Hussein In The Membrane

Confederate Yankee is on a new kick:

The Case for Outing Jamil?
I’m presenting working on what will likely be my last post on the Jamil Hussein/Hurriyah mosque attacks debacle.

No it won’t.

I’ve got some emails out to several sources and the AP itself attempting to tie up loose ends, and I won’t write a final draft until those addressed have a reasonable amount of time to respond.

I did, however, have one question I addressed to all of those I queried, that I’d like to ask my readers as well:

Should I “out” Jamil, revealing his real, full, and complete name?

Let’s see.


  • Real, full, and complete name of controversial Iraqi police captain is interesting item of trivia
  • Spike in site traffic for Confederate Yankee!


This might be a hard decision to make, but we’ll certainly help in any way we can.

I’m generally quite opposed to the concept of outing. Interestingly enough, this is the entennial of outing as practiced by the leftist press. It is typically used typically to attack politicians for their sexual preferences, but occasionally to hurt celebrities as well. According the Wikipedia entry on outing linked above:

Gabriel Rotello, once editor of OutWeek, called outing “equalizing”…

If outing is an acceptable method of equalizing the gay and the straight, can’t it also be applied to “equalize” claims made by the honest and dishonest?

In other words, he’s generally quite opposed to the concept of ‘outing’ unless an excuse can be conjured from an authoritative text such as Wikipedia.

Above: An example of Wikipedia’s rigorous sourcing policy

Not only that, but since we’re reasoning by word-play, if revealing the gayness of closeted gay people is an accepted method of broadcasting the name of anti-Shiite media sources amidst a wave of sectarian death-squad activity in Iraq, then can’t it also be the same as righteous vigilante violence, as we clearly see from the following?

Above: Edward Woodward in The Equalizer

Aided by a group of sometimes-mysterious contacts (some of whom date back to his spying days), McCall traverses the streets of New York City, bringing justice to hoodlums, racists, murderers, kidnappers, drug dealers and other truly deserving individuals. His contacts are also prone to human foibles, ranging from egotism to domestic problems.

After due consideration, Mr. Yankee, we think you should go to Iraq and shoot him yourself. And while you’re there, you can do some of that research that, you know, Michelle Malkin and Bryan “Presto!” Preston forgot to do.


Comments: 106


Jaysus. Go ahead and screen-cap that post for the later civil suit by hussein’s family.


What does “the entennial of outing” mean?


“typically used typically”


Should I “out� Jamil, revealing his real, full, and complete name?

That would be the Jamil who doesn’t exist, which somehow did not prevent him from dishonestly reporting that mosques that were firebombed had been firebombed?


The only time the Right ever outs someone is when they’ve lost an argument or have been proven wrong by that someone, and want to ensure as many of their mouthbreathing readers as possible know the person’s address and phone number so that the outee can enjoy death threats and — bonus! — possible unemployment.


Sez one of Wankee’s regulars, Purple Avenger: “If he gets whacked, that just too bad.”

Compassionate conservativism in action!


It’s not “Jamilgate” anymore — it’s “Jamilfest!”


What does “the entennial of outing� mean?

That’s when you out someone through your eyes, nose, and throat.

Be careful, C-Yank. For the white horse of Jamil will ride you to hell. To hell.


Actually, in true wingtard fashion, isn’t the proper step to just ponder the subject of “outing” while encouraging commenters to do the dirty work?


I think if it helps get an innocent man killed more power to him. Oh’ and Mr. Wankee, I’ll be seeing you in my office about sixteen years from now. What? You thought you’d live longer! Ha! You never even saw that bus coming.


After due consideration, Mr. Yankee, we think you should go to Iraq and shoot him yourself.

That’s just plain cruel. You know Mr. Yankee has a trick knee – you can’t expect him to sit in a cramped plane seat for as long as it would take to fly to Iraq.


If outing him helps get an innocent man tortured and killed more power to you.

Oh’ and Mr. Wankee, we have an office appointment eight years and three days from now. What? You thought you’d live longer? Ha! You never even saw that bus coming!


According to Merriam-Webster:

The word you’ve entered isn’t in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

Suggestions for entennial:
1. antennal
2. antennule
3. Antillean
4. entailing
5. antialien
6. Antalya
7. entitle
8. ant lion
9. Anatolia
10. Anatolian

The word doesn’t exist. Since CY uses words that don’t exist, doesn’t that prove that CY himself does nor exist?


‘does NOT exist NOR make sense’


The word doesn’t exist. Since CY uses words that don’t exist, doesn’t that prove that CY himself does not exist?

According to Wikipedia, there is no such person.

Yet more burning questions in the ever-deepening CYgate scandal.


“I just threw up in my mouth a little bit” doesn’t cover it by a longshot.

Sorry I can’t be clever and light-hearted but, WTF is up with these people??

Valerie Plame-Wilson

What’s this? Right-wing sphincternauts putting people’s lives at risk by outting them for political revenge? I’m frankly shocked…


Jamil Hussein and Confederate Yankee walk into a bar. Jamil is muslim, he orders tea. Yankee orders an old milwaukee, and the bartender says “I’m out”. So Jamil shoots CY…

Umm, I think that’s how it goes…



All snark aside, that honestly just made me gag.

These people, these sociopaths, are wrong about every single fucking thing — and they are going to run some schmuck’s name and get him killed.

And then maybe CY can jack off to the snuff pix sure to follow.


I love it. Liberals have been bitching about how there’s not enough accountability in Iraq. Now, we can question somebody who appears to have made up a story for the AP.. and you want him hidden from sight, totally unaccountable.

Which is it? Accountability or not?


I like what CY offers as categorical proof of his alternate universe version that “not a single soul died” — the official-Iraqi-and-US-miltary action reports say that they exchanged fire somewhere in the neighborhood an hour later but didn’t mention any civilian deaths.

You know, the same military that says they don’t do body counts.

Reports by neighborhood residents of civilians killed on the same morning can only mean the AP is a nest of bushderangedislamodjimmocommicrats.


American Hawk – Really? You think that is the kind of accountability that counts regarding this war? That Jamil Hussein should be held accountable for anything beyond telling his story?

I think that you do not know what that word means.


I have to ask: is American Hawk a parody, or is (s)he really that much of an idiot?

It’s so hard to tell these days.


Clearly the most pressing need for accountability in Iraq is whether the AP’s use of the word “destroyed” is correct in reference to a Mosque that has a gigantic hole in its roof.


Maybe, at long last, American Hawk (Yay! Go US!) can explain the whole fucking POINT!! I mean, you clowns keep hollering that AP got it wrong. So what’s the point? Are you annointing yourselves media critics rather than political bloggers? Are you only concerned anymore about journalism ethics? Or do you really believe this means that there’s no violence in Iraq?



American Hawk thinks that people who offend against his understanding of the world should either shut up, or not exist.

Asking him questions about anything more nuanced – journalism ethics, for example – is a waster of time.


Did you mean “centennial”?

Yes, he did. As the linked Wikipedia article states:

“The Harden-Eulenburg affair of 1907-1909 was the first public outing scandal of the twentieth century.”

So 2007 is the “centennial” of outing.


Wow, American Chickenshit found his way from Drum’s site over to Sadly, No! This should be fun.


IIRC I’ve seen American Hawk at teh Crack Den. He’s the real wingnutty deal. Witness his belief that a minor AP source being held “accountable” for saying things that wingnuts don’t want to hear, through threat of death, as being more important than Bush Co. being held accountable to the American people, through threat of investigation and possible impeachment, for lying America into killing and wounding thousands and thousands of people.


Jamil Hussein is so yesterday. The fresh, new face of Islamic propaganda is Lara Logan!


Jamil Hussein is so yesterday. The fresh, new face of Islamic propaganda is Lara Logan!

Well, Michelle is right this time, spartikus. See, if that video really did come from Al Qaeda, then that means all of those people didn’t really die.


I love it. Liberals have been bitching about how there’s not enough accountability in Iraq. Now, we can question somebody who appears to have made up a story for the AP.. and you want him hidden from sight, totally unaccountable.

I quit. I keep writing, “wow. [some rightwing asshole] has just written possibly the stupidest thing in the history of the Internet” and then some other rightwing asshole picks up the gauntlet, brushes it off, sticks it up his ass and declares, “Oh yeah?”


La Maglalang: I’ve asked CBS News’s Public Eye for comment. Stay tuned.

Lara Logan has more courage and honour in her little finger than the Malkin-thing in her entire dual-person entity. But Logan can stand up for herself pretty well, as she did when she pwn3d the idiot Laura Ingraham.


american hawk followed the trail of cheetos Atrios put out for him.


spartikus, there’s really no excuse for links like that. The right wing War on Logic may simply be a tactic, but it’s extremely painful none the less. Isn’t a visit by hawky enough?


These greasemonkeys would love it if they got the guy killed. “(V)ictory over the AP and Jamil Hussein for all time, infinity periods, no takebacks” really is their mindset.


I have to ask: is American Hawk a parody, or is (s)he really that much of an idiot?

I went with a parody because no one could be that dumb and operate a computer.


Once Jamil Hussein is outed, then the war will be finally over and won and the brave men and women of America’s armed forces can return home.


What the hell is American Hawk doing here? Isn’t he Drum’s troll? Are these guys on a rotation or something?


But Logan can stand up for herself pretty well,

(taps nose)

We may be about to witness the ultimate smackdown. Malkin might find herself the subject of a complete 60 Minutes expose.


From the above link to the malkin thing:

Will the MSM jump all over this like they mauled Fox News over the Insight/Obama report, flog it ’til kingdom come, and summon every last media ethicist to debate the need for transparency and honest reporting, if al Qaeda or al Qaeda-linked operatives turn out to be the source of Logan’s video?

Irony passed away today after a long illness. Irony, noted for her resiliance in the face of repeated, multiple assaults, managed to struggle on for a number of years after the first pronouncements of her demise in January of 2001. Irony was eleventy gillion years old. The relatives ask that donations to the “You can’t punish me for killing my parents because I’m just a lonely orphan” be made in lieu of flowers…



Well I asked a serious question of Mr Yankee, how could he sleep at night if his actions ended in the death of an innocent man and possibly his family.

His considered reaction was to delete the post and ban my URL.

Truly a man of high principal.


As I understand it, the wingnuts denied the story was true because Jamil did not exist.

Then Jamil was discovered to actually exist.

So now, according to AH and CY, Jamil is an evil man for telling an untrue story.

I like the logic. (said in a spongemonkey voice.)


Let me see if I have this right….American Hawk wants Jamil Hussein exposed because the wingnuts made fools of themselves by denying that he existed?

That’s like setting someone up for “payback” because you’re an asshole, not because they did anything to deserve it. It must hurt like hell when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, Hawkie.


Jamil Hussein is so yesterday. The fresh, new face of Islamic propaganda is Lara Logan!

No! Not Lara Logan. I think the wingnuts are angry because she reminds them of all the hot girls that turned them down in their younger days.


His latest

“This particular Jamil has a name so singular it was in and of itself a topic of note in one discussion I had.”

Dropping little hints already. Like a schoolgirl he cannot keep his mouth closed.


Most of us, I believe, pretty frequently have to consider the possilble consequences of something we’d REALLY like to say. My conscience has been pretty damned good at counseling me to hold my fucking tongue so far. I hope this fool will listen to his conscience. It’s a game for him, but not for an innocent man in extreme danger. The very idea of considering such an outing is beyond what any ethical person would countenance.


It doesn’t fucking matter. Jamil Hussein doesn’t exist. The AP made him up.

Your mama sucks cocks in hell.


“This particular Jamil has a name so singular it was in and of itself a topic of note in one discussion I had.�

Breaking news: Rumpelstiltskin AP source in Iraq.

Umm… right. Reading his responses in comments on his site, I get the impression that he: a) is not very good at imagining a range of possible consequences, and b) has such ego problems that it may override anything his conscience would ask him to do.

It’s a real shame when the idiots get dangerous toys.




The real responsiblity probably does not lie with this fool but with whatever member of the US military/intelligence is feeding him the info.


I hope this fool will listen to his conscience

If he had a conscience, he wouldn’t have to go on the intertubes to ask why it is wrong..


Turn that frown up-side-down, Sanctimony and a stab at humor will stand in her stead.


I feel like I’m looking at a security monitor of the village idiot picking up a gun and pointing it at random people, thinking it’s a plastic toy. But okay, I really think that this CY goofball is just loving the attention and poking a stick out of his cage, thinking he’s playing his lab techs. In his IMs I can visualizing him saying to his wingnut buddies, ‘lmfao, llook at them an how much they worri abou this r**-head. just like moonbatts to care more about a sand****** than about american troop’s.’

So now it’s Malkin against Lara Logan? I can’t wait to see how this turns out. The pies have been launched from the pie-silos in North Dakota, Malkin’s face reflected in the jiggling berry sauce…


God, I miss Marla Ruzicka. She’d have had Jamil Hussein’s back. Marla, Marla.


Well I asked a serious question of Mr Yankee, how could he sleep at night if his actions ended in the death of an innocent man and possibly his family.
His considered reaction was to delete the post and ban my URL.

The way to do it where you won’t get banned is this: Wow, CY you like totally rock! I hope you do out this lying raghead scum and that puts him in deep shit, and no one will lose any sleep if the Islamofascists he works for turn him into meat to cover their asses.

Unhinged brainless ass-licking. That’s the ticket.


But what if he’s trying to communicate with Al-Qaeda by blinking? It would be irresponsible not to out him!


The wiki entry at this moment cites your takedown as follows:

“On January 21, 2007, Michelle Malkin wrote in the New York Post that she had visited two of the six mosques in the report. At her hotair site she showed video of one the mosques with the vast majority of its dome destroyed and she declared that mosque still standing and not destroyed. [10] She asked the military about the other mosques and reported their reports that they were not damaged. She then questioned other AP stories that relied on Jamil Hussein as a source. [11]”

The article was “cleaned up” and purged of this analysis once. It has been reverted.

I think the wikipedia is a bunch of crap, where truth is either majority rules, or ruled over by some wiki nazi or some basement dweller that focuses on making a particular article fit their particular agenda.

So actually the sooner the wikipedia dies the better for us all. Until then you can watch the jamilgate article get “cleaned” up by the forces of orwell.


“Should I “outâ€? Jamil, revealing his real, full, and complete name?”

Yes, of course. How better to punish him for EXISTING WHEN HE’S NOT SUPPOSED TO.

That’s one way to win an argument! Mafia dons: take note.


Once he outs him it is a pretty safe bet he will not exist for much longer. Which is perhaps the whole point.

No stupid towelhead is going to make Confederate Yankee look like a fool and live.



No! Not Lara Logan. I think the wingnuts are angry because she reminds them of all the hot girls that turned them down in their younger days.

That’s Michelle Malkin’s problem with LL? I had absolutely no idea.


Come on, this is clearly leading up to a “I have decided not to out Jamil al-ghanni Shebazz Hussein – oops, look what I did by accident, teehee! Fiddlesticks!”


How come Dan Riehl didn’t get a purple, spotted crazy arrow on that Wikipedia page? Clearly he besmirches Wiki as much as Yankee?


No, “Pinko-Punko”, Dan Riehl is obviously keeping it ‘real’. Are you some kind of commie?


What did this poor Jamil guy ever do to deserve being stalked by this buzz-cut clown “Confederate Yankee”?


“Confederate Yankee, accessory to murder.” Has quite a ring to it, don’t you agree?



Yank me.

— David Duke.


annieangel said,
January 31, 2007 at 2:33

It doesn’t fucking matter. Jamil Hussein doesn’t exist. The AP made him up.

Your mama sucks cocks in hell.

And she told me yesterday it would be nice if you shared once in a while, or at least took a bathroom break once every 12 hours …


Oh Annie…. come out from behind that burning bush.


Considering Malkin and all the other war loving wingnuts have been talking about this “source” from CPATT, perhaps Biden’s office (since he is chair of the Foreign Relations Committee) would be interested in this story. There could/will be serious ramifications if this does happen, and I am sure some in Senate would be very interested in hearing about it.


You’re a dick less little shit.


Who cares what CY says?

Think about it, what are the odds this guy is going to get ANYTHING right about this when all he has is information that others have gathered, has never been to Iraq, cant speak the native language, and whose only previous reporting experience is in sports. What info has he got by being, you know, at the scene.

He will probably delete this post as well.

The only play this will ever get is in the left-right blog war, there is no story in this story.


Out-ing: (ou’tÄ­ng)


1. An excursion, typically a pleasure trip.
2. A walk outdoors.
3. The exposing of one assumed to be or wishing to be considered heterosexual as being gay, lesbian, or bisexual.
4. An athletic competition or an appearance therein: The rookie pitcher threw a no-hitter in his first outing with the team

5. The last refuge of a desperate, fact-f*cked, credibility shattered, wingnut who’s screwed up so royally on yet another failed “scoop”, or bought into a thousandth massively debunked lie, where they opt to expose a debunker–or an element of said debunking, to bring physical harm, death or at the least, very serious life complications to that person or persons. Also used on people who disagree with them, those who do not bruise their palms clapping loudly enough, and people who say things they do not want to hear and do not want heard.


It just occurred to me, after looking at CY’s mug shot in the previous feature:

If Lee Harvey Oswald had a crewcut and a wingnut blog, he’d be CY. The resemblence is uncanny.

He needs to be PhotoShopped in a sunny backyard, posing with a Mannlicher-Carcano and a copy of the Worker’s Daily.

Then we can send him to Cuba.


my (imaginary) sources tell me that Jamil Hussein’s real identity is Joshua Sparling. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of that….but feel that this is so important tha this must be shared and considered…..


Goddamit, this pisses me off. When CY and the rest of the gang is completely wrong, about every statement that issues from their pie-holes, whistling off into the sunset and saying ‘whoopsy’! after every fart is perfectly acceptable. Jamil, however, in the eyes of AH, deserves death and dismemberment. Even if this guy DID actually manufacture stories for his own personal agenda, the ‘accountability’ for him equals possible (very) death? Pond scum are ashamed of you.


Here’s what I’m struggling to understand about this “outing” thing…..

Assuming the person in question is really named “Jamil Hussein” (and I’m not going to even get into issues of spelling, especially in light of all the mentally challenged rightards who kept bringing this up despite the fact that whatever his name is, it’s not written in a Latin alphabet, so you don’t “spell” it anyway; you transliterate it), what does “outing” him even mean?

Look at it this way: we know his name, and we know his job and the city where he holds it. You guys know the name I post under, and you know I’m a teacher – I think I’ve even mentioned before the name of the city I teach in. If you knew my full first and last name, and the name of the city where I work as a teacher, I’d be “outed”. There would be nothing else to know about me – precisely who I am would be identified. There is no other person on the planet who has my first and last name and my form of employment in my city. Unless, of course, you were planning on “outing” my address, my phone number, the name of my ex-fiance, my last three places of employment……

Is this yahoo claiming that Jamil Hussein’s real name isn’t “Jamil Hussein”? Or is he threatening to do what the Malkinite crowd always seems to love to do so much – work up their followers into a lather and then reveal all of someone’s personal contact information?

Inquiring minds what to know.


You cannot out me. I am not gay.


By the way…

Can anybody get for me this Confederate Yankee guy’s real name and address? I might have a “special delivery” for him.

And Allah be praised on my ungayness.

Your friend,



Oh, and I can be reached at…

Jamil Hussein
Iraqi Police
1212 Al-Mosque not-destroyed, but recently renovated with the addition of a very nice large skylight Street
Catchmeifyoucan, Iraq


Ditto Who Cares. What could Canadian (whatever) Yankee possibly know, that isn’t already known in Iraq? Besides how to deal with Cheeto Stains, I mean.

Fucktard doesn’t even know Arabic, right? How’s he know that the “real” name is real? Or that it’s transliterated correctly? Or that there aren’t actually 500,000 guys in Baghdad with the same name?


CY closed down the comments. How brave of him! A little aside: Michele Malkin posted a video of two of the mosques that were not destroyed according to her and her little gang. Well, the idiot posts a video of a mosque with a huge hole in its roof… So, no, it was not blown to smithereens, but it was clearly half destroyed. What a moron!


I see. So, at first he didn’t exist. Now that he does exist (and has humiliated the right blogsphere by doing so), he must be destroyed. Of course, they’re not going to kill him themselves. They don’t have the guts.

So: out him and get him killed.

Nice. I guess this kind of snuff pr0n gives them a break from wanting more attacks on America, right?


Can you give a little heads-up on links which lead to pictures of people with vaprorzied heads? Due to circumstances entirely beyond my control my brain has reached a saturation point with images of violence.


Hey, Sadly. Stop arguing with this schmuck. He doesn’t care about the lives of Amercan soldiers. You think you’re going to get him to care about an Iraqi?


Looking at those pictures, it’s like claiming that Dresden wasn’t destroyed, only firebombed, because the site of the city still remained and is still called Dresden to this day. To defend their original positions, it’s quite possible that they would adopt the stance that a place isn’t really “destroyed” until the earth is salted, every male is put to the sword, and ever female is put to the other sword.

Carthago delinda est


“Entennial” (WTF??)
Is that some obscure Lord of the Rings reference (an Ent’s birthday, or something?)


i know it’s late in the comments and all but will someone explain to me please how exactly this jamil thing wins the war?


You are a sociopath if you are even THINKING of “outing” this man. His story was true, and you could get him killed.

What are you THINKING? Or are you even THINKING?


AH and CY have the road rager’s mindset. They cut you off in traffic and nearly get you (and themselves) killed in the process. When you look over at them as they drive by and mouth the words “WTF are you *doing*?” (not rolling down the window or even giving the finger) they get mad at YOU, follow you home, and want to fight you on your lawn because you were concerned both of you were going to DIE for their stupidity. See? It’s YOUR fault THEY are an asshole and YOU must be punished. GOP SOP, baybee.


Sorry, way OT, but is annieangel off her meds? She used to just troll for attention and tout her alleged charms, now she’s just a random potty mouth. Does she need an intervention? I know a social worker…


That is not Annie Angel, it’s a namestealer.

If I could go into IPs and do stuff without breaking the site, I would ban everyone who namesteals.

Especially those who namesteal Annie. I love her very much.


now she’s just a random potty mouth



And Bubba, no doubt it’s you nametealing. You started the whole Althouse thing.

Get a life of your own.


this is the entennial of outing as practiced by the leftist press.

Like Bob Novack and Matt Cooper, for instance?

Who is this idiotic contrasiction in terms, anyway? Who’s this “Confederate Yankee” and why are you giving him bandwidth, SN?


And Bubba, no doubt it’s you nametealing. You started the whole Althouse thing.

Get a life of your own.

Damn you, filter-free RSS feed. But this gives me another good excuse to give credit where credit is due: it was teh l4m3 who started the chain reaction that led to Critical Althouse, a catastrophic event that left a smoking hole in the time I should have spent watching sitcom reruns.

I’d tell you to go smoke some pole but I know you don’t have the airfare.

Ba-dump bump.


You know, I hate the idea of turning the “armchair photo analyst” meme back on the idiots who originated it, but…..oh, fuck it. No I don’t.

CY has a pic up on his blog that he claims shows “people worshipping” in one of the not-destroyed mosques the day after it wqas not-destroyed. The weird thing about the pic, though, is that there’s a bunch of people standing in a line, and some of them are obviously men, and some of them are obviously women.

I wasn’t aware that Sunni Muslims in Iraq had embraced co-ed worship services.

Is it irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to….


For that matter, I could “worship” in a two and a half foot hole in the sticky red mud….



That is not Annie Angel, it’s a namestealer.

If I could go into IPs and do stuff without breaking the site, I would ban everyone who namesteals.

Oh right. That would take about three seconds, actually.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

Ganesh Bengal Cat steals names all the time, and then I get blamed for it. Is that fair!?
And it was him who peed on the book.


Maybe 2 seconds if I screwed it all up real fast like.


The handmaid feeds me too much. I don’t actually like the slimies, but I eat them anyway to make her happy.


The kind of accountability i want is all of them malkin and the confederate nazi and the hawks, staked out in the Iraqi desert with a big sign next to them saying “WE WERE FORCED TO SWALLOW MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN JEWELS!”


Can’t believe he beat us all to “Hussein in the Membrane”. The man’s a genius. We should have come up with that 4 years ago :(. See you soon, my hippie friends!


(comments are closed)