the closet and war gaming with them on their bedroom floor. Ten-hut!
Did you look at those things? They’re flat! They have no volume! There’s no place to put any explosives!
Imagine being a member of a bomb squad. You’re told to put on your body armor and go out there to disarm some terrible terror weapon. So you suit up and steel yourself to risk your life. You go out to the bomb site, where you find a flat circuit board, covered with light-emitting diodes, with no volume.
But it gets better! I read in the news that after sending the bomb squad on a wild goose chase here and there all over town to disarm a bunch of obviously harmless flat circuit boards, that moron of a mayor had the bomb squad come search his office for bombs!
What the news declined to tell us, probably out of consideration for the delicate sensibilities of young children, is that after the bomb squad got done searching the Mayor’s office, the Mayor rushed over to his proctologist, just in case some fiendish terrist done snuck a bomb up in there, like maybe when he was sleeping or distracted.
on the moon, our weekends last the entire week.
Did you look at those things? They’re flat! They have no volume!
Yeah, it’s not like they put up lite brites of Boxy Brown.
The devices have been in place for weeks, funny how now, when all the info about how Dickey had Scooter outing spies is coming out, America suffers another “Terrorist Attack.”
Am I being too paranoid?
If the unibomber had been an Islamofascist these guys would have never opened their mailboxes again. The word “wuss” certainly comes to mind.
A friend in New Jersey told me the media down there was writing crazy stuff as, “The circuit boards were *identical* to those used in IED’s in Iraq” and calling them bombs.
I just told him that his stereo probably had circuit boards identical to those used in IED’s in Iraq since the “I” stands for “Improvised”!
And he agreed with me about the ‘bomb’ part after I emailed him a picture. Oy! The BPD and MBTAPD are so flipping dumb I’m going insane!
So….do you think foiling this plot will make Bush’s 2007 SOTU speech?
Aw.. You know what I meant. 2008
My nephew had his Lite Brite suspiciously placed in the garage the other day. He’s in Gitmo now.
Barking Pumpkin, you owe me.
The more I learn about this, the less sympathetic I feel towards the BPD.
I jsut read the CNN story about this. Pure comedy gold!
In a news conference, Rich told reporters he had advised his clients not to discuss the incident. Stevens and Berdovsky took the podium and said they were taking questions only about haircuts in the 1970s.
When a reporter accused them of not taking the situation seriously, Stevens responded, “We’re taking it very seriously.” Asked another question about the case, Stevens reiterated they were answering questions only about hair and accused the reporter of not taking him and Berdovsky seriously.
Reporters did not relent and as they continued, Berdovsky disregarded their queries, saying, “That’s not a hair question. I’m sorry.”
The statements of the public officials are masterpieces of pearl-clutching outraged hyperbole. Here’s my favorite:
Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis called the stunt “unconscionable,” while Boston Mayor Thomas Menino called it “outrageous” and the product of “corporate greed.” Democratic Rep. Ed Markey, a Boston-area congressman, added, “It would be hard to dream up a more appalling publicity stunt.”
Is that a challenge? OK, Sadly No-ites — can anyone find an example of a more appalling publicity stunt? [answer: just about every day of the week at FOX]
America is just turning into the blogosphere.
That is the scariest thing I’ve heard in a while.
Still, do LGFers seriously have aboslutely no conception of just how utterly fucking moronic they are? Do they really completely lack any semblence of self-awareness? I’d like to think they understand how foolish they look and just dismiss it in favor of being hardcore righties, but now…I think they really are that dense.
It is a pity the police, etc. didn’t blow up the suspicious packages, like the do in London to stray suitcases! My husband left his suitcase next to a bus-stop once. Came back for it- oops! Blown to bits. The Londoners, however, did not have an hysterical hissy-fit over it. Husband was told “Don’t leave suitcases lying about.” “Ok” said Husb. Case closed.
Hey, LiteBrite pegs can be dangerous if swallowed or shoved up the nasal cavity. I’m sure some of the LGF commenters can attest to that.
Seriously though, I’ve been LMAO all day about this. Some people must see bombs everywhere they go.
Also: Do what now?
Hey, LiteBrite pegs can be dangerous if swallowed or shoved up the nasal cavity.
To children under three.
Did that close it?
Oh my God, g, I thought you were writing parody or something, until I actually clicked on CNN. Unbelievable.
I wonder if anyone actually asked a hair question…
People – DON’T YOU SEE????1111eleven!!one!
It’s Iran! They’re Mooninites! This is all part of their plan to strike deep in the heart of the, uh, heartland. Yeah. Now the Chimp-In-Chief finally has the goods on them. Next stop: Tehran!
Hey! No fair! I wanted to be the Abbie Hoffman of the new millenium!!
I guess I’ll have to settle for Jerry Rubin, damnit!!
Well, BPD has made it pretty clear that they don’t ever inspect bridges. I think that’s at the heart of their pissed-off-ness, they’ve been made to look bad so they are gonna keep digging a hole.
Also, please join our contest in attributing terrorist usage to innocuous 70s and 80s era toys.
I watched a little Fox News over a late lunch. Shep Smith and crew played a time line of their hysterical coverage of the Aqua Teen Jihad from the previous day, and of course, without any awareness of how unintentionally hilarious it was.
They also found plenty of time to mention Turner Broadcasting and how shameful the whole thing is. Shep even insinuated CNN was in-the-know about the stunt by saying something to the effect of “CNN says they didn’t know anything about it.” in that Barney Fife cadence of his.
And they showed the little Moonite flipping the bird 1,000 times.
The Daily Show will be hilarious tonight.
True, why should anyone bother to check a suspicious package when it has a cartoon character on it? … Now of course, if a bomber was planting devices that he wanted not to be discovered immediately, maybe trying to make them look like something innocent would never cross his mind.
some people have gone completely insane.
Say…..! I just got home from my commute. I noticed there were little day-glo pink rectangles attached to telephone poles and chain link fences along the route, with the words “Bad credit?” followed by a cryptic series of numbers and dashes. One was suspiciously near the underpass of a major freeway!
I think I better call the sheriff’s office and have them checked out
There were numbers on them?!?!?!?!????
Islamofascists use numbers!!!!!!!!!!!
“I, for one, welcome our Mooninite overlords.” – TBogg
I wonder if anyone actually asked a hair question…
Don’t know if you saw any pictures, but the ‘potential terrorist / prankster’ at the podium was working some pretty good dreads for a pasty-completed dude. Which is, I assume, where the snark comes in.
Islamofascists use numbers!!!!!!!!!!!
Especially zero, which is Arabic!
I wonder if anyone actually asked a hair question…
There’s footage up online (it’s at Alternet; I linked it from my blog), and someone did actually ask him about his hair at some point.
I happened to catch this on CNN (which plays eternally in our work cafeteria), and I took one (1) glance at ‘teh unfolding story’ and said, oh, my god, they can’t be serious. And yet…. they were.
WTF is wrong with these people? Seriously? Do they enjoy being frightened all the time? Or are their lives just so damned boring that they’ll jump at any chance for a little excitement? No matter what the cause, it’s more than a little pathetic.
Yuk it up, moonbats. There’s only one letter difference between IED and LED. Think it can’t happen here? It just did. Next time an LED takes off one of your arms you’ll be laughing out of the other side of your face.
Think about it.
Hey Chuck, Dracula called and said he’s coming for you tonight and i said okay then.
I like watching my own city, Boston, make a total ass out of itself on teh world stage. So I jsut wrote this on the Boston Globe bulletin board:
It is going to take 1,000 years for Boston to un-embarrass itself from this debacle.
Which will never happen because even Bostonians know that Boston is the most corrupt, inept, backward, stupid and supercilious hick Podunk burgh disguising as a “city” on the planet.
Boston is just a bigger Fall River, with less class and true roots and vibe. Brockton produced Marvin Hagler and Rocky Marciano. Boston has to rent talent. Loosers and poseurs. Patriots won’t get near the place. They’d rather be down the street from Attleboro and Woonsocket, RI than teh Newbury Street.
only Boston poseur-loosers will understand the pain and hurt they feel from the Woonsocket and Fall River insult-comparisons. and it didn’t even throw in New Bedford or Onset.
I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, so I decided to slip a terrorist training video into the old DVD player.
Worked like a charm – helped me relax and lulled me right off to sleep. Man, I loves me some terrorists.
only Boston poseur-loosers will understand the pain and hurt they feel from the Woonsocket and Fall River insult-comparisons. and it didn’t even throw in New Bedford or Onset.
Up the Riv!
We’re that close to starting a “remember various things from Worcester” thread once again…
For God’s sake, it’s “losers.” “Looser” means “not as tight.” They’re not even homonyms.
They freak out over Lite-Brites and yet this: doesn’t get news.
Man, Wingnuts are dumb.
infiltration by population and intimidation by legislation
hmm. little green noballs has commenters that write thinly veiled racist screeds? no way. infiltration by population is what they call the ‘mexican wave’, and intimidation by legislation is their code for ‘democracy’, wielded at the hand of democrats. both of which, are, of course, terrorists.
if you read lgf, your eyes will either burn out of your head, or you might turn into a racist, bigotted asshole wrapped up in a piss-stained blanket of fear. either one.
I think this spelling of “losers” must be part of the Wing Nut Style Book. annieangel and shoelimpy both use it too.
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[…] by which people are now encouraged not to make the traditional LGF leap-to-conclusions that has proven so embarrassing in the past. But the circus continues: #28 WildcatFan 7/20/2007 10:29:40 am PDT reply […]